Chapter 38: English

In the classroom of Class Two and Three of Senior High School, the first lesson of evening self-study is English.

This time, the monthly English test is the first to start the test, and the computer scans and marks the paper quickly. After the monthly test, the English results have already come out.

Because Lu Shiman was dismissed as the head teacher, her actions in the sixth examination room were not only spread among the students, but also became well known in the office.

In the past two days of the monthly test, Lu Shiman hardly even dared to set foot in the office, for fear of seeing other teachers talking about her mocking her eyes, and after the English results came out, seeing that Zhu Tong once again got a perfect answer sheet, she was even more Like being slapped on the face, it hurts hot.

Even if she deliberately targeted Zhu Tong, even if her invigilation affected the students' mentality in the examination, Zhu Tong should not lose a single point.

Her intentional or unintentional interference appeared ignorant and stupid in front of the perfect answer sheet.

She regretted it later, and felt that she was simply crazy to do such things that hurt others and herself because of temporary injustice.

But it was too late.

The English teacher in Class 3 was very happy.

She felt that Zhu Tong was her lucky star. After Zhu Tong transferred to No. 1 Middle School, the average English score of the third class in the two exams was the first in the grade, and the English teachers in other classes envied her.

In contrast, the teachers of other subjects in Class 3 were not so happy.

Because Zhu Tong's answering method is too special, other teachers who mark the test papers can directly recognize Zhu Tong's answer sheet without relying on handwriting recognition.

When Shi Wenshu saw the answer sheets "shared" to him by teachers of other subjects, he had the illusion that "bad" students were reported collectively by teachers.

He looked at Zhu Tong's answer sheet, sighed heavily, and then called Shao Ming to the office.

That's right, his name is Shao Ming.

It was the first time that Class 3 saw their student gods being called to the office after the exam, and there were many speculations.

"Why did the old class ask Shao Ming to go to the office? Could it be that Xue Shen encountered the first waterloo in high school in this monthly exam?"

"Lu Zheyu, you may change from the second to the first this time... ah no, it's the first."

Lu Zheyu was neither sad nor happy, and said blankly, "Impossible."

other people:"…"

Is your self-knowledge a little too deep?

Zhu Tong sat in his seat and looked at the front door of the classroom, feeling a little uneasy.

Wouldn't Shao Ming fail his exam just to give him tuition?

In the office, Shi Wenshu put several answer sheets in front of Shao Ming, and Shao Ming was not surprised when he saw the familiar handwriting on them.

"I heard that you have been tutoring Zhu Tong in recent days?" Shi Wenshu asked.

Shao Ming nodded and said, "It took a few days to make up."

Shi Wenshu looked at the answer sheet and said, "Compared with his last test results, his progress in this test is still obvious. It's his way of answering..."

Shao Ming couldn't help but chuckle.

Shi Wenshu looked up at him complicatedly, "You have been at the same table with him for so long, do you think there is any way to change his way of thinking?"

It really is that Zhu Tong has too many "principles" in his questions, and the teachers have not been able to refute his principles.

Shao Ming took the answer sheet in Shi Wenshu's hand.

Every big question is well done.

He suddenly thought that when Zhu Tong usually does questions, he only picks questions that he knows how to do. The difference is that every time he submits an assignment, there is not an empty question.

He is very good at learning, asks questions when he does not understand, and completes every homework carefully.

It's just that there is no one who can "ask" the exam, and questions that can't be asked will be left blank.

Not even a single lucky point.

Shao Ming watched for a while, and he didn't know what to think in his mind. There was light in his eyes, and then nodded: "Okay, I'll think of a way."

Shi Wenshu was slightly startled: "Do you really have a solution?"

His name was Shao Minglai. In fact, he wanted to know more about Zhu Tong, and then prescribe the right medicine. The two of them discussed a plan.

I didn't expect Shao Ming to be so straightforward.

Shao Ming smiled and said, "Well, don't worry, teacher, make sure to complete the task."


When he returned to the classroom, he saw his deskmate who was looking at the front door of the classroom.

There were many people in the corridor between classes, and his deskmate didn't seem to notice him.

He quietly walked around behind Zhu Tong from the back of the classroom, looked at the person who was still staring at the front door, bent down, breathed softly in his ear, and said with a low smile, "Same desk, are you looking for me?"

Zhu Tong's ears were sensitive, and he was blown away by him. He turned his head to meet Shao Ming's enlarged handsome face, and was slightly startled, "You... how are you..."

He looked at the front door of the classroom and at the person who had appeared behind him, "When did you come back?"

Shao Ming said: "Just now."

Zhu Tong: "…"

The place where his ear was blown was a little itchy, and he couldn't help raising his hand and scratching it, wondering why he was staring at the door of the classroom and lost someone?

Shao Ming smiled and sat back in his seat.

Zhu Tong hesitated: "...What did Teacher Shi say to you?"

Shao Ming supported his head with one hand, raised his eyebrows and said, "One good news and one bad news, which one do you want to hear first?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

Is there really bad news?

In line with the principle of first restraint and then increase, Zhu Tong said: "Bad news."

Shao Ming said: "The bad news is that you did well in the exam this time, and you have made great progress. Teacher Shi decided to let me continue to teach you and correct your habit of empty exam questions."


What is this bad news?

This should be good news, right?

But correcting blank exam questions?

Zhu Tong said: "I can't do any of my empty questions."

Can't do it, of course it can only be left blank.

Shao Ming tilted his head and said, "Not at all?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

Not really, just not sure about the answer.

He paused for a while and decided to hold off on the question, "Then... what's the good news?"

Shao Ming looked at him comfortably.

Zhu Tong: "?"

"The good news is..." Shao Ming deliberately paused, "If you want to continue tutoring, you may not be able to move out for the time being."

Originally, it was said that the tuition is only after the monthly exam.

Zhu Tong pondered for a while, and asked, "Why is this good news?"

Shao Ming said: "You don't want to continue tutoring?"

"No." Zhu Tong paused and said, "Yes."

He really liked that Shao Ming gave him tutoring.

There is a familiar and excellent person of the same age who has the same learning progress as a "tutor" for himself. He will not feel uncomfortable if he can improve his grades. Of course, he wants to continue tutoring.

Shao Ming smiled suddenly, "Yes, if you want to improve your grades, I will give you tuition and save half of the rent. Isn't this good news?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

So reasonable.

Shao Ming didn't bother with him anymore about the good news and bad news, and instead said: "Now let's talk about your empty question."

He took the math paper for the monthly test, "Which of the following questions did you not do?"

Zhu Tong took a pen and circled two questions, "There are only two major questions in mathematics that have not been done."

Shao Ming said: "Try to do it on scratch paper."


Zhu Tong didn't know, so he did the math.

Shao Ming looked at the result he had come up with after thinking hard, and said, "The answer is wrong, but two big questions can get 11 more step points."

Zhu Tong Wei was stunned: "So many?"

Shao Ming said: "If you write these steps, even if you don't really solve them, the steps are the result of your own thinking, and they are your own achievements, right?"


During the examination, Zhu Tong told Teacher Shi that the scores he obtained were not his own.

Teacher Shi even told Shao Ming about this?

"And the more you don't know the question, the more you have to do. Only by writing, can you think further. It doesn't matter if you do it wrong. The wrong question will deepen your impression of the knowledge point and prevent you from making mistakes next time."


Zhu Tong suddenly froze.

Seeing him staring blankly at him, Shao Ming laughed and said, "Why are you looking at me like that?"

Zhu Tong said, "I'm not used to you... being so serious all of a sudden."

Even if Shao Ming explained the knowledge points to him before, his voice was very soft. Suddenly, he said such a straight "teacher's speech", which seemed so serious.

Shao Ming was also stunned for a moment, wondering in surprise, when did he become so serious?

For a young master like Zhu Tong, who will not worry about food and clothing for the rest of his life even if he fails the exam, does grades really matter to him?

If he has a question, it is enough to help him answer it. Why do he interfere so much?

It's just that this young master worked so hard, it would be a pity if he couldn't get the corresponding results.

The corners of Shao Ming's lips were slightly raised, and he hurriedly moved closer to him, speaking from a short distance: "Then what do you mean, you like to be unruly?"

He suddenly approached, and Zhu Tong's breath suffocated.

The distance between the two is really close, and Zhu Tong's face suddenly became hot, and he hurriedly staggered his eyes and said, "No, I just feel...not used to it."

Shao Ming posted it reluctantly, "Then do you think I'm right?"

Zhu Tong thought for a while, then nodded: "Yes."

"Are there any empty questions in the future?"

"...Not empty anymore."

Shao Ming nodded with satisfaction and stepped back a little, "The big questions should be done, and the fill-in-the-blank questions should also be done, otherwise the teachers of each subject will cry."

Zhu Tong turned to look at him.

Shao Ming said seriously: "I will really cry."

Seeing that he was joking, Zhu Tong couldn't help bending the corners of his mouth, and said seriously, "Okay, I see."

Even if he doesn't cry, he really cares about his grades.

It turned out that the test results were not just his business.

Zhu Tong suddenly had a new understanding of the exam.

Seeing him bowing his head and thinking, Shao Ming also raised the corner of his mouth.

Tang Nuan was correcting his English test paper in front of him. It seemed that he encountered a question that he could not understand. He turned around and looked at the two "Xueba" in the back seat, and chose Zhu Tong nearby.

"Zhu Tong, can you help translate this sentence?"

Zhu Tong didn't think too much, put the pen to read Tang Nuan's English test paper, and then began to explain.

His English is really strong in both spoken language and article analysis. There are many medical vocabulary in a paragraph that cannot be learned in high school, and he can still explain it without any stumbling.

Shao Ming unconsciously thought of the answer sheets he saw in the office. After Tang Nuan thanked him and turned around, he asked, "Why do you have such good grades in English alone?"

Even if it is partial, it seems to be a bit outrageous.

Hearing that, Zhu Tong paused, "Oh", and said, "My good English should be the credit of the family doctor. My family doctor is American."

family doctor.

Shao Ming's eyes darkened, and his face was not visible, and he said, "Is it because of the eyes and ears?"

"No." Zhu Tong shook his head: "It's because I don't want to hear him speak Chinese."

Shao Ming said in surprise: "Don't want to listen to Chinese?"

"Yeah." Zhu Tong seemed to have thought of something interesting, looked at Shao Ming and said, "My family doctor, his Chinese is not standard, it sounds awkward."

In the beginning, the doctor was not his family doctor, but was occasionally invited by his grandfather to see him, so he could barely bear it.

It was only later that his health got worse and worse, and his grandfather was so worried that he simply let the doctor live in their house, so he was forced to have his ears washed every day by the doctor in broken "Chinese".

After insisting on it for more than a month, Zhu Tong couldn't hold on any longer. He was inspired to start learning English, and communicated with doctors in the same poor English every day.

Just as he was uncomfortable with the doctor's Chinese, the doctor was also very uncomfortable with his English.

Then he would persuade him subtly: "Can I (wò) people (kè) or not (kè) use Chinese (zhòng) to communicate (jiào) flow?"

Zhu Tong's answer was concise and clear: "No."


Thinking of the past, Zhu Tong said a little complicatedly: "It's just that after I hurt each other for a few years, my English is getting better and better, but his Chinese is still so bad."

It was the first time Shao Ming heard him describe his past so carefully, and the corners of his mouth rose.

"It sounds like your family doctor is quite interesting."

Zhu Tong said in distress: "What's interesting? I have a headache when I talk to him."

After speaking, he sighed again, "But it is indeed thanks to him that I have grown so big."

It may be that there is a specialization in the surgery industry, and the medical strength of the doctor is unquestionable.

Shao Ming smiled slightly, and reminded himself not to inquire about some things, but he couldn't help but say, "Your body... what's going on?"

Why so weak?

It looks like a porcelain vase on a high shelf. It looks good, but it is fragile. It makes people cautious and nervous every day.

Zhu Tong: "…"

His body is of course due to the **** villain's luck.

He paused, then hesitantly said, "Maybe... genetic, my mother's health is not good."


Typical perfunctory answer.

Shao Ming didn't ask any more questions. He took the draft book he had used before and began to explain to him the two major questions on the math test paper.

After the evening self-study, Zhu Tong planned to return to the homestay with the physics test paper.

They were used to going out through the back door. In front of them, Rosso was upside down and then exited the classroom.

He was about to ask Shao Ming what their plans for the National Day, when suddenly a hand stretched out behind him and pulled him away.

Rosso staggered, turned his head and scolded: "Damn, who... Zhou Rui? What are you doing in our classroom?"

Zhou Rui didn't come to him. After pulling the person away, he reached out and wanted to pull Zhutong.

Zhu Tong subconsciously stepped back, bumped into Shao Ming behind him, and was hugged by him. The two of them also saw the person at the door clearly and frowned at the same time.

Zhou Rui ignored it and shouted directly: "Zhutong, can you help me? My dad is crazy, he wants to sell me and my brother, I know that those who go to my house to collect debts are because of you. Go, my brother, he shouldn't offend you, he knows it's wrong, you tell those people and let them let go of our family, okay? I beg you!"

Zhou Rui looked at Zhu Tong with red eyes and prayed.

Since that day in the cafeteria, Zhu Tong never saw Zhou Rui again.

Seeing him suddenly at this moment, he almost didn't recognize that it was the man who bumped into him in the stairwell and called him "hypocritical" with a look of disgust.

Was the change in this man's attitude towards him too great?

There was too much movement at the back door of the classroom, and the third class of students who were about to leave the classroom stopped at the same time.

Zhu Tong frowned and said, "Those people went to your house to collect debts because your family owed them gambling debts. What does it have to do with me?"

He said that he wanted to bypass Zhou Rui and planned to go out from the front, but Zhou Rui quickly stopped him and said, "You know? You really know! Our family hasn't had an accident for so long, why did the debt collector come after my brother found you? You must have done something! What have you done?"

What have you done?

To the Zhou family, Uncle Liu did nothing.

He just asked Uncle Liu to investigate Zhou Sui's family, sent what he found to his grandfather, and told his father instead.

Zhou Sui wanted to pay off the usury through the transaction with Qin Junhong. Now that the transaction fails, he can't get the money. If he still doesn't pay the money by the stipulated time, the debt collector will naturally come to the door.

But there was an illegal transaction between Zhou Sui and Qin Junhong, and he was the "goods".

Now that the "goods" are gone, the current result of the Zhou family is also the backlash of Zhou Sui's malicious transactions with others.

Zhu Tong didn't want to pay attention to him and turned to leave.

Zhou Rui panicked: "You can't go!"

He pounced hard and tried to grab Zhu Tong.

Suddenly his wrist tightened, and his body was dragged uncontrollably to the side, almost falling.

Shao Ming looked at him coldly: "Before asking for help, shouldn't you find out if you are qualified to ask for help?"

Zhou Rui was startled.

"Yeah, didn't you borrow usury yourself? Afraid that people will collect the debt, you told your father not to gamble."

Because Zhou's father made a fuss at the school gate before, many people in the third class also knew that the Zhou family was beaten at the door because of gambling and loan sharking.

At this moment, seeing Zhou Rui begging Zhu Tong for this, he felt inexplicable.

"And let Zhu Tong help you, and Zhu Tong doesn't owe you anything, so why help you?"

"It's unfortunate enough to be entangled by your brother, and now you blame others for the bad things in your family? Are you sick?"

"Didn't your father say that your brother promised to help him pay off his gambling debts for a month? Why don't you go to your brother? You can't beg him just because Zhutong's family is rich, right? Although he is a good person, he is not Not a scapegoat."

"Paying off the gambling debt in a month, Zhou Sui's father trusts him so much, and it seems that this is not the first time, and I don't know where Zhou Sui got the money. He is a high school student, and he will not use any shameful means. Bar?"

"No! It's not!" Zhou Rui suddenly glared at the speaker, like a cat whose tail had been stepped on.

The girl who spoke was startled, "No, no, why are you so fierce? Since there is no shameful means, why don't you let your brother figure out a way?"


Zhou Rui was speechless.

If it is a formal method, why can't his brother take out the money?

He murmured and shook his head: "No, my brother didn't..."

Zhou Rui looked at Zhu Tong again and said emotionally: "Zhu Tong, I know you must have a solution, I beg you to help me, my house has been smashed, my dad will really sell me, I... I asked my brother to apologize to you, I can't kneel down for you..."

He said that his knees had been bent, and he was pulled up again.

Rosso's eyes and hands were quick, "What are you doing? Is it moral kidnapping? I tell you, no one will eat you!"

Zhu Tong looked at his embarrassed appearance, silent for a while, and said: "Trade in people is against the law. If your father dares to do such a thing, you can solve it through legal means. You are still underage, because the money you owe from gambling is not necessarily the case. All the needs are borne by you, and if you need to find a lawyer yourself, I can't help you."

The usury loans that Zhou's father borrowed were not all to pay off gambling debts, but also to borrow money on his own initiative.

As for Zhou Sui, he has to take responsibility for his own mistakes.


The classroom was quiet because of Zhu Tong's words.

It was strangely quiet, Zhu Tong turned to look at it, and whispered to Shao Ming, "Did I say something wrong?"

Shao Ming's eyes were gloomy because of Zhou Rui, and because Zhu Tong's words were scattered again, he smiled and said in a low voice, "No, it's a great thing to say."

Zhu Tong: "…"

Zhu Tong was inexplicably praised by him and his face became hot, and he stopped looking at Zhou Rui and turned away.

Shao Ming also followed.

Everyone in the classroom quickly went out. Only Zhou Rui stood at the back door of the classroom of Class 3, waiting for the lights in the teaching building to go out before he left.

In the evening, in the school's various alumni groups, the past two days were all complaining about the monthly exam. After the monthly exam was over, there was finally something new to discuss.

[The school has strange things every year, especially this year. 】

[Zhou Rui really has a hole in his head, and even went to beg Zhu Tong, he has a face, his brother slandered Zhu Tong yin and yang on the playground, does he have no AC count in his heart? It was his generosity that Zhu Tong didn't take the opportunity to get in trouble. 】

[Zhou Rui isn't so wicked, right? The appearance of begging in the classroom of Class 3 today, tsk, really miserable. 】

[It's miserable, but he's not innocent, right? He's always made a lot of money in school. His brother doesn't know where he got the money, and he's also a beneficiary. 】

[Anyway, even if he is not sold by his father, his life in the future will definitely not be easy. 】

[I'm too embarrassed to ask what others have done, others are busy studying, who cares about you? I heard that Zhu Tong got full marks in English again this time, which is a perfect match for Xue Shen! 】

【There are still more! In the classroom just now, the way the school **** looked at Zhu Tong was really pampering! Omg I'm drowning! 】

In the school dormitory, in the single-person dormitory that Lu Shiman arranged for Xia Yang, Xia Yang was also swiping the chat records in the group, watching them discuss Zhu Tong and Shao Ming, feeling a little uncomfortable.

He hated Zhu Tong, hated him being so close to Shao Ming, hated him to transfer to school and be in the limelight everywhere.

In this monthly exam, he also had Lu Shiman dismissed.

Although Xia Yang didn't like Lu Shiman either and thought she was stupid, he had to admit that when Lu Shiman was his head teacher, he gave him a lot of convenience.

Single dormitory is one of them.

Today's new head teacher is a male teacher. When he was just checking the bed, he specifically asked about his dormitory. Although he didn't say anything at the time, looking at his eyes, he wanted to make other arrangements for him and not do anything special.

He lives in the dormitory so that he can sleep for a few more minutes in the morning. He lives in a single dormitory to show his specialness to others and make others envy him.

But now, because of commuting, Tong Tong can ride Shao Ming's bicycle every day, and go in and out with him every day. He is the one who attracts the most attention and is envied.

Xia Yang's heart was surging, when he suddenly thought of a strange voice in his mind.

Xia Yang was startled suddenly.

The voice in my head gradually became clearer.

"These things were originally supposed to belong to you..."

Xia Yang's body trembled involuntarily, and his eyes gradually became dull.

At noon the next day, Shao Ming opened a small stove in the homestay again.

I wish Tong obediently wait in the living room to eat.

The system interface is in front of him, and the progress is 41%.

"Why do I feel that the favorability level seems to be increasing more and more slowly."

Since his stomach pain soared at one time, his favorability has increased almost one by one.

Could it be that his charisma has also reached the daily limit because of saturation?

The system said: "It's said that you have to take the initiative to attack, how can you do it all by being passive?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

But how can he take the initiative?

Zhu Tong tilted his head and glanced in the direction of the kitchen.

Shao Ming said that today's lunch is sixty-nine powder, and he can smell the fragrance faintly.

Since living in the B&B, apart from going out to dinner with Rosso, Shao Ming was almost always busy in the kitchen for a few lunches, and he couldn't help with anything.

Zhu Tong bored and imitated Shao Ming to turn the phone in his hand, and suddenly moved.

He can cook for Shao Ming!


The author has something to say:

Thank you to the little angel who voted or irrigated nutrient solution for me during 2021-10-28 17:04:15~2021-10-2916:26:35~

Thanks to the little angel who threw mines: JXT1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 68 bottles of JXT; 3 bottles of Bihanyue; 2 bottles of Juxia; 1 bottle of Hongja and Mu Yichengzhou;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!