Chapter 39: breakfast

The idea was born in his mind, and the more Zhu Tong thought about it, the more he felt that this idea was a good idea.

It's not a problem to always eat free food!

Shao Ming has taken care of him so much, even if it's not for favorability, he should give back.

He was planning in his mind when the system suddenly said coldly, "Are you sure you can cook?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

Growing up, he never really knew what a kitchen looked like.

Maybe not even sugar and salt.

He was discouraged for a second, and quickly regained his strength, "No... I can learn, I still learn things very quickly."

The system said, "Do you know how to use a gas stove?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

"I'm going to study now."

As he said he did, Zhu Tong put away his phone, got up and walked into the kitchen. As soon as he arrived at the door of the kitchen, a strong fragrance filled his nostrils.

It tastes so fresh, it must be delicious for lunch today.

Zhu Tong was so moved by the taste of the food that he couldn't help swallowing.

When Shao Ming heard the footsteps, he happened to see him swallowing like a cat. He couldn't help laughing: "Hungry?"


He just came to learn how to use the gas stove.

The young master did not forget his own job, and looked down at the blue flame burning under the hot pot.

Then, with a "click", Shao Ming skillfully turned off the gas stove, raised his hand to turn off the range hood, took out two large bowls from the disinfection cabinet, and placed them on the stove, "It's all right, go out. Wait, be careful it gets hot."

He made a series of actions in one go, so fast that no one else could see what he did.

Zhu Tong: "…"

He seems to have learned to be lonely.

If the stealing of the teacher was unsuccessful, Zhu Tong was embarrassed to ask directly, and there would be no surprises if you asked directly!

He should go to the Internet to search for tutorials and learn slowly.

Learning to cook was temporarily stopped, and two bowls of sixty-nine powder were brought to the dining table.

Zhu Tong is now quite proficient in eating hot soup. He used chopsticks to put the sixty-nine powder into the spoon, blow it lightly twice, and then put it into his mouth in one bite, accompanied by the thick soup, it was delicious.

"Is it delicious?" Shao Ming asked for praise every day.

Zhu Tong said without hesitation: "It's delicious."

It's better than what his aunt at home makes!

The aunt only remembered the doctor's instructions, and she was afraid that she would use too much of the seasonings she used. In order to avoid trouble, sometimes she just didn't use them at all.

As long as the nutrition is in place, it doesn't matter how it tastes.

It's also his body that limits his aunt's performance.

Zhu Tong smiled bitterly in his heart, then looked up at Shao Ming again.

Why does what Shao Ming do suit him so well?

Although the ingredients are very common, the seasoning is moderate, the taste is good, and the nutrition is rich enough.

Is it a matter of care or not?

Zhu Tong scooped a spoonful of soup into his mouth and paused.

He remembered that Shao Ming liked spicy food, but when the two of them had lunch together, Shao Ming was almost always taking care of his taste, not spicy at all, and food that was easier to digest.

How could Shao Ming treat him so well?

... He really should have cooked a meal for Shao Ming.

Zhu Tong silently kept this matter in his heart.

I went back to school in the afternoon. After the monthly test, the curriculum was very uniform. The content of each class was to explain the test paper.

The holidays are approaching, in addition to the exam papers, the students can't listen to the lectures.

At dinner time, the results of the monthly test were also announced.

Shao Ming is still the unshakable number one. He used his strength to prove that other people's worries about his performance are unnecessary.

What is surprising is Zhu Tong's score. Zhu Tong's total score this time is 507 points, which is 106 points more than the last time.

In just over half a month, the score has increased by more than 100%, and the grade ranking has also increased from more than 200 to more than 100. Such progress is simply amazing.

Shi Wenshu was very pleased, especially after hearing that Shao Ming had persuaded Zhu Tong that there would be no empty questions in the next exam.

If this continues until the college entrance examination, there may be one more Qingbei student in his class.

"Zhutong, you can do it. The total score is about to catch up with me. You won't surpass me in the next exam, right?"

Tang Nuan's total score for this exam is very special, just 520 points.

Zhu Tong's total score is 507 points. This is still under the circumstance that he has so many empty questions. If he can get a few multiple-choice questions right, plus the step points for missing big questions, it is more than her proper.

Zhu Tong doesn't have much concept of grades, but he also has a sense of accomplishment after more than 100 points in the test.

Thanks to Shao Ming for tutoring him.

He honestly said, "My deskmate helped me a lot."

Tang Nuan followed his words to look at his tablemate, just to see Shao Ming's lips curled up in satisfaction.

Tang Nuan: "…"

She seemed to smell the dog food, and even felt it was quite fragrant.

At this moment, there was a chatter outside the window, Tang Nuan turned to look over, and said in surprise, "Zhou Rui really doesn't read anymore?"

In the corridor, Zhou Rui was walking towards the stairwell holding a cardboard box full of books.

His face was ugly, and as the night passed, he looked more decadent than yesterday.

"It doesn't seem like he doesn't study, it's for transferring schools." A person in the classroom said: "His brother really stopped studying. I heard that the debt collector went to their house again this morning. His dad couldn't stand it and called the police, and he was involved. A bunch of things bro."

"In this case, his father owes so much money, and his brother is cold now, who will support him to study?"

Work-study? Zhou Rui is not like a person who can support himself.

"There is a student loan. When I went to the office today, I heard their head teacher talking about this. It seems that someone else helped him handle it. Did he meet a kind person?"

During the discussion in the classroom, Shao Ming heard "kind-hearted people" and suddenly looked at Zhu Tong.

Student loan application, approval and transfer procedures are all processed overnight, which is not something ordinary people can do.

Mingming said coldly yesterday, "I can't help you".

Zhu Tong glanced at the corridor, then withdrew his gaze, suddenly noticed something, and turned his head to meet his deskmate's smiling gaze.


With an expression that he saw through himself, Zhu Tong felt awkward being slapped in the face by himself, and muttered, "The loan also has to be repaid by himself."

He didn't actually do anything.

Zhou Rui can also apply for the student loan by himself, but the time is a little slower.

As for transferring schools, it was also Zhou Rui's decision.

His dad made some unpleasant things at school. His brother was investigated by the police because he made profits from unknown channels. Even if he stayed in the first middle school, he would be poked in the spine. It might be better if he could stay away from his dad in a different environment. of learning.

Zhu Tong didn't know if he was doing the right thing, but he just wanted to do it, so he asked Uncle Liu to do it.

While hesitating, Shao Ming suddenly said: "You did nothing wrong, just do what you want to do and have a clear conscience."

Zhu Tong's eyes brightened: "Really?"

"Well, really."

Zhu Tong was relieved immediately.

Shao Ming pursed his lips and smiled.

Although it's a little bit remorseful with virtue, at least when I think about it in the future, I won't regret it, and I can live in peace.

Just as I was thinking, there was another commotion in the classroom.

"Hey, Zhu Tong, he's looking at you."


Zhu Tong turned his head again and saw Zhou Rui standing in the corridor, holding the book and bowing in the direction of his seat.

He was suddenly shocked, and quickly retracted his gaze.

On the other hand, other people in the classroom figured out something from Zhou Rui's actions, but they tacitly didn't ask any more questions.

Shao Ming even took a paper and diverted Zhu Tong's attention.

Zhou Rui transferred schools. After a long discussion about him in the classroom, the name "Zhou Rui" was no longer in the topic.

In the last evening of self-study before the National Day, almost no one in the class implemented the "theme" of the self-study, and they were all discussing how to play the National Day.

Some said they wanted to travel, some said Ge You was lying down at home, and some wanted to go out part-time on a whim.

It was a bit noisy in the classroom, and Zhu Tong couldn't learn. He was about to turn on his mobile phone to search for how to use the gas stove. Before he clicked into the search engine, he received a message from his cousin.

[Cheng's Young Master Loves Criminal II]: I heard that you passed 507 in the monthly exam this time?

[Cheng's Young Master Loves Crime II]: Yes, I have the style of your cousin and mine.

Zhu Tong:…

Why does he feel so proud that his cousin passed the 50% test?

[Zhu]: How do you know my grades?

[Cheng family son loves to commit the second]: I know everything about your cousin.


[Cheng's son loves criminals II]: How is it? What do you want to do on National Day? Cousin will take you out.

[Cheng's son loves crime II]: Forget it, don't let your little life go to waste.

Zhu Tong:…

[Cheng's son loves to commit crimes II]: What are your plans?

Zhu Tongxin said he had no plans.

The only thing that can be called a plan is to cook a meal for him at the same table.

And he didn't even understand the kitchen utensils.

But Shao Ming, he should go home on vacation, right?

If Shao Ming doesn't live in the B&B, what will he do for him?

He reacted abruptly and turned to look at Shao Ming.

"You... how do you plan for the National Day?"

He suddenly spoke, and Shao Ming was slightly startled.

Zhu Tong blinked and explained, "I mean, what did you do during your previous National Day holiday? Are you going home?"

Shao Ming said: "I won't return."


Oh, not back.

Zhu Tong breathed a sigh of relief, then suddenly raised his head and said, "Don't come back?"

How can anyone not go home during the National Day holiday?

Why don't you go home?

Shao Ming said again: "How about you? Are you going home?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

There is really someone who doesn't go home on National Day - he himself.

It's not that he doesn't want to go home, it's just that when he returns to his grandfather's house now, he will definitely be questioned, and he will have to undergo various body checks.

Just horrible.

"I..." Zhu Tong hesitated: "My home is too far away, so I don't plan to go back."

Shao Ming: "…"

Now that the transportation is so convenient, there are people who use "home too far" as an excuse not to go home?

But since Zhu Tong said that, it must be because he didn't want to go back.

Haven't dealt with his family affairs? Did his dad investigate the things his brother did?

Shao Ming's eyes darkened, but he smiled and said, "Oh, that's good, I thought that our country would have to be alone during the holidays."

Zhu Tong: "…"

What is alone in an empty boudoir?

Can this word be used casually?

Must be joking again.

Zhu Tong tactfully changed the subject, "If it's National Day, the milk tea shop will be very busy, right? Do you want to go back and help?"

If Shao Ming goes to the milk tea shop to help during the day, he happens to be cooking at home.

Shao Ming said, "I'm very busy, do you want to help?"


I wish the child unexpectedly.

He stunned: "Are you particularly busy?"

"Yeah." Shao Ming said casually: "With the light of the big stars, the store is crowded every day."

Zhu Tong: "…"

Suddenly guilty.

Big star Zhuo Yunan, this is his cousin's fault!

As the saying goes, a father's debt is repaid, and a brother's debt is also repaid. He seems to have no way to refuse.

"But what if I can't make milk tea?"

Shao Ming smiled: "You don't have to do it, you can help enter the amount in front of the counter and let the customer scan the code to pay, okay?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

It must be possible, so how could he say no? Even if you don’t cook for the time being, you must agree!

He nodded happily.

The corners of Shao Ming's mouth were out of control again.

If I don't go home on National Day, it's quite boring to be bored alone. I can find something for the young master to do, and I can also put people under my nose.

Zhu Tong has already lowered his head and sent a message back to his cousin.

[Congratulations]: China celebrates having a part-time job!

An exclamation mark expresses his emotions.

Zhu Tong is really a little excited. It is the first time that he has a decent vacation without spending time in the hospital. He can not only go out, but also have a "job".

But my cousin didn't quite believe it.

[Cheng's son loves to commit the crime II]: You? part time? you don't want to die?

Zhu Tong:…

[Zhu]: It is very simple to help collect money in the milk tea shop.

When he went to the milk tea shop, he saw Rosso and the others working.

This time the cousin paused for a while before replying.

[Cheng's son loves to commit the second]: That Shangming milk tea shop?

【Wish】: Hmm!

[Cheng's Young Master Loves Criminal II]: With friends?

friend? Do you mean Rosso?

Zhu Tong turned his head and said, "Will Rosso and Lu Zheyu also go during the holidays?"

Shao Ming said: "Yes, holiday pay is doubled."

Zhu Tong lowered his head to reply again.

[Wish]: Of course!

[Cheng's son loves to commit the second crime]: Then my cousin will go to Gongshui County to find you? When you get off work, my cousin invites you to dinner.

Zhu Tong:…

Duck doesn't have to.

He hasn't settled accounts with his cousin about Zhuo Yunan!

[Zhu]: No, the world of our students is too out of tune with you.

[Cheng's son loves criminals 2]:…

Rejecting his cousin, Zhu Tong sent another message to his sister, and then turned off the phone.

The evening self-study is over soon, and the ringing of the get out of class bell not only means the end of today's class, but also the official start of the National Day holiday.

The campus is full of cheerful atmosphere.

Day students almost rushed out of the school gate, planning to go back to play all night and sleep late tomorrow.

Resident students can only stay in the school dormitory for one night, and wait for tomorrow morning to take the transportation back to their respective homes to find their respective mothers.

When going down the teaching building, Rosso turned to ask Shao Ming, "By the way, Brother Ming, when are we going to the milk tea shop tomorrow?"

Shao Ming, the "shop owner", was very tolerant to the clerk, "No hurry, just be there before nine o'clock."

"Really? Then I'm welcome. I will definitely sleep until I wake up naturally tomorrow."

Shao Ming reminded him: "Don't go into the milk tea shop with fried dough sticks, or you will just kick out."

Rosso overslept on vacation last time, and brought breakfast to the store before it was too late, making the store smell of oil.

Speaking of this, Rosso was a little annoyed, hehe smiled and said: "Understood, then I will go first."

Then da da da went downstairs and ran back to the dormitory.

Zhu Tong suddenly froze on the stairs.

"You sticks?"

"Well, do you want to eat?" Shao Ming responded subconsciously and suddenly realized something, "Oh, you can't eat it."

Zhu Tong: "…"

In fact, it should be edible now.

But he thinks it's better not to try it for now.

He asks about fried dough sticks because they are eaten for breakfast.

Usually because they get up early, they go out to eat breakfast after their early self-study, and they don't make breakfast by themselves.

Making a breakfast seems a lot less challenging than making a meal.

Although it doesn't seem so sincere, he can take it step by step.

And I have time to make breakfast tomorrow.

Shao Ming walked in front of him half a step, he took the next step and said side by side with Shao Ming: "When will you get up tomorrow?"

Shao Ming turned his head and smiled, leaned over and said, "I can get up anytime, do you have any orders, young master?"

He deliberately lowered his voice and made his words a little ambiguous.

Zhu Tong's face was slightly hot, and he explained, "I mean when are we going to the milk tea shop?"

Shao Ming said, "When do you want to go?"


Zhu Tong paused and asked tentatively, "Eight o'clock?"

Shao Ming smiled: "Okay, then eight o'clock."

Zhu Tong nodded.

If he arrives at the milk tea shop at 8:00, Shao Ming should get up at 7:00, and he spends half an hour cleaning himself every morning.

In this case, he would have to get up half an hour earlier, get up at 6:30, pack himself up and go into the kitchen while Shao Ming was in the bathroom for half an hour.

Half an hour should be enough to make breakfast, right?

What is he going to do? Make porridge? Cooking porridge is probably time-consuming, or frying an egg?

Fried eggs should be pretty easy.

After thinking about it, he slowed down. Shao Ming took two steps forward, and suddenly realized that something was wrong. When he turned around, he had stopped on the corridor three steps away from him.


He walked back helplessly and grabbed Zhu Tong's shoulder: "Go home, young master."

I have never seen such an inactive person at home on vacation.

Zhu Tong only felt his shoulders sink, his thoughts collapsed, and he was carried forward by a burst of force.

Just two steps away, there was a flash of light behind him.

The two stopped at the same time and turned back at the same time.

The girl who took the photo was also taken aback.

Why did she forget to turn off the flash ah ah ah ah!

Suddenly being stared at by two people at the same time, the girl suddenly panicked: "I'm sorry."

She just saw that the backs of the two people in front were so harmonious, she couldn't help but take a picture.

Zhu Tong subconsciously went to see Shao Ming.

Just now, it was Shao Ming who moved first.

Shao Ming calmly said to the girl with a smile: "It's fine, just don't spread it anywhere."

The girl immediately raised three fingers: "I won't send it to others, I promise!"

Shao Ming smiled, turned around again and went downstairs.

The girl opened the photo album on the corridor and admired the photos she took, and suddenly felt that something was wrong.

Just now Shao Ming seemed to say...Going home?

What does it mean to go home? They don't live together, do they?

Giao! She seems to have discovered something extraordinary, will she not be silenced?

Not really.

Shao Ming didn't mind what happened on the stairs, and Zhu Tong forgot about it in an instant. He didn't even do the question.

He has to start working on tomorrow's breakfast.

The system sighed in his mind: "Ten fingers don't touch the spring water, I'm here to make soup for love, tsk, it's really touching."

"I'm making soup for my life, thank you." Zhu Tong corrected it and said, "And didn't you tell me to take the initiative?"


After Zhu Tong finished speaking, he directly turned on his mobile phone and searched for recipes. He was dazzled by all kinds of breakfasts, but there were no ready-made ingredients at home, pass.

Before entering the room, he opened the refrigerator and looked at it. There were eggs, noodles, bread, milk and a few shrimps in it.

Because he doesn't often have a meal at home, every time Shao Ming does what he does, he always buys fresh ingredients.

But at half past six in the morning, the supermarket didn't open.

Go buy it's closed.

Zhu Tong frowned and began to search for recipes based on existing ingredients.

Noodles, with Shao Ming's culinary gems in front, he cooks noodles is also a show of shame, pass.

Cooking porridge and shrimp porridge, I thought about the smooth and greasy touch of raw shrimp... pass.

Bread and milk... Ready-to-eat food, there seems to be nothing that needs to be "careful", pass.

In the end only eggs were left.

He searched for omelettes and video tutorials.

Turn on fire, add oil, beat in eggs, sprinkle with salt, and turn over.

The method is very simple, and the kitchen utensils required are also very simple.

Zhu Tong's eyes brightened: "This is reliable."

The system said: "Well, you can see it when you see it, and it's useless when you do it."

Zhu Tong: "…"

Is this system here to help him or to block him?

After watching the video tutorial again, I wish Tong was full of confidence and didn't care about the cold water that the system poured on him.

After setting the recipe, Zhu Tong set the alarm clock for 6:30, and then turned off the lights and went to bed.

Early the next morning, the alarm woke him up from his sleep on time.

Zhu Tong walked into the bathroom with a head of sleepy hair, dazedly not noticing that the lights in the living room were on.

When he came out of the bathroom after washing, there was a sudden sound of hot oil from the kitchen, and he was stunned for a moment at the door of the bathroom.

After a while, he asked the system, "Did you smell anything?"

The system said: "I can only smell what you smell."

Zhu Tong: "…"

He looked in the direction of the kitchen, thinking no? After the alarm went off, he only delayed getting up a few minutes late.

Is Shao Ming already up?

He looked at the wall clock on the TV wall in the living room again. It was six fifty-five, not even seven.

Even if Shao Ming got up a few minutes early, shouldn't he go to the bathroom?

Zhu Tong approached the kitchen curiously. The closer he got, the more pronounced the smell of fried eggs. The kitchen door was ajar, so he reached out and gently pushed it open.

There was a man standing in front of the stove, wearing only light-colored casual shorts, holding the handle of a frying pan in one hand, and skillfully frying eggs with a spatula in the other.

During the two days of sharing, because both of them paid special attention, Zhu Tong had never seen Shao Ming without clothes.

He knew that Shao Ming had a good figure, but he had never appreciated it so intuitively.

Shao Ming is tall and tall, with wide shoulders and narrow waist. He doesn't look like a teenager. His back is covered with a layer of muscles, forbearance and explosiveness.

Zhu Tong was stunned for a moment, and even forgot to knock on the door.

In the kitchen, while frying eggs, Shao Ming was thinking about asking the proprietress to change the water heater in the bathroom.

After Zhu Tong returned to his room last night, he couldn't get hot water to take a bath, so he didn't do anything about it, so he just got up in the morning and took a shower.

The weather this year is also strange. It's autumn, and it's still as hot as summer, so he didn't wear any shirts.

Guessing the time when Zhu Tong usually went to the bathroom, he thought it would be too late to get dressed before making breakfast. When he turned his head by chance, he found that there was already a person standing at the door.

He was stunned and said in surprise, "Why are you so fast today?"

Zhu Tong was called back to God by his words, and was stunned for two seconds, "I..."

As soon as the words came out, a heat flow suddenly gushed out of his nose, and two tubes of nosebleed slowly flowed down from under his nose.


The author has something to say:

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-10-2916:26:35~2021-10-3016:05:25~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 19 bottles of shallow scars; 1 bottle of red jasmine;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!