Chapter 40: blush

At first, I didn't know what was coming out, but I only felt a slight itching under the nose. Zhu Tong subconsciously raised his hand and wiped it, and the fingertips he touched were stained with a drop of blood.


Oh, nosebleed.

Zhu Tong thought indifferently and became accustomed to this.

Immediately, there was a humming sound in his brain, and he suddenly widened his eyes.

Why did he have a nosebleed?

Why does he have a nosebleed now?

Why did he have a nosebleed in front of Shao Ming? !

Looking up reflexively, Shao Ming was looking at him with a stunned expression, his eyes widening little by little.

Invisible embarrassment spread quickly in the air, one second, two seconds…

"It's not what you think!"

Zhu Tong blurted out.

Young Master Zhu probably didn't know that there was a word called "Yu Gai Mi Zhang". Shao Ming's worry about speaking was called back by him. He seemed to realize something, and looked down at his upper body without an inch of thread.

Zhu Tong's face quickly flushed when he lowered his head, he covered his nose, "I'll go to the bathroom!"


Before it could be stopped, people had already fled.

Shao Ming: "…"

In the bathroom, Zhu Tong couldn't wait to turn on the water, and the words in his mind started to jump: "Tong! Tung!"

"You are the bucket!"

Zhu Tong was too lazy to argue with it, "Is the reward you posted reliable? Why am I getting a nosebleed?"

Saying that there are no minor illnesses or disasters?

Why is the blood still with him?

The system said: "According to the end of the scan of the host's body data, the host's body is not abnormal, and the system rewards are running normally. The reason for the host's nosebleeds is that the blood rushed to the head after being stimulated, and the backlog was too much, breaking through the most vulnerable nasal cavity. Blood vessels are a normal physiological phenomenon.”

Zhu Tong: "…"

Inspired? What stimulus?

Because of seeing Shao Ming's naked body?

Normal physiological phenomenon?

Then he couldn't wash himself if he jumped into the Yellow River!

no! Be calm!

Zhu Tong Meng threw two handfuls of hot water on his face, the blood in the nasal cavity had stopped, the blood that came out had been cleaned, and the redness on his face had faded, very good, perfect, after going out Nothing happened.

He looked up at himself in the mirror, took a deep breath, and suddenly "clicked" the door of the bathroom was pushed open from the outside.

He looked vigilantly at the person who appeared at the door, feeling that the nosebleed that had just stopped was about to spurt out again.

Abs! Abs!

Shao Ming actually has six-pack abs, and the muscles in front of him are distributed just right. It's almost a walking hormone. Who can stand it?

Why is he not wearing clothes?

Zhu Tong was screaming in his heart, but he was calm on the surface.

Shao Ming took the lead and said, "Are you alright?"

Zhu Tong took a tissue and dipped the water on his face, nodded and said, "Well, it's fine."

Throwing the used tissues into the trash can, Zhu Tong calmly walked to the door, lowered his head and said, "Is breakfast ready? We..."

Let's go have breakfast.

Without speaking, a hand crossed in front of him, blocking his way.


Zhu Tong suddenly froze in his heart.

Shao Ming propped the door frame with his palms, looked down at the boy's eyelashes that were blinking frequently because of nervousness, and said, "Not yet, the eggs were accidentally fried, so I have to redo it."

Zhu Tong: "…"

redo? No problem, he had planned to get up early to make breakfast.

"Then I..."

"You just... why did you have a nosebleed?"


The voice that almost sounded in his ear, Zhu Tong was so frightened that he raised his head and met Shao Ming's eyes.

Shao Ming's eyes are beautiful, dark and deep, but very bright, like stars in the night sky.

If he looks down at a person, the lethality is comparable to a nuclear bomb.

The appearance that Zhu Tong was struggling to maintain was almost stared out by him.

"Host stabilize!" The system suddenly shouted in his mind, "Come and let me analyze it with you. You are young and full of vitality. When you are prone to impulsiveness in the morning, you have been lingering on the bed for a long time, and you have not expressed it for a long time. Beauty is in front, what's wrong with a little nosebleed? How normal? As long as you tell the truth, Bai Yueguang will definitely understand you!"

Zhu Tong: "…"

Well said makes sense.

"Do you want me to die?"

Tell the truth? Then he was directly destroyed by humanity!

Nosebleeds in front of someone's fruit body sounds very wretched, doesn't it?

So why did he have a nosebleed? Shao Ming's figure is very good, but he won't have a nosebleed, right? He was also caught on the spot!

If there was a hole in the bathroom, he'd have to get into it...forget it, it's dirty.


After being interrupted by the system, Zhu Tong's explosion calmed down a little. He looked straight into Shao Ming's eyes and said with a wink, "I have a nosebleed because I'm sick, do you believe it?"

Shao Ming raised his eyebrows and said, "Really?"

As he spoke, he suddenly took a step closer to Zhu Tong.

The door of the bathroom was open in the corner, and Zhu Tong stood at the door. In order to avoid Shao Ming, he stood sideways at the door, with the bathroom door behind him.

Shao Ming approached suddenly, he subconsciously retreated, and the coldness fell behind him.

Shao Ming was approaching in front, looked at him with a smile and said, "It doesn't seem very convincing."

It sounds a bit serious, half-jokingly.

Zhu Tong couldn't help but panic again, his eyes blinked faster, he explained: "It's true, you also know that I'm not in good health, the weather has been abnormally hot recently, and it's easy to get angry. The fire was on, and when I entered the kitchen, the fumes were heavy, and I couldn’t breathe properly for a while, so I…”

"Really? That's mine, isn't it, I didn't know you would wash up so fast today."

"No, no." Hearing that he took the responsibility on himself, Zhu Tong panicked even more, "I didn't say hello... I was going to... Eh you..."

Don't come any closer ah ah ah ah!

The distance between the two is getting closer and closer, and Zhu Tong's brain is buzzing, only to feel the white flowers in front of him.

Shao Ming's skin is very white, not the morbid cold white of Zhu Tong, but the natural and healthy white.

Zhu Tong didn't dare to raise his eyes, but when he looked down, he saw the **** Adam's apple and collarbone in front of Shao Ming's neck. He didn't know where to put his eyes.

Shao Ming's hand on the door frame loosened at some point, and instead trapped him in a corner where the space was cramped.

Warm breath gushed on his face, and his voice was hoarse: "What are you planning?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

Going to make breakfast!

But he was so nervous that he couldn't speak, he raised and lowered his hands helplessly, rubbed them inadvertently, it was cold to the touch, but it was burning like fire.

He couldn't bear it any longer: "You... can you put your clothes on first?"


The bathroom was quiet, only the breathing of two people could be heard.

One methodical, one disorganized.

Zhu Tong blushed and buried his head.

However, Shao Ming persistently wanted an answer: "Why?"

Zhu Tong was stagnant again.

He didn't dare to look up, so he didn't see the seriousness on Shao Ming's face and the light in his eyes.

A person who thought that he would never be enlightened like a tree, now blushed in front of him and turned into a tomato.

He doesn't really know anything.

It turns out that this young man who is always "unfortunate" will also blush and feel embarrassed.

But when did he fall to the point where he could impress others by his beauty?

Shao Ming has met many people in school to confess to him, and almost everyone pursues him because of "he's good-looking".

He used to think those people were superficial, but now, it seems good that people have a superficial side.

Isn't the surprise here?

The corners of Shao Ming's lips kept rising.

Zhu Tong was speechless when asked by him.

Why do people suddenly wear clothes? Isn't it normal for boys to undress at home?

He can't say that he can't bear this picture, can he?


Zhu Tong hesitated to speak, but was interrupted again: "Is it so difficult to admit that I am in good shape?"



The oppression in front of him suddenly retreated a little, and Zhu Tong looked up blankly.

Shao Ming looked at him strangely.

Wish Tong Ranran.

Shao Ming narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at Zhu Tonghong's ears, thinking that if he kept asking, the young master would probably be scared away.

He sighed as if compromising: "I know I'm not in good health, and I'm still leaning against such a cold glass door, aren't I afraid of catching a cold?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

Isn't that what you forced?

Before he could react, the person had been pulled away from the glass door.

Shao Ming turned around and said, "After washing, come out for breakfast, it will be cold in a while."

Zhu Tong subconsciously said, "Isn't it fried?"

Shao Ming said without turning his head, "Oh, I am teasing you."

Zhu Tong: "…"

Does this person... have a bad personality?

Just thinking about it, the system prompt in my head rang: "Congratulations to the host for getting Bai Yueguang's favorability +5%, and the current favorability is 46%."


Zhu Tong watched Shao Ming turn around and walk into the kitchen, standing alone at the door of the bathroom, until Shao Ming brought his breakfast to the table, and then he walked into the dining room in a daze.

Breakfast was two fried eggs and a ham, the recipe he had planned last night.

It's just that he didn't do it, Shao Ming has already done it.

Zhu Tong "gets nothing", staring at the food on the table in a daze.

The change in Shao Ming's attitude in the bathroom just now seemed a little strange.

Mingming was very concerned at first, but later on, it didn't matter.

It doesn't seem to be unhappy, and even the favorability level has risen a lot... so confusing.

Although it's a good thing that his favorability level has risen, no matter what, he still feels embarrassed!

Zhu Tong covered his face.

Suddenly there was a light sound in the direction of Shao Ming's room, Zhu Tong was startled, and hurriedly picked up the knife and fork and started to eat breakfast.

Shao Ming put on his clothes and came out. Seeing his hurried movements, he couldn't help but smile.

Did he think he just went too far?

This young master... seems to be quite frightened.

He walked over slowly, sat down opposite Zhu Tong, and asked softly, "How does it taste?"

Zhu Tong: "It's... very good."

Shao Ming stopped talking and concentrated on eating breakfast.

It was past seven thirty after breakfast, and it was not too long before the "appointed" time.

The two simply cleaned up and went straight to the milk tea shop after leaving the room.

In the courtyard, Shao Ming pushed out the bicycle, and Zhu Tong planned to sit in the back seat as usual, but his footsteps suddenly paused as he stepped forward.

He looked at the people on the bicycles, full of images he had seen at the kitchen door.

Shao Ming's waist, Shao Ming's back...

He sat on the back seat of the bicycle, grabbing the sides of Shao Ming's waist, less than an inch away from his back.


I wish Tong Tong's brain had just calmed down and the temperature suddenly burned again.

Shao Ming looked back in confusion.

Zhu Tong felt guilty for a while: "I... I suddenly remembered that I have something to do with Uncle Liu. You can go there first, and I will let Uncle Liu take me there in a while."

Shao Ming: "…"

Really scare people away.

He lowered his head and took a look at the time with his mobile phone, thinking of the "responsibility" that the young master had almost engraved in his bones, thinking that people should not really run away, so he didn't force it, smiled and said, "Okay, then I'll go first. ."

Zhu Tong nodded, turned and knocked on Uncle Liu's door.

The door opened quickly, and just opened a crack, Zhu Tong couldn't wait to get in and closed the door at the same time.

But after a while, a corner curtain was gently lifted by the window.

Shao Ming pursed his lips and held back a smile, pretended not to notice anything, and rode his bicycle out of the courtyard.

In the homestay, Zhu Tong hid himself behind the curtains and was relieved when he watched people leave.

Behind him, Uncle Liu said with a strange expression, "Master, what are you looking at?"

Isn't today a National Day holiday? Why didn't you get enough sleep, young master?

Climbing into his room early in the morning, still sneaking?

Zhu Tong turned his head to look at Uncle Liu, he didn't dare to say his embarrassing thing, he just sighed deeply.

Why did he have a nosebleed?

The system's meaning is concise and comprehensive: "Stop it."

Zhu Tong: "…"

"A boy of your age will have impulsive impulses. You used to be in poor health, and many of your characteristics were not obvious. Now your body has recovered a little, and you are suddenly stimulated, and your reaction will inevitably be more intense."

Zhu Tong: "…"

That shouldn't be facing Shao Ming.

Shouldn't the object of his "beginning of love" be a girl?

Zhu Tong was taken aback.

Does he like men?

In the past, he was not in good health, so he never thought about marriage, and naturally he didn't care about his sexual orientation, and he didn't have any thoughts about anyone.

But he actually had a nosebleed at Shao Ming today.

Thinking of the embarrassing scene in the kitchen, Zhu Tong covered his face again.

Live without love.


What should he do?

Shao Ming wouldn't think he was a pervert, would he?

When Uncle Liu saw that he was hit hard, he said with a worried look: "Master? Are you all right? Are you uncomfortable? Shall I take you to the hospital?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

"No need." Zhu Tong said, "Uncle Liu, what time is it now?"

Uncle Liu glanced at his watch: "seven fifty-six."

I wish Tong a surprise: "Seven fifty-six?!"

Uncle Liu said, "Yeah, what's the matter, young master?"

"It's over, I'm going to be late." Zhu Tong pushed Uncle Liu out: "Let's go, Uncle Liu, take me to Xinxin Plaza."

Uncle Liu: "…"

What's late?

Isn't it a holiday today?

What are you doing in the square so early?

Hurry up and hurry up, still ten minutes late, luckily the milk tea shop hasn't opened yet.

The milk tea shop opened at 9:30. When Zhu Tong arrived, Shao Ming had already prepared the milk tea ingredients behind the counter, and his mother was cleaning the shop.

Zhu Tong pushed the door in and called out obediently, "Auntie."

When Shao Yujie heard the voice, she turned her head and was slightly startled: "Zhu Tong? Why did you come so early?"

Shao Yujie was deeply impressed by this clean and lovely teenager, especially after discovering that Shao Ming was special to him.

But why did this kid come before the store opened?

After Zhu Tong glanced at the counter, "...I'm here for a part-time job."

Shao Yujie was slightly stunned: "Part-time job?"

She also has a vision, looking at Zhu Tong's clothes, it doesn't look like she needs a part-time job.

To experience life?

She turned to look at Shao Ming again.

Shao Ming just turned his head to look over, with a smile on his face: "Have you talked to Uncle Liu?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

He hates lying.

As soon as he heard Shao Ming speak, he felt guilty, and his face became hot.

He turned around and gently closed the door that was pushed open, a big nervousness all over his body.

Shao Yujie: "?"

She was puzzled, but didn't ask any further questions.

Shao Ming was already calling him from behind the counter: "Come here, I'll teach you how to use the cash register."

Zhu Tong: "…"

It was he who agreed to help. Of course he didn't know anything and had to learn it now. Shao Ming's's fine.

He didn't seem to really care what happened in the morning.

I wish Tong did not walk awkwardly behind the counter.

Shao Ming saw that he was not in the state, and did not say anything, he pushed the cash register towards him as if nothing had happened, and then started to explain the steps to him.

When learning something, I wish Tong could concentrate quickly, and after a while, he was distracted by a small cash register, and the whole person relaxed a lot.

The operation of the cash register is also simple. You can calculate the price according to the drink list of the milk tea shop, and then let the customer scan the code to pay, and print a small ticket.

"Come on, try it."

After teaching it once, Shao Ming backed away a little and let Zhu Tong try to get started.

I wish Tong Tong was full of novelty as if he had discovered a new toy.

He followed the steps taught by Shao Ming step by step, and he completed it well, but the speed was a little slow.

He hesitated: "Will I delay the business of the store like this?"

"No." Shao Ming said, "There's another one over there at the cash register. If you're too busy, I'll be there."

It didn't really make him work.

Zhu Tong seemed to have taken a reassurance, nodded, turned his head and was about to say something, the pair met Shao Ming's face, the words were hoarse in his throat, and the temperature on his face began to rise sharply again.

He quickly turned his head back and concentrated on repeating the previous operation, this time surprisingly much faster.

Shao Ming: "…"

Does his face have such an effect?

Zhu Tong's hands quickly operated on the cash register, with Shao Ming "supervising" him. His progress was amazing, but he didn't dare to look back at all. If he looked closely, he would find that his ears were all red.

Shao Ming looked at him silently, and did not open his mouth to disturb him.

Before nine o'clock, Rosso pushed the door and walked into the coffee shop. After putting on his work clothes, he went around the counter to do some preparations, and soon discovered the strange atmosphere between the two.

While Zhu Tong was practicing in front of the counter, Rosso quietly approached Shao Ming and said, "Are you two having a fight?"

Shao Ming raised his eyebrows and said, "Why do you see it?"

Rosso turned to look at Zhu Tong.

If there is no awkwardness, how could Shao Ming let Zhu Tong toss in front of the counter by himself?

But weren't the two of them fine when they went back last night?

Is he thinking too much?

Just wondering if he had misunderstood something, Shao Ming suddenly smiled and said, "It's a little awkward."

Rosso: "…"

Why does this guy look so happy?

"You're making trouble, why don't you go to coax?"

Rosso said for a while.

No, why did he use the word "coax"?

Who coaxes whom? Why are you making a fuss?

Shao Ming said helplessly: "It's already been coaxed."

Rosso looked at the person in front of the counter who was fighting with the payment machine, and said complicatedly: "Is this the result of your coaxing?"

Shao Ming also turned his head and glanced at it, his eyes were even more smiling, "It's okay, let him calm down first."

It's time to "coax" people to smoke over their heads.

Rosso really didn't understand his logic.

The most taboo thing during the Cold War is "calm down", okay?

He paused, looked at Shao Ming and said, "Brother Ming, you seem a bit scumbag."

Shao Ming: "…"

Shao Ming couldn't help but lightly kicked him, "Speak human words."

Rosso bent down and patted the place where he was kicked, and said sternly: "There are really two words."


"My uncle told me that Qiu Shaoping will be released soon after serving his sentence. What are you going to do?"

Rosso's uncle is a prison guard in the prison. His position is not high, but he can know a lot of things in advance, and he has many acquaintances in the police station.

Five years ago, Shao Mingneng sent Qiu Shaoping in, and Rosso's uncle helped a lot.

However, the criminal law has a limited time for sentencing, and those who are finally sent in will always come out.

Shao Ming pondered for a moment, then said indifferently, "Let's talk about it when he comes out."

Rosso choked on him.

It's too late when you come out!

Why is this person so big?

"Aren't you afraid that he will retaliate against you after he comes out?"

At that time, before Qiu Shaoping was sent in, he let go of his harsh words to Shao Ming!

Shao Ming said calmly: "I'm afraid, why not? I'm afraid there is something I can do? He has just been released, can I send him in again?"

Rosso: "…"

makes sense.

The best way is to move away from this city, but they have lived here for more than ten years, how can they just move away?

"Anyway, pay more attention to yourself, my uncle said that Qiu Shaoping has not been in good spirits in the past two years." Rosso whispered.

Knowing that he was worried about his own safety, Shao Ming accepted his love and answered in a low voice.

He turned to look at Zhu Tong again.

In half an hour, the young master was already very proficient in his new job.

Every time he indulges in something, he can always devote himself to it without reservation.

Shao Ming looked at his slender back, and raised his lips unconsciously, as if all the haze had been swept away in an instant.

The milk tea shop opened on time at 9:30. Lu Zheyu almost came to work on the spot, maybe he had completed some online work in the morning.

After the store opened, customers entered the store one after another. Zhu Tong was a little nervous at first, but gradually relaxed.

"Hello, a cup of peach oolong milk fu, a total of sixteen yuan."

"WeChat or Alipay?"

"Your receipt."

The tone was still a little stiff, but it was also considered to be in a good way.

And the customers who entered the store, without exception, were attracted by this "new clerk".

"It's so cute! The shop assistants are selected based on their looks, right?"

"I'm not wearing work clothes, are you here to help during the National Day holiday?"

"Everyone who helps is so good-looking? Sure enough, good-looking people are good-looking even when they make friends!"

"Can I ask for a photo?"

A girl suddenly came forward with star eyes and looked at Zhu Tong eagerly.


Zhu Tong also saw Shao Ming being asked for a group photo.

What did Shao Ming say last time?

I don't remember, and I don't necessarily know how to remember.

He moved his lips, not knowing how to refuse.

Suddenly, a hand came over, and he skillfully put his arm around his shoulder, and a voice sounded in his ear: "I'm sorry, there is a main area here, and group photo business is not accepted. If you need it, please move to the single area next to it. ,thanks."

He pointed to Rosso and Lu Zheyu behind the counter on the other side.

Lu Zheyu was deaf, and Rosso was speechless.

Why is there a personal attack in this class?

What's wrong with being single? Isn't it sweet to be single?

Aren't these two arguing? Why are you hooking up again?

Shao Ming only felt that the body of the person in his arms was slightly stiff, and he looked down subconsciously.

He suddenly leaned up and "put his chest on his back" with Zhu Tong. Young Master Zhu didn't know what to think. He moved his hands and his face turned red from cheeks to the back of his ears at a speed visible to the naked eye.


The girl who asked for a photo at the counter took a step back and covered her mouth.

Shao Ming only divided the "owner" area and the "single" area, and did not say who the respective "master" was.

Look at this little handsome guy's reaction... Has he stopped trying to recruit himself?


The author has something to say:

Tongtong: The face that has never been red in my life is finished in this chapter.

Brother Ming: How to coax? Online wait, urgent!

Thank you to the little angel who voted or irrigated nutrient solution for me during 2021-10-30 16:05:25~2021-10-3116:25:02~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: Huahua gave 50 bottles to the big one; 16 bottles of Baibaibai; 10 bottles of Zhong also under me, and 10 bottles of red;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!