Chapter 41: part time

Near noon, the store was not particularly busy, but there were several customers, because one person asked for a group photo, and the other girls were also eager to try, but before it was my turn, I watched a "face-changing" drama.

Zhu Tong caught the attention of everyone in the store by surprise, and experienced the feeling of death in a society.

His disgusting face!

"I...I'm going to the bathroom."

Cold water, cold water, he needs a handful of cold water to cool down!

He came out from behind the counter, walked to the left, and suddenly heard a reminder: "The restroom is over there."

On the left is the dressing room.

Zhu Tong: "…"

He didn't dare to lift his head, and turned to the right again.

The girl in front of the counter let out a "wow" sigh.

This is not self-inflicted, right?

This reaction is too cute, right?

Originally, when Zhu Tong was in charge of collecting money, he followed the process word by word. Although he was very cute, he still had an aura that no strangers should approach. However, after the blushing just now, his aura completely collapsed. The girls who wanted to take a group photo exuded the brilliance of motherhood one by one.

Only Rosso looked puzzled: "What happened to Zhu Tong?"

Why are you blushing like this all of a sudden?

Shao Ming looked at the direction that Zhu Tong was leaving with a slightly distressed expression on his face.

He wanted people to "calm down" in order to make people forget about the morning, which seemed to backfire.

Why is it still blowing up?

This "calm" direction is not very good.

He was always looking in the direction of the bathroom, even forgetting his work.

Or the girl who asked for a group photo before whispered to him: "Handsome guy? Are you still in business?"

Shao Ming looked at the girl calmly.

The girl immediately smiled and said, "It doesn't matter if you don't do it. If you're not worried, go and coax first."

Although it is a suggested tone, the girls' eyes are full of: You go! you go!

Shao Ming couldn't help but smile, looked to the side and said, "Rosso, come and entertain me."

Having taken off his gloves, he turned around and walked out of the counter.

The girls uttered a "wow" in unison.

Rosso: "…"

Are these girls here to buy milk tea or to join in the fun?

In the bathroom, Zhu Tong held a handful of cold water and threw it on his face. He felt that the temperature on his face had faded a lot. He put his hands on the edge of the sink and sighed heavily.


It's not a problem to always rely on cold water to cool down!

He couldn't have to go to the bathroom every time he was touched by Shao Ming, right? sounds like it's more perverted, even though he's only here to wash his face.

How will he face Shao Ming?

Didn't you just see the fruit body once? How did he even change his physique? He'd never blush at anyone before!

Zhu Tong sighed again, thinking that he should do his job well before worrying about it.

He patted his face and got up, and when he looked up, he saw that there was an extra head behind him.


Zhu Tong was so frightened that he shivered all over, and turned his head to look in astonishment, "You... when did you come in?"

Shao Ming said, "Just now."


Zhu Tong looked at the door again... Oh, this time he forgot to close the door.

But why didn't this man even make a sound of footsteps?

Shao Ming kept silent on purpose. When he came in from the door, he saw the man leaning on the sink and sighing, as if he had encountered some unsolvable trouble.

He lightly walked around behind Zhu Tong, wanting to see the person's reaction.

The horror on Zhu Tong's face was too obvious, Shao Ming said strangely: "Am I so scary?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

You quietly appear behind people, isn't it scary?

Especially when he is still very guilty.

But he certainly couldn't admit it.

Zhu Tong shook his head and said, "No, no, do you want to use the bathroom? I've run out, you can use it."

He turned around and was about to go out, but Shao Ming suddenly stopped him and said, "You have been hiding from me all morning, are you still hiding?"

Zhu Tong subconsciously defended: "I didn't hide from you, how would I come to the store if I avoided you..."

Of course, he originally wanted to hide, but he was responsible and couldn't hide!

Shao Ming interrupted him and said, "When you went out in the morning, you hid behind the curtain and peeked at me. I saw it."

Zhu Tong raised his head in surprise.

Shao Ming said again: "What do you want to say when you practice collecting money, but you don't say anything after seeing me."


"When I was making milk tea, I accidentally touched you, and you were all stuck on the counter."


Seeing him completely stunned, Shao Ming looked at him calmly and said with a smile, "Didn't you hide?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

The young master was speechless.

Did Shao Ming see it?

Zhu Tong thought about his series of reactions since he went out in the morning... It really seems to be a thief with a guilty conscience!

Did he accidentally reveal something?

Zhu Tong blinked, Shao Ming looked at him and said, "Why are you hiding from me?"

He could see that the "calm" tactics won't work for this young master, so it's better to talk about it.

Zhu Tong didn't know what to do. He was panicked at first, and even a small touch made him feel guilty. When asked directly by Shao Ming, he calmed down a lot.

He looked at Shao Ming and hesitated.

Shao Ming guided him to speak: "Because of the morning?"


"If it's because of me..."

"I didn't mean to hide from you." Zhu Tong said suddenly.

Shao Ming froze for a moment.

Zhu Tongxin said that if he died, he would die, he lowered his head and said, "I didn't know you would get up so early in the morning, and I didn't know if you didn't wear it, and I don't know why I got a nosebleed, but I didn't mean anything else. , is definitely not what you think it means, I'm afraid you will misunderstand something and feel... ashamed."

Shao Ming: "…"

The reason for this is a bit unexpected.

He was stunned for a while, then smiled and said, "Just because of this?"

He thought it was the words he deliberately said in the morning that annoyed people. Did this person dare to go to the top of his head?

Zhu Tong nodded.

Shao Ming said again: "What's so shameful about this? This kind of thing is normal."


This kind of it normal?

Shao Ming said: "The weather is dry and easy to get angry, isn't that what you said?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

Wasn't this man unbelieving when he said it?

Of course Shao Ming didn't believe it, but if the truth embarrassed the young master, he could pretend not to know.

Zhu Tong lowered his head again and said: "But it should be very disgusting to be seen by others with nosebleeds."

To put it in another perspective, if someone sees their nosebleeds, just thinking about them will give them goosebumps.

Shao Ming said, "It may be possible with other people's words, but not with yours."

Zhu Tong said: "Why?"

Shao Ming looked at him with dark eyes, thought for a moment, comforted him and said, "Because you're not mean to me, aren't you? So you definitely didn't do it on purpose."

Zhu Tong: "…"

So Shao Ming already trusted him so much? The 46% favorability rating is really not false.

But what if he is so guilty!

He got a nosebleed just because he saw the fruit body being stimulated.

This is instinct, it is force majeure.

But he really didn't have those messy thoughts, so he said calmly: "I won't have those thoughts about you, don't worry."

Shao Ming: "…"

Why should he give him a chance to play?

He almost blurted out, "Actually, I don't mind if you're interested in me," but he didn't dare to tease him anymore after seeing the person who had finally recovered his calm.

Shao Ming smiled and said, "Then are you still avoiding me?"

Zhu Tong: "...don't hide."

"Then let's go and work."

Shao Ming said and stretched out his hand, wanting to touch his shoulder as usual, but as soon as he stretched out his hand, Zhu Tong suddenly took a step back.


Shao Ming raised his eyebrows slightly.

Zhu Tong hurriedly said, "This is... a conditioned reflex."

He didn't mean to hide!

Shao Ming looked at him for a while, then smiled helplessly: "It's my fault, I shouldn't have deliberately teased you in the morning knowing you were embarrassed, I apologize to you."

Zhu Tong: "It's not because of you..."

"So as compensation, I teach you a way to overcome conditioning."

Zhu Tong: "...what way?"

Shao Ming stretched out a hand towards him, palm up, "Give me your hand."

Zhu Tong looked at his generous palm, hesitated for a moment, put his hand on it, and just after putting it on, Shao Yang suddenly folded his fingers and held his hand tightly.


Zhu Tong subconsciously wanted to withdraw his hand.

Shao Ming said with a smile: "Shrink what?"

Zhu Tong moved his lips.

Shao Ming said for him, "Because of conditioned reflex, right?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

Seeing his acquiescence, Shao Ming said sincerely: "Hold on."

Zhu Tong didn't know why, but he didn't move. He wanted to know what Shao Ming called "overcoming conditioned reflex".

But after waiting for a long time, the man did not move further, and he couldn't help but look up in confusion.

Shao Ming looked at him and said, "Do you want to withdraw your hand now?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

Suddenly realizing what he was talking about, Zhu Tong couldn't help but smile bitterly: "You are..."

Shao Ming said solemnly: "This is called fighting poison with poison, is it easy to use?"

Zhu Tong said: "You call it natural."

Shao Ming didn't deny it, he suddenly loosened the hand that held him, and instead put his five fingers between Zhu Tong's fingers, and held them together in an interlocking manner.

The palm of his hand was against the palm of his hand. Unlike the cold temperature he touched in the morning, Shao Ming's palm was warm.

Zhu Tong was stunned for a moment, feeling that this gesture seemed a bit strange.

He wanted to draw his hand again, but Shao Ming tightened his strength slightly, looked at him and said, "Are you used to it now?"

Zhu Tong: "I..."

"Brother Ming, why haven't you come out for so long, the second child asked you if you still have a bag of ice cubes..."



The brisk voice stopped abruptly at the door of the bathroom, and the two people in the bathroom interlocked their fingers in front of the washbasin, and the atmosphere was ambiguous.

Rosso's eyes widened in disbelief: "You..."

Zhu Tong lowered his head along his line of sight, feeling the touch between his fingers that did not belong to him, slightly startled, and quickly withdrew his hand.

There was a delicate friction in the palm of the hand, and the touch was very good, but it was fleeting. Shao Ming was slightly dissatisfied, and turned his head to look at the door.

Rosso was startled and immediately shrank his head: "I'm sorry I didn't see anything!"

Then disappeared immediately.

A second later, he reappeared and slammed the bathroom door shut.



The bathroom, which was not turned on, was instantly darkened.

The closed bathroom, dim light, two people in close proximity, the sound of breathing one after another...

The tactile feeling of the fingers interlocking just now seemed to still remain on the hand, and the friction between the fingers seemed to arouse shivers in the bottom of my heart at the same time.

This situation can't be explained without causing misunderstanding.

Zhu Tong was stunned for a while, and then he realized: "He..."

Shao Ming said: "He's convulsing, ignore him."


"Let's go out too."

I wish Tong unconsciously: "Okay."

The hands on his shoulders came up again, but after the "treatment" just now, Zhu Tong just froze for a while, and quickly got used to it again.

Shao Ming hooked his lips in satisfaction.

There were a lot more customers in the shop outside than before they went to the bathroom. When the two returned to the counter, there were two girls talking to Shao Yujie in front of the counter, saying they were applying for a job.

"I used to work in a milk tea shop, and it's definitely okay to have a part-time job. Auntie, just accept me."

Shao Yujie smiled and said, "Then you try to make a cup of red bean milk tea first?"

The girl's eyes suddenly lit up: "Okay, okay."

It happened that Shao Ming and Zhu Tong appeared behind the counter, and when the girl saw them, her eyes became more cheerful.

The rumors are true, this milk tea shop is really crowded with handsome guys.

Fortunately, she went to her cousin's milk tea shop to study at her cousin's milk tea shop for half a month. If she can work here, she can feast her eyes every day. Maybe she will meet her goddess Zhuo Yunan.

The girl reservedly waited for the boss to arrange work for her.

Zhu Tong also heard their conversation, turned to look at Shao Ming and said, "Did I just suck?"

Shao Ming said, "What's so bad?"

Zhu Tong: "Just work."

Shao Ming smiled and said, "Why do you think so?"

"Because..." Zhu Tong glanced at the girl in front of the counter and said, "Auntie is recruiting new clerks."

Isn't it because he "cut work" during work hours and it is not easy to "fire" him, and the store is too busy, so he has to recruit new employees?

Thinking of his very irresponsible behavior just now, Zhu Tong felt very ashamed.

Shao Ming also looked at the girl who seemed to be applying for the job, and understood what Zhu Tong was thinking. He couldn't help but raise his hand and pat his head. When he found out he was reluctant, he just pressed it lightly on his head... The hair was quite soft.

Shao Ming said happily: "What are you thinking? The new clerk is to replace the second child. The recruitment advertisement was posted on the door of the store yesterday. It has nothing to do with you."


Zhu Tong was suddenly "touched", his brain was suddenly short-circuited for a second, and he was surprised when he reacted.

Replacing Lu Zheyu?

"Why? Has he stopped working part-time?"

Shao Ming said: "He will go to the city tomorrow to try out new songs. If the client is not satisfied, he will have to revise the lyrics and music, which may take two days."

Zhu Tong: "…"

Sounds great.

Speaking of going to the city, Zhu Tong almost forgot when his aunt asked him to eat at home during the holiday last time.

He also agreed at the time.

City E is not far from Gongshui County, and it can be reached in half an hour on the expressway. It is such a short distance that I just go to have a meal.

He suddenly looked at Shao Ming: "Where is his new song auditioned in City E?"

Shao Ming raised his eyebrows and said, "Why ask this? Do you want to go?"

Zhu Tong implicitly expects, "Are you going?"


It seems to want to go.

Shao Ming smiled and said, "If you want to go, I can go with you."

Zhu Tong's eyes suddenly lit up: "Really?"

Shao Ming: "…"

I really can't hide my emotions.

He nodded, "Really."

Zhu Tong said again: "What about the store?"

Shao Ming said: "The job advertisement is still hanging."


There are a lot of people who work part-time during the National Day holiday. Even if they only need one or two days of part-time work, there will be many people who apply for jobs, so there is no need to worry about the business of the store.

I wish you peace of mind.

In this way, he can take time to go to his aunt's house for a meal tomorrow, and then go to Shao Ming and the others.

Not only has I completed the agreement with my aunt, but I don't need to delay to brush up the favorability.

The progress bar is already 46%, as long as it reaches 50%, he can go back.

After Zhou Sui was expelled from school, Qin Junhong also seemed to be at peace all of a sudden. Of course, Zhu Tong didn't believe that Qin Junhong would really be at peace. He was worried that Qin Junhong would jump over the wall in a hurry.

In the original text, although Xiaoxin's accident happened after the college entrance examination, since Qin Junhong can succeed, he must have made sufficient preparations in advance, and his preparations cannot be completed overnight.

Just in case, it's better to fix this as soon as possible.

I don't know how Xiao Xin is doing now.

Suddenly thinking of something, Zhu Tong looked at Shao Ming, took out his mobile phone and handed it to him: "Can you take a picture for me?"

Shao Ming's demands on him were all natural, and he took the phone and said, "What are you shooting for?"

Zhu Tongdao: "Just take pictures of me at work."

He walked to the counter again and used the cash register to settle the bill for the new guest. Halfway through the operation, he turned around and said, "Take a good picture."

Shao Ming held up his phone and smiled: "Okay."

Not only did he endure it hard, but some of the girls in the store queue also endured it hard. The difference is that the girls endured their aunt's laughter.

In public, be reserved.

But it's so sweet!

Is it okay to ask your boyfriend to take a work photo of you?

Some people couldn't help but hold up their phones.

Zhu Tong, who was targeted by the camera, didn't realize it. After completing a customer's order, he couldn't wait to leave the "post" and ran to Shao Ming in two steps: "How is it? Is the filming ready?"

Shao Ming sent the photo to himself as quickly as possible, and then returned the phone to Zhu Tong: "Okay."

Zhu Tong said thank you and took it over, the chat interface of the two people on the screen has not yet exited.

He paused, "Why did you send it to yourself?"

Shao Ming said calmly: "Oh, I think my photography skills are not bad, keep it for a while, don't you mind?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

He didn't seem to mind.

This is indeed Shao Ming's work, and it's really well done.

The half-length photo taken from the side angle fully highlights the advantages of the side face. He looks down at the payment machine with a serious and focused expression. Anyone who sees this photo will sigh with emotion, "What an elegant and quiet beautiful boy"!

Zhu Tong smiled and shook his head, directly from the chat interface between him and Shao Ming, long-pressed and forwarded it to Xiao Xin.

When he was in the hospital before, Xiaoxin often shared some photos with him at school.

Xiaoxin loves to be beautiful. The photos sent to him are almost always selfies. He has no habit of taking selfies, and his photography skills are not good. The photos sent to Xiaoxin for so long are all pictures of life scenery without himself in the mirror. I just remembered it suddenly. , so let Shao Ming take a picture for him.

After he sent it, he waited with anticipation for the reply from the other side, but he did not receive any news after waiting for a long time.

He can only look at his phone while working.

Suddenly a familiar drink was placed in front of him, Shao Ming said, "Pudding sago."

Zhu Tong was instantly refreshed.

He glanced at the phone again, thinking that Xiaoxin might be out to play on vacation, so he put down the phone and took a sip of the milk tea.

At this time, on a flight from City A to City E, Zhu Xin just received WeChat, and before he had time to appreciate his brother's prosperous beauty, he first received a call from his grandfather.

"...I know my grandfather, I'm eighteen years old...Isn't it eighteen if I round it to the nearest half year...Okay, I'll find my aunt. I'll call you when I see my brother. Goodbye grandpa."

Hanging up the phone, she just breathed a sigh of relief, opened WeChat to return the message, and received a message from the flight attendant that the plane was about to take off.

Zhu Xin: "…"

She could only turn off her phone and reply when she got off the plane.

During the National Day holiday, some people leave their homes and some go home.

When Xia Yang returned to Xia's house, he had a conflict with his father, Xia Weiyi, because he insisted on changing schools. However, because Xia Yang has restrained himself in school recently, the father and son were at peace this holiday.

"I heard that the child of Zhu's family has been transferred to your school?"

At the dinner table, Xia Weiyi saw his son's absent-mindedness and broke the silence by speaking first.

When Xia Yang heard him mention Zhu Tong, his face changed, and he gave a low "um".

"Then the two of you are pretty good friends."

Xia Weiyi sneered.

I don't know what these two people are thinking. If you don't study in good international schools, they all go to the broken schools in such a corner.

All for the same person.

"He is still at the same table with Shao Ming?"

Xia Yang's hand clenched the silver chopsticks tightly.

The son's reaction has given him a positive answer, Xia Weiyi said: "Since this is the case, you also give me a rest, and return to City A as soon as possible, if you really refuse to come back, you should have more contact with Zhu Tong and treat you. It will help later."

According to his investigation, Zhu Tong's background is likely to be more than just a Zhu family.

Hearing him constantly mentioning Zhu Tong, Xia Yang felt annoyed and said with a sullen face, "I won't turn back, and I won't be friends with Zhu Tong."

Xia Weiyi's face darkened immediately: "What do you mean? Are you still thinking about Shao Ming? You know what love is at a young age? I tell you, you can't be with that kid with anyone, you die for me as soon as possible. What's wrong with being friends with Zhu Tong? He..."

"What is there to be a friend of a dying person!" Xia Yang suddenly said loudly.

Xia Weiyi was startled: "What did you say? How did you know he was going to die? Who told you?"

Xia Yang was startled, his face changed several times, and finally he calmly said: "He just transferred out of the ICU, who knows when he will really die if he acts like this."

Xia Weiyi: "…"

After Xia Yang finished speaking, he didn't wait for him to ask again, and put the tableware and chopsticks directly, "I'm full, I'm going back to my room to do my homework."


Xia Weiyi didn't stop him, just thinking about what his son had just said, he couldn't help frowning, and Shao Ming, thinking about it, had another headache.

Xia Yang went back to his room and didn't do any homework. He turned on his phone and opened the album to have a look.

There are photos he collected from various groups in the past few days, and the photos he didn't want to see before, but these photos of Zhu Tong and Shao Ming can make Zhu Tong go back to City A.

Just like his father didn't agree with him to transfer schools to find Shao Ming, the Zhu family also wouldn't agree that Zhu Tong had a close relationship with a "poor boy".

Zhu Tong is someone who should have died long ago, he should never have appeared in Gongshui County!

Xia Yang chose a few photos and sent them to Zhu Shoushan with a backup account.

In the milk tea shop, Zhu Tong was busy until nine o'clock in the evening, and the day's work finally ended successfully. A few people went out for supper together, and then went back to their respective houses.

Shao Ming didn't forget to bring his own car even when he had supper. After sending the others away, he stepped on his bicycle and looked at the people on the side of the road: "Little Master, I wonder if I have the honor to take you home. Woolen cloth?"


Zhu Tong thought that he must be avenging himself for hiding from him in the morning.

Thinking of what happened in the morning, although it is still embarrassing, it will not be as nervous as in the morning.

Zhu Tong skillfully got into the back seat of the bicycle and grabbed the sides of his clothes.

Shao Ming bent his lips in front of him.

The two rode their bikes back to the homestay. As soon as Zhu Tong jumped off the seat, he saw a girl in a short-sleeved white dress in the dim light.


This picture is indescribably terrifying.

However, Zhu Tong felt that the figure was a little familiar, and he took a step forward in disbelief: "...Xiao Xin?"

The girl walked from the dimly lit shadow to the bright spot illuminated by the street lamp, revealing her body that was shivering in the cold wind of the autumn night, and called out aggrievedly: "Brother."


The author has something to say:

Demining: there is a deputy cp, the text does not involve the emotional line of the deputy cp, if you mind, please stop the loss in time~

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-10-3116:25:02~2021-11-0117:18:28~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: Jason Toodd, 5 bottles of pigs to get rich; 3 bottles of Wen Susu; 2 bottles of Dazai Zhi in the morning and morning of Simu; no cattle and sheep, 1 bottle of yjtc;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!