Chapter 42: meet [edit]

City A, Zhujia Villa.

After a busy day of work, Zhu Shoushan started to deal with messages from his private account when he got home. As soon as he turned on his mobile phone, he received a multimedia message from an unknown number.

He paused, then clicked on the message.

Looking at a few high-definition photos and looking at the familiar faces in the photos, Zhu Shoushan subconsciously frowned.

[Unknown]: I wish the boss's son is in good spirits, he will die soon, and he will be able to have fun in time.

The obvious yin and yang sarcasm made Zhu Shoushan frown even tighter.

What's the shortest of life? What timeless pleasure?

Tongtong's illness is not a secret in City A, but few people know that he is critically ill. Who is this person? What do you mean by sending him these pictures?

He replied to a question, but there was no reply from the other side.

Zhu Shoushan called again, but couldn't get through.

At this time, Qin Manwen, who knew that he was back, suddenly came over and asked with concern, "Shoushan? What happened? His face is so bad."

When Zhu Shoushan heard her voice, he quickly locked his phone, turned his head to look at her, and went upstairs without saying anything.

He ignored him so deliberately, Qin Manwen's gentle expression almost couldn't hold back, she took a deep breath, and her chest heaved slightly.

Ever since Junhong's "taking care" of Zhu Tong was revealed, Zhu Shoushan's attitude towards their mother and son has always been indifferent, hardly saying a word to her for so many days.

She knew that Zhu Shoushan must be suspicious of their mother and son, and she didn't dare to lean too close to him. She wanted to wait for Zhu Xin to come back and reconcile it, but she didn't expect that Zhu Xin would not even come back to see her during the National Day holiday.

After taking good care of him for so many years, he was still a white-eyed wolf in the end.

In Zhu Xin's heart, she still couldn't match the elder brother who couldn't see her face to face a few times throughout the year!

Qin Manwen was full of unwillingness and couldn't help but worry.

If even Zhu Xin can't be trusted, what will she do at Zhu's house in the future?

Her thoughts were ignored. In the study upstairs, after Zhu Shoushan entered the room, he turned on the phone that had previously locked the screen, stared at the photos for a while, and then sent the screenshots to the assistant.

[Check this number and the person in the photo. 】

In that kind of remote school, what friends did Tongtong make? Is the relationship so close?

Thinking of the "just in time" that the person in the text message said, Zhu Shoushan's face was a little ugly.

At the same time, Gongshui County.

The girl standing outside the homestay has an eight-pointed face like Zhu Tong, long hair and a shawl, and a white dress complements her tall figure. Standing on the street at night, she has a particularly outstanding temperament.

Zhu Tong never imagined that when he returned to the homestay late at night, he would still encounter such a big "surprise".

How did Xiaoxin come to Gongshui County?

He stepped forward in three steps and two steps, "Why are you here?"

Shao Ming pushed his bicycle and walked behind him.

As soon as Zhu Xin saw him, the corners of his mouth shriveled, and he said aggrieved: "If you don't go home to find me on vacation, I can only come to you. Where have you been? Why did you come back at this time? I've been waiting for you for a long time, It's freezing to death."

As she spoke, she rubbed her arms as if afraid of the cold.

Zhu Tong looked behind her and didn't see anything like luggage, so he asked calmly, "How long have you been here?"

Zhu Xin said, "I'll be there in the afternoon."

Zhu Tong asked: "Then why didn't you call me?"

Zhu Xin said, "Didn't I want to give you a surprise?"


Zhu Tong looked at her expressionlessly, and said after a while, "Uncle Liu won't let you get cold outside."

If Xiaoxin wants to come to Gongshui County, she must tell her grandfather first. Since her grandfather agrees to her coming, she will definitely tell Uncle Liu to take good care of her. Since she is waiting outside the homestay, Uncle Liu will definitely pick her up when she arrives in Gongshui County. .

Uncle Liu also lived in a B&B. If he knew that Xiao Xin was blowing wind on the street outside, he would have run out in terror and persuaded people to go in and wait.

And before he came back, he sent Uncle Liu a WeChat message. Xiao Xin probably knew that he was coming back soon and waited outside on purpose.

So her pitiful appearance, shivering in the cold wind, was 100% fake.

Zhu Xin rubbed his arms for a while, and his shrunk body suddenly stopped shrinking, "Brother, you are so boring, you don't feel bad for me, I just want you to take care of me."

Zhu Tongdao: "You don't feel sorry for yourself and you want others to feel sorry for you? It's so cold at night and you wear short sleeves to run outside. What should you do if you catch a cold? Why can't you take care of yourself?"

Zhu Xin's eyes widened slightly, "You, are you still talking about me? It's such a cold night, you're still riding a bicycle outside, you can't take care of yourself..."

When he said something, he suddenly thought of something, and Zhu Xin's face changed, and he reached out and touched his face: "Are you okay? How can you blow your hair so late? Is it cold? You won't catch a cold, right?"

She suddenly stretched out her hand, Zhu Tong was stunned, pulled her hand down, and said helplessly, "How can she be so delicate."

Zhu Xin looked straight at him.

Not so delicate?

Zhu Tong: "…"

Thinking of his previous physique that collapsed when the wind blew, Zhu Tong really didn't have the confidence to say that he was not "frail".

He coughed lightly, "It's okay, I'm wearing a windproof jacket, so it won't be cold."

Then he looked at Zhu Xin's mid-sleeve chiffon dress with exposed forearms.

Zhu Xin was stunned and pre-empted, "Then you said that you didn't go home during the holiday because of tutoring. I waited all afternoon and didn't wait for you to come back for tutoring. You just don't love me, and you don't come back to see me during the holiday."


I wish Tong Tong never imagined that the lie he had pulled down would be exposed by himself!

He just said that it's not good to lie, how embarrassing is it to be punctured?

He coughed again tactically.

Zhu Xin immediately panicked: "Why are you coughing again, do you have a cold?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

The impression of his frailty was ingrained.

He explained: "No, I won't catch a cold, don't worry... I really want to tutor, except today I am tutoring."

He had the guts to say that.

Throughout the entire Gongshui No. 1 Middle School, there is absolutely no one who loves tutoring more than him.

"If you don't believe me, ask..." He was in a hurry to find someone who could "truly lie" for him, turned his head subconsciously, saw Shao Ming behind him, and was stunned for a moment.

He said he seemed to have forgotten something.

He hasn't introduced his sister and Shao Ming yet!

He just... left Shao Ming hanging for a long time?

Zhu Xin seemed to have just noticed the person standing behind Zhu Tong, and followed his gaze, his expression did not change, but his eyes darkened.

The boy standing under the street lamp has dark and deep eyes, and the outline of his face is angular and stern, but the slightly raised lip shape just properly weakens the coldness of his facial features, showing a bit of elegance.

Shao Ming, who often appears in the photos sent to her by her brother.

Zhu Tong is not very good at dealing with this kind of scene, so he said dryly: "This is my sister Zhu Xin, I mentioned to you before... Xiao Xin, his name is Shao Ming, he is my classmate and tablemate."

Shao Ming smiled and said, "Hello."

Zhu Xin looked at him for a while, and smiled as well: "Hello, Brother Shao Ming."

Although she was smiling, she looked at Shao Ming with an imperceptible scrutiny.

Shao Ming remained motionless, allowing her to look at him.

Zhu Tong felt that the atmosphere between the two was a bit strange. He turned his gaze back and forth between the two, and finally looked at Shao Ming and said, "Let's go in and talk."

If you stay any longer, you should catch a cold.

Shao Ming nodded immediately and said, "Okay."

As he said that, he habitually stretched out his hand, pushing the bicycle with one hand and holding Zhu Tong's shoulder with the other.

Seeing his natural action, Zhu Xin's eyes paused.

Zhu Tong didn't notice at all, looked at Zhu Xin and said, "Xiao Xin, let's go."

Zhu Xin instantly regained his senses, glanced at Shao Ming again, and said, "Oh, good."

After turning around, her eyes darkened.

When did her brother become so unguarded?

Their brothers and sisters reunited after a long time, and she didn't dare to get started directly... Zhu Xin couldn't help but bubble up in her heart.

Entering the courtyard, Shao Ming went to park the bicycle, Zhu Tong and Uncle Liu said a word, and took Zhu Xin to their side.

In the two-person homestay, the living room is clean and tidy. No matter when you push the door in, it always makes people's eyes shine.

As soon as Zhu Xin entered the door, she was shocked by this "familiar style". She said, "Brother, you are really clean."

Zhu Tong said: "I didn't clean it, Shao Ming did the cleaning in the living room."

Mainly because both of them are very hygienic.

Zhu Xin: "…"

Acid Bubbles × 1.

Zhu Tong had already walked towards the refrigerator, "What would you like to drink?"

Zhu Xin sat upright on the sofa, watched his brother skillfully open the refrigerator, and said with a smile, "No need, I'm not thirsty."

Where her brother lives, there is only water in the refrigerator except milk.

Zhu Tong said: "Really not? There are sweet milk, vitamin drinks, cola and sparkling water. Shao Ming prepared a lot of drinks, all of which are delicious."

Zhu Xin: "…"

Acid Bubbles x 2.

Looking at the "highly recommended" look over there, she paused and said, "Then I want sweet milk."

Zhu Tong quickly brought the milk over, and when he handed it to her, he asked, "Have you eaten dinner yet?"

Zhu Xin shook his head, "No, I originally planned to wait for you to come back and eat together."


Zhu Tong looked down at her.

Zhu Xin knew at a glance that he was going to scold him for not calling him when he arrived, and said hurriedly: "It's okay, when I go back to the hotel in a while, I will let Uncle Liu buy something casually."

Zhu Tong frowned immediately and said, "How about that? I'll go out to eat with you."

Zhu Xin said: "No need, it's so late."

Zhu Tong frowned again, turned his head to look in the direction of the refrigerator, "How about doing something to eat here?"

Zhu Xin thought that Uncle Liu was in charge, and nodded happily: "Okay, what's there to eat?"

Zhu Tong thought about the ingredients in the refrigerator and choked.

He hesitated: "There are... noodles, do you want to eat?"

Zhu Xin: "…"

Miss Zhu has never eaten such simple ingredients, and there is not even a prefix in front of the noodles.

But she has always been well-behaved and continued to nod: "Eat, I'm not picky eaters."


Zhu Tong entertained the guests like a poor man with money, and reluctantly said, "Actually, the noodles are delicious. Shao Ming made me a bowl of egg noodles last time, and it was delicious."

Zhu Xin: "…"

Acid Bubbles × 3.

Her brother is inseparable from "Shao Ming" in three words!

Zhu Xin thought of a sentence: If you want to capture a person, you must subtly occupy every corner of his life.

Sudden heartbreak.

The opponent is very high, and the prey has been eaten to death.

Zhu Tong said that he had already walked to the kitchen. Zhu Xin looked at his back in a complicated way, and suddenly realized something. The dignified appearance on the surface could not be stabilized for a moment, and he stood up and said, "What are you doing?"

Zhu Tong said of course: "Yes."

It's so late, can't let Shao Ming do it?

The last time Shao Ming cooked noodles, he saw it. There were not many procedures. Cooking noodles should be the same operation. He also learned how to use the gas stove, so it should not be difficult.

I wish the children are eager to try.

Zhu Xin was beating a drum in her heart, but she didn't know how to say it, "Brother, why don't you forget it, I... Actually, I'm not very hungry."

She didn't know whether to sigh that his brother would enter the kitchen or to be nervous about how his brother could enter the kitchen.

But she felt that the noodles her brother made were definitely not edible.

Although she is "beautiful", she can't take her life to joke!

Zhu Tong said: "It's okay, soon, you sit and wait for me for a while."


Zhu Xin wanted to stop it, but there was a soft sound at the door. Suddenly someone pushed the door and came in. Seeing the two brothers and sisters who were far apart in the living room, they paused for a second or two at the door: "...What's wrong?"

Zhu Xin: "…"

Zhu Tong said calmly, "I'll cook a bowl of noodles for Xiaoxin."


Shao Ming's expression was the same as when Zhu Xin heard that her brother was about to cook noodles.

He changed his shoes at the door, walked directly to Zhu Tong and said, "I'll come."

Zhu Tong said: "No, I can…"

"My sister came to you specifically, and you left her alone in the living room?"


Zhu Tongben wanted to say that it wasn't you? On second thought, two people who didn't know each other looked at each other in the living room, the scene seemed really embarrassing.

Shao Ming smiled and said, "You guys talk, I'll cook the noodles."

The person who walked into the kitchen changed, and Zhu Xin's face flashed a bit of embarrassment, but he was relieved quickly.

At least life is guaranteed, right?

Seeing her brother walking back to the living room, she raised her head and pointed, "Brother and Shao Ming seem to have a good relationship."

Hearing her calling "Brother Shao Ming" one by one, it was quite smooth, Zhu Tong said helplessly: "Do you know how old they are and you call him brother?"

Then he sat down on the sofa and said again, "He takes care of me quite a bit."

The corners of his lips were slightly raised, a natural smile that came from his heart.

Zhu Xin stared at him for a while, then lowered his eyes to remove the emotion in his eyes, and took a sip of sweet milk.

Soon Shao Ming came out of the kitchen with a bowl of noodles, egg noodles with chopped green onion, an egg and a few shrimps on the noodle soup, and sprinkled with chopped green onion.

"It's been hard work." Zhu Tong happily took it, and took the chopsticks and handed it to Zhu Xin: "Hurry up and try it."


Zhu Xin didn't understand how one of her brothers who "did not stick to both sides" couldn't wait more than one of them was cooking noodles and the other was eating noodles.

She didn't rush to move the chopsticks, but smiled and thanked Shao Ming, then said, "I heard that he has received a lot of care from you after transferring to another school. Brother Shao Ming, are you so kind to every friend?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

This question is innocent and innocent, but is it a bit thorny when you listen carefully?

Shao Ming had already seen that the girl had some opinions on him, and her attitude could not be said to be targeted, but she was definitely not friendly.

He didn't seem to hear the thorn in Zhu Xin's words, looked at Zhu Tong, and said with a smile, "That's not true. Who am I good to depends on how good others are to me."

Zhu Xin: "…"

This means that the two of them, in fact, was her brother taking the initiative first?

Zhu Xin looked at Zhu Tong, and Shao Ming lowered his head, the tenderness in his eyes overflowing!

Dare you say it's alright?

Zhu Xin couldn't help but start bubbling sour again.

Zhu Tong was a little embarrassed by what he said.

He didn't seem to do anything, but Shao Ming took more care of him.

He was about to speak when Zhu Xin said again: "Then Shao Ming, you are so good-looking and your cooking skills are so good, you must have a girlfriend, right?"

Shao Ming said: "No."

Zhu Tong suddenly alarmed, "What kind of girlfriend are high school students looking for? Why are you asking this? Do you want to fall in love early?"

Zhu Xin: "…"

He just wanted to know if this person was eating from the bowl and looking at the pot.

Suddenly being targeted by his brother, Zhu Xin suddenly said aggrieved: "How can there be? I just think that Brother Shao Ming is so good and can take care of others. It's a pity to not have a girlfriend."


Zhu Tong suddenly stared at her strangely.

Zhu Xin was dumbfounded by him, and said stunned: "What's wrong?"

Zhu Tongdao: "Why are you talking in tea today? You talk well."

Shao Ming pursed his lips and suppressed a smile.

Zhu Xin: "…"


You can see that I have tea, but you can't see that someone is plotting against you?

I wish Xin no sour bubbles this time, she is too heartbroken!

But Zhu Tong turned around and said to Shao Ming, "She... She's not like this usually, don't mind."

Shao Ming said very generously: "Okay, I don't mind."

Zhu Xin: "…"

Her brother is hopeless!

Zhu Xin couldn't bear it any longer, and bowed his head to eat the noodles.

She was stunned for a moment.

Zhu Tong and she are worthy of being twins, and immediately said with understanding: "How is it? Does it taste good?"

Like an invitation.

Zhu Xin raised his eyes to look at him, he really couldn't say the word "not delicious" without any conscience, so he could only nod his head with some differences and reservedness.

Then he rudely ate a whole bowl of noodles, not even the soup left.

After that, I don't know if I was bribed by the face.

After supper, Zhu Tong sent his sister out.

Before going out, Zhu Tong turned around and said to Shao Ming in the room, "I'll be back soon."

Shao Ming nodded and smiled: "Okay."

Zhu Xin: "…"

Is this "Brother does not stay in the middle"?

Zhu Xin's complicated eyes fell on Shao Ming, but after watching for a while, the man seemed to have sensed it, and suddenly raised his eyes to look at her.

Zhu Xin was slightly startled, and quickly looked away.

At the intersection of the parking lot, Zhu Tong told Zhu Xin about going to his aunt's house for dinner tomorrow morning. What he was worried about, he thought about it and asked, "Has Qin Junhong contacted you recently?"

Zhu Xin said: "No, we haven't been in touch for a while."

Zhu Tong breathed a sigh of relief.

Zhu Xin said again: "What's wrong?"

Zhu Tong shook his head and said, "It's nothing, I had a little trouble with him. Don't contact him recently."



Zhu Xin paused, nodded obediently, and said, "Okay, I see, brother, go back quickly, see you tomorrow."

Zhu Tong smiled: "See you tomorrow."

The window slowly slid up, and Zhu Xin smiled slightly in the car.

She knew that Qin Junhong was taught by his father. A maid in the family who had a good relationship with her told her that it was just that the maid was not in the villa at the time, so it was not clear why Qin Junhong was taught a lesson.

Zhu Xin didn't care at all, but why did brother suddenly mention that he and Qin Junhong were having trouble?

Uncle Liu drove in front, glanced at her in the rearview mirror, and asked, "Miss has something on your mind?"

Zhu Xin looked up and said, "How did Uncle Liu see it?"

Uncle Liu said confidently: "Don't worry, miss, I will be optimistic about the boy who shares the lease with the young master, and I will not let him have the opportunity to be detrimental to the young master!"

Zhu Xin: "…"

You have seen people in other people's houses.

Of course, she didn't think it was due to Uncle Liu's irresponsibility. What she could know, her grandfather would definitely know, and what she cared about would not be ignored by her grandfather.

Uncle Liu was arranged by his grandfather to take care of his brother. Since he did nothing, he must have been instructed by his grandfather.

So Zhu Xin was not worried about what Shao Ming would do to her brother. On the contrary, although she was bubbling with sourness, she was actually quite grateful to that person. She hadn't seen her brother so energetic for a long time.

The way he reported to that person before going out seemed to be more like a home to his brother than their home in City A.

Zhu Xin couldn't tell how he felt in his heart.

There is joy, and there is sadness.

Some changes are invisible, but they become apparent over time.

For example, over the years, the estrangement between the elder brother and the family, the communication between the father and son has become less and less, and they have gradually become strangers living under the same roof. Although they are the same as before, they will no longer share their thoughts with her.

Zhu Xin's eyes darkened, "Uncle Liu, do you know why my dad taught Brother Qin a lesson?"

Uncle Liu was surprised: "doesn't Miss know about this?"

Zhu Xin shook his head: "I don't know."


The matter of Zhou Sui was handled by Uncle Liu himself. No one knew the cause and effect better than him. Hearing this, he immediately pouted: "Miss, it's not my old Liu who talks too much. That kid surnamed Qin is really not a thing..."

Uncle Liu was filled with righteous indignation in front of him, but he didn't realize that the person in the back seat had lowered his head, and there was a bit of coldness in the beautiful eyes that were covered by his eyes.

Zhu Xin bowed his head and sent a message.

In a high-end bar somewhere in city A, Qin Junhong was drinking with a few friends to relieve his worries.

A man hooked his shoulders and said, "Young Master Qin, how come you are so diligent these days? Today is the National Day. Why don't you go back to accompany your beautiful sister?"

Qin Junhong shook a glass of wine and said, "She went to Gongshui County to find Zhu Tong."

"Who? Zhu Tong? He's not dead yet?"


The surroundings suddenly became quiet, and the speaker coughed awkwardly, "I didn't expect him to be able to endure it."

Qin Junhong gritted his teeth in his heart and thought: Yes, it's really **** hard.

Even if he left Zhu's house by himself, he also sent Zhu Xin away.

Now he is suspected by Zhu Shoushan. He is not allowed to interfere in the company's affairs, nor is he allowed to contact Zhu Xin. Zhu Xin does not go home during the holidays, and he does not even have a chance to meet!

Could it be that he can only live by the charity of Zhushou Mountain in this way?

Qin Junhong squeezed the wine glass in his hand, and the veins on the back of his hand burst out.

No, he can't sit still.

Suddenly, there was a commotion on the dance floor of the bar. A woman was standing on the high platform, dancing with a handsome boy who sold alcohol.

A person next to Qin Junhong said, "It's Jiang Wan."

"Who is Jiang Wan?"

"Jiang Wan doesn't know? The eldest lady of the Jiang family's chaebol, she is a big man. She became the ruler of the Jiang family at a very young age. She always refuses to come, and occasionally searches for prey by herself. I heard that she was scolded by her father not long ago and stopped for a while, and now she has started to hunt for food again?"

"Ouch, I'm leaving, it seems that there is nothing here today that she can see."


There was constant discussion next to him, Qin Junhong looked at the eldest lady they were talking about, and suddenly got up and followed.

"Hey, Young Master Qin, are you leaving as soon as you come?"

Qin Junhong said politely: "I left a little earlier, you guys have fun, I bought today's order."

"Young Master Qin!"

"Young Master Qin, walk slowly."

Qin Junhong nodded, glanced at the direction Jiang Wan was leaving, and got up to check out.

He handed a card to the front desk of the bar and kept looking outside the bar, wanting to leave after swiping the card.

As a result, the little brother at the front desk swiped his card on the card machine and said apologetically, "Sorry sir, your bank card has been frozen and cannot be used."

Qin Junhong: "..."


The author has something to say:

Thank you to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-11-0117:18:28~2021-11-0217:22:03~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: kumquat lemon yyds! 2;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 2 bottles of Simu's morning;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!