Chapter 44: clean it

Half an hour ago, Zhu's villa.

Because of the house, Zhu Shoushan was furious at home, but Qin Manwen killed her with one bite. She didn't know about buying a house.

Zhu Shoushan never trusted them. The most taboo thing was that they kept his property behind his back. After Zhu Tong's incident, his precaution was heavier than before. At this stall, when he suddenly learned about the house, he would definitely chase after him. Get to the bottom of it.

"The money was swiped from your card and you said you didn't know it?"

Zhu Shoushan has completely disbelieved the same rhetoric as Qin Junhong before.

When I was about to call someone to investigate, someone suddenly walked in at the gate and said loudly, "My mother really didn't know about this. My uncle and I bought the house."

Qin Junhong stood at the gate and took a deep breath before continuing to walk in.

Zhu Shoushan's face suddenly sank, "You admit it?"

Qin Manwen also stood up from the sofa, his eyes were still red, he said "unbelievably", "Junhong?"

Qin Junhong said, "What if I admit it? I bought the house originally. I want to leave a way out for my mother. What's wrong?"

Zhu Shoushan frowned and said, "The way back?"

Qin Junhong glanced at Qin Manwen, and suddenly smiled: "Uncle Zhu, it's only a few million houses. It's worth your anger towards my mother? Isn't she your wife?"


"Since my mother married you, what have you given her? What have you bought her? Clothes? Jewelry? None! Yes, you gave her a card and let her buy whatever she wants, But do you really trust her to buy it? Two years ago, you even had to ask my mother and other aunties to buy a bag worth hundreds of thousands. Who did she buy the bag for? To save face for you! Yes! To let outsiders know how good you are to her!"

Qin Junhong changed his normal behavior and made a preemptive strike when he entered the door.

Up to now, the matter of the house is unclear, and they have to have someone to take care of it.

Seeing Zhu Shoushan stunned, he continued: "But are you really good to her? Have you ever cared about her for so many years? The ill son has to take care of your daughter. She takes Xiaoxin to see a doctor and accompanies Xiaoxin to various tutoring classes. She has never been so attentive to me. How did she feel sorry for you? But how did you treat her? ?You thought that you gave her a marriage certificate and a card, and you could use her as a matter of course and throw her everything you don't want to do at home, she is your wife, not yours nanny!"

Qin Junhong was almost hysterical.

Zhu Shoushan was trembling with anger, pointed at him and said, "You..."

"Yes, I bought that suite behind your back." Qin Junhong said, "I feel injustice because of my mother! She loves you, she doesn't care how you treat her, but I can't care less, I did something wrong. It doesn't matter if you hit or scold me, anyway, I'm not your own, you married my mother for your children, but my mother married you because she liked you, and I was afraid she would pay for you For the rest of your life, you will be suspicious of her in the end and suspect that she has bad intentions, and maybe you will be kicked out of the house at some point! What happened to me secretly buying a suite for her? What happened!"

Zhu Shoushan was choked by him.

His breath fluctuated violently.

Qin Manwen stood up again and said: "Junhong! How can you say such a thing? Without your uncle Zhu, can you have your current life? Without him, can you go to such a good university and such a good job? How can you do such a good job? This kind of thing? You...why are you so dissatisfied!"

Qin Manwen was heartbroken.


The mother and son sang together, and Zhu Shoushan's original anger was turned into anger by Qin Junhong's "accusation", and he was contradicted by a junior, which made him feel that his majesty was being provoked, but at this time, Qin Manwen was very "self-aware" He reprimanded Qin Junhong for him, and happened to say what he "thought".

Zhu Shoushan's narrow heart finally gave birth to a little guilt.

He stopped targeting Qin Manwen, and scolded Qin Junhong: "Get out! Get out of Zhu's house for me! Get out!"

Qin Manwen wanted to stay and did not dare to stay.

Qin Junhong waved his hand with a strong backbone and walked out of Zhu's house.

After he went out, he did not lose his soul.

Zhu Shoushan's attitude today made him understand Zhu Shoushan's selfishness and ruthlessness. As long as his interests are endangered, even the person next to him who has slept in the same bed for ten years, he can turn his face and be ruthless.

On the other hand, as long as there are enough interests, he can do whatever he can.

In the Qing bar, after Zhu Xin hung up the phone, she watched the video the maid secretly recorded for her in the corner.

Qin Manwen in the video, listening to his son's grievances for her, changed every expression and action just right, a perfect image of a virtuous wife and loving mother who was humbled by love for her husband and humbled by her husband.

Zhu Xin was also grateful to Qin Manwen before, because Qin Manwen has been really kind to her since childhood.

No one has ever been so kind to her after losing her mother.

Even when she was restricted from visiting her brother in the hospital, Qin Manwen secretly sent her to the hospital.

Qin Manwen's concern for her can be said to be doting. She even thought of calling Qin Manwen "mother" until she overheard the conversation between Qin Manwen and Qin Junhong.

They were kind to her because she was healthy, because she was useful, because she was… obedient.

Zhu Xin looked down at the video with coldness in his eyes.

Rosso took the drink from the counter, and glanced at the hall of the bar unintentionally. Standing alone in a corner with few people was abrupt, not to mention that the person's clothes were a little familiar.


As soon as Rosso spoke, the man suddenly raised his head, and Rosso was startled by the frost-covered face.

Zhu Xin also saw him, the emotions on his face suddenly subsided, and he smiled slightly: "Brother Rosso."

Rosso: "…"

Her expression changed so quickly that Rosso thought for a moment that he was wrong.

Is it wrong?

Must be wrong.

How can such a beautiful girl show such a terrible expression?

Rosso walked over with the drink and said, "Why are you still here?"

Zhu Xin said: "I just finished answering the phone."

"Oh." Rosso didn't think too much, "Then let's go in together, I don't know what you like to drink, so I took some drinks that girls can drink, and you can pick them out later."

Zhu Xin nodded and said, "Okay, thank you Brother Rosso."

Rosso scratched his head embarrassedly and entered the box with two big bags of drinks.

As soon as the door was opened, the original three people in the box became two people. Although Lu Zheyu's existence was similar to that of the background board, he at least existed!

Now Lu Zheyu doesn't know where to go. The two people in the box are leaning on the corner of the oval sofa, Zhu Tong is leaning against the back, and Shao Ming is half-pressed on top of him.

"Don't move." Shao Ming said.

"Okay... okay?" Zhu Tong's voice was very soft.



Rosso & Zhu Xin at the door: "..."

"Ming... Brother Ming?"

Rosso was so frightened that his drink almost dropped.

My sister is still here! Brother Ming, what are you doing to someone else's brother!

"Okay." After Shao Ming finished speaking, he got up and turned to look at the door: "What's wrong?"

Rosso: "…"

It looked like he had misunderstood something.

Rosso walked in with his drink and placed it on the long table in the middle of the oval sofa. "No...nothing."

Zhu Xin was still calm, watching Zhu Tong rubbing his eyes and sitting up, worried: "What's wrong with my brother's eyes?"

Zhu Tong said: "It's okay, the eyelashes got stuck in the eyes... Why did you go for so long? Who called?"

Zhu Xin's face did not change: "Sisi is calling, it's my country's fault for missing the appointment, and it beat me for a long time."


Qi Sisi wished Tong knew that she was the first friend Xiao Xin had made since she went to high school, and they went to see him in the hospital together.

He didn't ask much, the eyes that were caught by the eyelashes were still very uncomfortable, and he couldn't help rubbing them again.

At this time, a hand next to him took off the hand that rubbed his eyes, and said helplessly: "Don't rub it, your eyes will get stuck again in a while, and you will feel better when you blink hard to stimulate the tears."

Zhu Tong tried to blink twice, and it was much better. He turned his head in surprise and said, "How did you know this method?"

Shao Ming sighed: "There's no way, we people with long eyelashes have this trouble. The more times we get stuck, we will naturally have experience."

Zhu Tong: "…"

Is this Versailles?

Shao Ming raised his hand again and said, "Your eyelashes are also quite long, now."

He stretched out his index finger, and the fingertips were attached to the eyelashes he had just plucked from the corner of Zhu Tong's eyes.

I wish Tong Tong was speechless.

This man didn't just throw it away!

He pulled out a tissue to wipe it off.

Shao Ming said again: "I heard that the eyelashes that have just fallen off, if you make a wish in the palm of your hand, your wish will come true."


Zhu Tong hesitated: "Really?"

Shao Ming smiled and said, "Really, try?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

Forget it, it seems a little stupid to do it.

But he didn't simply wipe it off with paper, but wrapped it up with paper.

Shao Ming looked at him and smiled.

It doesn't look too smart either.

Next to him, Rosso couldn't bear it anymore and opened the plastic bag, "Xiao Xin, what would you like to drink?"

Let's choose the drink, forget about the two flirting.

Zhu Xin looked back with a complicated mood, turned his head and said, "I can do it."

Rosso took out two drinks. "Berry cola and cranberry juice are both non-alcoholic. You can drink this with Zhu Tong."

Zhu Xin nodded and said, "Okay."

Zhu Tong took a glass of cranberry juice and said thank you.

Rosso glanced at the place where Lu Zheyu was sitting before, "By the way, where is the second child? Isn't the audition yet to start?"

Zhu Tongdao: "He said he went out to answer the phone."

Rosso: "…"

The second one also answers the phone?

Rosso turned to look outside the box and frowned, "Why didn't you come back for so long? Could it be his parents' calls?"

Zhu Tong puzzled: "What happened to his parents' phone numbers?"

Isn't it normal for parents to call to greet you when you don't go home during the National Day holiday?

Rosso said, "You don't know, the second child's parents... Forget it, let's not talk about it."

Zhu Tong: "…"

It's very unethical to make one's appetites so appealing.

He turned to look at the person beside him.

Shao Ming just opened a can of beer for himself, took a sip, turned his head and smiled: "Want to know?"

Zhu Tong immediately nodded: "I want to."

Shao Ming said: "His parents don't agree with him going out to work."

Zhu Tong: "Why?"

Shao Ming pursed his lips: "I'm afraid it will delay his study."

Zhu Tong frowned and looked puzzled.

Isn't Lu Zheyu always the second in grade? When did he delay studying?

"What are you afraid of delaying your studies! They're embarrassed!" Rosso couldn't help but speak, "Ha, it's almost 2022, and there are parents who think it's embarrassing for their son to go out to work, how much does the second child earn in a month? Money? The old couple can't make so much money in a year, and they don't know what they think, they think it's a shame."

Zhu Tong was even more puzzled, "Why do you feel ashamed?"

What's so shameful about working? Isn't it something to be proud of to make money from your own labor, and to make money for your family before graduating from high school?

"Even if society progresses, not everyone's thinking will follow suit." Shao Ming smiled.

Lu Zheyu's family conditions were not good. He lived in the countryside since he was a child and had little knowledge. He always thought that learning was the only way out for the poor.

Rosso said: "The second child is good at studying since he was a child. From elementary school to junior high school, he was the first place in their local examinations, but his parents were so proud of him that he would show off how good his son was to everyone in the village. He also ridiculed other people's children, and he didn't even know how much hatred he had. Later, the second child went to high school and took the second place in the first exam. His parents didn't know how big the difference in competitiveness between junior high and high school was. Seeing that the second child took the second place in the test, he said that his grades had dropped, and he was asked to work hard to take the first place. Of course, there is brother Ming, and the second child has always been the second child."

Zhu Tong: "…"

"Those people in their village were jealous of the second child and his family. I heard that the second child's grades were declining, and someone happened to be in the city and saw the second child going in and out of the Internet cafe. When he went back, he made a big splash, saying that the second child was degraded when he went to high school. It's no wonder that his studies will be poor after he has learned to go to an Internet cafe, and what is even more irritating is that his parents still believe it, and angrily rushed to the city to find someone, and bumped into his second child outside a bar."

Zhu Tong: "…"

The jeering and belittling of the neighbors in the village, the backlash of taunting others, and the "decline" of his son's test scores, also happened to bump into his son coming out of the bar.

Lu Zheyu suddenly became a clay figurine who jumped into the Yellow River and couldn't wash it.

"Afterwards, the second child's parents felt that the second child did not study well, and took their hard-earned money to go to the Internet to go clubbing. In a fit of rage, they cut off the second child's living expenses. No matter how the second child explained it, it was useless."


This is really a scholar who meets a "soldier", and it makes no sense.

Zhu Tong said: "Why didn't he ask a teacher to explain to his parents?"

Whether his academic performance is good or not, his parents don't understand, the teacher doesn't understand, right?

Hearing this, Rosso glanced at the closed box door and lowered his voice: "Well, I think the second child should be intentional."

"on purpose?"

"The second child has liked music since he was a child, but his parents have always regarded him very closely in order to let him learn. Once the second child proposed to learn music, the old couple thought that music was unreliable and cost money, so they scolded him. After a meal, he secretly burned his handwritten lyrics and scores, which is his debut!"

Zhu Tong: "…"

"So the second child is inevitably a bit rebellious. His parents cut off his living expenses, which is probably a good thing for him. He is self-reliant and comfortable."

Zhu Tong lowered his head and took a sip of his drink.

No wonder Lu Zheyu does so many part-time jobs every week. He not only has to earn his own living expenses, but also his own tuition fees. Even if he wants to go on to the university he wants to go to, he has to rely on himself for the cost of going to university.

"Then why are his parents calling him now?"

"I'm sorry." Rosso curled his lips and said, "After the second child made money, he even sent money to his family, but the neighbors in their place were idle all day long to make irresponsible remarks. It's not that the old couple was too cruel. Regardless of the son, it means that the money of the second child is not legitimate, and he is forced to go astray sooner or later, and he will go to jail, tsk, I am short-sighted and blame others for making money, his parents call, it is estimated that he is also urging him Go back quickly."


Zhu Tong had never seen such a person before, and he didn't know what to say for a while.

It was also the first time that he knew that if a person was too good, he would be criticized by others.

Because they feel unreal, because they feel inferior, they feel impossible, so they try their best to guess things in the direction they think "possible".

Because he felt that Lu Zheyu, a high school student, could not make money to support himself and send money to his family, he suspected that the origin of his money was unknown, and he began to spread rumors.

Even his own parents didn't believe him.

Zhu Tong feels that he has also raised his posture today.

He took another sip of his drink.

After a long while, Zhu Tong suddenly thought of something, and said again: "Then he goes out to answer his parents' calls..."

Won't you be scolded again?

"Don't worry about that." Shao Ming put his finished beer bottle on the table, "The second child is also stubborn. If he is scolded, he will just hang up."

Zhu Tong said: "Then why did he not come back after going out for so long?"

Shao Ming: "…"

In another box of the Qing Bar, the box door was gently pushed open by a woman. The woman was wearing a flat-shoulder half-length skirt with a hip wrap and permed her long wavy hair. When she sat down on the sofa, she raised her hand and brushed her temples. All kinds of styles.

"I didn't expect President Cheng to be quite elegant and chose such a clean place."

Another person in the box said, "It may not suit Miss Jiang's liking, I'm sorry."

Jiang Wan smiled meaningfully: "No, it's been a long time in a lively place, and it's good to change to a clean place."

The man nodded, "Miss Jiang, what would you like to drink?"

Jiang Wan said: "I came from city A to city E to find you, not for drinking, Cheng Chen."

The person in the box is Cheng Chen.

Cheng Chen raised his eyebrows and said nothing.

Jiang Wan said directly: "I still say that, you sleep with me once, and I will give you double the investment you want."

Cheng Chen seemed very embarrassed: "So in the eyes of Miss Jiang, I only have this worth?"

Jiang Wan is also refreshing: "Then what price do you want?"

Cheng Chen said lightly: "I want all the assets of the Jiang family, will you give it?"

Jiang Wan: "…"

Jiang Wan immediately pouted: "If you don't sleep, you won't sleep... Forget it, let's get down to business."

She folded her legs in a businesslike manner.

Cheng Chen smiled: "Okay, then..."

As soon as the words came out, there was a sudden "bang" outside the box. No matter how good the sound insulation of the box was, it couldn't stop the sound of "solid transmission".

Cheng Chen looked at the door of the box.

Jiang Wan suddenly smiled and said, "It seems that the place that Mr. Cheng is looking for is not particularly clean."


In the hall of the Qing Bar, Zhu Tong and the others immediately ran out when they heard the movement, just in time to see a person crawling up from the ground near the wall with a face of embarrassment.

Zhu Tong lowered his head and looked up. When he raised his eyes, the box next door opened at the same time, and he was slightly startled when he saw a person walking out.

Why is my cousin here?

Isn't he here to find them?

Before going out, my aunt specially told me not to drink alcohol when I went out to play. My cousin saw that he brought Xiao Xin to the bar.

Zhu Tong was startled, he shrank himself subconsciously, and took advantage of Shao Ming's size to hide himself firmly.

Zhu Xin, who came out behind him, was surprised: "Brother, you are..."


Zhu Tong stretched out his hand to hint, and at the same time pulled the person over and blocked himself in front of him.

Rosso finally came out of the box and saw three people suddenly stacked horizontally, "Do you... stack Russian dolls?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

Shao Ming put his arms around Zhu Tong's shoulders, and Zhu Tong put his arms around Zhu Xin's shoulders. Except for Zhu Tong himself, the other two were still confused.

I wish Mr. Tong was not good, and even Rosso pulled over together. He looked back at the place where his cousin was, but found that his cousin was not looking at them at all, but was staring in the direction of the hall.

He looked along, and Lu Zheyu was standing not far in front of them, surrounded by several people.

One of them shouted: "Lu Zheyu, you are so **** embarrassed to beat people, who didn't know that you were able to enter the entertainment company because of your financial sponsor, and then you left the company after being dumped, and now you come to the bar again, What? There's a new sponsor? It's great to have a backstage. Since it's already been decided, what song selection are you going to do? You get the bonus for free... What are you going to do?"

Before the man had finished speaking, Lu Zheyu had already rushed up with a sullen face.

"Everyone has seen it, it was he who moved first... Hit me!"

Several people surrounded Lu Zheyu at the same time.

"Fuck! Five on one, shameless!"

Rosso spat, and rushed up first.

Soon Shao Ming also walked over, and the melee was about to break out. However, there was no suspense of winning or losing. Five people were beaten by three people and they were powerless to fight back.

When the battle was over, Zhu Tong pulled Zhu Xin over.

"Are you all right?"

Shao Ming moved his beating wrist and said with a smile, "It's alright, don't be afraid."

Zhu Tong stared: "Who is afraid?"

When Yuan Shaozhou and the others started, he wasn't afraid, okay?

Shao Ming said, "Aren't you afraid? Who was that person who shrank into my arms just now?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

Outside the box, seeing a few people gathered in the middle of the hall, Jiang Wan's originally uninterested eyes lit up instantly, "Cheng Chen, you can, did you know that there are beautiful young people here before calling me here? Interesting enough!"

Cheng Chen paused for a while, then withdrew his gaze and said, "Put your eyes away, you are not allowed to move any of those over there."

Jiang Wan said, "Why?"

Cheng Chen said lightly: "No reason, it's just that if you don't want Jiang's bankruptcy, it's best not to touch them... I'll go first, you can think about the investment."

Jiang Wan: "…"

They don't seem to have started talking about investment. Is this person here to get investment? Is it too insincere?

When Zhu Tong realized what he was shrinking in Shao Ming's arms for and remembered that the "shield" between him and his cousin was gone, he turned around, his cousin was no longer waiting.

Zhu Tong: "…"


The author has something to say:

Sister, she has no feelings _(:з」∠)_