Chapter 45: jealous

On the floor of the hall, the wine table that had been neatly arranged had been knocked upside down by the large movements of several people, and most of the guests on the table were scared away.

Lu Zheyu retracted the leg that was still stepping on someone's face, turned around expressionlessly, and said lightly, "Let's go."

Zhu Tong looked at the lightness of the cloud that he did not take away a cloud with a wave of his hand, and thought that this person is really a ruthless person.

Zhu Tong looked at Shao Ming again.

Shao Ming smiled at him: "Let's go."

People were also beaten and angry, and it seemed that there was really nothing to say.

These people are obviously deliberately provocative.

When they were just fighting, Zhu Tong heard some discussions around. These people seemed to belong to a band, or a band formed after a minor dropped out of school. Listening to what they said, it seemed that when they were doing theme music selection in a bar, they And Lu Zheyu is a competitor.

As a result, they were not reconciled after their defeat, and deliberately chose a new song to try to sing to make trouble.

Not in the mood to care about these people who couldn't afford to lose, he turned around and was about to go back to the box, but a man with a bruised nose and a swollen face lying on the ground got up again and said, "Lu Zheyu, are you so embarrassed that you're angry? Don't need a bitch, you are so embarrassed to go back to school, haha, do your friends know about your bad things in the past?"

Lu Zheyu's footsteps stopped, his face remained unchanged, and he turned back again, in a posture that he was going to beat someone again.

The man didn't know what was going on, but he was still very excited to see him looking back, "What? You can't speak? You can only do it? You hit me, if you kill me today, I will say, you are You won't deserve the bonus by using improper means!"

"Have you never thought that he hit you just because you owe him a hit?"

Lu Zheyu's well-prepared kick hadn't kicked out yet, and Zhu Tong suddenly spoke up.

The face of the man with the earrings smirking froze.

Shao Ming looked down at the person who had taken a step forward from his side. Rosso was slightly startled and was about to step forward to pull the person back when Shao Ming raised his hand to stop him.

Rosso turned his head in puzzlement, and saw Shao Ming's mouth curved into a smile of interest.


Zhu Tong looked at the man with ear studs and said, "Because of a person like you, it's very hard to watch."


The man with ear studs looked at Zhu Tong, making sure that he had never seen him when they were fighting, and he looked weak and sneered: "What? …”

"Only people with a dirty heart will think of others with dirty thoughts." Zhu Tong said.

The man with the ear stud was stunned for a moment, then said angrily, "Who the **** are you calling dirty? What I said is the truth, who doesn't know Lu Zheyu..."

"I don't know." Zhu Tong said, "I know him because of his good academic performance. As you said, if a student with a comprehensive score of over 700 is embarrassed to go back to school, then you are a minor. Should people who can't even go to school hang themselves when they see the school?"

It is good for minors to have dreams, but it is not good to smear and trample on others for their dreams.


There was a laugh from the daring crowd.

Zhu Xin was also a little surprised.

Did her brother...have such a vicious tongue?

The earring man's face instantly flushed red.

He angrily said: "Lu Zheyu is shameless! What's wrong with his good grades? His family is very poor and has no money to study music. If he hadn't hooked up with the gold master, how could he have entered an entertainment company, how could he have written a complete song? tune!"

Lu Zheyu is just a poor boy from the countryside, half-hearted who has never even taken serious music lessons! How could he possibly have written anything comparable to what their entire band had written together?

The man with earrings is full of determination and jealousy.

Yes, jealous.

When the theme music was selected, they had heard Lu Zheyu's music, which was very good.

But they didn't believe it was a tune made by a high school student alone.

If it wasn't for Lu Zheyu's backstage, if someone hadn't helped him, he would never have succeeded alone!

Why can he have the help of the gold master, why does their band work so hard, and all the hard work is in vain in the end?

The earring man couldn't help but feel resentment in his heart.

Zhu Tong said lightly: "That may be because of talent."

Earring man: "…"

Lu Zheyu: "…"

There was finally a crack on the face of the person who had been expressionless.

However, after Zhu Tong finished speaking, he was also confused. He turned to look at Shao Ming, and suddenly approached him and said, "He seems to be really powerful."

If you study well, you can write songs, play with the computer, and play very smoothly!

Shao Ming: "…"

The smile on Shao Ming's face couldn't hold back.

He suddenly put his arms around Zhu Tong's shoulders, pulled the person back, looked at the few people on the opposite side and said, "Not all efforts will pay off, and not all successes must be helped behind. If you want to succeed, what you should do is Improve yourself to surpass others, instead of trying to slander others. If others really help, even if you use the most vicious speculation to slander, what's the use? In the end, it can only prove that you can't afford to lose... Second child, gone."

After he finished speaking, he turned around, and Zhu Tong was held in his arms and turned his head, seeing that the faces of the band members were different.

Some are still unwilling, and some are ashamed.

No one cared about what they would think. After dealing with the damage caused by the fight, the five returned to the box.

Because all the eyes in the bar were on them, no one noticed that a gaze followed Zhu Tong until the door of the box closed.

Jiang Wan held a glass of wine in his hand and shook it lightly, with interest shining in his eyes.


A person walked by and stood beside her and called out respectfully.

Jiang Wan smiled and said, "Go and check, who are the people in Box 102?"

"Okay, miss." The assistant said, "One more thing, the stepson of Zhu's family, Qin Junhong, just called you and said that he wanted to meet you."

Jiang Wan frowned slightly: "Qin Junhong?"


"No, let him go."


The assistant took out his phone again and pulled out a photo, "He also posted this, saying that if you don't want to see him, you can take a look at this photo first."

Jiang Wan: "…"

Jiang Wan lowered her eyes and saw the photo on the phone screen, her expression changed slightly, she turned her head and glanced at the door of box 102, and said, "Who is this person?"

The assistant said: "He said this is his brother."

Qin Junhong's younger brother?

"It should be the young master of the Zhu family, Zhu Tong."

"Zhu Tong?" Jiang Wan was slightly stunned.

Isn't that young master from Zhu's family a sick seedling who can't be blown by the wind?

She took the phone from the assistant again and looked at the photo carefully. It was indeed the beautiful boy he had just seen.

She paused for a moment, then rolled her eyes suddenly, and said in a low voice, "This young master of the Zhu family doesn't seem to be the same as the rumored one."


"Forget it, you don't need to check the people in the box. You can check the relationship between the young master of the Zhu family and Cheng Chen... No, check the relationship between him and the Cheng family."

"Yes, then Qin Junhong's side..."

Jiang Wan said: "If you don't see it, don't reply to him, just check things out and then talk about it."


Thinking of what Cheng Chen said before leaving the bar, Jiang Wan narrowed his eyes with interest.

If you want her Jiang family to go bankrupt, the Zhu family has no such ability.

What did Cheng Chen's words mean?

She returned the phone to the assistant, looked back at the box, and walked straight out of the bar on high heels.

In the box, Zhu Tong felt that after returning from the fight outside, the atmosphere in the box was not right.

Everyone was silent, but everyone looked at him from time to time, but when he looked past, they quickly averted their eyes.

Finally, when his sister looked over again, he couldn't bear it anymore and raised his head: "Is there something on my face?"

"Ah?" Zhu Xin said stunned, "No."

"Then what are you looking at me for?"


Zhu Xin paused and said with a smile: "Brother, I think you are much more lively than before. You looked so handsome just now!"

Zhu Tong: "…"

Yes, is it?

Are you curious because you haven't seen it before? It seems to make sense.

He said reservedly, "Just tell the truth."

Then he looked at Lu Zheyu again.

Lu Zheyu looked at him calmly, and said after a while, "...Thank you."

Zhu Tong: "…"

A person who is not good at words wants to say thank you, but doesn't know how to say it. It's normal to take a few more glances.

He nodded and said, "It's nothing, in fact, you can handle it yourself, and I didn't help you much."

Lu Zheyu cherished his words like gold: "Trouble."


He should have found it troublesome to explain, so he chose to do it from the beginning.

Zhu Tong didn't say anything else and turned to look at Rosso.

Rosso was startled and said quickly, "I only watched it because they all looked at you, nothing else."


Zhu Tong turned his attention to Shao Ming again.

What he cared about most was Shao Ming's sight, because he didn't seem to be in a good mood.

However, Shao Ming's explanation was perfunctory: "You look good."

Zhu Tong: "…"

Inexplicably a little embarrassed.

He replied, "Not as good-looking as you."

Shao Ming's eyes brightened: "Really, do you think I'm good-looking?"

Zhu Tong said: "You are good-looking."

How can you become a white moonlight if you don't look good?

How can you become a campus male **** if you don't look good?

How can you use your face as a living sign of a milk tea shop if you don't look good?

Shao Ming narrowed his eyes slightly, his eyes dark.

Zhu Tong's heart skipped a beat when he saw him, "What... what's wrong?"

Shao Ming smiled and said, "Then who is the most beautiful person you've ever seen?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

Zhu Tong seemed to see the "please ask for compliments" on his face.

How can one be so narcissistic?

He turned his head to look at the other people in the box, and then turned his gaze back to Shao Ming's face, hesitatingly said, "You?"

Shao Ming said: "It's not sincere."


Why is there no sincerity?

What the **** happened to this man?

Although he didn't understand where this person's emotions came from, Zhu Tong paused and said seriously: "Really, you are the most beautiful person I have ever seen."

Better than the heartthrob.

This is the truth.

Shao Ming was satisfied, the corners of his lips curved, and he withdrew his gaze and said, "Okay, let's barely pass the test."

Zhu Tong: "…"

This is barely... No, what did he pass?

He looked suspiciously at Shao Ming and took a sip from the can. He suddenly realized something and looked down at the body of the can—imported wine.

"You... are you drinking wine?"

Shao Ming squeezed the finished can and threw it into the trash can. He said calmly, "Why don't you drink at the bar? Oh, you can't drink, darling."

Zhu Tong: "…"

Is this a question of whether or not to drink?

They don't come to the bar for drinking!

And... Zhu Tong looked at the table in front of Shao Ming, and counting the one he just threw in the trash, he had already drank three cans of wine by himself.

Although the degree is only 15 degrees.

But it didn't take long for them to come in.

Seeing that Shao Ming reached out to another bottle of wine in the plastic bag, Zhu Tong took the lead and grabbed the bottle of wine, "You can't drink it."

Shao Ming said, "Why?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

Where is there why? Is wine a good thing?

He said righteously: "You can't drink underage."

Shao Ming raised his eyebrows and said, "I've already drank it."

"You can't drink any more because you've already drunk it."

What to do when you're drunk?

Shao Ming curled his lips and looked at him with a smile, as if he didn't intend to compromise.

Zhu Tong hesitated for a while, then said anxiously, "Anyway, you can't drink any more. If you drink any more...then I will drink it too."

Shao Ming: "…"

The other three in the box: "…"

I was completely speechless, and felt like I was superfluous.

After Zhu Tong finished speaking, he realized what he had said... a nonsense!

What does his drinking have to do with Shao Ming's drinking?

Why did he suddenly say this?

However, Shao Ming was refreshed, his eyes were shining, and he pretended to be shocked: "You actually threatened me with yourself?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

Is it too late for him to take the words back?

That's too late.

Shao Ming has come over and smiled playfully: "Are you arrogant?"

Zhu Tong said: "No..."

"Very well, your threat was successful, and I decided not to drink it."

Zhu Tong: "...Really?"

Shao Ming nodded.

It's rare for the young master to be spoiled once, of course he has to be spoiled.

Although the goal was achieved, he suddenly regretted looking at the young man who smiled like a flower in front of him.

What kind of mood is bad, what kind of wine can't you drink too much?

This man has nothing to do, he is just worrying!

Shao Ming really put down the bottle of wine, took a glass of cranberry juice that Zhu Tong had drunk before, took a sip and said, "Well, it tastes good."

Zhu Tong: "…"

Rosso & Lu Zheyu: "…"

They seem to flicker a bit.

Zhu Xin: "…"

Brother does not stay.

Soon someone knocked on the door of the box, looking for Lu Zheyu. The previous troubles in the band had no effect on Lu Zheyu's work, and the new song audition continued as usual.

After work, the five left the bar together.

The setting sun outside has spread all over the ground, coating the whole city with a golden glow.

"Leaving so soon? Isn't the holiday only the second day?"

I heard that Zhu Xin had to catch the morning flight tomorrow and didn't go back to Gongshui County with them today, and Zhu Tong was a little surprised.

Zhu Xin said: "I will take two days of art classes when I go back, and the school will start soon in two days."


Although reluctant, Zhu Tong could only let Uncle Liu send his sister back to his aunt's house.

Before getting into the car, Zhu Xin glanced at Shao Ming inexplicably, and said a few words to his brother before getting into the car.

Rosso still waved at her very enthusiastically: "Goodbye Xiaoxin, come to play next time."

Lu Zheyu was his background board as always.

Zhu Tong looked at the direction the car was driving away.

Shao Ming walked up to him and said, "Reluctant?"

Zhu Tong shook his head and said: "Fortunately, we have been together less and more apart since we were young, and we are used to it."


"It's just that she came to me specifically, and I didn't take her to have a good time. It's a pity."

However, he has been "isolated from the world" all the year round. He doesn't know how other people's vacations are spent, and he doesn't know what delicious and fun things are there, and he doesn't seem to be able to bring people to play.

He smiled, looked back and said, "Let's go too."

Shao Ming did not move.

Zhu Tong: "?"

Shao Ming looked at him for a while and said, "After we go back, shall we go horseback riding?"

Zhu Tong was slightly startled: "Riding a horse?"

"Yeah." Shao Ming said: "In the suburbs of the county, a new racetrack was built not long ago. Would you like to take a look?"

Zhu Tong smiled and said, "Why did you suddenly remember to ride a horse?"

Shao Ming raised his eyebrows and said, "Didn't you say it's a pity that you didn't have a good time? It's really a pity to not have a good time."

Zhu Tong: "I am..."

What he said was that it was a pity that he couldn't bring his sister to play, and he didn't feel sorry.

For him, as long as he doesn't stay in that cold ward all day, he has no regrets.

Shao Ming said, "Then do you want to go?"

Zhu Tong thought for a while, then hesitantly said, "But I can't ride a horse."

Although there was a horse riding course in the previous school, he was weak and never learned it.

Shao Ming smiled and said: "It's okay, I'll take you, go?"

Zhu Tongchang thought about the scene of his horseback riding, and nodded with a smile: "Go."

Shao Ming followed with curved lips.

The four of them chartered a car to go back to Gongshui County, and it was already seven o'clock in the evening when they returned to the homestay.

Lu Zheyu was the first to leave the team, and he had to catch a part-time job.

Zhu Tong stood outside the homestay, looked at Lu Zheyu's back, and said with emotion, "Is he working too hard?"

Luo Suo said: "The second child has always been like this, and I have never seen him idle."

Zhu Tong said: "He is really powerful."

Rosso nodded: "Well, he is quite powerful, and I don't know what he does with so much money, just don't be hungry..."

Before he finished speaking, Rosso suddenly felt that the situation was not right, turned his head subconsciously, and saw someone with a smile on his face.

He had seen this expression in the box before, and as for the follow-up development, he did not want to see it again.

He turned to look at Zhu Tong again: "What, it's getting late, I'll go back first, we'll see you at the racecourse tomorrow."

Zhu Tong: "…"

The latter words sounded like an offer.

He didn't think much about it and nodded.

Rosso ran away.

Zhu Tong stood outside the homestay for a while, when suddenly a cool wind blew, and he shivered violently.

Suddenly there was warmth on the shoulders, a warmth on the back, and a familiar voice sounded above the head, "Let's go, it's cold outside."

Zhu Tong nodded and followed him to the homestay.

Before Uncle Liu came back, he habitually glanced over there, then withdrew his gaze and said, "Do you know why Lu Zheyu left the entertainment company?"

Shao Ming was opening the door, when he heard the words, he paused, "I don't know, what's wrong?"

Zhu Tong shook his head and said, "Nothing, just curiosity."

Rosso also said that Lu Zheyu wouldn't say anything about the past, so he didn't ask in the clearing bar at that time.

"If you know, maybe you can help him."

Shao Ming: "…"

There was a soft click, and the door lock was opened. Shao Ming turned to let Zhu Tongxian go in, and said with a light smile, "How are you going to help?"

"There is always a source for rumors." Zhu Tong said: "If you know the reason, can you clarify it for him?"

Shao Ming said: "Do you think the rumors in the bar, why no one in the school knows about it?"

Zhu Tong has been transferred to another school for so long, and he has never heard any rumors about Lu Zheyu in the school.

He was startled: "Why?"

Shao Ming said: "Maybe this is the result of being dealt with."


Zhu Tong said: "What do you mean?"

"Literally." Walking into the living room, Shao Ming took the lead and sat down on the sofa, "Even if the rumors that have been spread are blocked from spreading, there will still be people in a small area who will continue to discuss them, and they can control other people's accounts, but I can't control other people's mouths, as for clarification, since the second child refuses to tell, maybe even the truth, he doesn't want to be known."

Zhu Tong was stunned for a while, and then sat down on the sofa, "That's it."

Then there is no way.

As soon as he sat down, Shao Ming suddenly came over and looked at him directly: "You care about him?"

Zhu Tong said: "Who cares?"


Oh, Lu Zheyu.

"Neither." Zhu Tong said, "I just care a little bit."

Shao Ming's eyes darkened, " you care so much about other people's affairs?"

Zhu Tong: "Huh?"

When has he ever cared about other people's affairs?

"Today in the bar, if the person who is fighting with someone is not the second child, will you stand up and complain?"

As Shao Ming got closer and closer, Zhu Tong involuntarily leaned to the side.

He felt that the current Shao Ming was a little scary, and he was a little panicked: "You... what's the matter with you?"

Shao Ming: "…"

He couldn't tell what was wrong, he was just a little unhappy.

Mingming Zhutong thought it was interesting when he stood up to speak for the second child, but when people praised others in his ears with admiration, he was a little unhappy.

Obviously it's a very common compliment to others, and it's the truth, what can he be unhappy about?

he does not know.

Just not happy.

Especially after returning, this person mentioned "others" again.

Why does he care so much about the second child?

Because the second child is "powerful", he appreciates it? Or does he slap everyone in trouble like this?

He is also just one of his "fighting injustices"?

Shao Ming felt a never-before-seen emotion emerge from the bottom of his heart, and he followed what he thought: "I'm jealous."


Zhu Tong felt that he was struck by lightning.

He suspected that he had heard it wrong: "Huh?"

Shao Ming smiled and repeated: "Well, I'm jealous."

Zhu Tong: "…"

Zhu Tong exhaled the system interface in his mind and looked at the progress bar that was not halfway through his eyes.

Well, he believed it.

The progress bar went up, 48%.

When he hasn't read the Raiders novel? Which one is not 100% favorability is considered as the completion of the strategy.

Are you jealous before the progress bar is halfway through? It's almost like being jealous of him.

He looked at Shao Ming blankly: [Indifference.jpg]

His suddenly fixed expression seemed more frightened to Shao Ming, but instead of retreating, he advanced and asked, "Why do you want to help the second child?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

Isn't that the "jealous" question? What does it have to do with Lu Zheyu?

Why help... shouldn't he help?

Zhu Tong said truthfully, "Isn't he your friend?"

Shao Ming was startled.

"You helped him...because he was my friend?"

Zhu Tong said inexplicably: "Otherwise why? I'm not familiar with him."

He and Lu Zheyu haven't spoken a few words since the transfer, and even if they were in the milk tea shop, they didn't have much communication, not even a close classmate!

It's not that he is idle and cares about other people's business, and he is also very afraid of trouble!

Shao Ming: "…"

Shao Ming was completely stunned.

After a long while, he couldn't help twitching the corners of his lips, and suddenly approached: "You..."

"Hey, you..."

The distance suddenly got closer, Zhu Tong blushed, just wanted to let people have something to say, don't hold the "enlarged handsome face plate" to press people, and at the same time withdraw one hand, the sofa was too narrow, and the palm of the hand was on the edge of the sofa. A side-slip, the body leans back uncontrollably.

"Be careful…"

Shao Ming's face changed slightly, and he subconsciously reached out to pull the person up, but his body was already tilted too much, and one of the people's center of gravity was unstable, and he smashed the person directly.

Zhu Tong only felt a shock behind him, his body fell into the soft sofa, he closed his eyes subconsciously, felt his body sink again, opened his eyes again, his perspective changed, and the face he wanted to avoid was close at hand.

Zhu Tong: "…"

Shao Ming: "…"


The author has something to say:

Thank you to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-11-04 16:50:02~2021-11-05 16:24:40~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: kumquat lemon yyds! 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 10 bottles of herdsman;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!