Chapter 46: horse riding

The lights in the living room overhead were dazzling, and Zhu Tong could hardly see the face in front of him.

Is his vision blurred or the face in front of him blurred?

All you can hear is the heartbeat of the two people accelerating at the same time, and the sound of careful breathing.


Zhu Tong blinked first, and as soon as he opened his mouth, he suddenly found that his brain was blank and he couldn't say anything.

But the breath of his words made Shao Ming clearly feel it.

At the last moment of the fall, Shao Ming supported the armrest on the edge of the sofa in time, and did not completely press on Zhu Tong.

After all, this little young master is weak, what should he do if he falls down with his body shape?

Unlike Zhu Tong's blurry vision, Zhu Tong's face was facing the light, and Shao Ming could even see his sharp eyelashes clearly.

His face was calm, but his eyelashes were trembling nervously, and his breathing was shallow, as if he was deliberately suppressing it.

Is he afraid?

Do something now to scare people away?

He unconsciously lowered his head a little.

Zhu Tong suddenly tensed up.

One of his hands hangs on the edge of the sofa, and the other is pressed by Shao Ming. He should push people away now, but in fact he can't even raise his hand to sit.

His eyes blinked even more, his eyes wandering around, ""

You get up first.

Simple words.

But the pressure of the condescending people on his body was too strong, and he couldn't say it.

The suppressed hand gripped the sofa cushion tightly.

Shao Ming felt it, and he smiled suddenly, as if he couldn't hold it anymore, his whole body was pressed down.

Zhu Tong was startled, closed his eyes subconsciously, and tilted his head to the side abruptly.

The warm and soft touch brushed across his side face, and the hot breath sprayed in his ears.

The familiar voice lost its usual briskness, with a **** hoarseness, almost touching the pinna of the ear, "I was not careful, don't be afraid."

Zhu Tong: "…"

Like an electric shock, it made him shudder.

The rubbed area on the face seemed to be brushed by a feather, itchy.

Shao Ming's heart was also itching.

If Zhu Tong didn't hide just now, then he...

But he dodged.

Shao Ming's eyes darkened slightly, and he pursed his lips when he looked at the auricle that was almost red to the point of dripping blood.

On the sofa, Zhu Tong was so nervous that he couldn't breathe smoothly, he finally got up the courage to raise his hand, his body suddenly lightened, his raised hand was also held by the wrist, and with a force, he pulled him to sit up again.

"Are you all right?"

Caring and calm tone.

Zhu Tong turned his head slightly and saw the same smile on his face as usual, and the place on his face was slightly hot.

Accidental too, right?

Unsure why, Zhu Tong felt a little lost.

He shook his head and said, "It's okay."

However, he raised his hand and looked at his palm, and saw that it was painful when he slipped off the sofa, but the skin was not broken.

He really is a lot tougher.

Shao Ming's eyes darkened, "Scared?"

Zhu Tong said, "No."

Shao Ming raised his hand to help him stroke the bangs that were messed up because he fell down, and said with a smile, "Don't be afraid, I won't scare you in the future..."

"No." Zhu Tong panicked, "It has nothing to do with you."

It was he who didn't hold up.

But this seems to be easily misunderstood.

He paused and glanced sideways, "Yes... the sofa is too narrow."

Shao Ming: "…"

Zhu Tong: "…"

The corners of Shao Ming's lips kept rising.

Zhu Tong blushed quickly.

Shao Ming smiled and said, "Well, tomorrow, let the proprietress change to a set of wider sofas, the ones that won't fall off even if you lie down and turn over, how about that?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

He seemed to be mocked.

He must have been laughed at!

He stood up embarrassedly, "I... I went back to my room."

Shao Ming looked at him calmly, "Aren't you taking a bath?"

Zhu Tong's body stiffened: "Late... I'll take a shower later, it's still early, I'll do my homework for a while."

Yes, the homework for the National Day holiday has not been written yet, and there is still a lot of homework to be written.

Shao Ming said again: "Do you want to help?"

"no need."

Zhu Tong quickly got into the room.

Shao Ming watched as the door of his room slammed shut, much louder than usual.

He stared at the door for a while, then slowly retracted his gaze and raised his hand to support his forehead.

Seems a little... over the top.

Yes to Zhu Tong, and also to him.

Although Zhu Tong avoided, he did not seem to reject it.

Did you really take the touch just now as "accidental", or...

Shao Ming has never had such a time of worrying about gains and losses, and he can't have it.

If he is worried about gain and loss about one thing, what he should do is to let himself stop paying attention to that thing.

As long as there is extravagance, there will be desire, and desire will bring endless trouble.

He hates trouble.

But now the trouble is Zhu Tong.

This young master is a real troublemaker.

Whether it's his family, his character, or his inadvertent infiltration into his own life.

But such a troublesome person...he wants it.

Can he have it?

The phone on the sofa suddenly rang, Shao Ming glanced at it, a string of unfamiliar numbers, and he directly pressed the lock screen.

At this time, the progress bar of the system interface appeared again and again, approaching 60% in an instant, and finally flickering at a high speed, and finally fell back to 49%.


The system couldn't sit still, it felt that it was necessary to remind the host of this situation, "Host..."

"Don't remind me about Bai Yueguang!" Zhu Tong interrupted it eagerly: "Don't disturb me reciting the formula."


In the room, Zhu Tong sat at the desk and forced himself to memorize the trigonometric formulas silently.



However, things that have been memorized countless times are now like the number of sheep who have insomnia at night... fart is useless!

The eyes that were unclear before because of the backlight, now inexplicably appear clearly in my mind, and I can't wave them away.

The way Shao Ming looked at him at that time was a bit strange.

What was said in his ear... was also very brainwashing.

Shao Ming spoke his voice so nice?

It turned out that the temperature on Shao Ming's lips was a little cold.

Was his face too hot at the time?

Why does he always like to talk to people's ears?

Does he do the same to others...?

I don't seem to have seen it.

It's just like speaking out of tune to everyone, the squad leader and the others have become accustomed to it and are comfortable with it.

It's useless for him, he can't stand it back and forth!

Zhu Tong sighed deeply. He couldn't memorize the formula and couldn't write his homework.

After coming in for a long time, there is only one "solution" for the progress of a math problem.

Go take a shower first.

Zhu Tong got up, took the clothes from the closet, held the clothes in his hands, then walked to the door lightly, cut a crack in the door, and glanced at the living room.

The bright lights in the living room had been turned off before, leaving a dimly lit floor lamp.

Then turned to look in the direction of the bathroom, it was dark.

Zhu Tong breathed a sigh of relief, took his clothes and came out of the room. Just after he came out, he closed the door, and suddenly there was movement in the next room. After a few footsteps, there was the sound of the door lock turning.

Zhu Tong: "!"

His hand was still holding the doorknob, and he subconsciously wanted to get back into the room.

Shao Ming had already come out. Seeing his slightly hesitant action, he said, "Avoid me again?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

He straightened his back, "No, I..."

"I'll come out and pour a glass of water." Shao Ming smiled: "Go wash, I won't rob you of the bathroom."

Zhu Tong reacted and asked in doubt, "Have you washed it?"

Shao Ming said: "Not yet, you should wash it first."


"Why don't you first..."

He seemed to have heard Shao Ming talking to the proprietress in the courtyard yesterday that there would be no hot water at night.

Shao Ming said: "No need, I'm not in a hurry."

Zhu Tong said: "What should I do if there is no hot water for a while?"

Shao Ming asked back: "Then what if there is no hot water when you wash?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

He glanced at the door, "I... I can go to Uncle Liu's place to wash."


Shao Ming's face darkened, he smiled and said: "No need, the water heater has been repaired, you can wash it first."

Zhu Tong said suspiciously, "Really?"

Shao Ming said: "Really."

Zhu Tong didn't believe it. He heard Shao Ming telling the proprietress yesterday that he was "replacing" the water heater. If it can be repaired in one day, why do you need to change it?

Seeing that he didn't move for a long time, Shao Ming said, "If you don't believe me, why don't we go together..."

Zhu Tong was agitated, and immediately said, "I'll go wash first."


Seeing people walking into the bathroom quickly, Shao Ming couldn't help bending his lips.

It's a pity that it's running pretty fast.

He watched for a while, went to the water dispenser to boil water, poured himself a glass when the water was boiled, and glanced in the direction of the bathroom when he returned to the room.

The homestay is very quiet, and even the smallest sounds in the room are amplified infinitely.

Soon there was a rush of water in the bathroom, and Shao Ming felt as if his feet were pinned, and he couldn't move.

Sounds that could be ignored or didn't pay much attention to in the past are now a burst of distraction in my ears.

There's still a while... maddening.

He took a deep breath and turned back to his room.

Ten minutes later, the door was knocked, and Zhu Tong's reminder came from outside the door: "I've washed it, you can go wash it."

The voice was very soft, a little tentative, as if afraid of disturbing him, and it sounded a little soft.

Shao Ming: "…"

He felt that this young master really did not let him live.

Wasn't he afraid that he would directly open the door and drag him into the room?

However, Young Master Zhu was very witty. After reminding him, before Shao Ming opened the door, he had already slipped back to his room.

The next morning, when Zhu Tong woke up, Shao Ming had already appeared in the living room before him.

This man really gets up earlier than him every time.

Not a single exception.

Ten o'clock in the morning, the suburban racetrack.

Rosso has always been the most active in this kind of outdoor activity, waiting on the racetrack early.

A small racetrack that was recently built. It covers a fairly large area. It is surrounded by green grass with fences, and there are several divided running tracks in the middle. Around it are temporary stalls set up with tents, selling all kinds of things.

Because it was the National Day holiday, there were a lot of people around the racecourse, but few people were on the field.

Maybe it's because the sun is too big.

The sun is really big today, and I can hardly open my eyes when standing in the sun.

"Brother Ming, I've already bought the tickets, can I enter the venue?"

Two people stood at the entrance of the racetrack, and Rosso quickly saw them and ran towards them quickly.

His voice was like a humanoid loudspeaker. When he shouted, people in the racecourse near the entrance subconsciously followed the sound.

"Fuck, there are handsome guys!"

I don't know which girl shouted first.

Then someone said, "Where is the handsome guy?"

"Just at the entrance, the two in peaked caps."

"How do you know he's a handsome guy when he wears a peaked cap?"

"Look at the face, the exposed lower half of the face is enough to see that he is a handsome guy!"

"Come on, this kind of look is deliberately mysterious, and if the hat is taken off, it may be a triangular eye."


Shao Ming and Zhu Tong had already received the tickets from Rosso, and they were looking down at the tickets with their heads down to cover the sun. While the peaked caps blocked the sunlight, they also covered most of their faces.

The three people ignored the voices around the entrance. After giving out the tickets, Luo Suo said, "This racetrack is pretty good. You can choose your own horses, but you need to pay extra."

Zhu Tong looked at the venue not far away, faintly excited.

No boy would not want to gallop right away. When Shao Ming mentioned it yesterday, he was still a little nervous, but after finding out that his hand rubbed against the sofa was not broken, he finally gained some confidence in the system's segmented rewards.

Shao Ming saw that he was in good spirits. He was not nervous at all when he saw him yesterday, and his mood was complicated for a while.

I'm a little fortunate that he wasn't as restrained as last night, but also a little unwilling... I'm not as important as riding a horse yet!

Shao Ming smiled helplessly and said, "Let's go, let's choose a horse."

Zhu Tong's eyes brightened: "Okay."

The three went straight to the stable.

Naturally, the place where the horses were raised would not be very clean. Shao Ming didn't let Zhu Tong go in. "Wait here, it's not very clean inside."

Zhu Tong paused, "It shouldn't matter, I..."

He was about to say that he could overcome it, when Shao Ming said again, "Aren't you afraid of horse manure?"

Zhu Tong: "…"


Shao Ming smiled again, "Just here, I'll be out soon."

Zhu Tong can only say: "Okay."

The staff member who was in charge of helping customers choose horses in the stable was a middle-aged uncle. When he saw two tall boys walk in, he warmly greeted them and began to recommend horses to them.

Shao Ming looked up and walked straight to a white horse in the corner with satisfaction in his eyes.

Rosso was still suffering from difficulty in choosing. Seeing that Shao Ming had already chosen, he leaned over and said, "Brother Ming, have you chosen for Zhu Tong? What about yours?"

Shao Ming said: "I am with him."

Rosso: "…"

"You're with him...with?"

Shao Ming looked at him sideways, "He can't ride a horse, why?"

Rosso: "...Nothing."

as long as you are happy.

He might as well gallop on his own horse later.

The middle-aged uncle is obviously used to this kind of "shared ride", and said in a clear voice: "You guys want to take your girlfriend to ride, right? He has good eyesight, this horse is one of the most handsome in our horse farm. Well, your girlfriend will definitely like it."

Shao Ming: "…"

He looked at the uncle in the stable and said, "It's not a girlfriend, it's a boy."

Uncle: "…"

Two boys riding a horse together?

The uncle responded quickly: "Boyfriend? It doesn't matter, boys are also suitable. Our horse is not only good-looking, but also runs fast and steadily. Boys will also like it."

Shao Ming didn't refute this time, the corners of his lips raised slightly, "Then please help uncle to pull it out."

In fact, he chose this horse only because it looked cleaner.

However, after the uncle took the horse out, he couldn't help frowning when he saw the non-white unknown object on the horse's leg, "Can this horse be washed?"

Uncle: "…"

"Wash the horse's legs?"

Shao Ming said: "No, wash your whole body."

Not only have to share a ride, but also wash the horses?

What kind of squeamish bag does this rider have to be?

Do all the handsome guys like this one?

The uncle said he didn't understand.

But as long as the money is in place, anything can be said.

The uncle took the horse to the place where the horse was washed again.

Rosso, who has been watching everything in silence, said: "..."

Really blind.

It was so meticulous that he was moved when he saw it!

Young Master Zhu will definitely be so moved that he will be fascinated by his brother Ming from now on!

However, Young Master Zhu didn't know.

Zhu Tong was so bored waiting outside the stables that the sun was too hot above his head, and he couldn't even play with his mobile phone - it hurt his eyes.

He could only look in the direction of the racetrack, and suddenly a group of people came from the rest area. He glanced at random, and when he saw a person, his eyes stopped.

From the rest area to the riding area, among the group of people who passed by, one person was surrounded by the stars and the moon.

"Young Master Yang, why can't you think about it? Transferring to such a small place, even the racetrack is so small, if I say that you still have to go to the grassland for horseback riding, that would be a pleasure."

"What do you know, Yang Shao is condescending for love, and I don't know what kind of person has entered Yang Shao's eyes."

A person sneered disdainfully: "How can there be anyone who can catch the eye in such a place..."

A group of people quickly walked past Zhu Tong, perhaps because he was wearing a hat, Xia Yang didn't seem to notice him.

Zhu Tong looked at the "heartwarming" who was gradually walking away, and murmured in a low voice, "Why do I think he seems to be glowing."

Just now people walked under the sun, and it looked even more dazzling than the sun.

It seems that no matter where he stands, he is in the spotlight, and he can become the focus of others at a glance.

Has Xia Yang been so flashy before? Literally flash.

After Zhu Tong finished speaking and waited for a while, there was no response in his mind, and he shouted: "System?"

Shouldn't the system be very active in answering the questions related to "The Heartthrob" and "Bai Yueguang"?

The system paused for a long time, and said, "I watched the sky last night, and I calculated it. If you don't accumulate Bai Yueguang favorability as soon as possible, you may have a **** disaster."

Zhu Tong: "…"

Zhu Tong said: "Can't you only see what I see?"

He didn't look at the sky yesterday, where did the astronomical phenomena come from?


The system was silent, "In short, hurry up and do the task, focus on the white moonlight, and the rest are floating clouds."

Only then did Zhu Tong remember to look at the progress bar.

Yesterday it was 48%, now it's 49%.

He was surprised: "When did it go up?"

Why not go up one more? 50% difference 1%?

"Up what?"

The system has not responded yet, and the sound came from behind.

Zhu Tong heard the sound and turned his head. The boy with a white peaked cap behind him was also very dazzling in the sun...and dazzlingly handsome.

His eyes lit up, and he tilted his head over Shao Ming's shoulder to look behind him, hiding his excitement: "Where's the horse?"

Shao Ming: "…"

Is the horse as good-looking as him?

He couldn't help laughing, raised his hand to help Zhu Tong lift the peaked cap that was pressing his face up, and said, "The horse has to wait for a while, the hair just brushed hasn't dried yet."

Zhu Tong: "?"


Does the horse farm here have a temporary bath and brush service for horses?

Zhu Tong said again: "Then why did you come out?"

Shao Ming said: "I'm afraid you will be bored."

Zhu Tong: "…"

There was warmth in his heart, and he quietly curved his lips.

After waiting for a while, Rosso and a middle-aged uncle came out of the stable with two horses, one white and one brown.

At a glance, Zhu Tong was caught by the white horse and was amazed.

Shao Ming had already taken the reins from the uncle's hand, walked up to Zhu Tong and said, "Do you want to ride the track or go wild?"

There are two types of venues in the racecourse, one is the track, which is billed by the lap, and the other is the free venue, which is billed by the hour.

Zhu Tong glanced at the racecourse, then turned around and said, "What do you like?"

Before Shao Ming could speak, Rosso had already put on his protective gear, and a handsome man got on his horse and said to Shao Ming, "Brother Ming, I'll go first, you guys take your time."

Zhu Tong: "…"

Really have to take it slow, he hasn't even brought any protective gear.

However, Shao Ming had already pulled the stirrup, stood beside the horse and looked at him and said, "Get on the horse, young master, I will take you to change the equipment."


The author has something to say:

The 70th birthday of the relative was urged by the family to go to the birthday, and I didn't plan to break it here _(:з"∠)_

Xia Yang won't be offline so soon because it has something to do with the worldview, but he won't be abused, don't worry~

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-11-05 16:24:40~2021-11-06 16:47:04~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 492136031 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!