Chapter 47: thrilling

Zhu Tong looked at the smooth saddle on the snow-white horse. He wanted to try, but hesitantly: "Don't wear protective gear, don't you violate the rules?"

Shao Ming smiled and said: "The place to get the protective gear is not too far away. There will be no safety problems before you play. Don't worry, I will hold you."


Zhu Tong looked at the uncle who had just led the horse out of the stable.

The uncle was still complaining that the handsome boy's boyfriend was a "squeamish bag", but only after he came out did he realize that such a person who is so clean and out of the dust should be clean, how can he enter and leave a place like a stable?

The boy wearing a peaked cap in front of him has two words all over his body: exquisite.

A delicate boy should ride a delicate horse. He looks so good-looking. No wonder the handsome guy spoils him so much.

Zhu Tong proves with his strength that he can really do whatever he wants.

The uncle said: "It doesn't matter if you ride a short distance. There are professional equestrian athletes in our racecourse, and there are staff there to ensure your safety."

Zhu Tong was relieved, he glanced at Shao Ming again, imitating Rosso's way of getting on his horse, holding the rein with one hand, stepping on the stirrup with one foot, and straddling the back of the horse with one leg.

As a result, the legs passed, but the body did not go up, the center of gravity was unstable, and he fell sideways.

He let out a small exclamation, and suddenly the position of his arm was supported by someone, and he didn't see how hard Shao Ming was. He seemed to push him easily, and his crooked body instantly straightened back.

Zhu Tong swayed unsteadily on the horse's back, barely sitting still.

The suddenly high angle of view made his body tense subconsciously, but there was an indescribable novelty.

He took a deep breath.

Shao Ming raised his head slightly beside the horse, "How do you feel?"

Zhu Tong felt it for a while, then lowered his head and said, "It's very interesting."

"Let's go then."

Shao Ming smiled, patted the horse's back lightly, clenched the collar hoops tightly, and took the horse a step forward.

Zhu Tonggang's body swayed suddenly, and before he had time to get nervous, the back of his hand suddenly warmed.

Shao Ming held his hand gently, "It'll be alright, don't be nervous."


The temperature on the back of his hand and the familiar voice were like a reassurance pill, which relieved the tension in his body very well.

The horse moved forward slowly, making a slight kicking sound on the ground, and Zhu Tong was quickly distracted.

However, Shao Ming's attention was attracted by the hand in his palm.

Very white, very thin, and nice to the touch.

His heart sank slightly, and a slight smile hung on the corner of his mouth.

The two left the stable and passed the edge of the racecourse. The bright horses and bright people were quickly noticed by the people on the racecourse.

"Huh? There are such good-looking horses in the racecourse?"

"Who is the man on the horse? He looks so handsome."

"No, there seems to be another person next to him... Is it a staff member who is leading the horse? It's not like that."

"Fuck, aren't these the two handsome guys in peaked caps we saw at the entrance before? Are they handsome guys? I'll say they are handsome guys! What kind of triangular eyes, they look so good!"

"It's really not a mystery? Are they planning to ride horses by themselves? Damn, I have absolutely no resistance to handsome guys who can ride horses! My mother is going to ask for a WeChat!"

"I think you should save it..."

Didn't you see the atmosphere of those two people? Is that an atmosphere you can step in?

A handsome guy is leading a horse to another handsome guy!

What's going on with these pink bubbles that keep spreading out?

A simple test ride quickly caused a commotion in the neighborhood.

Xia Yang and the others didn't go far. They were buying sausages at a snack stall. When he heard the movement, he turned around and followed the eyes of others. His eyes suddenly sank.

wishing children? Why is Zhu Tong here?

Who is next to him? Shao Ming?

Over there, Shao Ming just raised his head to talk to Zhu Tong, a handsome profile was exposed from under the cap, and Xia Yang clenched his hands abruptly when he saw it.

Now is the National Day holiday, why didn't Zhu Tong go back to City A?

Why did he come to the racecourse with Shao Ming?

Why did Shao Ming still lead him a horse!

Xia Yang couldn't help frowning.

The person next to him quickly noticed his strangeness and turned around and said, "Young Master Yang, what are you looking at?"

Xia Yang was stunned, and quickly calmed down, withdrew his gaze, and said in a low voice, "It's nothing."

The man hesitated for a moment, then looked in the direction he had looked at.

The two of them had already arrived at the place where they were wearing protective gear, and Shao Ming took him by the hand and took him off the horse.

"Two sets of protective gear, new ones."

Shao Ming skillfully reported the sizes of the two people.

Zhu Tong was surprised: "Have you been here before?"

Shao Ming said: "Not here, but I have been to other racecourses."

Zhu Tong looked at him enviously.

Sure enough, the entertainment activities of ordinary students are very rich, only he is like a bumpkin and has never played anything.

The staff's service was in place, and they quickly brought two new sets of protective gear, "Do you two need help wearing them?"

Shao Ming took the protective gear and said, "No, we will do it ourselves."

The staff smiled and nodded.

There were a few people next to them who were also wearing protective gear. They were also coming here for the first time, and they needed the staff to add precautions. Looking at the two people who came over suddenly, their eyes showed surprise.

"Take off your shoes." Shao Ming said suddenly.

Zhu Tong was still looking at the protective gear in his hand, when he heard the words, he was surprised: "Why?"


Before Shao Ming could speak, someone suddenly laughed.

Zhu Tong looked over there, it was a girl wearing riding boots, he instantly realized what Shao Ming asked him to take off his shoes for, and his face turned slightly red.

Shao Ming suddenly raised his head and glanced over there.

The girl suddenly fell silent, realizing that she was being rude, "I'm sorry."

Shao Ming didn't look at her again, and said to Zhu Tong: "It's okay, it's the first time riding a horse, don't be nervous."

The girl also remedied: "Yeah, it's normal that I don't understand these things when I first rode a horse. When my boyfriend took me on a horse for the first time, he asked me to change into my riding clothes. He asked me to undress directly. I thought he You want to insult me ​​in public!"

"Ha ha ha ha."

The girl's words caused a round of laughter around her.

Zhu Tong knew that she was alleviating his embarrassment, smiled gratefully at him, and turned to look for a place to sit.

However, this is a temporary shed, and there is not even a decent bench around.

Shao Ming had already held his elbow and said, "Just stand and take it off, I'll hold you."

Zhu Tong: "…"

There seems to be no other way.

He leaned half of his body on Shao Ming, bent down and put on his riding boots.

The girl who had comforted Zhu Tong just now was slightly shocked when she saw the two of them in such an intimate posture, and then her eyes became bright.

The riding boots were quickly replaced, along with the helmet, gloves, and leggings.

Shao Ming asked Tong Tong to wear them one by one.

"Well, it's pretty decent."

After dressing up, Shao Ming admired his "masterpiece".

Zhu Tong was a little embarrassed to see him, and blinked: "You can change too, I'll support you."

Shao Ming just wanted to say no, his balance is good, standing on one foot for an hour is not a problem, but when the words came to his mouth, he said, "Okay."

Zhu Tongzhao's gourd painting scoop also supported his elbow. As a result, Shao Ming had just leaned his body towards him, and he suddenly felt powerless.

Good weight!

His arms were a little stumped.

Immediately, he felt his arm lighten again, Shao Ming had straightened up, and one shoe had been changed.

…So fast?

When changing to the other, although he still held Shao Ming's arm, he felt that Shao Ming didn't seem to be focusing on him at all.

"All right."

Shao Ming didn't seem to notice his "powerlessness" at all, he quickly put on his helmet, hugged him and said, "Let's go,

Zhu Tong: "…"

With the experience of the first ride, the second ride was much faster, and he was no longer as nervous as before. He took the reins and sat firmly on the horse's back, and then heaved a long sigh of relief.

However, he didn't finish his breath, the reins in his hands were slightly tight, and the back of the horse swayed.

He instantly leaned into Shao Ming's arms.

He vaguely felt that something was wrong, and turned around and said, "Are we... going to ride like this?"

Shao Ming wrapped his hands around him, held the reins with him, and said with a low laugh, "Then how do you want to ride?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

Although he had already agreed to let Shao Ming take him, it was different from what he thought.

It was as if Shao Ming was holding him from behind.

The breath was too close.

"How about... I'll sit in the back?"

Shao Ming: "…"

Shao Ming laughed and said, "Do you think you are riding a bicycle?"



After speaking, without waiting for the person in his arms to react, his legs were tucked into the horse's belly, and the white horse, which had been swaying in place, started instantly and ran towards the free field.

Instead of walking slowly when he was leading the horse before, he trotted forward. Zhu Tong felt that he also followed the horse's steps, which was quite strange.

Shao Ming saw that he was quickly immersed in the fun of horse riding, and hooked his lips behind him.

What a great opportunity to ride a horse together? How can you let it go?

He tightened his arms slightly, trapping the man in his arms in a possessive posture.

Gee, still too skinny.

After raising it for so long, it has not been able to make people fat.

Can't eat a fat physique?

Shao Ming has two things in his mind, and soon entered the racecourse.

As soon as I entered the venue, I heard the cheers of the crowd around.

There are not many people who can ride horses in the county town. Although there are many tourists from other places on the National Day, there are not many people who have the courage to ride on free venues.

At this time, there are two dazzling talents on the field.

One of them, a young man in his twenties, rode a horse over the barriers set up by the racecourse, which drew applause from the audience outside.

Another surprise is Rosso. Although he is not as powerful as the young man, he also rode a horse and crossed a very large puddle, and many people cheered him.

The two of them ran wildly on the free race course, setting off a burst of dust on the ground. The people on the horse were in high spirits and looked happy.

In contrast, the two newcomers seemed very warm.

Zhu Tong looked at the only familiar figure over there and said with admiration, "Rosso is so good at riding?"

Shao Ming also looked over there and said, "Well, I have a simple mind and developed limbs."

Zhu Tong: "…"

He turned his head to hold back a smile and said, "Are you saying that to a friend?"

Although there was no exit, these words also popped up in his mind just now.

Shao Ming said without shame: "My friend, isn't it just for damage?"

Zhu Tong subconsciously said: "Then why didn't you see you hurt me?"

Shao Ming: "…"

After a pause, he said, "You are different."

He couldn't bear to lose a word.

Zhu Tong was wrong. What he thought was: How long have Rosso and Shao Ming known each other? How long has he been? Of course not.

He didn't care either. He looked at the people who were galloping on horses in the obstacle area, and at himself who was still slowly wandering on the green grass. He turned his head slightly and said, "Can you be faster?"

Shao Ming was startled, and then he bent his lips: "How fast do you want?"

Zhu Tong pointed at Rosso and their speed.

Shao Ming raised his eyebrows and said, "Aren't you afraid?"

Zhu Tong said: "Aren't you behind me?"

Although it felt awkward when he was "held" at first, but when he just ran over, because Shao Ming was "holding" him from behind, he didn't even shake when the horse ran, it was very stable!

Shao Ming is simply synonymous with a sense of security!

Hearing what he meant, Shao Ming smiled and rolled his eyes, leaned into his ear and said, "Trust me so much?"

Bless the child.

Shao Ming didn't wait for him to speak, and continued: "But unfortunately, I can be fast, but you won't be able to stand it."


Why does this sound so ambiguous?

Zhu Tong didn't want to think about the ambiguity of the words, he hesitated for a moment and asked, "Why?"

Shao Ming looked at him and said nothing.

Zhu Tong swallowed nervously.

It's really close.

Fortunately, there is a helmet separated, otherwise the sound will stick to his ears.

Then he saw Shao Ming lowered his head and looked in front of him.

Zhu Tong: "?"

Shao Ming looked at the hands of the two people holding the reins, looked back a little bit, and pursed his lips: "Because it is the first time for those who ride too fast, they will be injured."


Zhu Tong said: "Where is the injury?"

Will it fall off easily? But he wasn't riding alone.

Shao Ming should not let him fall.

The breath in his ears was slightly warm, and Shao Ming suddenly whispered something.

Zhu Tong was stunned for a moment, then reacted, lowered his head subconsciously, and his face quickly flushed red.

Shao Ming looked at him at ease, "Will it be faster?"

Zhu Tong shook his head hastily: "No, no need."

"Then I'll show you around?"


Shao Ming smiled and pulled the reins to turn in one direction.

At this time, at the entrance of the free field, several more people wearing protective gear entered the field.

The two men bravely breaking through obstacles on the field are eye-catching, but the two people who ride together and run slower than the riders on the track are equally eye-catching.

"I'll go, those two handsome guys ran to the free venue to abuse the dog, right?"

"Why does the person in the back look familiar to me?"

"Young Master Yang, isn't he the hero you are looking for when you transfer to another school? What's the situation? Did he raise a little lover behind your back?"

Xia Yang's face changed slightly, and he forced a smile: "Smile, don't talk nonsense, he has nothing to do with me..."

"It's okay? No way? You didn't transfer for him specifically?"

He Xiaoxiao looked surprised.

Xia Yang didn't expect that someone would recognize Shao Ming. His friends in City A didn't know about Shao Ming's rejection of him, and he never said it.

He invited them to the racetrack, but he didn't expect to meet Shao Ming.

Not to mention that Shao Ming didn't notice him at all since he entered the arena.

Obviously he is different now, even if Shao Ming doesn't mean that to him, he should be the same as everyone else and notice it at first sight.

But why? Did his newly acquired golden finger fail? Or Shao Ming was an exception, or maybe Shao Ming actually saw him, but deliberately pretended not to.

Xia Yang clenched the reins, a little unwilling.

He sat on the horse with his head slightly bowed, and two people next to him heard "Xia Yang specially transferred to another school", they glanced at him at the same time, and one said: "What a coincidence? That's the person you like, Young Master Yang? It looks like Not so much."

"Yeah, this kind of riding is too embarrassing to come from the free venue. Since I met him, I'll go play with him."

"Hey, Wang Yao, I'll go with you."

The two said that they had already run into the arena.

Xia Yang was slightly startled, "Wait..."

"Oh, Young Master Yang." He Xiaoxiao grabbed him and said, "It's just for fun, don't worry about it."


Xia Yang originally wanted to stop it, but when he saw the person who was tightly guarded by Shao Ming in his arms, he stopped his voice, frowned slightly, and said nothing more.

In the field, Shao Ming was leading Zhu Tong to climb a steep hill when suddenly the sound of horses' hooves approached behind him. stand up.

Zhu Tong was still thinking about what he could see on the top of the hill, but he couldn't get used to the "change in painting style" for a while. He subconsciously clenched the reins and turned back, "What... what's wrong?"

Shao Ming said: "It's okay, I'll show you something exciting."

However, Zhu Tong had already heard the very regular sound of hooves behind him.

"Who are they?"

Shao Ming said: "I don't know... Grasp the reins."

Another "sharp turn", the horse that was supposed to run up suddenly swooped down, facing a gust of wind, and Zhu Tong subconsciously buried his head.

The two people behind them were startled at the same time.

How could this man react so quickly? !

Wang Yao immediately shouted, "Wu Wen, go over there!"

The people on the outside of the field didn't know who shouted: "What's the situation over there? When did those two people enter?"

"I just went in, and I saw that they went straight to the two handsome guys on white horses as soon as they entered."

"Chasing people in the racecourse? This is not a game! Are those two crazy? What should I do if the horse is frightened?"

"Hey! Over there!" The staff outside the arena also responded quickly, "Chasing is not allowed in the racecourse! Hurry up and stop!"

The people in the arena were completely unmoved.

He Xiaoxiao looked at the two Shao Ming who were being chased, "This man has good riding skills, and he can easily avoid Wang Yao and the others with him."

Then he looked back at the outside of the arena, and said disdainfully, "A group of country bumpkins who haven't seen the world, haven't seen any racecourses before the chase, what a fuss."

Don't they all wear protective gear? It is nothing more than compensation for medical expenses after the injury.

She had a look of indifference on her face.

Xia Yang didn't move beside him, he stared at the person in Shao Ming's arms with a gloomy expression.

However, things didn't go as he wished. Shao Ming protected Zhu Tong and ran away from the two men again.

Soon the staff entered the venue, but the two chasing people were still reluctant.

Zhu Tong only felt that his bones were about to fall apart when he stepped on the horse.

"Damn, there are obstacles ahead!" Someone shouted outside the field.

As soon as Zhu Tong opened his eyes, he saw a row of fences with a height of nearly two meters not far in front of them. He couldn't help but shrink his pupils and turned his head. The two people behind him had already taken up the two roads on their sides. The horse, either rides over it, or hits it directly.

I wish Tong Tong's eyes darkened.

These two not only maliciously frightened the horse and chased people, but also deliberately "driven" them towards the obstacle, which was aimed at them!

"It's okay, don't be afraid."

Shao Ming's calm and comfortable voice sounded in his ears.

Zhu Tong raised his head slightly.

Shao Ming said, "Do you believe me?"

Ma Dian was so powerful that Zhu Tong couldn't nod his head, and even the word "um" was thrown into a trill.

Shao Ming raised his lips slightly and pulled the reins suddenly.

"What the **** is he doing?"

"He wouldn't want to jump, would he?"

"You can't jump over such a high fence, right? It's too dangerous for a horse to trip over!"

It was extremely dangerous on the field, and people outside the field were also worried.

The staff had already detoured from the other direction to save people in time.

In the back, Wu Wen and Wang Yao looked at each other on the horse's back with a successful smile on their faces.

Suddenly there was an exclamation from outside the arena, and the white horse jumped abruptly from a distance from the fence, the horse's back was tilted, and Zhu Tong grabbed the reins suddenly, just when he thought he was about to slip off the horse, someone behind him against a solid chest.

"Don't lean back, try to lie forward as much as possible."

Without waiting for Zhu Tong to move forward, the people behind him were already pressing him to the back of the horse. He watched the almost impossible hurdle "slip" under them, his body shook violently, and the horse's hooves landed again, moving towards a hurdle. Running fast on the ground.

After running for a long distance, Shao Mingcai suddenly reined in the reins and controlled the white horse to stop.

"Brother Ming!"

Rosso caught up in a panic.

In Shao Ming's arms, Zhu Tong was still in shock and his breath was unsteady, but looking closely, there was not much panic on his face.

Accustomed to the oncoming wind, just after crossing the fence a section of the way, looking straight ahead turned out to be quite smooth!

He turned his head in surprise: "You are just amazing..."

At the same time, Shao Ming turned his head to him: "Are you alright..."

The breaths collided, the breaths intersected, the high nose tip rubbed under the helmet, and the two held their breath at the same time, but the heartbeat was as heavy as a drum.

"Brother Ming!"

Rosso's eager voice interrupted the two people's gaze.



Shao Ming looked sideways.

Rosso took the reins: "Are you all right?"

Shao Ming said: "It's fine."

As soon as the words fell, the audience outside the venue, who was startled by his hand, burst into applause.

"Fuck! I actually stepped over it!"

"This is too awesome!"

"This is the one who was hanging out with her boyfriend just now? It's hidden! Is it the same person?"

The cheers from outside the venue continued. The two people who had just chased Shao Ming and the others were already controlled by the staff. The plan was unsuccessful, and their faces were a little ugly.

With such a high fence, a horse and two people can actually step over it?

Rosso looked at the two people who were chasing after him, and glared at them: "Damn it! Are you two sick? Where's the person in charge of the racecourse? How did you let in this kind of person!"

The staff said: "Guests rest assured, we will take responsibility for this matter."

Wang Yao and Wu Wen looked fearless, and said with a fearless smile: "Isn't that true, my friend? It's just a joke, what kind of horse are you going to ride if you can't afford it? Why don't you go back and play in the mud?"

Rosso: "You..."

Shao Ming was the first to get off the horse and said to the staff who controlled the horse: "Please call the police directly, saying that someone at the horse farm hurt someone maliciously for no reason. Please deal with it."

Wu Wen and Wang Yao's expressions changed slightly: "Call the police?"

Shao Ming said: "Didn't you say you can't have fun? Keep playing with you? What? Can't play anymore?"

Wu Wen & Wang Yao: "…"

Shao Ming ignored them and reached out to pick up Zhutong and dismount.

Zhu Tong held his hand and leveraged his strength. Just as he was about to get up from the horse, his face suddenly turned pale and he neighed softly.

Shao Ming's heart tightened: "What's wrong? Where does it hurt?"

Zhu Tong looked complicated, he sat back on the horse again, looked at Shao Ming and said, "Are you... a crow's mouth?"

His inner thighs...seem to be frayed.

Shao Ming: "…"


The author has something to say:

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-11-06 16:47:04~2021-11-07 16:57:22~

Thanks to the little angel who threw mines: 467185891;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 20 bottles of dyeing;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!