Chapter 48: identity

The two horses that had just been engrossed in worrying about chasing after dashed down the hillside, and the people behind them were chasing after them, jumping over the fence in a hurry...

The moment the horse landed from a high place, Zhu Tongyou felt a tingling pain in the place where the thigh and the back of the horse rubbed, but he was distracted by the joy of riding and didn't care. It hurts so much!

How is he going to dismount?

The people outside the racecourse stared at this side for a moment, and the people inside the racecourse quickly rushed over.

He almost became the focal point of the entire racecourse.

Zhu Tong was too sore to move.

Shao Ming had already realized something, and he stretched out his hand and said, "I'll hold you down."

"No!" Zhu Tong said anxiously.

So many people on the racecourse! Even if you don't know how to ride a horse, you have to be carried down by someone?

He also wanted a face.

But it really hurts.

Zhu Tong looked at Shao Ming with a rare grievance, but today Shao Ming cannot be blamed for this fact. He has been very careful and attentive. How could he think that he suddenly encountered two neuropathy.

He looked at the two people on the opposite horse again, and all kinds of emotions suddenly found a breakthrough.

"Can I borrow a cell phone?" he asked the staff.

While they were wearing protective gear, they left their mobile phones in the lockers at the racecourse.

The staff glanced at Shao Ming and hesitated.

Just now, this person said that he would call the police. Although it was understandable for them to call the police, the big incident would definitely affect the reputation of their racecourse. He did not dare to call the shots without authorization.

"This guest, why don't you..."

"Don't worry, I won't call the police."


The staff was suspicious, and Shao Ming suddenly looked at him. The man was startled, and hurriedly took out his mobile phone and handed it over.

This guy has a really bad temper, and his eyes now seem to be killing people!

In contrast, the handsome guy on horseback has a really good temper, and he is willing to believe him.

Zhu Tong really didn't plan to call the police. He made a direct call: "Uncle Liu, it's me, are you at the racecourse now?"

Outside the racecourse, the conscientious Uncle Liu was sitting in the driver's seat smoking a cigarette. He was afraid that the young master would not arrive in time when he needed it, so he secretly followed.

But you can't let the young master know about this matter, it will be bad if the young master's happiness is swept away.

After observing for so many days, the boy named Shao Ming is still very reliable. The weather is fine today, so there is no need to worry about the problem of catching a cold. The young master can still bask in the sun when he comes out. What a wonderful day.

Uncle Liu said: "The racecourse? No, I..."

Zhu Tong interrupted him directly, "I met two idiots on the racecourse on purpose to hit me on horseback, can you..."

"What? Riding a horse and hitting you? Young master, wait for me for two minutes, I'll come in right away!"

Zhu Tong: "…"

The sound of opening the car door came from the phone, and Zhu Tong was sure that Uncle Liu was definitely waiting outside the racecourse. He hung up the phone and returned the phone to the staff.

However, the staff did not breathe a sigh of relief.

The voice on the phone just now was not small, and he clearly heard "Master" on the phone.

Who is this handsome guy? They won't have a big deal on the racecourse, will they?

After Zhu Tong called for a while, several people who were watching the play at the entrance also rushed over.

He Xiaoxiao said as soon as he came over, "Wang Yao and Wu Wen, you two can't do it, you have been riding a horse for five or six years, and even a high school student in a small place can't compare. Go back and see if you dare to brag about your riding skills. it is good."

Then he looked at Shao Ming again, "Handsome guy, your riding is good, how about we two have another race?"

Never mention the malicious chase just now.

There was a person behind her riding a step behind her, and as soon as she appeared, there was a sense of presence that people could not ignore.

Seeing the man approaching, the faces of the two people who got off the horse immediately sank at the same time.

Xia Yang.

Xia Yang bowed his head on the horse and said with a smile, "Shao Ming, what a coincidence."


Shao Ming ignored him and got on his horse again.

The horse swayed slightly, and Zhu Tong turned his head and said, "Why did you come up again?"

Shao Ming said: "I don't like to raise my head and talk to people."


He looked at Zhu Tong's legs again, frowning slightly: "It hurts?"

Zhu Tongben wanted to nod his head, but there were outsiders present, so he subconsciously shook his head, "It's fine if you don't move."

Shao Ming frowned and looked at him, as if judging whether he was trying to be brave again.

He ignored Xia Yang too deliberately, Xia Yang was startled, his hand holding the reins was slightly tight.

He Xiaoxiao saw it, she glanced sideways at Xia Yang, and then at Shao Ming, "My friend, didn't your family teach you, do you want to return the salute when someone greets you?"

Shao Ming said, "Oh, someone spoke just now?"

Xia Yang: "…"

He Xiaoxiao: "…"

Xia Yang's face was pale, and there was a bit of grievance on his already pitiful face, but he looked very pitiful?

The faces of Wang Yao and Wu Wen next to him suddenly sank, and they looked at Shao Ming with hostility.

He Xiaoxiao's face is also not good-looking, "This friend, don't be ashamed of your face!"

Xia Yang grabbed her and said, "Smile, stop talking."

He Xiao smiled and said, "We, Young Master Yang, are willing to talk to you because he looks down on you. Do you know who he is? Oh, yes, people in places like you probably don't know what their status is for the rest of their lives. It's something you only deserve to look up to, don't you think that ignoring someone you can't stand up to can give you a sense of superiority? Tsk tsk, ignorance is really sad."

She sat on the back of the horse and looked directly into Shao Ming's eyes.

I have to say, Young Master Yang's eyes are really good, and his looks fit her eyes.

But the way of approaching him with condescending condescension like Yang Shao's kind of self-esteem is unworkable. To convince this kind of person, you can only break his pride and let him realize the gap between them. Then hold it firmly in your hand.

Her face was full of arrogance, but she saw Shao Ming smiled and said to the staff, "I'm sorry to trouble you, let's take care of the rest."

The staff who entered the field to control the horses were stunned for a long time.

What kind of people came to their horse farm today?

Things seem to be out of their control.

The two staff members looked at each other, turned and left the arena to find the person in charge.

He Xiaoxiao watched the staff leave the venue and chuckled: "I solve it myself, I don't know how you want to solve it?"

"How else can we solve it?" Wu Wen mocked: "Call the parents, the kindergarteners are bullied like this. His little lover has already called."

Wu Wen was not afraid of the phone call made by Zhu Tong.

What about background? In such a small county, how big can the background be?

He Xiaoxiao only heard the word "little lover".

She paused slightly and turned to look at the person in Shao Ming's arms.

Because the horses were on their sides, He Xiaoxiao couldn't see what the person sitting in front of him looked like when he came over, and when Wu Wen mentioned it, he remembered to look over, and then he noticed how close the two people's postures were.

Xia Yang saw it early, his eyes were red with jealousy, and he couldn't hear what He Xiaoxiao just said.

Zhu Tong had a pain in his leg. He wanted to speak several times, but he was afraid that his face would collapse as soon as he opened his mouth, which would affect his momentum too much.

After finally relieving the pain, he looked sideways.

He Xiaoxiao was still mocking, "It seems that I should take back what I said before. You are still very self-aware, knowing that you are not worthy of Young Master Yang, so you found such a person..."

"The little white face who is right with you" has not yet been said, and the pair of faces that Zhu Tong looked at, He Xiaoxiao's words suddenly stopped.

This man looked...a little familiar.

Zhu Tong breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Ignorance is really sad. I don't know Miss He, what is your status in City A?"

He Xiaoxiao was surprised.

Does he know himself? !

Xia Yang has come back to his senses, he lowered his eyes sadly, and reminded: "He is Zhu Tong."

"Zhu Tong?" He Xiaoxiao was stunned, and then his face changed: "Zhu's young master?"

Xia Yang nodded.


He Xiaoxiao's breathing was stagnant, and she thought to herself how could the young master of the Zhu family be here? How could he be with someone Yang Shao likes?

Not only He Xiaoxiao, Wang Yao and Wu Wen were also stunned.

wish home? That Zhu family in city A?

Although they can play with Xia Yang, they still have a big gap with the Xia family, and the Zhu family, like the Xia family, is one of the leaders in the business world of City A.

That's what they can't afford to offend!

They looked at He Xiaoxiao a little flustered.

He Xiaoxiao finally remembered where she had seen Zhu Tong, at the Xia family's dinner party.

That time Xia Yang accidentally splashed water on Zhu Tong's body, Xia Yang went to wipe him and was thrown away. At that time, she was the first to stand up for Xia Yang's injustice.

After Zhutong left the banquet, her father taught her a lesson and warned her not to provoke Zhutong in the future.

At that time, Zhu Tong looked like she was about to die, she didn't care at all, thinking that she would never meet in the future, but she didn't expect to meet so far from City A today!

What did she just say?

He Xiaoxiao's face changed, and she felt extremely regretful in her heart.

She immediately took away the arrogance on her face, and resumed the kind smile she had when she first came here, "So it's Young Master Zhu, why are you here? What a coincidence."

Zhu Tong: "…"

Sichuan Opera face changing is very good.

Zhu Tong glanced at her, then looked at Xia Yang, "Are you two together?"

He Xiaoxiao turned her head and looked at her eyes, her eyes suddenly lit up, she remembered that the relationship between the Xia family and the Zhu family was very good, there might be a turning point in this matter, she said: "Yes, we are together with Young Master Yang, I wish you good luck. less of you..."

"You hit people on horseback, for Xia Yang? Do you like him?"

Zhu Tong has turned his head to look at Wang Yao and the two.

He asked bluntly and suddenly, and several people on the opposite side were stunned at the same time.

Especially Xia Yang.

Of course he knew that Wang Yao and Wu Wen liked him, and also knew that they targeted Shao Ming because of him, but in this situation... he didn't want to be dragged in.

He frowned slightly and said, "Zhu Tong, what nonsense are you talking about? We are just ordinary friends who came out to play together."

Zhu Tong: "…"

One of the fish pond management skills: in the name of ordinary friends.

Although Wang Yao and Wu Wen's thoughts were tacit, neither of them said it clearly, nor could they say it.

Wang Yaodao: "Yes, Zhu Shao, you misunderstood, we are ordinary friends."

Zhu Tong said: "Then why did you hit me on horseback?"

Wang Yao & Wu Wen: "…"

They didn't even know that the person immediately was the young master of the Zhu family!

Wu Wen felt nervous, "Zhu Shao, we just... see you... my friend is very good at riding, I want to make a joke with him, there is no other meaning, you have a lot, don't care about us."

"Joke?" Zhu Tong thought about the thrill when he just crossed the obstacle, his face darkened, "Well, now you ride over that fence, if you can cross, I will believe your joke."


Wu Wen and the others glanced at the nearly two-meter-high fence, only to feel their throats tighten and their legs tremble.

Shao Ming originally planned to dispatch the staff and then take Zhu Tong to see the injury, but he didn't expect it to be like this.

He approached Zhu Tong and said, "Know?"

Zhu Tong replied, "I have seen it."

Not even knowing.

Shao Ming raised his eyebrows with interest.

On the opposite side, Wang Yao and Wu Wen couldn't fulfill the conditions put forward by Zhu Tong, and they did not dare to refute, and subconsciously asked Xia Yang and the others for help.

Xia Yang was upset, he should have stopped Wang Yao and the others if he knew it would be like this now!

He looked at Zhu Tong, and he thought of the "mediation" rhetoric, but when he saw Zhu Tong leaning against Shao Ming's arms so naturally, his tone was not good, "Zhu Tong, we are all acquaintances, since nothing happened. , do you have to be so preoccupied with it?"

"According to what you mean, if the murder is attempted, can you also get away with impunity?"


Xia Yang didn't expect him to be so disrespectful.

One Shao Ming and one Zhu Tong, why does his golden finger have no effect on these two people!

Before he could speak again, Zhu Tong had already turned his head towards him, "Speaking of which, Xia Yang, did you bring these people? They maliciously chased horses, made fun of people's lives, and were domineering in the racecourse. You are their friend. , don't want to say anything? You dare to bring this kind of friend out, don't you feel ashamed?"

The implication is: Make friends with such people, and you will not be much better!

Xia Yang said with an ugly face: "What is joking with human life? Nothing! And I don't know at all..."

"I don't know if they are for you? Or don't you know that chasing in the racecourse is dangerous? You don't understand basic common sense? Since you brought people, you are responsible for what they do. See us after entering the arena. Have you ever had a minimum apology? Have you ever come forward to stop Shao Ming when you see others embarrassing him? You said you like Shao Ming. This is what you like? Watching others embarrass him because of jealousy, If you don't know anything, then you will clear it all up? Then you are really a pure and innocent white lotus in the prosperous world!"

When he saw Xia Yang appearing in the racecourse, he knew that today's thrilling adventure was not an "unexpected disaster".

There is a place where people are fascinated, and Bai Yueguang will definitely have trouble.

Why can Xia Yang, the culprit, stay out of the trouble every time Shao Ming is asked for trouble?

This time, you want to leave it clean and be alone? That's not so easy.

His words made Xia Yang's face turn blue and red, and his eyes widened in shock as if he had been wronged by the sky!

Wang Yao and Wu Wen didn't dare to speak at all.

He Xiaoxiao's face changed.

Although she was afraid of Zhu Tong, she would not be unable to raise her head in front of Zhu Tong, nor could she let him speak.

"Young Master Zhu." He Xiao smiled and said: "I only heard that Young Master Zhu was not in good health before, but I didn't expect to be so articulate, but he is just a little white face who is trying to get away with his face. It is worth talking to Young Master Yang. Such ugly words?"

Her original intention was to remind Zhu Tong that the person he was protecting had an affair with Xia Yang, so that he would not lose his identity for someone with little background. Unexpectedly, as soon as she said this, Zhu Tong's originally calm face seemed to suddenly condense. Li Shuang, it was terribly cold: "If you dare to say another word to him, I will make you not even have this face."

Naked. Naked. Naked threats.

Not only does it make you "dead", you don't even have a face!

He Xiaoxiao froze for a while, but couldn't help but also cold face, "What a big tone, Zhu Shao, but don't you look down on yourself too much? Not to mention that your father and our family have business cooperation, you are just Just a son who was abandoned by your father! You can make me faceless? It's better to worry about yourself, Zhu Shao, can you go back to Zhu's house! "

"There is no need for Miss He to worry about whether our young master will return. Miss He should still worry about whether she can still have it in her own home!"

Behind everyone, a man in his 30s or 40s strode over from the entrance, his face was terrifyingly gloomy.

How dare someone speak to their young master in such a tone? !

Not only ran into people on horseback, but also satirized that their young master could not go home when he had a home?

It's really a tiger who doesn't show his power and is regarded as a sick cat. These second-generation rich people in City A are getting more and more arrogant!

He Xiaoxiao and they turned their heads to look, and when they saw Uncle Liu, there was no big reaction.

"Who are you?" He smiled.

She doesn't know Uncle Liu.

Uncle Liu ignored him, went straight to Zhu Tong's horse, looked at his young master from the bottom up, and said worriedly, "Is the young master alright?"

Zhu Tong said: "It's okay, Uncle Liu, do you have Miss He's father's phone number?"

"He Biyou's phone number? There should be. What does the young master want to do?"


When He Xiaoxiao heard that this person actually had her dad's phone number, a hint of surprise flashed on her face.

And this man actually called his dad by his first name!

She panicked a little: "Zhu Shao..."

Zhu Tong lowered his head and said to Uncle Liu: "Call and tell President He that her daughter led someone to maliciously ride the horse at the racecourse today, which greatly frightened me and my classmates, let him handle it himself, and tell the family about it by the way. a bit."

The home he was talking about was naturally the grandfather's home.

He Xiaoxiao didn't know, but when he was talking about Zhu's family, she reluctantly comforted herself that Zhu Tong's father couldn't care about her for such a trivial matter.

The call was quickly connected, and before Uncle Liu spoke, the person on the phone spoke, "Mr. Liu? Why did you remember to call me today? Is there anything wrong?"

The tone was pleasantly surprised, with a hint of flattery that could not be hidden.

The people present were shocked at the same time, including Zhu Tong.

Who the **** did Grandpa arrange for him?

Xia Yang frowned tightly.

He Biyou never had such a tone in front of his father!

He Xiaoxiao's face instantly turned pale, she could hear it, that was her father's voice!

Uncle Liu's tone was not as caring and helpless as he usually had for Zhu Tong, but showed the seriousness and sternness of a superior, "The good daughter taught by Mr. He is riding a horse at the racecourse and almost bumped into my young master, yet he refuses to apologize, but he is arrogant. Very good!"

He Xiaoxiao subconsciously said, "I didn't!"

She widened her eyes.

When did she ride a horse?

How could this man talk nonsense to her father? !

As soon as He Biyou heard his daughter's voice, he suddenly said, "Smile?"

"Mr. He will talk to your daughter about the rest." Uncle Liu planned to hang up the phone directly.

He Biyou tried to stop him on the phone, but in the end he just said, "Don't worry, Mr. Liu, I will give you an explanation for this..."

The account was cut off.

After a while, He Xiaoxiao's phone rang. She was confident that her riding skills were not bad, so she didn't listen to the staff's reminder and took her mobile phone with her.

She answered the phone with almost trembling hands, "...Dad?"

"You did a good job! Who told you to go to the racecourse to ride the horse?! It's also provoked... You hurry back to me!"

He Xiaoxiao panicked and tried to defend, "Dad, I'm not riding a horse, I'm just talking to Zhu Tong..."

"Zhutong? What does it have to do with Zhutong... You hurry back! Come back and I'll settle the account with you!"

Hang up the phone directly.

He Xiaoxiao was shuddered by the roar of the person on the phone, she looked at Zhu Tong blankly, her face pale and said: "Zhu Shao, I..."

She has realized that it is not a Zhu family at all to make his father jealous like this.

Who is this person named Liu? Why is her father so scared?

Even though she was standing under the scorching sun, she was as cold as if she had been frozen.

She looked at Zhu Tong, her eyes slightly red.

Zhu Tong said indifferently: "You don't have to tell me, it's useless, no matter what you will experience when you go back, or what will happen to your family, I hope you remember that it's all because of Xia Yang and yourself."

He Xiao smiled for a while.

Xia Yang was also thinking about who Uncle Liu was, when he was suddenly cued, he said, "Zhu Tong, what do you mean?!"

Zhu Tong said: "It depends on what you mean today."


"I don't know why you came to the racecourse today, but these two..." He looked at Wang Yao and Wu Wen, "Why did they target Shao Ming, why are so many people on the racecourse just chasing us, it doesn't matter if we don't admit it, I As for Miss He, I don't care if you accused me of Xia Yang at the dinner party, but this time, how did you get into me, I don't need to remind you?"

He Xiaoxiao: "…"

This time... She also stood up for Xia Yang, and it was because she spoke for Xia Yang that she said that person was a "little white face who was trying to be hard to catch". It was also at that time that Zhu Tong changed his face completely.

But now she has provoked someone she shouldn't, but Xia Yang didn't say a word.

She suddenly turned to look over.

Inexplicably, Xia Yang felt uncomfortable by her.

He subconsciously wanted to say "it has nothing to do with him", what he stopped was that they didn't listen to him.

But did he really stop it?

He maliciously wanted Zhu Tong to fall from the horse, so he gave up stopping him.

But Zhu Tong is a damned person, he just wants everything back on track, what's wrong with him?

He did nothing wrong at all!

Without waiting for him to defend himself, Zhu Tong said again: "Because you like Xia Yang, you target the people he likes. Similarly, I hate Xia Yang, so I hate everyone who likes him. If you didn't come to provoke me, it would have been fine. There is nothing wrong with each other, but if you offend me, don't expect me to be generous."

Xia Yang is also, he originally wanted to live in peace with each other, after all, don't expect anything good when you are in a crowd.

But the "protagonist" is always everywhere.

Xiang Chuan is for him, Yuan Shaozhou is for him, and several people present are also for him!

Although he understands that this is the setting of the heartthrob, the supporting characters will always spare no effort to stand out for the heartthrob and be jealous of him.

The heartthrobs are always "simple" and always "innocent". They can remove all the cannon fodder and villains without doing it themselves, and climb to the top of life relying on the "likes" of others.

But he's a "rebel"!

Zhu Tong thought, why would he, a "villain", accept such a ridiculous setting?

He didn't have the time to care how many people liked the heartthrob, but the premise was that he didn't jump in front of him, don't hurt the people he cared about, and don't make him unhappy!

Otherwise, all settings are nonsense!

"Congratulations to the host, you have successfully changed the fate of the character, and you will be rewarded with a perspective card, which can be unlocked when your favorability reaches 60%."

Zhu Tong: "…"

The fate of the characters? who?

What is a see-through card? What is the use?

The system said: "Unreasonable world settings can be changed by external forces, the host has changed the inherent impression of the supporting characters on the protagonist, and to a certain extent has changed the fate trajectory of the supporting characters and the protagonist, and the unreasonable settings have been corrected and rewarded. The perspective card can help the host to check the details of Bai Yueguang's favorability to other characters."

Zhu Tong frowned slightly.

Details of Shao Ming's favorability to others? What does it have to do with him?

It seems useless.

He paused for a while, then looked up at Xia Yang, and found that he didn't seem to be as flashy as before.

The eyes of Wang Yao and the others looking at Xia Yang also changed.

More scrutiny, suspicion, and even complaining.

The person riding with Shao Ming is Zhu Tong, they don't know, doesn't Xia Yang know too?

Why didn't he mention Zhu Tong's identity at first, and watched them collide even though he knew that there was an iron wall in front of him?

Did he really not bring them to this racetrack on purpose?

Xia Yang's scalp was numb from their eyes, but he didn't understand what went wrong.

He even felt that there was something in the dark, as if a change was happening that he didn't want to see.

Rosso really stayed out of the race on the racecourse, watching Zhu Tong domineeringly preaching to those few people.

Simply... handsome!

The few people who were invincible a moment ago are now like eggplants beaten by frost, and they are defeated one by one.

Although Zhu Tong usually hates people, when has he been so full of firepower?

Is it for his brother Ming?

Then he turned his gaze to Shao Ming... A person who was ridiculed, looked down upon, and scolded as a little white face now has the corner of his mouth that is shoulder to shoulder with the sun!


The author has something to say:

Thank you to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-11-07 16:57:22~2021-11-08 17:09:23~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: today, Zuo Weiya? 6 bottles; He 5 bottles; 492136031 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!