Chapter 49: on medicine

He Xiaoxiao gradually came back to her senses, she looked at Xia Yang, and saw that he was staring at Zhu Tong with resentful eyes, completely indifferent to her current situation, she was extremely disappointed, but she also understood that Xia Yang was simply unreliable.

She could only speak to Zhu Tong urgently, "Zhu Shao, I just... I said something wrong just now, I apologize to you, can you please not to my family..."

As he spoke, his voice began to choked.

Home is her last resort, and she can't imagine what will happen to her after an accident at home.

When the uncle came in just now, he said that she was worried about whether she could still have a home. She thought it was just a cruel word, but judging from the tone of her dad's answering the phone, that person wanted her to have no home, and he could do it easily. !

She thought she was crazy to think that Zhu Tong was the son his father didn't want!

There is such a person who even her father is afraid of, who follows Zhu Tong every step of the way, and Zhu Tong comes to Gongshui County, which is not "exile" at all.

Zhu Shoushan didn't care about him, but he didn't need to care at all.

What kind of person did she mess with?

A few minutes ago, she arrogantly used "status status" to mock others, but she didn't expect the backlash to come so quickly!

He Xiaoxiao only felt a buzzing sound in her head and her body was shaky. Her proud riding skills no longer gave her a sense of security, as if she might fall off the horse at any time.

Wang Yao and Wu Wen also looked at Zhu Tong, pointing to a large number of adults relying on Zhu Tong.

Zhu Tong said lightly: "I'm not an adult, I'm a kindergartener, and I was just complaining to my family."

Wang Yao & Wu Wen: "…"


The voice came from behind his ears, and Zhu Tong turned his head abruptly and said, "What are you laughing at... hiss..."

I accidentally rubbed my thigh, it hurts...

Shao Ming immediately restrained his smile and looked down at his leg, "Bring your right leg over first."

Zhu Tong said: "I can't sit still like that..."

Shao Ming said softly, "I'll support you."


Zhu Tong tried to lift his leg, and the injured area was inevitably rubbed. His face turned pale in pain, and he subconsciously bit his lip without making a sound.

Uncle Liu said in shock, "Master, are you injured?"

"It's okay, little hurt."

Before the words fell, Uncle Liu had already looked at He Xiaoxiao and them.

He Xiaoxiao was startled and their faces turned pale.

If it was before, when they saw Zhu Tong's appearance, they must have ridiculed a few words, but now that Zhu Tong is injured, they only think that it is their life reminder!

They didn't even dare to ask where anyone was hurt. ,,

"I wish you less..."

"There's no need to apologize." Zhu Tong's face was cold, so painful that he didn't want to speak, but he still had something to say: "It's not me who should apologize."

He Xiaoxiao and they looked at Shao Ming subconsciously.

Want them to apologize to someone they just looked down on?

Zhu Tong actually cares about this little white face so much?

He Xiaoxiao gritted her teeth and was about to speak when Shao Ming interrupted her: "There's no need to apologize, I don't need it."

He prefers **** for tat.

If Uncle Liu didn't show up, he actually wouldn't mind playing a game with that girl, and the consequences would be at your own risk.

But now Zhu Tong's injury is more important, it seems to be more serious than he thought.

He frowned slightly, and immediately rolled over and dismounted.

Zhu Tong suddenly lost his support, and instinctively shook it. Shao Ming pulled his hand, and pulled off his horse and took it into his arms.

Zhu Tongyi was shocked: "I don't need to..."

Shao Ming: "Do you want to move out of the racecourse step by step like a grandma crossing the road?"

It has to be the one with the legs apart.

Zhu Tong: "…"

He looked at Uncle Liu again, Uncle Liu was already leaning towards them worriedly, and before he got close to him, he smelled a faint smell of smoke.

Uncle Liu must have smoked just now.

He instantly dismissed the idea, and withdrew his outstretched hand.

Uncle Liu said directly: "The car is outside the racecourse."

Shao Ming nodded: "Okay."

Then he bowed his head and said, "If you're sorry, you can bury your head."

Zhu Tong: "…"

Head down? Buried where?

He glanced at Shao Ming's neck, and it seemed even more embarrassing to bury it.

"Not yet, you... you go faster."

He doesn't dare to look at He Xiaoxiao what they think of him now, just don't dare to laugh at him anyway.

Afraid that Shao Ming would struggle to hold him, he hesitated, but put his hand on it.

Feeling the pressure on the back of his neck, Shao Ming's lips curved deeper, he barely restrained himself, turned his head and said, "Rosso, you..."

"Don't worry, Brother Ming, I'll send the horse back to the stable, you all go first."

Shao Ming nodded and followed Uncle Liu out of the free arena.

The few people who originally rode into the arena in high spirits are now being criticized and criticized by a group of people outside the arena of unknown conditions, as if they were being harassed in public, with their faces gray and embarrassed.

Xia Yang's eyes have been chasing after the two people who have left the arena, clenching his palms with the greatest strength, he can't even feel the pain, his face seems to be poisoned and it's always ugly.

He Xiaoxiao saw that his expression was almost twisted and completely different from his usual expression, and frowned tightly and said, "Young Master Yang, do you know who that Liu always is?"

Xia Yang said coldly, "I don't know."

He Xiaoxiao's brows furrowed even tighter, and she didn't look away.

Xia Yang seemed to realize that there was something wrong with his tone, so he recovered, but when he saw He Xiaoxiao looking at him with distrust, he suddenly became angry, "I really don't know."

He Xiaoxiao smiled inexplicably and turned away.

Her attitude made Xia Yang panic for a moment, and then comforted her: "Xiaoxiao, you don't have to worry, he is just talking about it. If there is anything really wrong, I will let my dad..."

"Young Master Yang should worry about yourself first. After all, we are all hated because of you."

Zhu Tong just expressed his disgust for Xia Yang bluntly and clearly.

Xia Yang also thought of Zhu Tong's words, and his face changed suddenly: "You..."

"Young Master Yang is going to ride a horse. Since he's here, you can play slowly by yourself. I have something to do at home, so I won't accompany you."

She emphasized the words "something at home", which was tantamount to giving Xia Yang another shot.

Wang Yao hesitated for a moment, then followed He Xiaoxiao and left without saying a word.

Soon only Xia Yang was left on the field, and he rode on the horse for a while, his face gradually gloomy.

At the entrance of Chengnei County People's Hospital, a Maybach was parked at the entrance of the hospital, and it did not move forward for a long time.

"I'm not going to the hospital!"

Zhu Tong is like a small-minded child who is full of rejection of the hospital.

Uncle Liu said: "Young master's injury is unknown, how can I not go to the hospital? What should I do if I get infected?"

"It won't be infected, I'll just go back and apply some medicine."

"No, I have to go to the hospital for a check up."

"I'm really fine."

"I don't believe it, unless you go to the hospital to have a look."

The young master's injury has been reported to the old man, how can we not understand the situation?

Zhu Tong decided not to go to the hospital, so he bargained and said, "If you don't go to the hospital now, when my injury is healed, I promise you to go to the hospital for a physical examination."

Uncle Liu: "…"

The temptation is too great.

Uncle Liu said, "Go back to City A for inspection?"

Zhu Tong said decisively: "Yes."

Anyway, after 50% of the good feelings have passed, I have to go back to City A, and it is not impossible to do a check and come back.

Anyway, I can't go to the hospital now.

The injured place is so embarrassing, let a strange doctor see him?

No, absolutely not!

Just thinking about it he can't stand it!

Seeing that Uncle Liu was still hesitating, Zhu Tong said again: "I will take care of the medicine. Shao Ming has a medicine box in his house with all the medicines in it. If you don't believe me, ask him."

Saying that, he nudged Shao Ming with his elbow.

Shao Ming kept his smile, lowered his eyes and didn't know what he was thinking. When he received a hint, he raised his eyes and nodded and said, "Don't worry, I will watch him. If it is serious, I will send him to the hospital."

Zhu Tong nodded hurriedly.

Uncle Liu hesitated.

When the young master asked to be discharged from the hospital, the doctor said that he should go back to the hospital for a re-examination at least once a month. Now that a month has passed, the old man should also be very worried about the young master's health. .

He pondered for a while, then the car that entered the hospital entrance backed out.

Zhu Tong suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

Uncle Liu sent them back to the homestay. Zhu Tong wanted to go in by himself, but as soon as he opened his leg, he felt a tingling pain, and finally he could only be carried back by Shao Ming obediently.

Shao Ming put him on the sofa that he complained about being "narrow", and went to get the medicine box without saying a word.

Zhu Tonggang breathed a sigh of relief and lifted it up again in an instant.

He watched Shao Ming sit down on the sofa next to the medicine box, and said in surprise, "I'll..."

Shao Ming said: "After a while, the pants were glued to the wound."

Zhu Tong: "…"

Isn't this a little too straight to the point?

He glanced at his room again, "Then...then I'll go back to the room and apply the medicine myself."

Shao Ming chuckled: "What? Are you afraid I'll see it?"

Zhu Tong was stunned, thinking a little bit.

He lowered his head and said, "No, I'm just... a little awkward."

Shao Ming opened the medicine box: "Huh? Why?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

do not know why.

But when he thought that Shao Ming was going to give him medicine, he felt awkward.


How did you get hurt in such an embarrassing place?

Shao Ming had already taken the medicines he might use from the medicine box. Zhu Tong looked at his skilled movements, and his heart tightened slightly. Why is he so skilled? Have you used it often before?

Thinking of being forced into an obstacle on the racecourse today, Zhu Tong paused and asked, "How did you deal with this kind of thing before?"

He suddenly changed the subject, Shao Ming raised his eyebrows, "What?"

Zhu Tongdao: "Did anyone trouble you like this before?"

Shao Ming said honestly, "Yes."

"then you…"

"When the soldiers come, they will block the water and cover the soil. If they can beat them, they can beat them and run away. I really can't ask the country for help. How about it? I am a good citizen, right?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

Are citizens still competent and incompetent?

He couldn't help but smile, and then the smile faded again.

Actions can be solved, but what about language?

There are a lot of people like He Xiaoxiao who think they are superior. Those who are jealous of Shao Ming because they like Xia Yang, what do they say about him in school?

Even if no one dared to say those words in front of him, what about behind his back?

There are many people talking, and Shao Ming can always hear some. What did he think when he heard those words?

"You..." Zhu Tong thoughtfully said: "If you encounter trouble with you in the future, you can tell me, I... I will scold them for you."


Shao Ming paused when he opened the medicine bottle, and said thoughtfully, "...Aren't you afraid of offending them?"

Zhu Tong was stunned and said in surprise, "Really? Who is it?"

Shao Ming: "…"

With the expression on his face that he was going to swear in a second, Shao Ming's heart throbbed, the corner of his mouth raised lightly, and he said calmly: "No, just ask casually."

Zhu Tong breathed a sigh of relief, thought for a while and then said, "If you offend people, you shouldn't be afraid."

There are not many in the whole country who he dare not offend.

It's not always foreign, is it?

Zhu Tong thought about the suitors of Xia Yang in the original text, it seems that there are no powerful foreigners.

He said it easily, but Shao Ming narrowed his eyes.

When he was at the racecourse today, he discovered that Zhu Tong's identity might be more complicated than he knew.

He also knows about the Zhu family in City A. Although it is also apprehensive, it will not make a respectable person like He Biyou scared just by hearing his name.

And Uncle Liu, who can make He Biyou scared, is only playing the role of a driver and bodyguard beside Zhu Tong?

Shao Ming said meaningfully: "So our young master is still a powerful person?"


Zhu Tong inexplicably trembled at the top of his heart when he shouted "our young master". He always felt that it sounded indescribably intimate. He subconsciously said: "No, just..."


What intimacy?

Is this the opposite?

Zhu Tong suddenly raised his eyes to look at him.

Shao Ming smiled and said, "What's wrong?"

Zhu Tong said suspiciously: " can't be that kind, just that kind of thing. I've kept my identity from you, so you ignore me, right?"

On the racecourse before, what he did was no different from what He Xiaoxiao and the others did, and whoever had the bigger fist spoke up... Shao Ming wouldn't have misunderstood him because of this, right?

He explained: "Actually, I don't do this to all the people I hate. I'm the one who provoked me. I'm the one who repays the person with the way of the person. I'm actually very ordinary, and it has nothing to do with you. Same."

Shao Ming froze slightly.

What kind of escaping thinking is this young master?

But works.

Shao Ming was silent for a moment, then said seriously: "I know, you are different from them."


"Are you afraid that I will ignore you?"

Zhu Tongdao: "Of course, you are me..."

Talking for a while.

Shao Ming's eyes brightened, "What are you?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

He was his first real friend.

It's not just like friends.

Shao Ming treats him very well, no one has ever treated him so well.

Grandpa and they are also good to him, but there are many differences.

He suddenly didn't know how to express it, he hesitated for a long time, "Anyway, it's..."

"Okay, I see."

Shao Ming interrupted him with a chuckle, "Don't worry, I won't ignore you, and I don't care about your identity. I will work hard to make myself worthy of you."


"How is it? Inspirational?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

Hmm, very inspiring.

It just sounds weird.

He smiled suddenly, and said seriously: "You will definitely succeed."

Shao Ming was stunned: "You trust me so much?"

Zhu Tong nodded: "Of course... what are you doing with scissors?"

Shao Ming had a pair of small medical scissors in his hands.

He looked down at Zhu Tong's trousers, which were already a little torn on his legs, looked up and smiled, "Do you want to take off your trousers, or should I cut them off?"

Zhu Tong lowered his head subconsciously.

He was sitting on the sofa, his legs were slightly apart, and as long as he didn't move, it didn't hurt much.

Realizing why Shao Ming took the scissors, he was stunned for a moment, his ears were slightly warm, and he reached out and said, "I'll do it myself."

Shao Ming looked at him for a while, then got up, "Okay, I'll go tell Uncle Liu..."

"and many more!"

Zhu Tong eagerly grabbed him and said.

Shao Ming lowered his head slightly.

Zhu Tong blushed slightly: " cut it."

He thought to himself: Isn't it just to show a leg to a friend? no big deal!

Shao Ming hooked his lips lightly: "Cut your pants off?"

Zhu Tong nodded.

It's better than taking off your pants in front of Shao Ming!

Shao Ming raised his eyebrows and joked, "Oh, that's really a pity."

Zhu Tong: "!"

What are you sorry for!

Of course, it's a pity that I can only cut pants.

Of course, Shao Ming would have liked him to take it off directly, but the trousers were damaged, and Zhu Tong's leg hurt even if he moved it lightly.

Thinking of Zhu Tong's injury, his fluttering mind was instantly put away.

He pulled the medicine box closer and squatted down beside Zhu Tong's legs.

The sudden approaching distance and the sudden change in height difference made Zhu Tong unable to help but get nervous.

Shao Ming had already cut off his trouser legs and went all the way up.

Zhu Tong's legs were very white, the ankles were slender, and the calf was straight and slender. The scissors continued all the way to the top of the knee, and suddenly there was blood on the white leg, Shao Ming couldn't help frowning.

"Does it hurt?"

Zhu Tong's body was tense: "It's okay."

Shao Ming raised his head and glanced, "The pain has to be said, don't bear it."

Zhu Tong nodded.

The wear and tear of the skin was really serious. Zhu Tong's skin was already tender, and the friction between the saddle and the thighs was large and violent when he rode the horse.

Zhu Tong himself was a little frightened.

No wonder he felt so painful, and when Uncle Liu saw that he dragged him to the hospital, right?

He couldn't help worrying about Shao Ming, "Are you all right?"

They seem to have the same level of friction.

Shao Ming said: "It's okay, I have thick skin."

Zhu Tong: "…"

For some reason, he felt that the air pressure was a little low when Shao Ming said this.

Shao Ming looked at the reddened skin between his legs, his eyes darkened.

Sure enough, those people on the racecourse should not be easily let go!

When he opened his mouth, his voice was very soft: "It's still stained, the blood is dry, I'll moisten it with water, it will hurt, you can bear with it."

Zhu Tong nodded lightly.

Soon the wound was slightly cold, and then there was a fine pain, he couldn't help taking a breath, and subconsciously shrank his legs.

Shao Ming squeezed his leg and said, "It will be fine soon, don't move."


He moved skillfully, cut the fabric open, cleaned the wound, and then when Zhu Tong couldn't help shrinking his leg again, he held down his leg and blew on the wound.


It was slightly cold between his legs, and Zhu Tong was suddenly shocked, and his face burned in a flash.

Shao Ming raised his head at this time, "How is it? Better..."

He made a purely subconscious action, and when he looked up and saw Zhu Tong's blushing face, he realized what he had just done.

The current posture of the two is really innocuous.

Zhu Tong sat on the sofa with his legs apart, and Shao Ming squatted between his legs in order to clean his wounds.

It was originally a simple medicine, but because of Zhu Tong's sudden blush, there was a little more meaning of being unclear.

Because of his injury, Shao Ming had a smile on his originally obscure face, "Why is your face so red?"

Zhu Tong's body stiffened slightly, "I am..."


Well on the medicine, suddenly blowing for what?

Of course, Shao Ming knew why he blushed, but he didn't tease him at the moment. Instead, he lowered his head and said, "I was injured and cried when I was young. That's what my mother did."

Zhu Tong Wei Dun: "Auntie?"

"Yeah." Shao Ming took the medicine and applied it to him, "She said that she won't feel the pain in this way, what do you think?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

It really doesn't hurt that much.

But I was injured when I was a child... Although it is common for children to be injured, Zhu Tong inexplicably thought of Shao Ming's domestic violence stepfather.

Although Shao Ming didn't mention it, since his stepfather did something to his mother, how did he come here when he was a child?

Zhu Tong thought a little distressed, and didn't even notice that the cold ointment was applied to the wound.

Shao Ming quickly applied the medicine to him, and when he raised his head, he met his drooping eyes.

Zhu Tong didn't expect to suddenly bump into his line of sight.

Shao Ming smiled slightly, and deliberately leaned closer and said, "What? It still hurts? Then I'll give you another blow..."

"No, no need."

Zhu Tong subconsciously wanted to close his legs.

Shao Ming held him down and said, "Don't touch it, be careful that the wound is infected, it is easy to leave scars."


His hand rested on Zhu Tong's leg without any obstacles, and the two of them were startled at the same time.

Shao Ming lowered his eyes and looked at the injury on his inner thigh. Although it was shocking, it was also inexplicably hot.

His eyes were dark and his pupils gradually lost focus.

Zhu Tong was looked down at by him, feeling the temperature on his legs that was not his own, feeling ashamed inexplicably, and a very strange feeling welled up in his heart.

He said uncomfortably: "...don't you need bandaging?"

Shao Ming's thoughts of running crooked suddenly came back, he resisted the urge to touch the white thigh, and withdrew his hand: "No, the weather is hot, and it will not recover well after the bandage is not breathable, pay more attention, Just take the medicine on time.”

Zhu Tong said: "Then what if I wear pants?"

Shao Ming: "…"

Zhu Tong asked seriously, and at the same time hit him.

What about wearing pants?

This is a problem.

Shao Ming didn't mind that he didn't wear it, but just imagined the scene of someone walking in the living room with only a shirt on... That doesn't seem to be good for the heart.

He suddenly raised his hand to cover his face.

Zhu Tong asked strangely, "What's wrong with you?"

Shao Ming said: "It's nothing, I just feel sorry all of a sudden."

Zhu Tong: "?"

sorry for what?

Shao Ming turned his head to look at him and said, "I kindly took you to ride a horse, but it hurt you."

Zhu Tongdao: "It's not because of you that I got hurt, it's because of He Xiaoxiao them..."

"But I took you to the racecourse. You may not be able to go out these two days."

Zhu Tong paused, "It's okay if you don't go out, I just finished my homework after playing for two days."

Anyway, it was normal for him not to go out before.

Shao Ming looked at his legs again, his eyes darkened: "You may... still need to reduce your walking."

In order to avoid friction between his legs, he had to walk with his legs as far apart as possible.

Zhu Tong thought about his walking posture, only to feel his brows twitching.

Even if Shao Ming didn't remind him, he would try to reduce his walking as much as possible.

Thinking that Shao Ming was reminding him of the precautions after applying the medicine, Zhu Tong was about to nod when he heard Shao Ming continue: "So what do you want to do these two days, I'd better carry you."

Zhu Tong: "…"


The author has something to say:

Tongtong: Is it because I am small?

Thanks to the little angel who voted or irrigated nutrient solution for me during 2021-11-08 17:09:23~2021-11-0916:15:33~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: deep is one deep;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: momo 10 bottles; channel 5 bottles; 49213603, dare 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!