Chapter 50: Tentative

Zhu Tong suddenly froze.

Shao Ming said: "What's wrong? Is my proposal bad?"

Zhu Tong hesitated for a moment and said, "No, I..."

He's not a disabled person who can't take care of himself, and he's being held around for what he does every day... what does it look like?

But every day, walking like ducks and goose with legs apart, it seems even worse.

He looked at Shao Ming again.

Shao Ming waited patiently for him to make a decision.

Zhu Tong said: "You will have a hard time then."

Shao Ming said: "That's not true, you are very light."

Rather, he could not have asked for it.

Zhu Tong: "…"

Yes, he is thin.

He thought of the six-pack abs he saw that day. When he got better, he would also practice abdominal muscles.

Thinking of him for a moment.

He has always lived by it, and he has begun to imagine the future?

"Then you..." Zhu Tong's ears turned red, bowed his head and said, "I'll trouble you then."

Shao Ming bent his lips slightly, packed the medicine box, sat down beside him and said, "So young master, where is your first stop?"

Zhu Tong glanced in the direction of the room and said, "I want to go back to the room to do my homework for a while."


Yes, learning is always his first priority.

Shao Ming showed helplessness, reached out to him and said, "Okay, come."

Zhu Tong stretched out his hand hesitantly, and Shao Ming had already bent over at the same time, wrapping his arms around his back and grabbing his knees with the other, easily hugging him horizontally.

The touch from the palm of the knee on the knee was delicate and smooth, and Shao Ming's throat was slightly choked... He seemed to have found himself an extraordinary errand.

No matter how many times he went through it, Zhu Tong couldn't adapt to the weightlessness when he was suddenly picked up by someone. He subconsciously grabbed Shao Ming's shoulders.

Shao Ming carried him to the door of the room, suddenly stopped, and said in a low voice, "Do I look like the groom who carried the bride into the bridal chamber?"

Zhu Tong didn't hear very well: "...Ah?"

"It's okay, just kidding."

As he spoke, he freed the hand on Zhu Tong's back and opened the door.

Living together for so many days, Shao Ming seldom came to Zhu Tong's room. Every time Zhu Tong encountered a problem with his studies, he would go directly to his room to ask for advice. Out of respect, Shao Ming would not set foot here if he had nothing to do. There is already a "new owner" room.

Now suddenly come in, the room has not changed, but the things in the room are completely new.

The semi-circular arc-shaped floor-to-ceiling window faces the tatami, and the gray sheets on it have been replaced with pure white, matched with off-white wardrobes and bookshelves.

Shao Ming smiled at the new style of the room. He really didn't give dirty things any chance to hide.

He put people on the tatami.

Thinking of Zhu Tong's habit of cleanliness, Shao Ming warned worriedly: "The wounds should not be wet with water in the past two days, and you cannot take a shower. You will just scrub with water."

I wish Tong nodded obediently.

"You have to pay attention to what you do, and be careful to rub against the wound."

Zhu Tong continued to nod his head.

He didn't say a word, he was so obedient.

It makes people feel the urge to touch their head.

Shao Ming paused, then looked down at his legs, "Do you want to change your pants?"

Zhu Tong also bowed his head, he couldn't put on the pants outside the medicine he had just applied, and all he had to change were...underpants.

Suddenly, his face became hot, and he said, "I'll change it later."

I also had to take off the pants that had been cut to the bottom of the legs.

Shao Ming nodded, looked at the desk next to the tatami, and asked, "How do you write your homework?"

Zhu Tong said: "Write it on the desk."

The desk is next to the tatami, just stand up and sit directly on it, without having to move around.

Shao Ming glanced at the upright seat in front of his desk. Sitting on the seat, he would inevitably cross his legs. It was easy for Tong Tong to concentrate on his studies, but it was hard to guarantee that he would accidentally bump into it.

He paused and said, "Wait for me."

Zhu Tong: "?"

Seeing him turn around and go out, Zhu Tong didn't ask, and while the door was closed, he quickly took off the pair of trousers that got in the way, and pulled a blanket to cover him.

When Shao Ming came back, he had a small folding table in his hand.

He walked over to the bed and said, "Cut your legs up."

Zhu Tong said: "Why?"

Only when Shao Ming lowered his head did he notice what had changed on his body, raised his eyebrows and said, "Oh, are you so out of touch with me?"

Zhu Tong was embarrassed to be stared at by him, "No..."

Although he didn't get along with others very much, he also knew that there were not so many taboos between boys, and it was normal to take a bath with bare bottoms.

But in front of Shao Ming, he naturally couldn't get up.

He still remembered the embarrassment of the last nosebleed.

Probably because of a guilty conscience.

Zhu Tong thought blankly.

Shao Ming didn't care, insisting that he cross his legs, then opened the folding table, adjusted the height, and placed it in front of Zhu Tong.

The width is just right, it won't squeeze your legs, and you don't have to worry about rubbing against the wound.

Shao Ming looked at it with satisfaction, then raised his head and said, "How is it? Will it work if you try it?"

Zhu Tong looked at the small table in front of him with a novel look: "This is... a desk? Is there a desk like this?"

Shao Ming said: "It's called a lazy desk, and it's on the desk, you haven't used it before?"

Zhu Tong said: "I've never seen it before."

In the past, there were also special desks in the ward of the hospital, and these small things were not used.

Shao Ming: "…"

He stabbed inexplicably in his heart, and smiled again: "Although I know that our young master is not lazy, but these two days are special, you can take a look at this lazy desk, if your legs are numb, move the desk away for a while, tired. Then fold up and lie down and rest, okay?"

He considered it very thoughtfully.

Zhu Tong put his hand on the small desk and looked up at him.

Shao Ming said: "What's wrong? Don't like it?"

Zhu Tong shook his head, his heart moved so much, he couldn't help but say, "Why are you so good?"

That way he won't get used to it when he goes back.

Shao Ming was slightly startled, he also put his elbows on the desk, approached him and said, "Then do you want to like me?"



Shao Ming said, "If you like me, I will treat you better. Do you want to think about it?"


With a playful smile on his face, what he said seemed to be true or false.

But he knew it was a joke, but Zhu Tong felt his heart beat fiercely.

How good is better?

I wish I could feel better now.

Will he be better to others?

Thinking that Shao Ming might be so nice to people other than him in the future, Zhu Tong felt a little tight in his throat: "I..."

Ignoring a cell phone ringing from the living room interrupted what he was about to say.

"You have a phone."

Shao Ming said: "It doesn't matter, you continue."

Zhu Tong: "…"

What does he continue?

If he wasn't interrupted by the bell just now, what was he going to say to Shao Ming?

Said he would think about it? Crazy?

He stretched out his hand in a panic and pushed Shao Ming's elbow, "Let's go and have a look? What if it's an important call?"

Shao Ming lowered his eyes and looked at him for a while, then compromised: "Well then, listen to you."

Zhu Tong suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

Shao Ming's eyes dimmed. He got up and left the room. He went to the living room to get his cell phone. After a while, the ringtone rang for the second time.

Looking at the caller ID, Shao Ming gave a light "tsk" and answered the phone.

"Hey, Brother Ming, why don't you answer the phone? How is Zhu Tong? Are you alright?"

Shao Ming said coolly, "He's okay, I'm okay."

Rosso was shocked: "Are you in trouble? What's wrong with you? Are you injured too?"


Shao Ming took a deep breath, "What's the call?"

Luo Suo said: "It's okay, I think Zhu Tong didn't look very well when he got off the horse, call and ask."

Shao Ming: "…"

Shao Ming hung up the phone directly.

He was afraid that if he continued, he would not be able to bear the righteousness to destroy the "pro".

When I went back to the room, a set of study utensils and a chemistry test paper were already placed on the vacant desk.

Zhu Tong held a pen, looked at the person who pushed open the door but didn't come in, and asked politely, "Who called?"

Shao Ming said: "Rosso."


When he asked who he was, he didn't ask again, and it would be impolite to ask again.

He lowered his head to answer the question, but the presence of the person standing by the door was too high, so he raised his head and said, "Do you want to be together?"

They have been together these two days. He didn't do his homework, and Shao Ming probably didn't either.

Shao Ming was silent for a while by the door, and said, "No, I have something else to do. I'm in the living room, you can call me if you have something."

As he was about to close the door for him, he suddenly remembered something and turned around and said, "I will come to give you medicine on time, remember to leave a door for me."

"it is good…"

Before he finished speaking, the man had already turned around and went out.

Zhu Tong: "…"

Is there something urgent?

He looked at the door that was taken by the door, and he couldn't concentrate on writing the papers, but stared at the progress bar that hadn't moved on the system interface.

What Shao Ming said just now should be a real joke, right?

Outside the room, after closing the door, Shao Ming did not leave directly. He waited for a while before walking towards the living room.

In the next two days, Zhu Tong had a real understanding of what it means to stretch out his hand to eat and open his mouth.

The wound on his leg looked serious at the time, but because of his careful attention, it basically scabbed over the next day. After the scab was scabbed, the wound didn't hurt as much after applying medicine, but it was ugly.

Zhu Tong tried to apply medicine by himself several times, but Shao Ming threatened to move Uncle Liu out.

Take the feather arrow.

But Zhu Tong is not afraid of anyone but Uncle Liu.

After two more days in the homestay, the wound began to scab, and Zhu Tong was finally able to put his pants on and walk like a normal person.

In fact, after the initial embarrassment was relieved, for Shao Ming to carry him around, Zhu Tong got used to it quite quickly, but it was inconvenient to change clothes.

It is inconvenient to take the changed clothes to the bathroom, Shao Ming does it every time, um... including underwear.

In the end, he insisted again and again, so that he did not fall to the point where he needed someone else to wash his underwear.

On the last day of the National Day holiday, Shao Ming went to a milk tea shop. The little girls in the shop who came to work part-time for the waiter did not meet the target person until the last day of the part-time job. Has the Lord" as an excuse to refuse.

Rosso, who also came back part-time, heard him reject the little girl several times without changing his words. He was a little surprised: "You used to talk nonsense when you refused to take a photo. Why is it so monotonous now? You Jiang Lang is so exhausted?"

Shao Ming said casually: "This is easier to use."

Rosso: "…"

Easy to use is easy to use, but what if someone asks who your master is?

Suddenly thinking of a person, Rosso said suspiciously: "You don't really have a master, do you?"

In fact, he wanted to directly ask him and Zhu Tong what was going on. During the National Day holiday, his brother Ming accompanied Zhu Tong to write questions for several days at the homestay!

National Day is at home, and when Weiguang arrives, he doesn't know what to complain about.

Shao Ming asked him back, "What do you think?"

Rosso said, "What?"

Shao Ming smiled: "Do I look like someone with a master?"

Rosso: ""

Not only like, but also the kind of strict wives.

I don't even dare to take pictures with people!

Shao Ming raised his eyebrows, but he didn't deny anything.

Rosso's heart was even more abrupt. He looked around in the milk tea shop. He didn't see anyone he knew.

Shao Ming turned around and filled a cup of milk tea, smiled inexplicably, and said, "He, he won't come today."

Rosso said, "Why?"

Shao Ming smiled and said nothing.

Rosso didn't dare to ask. He felt that the smile on this man's face was a bit mean, and he must not hold back his farts.

Shao Ming handed a cup of milk tea to the customer before continuing: "Because there is no need for tomatoes in the store."

Rosso: "?"

what tomatoes? What's the deal with tomatoes?

Because Zhu Tong's face now looks like a tomato.

Before going out in the morning, Shao Ming made breakfast and went into the room to call someone, but found that the door was not closed.

Zhu Tong was used to not wearing pants these two days. After getting up in the morning, he thought about going out today, so he planned to make the bed and fold the quilt and blanket. When the door was pushed open.

Shao Ming was standing at the door of the room, staring intently at his long white legs and a place where he was half-hidden by his shirt.

After the scene was silent for a moment, Zhu Tong's face immediately burned.

When two people go out, it becomes one person going out.

Shao Ming was distressed for a moment, thinking about doing something later to bring it back to coax people.

Zhu Tong regretted after Shao Ming went out, because staying at home alone was boring.

He was thinking about finding an excuse to go to the milk tea shop and suddenly received a call.

Looking at the caller ID that had not appeared on the screen of the mobile phone for a month, Zhu Tong frowned, and after a while, he pressed the answer: "...Dad?"

The voice on the phone was as gentle as always, "Tongtong, how are you feeling after transferring to another school? Dad was too busy to call you during this time."

Zhu Tong raised his eyebrows and said, "I'm fine. Grandpa has arranged everything well. You don't have to worry about it."


After a moment of silence on the phone, he continued: "Yes, you definitely don't have to worry about your arrangements over there. Dad wants to ask you, are you still getting used to the school over there? Have you made any new friends?"

new friend?

Zhu Tong lowered his eyes slightly, "The classmates here are all very good, and there is nothing uncomfortable."

"Really?" Zhu Shoushan paused and said again: "Then if you feel uncomfortable, you must tell Dad, and Dad will help you transfer back to City A. In fact, if you want to experience campus life, you don't have to be at the school there. , this side of city A..."

"No need, Dad." Zhu Tong said, "I really like the school here, and I don't want to transfer for the time being."

After saying that he didn't want to transfer to another school, Zhu Tong obviously heard the sound of breathing in the telephone receiver getting heavier for a moment, and then quickly recovered, "Well, if you like it, you can stay for a while, it's just your body... Look at what's going on in the school. When you have time, you can come back for a re-examination, and your father can’t take care of you when you transfer to such a far place, so you can reassure your father by doing the examination, right?”


Zhu Tong probably heard what he meant.

I want him to go back to City A.


Someone who has not even had a phone call for more than a month when he came here suddenly called and wanted him to go back?

Zhu Tong didn't believe it was really to let him go for a review.

He calmly said: "I see, I will go back for a review. I have told my grandfather that Uncle Liu will take me there. Don't worry, Dad."

Zhu Shoushan was really relieved, and said on the phone: "Okay, after you go back to City A, remember to call Dad."

Zhu Tong gave a soft "um" and hung up the phone.

At the same time as he was relieved, the mood to go out was gone.

He looked at the empty living room, then turned back to his room.

In the evening, Shao Ming walked into the house with a cup of pudding sago. The lights in the living room were turned off. He was a little surprised and walked directly to the door of Zhu Tong's room. With the oolong in the morning, he remembered to knock on the door. .

The door was quickly opened from inside, and a head came out first.

At the same time as the light in the room came out, Zhu Tong's eyes also brightened, "Are you back?"

Shao Ming said: "Well, did you miss me?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

This man's words to tease him are getting more and more smooth.

He opened the door, walked in and said, "I just did a competition question, and I won't be able to do it after only the first quiz. Tell me about it."

Shao Ming: "…"

This man is getting more and more comfortable with him.

He smiled helplessly and walked in with the milk tea.

Zhu Tong still used the lazy desk, as if he had realized the convenience of a small desk, and he did not change his leg when he was injured.

Shao Ming put the milk tea in the corner of the desk, "I wanted to do something else for you, but I was afraid you wouldn't like it, so I did this anyway."

Zhu Tong said with a grateful face: "This is delicious."

He likes to drink this.

Shao Ming smiled, then looked at the competition booklet on the desk and said, "Why did you think of doing the competition questions?"

Zhu Tong said: "It's nothing to do anyway, try to do it and see."

Shao Ming blurted out: "Then why didn't you go to me?"

Zhu Tong Yizhi blinked and said, "I...there are so many people in the milk tea shop, and I can't help when I go there, so..."

"Who said you need help to go to the milk tea shop?" Shao Ming interrupted him: "You can't…"

The voice stopped suddenly.

Zhu Tong looked at him suspiciously.

Shao Ming sighed, "Forget it, look at the question."

I wish Tong immediately concentrated, "Okay."

Shao Ming: "…"

What should he do with this man?

Back to school the next day, more than half of the people in the classroom were rushing homework.

As soon as the two entered the classroom, they instantly became the focus of the whole class.

"Have you finished your homework? Jianghu emergency, copy it!"

"I wish Tong, you must have finished your English, right? What did you choose to fill in the blanks?"

"Hurry up, hurry up, four people copy together!"

As soon as Zhu Tong took out his vacation homework, he was scraped clean by a crowd of people.

To his surprise, even the squad leader joined the army of copying homework.

Tang Nuan said, "What's wrong with the monitor? The monitor can't change the fate of the scumbag. Even the second son of Lu sometimes copies homework when he can't make it in time. It's so trivial."

Zhu Tong: "…"

Post up.

He looked at the students in the front row who copied their homework and copied them out of the team building model, and felt that he was very out of tune with them who had done their homework seriously.

The English test paper was quickly copied. Tang Nuan turned around and returned the test paper to Zhu Tong, and asked casually, "By the way, did you go to the racetrack during the holidays?"

Zhu Tong took the test paper and said slightly in surprise, "How did you know?"

Tang Nuan's eyes lit up: "Is it really you? I saw it in the group, there were alumni from our school among the people who went to the racecourse that day, and the photos of you riding with Shao Ming have spread throughout the group... Wait, wait. Wait, I'll turn over the record for you."

Zhu Tong: "…"

The group was a small group of only fifty people. The most recent chat record was from two days ago. Tang Nuan slid up the record and showed it to him.

The front is a few long-range photos, which were captured when Shao Ming led him over a two-meter-high obstacle on horseback, and there was another photo at the back when they confronted Xia Yang and the others.

Zhu Tong slid the screen down.

[Shit, this picture is from P, right? Is it really possible to jump over such a high obstacle? It's amazing! 】

[This is Xue Shen and Zhu Tong? fuck! The two of them riding a horse? ! 】

【To ride a ride together? What is this little couple dating scene? Are they both real? Must be true, right? They're either real or I'm fake! 】

【Mom! I agree with this marriage! Study God! You don't get on me! 】

[There are even more powerful [pictures][pictures]]

The back is a photo of him being carried out of the racecourse by Shao Ming, and the back is a close-up.

【My God! Princess hug! I'm dead ah ah ah! 】

【Please be sure to take people back to Jiangjiang and make stuffed rice! 】

Zhu Tong:…

Zhu Tong: ? ? ?

What are these things?

Tang Nuan probed from the front seat without any sense of danger: "I wish you a good look at the picture, the rest..."

Before she finished speaking, she had already seen the phone screen displaying the chat history.

When she handed the phone to Zhu Tong, there was a large picture on the phone, but when Zhu Tong took it over, she accidentally touched the screen, and the picture had shrunk.


Tang Nuan and Zhu Tong looked at each other, and an invisible embarrassment spread between them.

Tang Nuan: The scene of the death of the society.

Zhu Tong: He was killed at the scene of the society.

At this time, Shao Ming probed from the side, "What are you two looking at?"

Tang Nuan was startled and was about to say nothing, but he didn't expect someone to react faster than him. With a "snack", her phone was heavily covered on the table.

Tang Nuan: "…"

her phone...

Zhu Tong didn't realize it, looked at Shao Ming and said, "It's nothing, it's all non-nutritious things."

Tang Nuan: "???"

Do you still react so much to something that is not nutritious?

Shao Ming obviously thought the same, raised his eyebrows and looked at him with interest.

At this time, Tang Nuan naturally wanted to stand on Zhu Tong's side. She took back the mobile phone from Zhu Tong's hand with a distressed face, and said perfunctorily: "Yes, they are all non-nutritious things, not suitable for scholars to watch."

After he finished speaking, he turned around and suddenly thought of something. He turned around and said, "By the way, Zhu Tong, why were you carried out by Shao Ming? Are you injured? Where is the injury?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

Please don't mention it.

And monitor, have you exposed something?


The author has something to say:

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-11-0916:15:33~2021-11-1016:27:44~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 4921360311 bottles; 1 bottle of red jasmine;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!