Chapter 51: stepfather

Tang Nuan was originally out of pure concern, but only after asking did he realize that he was no longer fighting for himself.

She and Zhu Tong were stunned together, then turned to look at the other party.

Shao Ming no longer looked at them, but was flipping through something with his mobile phone, but his fingers paused, and he smiled lightly: "Well, the photos are quite good."

Zhu Tong: "?"

He tilted his head and glanced at it, and said in surprise, "How could you have this group?"

Shao Ming said casually: "The new group made up the number, I don't know who was pulled in."

Zhu Tong: "…"

Didn't Shao Ming see all the content posted there?


Zhu Tong paused and asked, "Aren't you angry?"

Shao Ming said: "Angry? Why?"

Zhu Tong: "Just... just what they said..."

Shao Ming: "What did they say?"


Zhu Tong suddenly stopped.

Tang Nuan in the front seat has been keenly aware of something, he looked at Zhu Tong who was a little helpless, and then looked at Shao Ming who was calm and composed, his eyes showed a little clarity.

She turned her body back in silence, her ears pricked up with her back to them.

Zhu Tong didn't know that his "comrade-in-arms" had slipped away, thinking about the remarks he just saw on Tang Nuan's phone... He couldn't say it.

"Please be sure to take it back to the sauce? This sentence?"


Zhu Tong widened his eyes in shock.

He even read it out!

Seeing that he didn't speak, Shao Ming smiled again: "Is it still a good match for two men?"


"I'm so crazy."

"This skillful posture is often done at first glance. Learning from God is good for physical strength."

"The princess hugs and kills me, please slap me hard with sweeter dog food."

Shao Ming's tone was calm, his voice was very light, and he read with no passion, but judging from the corners of his mouth that kept rising, he was clearly in a good mood.

Zhu Tong didn't know what to say anymore.

Shao Ming continued: "This close-together position, learn from the gods..."

Reading stopped suddenly.

If the latter words are published on a formal platform, it is estimated that they will be spoken of.

No matter how thick-skinned Shao Ming was, he was too embarrassed to read it out completely. He let out a "cough", put away his phone, looked at a certain young master who had been completely sluggish, and commented seriously, "These people are quite interesting."

Zhu Tong: "…"

Where are these people interesting?

Shao Ming approached him and said, "Are you angry?"

Zhu Tong subconsciously said, "Why am I angry..."

"Yeah, you are not angry, why should I be angry?"


Zhu Tong quickly reacted.

Makes sense!

You know it's fake, why are you angry?

He was really poisoned by the setting of this danmei world.

This is what people who have ghosts in their hearts see ghosts in!

He stunned and said: "That's right, it's fine if you don't get angry, yes, there's nothing to be angry about."

"But it's really not nutritious." Shao Ming's eyes darkened slightly, and he approached him and said, "Would you like to tell me something nutritious?"


nutritious? What counts as nutritious?

Zhu Tong hesitated: "Then I will recite a text for you?"

Shao Ming: "…"

Shao Ming said: "Why do you think those words are not nutritious?"

Zhu Tong felt that Shao Ming's question was very oppressive, he blinked, and thoughtfully said: "Because... those words are nonsense."

Shao Ming asked: "If you talk nonsense without nutrition, then what kind of words are nutritious?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

Nonsense is not nutritious, on the contrary, non-blind words are nutritious.

So what is it that is not blind?

Zhu Tong was inexplicably heartbroken.

Shao Ming rolled his eyes and smiled at him.

Zhu Tong was a little nervous, what did Shao Ming want him to say?

He vaguely caught something, but he couldn't grasp it as if it were illusory.

After a moment of silence, Wen Shu had already walked into the classroom with the textbook at the door of the classroom.

Zhu Tongchao glanced at the podium, then turned his head and urged him: "The teacher is here, put away your phone."

The smile on Shao Ming's face did not diminish, he lowered his eyes to restrain the complicated emotions in his eyes, and said in a low voice, "Okay."

On the podium, Shi Wenshu looked at the energetic class students after the holiday, with a smile on his face, "It seems that everyone had a good holiday."

Immediately below, someone wailed, "There are more than a dozen papers in the six or seven days of the National Day. You are a teacher in the old class and you don't know how hard it is to study. In fact, we had a very hard time during the holidays."

Shi Wenshu looked at the student and said warmly, "You have been suffering so much that you went back to school today and copied more than a dozen papers?"



There was laughter in the classroom.

Shi Wenshu didn't blame the student, and his tone was still calm: "The homework assigned by the teacher should be completed well, and the questions that you can't do can be left blank. Copying homework is not recommended, although the last monthly test was over. , learning should be taken seriously, and after the holiday, the school plans to organize a chorus competition, and every class must participate..."


"it is good!"


Before the words on the podium were finished, there was a burst of applause in the classroom.

For high school students who have been oppressed by study for a long time, any group activity other than study can arouse their enthusiasm a hundred times.

Someone shouted, "Mr. Shi, what will our class sing?"

Shi Wenshu smiled and said, "I have already selected the song, so I will sing the authentic battle. The song I sang in the first two choruses of the students I have sung will definitely win the top three."

After he spoke the repertoire, the classroom was eerily silent for a second or two.

"Tunnel warfare, is it the tunnel warfare I thought?"

"Song that reveals age like this?"

"I was only in my thirties when I was old? He wouldn't be that kind of childish face, but he's already in his fifties, right? This old-fashioned selection of songs... can I refuse?"

"Be content, whatever song it is, as long as it can delay learning, let's make the chorus more violent!"


There was a lot of discussion in the classroom, and a curious baby in the back row went online again, "What song is the tunnel war?"

Shao Ming seemed to be used to the fact that he didn't understand anything. He thought for a moment and said directly, "Do you want to listen?"

Zhu Tong looked at Teacher Shi on the podium and whispered, "Let's listen after class."

Knowing what he was worried about, Shao Ming smiled and said, "It's okay, I have a solution."

"What can I do? Wear headphones?"

They don't seem to have headphones in the classroom.

Shao Ming had already lowered his head, took his mobile phone and quickly opened the music software, turned the volume down to the lowest level, pressed play, and tucked it into the sleeve of his wrist.

"Come here." He said softly.

I wish Tong Yiyan put his ear close.

The ear was slightly warm, and Shao Ming put his hand around his head and put it on his ear. There was a rigid mobile phone in the middle. A few slender fingers had nowhere to put, and tickled his auricle intentionally or unintentionally.

Zhu Tong shuddered for a moment, and was quickly attracted by the sound of drilling into his eardrums.

He hadn't heard these songs before, and everyone in the classroom was complaining about the old ways, but Zhu Tong couldn't hear it.

The tune is relatively brisk, the lyrics are dense, and more imposing.

He frowned suddenly, "I may not be able to sing this song."

Shao Ming raised his eyebrows and said, "Why?"

Zhu Tong said: "My lung capacity is not very good, and I may gasp when I sing this."

The lyrics are so coherent that he may not have time to breathe.

In order to listen to Zhu Tong's songs naturally, Shao Ming put one hand on his shoulder at this time, and the two were very close.

While listening to the song, Zhu Tong tilted his head to talk to him, and his soft breath hit Shao Ming's face.

Hearing a very normal sentence, Shao Ming felt like it was scratching his head. He swallowed dryly and his voice was slightly hoarse: "Why are you panting?"

Zhu Tong said: "I'm just short of breath, I may not be able to keep up with the rhythm, and it will drag others down."

Shao Ming: "…"

The young man's profile is close at hand, although there is still not much flesh on his face, but after so many days of raising, he looks a lot rosier.

His neck is slender and white, and the breath he exhales is warm and even. If he is really panting and breathing, what will this face look like?

Shao Ming was confused and said unconsciously, "Really?"

Zhu Tong nodded: "Yes."

He has to tell Teacher Shi that he still doesn't want to participate in the chorus.

The song of more than two minutes played quickly, and the music stopped automatically after the end.

Zhu Tong raised his head and said, "I'm done listening."

Shao Ming didn't move, his hand was still on his ear.

Suddenly, a line of sight came over from the podium, "Zhu Tong? What are you discussing with Shao Ming? Is there anything you want to say?"

Shi Wenshu has been paying more attention to Zhu Tong because of his poor health. When he looked up, he saw that the two students he was most concerned about were lowering their heads and whispering, and couldn't help but be a little curious.

However, in the eyes of the students, their "whispers" were not like that.

Who whispered and covered one ear and said it from the other ear?

What the **** are those two doing!

More and more attention in the classroom focused on them. Zhu Tong turned to look at the hand on his right shoulder, and subconsciously reminded him, "Your phone..."

Shao Ming has withdrawn his hand naturally and said: "There is nothing to discuss, his ears are a little cold, I will cover him."

Whole class: "…"

Why does he want you to cover him with cold ears?

Before anyone could ask questions, Shao Ming said again: "By the way, teacher, can you add a word to recite before the chorus? My voice is not very good, so I may not be able to sing. It's better for two people, I'll be at the same table with me, otherwise I'm too lonely to read alone."


Strength interprets what it means to open your eyes and talk nonsense.

Such a full-bodied voice is called a bad voice, so the chorus of their class this time is probably cool.

Would you like to join him at the same table?

The bad thoughts are obvious!

But excellent students always have privileges, Shi Wenshu said: "That's okay, this song originally had recited words, the original words were recited by men and women together, but there are many boys in our class, so you and Zhu Tong can recite it together. Okay, although the words are a little less, but the focus is on participation, so that's settled."

Shi Wenshu made a final decision.

He also asked the literary and art committee members to go to the office to move the audio system. He planned to give everyone a single loop during the self-study class. After getting familiar with the tune, it would be much easier to practice.

Zhu Tong is still confused.

"You... have a bad voice?"

Shao Ming said: "What do you think?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

He thought he had a good voice.

Then why does he say that his voice is not good, obviously his lungs are not good.

Although what this reason says may make people feel that he is hypocritical.

It's just singing. If your lungs are not good, you can keep your voice down. What can't you sing?

His misfit can also be a turnoff to others.

But now that he didn't sing, it was Shao Ming who helped him put it forward. Shao Ming was always smiling and could talk to everyone in the class. .

Zhu Tong suddenly smiled: "Thank you."

Shao Ming said: "No thanks, I really don't want to sing."

Zhu Tong puzzled: "Why?"

Shao Ming pondered for a moment and said, "Because it's stupid."


At first, Zhu Tong didn't understand how stupid it was, until the first chorus was performed in the class.

If the original singing of the song sounds like united will and perseverance, the chorus of the third class is the melee of the demons and the dance of the demons.

"Tunnel warfare, hey tunnel warfare, there are thousands of magical soldiers in ambush..."

The chorus is jagged and the solo is pentatonic.

Zhu Tong felt that his eardrums were subjected to inhuman tests every day.

"Do you need this?" Shao Ming suddenly handed him two cotton balls.

Zhu Tong thinks he is really well equipped.

But he refused.

Although the ears are tortured, this lively atmosphere is quite interesting.

However, just as he refused, he whispered in his ear, "Tunnel war hey..."

A "Hey" word is scorching, like a magic sound, full of lethality.

The pen that Zhu Tong had just picked up was dropped by someone "hey", and he turned his head slowly.

Rosso said complacently: "Brother Ming Zhutong, it's really a pity that you two didn't participate in the chorus. I found that this song is not only brainwashing, but also refreshing. It's like doing a massage, I feel refreshed and refreshed!"

Shao Ming smiled and said, "If you come and sing in front of me again, I can help you refresh your mind in another way."

Rosso: "…"

"Brother Ming, this is unreasonable. How can you kill a person's enthusiasm for music? Am I not good at singing? Isn't my pursuit of music worthy of admiration? Isn't it worth encouraging me to practice so hard? Yes Right? Wish Tong?"

Zhu Tong: "...Ah?"

Rosso said with a look of compliment: "How do you think I can sing? Are you very talented in music?"

Zhu Tong raised his hand and rubbed his ear, which was almost deafened by "Hey", and said the truth: "I don't know if you have any talent, but you do have a kind of obsession with music that no one should live."

Rosso: "…"

Shao Ming couldn't help laughing. He hugged Zhu Tong and said, "Did you hear that? Get out of here now, and go to trouble others."

Rosso, a freshly-baked musician, was hit by two people together, interrupting his musical dream and turning into a salted fish.

After driving away the human-shaped loudspeaker, Shao Ming saw that Zhu Tong was still rubbing his ears from time to time, and was a little worried: "Are your ears uncomfortable?"

"A little tinnitus." Zhu Tong said: "It's okay, just relax for a while."

Shao Ming said, "Let me see."

"It's alright..."

Saying that, Zhu Tong didn't dodge his outstretched hand, and let him squeeze his ear to check.

However, the problem of tinnitus is generally not a problem of the ears, and there is nothing to see.

On the contrary, it was their intimacy like no one else that made the monitor who turned around and planned to discuss the recitation with them, to see something different.

These two really have a leg!

Zhu Tong noticed her gaze and turned to look.

Tang Nuan immediately said: "I didn't see anything, you continue."

Zhu Tong: "…"

He suddenly realized that the remarks he saw in the group last time might not really be anyone's fault.

Some of his and Shao Ming's actions seem to be really easy to cause misunderstandings.

Whether it was the princess hug on the racecourse, or Shao Ming's skillful "hands-on" with him.

Because Shao Ming was too kind to him.

But Shao Ming treats him so well, why doesn't his favorability score move?

The progress bar has been silent for several days.

The system won't break, right?

The system suddenly said: "Thank you for your concern, the host is still alive, and the system is running normally."

Zhu Tong: "…"

That is the white moonlight is broken.

He turned his head to look at Shao Ming.


"If the favorability level continues to rise, you will really be broken."

Zhu Tong: "…"

Shao Ming saw him suddenly look over, and was about to ask him what was wrong, when suddenly his phone vibrated.

He lowered his head to unlock it and looked at it, his eyes sank slightly.

His mood changed too obviously, and Zhu Tong worried: "What's wrong?"

Shao Ming raised his head and said, "It's okay."

He glanced at the phone again, and after locking the screen, he got up and said, "I'll go out."

Zhu Tong subconsciously wanted to ask where he went, but the words stopped again.

Because Shao Ming's face was calm when he was talking to him just now, after he looked away from his face, he suddenly showed a bit of coldness.

Zhu Tong had never seen Shao Ming's negative emotions so obvious, he couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

In a dazed moment, Shao Ming had already walked towards the back door of the classroom.

Zhu Tong looked at the direction he walked after leaving the classroom, not to go to the bathroom, and the doubts in his heart could not help but get heavier.

At this time, another person rushed in from the back door of the classroom, it was Rosso who was about to go to the bathroom.

Before he left the classroom, Rosso was still a salted fish that had been beaten too much. When he entered the classroom, he was already full of blood and resurrected. When he rushed over, he looked at the empty seat and asked Zhu Tong, "Where's Brother Ming? "

Zhu Tong pointed in the direction of the stairwell: "He said he would go out."


Rosso paused, then turned and left.

Zhu Tong said anxiously: "Wait, did something happen? What did he do?"

Luo Suodao didn't hide it from him, and said seriously, "Qiu Shaoping is out of prison... I won't tell you, I'll go to Brother Ming, you can ask me for a leave later."


Qiu Shaoping?

I wish Tong was slightly shocked.

Shao Ming's stepfather who abused his mother?

He got up and was about to follow, when the system reminded him, "What can you do now?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

Shao Ming walked in such a hurry, something must have happened.

He's going to be a disservice now.

But if you don't go...

"Trust him a little more. Bai Yueguang can live well without you? You have the time to worry about him, why don't you think about how to increase your favorability."

That's right.

Zhu Tong frowned while sitting in his seat. He glanced in the direction where the two disappeared, and suddenly got up and said, "Squad leader, I'll take a leave of absence, and I'll be back soon."

Now is the free self-study time after dinner. Shi Wenshu arranged for the whole class to practice songs together in this self-study session. Instead of listening to the magic sound in the classroom, it is better to go and have a look.

Well, he just went to see.

Thinking like this, before Tang Nuan could respond, Zhu Tong had already followed him out of the classroom.

In the milk tea shop, a man in his fifties was sitting on a high chair in front of the counter. He looked as thin as firewood, but his eyes were as cold as snakes, staring closely at the woman behind the counter.

There were no more customers in the milk tea shop, and there were two newly hired girls behind the counter hiding behind Shao Yujie, looking at the people in front of the counter, grabbing each other's hands and daring not to speak.

Shao Yujie had cold sweat dripping from her back, but she did not dare to show her cowardice.

She said sternly: "Qiu Shaoping, what are you trying to do? I'll tell you, I've already called the police, you..."

"Call the police?" the thin man said in a hoarse voice. "What did I do? I just got out of the bureau, do you want them to take me back? Well, you let them come, I'll wait."

Shao Yujie: "You..."

"Yujie." The man's voice was gentle, "As the saying goes, a husband and wife are blessed for a hundred days. You and your son have killed me for nothing. I finally came out. If I don't come to thank your mother and son, is it impossible to justify it?"

His eyes dimmed, making people feel chills.

The two little girls were trembling with fright, and said in a trembling voice, "Boss, this person is..."

"It's okay, don't be afraid." Shao Yujie comforted them, and then said to Qiu Shaoping, "Tell me, what do you want?"

As soon as she said that, Qiu Shaoping's face became excited, his hands resting on the counter, his eyes gloomy: "What do I want? Don't you know? Tell me where that wild species is."

His voice suddenly changed: "Where is your son! Oh, no, he is not your son at all, he..."

Before he finished speaking, the closed door of the milk tea shop was suddenly pushed open, and a burst of hurried footsteps approached. Qiu Shaoping just turned his head, but no one could see it clearly, and the back of his neck was pulled tightly.

The collar restrained his neck, and his breathing was suddenly blocked. The strength was enough to make him suffocate, and his face was blue, but he didn't show any fear, and even showed an excited smile uncontrollably.

He grabbed his collar and began to struggle.

However, Shao Ming didn't give him any chance. Amid the frightened exclamations behind the counter, he directly dragged people out of the milk tea shop.

There were people coming and going in the square outside the store. There were already many people who wanted to buy milk tea. Because of the suspicious "old man", the man was suddenly dragged out of the milk tea store. The huge movement made the door of the milk tea store become a whole The focus of the square.

Under the horrified eyes of a group of passers-by, Shao Ming threw the person who was dragged out to the square, and his shot was extremely cruel.

The person who was thrown out made a "bang" in the square, and his body curled up into a ball in pain.

Shao Ming looked down at him coldly, without the slightest warmth in his eyes, "As you wish, stay safe."


The author has something to say:

Thank you to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-11-1016:27:44~2021-11-1116:09:21~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: 1 Yu Mei's cat;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 1 bottle of red jasmine;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!