Chapter 52: scum

It was 6:00 pm when Shao Ming received the message from the staff, and it took ten minutes to get from the school to the square.

The sky is not dark or not, as if a haze has been filled in the hearts of people.

A young man slammed a half-hundred old man on the flat and hard ground, and some passers-by who did not know the truth were immediately filled with righteous indignation.

"Haha, hahahaha... brat, I haven't seen you for five years...that's all you can do? It's far worse than Laozi, this means...hahahaha."

He laughed like the background sound in a horror movie, and it sent chills down the spine.

The sympathy that the passer-by had developed was instantly put away, and he was even taken a step backwards in fright.

Qiu Shaoping got up from the ground in a little embarrassment, but his eyes stared straight at Shao Ming, grinning, "You two have opened a milk tea shop behind my back, you will enjoy it, thinking about peace. life? You sent Lao Tzu to that ghost place for five years, why are you so happy? You…”


Shao Ming kicked out again and kicked him in the stomach.

He didn't speak, his eyes were like a bottomless pool, as quiet as stagnant water.

He didn't show mercy, and the people who were kicked didn't show any compromise. The passers-by didn't know what was right or wrong, and wanted to persuade him or not. At the same time, he felt that the people on the ground were terrible, and at the same time, he felt that the people who kicked people were even more terrible.

"What should I do? Should I call the police?"

"I've already reported."

There were several discussions around, and the people in the confrontation were completely unmoved.

When Qiu Shaoping fell this time, he hit the corner of his mouth, blood seeped out, he continued to get up as if he could not feel the pain, and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth: "Oh, with this little strength, you don't dare to attack, do you? Five years ago, where did you smash my head with a wine bottle and stab me with a knife? Oh, you are almost an adult, aren't you? Afraid of legal responsibility?

He spat out blood.

Shao Ming didn't say a word and wanted to start again. At this time, the door of the milk tea shop opened again, and Shao Yujie ran out from inside and said urgently, "Shao Ming, stop!"


Shao Ming turned his head slightly.

Qiu Shaoping looked at the woman who ran out, and then at Shao Ming, who had raised his hand, he grinned again: "Why did you let him stop? If he is afraid of breaking the law, his father doesn't want him, right? It's been five years, Can't you forget your dream of a wealthy family? Haha, didn't you send Lao Tzu in to let him recognize his ancestors and return to his ancestors, and make your dreams come true? After all these years, you are still in this ghost place, you are Delusional, shameless, bitch! You **** deserve to be beaten! People like you are only fit for Lao Tzu..."

The voice was again drowned out by the oncoming fist.

Shao Yujie's face turned pale from his words, but she was shocked when she saw Shao Ming act again. She wanted to dissuade her. The scene from five years ago suddenly appeared in front of her eyes, and her voice froze again.

Five years ago, that 12-year-old boy smashed the man on the head with a beer bottle. The man's head was bloody, and the boy's face was numb. After the beer bottle shattered, it didn't stop. , smashing people to death.

She couldn't imagine what would have happened if the police hadn't arrived in time.

Five years later, now, the boy has grown up and is less serious than he was five years ago.

If this continues, Qiu Shaoping will be beaten to death.

Shao Yujie urged herself to speak, but she also spoke five years ago, and the boy didn't listen to her.

She wanted to step forward and pull him away, but what came to her mind was the boy's face full of blood, looking at her face numbly.

Her feet were as though filled with lead, unable to move an inch.

"Brother Ming!" A person suddenly rushed out of the crowd of onlookers.

Seeing the scene on the square, Rosso's pupils shrank for a while, trembling in place for a moment, then ran forward and said, "Brother Ming, stop, you will kill him!"

"Hahaha, you want to kill me... This level is not enough! The little **** that no one wants, remember how I used to do it? You and your mother's hands and feet... uh, cough hahaha..."

Rosso: "…"

He had never seen such a lover!

Is this guy a masochist!

But his words obviously made Shao Ming think of something. His eyes were dark, and he kicked Qiu Shaoping's chest. His lungs suddenly became suffocated, and his mouth finally couldn't say a complete sentence.

But Shao Ming didn't stop. The man on the ground instinctively curled up. Shao Ming's feet fell on his arms, shoulders, and back, but he still couldn't stop the man's laughter.

"Brother Ming, you..."

Rosso wanted to stop him, but he was thrown away as soon as he touched Shao Ming's hand.

He eagerly turned his head to look at the person at the door of the milk tea shop, and wanted her to persuade him.

But Shao Yujie had already covered her head with her hands, leaning against the glass door frame with a painful expression on her face.


"Shao Ming!"

When he turned his head again, there was another person in front of him.

"Hey, you..."

Rosso was about to remind him not to get close to being accidentally injured, but the person who rushed over had already hugged Shao Ming's arm with all his strength and shouted, "Are you crazy?! Do you want to bury him with him!"

When Zhu Tong squeezed in from the crowd, he didn't catch his breath until he saw Shao Ming, who had completely lost his mind and only knew how to kick people.

It was Shao Ming, who was completely different from what he usually saw and what he made up through the system.

His whole person is violent, his eyes are cold, and all his negative emotions are released. It seems that the things that have been accumulated for a long time have suddenly been smashed through the gate, and all of them are poured out at once.

Like his appearance, Zhu Tong can be sure in an instant that what he has experienced before is definitely not as light as he has shown in front of him!

He didn't want to know what the man who was kicked to death by Shao Ming did, he just wanted to calm Shao Ming down.

It's not worth it to spend your whole life for a scumbag!

The voice suddenly roaring in his ear made Shao Ming's movements a little stagnant. He slowly turned his head, and it took a while for his pupils to focus again. He saw the person in front of him clearly, and his eyes moved slightly: "You..."

"What are the people over there doing!"

The police finally arrived, probably because there were more people calling the police, so anxious that the police cars drove directly into the square, and a few people got off the police cars and went straight to the "scene scene".

At a glance, they saw the "wailing" person lying on the ground.

The pain in his body made Qiu Shaoping's laughter no longer sound like laughter, and he hugged his head hard again, looking like a victim.

The police who arrived took the lead to help the person up, and then looked at Shao Ming who was being held up with serious eyes, "You beat the person?"

Shao Ming didn't seem to have regained his senses, and only looked at the person who was holding his arms with both hands.

The police over there have already checked Qiu Shaoping's injuries. Because of Shao Ming's silence, he tacitly accepted that he was the perpetrator. A policeman walked over and blurted out and began to teach him a lesson: "Why are you beating someone? His ribs were broken. So much for an old man at such a young age? Where are your parents?"

Shao Yujie saw the police appear, as if she saw a savior, and was about to step forward when someone already stood in front of Shao Ming.

Zhu Tong let go of Shao Ming's hand, blocking the police's glaring gaze, and said coldly with a sullen face: "You let a drug dealer who just got out of prison come to trouble the whistleblower, you police officers are dereliction of duty, and it's still to blame now. other people?"

The police who arrived were just ordinary police officers from the police station. Naturally, they did not know Qiu Shaoping. The police officer who had just questioned Shao Ming was stunned, "Drug dealers?"

Some people onlookers also said, "This person is really strange, and he talks like crazy."

"It turned out to be a drug dealer? How could such a person be released?"

"You won't be locked up for a long time, will you be mentally ill?"

The passers-by's comments made the policeman's expression change slightly, and he turned to look at the "old man" who had just been helped up.

I saw the people who were lying on the ground and couldn't get up just now, suddenly had the strength, and rushed towards them.

I wish the child a surprise.

However, Shao Ming reacted quickly, pulling Zhu Tong behind him hard, waving his hand to push the person away, but unexpectedly, the outstretched hand was violently grabbed by the person, and there was a dull pain in the wrist, which was already bitten by the person.


There was another exclamation from the crowd.

The police were also surprised.

Shao Ming's brows were slightly tight, and he violently pushed the lunatic who was biting him away, and was quickly controlled by the rushing police.

"your hands…"

Zhu Tong's pupils were slightly tight, and he grabbed his hand, the bitten wrist had already begun to ooze blood.

The police were also bewildered by the sudden transformation of the "victim perpetrator".

Looks like both of them are crazy!

Qiu Shaoping was unwilling to be restrained. He stared at Shao Ming and said, "I said five years ago that as long as I come out, I will definitely make you restless! I will do what I say!"

His face was hideous, and he didn't care at all how the police reacted when they heard this. There was no need to distinguish who was right from wrong.

Qiu Shaoping was quickly taken away by the police.

The onlookers dispersed after watching the play and taking enough photos.

The outside of the milk tea shop is clean.

Rosso looked at Shao Ming, who had regained his calm, and worried: "Brother Ming, your hand..."

Zhu Tong also looked at his hand, a drop of blood slid down from the wound and dripped onto the ground, his heart was slightly tight, and he pulled the person again, "Go, go to the hospital."

But it didn't pull.

Shao Ming was as steady as Mount Tai, and his footsteps did not sway.

Zhu Tong turned to look at him, just in time to hear him say, "Why are you here?"

Zhu Tong said: "I'm not at ease, come and see... You go to the hospital with me first."

Shao Ming said: "It's okay, minor injury, no need..."

"If you are bitten by a dog, you have to prevent rabies. If you are bitten by that lunatic, you have to disinfect it if you have nothing to do!"

Zhu Tong interrupted him sharply.

It's just that he doesn't look fierce, he doesn't have any momentum when he is strict, and he is a bit fierce... very cute.

Shao Ming suddenly smiled: "Can you let me go to the bathroom first?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

He looked down at Shao Ming's hand, and was bitten by the lunatic, so it's better to wash it first.

He nodded and said, "I'll go with you."

Shao Ming did not refuse.

The two turned around and walked into the store.

Shao Yujie was still standing at the door of the milk tea shop. She seemed to be worried about Shao Ming's injury, and she hesitated.

Shao Ming walked up to her, looked up at her, and seemed to want to say something, but the moment Shao Yujie met his gaze, she shrank and took a step back.

In a subconscious action, Shao Ming took back what Shao Ming was about to say. He smiled and pushed the door into the store.

Zhu Tong glanced at Shao Yujie and quickly followed.

After entering, I looked back.

Auntie just... was she afraid?

Is he afraid of his own son? Why?

After turning back for a moment, Shao Ming had already reached the door of the bathroom, and Zhu Tong trotted to catch up.

By the sink, Shao Ming washed his hands silently. The blood was washed away, including Qiu Shaoping's blood and his own. After the blood was cleaned, he pressed the paper for a while and released it, leaving a red and purple blood mark.

Zhu Tong felt pain in his heart, stepped forward and said, "Does it hurt?"

Shao Ming said easily: "It doesn't hurt, it's already blood clotted."


Zhu Tong didn't believe it, such a savage bite, it hurts to look at.

He looked at Shao Ming's wound and did not speak.

Shao Ming pulled the paper and wiped the water dry. He hid the wound in Zhu Tong's blind spot without a trace, and said softly, "Sorry, did I scare you?"

Zhu Tong raised his head again.

On Shao Ming's face, he had the same smile that he was used to seeing. He was used to it, but looking at it now makes his heart gloomy.

Zhu Tong didn't say much, grabbed him and said, "Let's go, go to the hospital."

"I really don't need to." Shao Ming said, "There is no more bloodshed."

"That too..."

"Don't do to others what you don't want to do to others, young master."


He was talking about the time he injured his leg. Zhu Tong choked on him and said, "Then let's go back to the homestay, we need to disinfect anyway."

Shao Ming smiled lightly: "Okay."

When she came out of the bathroom, Shao Yujie had already entered the milk tea shop. Under the bright lights, her face was still pale, but she was not speechless.

"Your injury..."

As soon as she exited, Shao Ming interrupted her softly, "It's alright, don't worry."


"I'm going back first. You also close the store and go back. Don't open for the next two days."

Shao Yujie: "…"

After Shao Ming finished speaking, he opened the door and went out without waiting for her to respond.

Out of courtesy, Zhu Tong said "goodbye auntie".

When they came out of the square, none of the three said a word.

Rosso is used to getting along with Shao Ming, so it's best not to talk to him at this time.

Zhu Tong didn't know what to say.

Walking to the exit of the square, Shao Ming suddenly stopped.

Zhu Tong stopped and said, "What's wrong?"

Shao Ming glanced at a street leading to the B&B. All the stores on the street were already lit up, illuminating the street they were going back to.

Zhu Tong originally thought that he was feeling uncomfortable, but he heard him say leisurely: "It's a pity that there is no bicycle now. Do you want me to carry you back? Young master."

Very ordinary tone, after experiencing the bad thing just now, the more normal he is, the more strange he looks.

Rosso was a little worried.

But Zhu Tong cooperated and said, "I have hands and feet, so I don't need a means of transportation, so let's go."

Shao Ming smiled again and walked forward.

After running for a few minutes, it took them more than ten minutes to walk back. When they entered the courtyard of the homestay, it was completely dark.

The three of them entered the rented room in silence.

Shao Ming consciously took out the medicine box from under the TV cabinet, and skillfully disinfected and applied medicine to the wound.

Zhu Tong wanted to help several times, but he didn't know how to speak, so he could only stare at the wound on the hand with Rosso.

After taking the medicine, Shao Ming raised his head and sneered: "What are you doing looking at it like this? Afraid it will collapse?"



Rosso hesitated: "Brother Ming, are you okay?"

Shao Ming said, "What's wrong with me?"

Rosso was silent.

Shao Ming said again: "Okay, go back to class quickly, don't rely on me to skip class."

Rosso looked at him complicatedly for a while, and sighed: "Well, I'll go back and ask for leave first."

They ran in a hurry, one or two went out of the school without saying hello.

Judging from the time when Zhu Tong arrived in time, it is estimated that he came out without asking for leave.

As soon as the old class entered the classroom and saw that there were three people missing, maybe they would be looking for them on the phone now, and one of them had to go back and ask for leave first.

Well, run away first, then ask for leave.

Rosso got up from the sofa, and Zhu Tong stood up subconsciously, "I'll go see him."

Shao Ming's movement of packing the medicine box was inaudible for a moment, and then he raised his head as if nothing had happened: "Okay, hurry up and come back."

Zhu Tong: "…"

He suddenly realized something.

Only the host family needs to deliver the guests when they leave. He is only temporarily staying here with Shao Ming.

Inexplicably thinking of what Shao Ming said about "another master", he blushed slightly.

But he didn't care about it at the moment, he nodded.

Rosso tilted his head to look at him, but didn't say "no".

The door at the entrance closed gently, and Shao Ming's seemingly calm and natural movements slowly stopped.

He put a bottle of iodophor in the medicine box, left it open, raised his hand and rubbed his forehead.

Outside the B&B, Rosso looked at the person who had already sent him to the door but didn't plan to go back, and said directly: "If you want to ask, just ask, but say it first, I will say what you can say, and you can't say it. I won't tell you if you ask me."

Zhu Tong: "…"

He suddenly regretted sending him out.

Even Rosso could see what the purpose of his sudden "gift" was, and Shao Ming could definitely see it.

But what happened today, it is definitely easier to ask Rosso than to ask Shao Ming.

Zhu Tong didn't beat around the bush, paused, and said, "The person who found the milk tea shop today is really Shao Ming's stepfather?"

Rosso was silent for a while, and then said "um".

Zhu Tong frowned slightly.

Although the light was very dark at the time, he could barely see the man's face, not to mention his appearance. At that time, the man's face was distorted and hideous, and he was not a good person from the looks of it.

"Auntie, why did she marry that person back then?"

Even if she was unmarried and pregnant, with Shao Yujie's conditions, she wouldn't choose such an unbearable person.

Rosso didn't expect him to be so rude, so he really asked.

Shouldn't the average person deliberately cover up after their minds are pierced?

Rosso paused for a while, and frowned when he thought of the appearance of Qiu Shaoping he saw today, "What we saw was just what that person looked like ten years later, who knows what he looked like ten years ago?"


Zhu Tong said: "What do you mean?"

Luo Suo said: "Know the person and the face but not the heart."

More than ten years ago, Qiu Shaoping ran a bar by himself and was very popular in the county.

He was not yet forty years old at the time, and he looked like a dog. It was not an exaggeration for those who approached him in the city to say that he had stepped over the threshold. There is one reason why he has never been married.

He can't.

He is well-dressed in front of others and has a sanctimonious appearance, but as the saying goes, he does not become bad in debauchery, but perverts in silence.

Shao Yujie met Qiu Shaoping when she was applying for a waiter job in a bar. At that time, Qiu Shaoping was very kind to her. Even though she knew she was pregnant with someone else's child, she was still willing to be kind to her, and even offered to take care of her and marry her.

The gentle trap is always difficult to resist. When Shao Yujie was abandoned by others and abandoned by her family, a person who rescued her from the sea of ​​misery said that she would take care of her, and even took the initiative to confess his physical flaws.

He was frank and sincere, and it didn't take long for Shao Yujie to agree to date him and set a wedding date.

But good things are always fragile.

After getting married, Qiu Shaoping completely changed his face. He was jealous, irritable, sensitive and suspicious. Even when Shao Yujie talked to others in the bar, he felt that it was a betrayal of himself, that he was disgusted with his flaws, and that he was uneasy. point.

At first it was just ordinary beatings and scolding, but gradually, as if he had discovered some kind of fun, he began to intensify, torturing Shao Yujie and even Shao Ming in different ways.

When Rosso's uncle took Shao Yujie to examine her injuries in order to collect evidence, she could not see any trauma on her body, but she was already mentally tortured.

"My uncle told me that in order not to let people gossip, Qiu Shaoping's methods would not leave trauma, but he couldn't help but leave trauma, so he locked the person at home and waited for the injury to heal. Release it."

Zhu Tong: "…"

There is no emotional flatness, but the words spoken are suffocating.

Zhu Tong said in a harsh voice: "A means of not leaving trauma... What do you mean?"

Luo Suo said: "I don't know, I said it was searched on the Internet, and I searched a lot."


Searched on the Internet... searched from the Internet for this kind of thing to be used on women and children?

Wish Tong wanted to be rough.


Zhu Tong frowned: "then didn't they think about moving out?"

Rosso smiled suddenly, "Move away? Where to move? Brother Ming, his grandfather and grandmother are still alive, so he can't leave it alone, right? There is no impermeable wall in the world. Their family has only gotten better in the last two years."


After Zhu Tong heard this, he only felt powerless for a while.

He looked down at the ground.

Rosso looked at him for a while, but he still didn't speak directly.

When it comes to helping people, it is a kindness for others to help, and it is also a duty for others not to help. He is not qualified to speak for Shao Ming.

In the dark of night, Rosso sighed lightly, "Don't say it, I'll go back to school first, can come back later."

Zhu Tong did not worry about leaving Shao Ming alone, and nodded lightly.

When he returned to the hotel, he couldn't help but think, Shao Ming's stepfather is a scumbag, what about his father?

In the square before, when he was still outside the crowd, he seemed to hear Qiu Shaoping say "the dream of a wealthy family". He knew who Shao Ming's father was? Does Shao Ming know that?

Any idea why not look for it? Why does his father ignore them?

He was distracted all the way, and he didn't even know how he entered the door. When he recovered, he was already standing outside Shao Ming's door.

Shao Ming, he is not in the living room.

What is he doing back home? What is he thinking now?

Thinking of Zhu Tong raising his hand, he knocked on the closed door in front of him.

The door opened quickly, revealing Shao Ming's face that could never see his true emotions.

"came back?"


Shao Ming said softly, "Giving someone off for so long?"


Zhu Tong originally wanted to find an excuse, but think about it.

There is no need to deliberately lie about what each other knows well.

But he also didn't want to tell the truth.

There is a difference between knowing in his heart and saying it with his mouth. He didn't want to bring up Shao Ming's bad memories.

Seeing that he didn't speak, Shao Ming didn't ask any further questions. He looked down at him for a while, and suddenly asked, "Did you see me hitting someone in the square before?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

Of course I saw it.

Many people in the square saw it.

He nodded.

Shao Ming's eyes darkened: "Are you afraid?"

Zhu Tong thought about it for a while and said honestly, "A little bit."

At that time, Shao Ming was like an emotionless kicking machine. Blood was seen on the ground. Who among the group of onlookers was not looking in horror?

When he rushed up, he was worried that he would not be able to persuade him.

Just as he was thinking about it, the light in front of him suddenly dimmed, his shoulders sank slightly, and then his waist tightened. He leaned forward and buried himself in the arms of the person in front of him.

Shao Ming hugged him, buried his head in his ear and said, "Don't be afraid of me."


The author has something to say:

Thank you to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-11-1116:09:21~2021-11-1216:24:48~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the landmine: 1 can't survive if you don't go crazy;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 6 bottles of dares; 1 bottle of red jasmine;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!