Chapter 53: comfort

Don't be afraid of me.

Very light sentence, no emotion can be heard, but the action of embracing the person is cautious and can't hide.

Zhu Tong tilted his head slightly, the broken hair around his ears rubbed against each other, a little piercing his face, he wanted to raise his hand to push it away, but just moved, the person hugging him suddenly tightened his hand.


Who is afraid?

Zhu Tong felt a little prickly in his heart, not much pain, but unspeakably uncomfortable.

Shao Ming always wears a mask with a smile, no one knows what he is thinking, what he cares about or not, he is always introverted, no matter how big things can make his face a little anxious.

When he met Qiu Shaoping today, he was not impatient... nor was he irritable. Compared with his violent kicks, the expression on his face could be called calm.

After kicking someone, he didn't say a word of "warm-up", as if he almost beat someone to death, but it was as simple as he just beat a Yuan Shaozhou. On the way back, he was still thinking about joking, and when he was taking medicine, it was also a matter of time. face relaxed.

But now Shao Ming makes people feel very heavy.

He seemed to have suddenly unloaded all his strength and put all the weight on himself.

Does this man remember that he was a sick child?

Have you considered whether his small body can withstand this eighty-five weight?

But he was hugging so tightly that Zhu Tong couldn't push him away.

He sighed softly and said, "I'm not afraid of you."


"I'm afraid that if you beat someone up for good or bad, you have to take responsibility yourself. That person made it clear that he wanted to drag you along..."

After speaking for a while, Zhu Tong felt that his comfort seemed weak.

Qiu Shaoping angered Shao Ming like crazy, the purpose is obvious, he can know, Shao Ming can also know.

That person just wanted to drag Shao Ming to **** with him.

But in the face of someone like Qiu Shaoping, if you can't make him shut up, what else can you do?

Zhu Tong hesitated for a moment, put a hand on Shao Ming's back, and said frankly, "I'm not afraid of you."

The plain but firm words, like a gust of fresh wind blowing in the face, blew away the layers of fog that was pressing on the bottom of my heart.

After a long time, Shao Ming laughed softly, "Then you are quite brave."

Zhu Tong: "…"

The words were pressed against his neck, and the breath gushed in his sensitive neck, and he couldn't help shrinking.

Shao Ming suddenly said, "I wish you a child."

Unprepared to "call him by his first name", Zhu Tong was stunned, "Huh?"

Shao Ming said, "If I really killed someone today, what would you do?"

Thinking of this possibility, Zhu Tong frowned slightly and said, "You won't."

Shao Ming asked, "Why?"


Because in the original text you were fine until the end.

But aside from the final outcome he knew, he could only judge by the time he spent together and what he knew about Shao Ming. He could also conclude that Shao Ming was not someone who really lost his mind just because of a few scumbags.

Zhu Tong said: "There is no reason, I believe you will not."

Shao Ming: "…"

Really unbreakable trust.

But the young master was wrong. If Zhu Tong didn't show up at that time, he really wanted to kick people to death.

The man who rushed up suddenly, the two thin arms that hugged his arms tightly, seemed to put a rational restraint on him, and pulled him back from the mud pit to the ground.

Shao Ming inexplicably didn't like his trust in his positive energy, and insisted on asking, "What if?"

Zhu Tong thought for a while, "If you really beat someone to death, then I'll ask a lawyer to help you file a lawsuit. You have a reason, and you're not an adult, so the punishment won't be too severe. If you really go in, then I'll wait for you to come out, with your grades..."

Zhu Tongben wanted to say that even if he got into that kind of place with his grades, he could have a good job when he came out, but before he finished speaking, the hand on his waist suddenly exerted force, and his originally shallow face suddenly sank deep. .

I wish the young master was speechless.

Shao Ming's voice was a little tight: "You wait for me to come out?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

This seems to be something that people who are very close should do.

People close to... Zhu Tong suddenly thought of Shao's mother's instinctive half-step back outside the milk tea shop, his heart sank slightly, and he pretended to be relaxed: "Although you are not as romantic as your girlfriend is waiting for you, you can Just... ah!"

There was a strange touch on his neck. Zhu Tong was startled and pushed the person away with force. This push was surprisingly easy. He glared at his neck and said, "Why are you biting me?"

In fact, he didn't bite hard, he was just frightened.

Shao Ming's eyes were dim, looking at his lips that were slightly opened in shock, thinking in his heart: not only want to bite, but also kiss.

He said hoarsely, "I don't need a girlfriend to wait for me."

Zhu Tong: "…"

If you don't need it, you don't need it, what are you biting him for?

He kindly comforts the tragic revenge?

Shao Ming said with no sincerity: "Sorry, I couldn't hold back for a while."

Can't hold back for a while?

Zhu Tong glared and said angrily, "I know you're in a bad mood, but you can't just bite someone if you catch them."

Before this was changed, he might have blood on his neck when he took this mouthful!

Zhu Tong recalled the **** scene of accidental injury in the past. While he was glad that his physical fitness was much better now, he was worried about whether he had left a mark on his neck.

I didn't understand what someone just said.

Shao Ming: "…"

He sighed and stepped forward to push Zhu Tong's hand away: "Does it hurt? Let me see."

Zhu Tong said: "No, no pain in the bite."

Shao Ming had already pushed his hand away and looked at his slender white neck with his collar exposed. His skin was delicate and the carotid arteries were faintly pulsing. He stretched out **** to cover it.

The pulsation of the carotid artery and the rhythm of the heartbeat are the same.

When he put his fingers on it, he felt that the beating on it seemed to be a little faster.

Zhu Tong was slightly nervous: "Are you... in a better mood?"

Feeling his nervousness, Shao Ming slightly curved his lips and said, "Well, much better."


Signature smile.

Zhu Tong thought that he was really brainstorming to ask him, because even if he asked Shao Ming, he would not tell the truth.

He glanced at Shao Ming's room and hesitated, "How about I..."

Why don't I stay with you for a while.

Before he could say anything, Shao Ming said, "It's getting late, go back to your room and rest."

Zhu Tong: "?"

time? Is it still early?

Evening self-study is not over yet.

But since Shao Ming said that, he should also want to be alone for a while, right?

Zhu Tong was inexplicably a little lost, nodded and said, "Well, call me if you have anything."

Shao Ming said: "Okay."

He withdrew the hand that was on Zhu Tong's neck with no end in sight.

At the same time, Zhu Tong raised his hand and covered his neck, feeling that the place Shao Ming touched was numb.

He glanced at Shao Ming again before turning around and going back to his room.

When the door on the other side was closed, Shao Ming lowered his head slightly, raised his hand and twitched his fingertips, recalling the obviously accelerated pulsation he had just felt, and thought to himself: It's not all hopeless, is it?

He quickly regained his senses, looked at the mobile phone in the room that he had switched on and was silently beeping, the coldness in his eyes gradually appeared, and he glanced at the closed door over there, helpless and funny.

I don't want people to misunderstand him as a good person, and I don't want people to see his bad side.

He closed the door gently, walked into the room, picked up the phone, and walked to the window to answer the call.

A woman's hysterical voice came from the phone: "Shao Ming! You little bastard! You even found someone to threaten your brother on the road. You are still not human! He is only fourteen years old!"

On the way to the milk tea shop after receiving the news, Shao Ming called and asked that Qiu Shaoping only released it yesterday.

In five years, the city has been ever-changing, newly built squares, and newly opened milk tea shops. How did Qiu Shaoping find the milk tea shop so quickly and accurately?

In the past five years, the only person who has never moved, and who knows exactly where the milk tea shop is, and who can be found by Qiu Shaoping, is Shao Yuhan.

He knew what Qiu Shaoping would do when he got out of prison to find them, but he didn't even have a text message to inform them.

What was his aunt thinking after seeing Qiu Shaoping released from prison?

Shao Ming did not deny what he had done. He chuckled and said, "What? Did my cousin cry?"

Shao Yuhan: "You..."

"Don't worry, the uncle hasn't started yet."

Shao Yuhan's voice trembled, "Shao Ming, what are you trying to do? I'm your mother's sister! You..."

"Yeah." Shao Ming said, "Sisters should be more difficult to deal with, right? Or aunt doesn't like this way? Do you like a more direct way? Have you read the news of the milk tea shop? That direct way Does my aunt want to try it? Or let my cousin try it?"

To Zhuo Yunan's blessing, their current milk tea shop is also an Internet celebrity shop, and the news of what happened outside the milk tea shop has quickly spread.

His aunt, who was so looking forward to seeing the "end", should have watched Qiu Shaoping's tragic situation.

If you want to see them not peaceful, let's not be peaceful together.

Shao Ming thought coldly.

When Shao Yuhan heard him mention the "milk tea shop", he knew that it was his actions that angered him, and he suddenly became terrified and slowed down: "Shao Ming, you can't do this, Qiu Shaoping came to me, and my aunt can't help it, you can let it go. Have you ever met your brother? He is your cousin! Shao Ming?"



Shao Ming thought of something and sneered.

The voice on the phone was pleading, but he didn't speak anymore, just hung up the phone, letting the invisible fear overwhelm the person on the other side of the phone.

Then he made another call to Rosso's uncle.

After the police at the police station sent the person to the hospital, they immediately contacted the prison guard and confirmed the identity of Qiu Shaoping's newly released drug dealer.

"But after he came out, he just went to the milk tea shop and sat down, and what he said did not constitute a crime, so he was only focused on by the police for the time being, and there was no way to arrest him."

Shao Ming was silent for a moment, "Really?"

"But now that the person is seriously injured in the hospital, there should be no threat to you. When he is discharged from the hospital, the police will try their best to protect you."


The police always handled cases according to the rules, but the man in the hospital was never the rules.

What I remember most is the woman's terrified screams, and the suffocation of her face being covered with a towel and her breathing being hindered by the flow of water.

Or the pain that the hands and feet are tied, the joints are repeatedly removed, and then put back again and again.

There was an occasional beating, followed by days-long "rehabilitation confinement".

When did he start resisting? Six or seven? Can't remember much.

The resistance in childhood is always so weak, any exposed emotions of children, in front of adults, are like reminders of their next plan, they can always be taken one step ahead and easily disintegrated.

The chances of asking for help are also very slim. Adults always don’t believe what children say, and they don’t dare to care if they do.

It is always the least desirable to expect others, and he can only rely on himself.

At twelve he could send people in, and at seventeen he could.

He said "yes" to the person on the phone and lay down on the bed with his head up.

He didn't go out of the room again, so he didn't know that someone who had returned to the room sneaked out again and got into the living room in the dark.

Zhu Tong is still worried, and staying in the living room is also convenient for the first time to know the movements of the people in the room.

In the second half of the night, it started to rain outside the window. It sounded like the rain was not small, and the weather suddenly turned cold. Zhu Tong grabbed a folded blanket and covered himself with it. After wrapping it up, he couldn't help but start. sleepy.

He glanced at the door again, but no light came out. In the darkness, his eyelids began to fight, and his body gradually fell. The moment his head rested on the armrest of the sofa, he also fell into a deep sleep.

The next morning, Shao Ming turned on the lights in the living room and found a sleeping young master on the sofa.


The light in the living room was facing the sofa and suddenly turned on, even with closed eyes, it was shaken.

But Zhu Tong didn't wake up.

He slept too late last night, and now is the time for a good night's sleep. He frowned slightly, tilted his head, and continued to sleep away from the dazzling lights.

He seemed to be afraid of the cold, and the blanket was tightly wrapped around him. The light green blanket wrapped himself like a silkworm baby.

Shao Ming didn't know in what mood he walked over.

His steps were light, but his heartbeat was fast.

The person lying on the sofa, leaning on the armrest, fell asleep in a very uncomfortable position with both legs hanging on the ground.

When did he come out?

He just lay on the sofa all night?

Shao Ming moved slightly in his heart.

One day five years ago, the first morning when they were freed from Qiu Shaoping, he also walked out of his room like this, and there were people in the living room at that time.

The person who had taken care of him for more than ten years was gently cleaning up the blood and broken glass on the ground. She looked tired and seemed to have not slept all night.

He still remembers the moment when the door opened, Shao Yujie turned to see him, as if he saw another Qiu Shaoping.

Even more scared than seeing Qiu Shao usually.

The fear that Qiu Shaoping brought her was desperate and numb, but when Shao Yujie looked at him, it was more like looking at a monster.

A twelve year old monster.

No one is not afraid of monsters.

When Zhu Tong said last night that he was not afraid, Shao Ming didn't really believe it.

Maybe he just didn't see it clearly, or he came too late and didn't know what he did.

Or to comfort him kindly and pretend to be calm in front of him.

Perhaps after returning to the room, Zhu Tong would also be afraid of him.

But in fact, the man slept in the living room so casually because he was worried about him.

The mood that had been depressed all night seemed to be liberated in an instant.

Shao Ming stood beside the sofa, blocking the dazzling light above his head. The boy's slightly frowning brows slowly loosened, but he still did not wake up.

He squatted down beside the sofa again, looked at the boy's slightly parted lips, and exhaled warm breath evenly.

The sound of the rain outside the window has not stopped, and the pattering sound seems to hit people's hearts, making people ticklish.

Shao Ming couldn't help reaching out and poked the boy's soft lips.

His eyes darkened, but he didn't take advantage of the danger.

hold on.

He bent down and lowered his head, just as he was about to pick him up from the sofa, but just as he put his hand behind the boy's neck, the sleeping man suddenly grunted and slowly opened his eyes.

There was a haze in the boy's eyes that he hadn't woken up yet, and Shao Ming's face that he wanted to retreat from was suddenly fixed in front of the boy's eyes.


Zhu Tong blinked his sour eyes, feeling a little strange on the underside of his neck, so he tilted his head to look.

"Did I wake you up?" Shao Ming whispered.

Zhu Tong paused: "You are..."

What is this guy doing with his hand under his neck?

Shao Ming smiled lightly: "I plan to kiss you secretly."


I wish Tong stay.

He will really take it seriously if he hears a lot of jokes!

Shao Ming had already stood up and picked up the person at the same time, and said in a natural tone: "How can I sleep on the sofa so narrow? Go to bed."

"I can go by myself." Zhu Tong said, the habit formed during the holidays had already made him put his hand on Shao Ming's shoulder, rubbed his eyes and said, "What time is it now?"

Shao Ming said: "It's still early, you can continue to sleep."

Zhu Tong was already very sleepy, he was relieved to hear the words, covered his mouth and yawned, suddenly thought of something, and suddenly refreshed, "Why are you up early?"

Shao Ming: "…"

Zhu Tongman's mind was that he really "prevented" just in case, and said with a worried look: "You... can't sleep? Is there anything uncomfortable?"


Shao Ming did not sleep all night, but he was a little embarrassed now.

Zhu Tong turned to look at the wall clock above the TV cabinet and was stunned.

Time: six ten.

Their early self-study at 6:40, plus 20 minutes of self-study early, usually have to arrive at the classroom at 6:20.

Zhu Tong looked back at Shao Ming, paused for a second or two, and a carp jumped off him.

In the bathroom, Zhu Tong complained while brushing his teeth, "Why don't you remind me that you're going to be late? It's too late!"

He even planned to let him go back to his room to sleep!

Shao Ming brushed his teeth unhurriedly and comforted him: "Don't worry, just ask for leave early for self-study."

"How about that?" Zhu Tong said, "It's already against the school rules to be absent from class last night. You can't be late for self-study and then you can't be late anyway, so hurry up."

Shao Ming was amused by his hurried action, and all the negative emotions were swept away.

After a busy time, the two finally packed up and prepared to go out, but they were still late.

It was raining outside and the bicycles could not be used. When two people walked into the classroom with an umbrella, the morning reading time was almost over.

Shi Wenshu waited outside the classroom and didn't give people a chance to go to the morning self-study. He called them to the office and trained them directly until the early self-study was over. After the earthquake mode in the cafeteria was turned on, they were released from the office.

Young Master Zhu, who had never been trained, left the office and immediately began to doubt his life: "I will give you the first review in my life."

Shao Ming smiled: "Well, my honor."

Zhu Tong: "???"

He even laughed!

Is it an honorable thing to write a review?

But it looks better than it was yesterday.

The teenager who kicked people hard in the square last night, when he returned, gave off an indescribable sense of vulnerability.

Of those people in the square last night, it is estimated that no one would associate Shao Ming with the word "fragile", but Zhu Tong felt that way.

He didn't like this feeling, and he didn't want to see Shao Ming like last night again.

He didn't mention what happened last night, the two walked into the classroom, most of them had already rushed to the cafeteria, Rosso waved to them from the seat: "Brother Ming, I ordered crab yellow buns and millet porridge for breakfast, and they will be delivered in a while. school gate."

Shao Ming nodded to him as usual.

Back at his seat, Zhu Tong took out a pen and paper and started to complete the review. Just as he was about to write, he suddenly stopped, turned to look at Shao Ming, and secretly sent a message to Uncle Liu.

At the same time, Shao Ming's mobile phone also received a text message, a familiar unknown number.

—I told you long ago that you are just a student no matter what.

—I will send someone to go to Gongshui County, let’s meet.

Shao Ming's expression condensed slightly.

It's pretty good to meet stitches.

He couldn't help hooking his lips, his smile was a little cold, he didn't block the number immediately, but replied, "Okay."


The author has something to say:

Hold on, the progress bar is about to soar!

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-11-1216:24:48~2021-11-1316:56:15~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 10 bottles of lonely root number three; 1 bottle of reader, jasmine, momo;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!