Chapter 54: Insomnia

The school's chorus competition is still in the orderly preparations. During the afternoon self-study time, almost everywhere in the teaching building, you can hear a uniform singing voice, of course, whether it sounds good or not is another matter.

"...The second class sang the Pearl of the Orient. The second class was so irritable, and the head teacher chose such a gentle song. What happened to our old class? He was such a gentle person that he let us sing authentic warfare. Is he right? Have you swapped souls with the head teacher of the second class?"

"You don't understand that. After the competition, each class sings and sings in order to win the prize. The second class probably does the opposite."

"I heard that the second class has to buy new uniforms for the competition. Why hasn't our class moved?"

"Monitor? Can our class have new uniforms?"

Tang Nuan was suddenly cued and said casually, "What class uniform do we want for our class, and two live signs stand on the stage, and the impression score is three points higher than other classes."


As soon as she spoke, the people in the classroom looked at the two "living signs" behind her at the same time, one of them was studying hard and the other was playing with their mobile phones.

Yesterday, someone went online passionately in the middle of the night, and saw some news about the milk tea shop on the Internet. In addition, Shao Ming and the others were late for self-study, and there was already a wave of discussions in the classroom.

But seeing Shao Ming's expression as usual after returning to the classroom, there is no way to associate him with the "madman" who kicked people online.

The classroom was eerily silent for a moment.

Zhu Tong suddenly raised his head and looked at the people in the classroom.

In an instant, someone came back to their senses, "That makes sense! Our class has a lineup!"

The **** of learning and the young master are the words recitation, and Lu Zheyu is the music conductor. The three of them all stand in front of the voice, and one is good-looking.

Although Lu Zheyu turned his back to the audience.

"But is there really no new uniform for our class? I took a fancy to a school skirt, and it looks good."

"Where's the art committee? Let him ask the old class?"

The classroom was lively again.

Zhu Tong was brainwashed by the "Tunnel War" for a whole day. He finally calmed down and did his homework for a while, but suddenly he can't write anymore.

He leaned closer to Shao Ming, lowered his voice and said, "When we sing, do we both have nothing to do after the recitation?"

"Huh?" Shao Ming looked up from the phone screen: "What else do you want to do?"


He didn't want to do anything, he wanted to run away.

He said, "Can we leave the stage after the recitation?"

"How about that?" Before Shao Ming could speak, Tang Nuan turned his head when he heard the voice: "The chorus competition is a collective matter for the entire class, the words you recite are only a short paragraph, and it is already given to you not to let you sing. There is water from the Pacific Ocean, and you have to stand on stage until the end of the chorus!"

As she said that, she looked at Shao Ming again: "It's all your fault that you don't have a sense of honor in the class. Look, Zhu Tong has been ruined by you."

Zhu Tong: "…"

To be honest, Zhu Tong felt wronged for Shao Ming. He didn't want to stand on the stage, and it had nothing to do with Shao Ming.

It just feels's embarrassing.

Seems like you have to look down the stage with a smile on your face?

Isn't that embarrassing to commit cancer?

Shao Ming was quick to admit his mistake, "Well, it's my fault."

Zhu Tong felt that Shao Ming was a little strange.

He is so normal.

When writing the review in the morning, he asked Uncle Liu to find someone to look after Qiu Shaoping in the hospital. Qiu Shaoping was seriously injured and should not be able to leave the hospital for a while.

But no matter what, that person is also a hidden danger. How could Shao Ming be so nonchalant?

The appearance of the two people was finally decided to stay on the stage from the beginning of the recitation to the end of the chorus.

In order to avoid embarrassment, Shao Ming fought for a "same stage".

Originally, the two people were standing on both sides of the chorus, but they were changed to stand on the same side.

Zhu Tong accepted this proposal, but if it was the same, with Shao Ming by his side, he felt more secure and was not afraid of embarrassment.

At the end of the whole day of classes, the rain had stopped outside when school was over, and the ground was still wet.

On the playground, Zhu Tong tried his best to pick a place without puddles, and he walked out of the nine bends and eighteen detours on a straight road.

Shao Ming smiled and looked at him from behind, walking the route he had walked.

Zhu Tong disliked the uneven playground of the school's shallow pits and water pools, and walked with his head down in the dim light. He didn't notice anything wrong with the people behind him, and he didn't see the people who were already waiting outside the school gate.


Walking out of the school gate, Zhu Tonggang was about to look up when someone tapped his shoulder lightly.

He heard the sound and turned his head, "Uncle Liu? Why are you here?"

Uncle Liu looked at the person behind him.

Shao Ming said, "I asked Uncle Liu to pick you up."

Zhu Tong: "?"

Could it be that Shao Ming was calm on the outside and was actually very scared?

Yes, after all, he is still a student, and it is normal to be afraid of being targeted by a lunatic.

He didn't think much about it, nodded and said, "Then we..."

"You go back with Uncle Liu, I have to go back today."

Zhu Tong: "!"

go back? back to where?

Seeing the surprise in his eyes, Shao Ming smiled and said, "I left in a hurry yesterday, I'll go back and see my mother."

Zhu Tong: "…"

When such a big thing happened yesterday, it seemed that Shao's mother... No, she was frightened, and Shao Ming should go back and have a look.

It should be said that it is necessary.

But if Shao Ming goes back today, he doesn't want to be alone in the empty boudoir... Bah, what a broken metaphor.

It was only for a moment that I was a little unaccustomed to it. It was clear that he was alone in the hotel before, and he and Shao Ming did not sleep in the same room.

He was really spoiled by Shao Ming.

Zhu Tong was stunned for a while, then quickly recovered, nodded and said, "Is it time to go back and have a look, is that... far away? Uncle Liu and I will take you there?"

"No, I'll just take a taxi. You go back to rest early."


Seeing that Tong Tong was still, Shao Ming added: "There will be no wake-up service tomorrow morning, so don't be late again."

Zhu Tong couldn't help but smile: "Your wake-up service is useless at all."

I wrote a review this morning.

Shao Ming's eyes softened and said: "Then I will call you early tomorrow to wake you up."

And this service?

Zhu Tong's eyes lit up, "Really?"

The corners of Shao Ming's lips rose, "Really."

In fact, Zhu Tong didn't really need Shao Ming to wake him up. He was late in the morning because he left his mobile phone in the room when he went out to the living room and couldn't hear the alarm clock.

But when Shao Ming said he could call to wake him up, Zhu Tong was really happy again.

Usually, after they go home from school, they usually work in their own rooms, except that he doesn't understand a problem and needs to ask Shao Ming for help. After all, they go home after school at ten o'clock, so high school students don't deserve to have the time to waste. .

But even so, when he was sleeping, Zhu Tong knew that there was someone in the room next to him, and even if he couldn't hear any sound, he knew that he was not alone.

Shao Ming said that he wanted to call him, as if a dazed person suddenly had expectations, as if Shao Ming was still living in a homestay with him.

There was an unabashed relaxed smile on his face.

Shao Ming watched, only to feel his heart beat fiercely and stagnated in place.

Other students passing by at this time: "…"

What are these two flirting with at the school gate?

Uncle Liu who waited for a while: "..."

If he remembered correctly, young master, they have morning classes at six o'clock in the morning, right?

They only need to be separated for a few hours, right?

It's possible to oversleep in one night's sleep, right?

We can see you tomorrow morning, why are you still saying goodbye?

Uncle Liu sighed and said, "Master, let's go."

Zhu Tong suddenly realized that he was too hypocritical, one word: embarrassing!

He didn't dare to say anything, said "see you tomorrow", then turned and left.

After walking two steps, I suddenly remembered something, turned to look at Uncle Liu and said, "Uncle Liu, why did you come to pick me up?"

He looked up at the direction of the homestay.

Two hundred meters, two hundred meters.

Can he lose it at such a close distance?

Uncle Liu: "…"

Uncle Liu felt that it was necessary, after all, his young master was surrounded by gangsters within a range of 200 meters when he started school.

But he usually followed him secretly when he was worried. Today, Shao Ming sent him a message, so he blatantly came to pick him up.

He euphemistically said: "Master, it's better to be careful during special times."


special period?

Zhu Tong frowned suddenly, "What do you mean? Is Qiu Shaoping dangerous?"

Uncle Liu said, "Don't worry, young master, I won't let him get a chance to approach you."

Zhu Tong: "…"

He was not worried about himself.

Walking on the road, Zhu Tong whispered: "Uncle Liu, is there any way to get people away?"

"Take it away? To what extent?"


Zhu Tong looked at Uncle Liu in astonishment.

Uncle Liu's light-hearted words made him instantly make up for a **** drama.

To what extent... what extent does it take to get people away? To what extent did Uncle Liu think of it?

For the first time, Zhu Tong felt that Uncle Liu seemed a little scary.

He thought about it and said, "Just... just take the normal means and get it away in an ordinary way."

Uncle Liu thought for a moment and frowned, "That's a little tricky."

Zhu Tong: "…"

What's the easy way?

Zhu Tong did not dare to ask.

He didn't know if it was acceptable for Shao Ming to take care of other people's affairs like this.

He felt a bit of a headache and walked to the door of the homestay. He turned his head and glanced at the school door. He was no longer in place. He sighed in disappointment, and he turned into the courtyard.

Inside the iron gate at the school gate, Shao Ming took a laptop from Lu Zheyu.

"Are you going to use it these two days?" Shao Ming asked.

Lu Zheyu shook his head and said, "No, I don't have a job for the time being... Need help?"

Shao Ming said: "No, I will handle it myself."

Lu Zheyu nodded again, turned around and went back to the school dormitory.

Shao Ming carried the computer, took a taxi from the school gate, and returned home. Shao Yujie was watching TV and was very surprised to see him come back.

Shao Ming stood at the door for a while and asked, "Has anyone been to the house today?"

Shao Yujie subconsciously shook her head: "No."

Shao Ming frowned slightly.

Although it was said that people would come over in two days, it was hard to guarantee that someone would not obey the rules and come to "see" him early.

They all came from City A. He didn't want that person to meet Zhu Tong, and he didn't want Zhu Tong to know that he was not recognized and did not want to recognize the identity.

In the living room, Shao Yujie was still looking at him with a slightly nervous expression.

Shao Ming didn't say anything to her, he simply said, "I'm staying at home these two days."

Then bypassed the living room and went directly back to the room.

Shao Yujie's face changed slightly, she quickly stood up and wanted to stop her, but before her voice came out, the door of the room was already closed.


She rubbed her forehead in annoyance and sat back on the sofa in frustration.

A variety show in the evening was playing on the TV screen, and the funny variety show episodes could not relieve the tense atmosphere at home again.

She didn't know what to do.

In the room, Shao Ming didn't seem to take the "disparity" to heart at all. He took the computer out of the computer bag and turned it on directly. At the same time, the phone rang.

He answered the phone nonchalantly.

The person on the phone didn't know what to say, and he replied, "at one o'clock in the afternoon the day after tomorrow, at the cafe across the square."

After he finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

He moved the computer again, straightened it, used Shao Yuhan's account to send a message to the people in the hospital, and blocked the person after sending it.

After Qiu Shaoping was released from prison, he even got his mobile phone from Shao Yuhan.

After hearing that he was admitted to the hospital, he admitted his mistake sincerely, and some police seemed to plan to arrange a job for him after he was discharged from the hospital.

Good people are always so easily deceived, and always so lightly.

Shao Ming's eyes were slightly cold, and he looked up at the room again.

He hadn't come back to this room for a long time, but both the desk and the bed cover were clean, and the scent of detergent could be faintly smelled in the air. The sheets should have just been changed.

Even if he doesn't come back to live, the room is well cleaned.

Thinking of the person sitting alone in the living room just now, Shao Ming sighed again, walked to the door and opened the door.

The slightest movement can make the people in the living room slightly startled, and they look at him cautiously.

Shao Ming was silent for a while and said, "It's getting late, rest early."

Shao Yujie was slightly startled, then nodded lightly: "Okay, you should rest early too."

Shao Ming also nodded and closed the door again.

The people in the living room stared at the door for a while, then slowly sighed.

After closing the door, Shao Ming felt tired.

Maintaining the relationship between people is probably the most tiring thing in the world.

But the same thing, if it was another person, he would not feel tired.

for what?

The answer is obvious.

He couldn't help thinking of his deskmate, the simple and easy-to-understand boy, but there were many things that were difficult to understand.

What is he doing now?

Doing a quiz? Still asleep?

When he is not there, will he leave blank questions when he encounters problems that he does not know, or will he be alone at the desk and be overwhelmed?

Or are you heartless and fall asleep?

Shao Ming sat in front of the computer in a daze, and when he came back to his senses, he found that his mind was full of that person.

In the homestay, Zhu Tong was lying on the bed looking up at the ceiling, his eyes were dull, and his face was hopeless.

He can't sleep.

He actually fell asleep!

He didn't fall asleep on the sofa last night!

He took out his mobile phone and looked at it. At twelve o'clock in the middle of the night, he subconsciously opened WeChat. There were a lot of unimportant news, but none of the news he wanted to see.

He turned off his phone in despair and continued to stare at the ceiling in a daze.

How could he fall asleep?

Zhu Tong has heard before that some people have the problem of "recognizing the bed". If they are used to sleeping in one bed, they will not be able to sleep in other beds, and some people have the problem of "recognizing people".

Doesn't he have this problem?

Who does he recognize? Shao Ming? But they never slept together, not even in a bed!

And how long did he live with Shao Ming? Not so much, right?

Zhu Tong closed his eyes and brewed drowsiness while thinking wildly. His consciousness was chaotic, and the biological clock and his awake consciousness were pulling each other, which made him not only remember to do a few math problems, but also want to continue to lie down and sleep. Tired and tired, still can't sleep.

I closed my eyes and stayed up late until dawn, and received a "wake up" call from Shao Ming at six o'clock on time.

Although this phone call was as useless as yesterday, Zhu Tong strangely felt a sense of relief that he could fall asleep on his back.

It's not easy that time doesn't allow him to sleep.

Zhu Tong could only get up groggy, and when he went out after washing up, he found that Shao Ming was already waiting for him outside the hotel.


The drowsy consciousness was instantly awake, and Zhu Tong was surprised: "When did you come back?"

Shao Ming raised his lips and said, "Just arrived."

Zhu Tong turned to look at the direction of the school.

He remembered that Shao Ming's home was in the opposite direction from the B&B. Even if he came here, he should have gone directly to the school. How could he come to the B&B.

He looked at the school, and then at Shao Ming, "How are you..."

"I'm used to going to school with you, so I don't feel comfortable alone." Shao Ming said with a low smile.

Zhu Tong: "…"

His heart moved slightly, as if he had been stabbed in his heart.

He felt that way too.

I am used to going out with two people. After getting up today, I feel very uncomfortable.

He moved his lips involuntarily, but before he could speak, Shao Ming had already put his arms around him and said, "Let's go, if you are late, you will be punished for standing."

When Shao Ming took his shoulder, the back of his hand gently rubbed his face.

So cool.

Zhu Tong was excited for a moment and couldn't help tilting his head.

Is this person really just outside the hotel? Why are your hands so cold?

But Shao Ming was already looking ahead, the corners of his lips were slightly raised, and he seemed to be in a good mood.

Zhu Tong paused and said, "Auntie okay?"

Shao Ming said: "It's good."

"You..." Zhu Tong said hesitantly: "When did you get home last night?"

Shao Ming thought for a while, "About eleven o'clock, what's wrong?"

Zhu Tong: "Are you going back there tonight?"

"Go back." Shao Ming leaned towards him and whispered, "What? Are you reluctant to bear me?"


"No." Zhu Tong subconsciously denied.

What would he be reluctant to let others go back to his home to accompany his family?

But he seems...really reluctant.

He tilted his head to look at Shao Ming, "Can you send me a message after you get home today?"

Shao Ming paused slightly: "...why?"


Zhu Tong lingered for a while, it seems that others have no obligation to report to him when they go home, right?

He was dumbfounded for a moment, and Shao Ming approached him and said, "Are you worried about me?"




Since Qiu Shaoping appeared, Shao Ming's state has been quite worrying.

Zhu Tong was a bit taken aback by his question, so he didn't fall asleep last night because he was worried about Shao Ming?

He didn't say anything about his insomnia, nodded and said, "A little bit."

Shao Ming said again: "Why don't you call me if you're worried about me?"

Zhu Tong said: "I'm afraid to disturb you talking to auntie."

Shao Ming: "…"

It's really sweet and loving.

Shao Ming smiled: "Then do you know why I didn't send you a message?"

Zhu Tong: "Why?"

"Because I'm afraid I'll miss you."


Zhu Tong looked at him with a complicated expression.

He thought: How could this person say such ambiguous words to people so naturally?

Is this also a form of self-protection?

Because you don't want people to know what's on your mind?

A little helpless, and a little distressed.

Seeing that he didn't look at the road, Shao Ming posted to him again: "Okay, it's my fault, I've made you worry, don't worry, it won't happen in the future."


Before Zhu Tong had time to think about what "it won't happen in the future", his body was turned around by someone.

"It's time to go to school, you need to see the way, young master."

Zhu Tong: "…"

As the morning class approached, there was a surging crowd at the school gate. What he wanted to ask could only be swallowed temporarily.

Then I didn't find a chance to speak again.

After a few days of chorus practice in the class, the formal rehearsal began. The original dance of the demons turned into a "Qi" dance of the demons. The damage to the eardrum increased exponentially. In the end, Zhu Tong used the props that Shao Ming gave him. - Cotton earplugs.

Another day passed. After Shao Ming didn't go back to the B&B at night, he didn't go back even at noon.

If he hadn't had lunch with them before leaving, Zhu Tong would have wondered if he had been rejected by him.

...why does he use the word disgust?

In a small restaurant opposite the homestay, Zhu Tong had finished his meal and was sipping his soup.

Rosso sat opposite him, looked at the direction Shao Ming had just left, and wondered, "Brother Ming, what is he doing?"

Zhu Tong shook his head: "I don't know."

Rosso: "…"

I don't know how calm you are?

He paused for a while and asked, "That person... how are you doing these two days?"

Zhu Tong paused when he drank the soup, then swallowed the soup and said, "I'm recovering from an injury, my rib is fractured, and I won't be able to leave the hospital in a short time."

Rosso breathed a sigh of relief.

In the past two days after returning from the milk tea shop, they tacitly did not mention this matter in front of Shao Ming, but they all remembered it in their hearts.

Rosso was silent for a while, "My uncle told me that in this situation, if Qiu Shaoping does not take any further action, it will be difficult to send people in."


This child also knows.

The law stipulates that after a criminal is released from prison, if he retaliates against the victim within five years, he constitutes a repeat offender stipulated in the criminal law and should be severely punished.

However, it is difficult to say where the "retaliation" stipulated by law is.

To what extent can language extremes be considered revenge?

If arrests are not made, how long can the police's "guardianship" last?

The delicious fish soup in the bowl suddenly became fragrant, Zhu Tong's eyes darkened, and he whispered, "It is difficult to be sent to prison, and it is not difficult to be sent to the hospital, right?"

Rosso was stunned: "What?"

Zhu Tong raised his head and said, "You said that if I let him lie in the hospital all the time and pay the medical bills on time, will he not be able to bear it one day and leave this place on his own initiative?"

Rosso was stunned by his thought, and his mouth was speechless.

Rosso was just an ordinary high school student. Although he gained a lot of knowledge with Shao Ming, he never thought that such an operation would be possible.

Keep people in the hospital all the time? How to do?

Like dealing with Yuan Shaozhou, beat people back when they are discharged from the hospital? To what extent?

Rosso suddenly discovered that this person looked weak and could not help but was also quite ruthless.

Zhu Tong was already immersed in his own thoughts.

Suddenly the phone rang, he took it out, looked at it, and pressed to answer.

"Uncle Liu."

"Master, where are you now?"

Zhu Tong looked at the hotel opposite through the glass window of the restaurant, "I'm eating in the restaurant and I'll be back in a while."

On the phone, Uncle Liu was obviously relieved, and his tone was still a little serious, "Young master, you better hurry back, the phone call from the hospital just now, and the person you asked me to watch, while the inspection is done, get rid of the police and the person I arranged. I ran away secretly, and now I don't know where to go."

Zhu Tong's face changed suddenly.

Rosso also became nervous, "What's wrong? What happened?"

Zhu Tong said: "Qiu Shaoping ran away."


Didn't you say the rib was broken? Why did you run away again?

Ribs still broken? Such perseverance?

Luo Meng glared: "Then brother Ming just went out...isn't something wrong?"

Before he could finish speaking, Zhu Tong had already stood up, "Uncle Liu, you locate my cell phone and follow me."

"Wait, young master, where are you going?!"

The exasperated voice on the phone was cut off.

Zhu Tong said to the system in his brain: "Do you know where Shao Ming is now?"

The system directly displayed a map showing the location of Bai Yueguang.

Zhu Tong glanced at the location, turned and left.

"Hey, wait for me..."

Rosso was busy scanning the QR code to pay the bill. When he left the restaurant, he had already walked away for a long time, so he quickly chased after him.

Zhu Tong followed the shortest route indicated by the system.

He didn't have time to think about how abnormal Shao Ming was in the past two days. Shao Ming went out alone at noon today without saying anything. He thought that Qiu Shaoping didn't care that Qiu Shaoping was still in the hospital anyway.

But why did it happen that Qiu Shaoping sneaked away from the hospital?

What on earth did he want to do when he had a broken rib and ran out of the hospital without recovering from the injury?

Why did Shao Ming run away when he went out alone?

How can it be so coincidental?

Opposite Xinxin Plaza, at the entrance of a small cafe, a man in a suit and leather shoes stood opposite a young man carrying a briefcase-like thing. He looked at the small cafe next to him with a bit of restrained disgust on his face.

When Zhu Tong arrived, Shao Ming was talking to the man. He breathed a sigh of relief when he suddenly saw a man emerge from behind the taller than human stone statue of Pixiu next to the cafe. Wear a chest strap for fixing fractures.

He had a grim face, a sullen look, and a fruit knife in his hand.

He was well versed in the principle of not shouting loudly in a sneak attack, and stabbed Shao Ming in the back with a fruit knife.

Zhu Tong's pupils shrank suddenly not far away, and he didn't know where the strength came from, so he rushed towards Shao Ming.

Shao Ming seemed to have sensed something, and was about to turn around to avoid it, but was slammed into it.

Under the inertia, he only had time to pull the person in front of him, and kicked out at the same time.

The fruit knife that came straight at it was kicked off the track, but the person holding the knife seemed to be ruthless. He turned the fruit knife back horizontally, and slashed the back of the man in front of Shao Ming with force, pulling a **** line in the air. Mark of.


Uncle Liu, who arrived slowly, witnessed this scene, his eyes were instantly bloodshot and his eyes were splitting.

Qiu Shaoping saw that the knife had slashed the wrong person, and regardless of the pain in his chest, he wanted to pounce again with red eyes, but was kicked three meters away by Uncle Liu who came.

Zhu Tong felt warm liquid seeping out from his back, and when the pain hit, he just bit his lip tightly to prevent himself from screaming.

Shao Ming supported the person who was in his arms, his hands and feet were stiff and cold.

The moment blood flashed across his eyes, an invisible boundary that he had been insisting on and restrained from seemed to be smashed into pieces by the person who suddenly bumped into him.


The author has something to say:

Thank you to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-11-13 16:56:15~2021-11-14 17:13:52~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: 1 Xinghua drunk;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 20 bottles of the protector of Xinghua drunk and Langlang nails; 425805232 bottles; 1 bottle of red jasmine;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!