Chapter 55: schedule

When Qiu Shaoping received news from Shao Yuhan in the hospital, he felt an unprecedented anger.

The news received said that Shao Ming's father in City A had someone come to him, and that person planned to bring their mother and son back to City A.

Take it back to City A? how is this possible?

What kind of life did he live in the five years he lost his freedom? It doesn't matter how hard it is, he will go out one day, everything he has destroyed, everything destroyed by a little cub, he will give back a hundredfold to the mother and child, and he will make them restless for the rest of their lives!

But now someone is telling him that they are going, they are going to get rid of themselves?

ungrateful stuff!

Back then, that **** had nowhere to go. It was he who took in her and the wild seed in his stomach, and it was he who raised that little brat, but how could there be something unearned in the world? They have received their own favor, and they deserve to repay him.

But that **** disliked him and hooked up with the guests in the bar. That kid didn't know how to be grateful, so he dared to rebel against him, and even joined the police to deal with him!

They made his flaws public, they made him a joke in the neighborhood, they made him scolded by everyone, they made him go to jail...

He has nothing now, how can the people who harmed him be so happy?

Do you still want to recognize your ancestors and return to your ancestors and go back to enjoy the glory and wealth?


Shao Ming was raised by him and his son. If his purpose is not achieved, he will not let others get their wish if he destroys them!

He knew that someone in the hospital was watching him, besides the police at the police station, there were other people. He had long suspected who was watching him until he received a message from Shao Yuhan. He believed Shao Yuhan's words and was firm. He thought that the person watching him was arranged by Shao Ming's biological father.

Really responsible and considerate.

Qiu Shaoping felt jealous in his heart and became more and more distorted.

During the two days he was in the hospital, he had been very calm. He told the police and the people who were watching him to relax their vigilance. He remembered the time and place that Shao Yuhan told him. Opportunity sneaks out of the hospital.

Outside the cafe, he saw the people from City A with arrogance on his face, and his eyes were full of contempt and contempt for the small city.

They are so high above, and now he is like dust in the mud, how can he tolerate the cub he raised to climb to a higher place than him?

He hardly hesitated, wanting to pull people to hell!

However, it was destroyed by someone who suddenly rushed up.

Who was blocking the sword for Shao Ming?

Who was the one who suddenly kicked him?

Why does everyone have to get in his way? Why is everyone against him?

Damn them all! All be damned!

Qiu Shaoping frantically wanted to get up again, but blood kept pouring out of his throat, and finally passed out from exhaustion.

In the cafe, the few customers stared at the cafe door with wide eyes, and there was a person with his back against the glass door.

The man didn't help, nor was he panicked. He stayed out of the way when Qiu Shaoping rushed out, and watched with cold eyes until he saw Uncle Liu appear.

I regret not helping me just now.

There was no arrogance on his face at all.

However, Uncle Liu was in a daze and didn't even glance at him. He wanted to rush up and pick him up and beat him to death. At this time, someone behind him shouted, "Brother Ming, what are you doing standing still! Take him to the hospital!"

Shao Ming seemed to wake up suddenly, his cold and unconscious limbs finally gained strength, he picked up the person directly, and rushed towards the direction of the hospital.

The man in the suit wanted to stop it, but he quickly put his hand away, watched a few people run away, his eyes changed, and he took out his mobile phone to call someone.

On the way, Zhu Tong's face was pale in pain, and his hands were tightly clutching the fabric of Shao Ming's shoulders.

Shao Ming felt that his heart also tightened.

He wanted to speak, but his throat was so hoarse, someone comforted him in his ear and said, "I'm fine, you..."


Shao Ming did not speak, but tightened his grip.

It's easy to say, in fact, Zhu Tong is going to die of pain!

It turned out that being slashed by a fruit knife would be so painful!

What's going on behind his back? Won't the skin crack open? How ugly is that?

"The host's physical data is good, and the injury on the back is only a skin injury, so don't worry."


Zhu Tong was really relieved, but he was still in pain.

"Did you develop the system without the service of reducing pain to the host?"

He can only divert his attention by talking to the system.

The system said helplessly: "Sorry, we are a mission survival system, not a player experience system, there is no such service."

Zhu Tong: "…"

But the quest reward doesn't work either!

After his favorability surpassed 30%, he still seemed to be in trouble!

After thinking about it for a while, Shao Ming had carried him into the hospital.

Find a doctor to strip clothes, check disinfection, apply medicine and bandage, this process is already very familiar to Zhu Tong.

It's just that the whole process is down, and no one around him speaks. What's the matter?

Will this be embarrassing for the doctor?

The doctor is not embarrassed. On the contrary, the doctor is very satisfied with such a "sensible and quiet" companion. Finally, he doesn't need to hear someone screaming in his ear when he is treating the patient's wound.

The wound was treated perfectly, and the doctor took the tray to the aisle: "The wound is not deep, and the medicine will be cured in a few days, but your injury looks like a stab wound, how did you hurt it?"

Looking at this, it doesn't look like a bad boy who likes to fight.

Zhu Tong was silent for a while, and seeing that no one answered, he could only say to himself, "I... act bravely?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he felt the hands on his shoulders suddenly tighten.

After arriving at the hospital, Shao Ming didn't speak or let him go. Zhu Tong was afraid of the pain when taking the medicine. He sat sideways on the armchair and wanted to find a place to hold his hands. He didn't wait for him to find a suitable place. , Shao Ming stood in front of him, clasping his shoulders with both hands.

Zhu Tong completed the process of applying the medicine half-faced in front of him.

When he trembled from the pain of the drug, Shao Ming's hand on his shoulder tightened.

Zhu Tong knew that he was worried, so he could only hold his forehead in front of him as much as possible.

After finally finishing the medicine, he breathed a sigh of relief.

The doctor put the tray on the movable shelf and turned around and said, "Doing justice? You? You young people, it's good to have a sense of justice, but you have to do what you can. With a small body like you, the wind will blow you down. It's like, you're brave enough to be righteous? It's almost as good as rushing to give away the head."

Zhu Tong: "…"

This doctor is quite understanding, and even knows how to send people's heads.

He also knew that he was a weak chicken, but at that time, if he didn't rush up...

"If you don't go up to block the sword, Bai Yueguang may not be injured."


The system directly interrupted his thrilling brain supplement.

Indeed, judging from Shao Ming's reaction when he pounced on him, Shao Ming was actually taking precautions, and Qiu Shaoping's knife might not be able to stab him.

Wait... be prepared?

Zhu Tong suddenly felt that something was wrong, he wanted to look up, but felt a little cold on his body.

Oh, and take off your clothes when you're taking the medicine.

He turned his head to look at the **** clothes he had taken off on the side, and felt disgusted in his heart. He turned to look at Uncle Liu and said, "Uncle, go back and help me get some clothes."

Uncle Liu's face was complicated, with self-blame, distressed, and a little anger that didn't disappear in time.

He looked at Zhu Tong for a while, sighed, and walked out of the consultation room first.

Rosso's eyesight was full, watching the doctor and Uncle Liu leave the consultation room one after another, and also turned to the door and said, "Then I'll go get the medicine first, Brother Ming... You can stay with him."


The once crowded clinic suddenly became empty.

I don't know if it was because there were fewer people, but Zhu Tong felt that the air pressure in the room had dropped.

Why didn't Shao Ming speak?

What should he say now?

While entangled, a mechanical prompt suddenly sounded in his head: "Congratulations to the host for obtaining Bai Yueguang's favorability +10%, and the current favorability is 59%."


10%? !

Zhu Tong has always felt that the favorability card has remained at 49% for a long time, because it has reached the critical point of the next stage of rewards.

It's like reading a cultivation novel, which protagonist will not encounter a bottleneck in the stage breakthrough when leveling up?

So he was stuck at 49% for so long, and although he was anxious, he didn't feel discouraged.

He believes that sincerity is the best way to go, and patiently waits for his favorability to break through the 50% mark.

Now the 50% mark is broken.

Not only was it broken, but it was approaching another critical point.

The reason is that Zhu Tong is more self-restrained, and at this moment, he almost blurted out the word "Fuck".

How did the favorability rise? What did he do?

Oh, he blocked the sword for Shao Ming.

Can the knife block have such a good effect?

Is this development so bloody?

It turns out that even if it is a fresh and refined white moonlight, it cannot avoid being stereotyped.

Zhu Tong looked at the progress bar halfway through the system interface, and thought blankly: Can he make a few more cuts?


Probably because the sudden surge in favorability gave Young Master Zhu great courage, he finally raised his head, which had been drooping for a long time, and when he raised his head, he faced a face with a sinking face.


Shao Ming's current face, how should I put it, his face is not good-looking, and it can't be said to be ugly, but it gives people a deep, breathless feeling of suffocation.

Zhu Tong glanced at the progress bar again.

The favorability level has indeed increased, but he couldn't tell from Shao Ming's face at all.

When will this man be true to himself?

Why are emotions so strange?

When Zhu Tong met his eyes, he was inexplicably a little uneasy. Just as he was about to speak, Shao Ming looked away again.


There must be a bug in the system!

Is this the attitude that the favorability level has risen by more than half?

While questioning in his heart, the hand on his shoulder suddenly loosened.

The temperature in the palm of his hand disappeared suddenly, and Zhu Tong quickly felt the coolness on his shoulders. Before he could cover his shoulders, a coat suddenly came up, covering his bare upper body with gauze only. .

A Japanese lapel overalls jacket, which was a bit wide on Zhu Tong's body, was suddenly wrapped in a familiar aura, clinging to him without any obstacles, and Zhu Tong was stunned for a moment.

He was still sitting in a chair.

Shao Ming looked down at him and said, "Can you stand up?"

Zhu Tong nodded.

It wasn't his leg that was hurt.

He let Shao Ming put his coat on himself like a puppet.

It also took Shao Ming's body temperature.

Seeing that there was only a thin striped shirt left on Shao Ming's body, he pondered, "Aren't you cold?"


Shao Ming paused for a moment, did not answer him, and buttoned his jacket carefully.

Zhu Tong looked at him from a very close distance, and even his trembling eyelashes could be seen clearly.

But Shao Ming never raised his eyes, he kept the action of buttoning the last button on Zhu Tong for a while and then asked, "Does it hurt?"

Zhu Tong felt the wound, "The medicine on it has an analgesic effect, so it doesn't hurt much anymore."

It's just gauze wrapped around him, it feels a little weird.

Shao Ming raised his hand again and stroked Zhu Tong's bangs that were a little messy on his forehead.

"You..." His voice was hoarse: "How did you know I was there?"

He didn't ask Zhu Tong why he was there.

follow him? Not like.

Zhu Tong came in a hurry and bumped into him without thinking.

Did he see the knife in Qiu Shaoping's hand?

Does he know what will happen if the knife stabs him in the body?

Shao Ming's breathing was a bit stagnant, and even the transformation of breath in his lungs became extremely difficult.

His mind was full of the picture of that lunatic holding a knife and slashing at Zhu Tong's back. He clearly... didn't want to involve Zhu Tong.

Zhu Tong knew that Shao Ming would be in the cafe, the location provided by the system.

But how would he tell Shao Ming about this?

His eyes flickered, and he lowered his eyes and said, "I... I asked Uncle Liu to find someone to watch that person in the hospital."

Shao Ming was slightly startled.

Watching Qiu Shaoping in the hospital?

"You again..."

"I didn't want to do anything." Before he spoke, Zhu Tong explained: "I just wanted to find someone to watch him. If he wanted to do something, we could be prepared. I didn't expect him to run away."


Shao Ming whispered: "Did you follow Qiu Shaoping to find me?"

Zhu Tong nodded hesitantly: "Yes."

Shao Ming looked at him calmly, but thought in his heart: he is lying.

If he followed Qiu Shaoping, Uncle Liu would not tell Zhu Tong about Qiu Shaoping's whereabouts at all, and he would not put Zhu Tong in danger.

If they could know where Qiu Shaoping is, they wouldn't let him run out of the hospital at all.

Why was Zhu Tong the first to rush up when the incident happened?

He was suspicious.

At this time, Zhu Tong suddenly realized something, raised his eyes and said, "You... Why does Qiu Shaoping know your exact location?"

Qiu Shaoping just came out of prison, and he doesn't have the means to follow Shao Ming at all. He ran out of the hospital, did not go to Shao Ming's house, did not go to school, and did not go to the school they wanted to go back to after lunch break... Why is he so fast and accurate appeared on the opposite side of the square?

Zhu Tong suddenly remembered that there was another person standing with Shao Ming at that time.

He glared abruptly: "Did you... deliberately lead him over?"


Zhu Tong said in a tight heart, "What did you do?"

Shao Ming's eyes were calm and he did not deny it.

Zhu Tong's mind turned very fast at this moment, he quickly reacted, and took a deep breath, "You want to send him in again, don't you?"

Shao Ming was still very calm, a little terrifyingly calm.

Zhu Tong felt a stab in his heart.

If Qiu Shaoping is to be sent in, unless he is led to commit a crime again and let him do something irreparable and irreparable.

Shao Ming is using himself as bait.

Judging from Qiu Shaoping's madness and determination when he rushed out from behind the stone statue, he was obviously provoked, and even completely lost his mind.

Why did Shao Ming want to go back to his own house these two days?

How did he contact Qiu Shaoping, and how did he lead people out?

And who was the man who was talking to him outside the cafe?

If they hadn't rushed over today, what was he going to do?

He didn't think that Qiu Shaoping's skills could really hurt Shao Ming, he was just leading Qiu Shaoping to attack him, and there were witnesses who had "weapons".

Maybe today at the entrance of the cafe, the act of bumping into it in a hurry is superfluous, but what if?

What if something goes wrong?

Zhu Tong suddenly got a little angry, he straightened up and said, "Are you crazy, how dangerous it is for you to provoke a madman... hiss."

Suddenly pulling the wound on his back, he gasped.

Shao Ming quickly stabilized him so that he could not move, and said in a low voice, "What about you?"

Zhu Tong: "…"


"You know that there will be danger and you still pounce on it. If the knife goes down, you..."

The unfinished words choked again.

The two were silent at the same time.

Any questions?

What's not clear?

Shao Ming's hand on his shoulder suddenly moved to the back of his head, avoiding the wound on his back and taking him into his arms.

The heartbeat, which has not yet calmed down, beat again and again, heavy and clear.

Zhu Tong's hands that were hanging by his side were slightly stiff, and he said softly, "Are you... scared?"

Shao Ming said: "Well, I'm scared to death."

It sounds like a joke, but it sounds very serious.

Zhu Tong didn't know what to say.

In fact, he was also a little frightened. The moment the fruit knife cut through his skin, he almost thought he would die.

However, it was not the first time that he had brushed aside the **** of death, so he recovered quickly mentally.

But he didn't know how to comfort people.

He relaxed and leaned against Shao Ming's arms, resting his chin on his shoulder.

Shao Ming didn't use any force. He put one hand on the back of his neck and gently pressed his head with the other.

A careful but cherished hug.

Zhu Tong's breath was filled with the smell on his body. I don't know how to describe it, but it smelled so good that he felt a slight tremor in his heart.

Shao Ming moved the hand on his head, the soft touch of his hair slid between his fingers, the sound of breathing in his ears was steady, and the breath on his neck was warm... The person was still in his arms.

Shao Ming felt a little at ease, rubbed his side face on the young boy's cool ear, and said in a low voice, "I'm sorry."

Zhu Tong was startled and said, "You should say thank you to me."

It wasn't Shao Ming who pulled him to block the knife, so he didn't need to say sorry.

Shao Ming said, "I won't thank you."

Zhu Tong: "Why?"

Isn't it worth moving that he sacrificed himself to save others? Not even a thank you?

Shao Ming said: "You make me worry and sad, why should I thank you?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

How could it be his fault?

Should he say sorry?

If Qiu Shaoping escaped from the hospital today, appeared outside the cafe, or even attacked Shao Ming with a murder weapon, if all of these were in Shao Ming's plan, then his impulses would seem to be superfluous.

It seems that he made Shao Ming worry, and there is nothing wrong with him.

So he should really apologize?

Before he could speak, his ears were slightly itchy, and Shao Ming turned his head and rubbed the tip of his nose against his face.

"What are you doing..."

"Don't move, let me hold you for a while."


Just hug, what are you rubbing?

Shao Ming is really strange, very strange, very strange.

He rubbed against his ear, it felt like... the ears between lovers.

When this idea came up, Zhu Tong's heart trembled again, and he couldn't help but feel a little warm in his ears.

What is he thinking?

Fortunately, Shao Ming didn't rub for a long time, so he probably didn't notice the temperature rising from his ears.

Shao Ming did not let go of him, nor did he struggle.

First, I was afraid that the wound would hurt, and second, I didn't want to struggle, so I just leaned against Shao Ming's arms, it was quite warm.

But why did Uncle Liu not come back when he went back to pick up the clothes?

If Uncle Liu didn't come back there was a "long way" reason, why didn't Rosso come back?

It should be quick to get the medicine, right?

At this time, outside the door of the clinic, Rosso was not entering with medicine in his hand, nor was he not entering.

It's okay to say that someone has a set of clothes separated, how can they still be hugged?

What kind of opening line should he use to get in?

He is so embarrassed!

In the end, Uncle Liu arrived and made the stick to beat the mandarin ducks.

Qiu Shaoping was still sent back to the hospital, but this time, there was an extra handcuff on the head of his bed.

The police, who were always slow, met the "victims" who came out of the hospital at the door of the hospital and expressed their apologies and condolences.

Shao Ming originally wanted to take the person back to the homestay, but under the strong insistence of Zhu Tong, the group of four could only go back slowly.

The way back was as quiet as when they went to the hospital.

Rosso didn't know what to say, he felt like a soy saucer.

Uncle Liu walked at the end, looking at the boy who was supporting his young master.

I wish Tong can understand what he can understand.

A seventeen or eighteen-year-old boy, facing a lunatic who has just been released from prison, he has a plan and courage, which is admired, but also feared.

This man is very thoughtful. It stands to reason that he should keep the young master as far away as possible from this young man, but the young master seems to be very unusual towards this young man.

Can you even rush up to block the knife? Do you like it that much?

Uncle Liu had mixed feelings in his heart.

Shao Ming does not know whether Zhu Tongxi likes it or not.

Just because he didn't know, he had been restrained until today.

You can like it, but don't expect it.

You can get close, but you can't sink in.

He is a selfish person.

He was always sane, weighing the pros and cons.

Even if he fell in love with Zhu Tong, he felt that it could be separated by reason.

Like is emotional, control emotions is rational.

Zhu Tong was like a surprise that popped out of nowhere in his life. The surprise would not be permanent, and he didn't know how long it would last, so he hesitated.

But in front of the cafe, Zhu Tong bumped him away, he was determined and determined without hesitation.

Compared with Zhu Tong, he is like a coward who dare not try to win because he is afraid of not getting it.

Surprises come out of nowhere, but who said surprises can't be kept?

If you haven't tried it, how do you know it won't work?

What's more, there are some things that you know you will regret, and you have to do them.

At an intersection next to the homestay, a person looked at a few people walking into the courtyard of the homestay and made a call under a big tree.

"...It's okay, it's indeed the young master of the Zhu family. The two have a close relationship, and... Liu Jianbai is also there."

The man had a serious expression and a serious tone.

Not knowing what was said on the phone, the man nodded and replied, "Got it, President Xia."


The author has something to say:

To clarify, I didn't intentionally get stuck there yesterday, I tried my best to get there, ( ̄ε(# ̄) finished just in time for the update.

Thank you to the little angel who voted or irrigated nutrient solution for me during 2021-11-14 17:13:52~2021-11-1516:16:09~

Thanks to the little angel who threw mines: フォフォイのフォイさ 2;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 22 bottles of Xunlu light; 19 bottles of Jinyu; 10 bottles of cute, フォフォイのフォイさ, T Jun acridine who wait for more every day; 9 bottles of Mi Tang; 5 bottles of 1128yuan; bottle; 1 bottle of jasmine, watermelon;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!