Chapter 56: open up

Zhu Tong is on leave again, and it is said that he is not feeling well.

In the past two days, the weather in Gongshui County has been bad. The temperature has changed too much, and it is still cloudy and sunny. It was still cloudy at noon. In the afternoon, the dark clouds accumulated a large area in the sky.

Perhaps due to the weather, the atmosphere in Class Three's classroom was also a little heavy.

"Have you heard? There was a vicious wounding incident outside the cafe opposite Xinxin Plaza today, the kind that stabbed people directly with a knife."

"My aunt and the others live there. They seem to be a suspect under police custody. They were finally taken away in handcuffs. Sister, I live such a big life. I didn't expect police to handcuff prisoners away in our small county. thing."

"I'm going, this is too scary, isn't it?"

"Any photos? I have to go that way to get home. I won't be targeted, will I?"

"It's strange to say that someone took the photo, but soon the photos on those people's mobile phones were gone. Maybe the police didn't let it be published secretly."


Without direct evidence, hearsay news does not travel long among students.

Soon someone noticed the empty seats in the classroom all afternoon, and someone who was alone again.

"Zhutong seems to have been absent from school recently. It seems that we are worried about studying God, and everyone is wilted."

"What the **** is it? Aren't people nice?"

"Where is it better? The former student god, with his mobile phone in his hand, either played with his mobile phone or used the phone case as a mirror... Oh, it was originally a mirror, it doesn't matter, what matters is when you saw him studying seriously. ?"

"It seems too... But what happened to Zhu Tong? Didn't come all afternoon."

"I don't know, maybe the weather affects the cold, right? Sick beauty can't be set up haha."

It was now dinner time after the afternoon class. Shao Ming didn't go to dinner and stayed in the classroom to write something.

Rosso and Lu Zheyu went to the cafeteria and came back from cooking, went straight to the corner of the classroom by the window, leaned over and glanced, and said in shock, "You are... taking class notes? Didn't you never do this before?"

Shao Ming said without raising his head, "I promised to do it for him."

Rosso: "…"

There was no sound for a long time next to him, and it blocked his light. Shao Ming couldn't write for a while. He raised his head and asked, "Is there something wrong?"

Seeing that he was finally willing to give his eyes to him, Rosso pulled away the seat of Zhutong's seat and wanted to sit on it, but suddenly realized that something was wrong, and raised his eyes to meet someone's unfriendly gaze.


Even a seat has to be so precious?

Rosso was speechless, so he could only put the seat back and transfer it to the squad leader's seat in front.

He turned his head and glanced at the door of the classroom again, confirming whether the monitor would be back in a while, and then lowered his voice and said, "You and Zhu Tong, what's going on now?"

Shao Ming continued to write notes, "What's going on?"

Rosso said: "I saw it in the consultation room at noon."


Shao Ming paused, "That's what you see."

Rosso: "…"

As he sees it? What did he see?

Are you so calm?

Rosso stared in shock, and after a while he said, "You don't doubt him now?"

Shao Ming looked at him silently.

Rosso said again: "Yes, he must have nothing to do with that place, but his home, his home is in City A, his home and that place must have known each other, you... have you thought about the future? That person even connected with you. The interests of a minor are unwilling to let go, if he knows about your relationship with Zhu Tong, then he…”

Shao Ming remained silent.

Rosso gritted his teeth, but still asked: "The person at the entrance of the cafe at noon is from City A, right?"

Thinking of the person who said to help him solve Qiu Shaoping, but was indifferent when Qiu Shaoping appeared, Shao Ming finally had emotion in his eyes, and he curled his lips slightly: "Yes."

The reason why that person is indifferent is that he is waiting for him to ask for help, right?

Or wait until he's injured before offering favors?

Or, because the conditions were not negotiated, so even if he died, that person would not shoot?

Rosso and Shao Ming have been together for five or six years, and he can understand a little bit of his mixed emotions. He said slightly sternly: "Are you going back to City A?"

Shao Ming raised his eyebrows and said, "Back?"

Rosso immediately changed his tune: "Go."

Shao Ming said: "Sooner or later we will go."

Rosso: "…"

Rosso stopped talking.

Sooner or later... not so early, right?

Who knows how long Zhu Tong will stay in this school?

After being quiet for a long time, Rosso said again puzzled: "But you said that Zhu Tong is so good in his family, why did he come to our school? He has many problems. He started to transfer to our school. How did he adapt..."

"What's wrong?" Shao Ming interrupted him faintly.

Rosso hesitated, "I have a lot of faults, and I have a lot of faults, right?"

Like an old hen protecting her cubs, I can't even say it.

There is no principle to protect the short.

After a pause, Rosso said again: "I'm not talking about him, in fact, I quite admire him, he works so hard when he is not in good health, his family conditions are so good, and he is so low-key. If my family had money, I would have gone abroad a long time ago. If you are sloppy, you will not live in this broken school, so I have always been puzzled about the issue of his transfer."

Shao Ming was slightly absent-minded, and smiled suddenly: "Maybe it's for me?"

Rosso: "…"

Narcissism is a disease that needs to be cured.

People don't even know you before they transfer, okay?

Seeing that someone had already started wandering in the illusion, Rosso shook his head slightly and woke him up: "You just... didn't you go back to see him?"

Shao Ming returned to his senses, "No, Uncle Liu is guarding him."

Uncle Liu... Rosso's impression of that person is that of a down-to-earth and mysterious boss.

Suddenly thinking of something, he smiled meanly: "What? You two, the Cowherd and Weaver Girl, were drawn into the Milky Way by the Queen Mother, and you can't see each other?"

Shao Ming turned to look at him and smiled: "Yeah, how about taking you to build a bridge of magpies?"


Rosso: "Brother Ming, I was wrong."

"Actually, I think he might be bored staying at home alone. He doesn't like playing games. He has an injury on his back and can't move around. Tsk, I'd be suffocated to death instead."

Shao Ming paused and asked, "How do you know he doesn't like playing games?"

Rosso said, "I asked at the milk tea shop last time."


Shao Ming was silent for a moment, then suddenly closed the notebook and got up.

Rosso was surprised: "Brother Ming, what are you doing?"

"I think what you said makes sense." Shao Ming said, "Go back and take the Magpie Bridge, and leave the matter to you."

Rosso: "…"

Looking at the figure walking away from the corridor, Rosso shook his head.

He also got up and went back to his seat, and patted Lu Zheyu on the shoulder when he passed by, "Second, work hard this month, you will be the number one next month."

Lu Zheyu: "…"

When Shao Ming went back to the homestay, Uncle Liu didn't really draw a galaxy for the two of them. After all, the main tenant of the private house was Shao Ming.

When entering the courtyard, Uncle Liu was coming out of the private house, and when he saw Shao Ming appearing in the courtyard, he didn't ask anything.

He had a cell phone in his hand, as if he was about to answer someone's call.

Shao Ming nodded to him, Uncle Liu went directly back to his single private room, and Shao Ming went back to their side.

He came back suddenly, not because Rosso said that Zhu Tong didn't like playing games, and he could have other pastimes if he didn't play games, and it wouldn't be too boring after all.

What he was worried about was Zhu Tong's character.

The last time he was injured on his leg, he had difficulty moving. He clearly said that he could call him if he had something to do. However, the man obviously grew up in a wealthy and wealthy family, but he didn't seem to be very good at calling people. He had never called him once after going to bed at night.

He doesn't seem to like bothering others.

This time the injury was on the back, and if he didn't want to call someone, he might do it himself.

What to do if the wound is affected?

But when he entered the room, the man was surprisingly calm.

The door wasn't closed, it was just hidden.

Zhu Tong was lying on the bed, holding a very high pillow in front of him. He was sleeping with his head on his head.

During the two days that Shao Ming went home, he didn't sleep well, so Uncle Liu insisted not to let him go to class, and he didn't hesitate, thinking of taking a nap.

But there was an injury on his back, so he couldn't sleep on his back, and when he lay on his side, the wound would be stretched. He could only sleep on his stomach, and he didn't sleep peacefully.

As soon as Shao Ming walked into the room, he woke up. He thought it was Uncle Liu, but when he opened his eyes, it was an unexpected person.

"Why did you come back?"

Zhu Tong was slightly surprised, a brilliance that he hadn't noticed flashed in his eyes for a moment, just as he was about to get up, he was pressed back by the person sitting beside the bed.

Shao Ming said: "I'm afraid you'll be bored at home, so I'll accompany you at home... Does it still hurt?"

"It won't hurt if you don't move." Zhu Tong said: "I'm not a three-year-old child, where do I need someone to accompany me."

Shao Ming said calmly, "I want to come back to accompany you."


Zhu Tong was choked by him.

He reacted for a while before asking, "Is the afternoon class boring?"

Otherwise, why would you want to come back?

Shao Ming sat on the side of the bed and looked at him, his eyes were deep, and he smiled and said, "You are the only one who thinks that high school students' courses are interesting."

Zhu Tong: "…"

What's the meaning? Compliment him or hurt him?

Forget it, it doesn't matter.

He remembered something and said with great interest, "By the way, have you made the notes I asked you to make for me?"

Shao Ming had the notebook in his hand, but he suddenly regretted taking it back.

With the class notes, the young master no longer has him in his eyes.

But Young Master Zhu had sharp eyes, he didn't have time to hide it, and Zhu Tong had already seen what was in his hand.

After all, he was lying on the bed now, and the most conspicuous thing in the head-up view was Shao Ming's hand, and it was hard to see it.

Shao Ming reluctantly handed him the note, but it is not easy to operate when lying on his stomach, he said again: "Do you want to sit up?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

He planned to sit up when people came into the room.

He nodded lightly, "Mmmm".

Shao Ming put the notebook on the bed, held his waist with one hand, and held his hand with the other.

No amount of painkillers could stop the pain of the wound being torn again, so even though the two of them were more careful, Zhu Tong's face was still pale in pain.

After sitting up, he lowered his head and waited for the pain on his back to ease. Shao Ming sat next to him and looked at him.

After recovering, he let out a sigh of relief and raised his hand to grab the notebook, but Shao Ming's right hand was still pinched in his hand, and Shao Ming's other hand was still wrapped around his waist.


He looked up to the side.

Shao Ming was also looking at him and said, "Have I told you that if you call out when you are in pain, you will feel much better."

Zhu Tong was puzzled, "It seems that no one else needs to say this."

Shao Ming: "Do you know this method?"

Zhu Tong smiled and said: "Everyone knows, who didn't grow up crying from a child?"

Why cry and cry?

It is probably a kind of venting, and it is also a kind of unreasonable trouble. Children always use crying or shouting to achieve their goals.

Shao Ming's eyes darkened: "Then why don't you shout when you are in pain?"

Zhu Tong was startled, and said with a strange expression, "I'm almost an adult and still shouting? How ugly?"


Shao Ming's narrow eyes narrowed slightly.

People cry when they are in pain.

But Zhu Tong has been injured so many times, he has never shouted, at most he is breathing lightly when he can't help it.

How did he form the habit of reluctance?

Zhu Tong's heart throbbed when he saw him, his heartbeat accelerated inexplicably, he wanted to withdraw his hand, but he didn't dare to move for some reason.

It was not the first time he had leaned against Shao Ming's arms like this, not the first time he was hugging his waist, nor was it the first time he was holding hands.

But now that his hand was in Shao Ming's palm, his face began to heat up.

It turned out that Shao Ming's hands were so large that he could almost wrap his palms completely. His palms were very warm, and his five fingers were very slender.

Zhu Tong blinked, "You..."

"What were you thinking when you rushed towards me?"


Why ask this again?

Zhu Tong lowered his head a little uncomfortably, "What can you think about at that time?"

Shao Ming didn't look away from his face for a moment: "Did you think of anything?"

Zhu Tong nodded.

He really didn't think about anything at the time, and he jumped up and knocked people away.

Shao Ming approached him a little, and said in a low voice, "So you mean, I'm the one you subconsciously risk your life to save, right?"


Zhu Tong suddenly turned his head and almost bumped into the face that came over suddenly.

Shao Ming looked at him with a smile and said, "It's really touching, how should I repay you? How about a promise?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

How did this topic get to this point?

He subconsciously wanted to hide, but Shao Ming's hand was on his waist, and he said confidently: "What are you hiding? Does the wound hurt?"

I wish Tongdu wanted to shout back to him: What did you say I was hiding!

He said nervously: "You... you don't blame me for worrying you now?"

Didn't this person even say thank you? Why is there still an answer?

Shao Ming: "…"

"I regret it." Shao Ming changed his face quickly: "I will take back what I said at noon. I don't think a person can be ungrateful. I should still repay you."


Can he not want this in return?

Zhu Tong was silent for a while, then said, "Actually, you don't have to."

He suddenly understood why Shao Ming was so strange today.

Shao Ming didn't understand, "What?"

Zhu Tongdao: "I know that there is a psychological burden to owe others favors. You may feel that you feel sorry for me because of your injury, but it is my own decision to run into it, and it has nothing to do with you, so you don't need to..."

"Do you think I want to repay you because of guilt and self-blame, or because I have a burden in my heart?"

Shao Ming interrupted him suddenly.

Zhu Tong raised his head blankly.

Is not it?

Shao Ming was stunned by his blank and innocent expression.


The hand on the man's waist suddenly tightened, Zhu Tong's body shrank sensitively, Shao Ming recovered in an instant, and hurriedly released his hand.

He recited "He's hurt" three times in his mind, and managed to calm himself down. He sighed and said, "Look at the notes."

The topic changed so quickly that Zhu Tong didn't react for a while.

Shao Ming had already taken the notebook and put it in his hand.

Zhu Tong stunned to catch it.

Shao Ming said again: "Have you eaten?"

Zhu Tong nodded: "Yes."

Uncle Liu made dinner for him.

Shao Ming also nodded: "Then let's see, ask me if you don't understand, and I'll change your medicine after the end."

Zhu Tong wondered: "Aren't you going to go back to school later?"

Shao Ming said: "Singing is being practiced in the classroom now, and there is a math quiz in the evening. It doesn't matter if you don't go."

Zhu Tong: "…"

So this person wants to come back because he doesn't want to hear people sing and take exams?

But Zhu Tong didn't dare to ask any more. He felt that if he continued to chat with Shao Ming now, there might be problems.

He sat down at the desk, avoiding the back of the seat, and started flipping through his notes.

Shao Ming looked at him from behind with a slightly distressed expression.

Does this young master really not understand? Still really don't understand?

When you tease, you blush, and when you touch it, you get nervous.

If you know what he's thinking now... will you run away?

Or maybe not.

If he didn't run away, that would be the best outcome.

But how can there be such a good thing in the world?

The best thing he has encountered in the past ten years is probably that Zhu Tong transferred to him.

So, don't want to let go.

While Zhu Tong was looking at his notes, he took out his mobile phone and searched - how to confess to someone in a subtle and romantic way.

The search result is: the search engine is reliable, the sow can fly up the tree.

After digesting the class notes in the evening, it was past eight o'clock. Shao Ming took the medicine box and changed his medicine.

After taking off the home sweater wrapped around her body, the gauze wrapped around her chest was dismantled round by round. In order to take care of the wound on her back, this was a slow and grueling process.

The rough, soft touch of the gauze occasionally ran across the skin, causing layers of tremors.

The air conditioner was turned on in the room, which was not as cold as the hospital consultation room, and Zhu Tong even felt a little hot.

He was sitting on the bed, lying on the back of the chair, burying his head in the crook of his arms, his straight back curved in a graceful curve, a pair of butterfly bones slightly bulging, slender arms, smooth shoulders, beautiful scenes, ruined in the back On that slap-length blade.

for his injury.

Shao Ming lowered his eyes, his tone seemed relaxed: "This is the first time I've given you medicine?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

He didn't know how many times it was.

Shao Ming didn't think about his answer. He applied medicine to the wound, and he asked again, "Can I blow it here?"

When his leg was injured, Zhu Tong was not allowed to blow when he was applying medicine.

Thinking of the days of the National Day holiday, Zhu Tong felt a little embarrassed, "...Yes."

Shao Ming smiled again and blew lightly on his back.

The pain-relieving effect of the medicine worked, and with Shao Ming's gentle blowing, the wound soon stopped hurting.

Then put on a new bandage.

Wrapping a bandage is much more complicated and more challenging than removing a bandage.

Zhu Tong has already stood up, raised his arms slightly, and watched Shao Ming's hands shuttle in front of and behind him, bypassing his creaking nest.

In Shao Ming's eyes, after the gauze wrapped the wound, it seemed to seal his rationality. All he could see was Zhu Tong's bare skin.

His eyes went from top to bottom, and his throat tightened a little: "...Your waist is really thin."

Zhu Tong: "…"

It's because of being thin.

He saw that Shao Ming stopped, his relaxed body tense slightly, "Okay... Okay?"

Shao Ming chuckled and returned to his senses: "Okay."

He turned around and threw the used things into the trash can. He packed the medicine box and put it on the bedside table. When he turned around, he saw that the teenager in front of him was already getting dressed.

His eyes darkened, and he said behind the person, "Did you sleep uncomfortable before?"


The two nights he lost sleep?

Before I could think about how Shao Ming knew about it, I heard him say, "You woke up as soon as I came in."

Zhu Tong: "…"

Realizing that he was thinking too much, Zhu Tong paused in putting on his clothes, and then said awkwardly, "Well... I don't feel comfortable sleeping on my stomach."

Shao Ming said, "Are you uncomfortable?"

Zhu Tong nodded: "A little bit."

Shao Ming suddenly bent his lips, "I have a way to make you sleep more comfortable, do you want to try it?"


Zhu Tong turned his head suspiciously: "What way?"

Shao Ming looked down at the distance between the two, "Sit down a little."


Zhu Tong moved a little hesitantly.

"Come a little more."

Zhu Tong wanted to laugh a little. It's just the two of them here. Do I need to whisper something to sleep?

And this scene felt a bit familiar to him.

Last time in the bathroom of the milk tea shop, when Shao Ming said he had a way to cure his conditioned reflex, he had the same expression as he does now.

What's the unreliable way?

Zhu Tong moved while suspicious, and suddenly saw Shao Ming's lips upturned, he instinctively wanted to retreat, but suddenly his waist tightened.


The body leaned forward uncontrollably for a moment.

Shao Ming sat near the head of the bed, and while hugging the person, he also leaned back for a while, his body sank into the soft pillow at the head of the bed, and he hugged the person and pressed him on top of him.

"A human-shaped pillow that can be adjusted at any time and can adapt to any sleeping position. Would you like to try it?"


Probably to prevent him from moving suddenly, the hands on his waist were pressed tightly, and even the movement of his fall was stable, without pulling the wound on his back at all.

Zhu Tong lay on his chest without gaps, the tip of his nose rubbing against his chin.

After being stunned for a moment, he slowly raised his head and met Shao Ming's deep eyes.

With a smile in his eyes, he looked down at him and said, "Can I sleep here tonight?"


The author has something to say:

Seriously seduce my wife!

Thank you to the little angel who voted or irrigated nutrient solution for me during 2021-11-15 16:16:09~2021-11-16 16:24:00~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 1 bottle of red jasmine;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!