Chapter 58: relation

Whether it was Shao Ming or Zhu Tong, they knew that it was inevitable to go back to City A. After all, his home was there.

When Zhu Tong said he wanted to go back, he didn't feel anything, but when Shao Ming asked him back, he was inexplicably sour, and nodded "um".

"Really?" Shao Ming squeezed the water glass in his hand and said casually, "When will you go back?"

Zhu Tong said: "After the chorus competition."

That's a few days away.

Shao Ming pursed his lips and said nothing.

Lost? A little bit.

But he was more concerned about Zhu Tong's body than Zhu Tong returning to City A.

What kind of disease will need to go to the hospital regularly for review every month?

He couldn't help but be a little worried, but it had been more than a month since Zhu Tong had transferred to another school.

Shao Ming thought involuntarily.

He rubbed the water glass in his hand unconsciously, raised his hand slowly, brought the water glass to his mouth, and took a sip.

"You..." Zhu Tong was slightly startled: "This is what I drank."

Shao Ming returned to his senses, glanced at the water cup in his hand, and then looked at the person sitting next to him. He was stunned for a moment, and then asked calmly, "Huh? Where did you drink?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

The water cup brought by Uncle Liu had a print on it. Although he didn't remember it deliberately, Zhu Tong still had a little impression. He pointed to the mouth of the cup on the side of a cartoon cloud, "This way."

It was the opposite cup that Shao Ming had just drank.

That's a pity.

Shao Ming lowered his eyes and smiled, then raised his head and said, "That's fine, it's not an indirect kiss."


Seeing that the young master was slightly stunned, Shao Ming said again, "Do you dislike me?"

Zhu Tong busy shaking his head: "No, I'm afraid... you don't mind."

Shao Ming said again: "I don't mind, you don't mind?"

Zhu Tong smiled and said, "You drink the cup I drank, you don't mind what I mind?"

"But here's your cup."


Zhu Tong was choked again.

He paused, "It doesn't matter what you use."

Shao Ming: "…"

He felt his heart skip a beat.

Sure enough, it was still easy to gain an inch, his eyes darkened, and he asked, "What about the others?"

Zhu Tong: "Others? Who?"

Shao Ming said: "Anyone except me."

Anyone except Shao Ming?

Zhu Tong thought about it.

The only people he feels close to are Xiao Xin, grandfather, aunt, and now there is an uncle Liu, but these people will not touch his cup, as for the others...

"I don't know, no one has used my cup before except you."

Shao Ming raised his mouth slightly, "So I am the first person to share a water glass with you?"

Zhu Tong instinctively felt that this didn't seem right, but after thinking about it carefully, there seemed to be nothing wrong, and he hesitated: "Yes..."

Before he finished speaking, his shoulders sank.

Zhu Tong is very familiar with the strength of the shoulders, and his body does not shake, but what is different from before is that now Shao Ming not only shoulders, but also leans his head, tilting his head to meet his ear Instead, the heads are stuck together.


A little heavy.

Just as Zhu Tong wanted to turn his head, he heard Shao Ming say, "Tell me when you go back, and I'll take you off."

Zhu Tong said: "No, it's not that I'm not coming back, I'll just go back for an inspection..."

"That would be reluctant."


Zhu Tong's heartbeat intensified for a moment.

Can't bear... Will Shao Ming bear him too?

It turns out that he is not the only one who feels reluctant?

The bit of sourness from a moment ago disappeared instantly, and Zhu Tong couldn't help raising his lips.

Shao Ming leaned against him and suddenly felt that something was wrong. The people around him seemed to be trembling. When he looked up, he saw someone secretly laughing.


Shao Ming couldn't help pinching his face.

Zhu Tongyi was startled and said, "What's wrong?"

Shao Ming thought: He is the only one who dares to be hypocritical here, this young master is smiling quite happily.

Also, who doesn't like going home?

Now, if the principal shouted at school and said that he would go home on vacation tomorrow, it is estimated that the playground would be filled with people raising the flag, shouting, laughing and bending over.

He sighed helplessly, and stood up with the water glass in his hand, "It's okay, I'll take a bath..."

After speaking for a while, he turned his head and said, "Did you wash it?"

It's been a few days since the last injury, and this young master, who loves hygiene like his life, has returned to the state where he can't take a bath and can only take a shower.

Zhu Tong probably thought of the embarrassing scene when he had a leg injury, his face was slightly hot, and he lowered his head and said, "I have washed it."

Uncle Liu wiped his back, and he wiped the rest himself.

Shao Ming secretly said that he lost a lot.

I knew he wouldn't go to class in the afternoon.

He coughed, "Then I'll go wash."

Zhu Tong nodded.

After taking a bath, Shao Ming went straight into Zhu Tong's room.

The time has not yet reached the biological clock, and after digesting the class notes and finishing the homework, Zhu Tong read the book for a while before slowly crawling into bed.

The thought of another person sleeping on his bed today made him nervous.

Shao Ming was no easier than him. After taking a bath, he sat on the head of the bed and pretended to be calm.

Until Zhu Tong climbed up, he was afraid that the man's movements would be too big and the wound would be pulled, so he subconsciously reached out and took it.

Zhu Tong was stunned when he touched his skin, "Why are your hands so cold?"

Shao Ming froze for a moment, then said nonchalantly, "The water heater is broken again, and there is no hot water."

Zhu Tong: "…"

Didn't you say it was fixed last time?

And they haven't seen any hot water for so many days.

Really broken again?

"Then you can't take a cold shower, what should I do if I catch a cold?"

Shao Ming didn't care much and said, "It's okay, I'm in good health."


Zhu Tong still looked at him worriedly.

Shao Ming raised his eyebrows slightly, "Otherwise, are you going to cover me?"

Zhu Tong rarely denied it immediately. He glanced at the only quilt on the bed. Shao Ming did not bring his own equipment when he came over.

He blinked and said, "Are we... a quilt?"

Shao Ming's throat tightened slightly: "Do you mind?"

Just as he was about to say if he mind, he went to get the quilt, and saw Zhu Tong shaking his head gently, "I don't mind."

Shao Ming: "…"

Occasionally, Shao Ming would wonder if he had been jumping on Zhu Tong's bottom line repeatedly, and because of him, the bottom line dropped again and again.

He clenched his hands tightly, took a deep breath, and said as calmly as possible: "Go to sleep."

Zhu Tong nodded and said, "Yes."

Shao Ming didn't dare to let people actually lie on top of him to sleep. If people lie on top of him at the moment, then the problem will be a big one.

Zhu Tong was originally quite nervous, even breathing lightly. After tucking himself into the quilt, he wanted to lie down with his back to Shao Ming, but before he could adjust to a suitable sleeping position, he felt a sudden change in his sleep. The cold air from the quilt.

It belongs to Shao Ming.

He hesitated for a while, then looked up from the quilt and said, "Can I sleep on your pillow?"

Shao Ming: "…"

Can he refuse?

Reason told him to refuse, but when he returned to God, the quilt between the two had been lifted by him.

Zhu Tong carefully moved himself over and shivered from the cold.

Hiss, it's so cold.

The weather this year is weird, the summer is very long and the autumn is very short. You can wear a padded jacket almost directly after changing the short sleeves.

In such a cold weather, this person even took a cold shower, I really don't know what to think.

He was afraid of the cold himself, but now the cold air hit his body, and he shrank his legs subconsciously.

After shrinking my legs, I found that the posture of leaning on the person's body was unexpectedly very comfortable.

It will neither stretch the wound nor feel tired.

Even started to feel sleepy.

Although Shao Ming's body was cold, he felt warm and at ease.

Gradually, his consciousness began to be chaotic.

Shao Ming was not as comfortable as he was.

He was too cold, so he didn't put his arms around Zhu Tong. When the warm body came over, his body was stiff.

He let Zhu Tong lean on him, turned his head to look out the window, and planned to count how many stars there were in the sky.

The moonlight hung high outside the window, but otherwise it was stars.

Shao Ming: …

At this time, the person leaning on his side moved, and he was instantly alert. Turning around, he found that the person just adjusted the hand that was pressed in the middle.

Zhu Tong seemed to notice his turning, and said in a daze: "You haven't slept yet?"

Shao Ming: "...Well."

It's weird to be able to sleep.

Zhu Tong didn't ask him why he didn't sleep. He suddenly thought of something while he was drowsy. He rubbed the bangs covering his face on Shao Ming's shoulder and said, "I think of a question."

Shao Ming's throat was itchy, and he gritted his teeth gently: "What's the problem."

Zhu Tong said: "If I go back for an examination, what will happen to my class?"

Although it was common for him to miss classes in the past, he finally made progress in his studies, and he didn't want to fall again.

Shao Ming didn't expect that he still had the mind to think about his studies at this time.

Was this young master a master of studies in his last life?

He couldn't help laughing, his chaotic mind was washed away a lot by "study", and he replied, "I'll help you take notes and wait for you to come back to study."

Zhu Tong closed his eyes and frowned, "That's different... After taking notes, I have to take a new class."

He's afraid he won't be able to keep up.

Shao Ming said softly: "Then when you come back, I will tutor you?"

Because of his sleepiness, Tong Tong's mechanical brain turned around with difficulty. He seemed to think that this method was feasible. He bent his lips and said, "Then how much tuition fee do I want to give you?"

His voice was so low that if it wasn't for the silence in the room, it was almost impossible to hear what he was saying.

Shao Ming looked at his slightly raised side face by the moonlight. The cold white skin was facing the moonlight, showing a bit of coldness, but Shao Ming knew that his face was warm.

He lowered his voice and said, "I don't want tuition fees."

want you.

He couldn't help reaching out, and for Zhu Tong rubbed the bangs that rubbed against his shoulders, but couldn't rub them away from his eyes.

Zhu Tong didn't hear what he said at all, and was still confused.

How much is the tuition fee for a day, how much is the tuition fee for a week, and how much is the tuition fee for a year.

He was drowsy, and his mental calculations were not wrong at all.

It's just that after a year, he doesn't count anymore.

He murmured, "One year..."

Listening to him repeating "one year", Shao Ming suddenly thought of the time when he sent Zhu Tong back to the hotel and listened to him talking to people on the phone.

The person who cared about him on the phone said they would buy him a suite near the school. At that time, Zhu Tong said that he would go back in a year at most.

One year at most.

What's the meaning?

He sorted out Zhu Tong's bangs, and tangled a strand of it around his fingertips. He was inexplicably concerned, and he asked, "Why a year?"

If you whisper in a low voice, you can't raise any defenses.

Zhu Tong was indeed unprepared for him, so he said, "Because... only one year..."


What does only one year mean?

Shao Ming frowned slightly, and wanted to ask what else, the people around him were already breathing evenly.

"Blessed child."

He called out softly, but there was no answer.

Shao Ming froze for a while, and after he was completely asleep, he turned over with confidence and boldness, put his hand through the neck of the person beside him, and moved the head that was rubbing against his shoulder to his own, so that people could relax completely. Lying on top of himself.

Zhu Tong slept soundly, only snorted when he was flipped over, and soon relaxed again.

Shao Ming finally put the person in place and felt the touch of the person leaning on his shoulder and burying his head in his neck.

The smell of fresh and light shampoo lingers in the nostrils, and there is always a lack of it on Zhu Tong, but it seems to be absent... the smell of disinfectant.

It's a little weird, inexplicable and addicting.

Shao Ming unconsciously reached out and twisted a strand of soft hair in his arms with his fingertips, but there was no focus in his eyes.

Because of Zhu Tong's "one year" words, he was determined to keep a distance from Zhu Tong.

Because it's not a road trip.

The place Zhu Tong was destined to go to was the place he never wanted to go. Rather than establish a connection and then disconnect it completely, it would be better not to have a connection in the first place.

But things always get out of control again and again, approaching him uncontrollably, being attracted to him uncontrollably, and falling in love with him uncontrollably.

If Zhu Tong is destined to stay in this place for only one year, then he...

Shao Ming didn't think about it any more, he lowered his head and stamped lightly on the top of the boy's hair, his voice was hoarse and soft: "Good night."

Two days later, Zhu Tong returned to school after recovering from his injury. As soon as he entered the classroom, he received warm, caring and grand greetings from the whole class - an exciting song "Tunnel Battle".

I haven't seen each other for two days. Before he asked for leave, he was still dancing in a chorus of demons, but it has become neat and rhythmic.

"This is all the credit of the second child. You didn't see the second child standing on the stage to be the conductor. You only listened to them sing once, tsk, that's disgusting, you can imagine what the second child dislikes. look like?"

"You're embarrassed to say that the thing that the second son of Lu hates most is how are you? You didn't say hey when you said the first sentence of the tunnel battle, so you always say hey! If you don't hey, you won't be able to sing, right?"

Rosso was scolded by the squad leader as soon as he showed off.

Judging from Tang Henan's deteriorating appearance, her ears should have been damaged a lot these past two days.

Rosso was not embarrassed to be scolded, and said confidently: "Ham! You are still young, why don't we make a mistake? I promise you, squad leader, I will play well during the chorus, and I will never lose face to the third squad."

Tang Nuan was groomed, and said proudly, "It's almost the same."

After speaking, she turned her head again: "By the way, Zhu Tong..."

As soon as the words came out, I suddenly felt that something was wrong.

She is not Zhu Tong in the back seat.

She glanced at the familiar desktop stickers, and then at the person in the back seat. She tilted her head to look at the seat next to her, and said in surprise, "When did you two change seats?"

Zhu Tong is now sitting by the window.

And in his seat was Shao Ming.

In view of the fact that after Zhu Tong returned to the classroom, there were many people who came to greet him and copy homework, especially those who copied homework. Seeing Zhu Tong coming back was like seeing his own father, and he almost cried and cried while hugging his legs.

Shao Ming was worried that the newly released "sons" would be disobedient and unfilial in order to copy their homework. When they encountered Zhu Tong's wounds that had not been completely healed, they could only switch seats and act as door gods for his tablemates.

After changing seats, it was much cleaner.

Suddenly asked by the squad leader, just as Zhu Tong was about to speak, Shao Ming had already spoken, "On a whim, I want to breathe the air near the aisle."

Tang Nuan: "…"

I'm afraid you don't want to breathe the air on the child's seat.

Tang Nuan glanced at Zhu Tong, and seeing that he didn't defend anything, he didn't ask any more questions, and said directly: "How is your two recitation practice? Try it with us in a while?"

"No, we..."

Shao Ming thought that Zhu Tong was not suitable for reciting aloud right now, and was about to refuse, when the hand hanging by his side was suddenly pulled, and Zhu Tong interrupted him: "No problem, monitor."

His absence from class has already delayed his practice. Even if the recitation and the chorus are separate, he still has to get in touch.


Shao Ming looked down at the hand that he was holding, and held it directly.

Zhu Tong: "!"

He also looked down, and subconsciously shrugged.

Shao Ming tightened his hand to prevent him from moving.

Tang Nuan had already started to "contrast and hurt" because of their different answers. She looked at Shao Ming and said, "Can you learn from your classmate and have a sense of class honor?"

Shao Ming squeezed Zhu Tong's hand and nodded happily: "Okay, correct it next time."

Tang Nuan directly gave him a roll of eyes.

She still doesn't know this person's urine sex? Have the courage to admit mistakes and never change!

In contrast, Zhu Tong is really painful.

However, I wish Tong Tong can mobilize Shao Ming's enthusiasm so quickly. You must know that Shao Ming never participated in any activities in the school before.

Speaking of which, should she be relieved?

Shaking his head with emotion, Squad Leader Tang turned his head back.

As soon as the squad leader "leaves", Zhu Tong can't wait to draw his hands: "What are you holding me for?"

Shao Ming slapped his face without changing his face, "Didn't you catch me first?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

He did that to interrupt Shao Ming's words!

And he didn't let go.

While confused, there was a "click" next to him, and a potato chip shattered in Rosso's mouth.

He didn't know where the chips came from, and he put the chips into his mouth while watching their clasped hands.

Zhu Tong lowered his head along his line of sight, but couldn't draw his hand out. He explained nervously: "We are..."

Rosso said calmly: "Ah, it's okay, you continue, I know the relationship between the two of you, don't worry about me."

He has good teeth and is not afraid of dog food.

Zhu Tong was inexplicably said by him, "What is the relationship between us?"

Ordinary roommate relationship.

Rosso was stunned, looked at Shao Ming with a calm face, lowered his voice and said euphemistically: "The relationship between sleeping in a bed? It's okay, Brother Ming told me."

He was the first and only one who knew that Brother Ming was in love, and he was indeed Brother Ming's best brother.

Rosso was vaguely complacent.

Zhu Tong was confused. He didn't expect that Shao Ming had even told people about them sleeping together. He said, "It's me who sleeps in a bed... It's uncomfortable. He wants to take care of me..."

"I know." Rosso said perfunctorily, "I understand."

Injured and inconvenient to move, he needs someone to take care of food and daily life, and he knows how to do things that a young couple should do occasionally.

Zhu Tong: "…"

Rosso did know about his injury.

But he always felt that what Rosso understood was different from what he wanted people to understand.

Before he could explain, Rosso was kicked by Shao Ming, "You know the shit, just get out of here."

Rosso clicked his tongue again: "Seeing the color and forgetting friends..."

Before he finished speaking, before Shao Ming lifted his foot again, he rolled quickly.

Zhu Tong was still confused. After Rosso returned to his seat, he looked at Shao Ming again.

Shao Ming coughed and said, "Every day I get windy, don't pay attention to him... What's wrong with your back?"

Zhu Tong was immediately distracted, shook his head and said, "It's okay, it's almost better."

Shao Ming said, "Is it okay to speak loudly?"

Zhu Tong's injury was on his back near his lungs, and it would hurt to take a deep breath these two days.

Knowing that he was worried, Zhu Tong smiled and said, "It's really okay, didn't the doctor say it's okay too?"

The wound healed so well that no medicine was needed.

Shao Ming looked at him for a while uneasy, and compromised: "Okay, I allow you to practice with them twice in the afternoon."

Zhu Tong couldn't help but smile. He was about to say what their relationship was. Why did he need Shao Ming's permission to practice? He suddenly thought of what Rosso had just said, and his face became slightly hot, and he was speechless.

He sat up stiffly, "Hands... let go, I have to do the question."


Shao Ming lowered his head and glanced at the hand that the two were still holding together, raised his lips, and squeezed it lightly before releasing his hand.

As soon as he broke free, Zhu Tong quickly retracted his hand, only to feel that the place where Shao Ming grabbed was hot.

In the chorus practice in the afternoon, the recitation and the chorus went smoothly.

A few days later, the chorus competition took place in the school auditorium.

The students in Class 3 still put on their new class uniforms and stood neatly on the stage as they wished.

The recitation before the chorus was exactly as Tang Nuan had expected. As soon as the two "third-class platoons" came on stage, they caused quite a stir in the audience.

However, the teacher who scored the grades was ruthless and unmoved by the recitation. In the end, he relied on the chorus at the back and managed to get the third place.

The time for Zhu Tong to go back was set for the weekend, and Shao Ming took him to the E city airport.

Before boarding the plane, Shao Ming said to him, "I'll tell you a secret when you come back."

Zhu Tong asked curiously, "What secret? Can't I tell it now?"

Shao Ming raised his eyebrows and said, "That won't work. I can't tell you now. If you want to know, come back sooner."

Zhu Tong: "…"

He went back for a medical examination, it really won't take long.

I want to say something, Uncle Liu has already urged him at the ticket gate.

Zhu Tong was helpless, so he could only suppress his curiosity and say goodbye to people.

Shao Ming watched him disappear into the wicket before turning and leaving with a smile.

Before the young master comes back, there is something to prepare.

City A, Zhu's Villa.

Zhu Shou Shan, who had not returned home for a long time, went back to the villa today. Before Qin Manwen had time to be pleasantly surprised, he saw a young and beautiful woman walking through the door with Zhu Shou Shan.

The man was wearing a one-shoulder knee-length dress, carrying a simple handbag, and gracefully stepped into the door of Zhu's villa.

Qin Manwen knew that person.

Jiang Wan is the youngest leader of Jiang's chaebol.

How could she be here?


The author has something to say:

Start dealing with scumbags.

Distance produces beauty, and Tongtong will be enlightened~

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-11-1716:46:38~2021-11-1816:55:52~

Thanks to the little angel who threw mines: xxtv1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 11 bottles of 1128yuan; 2 bottles of Chonghua;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!