Chapter 59: an examination

Jiang Wan and Qin Manwen are different from women who live in a mansion like her. She has been among the men since she was a teenager, and followed Zhu Shoushan into Zhu's villa. She does not have the reserved ceremony of her daughter's house, and sits on the sofa. He folded his legs and held a file bag in his hand.

Zhu Shoushan instructed the servant to pour tea for the guests, and sat down on the sofa beside Jiang Wan. Seeing a business-like attitude, he narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "If I remember correctly, Miss Jiang is here today. For personal matters."

Jiang Wan tidied up her skirt and said with a light smile: "President Zhu is joking, what's the private matter in a family like ours?"


When Zhu Shoushan saw her, he directly handed over the document bag.

Jiang Wan said: "This is a shipping project along the coast of City A. It is my sincerity. I wish you can take a look first."

Zhu Shoushan did not hesitate.

Since everyone said that it was not a personal matter, he should naturally show his tolerance in the business field.

He was flipping through the documents when someone brought tea beside him.

"Miss Jiang, please use it."

Jiang Wan tilted her head slightly and was about to take it when she suddenly saw the person serving the tea.

She paused for a moment, then smiled softly: " Mrs. Zhu?"

Qin Manwen didn't expect that she would know him. She was surprised for a moment, and an uncontrollable surprise flashed in her eyes. She said reservedly, "Miss Jiang knows me?"

Jiang Wan asked back, "Don't Mrs. Zhu also know me?"


This is not very friendly.

Although Jiang Wan is capable, he is not someone who is too pushy and high-profile. Zhu Shoushan has never brought Qin Manwen to any important occasions, because in his heart, he actually thinks that a person like Qin Manwen cannot be on the stage.

How did Qin Manwen know Jiang Wan?

Zhu Shoushan didn't care much at first, but now he suddenly glanced at Qin Manwen.

Qin Manwen was slightly startled, and said calmly, "I know Miss Jiang, and I always hear them mention you when I have afternoon tea with Mrs. He. You are young and promising, and many people admire you."

Jiang Wan said again: "It's not surprising that I know Mrs. Zhu. I met Qin Junhong and Qin Shao at the bar some time ago."

Qin Manwen was stunned for a moment.

Zhu Shoushan frowned suddenly, quickly adjusted his mood, and asked casually, "Really? Is there such a fate, Miss Jiang and Junhong have friendship?"

"It's impossible to talk about friendship." Jiang Wan said meaningfully: "But speaking of it, I am able to know Young Master Ling, thanks to Qin Shao."

Zhushoushan: "…"

His heart sank, he glanced at Qin Manwen again, and said to Jiang Wan, "What does Miss Jiang say?"

Jiang Wan took a sip of tea and said with a smile, "It's nothing, just that Qin Shao suddenly mentioned his younger brother when he was drinking in the bar, and showed me his picture. He praised Young Master Ling very well. I really like this brother."


She said it casually, but there was clearly something in her words.

Jiang Wan is a person who only has some identity in City A. People who have never seen her have heard rumors about her. If you meet someone else, it is nothing to praise your younger brother, but praise in front of Jiang Wan. A boy, show her pictures? What is this peace of mind?

Zhu Shoushan's face was a little ugly.

Qin Manwen couldn't help panicking.

She condescended to serve tea to someone, in order to get close to this legendary strong woman, but this person had a strange attitude towards her. She seemed affectionate, but she said inside and out that their mother and son had bad intentions. .

When did she offend this man? Or... Junhong offended her?

Before she could speak, Zhu Shoushan had already turned to her with a cold voice: "What are you still doing here? Go back to your room!"


Qin Manwen still wanted to explain, but when she looked at Jiang Wan who was drinking tea leisurely after stirring up a pool of muddy water, her heart sank, she gritted her teeth, and turned away.

Jiang Wan unhurriedly put the teacup back into the small tray on the coffee table and commented: "I wish Mrs. good tea making skills."

Zhushoushan: "…"

A wealthy wife who married into a wealthy family even did such trivial matters as making tea herself. Was this person implying that Qin Manwen had ulterior motives, or that he had treated his wife harshly?

Zhu Shoushan suddenly couldn't understand the purpose of this person.

After putting down the teacup, Jiang Wan said, "What do you think, Mr. Zhu? My plan should be a win-win situation for both of us. You won't have any losses in this transaction, and so does Young Master Ling. "

Zhu Shoushan frowned slightly, as if he was still hesitating.

Jiang Wan is not in a hurry, "Zhu can think about it slowly, after all, Master Zhu hasn't come back yet, hasn't he?"

She glanced at the villa involuntarily.

Not only did Zhu Tong not come back, but the other person of the twins did not come back either.

She picked up the teacup again, wiping away the faint sarcasm in her eyes.

The two children did not return home, what the father Zhu Shoushan did... was a failure.

While Zhu Shoushan was looking at the document and thinking about it, the phone suddenly rang, and he took it out and took a look.

- Mr. Zhu, Young Master Tong boarded the plane back to City A a few minutes ago.


Before the plane took off, Zhu Tong sent a message to Shao Ming.

Is Shao Ming still at the airport?

Should have called the car and left.

Unexpectedly, when he boarded the plane this time, in addition to the person arranged by his grandfather, there were other people to see him off, and he was very happy until he got on the plane.

But what was the secret Shao Ming told him before he checked in?

What secrets have to wait for him to go back to tell?

Zhu Tong felt that he wanted to fold and get off the plane before he left.

He sighed, his phone vibrated suddenly, he hurriedly opened it, and several consecutive messages were sent by Shao Ming.

—I watched you fly away from outside the airport.

- Send me a message when it arrives.

-Await your return.

Await your return…

Zhu Tong chewed these words with a warm heart.

"Master, it's time to turn off the phone."

Zhu Tong quickly typed and wanted to reply "OK", but his hand trembled in a hurry.

Outside the airport, Shao Ming really hadn't left yet. He stood in an open space and received a reply from Zhu Tong.

A lowercase h.

He quickly realized that he must have run out of time, otherwise Zhu Tong, who is so cautious, would not type his reply well.

He looked into the air again, and sure enough, he saw the plane taking off after a while.

He looked at the direction of the plane heading to City A and thought: When people come back, what will he face?

Will it be rejected?

For the first time, Shao Ming prepared for something without a plan, and he didn't know what the outcome would be. If it fails... then try harder.

Zhu Tong went back to City A without notifying anyone to pick him up, but when he got off the plane, he still saw the person who came to pick him up at the airport.

When Zhu Xin saw the person who came out of it with a face exactly like her, she shouted, "Brother!"

Zhu Tong looked up and saw someone beckoning to him, he couldn't help but stunned for a moment, and then he quickened his pace and walked there.

"How did you come?"

"I'm here to pick you up." Zhu Xin, as energetic and lively as always, complained as soon as he saw him: "Brother, you're too much, you won't tell me when you come back to City A, if it wasn't for my grandfather telling me, I wouldn't even know you came back. already."

Zhu Tong apologized: "I plan to tell you when I come back."

He was just used to not disturbing others. Instead of telling people to wait, it would be better to wait and then notify.

Zhu Xin also knew his character and didn't really blame him.

What's more, she is now full of joy to see her brother, so she can't blame him.

She hugged Zhu Tong's arm, as if she had just seen Uncle Liu, and turned to say hello, "Hello, Uncle Liu."

Uncle Liu looked relieved, "Hello, Miss."

He let the two children walk in front, and walked behind with his luggage, watching the two people advancing side by side.

Although they are twins, they have completely different personalities.

The two were quiet and moving, the girl was lively and cheerful, and the boy was elegant and quiet.

If the young master is not in poor health, he should be as eccentric as the young lady now.


I hope this inspection will have a good result.

During this time in Gongshui County, he watched the young master change a little bit, not only physically, but also in personality. If time permits, their young master will definitely grow into a very good, very good one. children.

"By the way, brother, have you eaten yet?"

The girl's crisp voice interrupted Uncle Liu's sentimentality.

Zhu Tong said: "Have breakfast."

"Breakfast?" Zhu Xin frowned, "The plane has been flying for two hours. It's almost one o'clock in the afternoon. You must be hungry, Uncle Liu, can you find a restaurant to eat?"

The driver who came to pick up the plane took a taxi and went back by himself, and now Uncle Liu is driving.

Zhu Tong said that he was not hungry, but he could eat a little bit, and he didn't pay much attention to the place to eat, because Uncle Liu would definitely arrange it.

The car was parked outside a western restaurant.

Zhu Xin seemed to be a frequent visitor to this restaurant, so Uncle Liu reassured him to park the car and went in with his brother.

The restaurant environment didn't say anything, just looked at the food on the menu, but Zhu Tong didn't have much appetite.

He casually ordered a short rib and a dessert.

Zhu Xin said in surprise: "Brother, do you only eat so much?"

Zhu Tong nodded: "Well, I'm not very hungry."

Zhu Xin: "…"

"Then... Then what would you like to drink? The drinks in this restaurant are very good."


Zhu Tong suddenly thought of something, and turned to look at the waiter who was waiting on the side: "Do you have pudding sago here?"

The waiter was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and said, "Sorry, we don't have one here."

Zhu Tong suddenly felt lost, "That counts as..."

"But if the customer wants, we can make it now."

The waiter immediately changed his tune after receiving the look from the other side.

Miss Zhu is also an acquaintance of their restaurant. Working in such a high-end restaurant, the waiter's eyesight is still there. Seeing that this little handsome guy and Zhu Xin look so similar, it is not difficult to guess what their relationship is.

Zhu Tong nodded and said, "Then have a cup of this."


The waiter went out with a small book, and the drinks came quickly.

Zhu Tong took it from the waiter.

Zhu Xin looked at his cautious and cautious movements with the cup, and asked curiously, "Brother, do you like drinking this?"

Although she has never drunk it, she also knows that this is the most common drink in the milk tea shop, and it is very cheap.

Zhu Tong subconsciously gave a "hmm", bit the straw and took a sip, and then frowned lightly.

Zhu Xin said: "What's wrong?"

Zhu Tong was silent for a moment, then shook his head and said, "It's okay."

Not as good as Shao Ming's, there is an extra taste, and the sweetness is a bit too high.

Although he didn't expect to be able to make the taste exactly the same, it was inevitable that he was a little disappointed.

He has never told anyone about his taste, but every time Shao Ming makes something that suits his taste.

How did he know his tastes?

After making a comparison, Zhu Tong had lost interest in the drinks specially made for him in the western restaurant.

He put the simmered sago back on the dining table, thinking to himself: After returning to City A after the mission, he will probably never meet someone who will take care of him like Shao Ming.

By the way, Shao Ming.

Suddenly remembering something, Zhu Tong took out his mobile phone from his pocket. After turning on the airplane mode on the plane, he hadn't turned it on, so he said it was time to send a message to Shao Ming.

He was a little eager to hold the phone, and Zhu Xin looked at him suspiciously.

As soon as Zhu Tonggang turned off airplane mode, a message popped up on WeChat.

—Have you arrived at City A?

The time was stuck half an hour ago, just before they got off the plane.

Shao Ming even remembered his flight arrival time so accurately?

Zhu Tong couldn't help bending his lips, a kind of heart that was put in his heart.

He replied: Well, it's already here, and I'm having dinner with Xiaoxin.

Yu Guang glanced at the drink that he put on the corner of the table, Zhu Tong thought about it, raised his hand to take a picture, and sent it to Shao Ming.

Zhu Xin watched him skillfully operate in silence.

Taking pictures and sharing fun things used to be her treat.

You don't need to ask to know who your brother is sending a message to now.

【Wish】: The pudding sago made in the western restaurant.

[Shao]: How does it taste?

I wish Tong Tong's honest reply: It's not as good as yours.

[Shao]: I'll make it for you when you come back.

Although it was an expected reply, Zhu Tong still felt his heart tremble.

[Zhu]: You have done a lot for me.

Cooked for him, gave him medicine, helped him with class notes, gave him tutoring, and now promised to make him drinks.

How can this man be so good?

While feeling emotional, the phone vibrated, and another message popped up on the chat interface.

-I can do anything for you.

Zhu Tong: "!"

The boy's heart beat fiercely.

He stared at the message for a long time and forgot to reply in time.

Soon there was a new message from the other side.

[Shao]: Are you moved?

[Shao]: If you are moved, please show your promise.

Zhu Tong:…

What followed was a joking tone.

Zhu Tong was not only moved, but also shocked, he almost believed it.

He couldn't tell if he was disappointed or relieved, but it didn't affect his good mood at all, and he still raised his lips slightly.

Zhu Xin just looked at the cup of sago that his brother said he liked to drink just now, and he hasn't touched it since he took a sip.

When Uncle Liu walked into the box, the waiter was serving the food.

The waiter brought the beef steak to Zhu Tong and was about to remind the guests to eat, but Zhu Xin shook his head to stop it.

The waiter nodded with a smile, and quietly left.

During this process, Zhu Tong's eyes never took his eyes off the screen of his mobile phone.

Uncle Liu consciously stood beside Zhu Xin.

Don't ask why you don't stand on Zhu Tong's side, you just feel that you are an eyesore.

Zhu Xin tilted his head and asked secretly, "Uncle Liu, is my brother always like this over there?"

Chatting to sleepless nights?

Uncle Liu was slightly surprised when she saw her understandable tone, and then glanced at the young master, and said bitterly: "No, they are more tired than this."

Zhu Xin: "…"

Finally, before the steak cooled, Zhu Xin reminded his brother to eat.

After eating, the three returned to their grandfather's house together.

Mr. Cheng has a lot of time to deal with, and he will definitely not be at home during the day, but Dr. Johnson is already waiting.

It was Zhu Tong who asked him to wait in the villa.

The place for the examination is arranged in the hospital of one's own home, and everything is ready for the examination at any time.

"Are you going now? In such a hurry?"

Zhu Xinting was about to have an examination as soon as he came back, so he couldn't help but worry about Zhu Tong's body.

Dr. Johnson said: "Master Tong's monthly re-examination and physical examination has been postponed for a long time. It is best to have the examination as soon as possible."

Johnson is a true American, with blond hair and blue eyes, in his thirties, wearing a pair of rimless glasses, in order to show his identity, no matter when and where, as long as there is a second person present, His white coat never leaves him.

He suddenly spoke, and none of the other three people in the villa replied to him, and the expressions on their faces were indescribable unity.

Generally, only students need to understand the meaning of a sentence in relation to the context on the test paper, and guessing the semantics according to the context used to be the daily life of Young Master Zhu.

Probably only a calm person like Mr. Cheng can keep his face intact when talking with Dr. Johnson.

The person who speaks is unaware.

Zhu Tong said helplessly to break the silence, "Dr. Johnson, let's go."

"Okay, Young Master Tong."

Zhu Tong: "…"

In fact, the word "good" can be returned.

When she went to the hospital for an examination, Zhu Xin didn't follow her. She still had art classes at school in the afternoon and could only come back in the evening.

Uncle Liu waited in the hospital corridor, and Johnson took Zhu Tong to check according to the procedure.

Zhu Tong used to be the most tired of doing these tests, because there would be nothing but the heavier results each time.

But this time is different.

The reason why he was in such a hurry to do the inspection was to be able to go back early and to reassure Grandpa and the others.

If there is no bug in the system reward, he should not have any physical problems except that he is weaker than the normal human body.

He even looked forward to the results of this medical examination.


When preparing for the MRI examination, Dr. Johnson had already obtained the results of the blood routine test that Zhu Tong had done at the beginning, with a look of disbelief.

"Tong, your blood routine test, all the indicators have returned to normal, how did you do it? This is simply... a medical miracle!"

Zhu Tong: "…"

He rubbed his ears without changing his face.

Although he wants to complain about the doctor's language now, he also understands the doctor's excitement now.

All medically inexplicable things can be called medical miracles.

Although it was just a simple routine blood test, it was enough of a surprise compared to the fact that his various indicators were flying around in the past.

Zhu Tong watched the doctor report the progress of the examination to his grandfather with various exaggerated expressions and his combined Chinese and Western language, and his heart that had been calm about his condition was also faintly excited.

But Dr. Johnson's language is really lame.

Zhu Tong's desire to share began to haunt him again. He silently took out his mobile phone and planned to record a voice for Shao Ming.

As a result, he had just opened WeChat, and Dr. Johnson had hung up the phone.


Zhu Tong looked at the doctor and said, "Can you say anything more?"

The excitement on Johnson's face has not yet subsided, and he was surprised when he heard the words: "What do you want me to say?"

"Anything will do." Zhu Tong said, "I want my friend to hear your beautiful Chinese."

Having said that, he has pressed the button to record the voice.

Johnson understood it, as if he saw through something at a glance, and joked: "Tong, you have already started falling in love? You are sending it to your love partner, right?"

"What kind of love? It's love..."

Zhu Tong let go and corrected the doctor's pronunciation, and was stunned for a moment.

What... what object?

Love object?


What did he just send to Shao Ming?

He looked at the successfully sent voice message displayed on the screen of the mobile phone, and wanted to withdraw it in a panic. Suddenly, the interface changed, and a call alert popped out of the screen of the mobile phone.

Zhu Tong's nervous and flustered heart suddenly became a little dull, like a stone was pressed against him.

He lowered his eyes and pressed the answer: "Hello, Dad."


The author has something to say:

There's a bear child at home, and it's a bit annoying to yell, so it's broken here, alas :-(

Push a friend's article: After her death, she became her boyfriend's old attack by the poet's cat

Text: My boyfriend likes men,

But till I die,

I didn't even remind him.

He belongs to me.

Always will be.

But three months after my death, I regretted it.

I can't stand him pretending that nothing happened on the surface, but at night he was covered with a quilt and cried bitterly into the night;

I can't stand him going to the psychiatric hospital in the city center every Sunday to talk to that stupid psychiatrist about his pain;

I can't stand him living the same life as before I died, living the rest of his life like a walking dead.

I ruined him in the name of love.

So, I want to save him, even at the cost of his soul.

Reading tips:

1. Female to male mourning and sweet essay

2.1-38 chapters first person, chapter 39 starts third person

3. Free yourself

Thanks to the little angel who voted or irrigated nutrient solution for me during 2021-11-1816:55:52~2021-11-1915:59:09~

Thank you to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 35 bottles of Aya's tears filling the tail; 20 bottles of gaztia; 10 bottles of Xinzhe; 1 bottle of Hong Jasmine and Snow;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!