Chapter 60: looking for a wife

Zhu Tong didn't tell Zhu Shoushan in advance about returning to City A to check, and he didn't even think about calling people.

Zhu Shoushan neglected him since he was a child. He used to receive a call from his father and Zhu Tong was still very calm, because he knew that a call would not last long and would hang up soon, but since the last time his father mentioned "new friend", he was somewhat conflicted with Zhu Shoushan's phone call.

Because the phone is certainly no longer a simple "greeting."

Since it has been decided to leave him alone, why can't it stick to the end?

Zhu Tong thought a little annoyed.

On the phone, Zhu Shoushan's voice was very gentle, "Tongtong, I heard that you have returned to City A? Where are you now? Why didn't you say hello to Dad when you came back?"

Zhu Tong calmly said: "In the hospital, I plan to tell you after the examination is over."

"In the hospital?" There was a pause on the phone, and then he asked, "When will the examination end?"


Don't even ask about the test results.

Also, every inspection, except worse, won't come up with anything new anyway.

Zhu Tong was a little indifferent and didn't tell him about his health.

He said lightly: "I don't know yet, there are still many inspections that have not been done."

"Really?" Zhu Shoushan was silent for a while, as if thinking about something, "Then tell me after you finish, and I will let someone pick you up."

Zhu Tong frowned slightly and said, "No need, I'll go back after the inspection..."

"Why in such a hurry?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

I see you seem to be in a hurry.

Zhu Tong was too lazy to go around in circles with him, and said directly: "Is there something wrong?"

Zhu Shoushan paused for a while, and didn't beat around the bush any more, "You finally came back. Three days later, there will be a birthday dinner at the Magic Sky Entertainment Club. Will you come with me?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

Birthday dinner? What is he going to do?

Zhu Shoushan said again: "The person who hosted the banquet is your mother's former good friend. She just came back from abroad this year. She called and said that she wanted to meet your brothers and sisters. There are classes in Xiaoxin's school, and you can't leave. If you want to If so, I'll take you to meet her."


Xiaoxin's school had classes and couldn't leave, but he also asked for leave to come back for an inspection.

Although his absence from school is the norm.

He didn't think it was "favoring one over the other", just that his father's attitude was strange.

Zhu Shoushan is a person with excellent face and strong self-esteem. In front of outsiders, he has always been a personable image, conscientious in work and responsible for his family.

His second marriage was to better take care of his children. Although he and his remarried wife could not be described as affectionate, they did not treat them badly, let alone betray them.

He has a successful career and good luck. Every time he encounters any risk in business, he can always turn a bad one into a good one.

But this is only what outsiders see. What outsiders don't know is that every time he turns bad luck into good luck, someone is helping him.

Zhu Tong didn't care about these things before, but that didn't mean he didn't know.

Grandpa, secretly and secretly, did not know how many times he helped Zhu's enterprise.

But grandpa has a dull temper. He never said what he did. His father knew that grandpa helped him, and he never mentioned it to anyone, because he was afraid that others would talk about him behind his back as a "soft eater".

He hid the connection between him and his grandfather very closely, and he kept his ears open, as if all his successes were the result of his own efforts as long as others didn't know about it - this was his self-deceiving self-esteem.

He would neither let anyone know about his relationship with his grandfather, nor would he have almost no contact with his mother's former friends.

But his parents were secretly married back then, and very few people knew about it. Since he can remember, he has never seen "mother's friend".

Since Zhu Shoushan is so reluctant to interact with his mother's friends, why did he take the initiative to take him to a birthday party?

Is that really his mom's friend?

When things go wrong, there must be demons.

Zhu Tong said with deep eyes: "I won't go, I still have to do an inspection, I have nothing else to do."

Zhu Shoushan couldn't stop it, and the phone was hung up.

Zhu Tonggang breathed a sigh of relief, and the phone rang again.

He hesitated, and pressed the answer again.

"Hey, auntie."

"Tongtong? I heard you went back to City A? Have you done the checkup? How is your health?"


I wish you the patience to answer.

The aunt was happy for him for a long time, and then said: "Since you are all right, you have returned to City A. You will have your aunt's birthday in two days. Come with me."

Zhu Tong was stunned: "Aunt Lian?"

"Yeah, but you may not know each other." The aunt smiled and said, "I am a friend of your mother and I, and also our teacher in college. Your mother and I received a lot of care from her in college. After your mother left, , I haven't seen her for many years... How is it? Would you like to accompany my aunt to have a look?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

He didn't expect that it was really his mother's friend.


He was silent for a long time, and suddenly he was called on the phone.

Auntie said: "If you don't want to go, then Auntie..."

"It's okay, auntie." Zhu Tong said, "I'll go."

"Really? That's great."


After finishing the call with his aunt, Zhu Tong sighed heavily.

For mother, Zhu Tong actually has no concept.

When they were very young, their mother died, and their relationship is not to mention. It is only when they occasionally see other children who are pampered by their mothers, they will be a little envious.

What kind of person his mother is, he also knows a few things through his aunt and grandfather.

Going to see mom's friends?

It's been more than ten years since my mother died, so if you are invited as a child, you should go there, right?

If it's just a simple invitation, it's fine to go there, but his father's abnormality makes him feel that this birthday banquet is more like a Hongmen banquet.

He also deliberately left Xiaoxin aside and only let him go. What's the purpose?

Zhu Tong was upset, and the mood that had just been influenced by the doctor and became excited fell inch by inch to the bottom of the valley, but before it hit the bottom, the phone screen jumped, the interface for the end of the call disappeared, and the chat interface popped up.

The doctor's nonsense voice.

The matter of the banquet was thrown away by Zhu Tong in an instant. He subconsciously wanted to long press to withdraw, but the time expired and there was no option to withdraw.

Below is another voice that Shao Ming replied to him.

Zhu Tong:…

He turned his voice down to a minimum and opened the voice carefully.

"If you don't mind, young master, I'm willing to fall in love with you."

Zhu Tong: "…"

The voice in the voice, with a hidden smile.

Zhu Tong's hands trembled slightly when he laughed, and he wondered, how did Shao Ming understand what Dr. Johnson said?

The text-to-text function that comes with WeChat can't be recognized, right?

No, that's not the point.

What did Shao Ming say in his voice?

Zhu Tong clicked and listened again. After listening, he was stunned.

Shao Ming said: I am willing to fall in love with you.

I would like to fall in love with you.

Zhu Tong felt as if this sentence kept echoing in his mind.

He put the phone to his ear, and the voice stopped and didn't put it down.

"Master, what's the matter? Why is your face so red?"

Zhu Tong slowly raised his head: "Huh?"


As soon as Uncle Liu came over with the results of the ECG examination, he saw that the young master who was supposed to be lying in the apparatus for examination was holding the mobile phone to his ear in a daze.

Now looking up at himself, his eyes are dull.

Uncle Liu was startled for a moment and worried: "Are you okay? Young master? Do you have a fever?"

As he spoke, he touched his forehead.

Zhu Tong suddenly returned to his senses and hurriedly said, "It's okay."


Zhu Tong said, "Uncle Liu, I'm fine."

He quickly lowered his head and unlocked the phone.

Blush ass!

This is what Shao Ming misunderstood because of what the doctor said!

He hastily typed an explanation.

[Zhu]: I just want you to hear what the doctor said, nothing else, that sentence was made by the doctor!

Reply there quickly.

[Shao]: I know.

Zhu Tong:…

He was slightly relieved.

The phone vibrated twice.

[Shao]: Are you doing an inspection now? How's your body?

How did he know he was doing a checkup?

Zhu Tong looked up, oh, because the doctor was talking beside him.

He bent his lips unconsciously and continued to reply.

【Wish】: Thanks to you, your health is much better.

[Shao]: Thanks to me?

[Zhu]: Yes, thank you for taking care of me.

Although I can't say anything about the system, I still have to say thank you.

This time Shao Ming did not reply in time.

Should he go back to the milk tea shop now? Is the store busy?

Since Qiu Shaoping was sent in again, the milk tea shop has started to operate normally again.

Afraid of delaying his work, Zhu Tong was about to end the chat when he suddenly thought of something, but he felt a little nervous, hesitated and said it after a while.

[Zhu]: By the way, something happened to my family suddenly, so I might be back a few days later.

[Shao]: How many days later?

Because it was a text reply, Zhu Tong didn't know whether his words were accented with the word "late" or the word "ji".

[Zhu]: Well, if you want to attend an elder's birthday banquet, you won't be able to come back until three days at the earliest.

About a few seconds later, a new dialog box popped up.

[Shao]: Okay, I see.

Zhu Tong:…

Plain reply.

Zhu Tong was a little lost, and replied: Can you tell me the secret you said before?

[Shao]: No.


[Shao]: That's a secret that can only be told in person.

Zhu Tong:…

It is immoral to indulge one's appetite!

"Tong, put away your phone and lie down."

Dr. Johnson's words can occasionally have a refreshing effect.

Under the clear gaze of the doctor, Zhu Tong embarrassedly handed the phone to Uncle Liu and lay down in the instrument.

Shao Ming was indeed in the milk tea shop at the moment. He flipped through the chat records of the two of them for a while, then slowly turned off his phone, got up and walked outside the milk tea shop.

Rosso took a break from his busy schedule, put a date in his mouth, and puffed out a small bulge on one side of his face. He turned around and saw Shao Ming planning to go out, and shouted casually, "Brother Ming, what are you doing?"

"Go to the school to find the old class, are you coming?"

Rosso: "…"

After finally taking a vacation, ran back to school to find the old class?

Rosso showed no interest.

Shao Ming went back to school and went straight to the office where Shi Wenshu was.

It's quiet in the school on weekends, and there's hardly anyone in the office.

Shi Wenshu didn't leave the school on weekends. He was sitting behind his desk preparing lessons. Hearing a knock on the door, he looked up, and the word "jin" came to his mouth and changed his words instantly, "Why are you here?"

This person actually has a day when he takes the initiative to walk into the office.

Shao Ming is straightforward: "I'll sign up."

"What name do you sign up for?"

Shao Ming said: "Isn't there a math competition in City A these days? Is our city famous?"

"The quota has already been set." Shi Wenshu said, "Don't you know? People from the Municipal Education Bureau came to you at that time, didn't you want to go?"

Shao Ming said again: "Then is it too late for me to regret it now?"

Shi Wenshu: "…"


The author has something to say:

It was overturned and rewritten in the middle of writing, today is a bit short, tomorrow is thick and long ( ̄ε(# ̄)

Thanks to the little angel who voted or irrigated nutrient solution for me during 2021-11-19 15:59:09~2021-11-2015:00:54~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 8 bottles of Ming scoops; 1 bottle of red jasmine;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!