Chapter 61: banquet

Inside the major enterprises in City A, there have been rumors recently.

Professor Lian Youqin, a famous finance professor who has been abroad for more than ten years, suddenly returned to China to hold a birthday party. In the financial circle of City A, many people were students of Professor Lian. After receiving the invitation letter, of course, they went to participated.

Even if I can't get in touch with the teacher for a long time, I can take the opportunity to make business partners.

In the Xia family, there were guests in the main hall on the first floor. After the servants made tea, they all retreated under the direction of Xia Weiyi.

"how are things?"

Xia Weiyi poured tea for the guests and handed it over.

The guest said: "Children are all debts. What else can you do if you offend someone who shouldn't be offended?"

The business is restricted everywhere, if it is not for some wealth, I am afraid that it will face bankruptcy.

Xia Weiyi said: "Xiaoxiao, the person they met at the racecourse is really Liu Jianbai?"

"He called me personally, is this still fake?"

Thinking of that phone call now, He Biyou can't wait to go back and beat his daughter again.

Xia Weiyi frowned and said, "Didn't Liu Jianbai go abroad to develop a few years ago? When did he come back?"

City A a few years ago was not what it is now.

Liu Jianbai was like a dark horse born out of nowhere. No one cared about it at first, but in just two years, he made a strong counterattack. With his ruthless skills and unknown background, he almost covered the sky in City A with one hand. People are terrified.

After several years of development in City A, Liu Jianbai began to move abroad, giving everyone in City A a chance to breathe and develop.

But although he is not in City A, his influence is still there, and no one knows when he will make a comeback.

He Biyou said: "I don't know, but I heard with a smile that Liu Jianbai was at the racecourse at the time, and he was very respectful to the child of the Zhu family."



A person like Liu Jianbai respects a child?

Xia Weiyi pondered: "If it's because of Liu Jianbai, then it's not surprising that I wish the family smooth sailing in the past few years."

But for so many years, the child of Zhu's family was sick and hospitalized, and Zhu Shoushan was busy with work. I never heard that there was still a connection between him and Liu Jianbai. How could Liu Jianbai suddenly appear beside Zhu Tong?

And there's Jiang Wan...

"I heard that Jiang Wan followed Zhu Shoushan into Zhu's villa this afternoon. Maybe the Jiang family also heard some rumors."

With Jiang Wan's reputation as a romantic person, he went to Zhushou Mountain at this time, 80% of which was for Zhutong.

He Biyou frowned slightly, "Liu Jianbai's attitude towards Zhushoushan is something else, Lao Xia, if the Zhu family and the Jiang family get married, I'm afraid we won't have a foothold in City A."

Xia Weiyi: "…"

He Biyou: "And I heard that the child of Zhu's family returned to City A today, and he should also go to the birthday party in three days."

The atmosphere sank for a while.

Liu Jianbai, who appeared at the horse farm on the outskirts of the small county town, Jiang Wan who followed Zhu Shoushan into Zhu's villa, and Zhu's young master who suddenly returned to the city.

There was silence in the main hall.

On the spiral staircase, Xia Yang, who was returning home on the weekend, stood at the place where the staircase was turning, just in the blind spot of the two people in the living room. Hearing the talk of "Zhu Jia" in the living room, he subconsciously stopped.

What did he hear?

The Jiang family and the Zhu family... get married?

how can that be?

But if it's true... what if it's true?

Xia Yang's eyes flickered slightly, and he was a little excited.

If the guesses of his father and Uncle He are true, then Shao Ming and Zhu Tong...

Xia Yang's heart beat wildly, he took a deep breath, turned and went downstairs.

"Dad, I'm going back to school."

Xia Yang spoke as calmly as possible.

Xia Weiyi looked up at him, his eyes darkened slightly.

His son knew it himself, and when he saw the urgency hidden in Xia Yang's eyes, he knew that Xia Yang had just eavesdropped on their conversation, but he didn't say anything.

He picked up the teacup and said lightly, "Yeah."

Xia Yang greeted He Biyou again and turned to go out.

Seeing the figure disappearing at the door, Xia Weiyi lowered his head and sipped his tea, hiding the flash of light from the bottom of his eyes.

In Gongshui No. 1 Middle School, the campus on weekends is always very noisy, and in the evening self-study at night, the classrooms of Class 3 are also noisy.

"Brother Ming, are you really going to participate in the math competition?"

In the first evening self-study, Shi Wenshu cheerfully announced the list of their class going to City A to participate in the math competition.

In order to improve the competition awareness of top students in various schools, major provinces and cities hold various competitions every year to encourage students to actively participate.

When it comes to math competitions, the leaders of Gongshui No. 1 Middle School are of course the most optimistic about Shao Ming, but the first place in their grade this year is a strange one. He can stay in the competition at the provincial and city level, but once he leaves the province, the gold content will be even greater. He did not participate in Gao's competitions, euphemistically called it: too far.

There is no need to walk to the game, and it has a wool relationship with the distance.

But no matter how the school leaders persuaded him, Shao Ming couldn't get in. In the end, the leaders had to settle for the next best thing and pin their hopes on Lu Zheyu, who participated in the competition for the bonus.

This time, Shao Ming himself proposed to participate in the competition, which really surprised the school leaders.

It also shocked Rosso a lot.

Shao Ming said calmly: "What? I can't go and win glory for the school?"

Rosso: "…"

You, a person who "cuts corners" during class cleaning, can you have such a consciousness?

As the only insider of the relationship between the two in the class, Rosso has reason to suspect that this person is suddenly going to participate in the competition in City A, but it is actually selfish.

If I remember correctly, Zhu Tong just left in the morning, right?

It's not enough to run to the airport, and now even people have to chase after them? for?

Comrade Luo, who is a mother and child soloist, expressed his incomprehension.

But Shao Ming chased after people with high-sounding, justified reasons, and participated in math competitions, how lofty?

He can only wave the banner of cheering and cheering.

The math competition is scheduled for three days later. Students participating in the competition have to set off in the city two days in advance and need to prepare in advance.

After the evening self-study, before going down to the teaching building, Shao Ming sent Zhu Tong a WeChat message.

- Is the inspection over?

After posting and waiting for a while, he didn't receive a reply. He turned around and went downstairs. He rode his bicycle back to the homestay alone. The journey was a little light...because there was one less person in the back seat.

Halfway through the ride, Shao Ming even wanted to turn his head and say a word to the person in the back seat as before.

Habits are really scary things.

He smiled helplessly, braked his feet at the door of the homestay, took out his mobile phone and opened WeChat.

Seeing the red number sign behind the note, Shao Ming raised his lips slightly and opened the conversation.

[Wish]: It's over, I've gone home.

Shao Ming wanted to ask him how the test results were, but he deleted the words he had entered one by one.

Zhu Tong never took the initiative to mention his illness, and when asked, his answer was very perfunctory.

Since he refused to speak, Shao Ming didn't want him to be embarrassed.

It's just that it's unavoidable.

Then another message popped up on the phone.

[Zhu]: I was just taking a shower, so I replied late.

Shao Ming: …

Do you really need to explain such a small thing?

It's just...cute.

Shao Ming pursed his lips slightly and replied: Do you know what you are doing?

【Blessing】: What kind of behavior?

[Shao]: Only couples who are separated from each other need to report to each other what they were doing in the last second.

Zhu Tong was in his bedroom, holding a towel and wiping his hair. The phone was on the bedside table, buzzing twice, and the phone hadn't shut down yet.

And...what nonsense?

How did he feel that after returning to City A, Shao Ming became less and less restrained when speaking to him.

Is it because you can express yourself in words, so you let yourself go?

Can't take it seriously, can't take it seriously, can't take it seriously.

Zhu Tong recited it several times in his heart before his pounding heart calmed down.

He didn't dare to talk any more, and replied directly: I'm going to sleep.

After thinking about it, I added two more words: Good night.

Shao Ming looked at the two words that jumped out from the back of the phone screen, and the corners of his lips couldn't help rising.

He replied by voice: Good night, young master.

After I finished posting, I turned off my phone and pushed the car to enter the homestay.

The dim street lights in front of the homestay hit his raised face, and the radiant smile can be called bright.

"Shao Ming."

A person suddenly came out of the dark shadow of the tree ahead, interrupting his good mood.

Xia Yang went back to City A in the morning, but he didn't go to self-study in the evening. He just hurried back to Gongshui County, and he couldn't wait to come to this homestay after getting off the car.

He watched Shao Ming ride his bicycle to stop at the door of the homestay, and watched him take out his mobile phone to chat with people. The expression on his face was richer than he had ever seen.

Surprised, hesitant and teasing.

Who is he talking to? Do you wish children?

Xia Yang walked out from under the shadow of the tree, and Shao Ming frowned when he saw him.

He turned away.

Xia Yang clenched his palms tightly, and subconsciously took a step forward, "Do you like Zhu Tong?"


Shao Ming paused slightly.

One of his small movements lifted Xia Yang's spirits. As if striking while the iron was hot, he said in a warning tone, "I advise you not to like him."

Shao Ming's eyes were slightly cold, and he turned around and said, "Young Master Yang is in charge of the heavens and the earth, even who others like?"

Xia Yang's heart was tight again.

Shao Ming is... admit it?

Admit that he likes Zhutong?

Jealousy and sour emotions raged wildly in his heart, Xia Yang's nervous expression softened slightly, and his face was a little anxious, "I'm just reminding you that Zhu Tong is not worthy of your love at all..."

"Whether it's worth it or not is my business."

Xia Yang was startled by the sudden sinking face, and he took a half step back in fright, but he refused to compromise.

Shao Ming did this to him just because he didn't know the truth. He would make Shao Ming sober up.

Xia Yangdao: "Do you know why he returned to City A this time? He is to marry someone else."


"I know you think it's unbelievable, yes, he is not yet the legal age for marriage, but this kind of thing is not uncommon in City A, you and Zhu Tong, it was impossible from the beginning, he hangs you and returns to A Cheng is talking about marriage, he doesn't have you in his heart at all, he just takes you as a pastime, if you like him, you will regret it!"

The childish voice with a venting voice sounded outside the homestay, and was blown into the air by a gust of cool wind.

Shao Ming sneered and said, "Then I have to thank you for reminding me."

Xia Yang was startled: "You don't believe me?"

Shao Ming pushed his bicycle into the courtyard of the homestay.

Xia Yang was anxious, "What I said is true. Zhu Tong has been in poor health since he was a child. He was useless when he was born. He has no use for the Zhu family, only the use of marriage, he..."

Before he finished speaking, Xia Yang's pupils suddenly shrank.

A sharp object hit him directly in front of him, he stepped back in horror, his back rested on the door frame of the courtyard gate, because the hit was too hard, and there was an indescribable dull pain in his back.

He looked at the man still standing in disbelief.

Shao Ming held a tree branch in his hand, which he had just broken off from the large potted plant at the gate of the courtyard. The broken place was sharp and sharp. If he hadn't avoided it, his eyes...

Compared with the tree branch in Shao Ming's hand, what shocked Xia Yang more was Shao Ming's face.

He just looked at himself so straight, his eyes were sharp and cold.

Shao Ming seemed to be very satisfied with Xia Yang's reaction, and his voice seemed to freeze when he spoke, "Since you know you are afraid, just keep your mouth shut, you don't want to see blood, it's best not to appear in front of me again."

After speaking, he threw the tree branch in his hand and turned around indifferently.

Xia Yang was terrified.

Not only did Shao Ming not believe him, he also threatened him!

Why doesn't he believe it?

Did Zhu Tong coax him? Or maybe he knew it for a long time, but didn't care at all!

Xia Yang was full of jealousy.

Why does Zhu Tong get Shao Ming's bottomless preference?

Why should he only be hated and rejected?

Obviously he came to Shao Ming first, obviously he liked Shao Ming first!

Why did Shao Ming treat him like this?

He has been deliberately ignored and rejected for a long time. Because of Shao Ming's disgrace in front of others, he gave up his self-esteem and gave up a good campus life. In the end, he still could not get any response from Shao Ming.

From start to finish, he was being self-motivated, and in the end he was the joke!

With nowhere to vent his resentment, Xia Yang looked at the person who left him without hesitation.

This person can be so heartless, so why does he let him be relaxed and happy?

Xia Yang blurted out, "Do you know that Zhu Tong is dying!"

Shao Ming's footsteps stopped suddenly, and he turned his head and said, "...What did you say?"

City A, Zhu Tong didn't reply after receiving Shao Ming's last voice.

But he couldn't sleep either.

At the end of the chat record, although there were only a few words, Shao Ming deliberately lowered his voice. The words "little young master" sounded like an electric shock to people's ears.

He knew Shao Ming's voice was nice, but he didn't expect it to be

I don't know if it was because of that voice, or because it was the first time that he slept in his grandfather's bed, he tossed and turned and couldn't sleep.

The feeling of insomnia overlapped with the two nights in the B&B.

Zhu Tong lay on the bed and looked at the ceiling, thinking: Could it be true that he can't sleep without Shao Ming?


He did depend on Shao Ming sometimes, but not to this extent.

It must be that he is not used to sleeping on the newly bought bed.

Zhu Tong gave the pot to his grandfather, and felt a lot more relaxed. He picked up the phone again, wanted to send a message to Shao Ming, checked the time, and gave up again.

It's already eleven o'clock.

Unlike his truancy, Shao Ming has to go back to school tomorrow, so he is probably already asleep by now.

Still don't bother him?

If he sent a message now, Shao Ming would reply to him even if he fell asleep.

Thinking of Zhu Tong, he was stunned.

Why was he so sure that Shao Ming would reply to him?

Because... Shao Ming seems to have been doing this all the time.

Zhu Tong was lying on the bed holding the phone, looking at the chat interface between the two, he couldn't help but stretched out his finger and clicked on the last voice.

—Good night, young master.

The familiar voice sounded, and Zhu Tong felt a trace of satisfaction.

While satisfied, he also realized one thing.

He seems to... miss Shao Ming a little bit.

It was only the first day that he returned to City A.

But just thought.

I can't help thinking of him all the time.

Zhu Tong stared at the phone for a while, then suddenly grabbed the pillow and buried his entire face in it.

Three days later, the Magic Sky Entertainment Club.

The Magic Sky Entertainment Club is a famous banquet venue in City A. Many charity dinners are held here. Those who come to the birthday party today are no strangers to this place.

Also as an invited person, Zhu Tong is the first time to come to this kind of occasion.

He refused to attend with his father. When he heard that he was going to go with his aunt, his father's tone on the phone was not very good. messing with his plans with him.

Zhu Tong didn't care either, thinking that after the banquet was over, he could hurry back.

He may be a little socially afraid, and he already wants to retreat before entering the banquet venue.

"Tongtong, let's go."

The car stopped in front of the clubhouse, and the aunt called him kindly.

Aunt Cheng is wearing a high-definition dress with delicate makeup on her face. She has a beautiful temperament and can handle this kind of banquet with ease.

Zhu Tong nodded and followed her out of the car.

After getting out of the car, the aunt smiled and praised: "The complexion is really much better, and our Tongtong seems to be amazed by the audience today."

Zhu Tong: "…"

He also wore a formal suit today, and his slim-fitting suit made him stand out.

But Zhu Tong didn't like it.

Some are uncomfortable and restrictive.

He couldn't learn Xiaoxin's sweet words, so he could only praise dryly: "Auntie is also very good-looking today."

Auntie: "Of course, I have to be worthy of our Tongtong."


Turning around and closing the car door, the aunt explained something to the driver through the car window. Zhu Tong looked up without a purpose, and suddenly a car stopped not far away. At that time, he was stunned for a moment.

The car over there was not quite like the other decent cars around, it was a sports car.

The person in the driver's seat didn't seem to intend to get out of the car, and turned to talk to the person in the passenger seat.

Even if there is only a side face, Zhu Tong will not admit his mistake.

That person is Qin Junhong.

How could Qin Junhong come here?

Who is the woman in the car?

"Tongtong, what's wrong?"

The aunt asked the driver to drive the car away, and when she looked back, she asked with a strange expression on Zhu Tong's face.

Zhu Tong returned to his senses, turned his head and asked, "Does my aunt know that person over there?"

Aunt Cheng followed his gaze and said, "Who is there... You mean Jiang Wan?"

Zhu Tong said, "Jiang Wan?"

"Yeah, the eldest lady of Jiang's chaebol... The person next to her..."

Aunt Cheng saw Qin Junhong frowning, and suddenly sneered: "The one surnamed Qin doesn't seem to be safe after being kicked out of Zhu's house."

Zhu Tongwei said in surprise, "Auntie, do you know about this?"

"Of course I do." My aunt said, "This is the only decent thing your dad has done over the years."

Zhu Tong: "…"

When Qin Junhong was kicked out of Zhu's house, Zhu Tong only knew about it the day he returned to City A.

After Zhu Shoushan called him to attend the banquet, he was worried, so he inquired about what happened at home recently.

He was surprised when he heard that Qin Junhong had been kicked out, but after hearing the exact time, he was silent again.

Zhu Shoushan drove Qin Junhong out because he discovered his private property, not because Qin Junhong asked Zhou Sui to slander him in school.

He really shouldn't have expectations for his dad.

Zhu Tong glanced at Qin Junhong again.

Halfway through the progress bar, he thought that the first thing he did when he returned to City A was to ask Qin Junhong to leave Zhu's house, but after he came back, Qin Junhong had already left by accident.

Why did his father suddenly become suspicious of Qin Junhong? Just because of Zhou Sui?

The exact reason is unknown.

What he can be sure of is that because of his actions, the world line has changed.

He thought that Qin Junhong had been kicked out, and Xiao Xin was protected by her grandfather, so she should be safe.

But Qin Junhong suddenly appeared outside the banquet hall today, which made him faintly uneasy.

And the name Jiang Wan... He sounded a little familiar.

"Jiang Wan is a strand in the original text."


The system that had not moved for a long time suddenly came up with a word in his mind.

Zhu Tong was stunned and asked, "A stock?"

The system said: "She is one of the heartthrob's suitors."

Zhu Tong: "…"

He was stunned for a moment, suddenly remembering something.

Jiang Wan, a heartfelt female suitor who came out of the heartfelt danmei essay, will fall in love with the heartfelt at first sight at a cocktail party after graduation.

But unlike the way other people fall in love, Jiang Wan only loves her face.

According to the information Zhu Tong knows, this woman's reputation is not very good.

How could Qin Junhong be with Jiang Wan?

He's not going to be cornered and going to be someone's little white face, right?

Zhu Tong suddenly remembered the expression pack of an old man in the subway looking at his mobile phone. Although he couldn't make that expression, it was surprisingly suitable to describe his current mood.

"Let's go."

The aunt took his hand.

Although Zhu Tong didn't attend the banquet, he knew all the etiquette he should know. He nodded when he heard the words, and temporarily put Qin Junhong aside.

Walking into the banquet venue, Zhu Tong watched his aunt greet the people he knew in the venue.

Auntie often lives in City E. Not many people know her in City A. She is taken care of by her auntie, so Zhu Tong doesn't feel too embarrassed. Occasionally, when someone asks, he responds politely, but always looks light.

After meeting the people at the banquet hall, the aunt took him to meet the protagonist of today's birthday banquet, Professor Lian Youqin.

Zhu Tong politely called her "Aunt Lian".

He didn't know how good the relationship between Professor Lian and his mother was, but he really took care of him. Knowing that he didn't like crowds, he arranged for him to rest in a separate and quiet room.

Of course, the protagonist can't accompany him as a guest, and the aunt also has "acquaintances" to deal with, and soon only Zhu Tong is left in the room.

He breathed a sigh of relief.

In such a time, Zhu Tong especially envied Shao Ming's character that he could speak a few words with anyone and be able to handle it with ease.

He was so bored that he couldn't help sending a message to Shao Ming.

It should be dinner time now.

However, after waiting for more than ten minutes after the message was sent, Shao Ming did not receive a reply.

In despair, he began to look through the chat records of the two people.

After flipping through it, I found that Shao Ming's attitude in the past two days seemed a bit strange.

He still responded promptly and answered questions.

But it is much more serious than before.

Was his response that day too blunt? So Shao Ming stopped joking with him?

Is this a good thing or a bad thing?

Zhu Tong sighed suddenly.

After waiting for a while, there was still no reply. He felt stuffy in his heart, and turned to look at the location of the floor-to-ceiling windows. It seemed to be an open-air balcony outside.

Thinking of going to the balcony to get some air, he got up and walked over.

There was a cool breeze on the balcony, and the noise from the main venue of the banquet could be vaguely heard. Zhu Tong didn't like such occasions before, and he doesn't like it now.

He was in a dull mood and wanted to call Shao Ming, but he was afraid that he was really busy and would disturb him if he suddenly called.

Shao Ming wouldn't be bothering him, would he?

Just thinking about it, someone suddenly approached and said with a chuckle, "Master Zhu, why are you sighing?"


The visitor was dressed in a long aqua blue dress, with long curly hair hanging in front of him elegantly and charmingly, like a mermaid out of water and land.

This costume is no stranger to Zhu Tong, and he instinctively took a step to the side to stay away from the person.

Jiang Wan.

The movement of his dodging was too obvious, Jiang Wan's movement of shaking the wine glass lightly paused, the smile on his face did not diminish, "Zhu Shao... seems to be afraid of me?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

Did he not express it clearly?

Should be disgusted.

Zhu Tong tilted his head and glanced.

A gust of wind blew over and lifted Jiang Wan's slightly thick long hair.

Jiang Wan said: "Usually at this time, men should take off their coats and put them on women's bodies."

Zhu Tong said indifferently: "I'm a minor, not a man."


Jiang Wan frowned slightly.

After a pause, Zhu Tong added, "I'm not a gentleman either."

Jiang Wan: "…"

For this woman, whether it is the first impression or the current impression of Zhu Tong, it is not a good impression.

What is the relationship between Qin Junhong and this person? Is it a coincidence or intentional to appear outside the banquet hall? After the banquet is over, he will find out through his own means.

He didn't want any positive communication with the heartthrob suitor.

After saying that, he turned around and went back to his room.

Jiang Wan was not in a hurry. After he turned around, he said, "It seems that Young Master Zhu still doesn't know why Mr. Zhu brought you here today."


The author has something to say:

Don't shoot. Friend!

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-11-2015:00:54~2021-11-2117:26:47~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 172 bottles; 1 bottle of red jasmine;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!