Chapter 62: decision

Zhu Tong suddenly stopped.

Mr. Zhu...his father?

Does Jiang Wan know the purpose of his dad letting him come to the banquet today?

Didn't she come with Qin Junhong?

Zhu Tong turned his head.

Jiang Wan smiled with a glass of wine: "Can we talk now?"


Aunt Lian took special care of the lounge arranged for Zhu Tong. There was a rectangular coffee table with a set of single sofas on each side. Two people were seated on the sofas, separated by a long distance.

Jiang Wan gestured with her eyes and said in surprise: "Zhu Shao... Are you sure we want to talk like this?"

Zhu Tong said lightly: "Sorry, I am allergic to perfume."

Jiang Wan: "…"

She had never met anyone who rejected her so thoroughly.

Seeing her silence, Zhu Tong took the initiative and said, "Tell me, what does my dad want to bring me to the banquet?"

Jiang Wan said: "This is not your attitude to ask people to clear their doubts."

Zhu Tong said: "I don't have to know."


Jiang Wan smiled, put the wine glass on the coffee table, raised his eyes and said, "Zhu Shao, does this count as fearless? Because you think Zhu Zong can't do anything to you?"

Zhu Tong frowned slightly.

What does this mean?

"what do you want to say in the end?"

Jiang Wan looked at him silently for a while, then narrowed his eyes and said, "It seems that you really don't know anything."

But since I don't know, how could Zhu Tong have that attitude towards her just now on the open-air balcony?

Looking at Zhu Tong's reaction, it was obvious that he knew her and was guarding against her.

Although she has a bad reputation, her identity is there, even if some people hate her in their hearts, they are polite to her on the surface.

In City A, no one has dared to express their disgust for her like Zhu Tong did.

If it wasn't for knowing the deal between her and Zhu Shoushan, then... he really didn't take himself seriously.

Jiang Wan's eyes flashed with interest, and he smiled: "Zhu Zong's methods of concealing others are really amazing, but I thought Zong Zhu would reveal to you a little about the important life events of Zhu Shao."

As early as Jiang Wan talked to him on the balcony, Zhu Tong had a vague guess.

Who is Jiang Wan? What good can it do to be approached by her?

But when she mentioned "life-long events", Zhu Tong still felt a chill in his heart. He thought he was numb, but he felt a stinging pain from being pricked by a needle.

Is that what he meant?

Jiang Wan's words overwhelmed the last fluke in his heart: "A few days ago, President Zhu and I proposed a marriage between the two families, and he agreed."

Zhu Tong: "…"

At the moment, Zhu Tong has only one thought in his mind: is his father crazy?

He is only seventeen!

He clasped his hands slowly and looked up at the person opposite.

Jiang Wan sat with his legs crossed, and was smiling at him, with a friendly expression on his face.

Zhu Tong suddenly realized that even a person who is already disappointed, he can disappoint you even more.

He is like this, what about Xiao Xin?

What are he and Xiaoxin to their father?

He was silent for a while, then said coldly, "How did you know me?"

He didn't believe that Jiang Wan would stare at him for no reason.

A person flashed in his mind, and Zhu Tong's voice was slightly deep: "Is it Qin Junhong?"

Jiang Wan was slightly surprised.

My mind is spinning pretty fast.

"Zhu Shao is smarter than I thought."


This is the admission.

After knowing that it was Qin Junhong, Zhu Tong calmed down. He looked at Jiang Wan and said, "I won't marry. I believe that Miss Jiang's decision to marry is not because she likes me."

If it was for the family marriage, Jiang Wan could have a better choice. If she wanted to marry, she would not have been romantic for so many years.

Jiang Wan said, "It wasn't at first, but it may be now."

According to her investigation, the young master of Zhu's family was hospitalized all the year round, and he had nothing to do with everything.

When it comes to marriage, he is obviously very repulsive, but his emotions are adjusted very quickly, and he has even figured out how to reject her.

Very interesting.

Zhu Tong calmly said: "Why do you want to marry?"

Jiang Wan said truthfully: "As the board of directors requested, if I don't get married, I have to give up the position of Jiang's helm."

Zhu Tong: "Then why did you choose me?"

Jiang Wan said ambiguous: "Perhaps it's because you are beautiful?"

Zhu Tong said, "No, it's because I'm dying."


Jiang Wan raised her eyebrows slightly.

Zhu Tong said: "Ms. Jiang's proposal for marriage must have been investigated beforehand. I am seriously ill and I am a frequent visitor to the ICU. The doctor has repeatedly asserted that my current body may die at any time. You choose me, and I can handle the board of directors. People, you don't have to worry about worrying about the future, anyway, I won't live long, after widowed, you are still your free body, and you can still enjoy the benefits brought by the marriage between the two families."

Jiang Wan was noncommittal, she smiled softly: "You are right, but there is one thing, it is not my benefit, but our benefit."


Jiang Wan said: "Since you can guess that Qin Junhong introduced you to me, you must know what kind of person your step-brother is. He knew who I was, and he told me in front of me. You highly praised it, and Mr. Zhu...your father, after I presented him a proposal for a shipping project, he agreed to the transaction I proposed without hesitation. The current Zhu family, for Mr. Zhu, It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the Longtan Tiger Cave, right?"

Zhu Tong was a little surprised that she would take the initiative to mention Qin Junhong's "bad intentions". Before Qin Junhong sent her to the birthday party, weren't they very close?

She just told everything about the transaction?

Shipping project...just a project?

He suddenly wanted to laugh a little.

Jiang Wan continued: "If you agree to the marriage, I can take you away from the Zhu family and make Qin Junhong pay the price. Even if it is the entire Zhu family, I can help you with whatever you want to do..."

"Thanks, but I don't need it."

Zhu Tong interrupted her softly, "I won't marry you."

Jiang Wan said, "Why?"

Zhu Tong was silent for a while and said, "I have someone I like."

Although Jiang Wan is romantic, she also has a principle: do not force.

No matter who she associates with, what she talks about is your love and my wishes.

Probably didn't expect that Zhu Tong's answer would be this, Jiang Wan was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Oh? I don't know what kind of person caught the eyes of Young Master Zhu?"

Zhu Tong originally just said it casually, but when Jiang Wan asked, a person clearly appeared in his mind.

His heartbeat suddenly skipped a beat, his ears turned red, and he forced himself to calmly say, "It's none of Miss Jiang's business."

Jiang Wan has been paying attention to his reaction, and can't help but be a little surprised.


He suddenly thought of the beautiful boys he met in the bar last time.

Jiang Wan smiled even more, looked at Zhu Tong for a while, and suddenly said, "Well, I can give up the marriage between the two families."

Zhu Tong: "…"

He was a little surprised.

Did Jiang Wan talk about principles like this?

Could it be that Jiang Wan's character is also mechanical, just like people who like heartthrobs, she will act according to the principles unconditionally?

I always felt that she agreed too easily.

"But I have one condition."

Zhu Tong: "What conditions?"

Jiang Wan looked at him and said, "You have to tell me what your relationship is with Cheng Chen."

Zhu Tong was slightly startled.


What does this have to do with my cousin?

Zhu Tong unconsciously frowned, but before he could speak, Jiang Wan said again: "If you don't want to talk about it, forget it, then even if you owe me a favor, please don't forget it, Young Master Zhu."

His moment of surprise and hesitation was enough to explain a lot of questions.


Zhu Tong Xin thought: He didn't have to "break out" of the marriage to cancel the marriage, so why should it be considered a favor he owes?

Looking up to refute, Jiang Wan's expression suddenly changed.

She took the playfulness in her eyes and said sternly: "As for the cancellation of the transaction, Zhu Shao will tell President Zhu himself, I kindly remind Zhu Shao that when it is broken, it will be broken. Not all parents in the world are worthy of expectations. "


What on earth did this man come to find him for today?

Jiang Wan said that she picked up the glass of wine she had put on the coffee table before, and tasted it carefully.

She didn't leave in a hurry. After finishing the conversation, she sat for a while before leaving the lounge.

After the door of the lounge was closed again, Zhu Tong's face darkened completely.


It turned out that he was in his father's heart, even if he only had one breath left, there was still the value of marriage.

Isn't it worth having expectations?

He didn't seem to have any expectations, but he didn't "break when it breaks".

Outside the lounge, the banquet continued.

Since Jiang Wan didn't go out from the balcony in the end, he went directly from the lounge to the main venue of the banquet. Maybe he saw it, or maybe he had been watching it. After Jiang Wan left, someone came in.

Zhu Shoushan walked into the lounge, looked at the person sitting on the sofa with his head bowed, and walked over and said, "Tongtong, what's wrong? Is there anything uncomfortable?"

When Zhu Tong heard his caring voice, an unspeakable irony appeared in his heart.

He didn't look up and said in a low voice, "A little tired, Dad, let's go back."


Before Zhu Shoushan came, he thought about Zhu Tong's attitude. He might complain or be angry. He had already thought of a reason to appease him, but he never expected that Zhu Tong would be so calm.

He didn't think too much about it, even if Zhu Tong wanted to make trouble, it would be better to go back and make trouble than to make trouble here.

He said gently, "Okay, Dad will take you home."

Saying that, he reached out his hand to help Zhu Tong up, but before he touched it, Zhu Tong had avoided him and got up and walked towards the door.

Zhu Shoushan couldn't help frowning.

When I went out, I met my aunt in the banquet hall. As soon as my aunt saw Zhushou Mountain, she had no good face. I heard that Zhutong was tired, and she wanted to leave with Zhutong immediately, but Zhutong politely refused.

Although she was very disappointed, the aunt did not force Tong Tong to go with her.

On the return car, Zhu Tong sat in the back seat near the window, keeping the maximum distance from the people on the other side.

Looking at the night scene that kept going backwards outside the car window, he couldn't help thinking of Shao Ming.

I want to be at ease around him, and want to have an interesting daily life in and out of school.

He suddenly wanted to see Shao Ming, as if as long as he could see him, all the emotions in his heart could be calmed down.

There is still no reply to the WeChat message sent earlier.

What is Shao Ming doing now? Why don't you text him back?

He was inexplicably aggrieved.

But what is he wronged?

He and Shao Ming did not have to reply to messages in time. Even if Shao Ming replied to him, what could he say?

Said he was going to be forced to marry someone else?

Shao Ming probably thinks this is a fantasy.

What was his father thinking when he agreed to Jiang Wan's deal?

What are you thinking when you secretly look at him now and then?

Wouldn't it be better to say something straight?

The car stopped outside the villa door, Zhu Tong got off the car without saying a word, and walked into the villa door first.

Familiar hall, but he hadn't returned for a long time, already felt very strange, he just sat down on the sofa.

Zhu Shoushan was at the door, took off his coat and handed it to the maid, and then hesitantly walked towards the living room.

He ordered the servant to warm up a glass of milk for Zhu Tong, and Zhu Shou Shan sat down on the sofa next to Zhu Tong.

Zhu Tong's attitude made him feel strange.

It's neither as indifferent as before, nor as resentful and angry as he imagined.

When Jiang Wan came out of the lounge, she had her usual social smile on her face. She was not in a hurry, and she left without saying hello. What she and Zhu Tong said in the lounge, Zhu Shoushan had no way of getting it. Know.

He didn't know how to talk to Zhu Tong about his dealings with people.

The servant quickly brought up the milk. After Zhu Shoushan took it, he handed it to Zhu Tong and said, "You hardly take part in this kind of occasion, you are very uncomfortable, right? You must not eat much, so drink a cup of hot milk first."

Zhu Tong's face did not waver, and he raised his hand to take it.

Zhu Shoushan breathed a sigh of relief and said in deep thought, "I heard that you met Jiang Wan in the lounge today, and the two chatted for a long time?"

Zhu Tong held the milk and didn't move, but tilted his head and said, "Do you still need to hear about the things you arranged yourself?"

Zhu Shou Shan froze suddenly.

Zhu Tong only pretended not to see it, and continued: "The marriage has been cancelled. We are in the lounge and we are talking about this."

Zhu Shoushan's breathing was obviously hurried for a moment.

Marriage Cancelled? how can that be?

The marriage was brought up by Jiang Wan, how could she agree to cancel it?

And he arranged for Zhu Tong to go to the banquet today, just to let the two get to know each other first. How did Zhu Tong know about the marriage?

Zhu Shoushan reluctantly said: "Tongtong, what are you talking about, how could Dad..."

Zhu Tong interrupted him: "Jiang Wan told me personally."


Zhu Shoushan paused, and his brows slowly tightened.

Zhu Tong looked at him and said, "Dad, you asked me to marry the Jiang family, have you asked my opinion?"

In the end, Zhu Shoushan felt that he was wrong, and he didn't dare to look Zhu Tong's eyes directly. He sat upright on the sofa and said: "This matter is not what you think, I originally planned to tell you later, since you already know, Then I will not hide it from you, Jiang's suddenly proposed marriage... There is indeed such a thing. "

Zhu Tong listened indifferently.

Zhu Shoushan said: "But I won't force you on this matter, I just want you to try to get in touch with people. If you don't want to, then I..."

"I do not want to."

Zhu Shoushan was choked by him.

He seemed to have a headache, lightly pressed his forehead, turned his head and said, "You don't want it now, because you don't know Jiang Wan yet. The reason why she proposed marriage was also out of frustration. In order to control the Jiang family, she needs a name. The husband above, even if we get married, it’s only a couple in name, she will only respect you, not treat you…”

Zhu Tong said solemnly, "I'm only seventeen years old."

"I know you're only seventeen years old, and I didn't plan to let you get married now. You can settle the marriage..."

Saying that, Zhushoushan suddenly stopped.

Zhu Tong looked at him blankly.

A second ago, he said that he would not force it, but now it is already "set the marriage first".

In his heart, he didn't care whether Zhu Tong was "willing or not".

Realizing that he was leaking, Zhu Shoushan's face was not very good-looking.

He remedied: "You also know that you are not in good health. Wouldn't it be a good thing if one more person could take care of you? Dad is very busy every day, and Xiao Xin also wants to study. If you get married, I and I will Your sister can be more at ease, can't she?"

Zhu Tong felt cold in his heart, and he couldn't even feel the temperature of the hot milk in his hands.

Does Zhu Shoushan know that Jiang Wan was found by Qin Junhong? Maybe he doesn't care at all, all he sees is Jiang's background and the benefits it can bring him.

Zhu Tong suddenly smiled and said, "You think now that Qin Manwen can no longer reassure you, right?"

Zhu Shoushan's face changed suddenly, "What did you say?"

"Isn't it?" Zhu Tong looked directly at him and said, "You married Qin Manwen, didn't you want her to take care of me and Xiaoxin, so that you could get rid of me yourself?"


"Now that Xiaoxin has grown up, he doesn't need anyone to take care of me. You drove him out of Zhu's house because Qin Junhong carried your property behind your back, and you don't even trust Qin Manwen. You need a new person to take over me. Sending this trouble of mine out will also bring you closer to Jiang's relationship, as well as the shipping project you have already received, Mr. Zhu, you are indeed a businessman."

Anger appeared on Zhu Shoushan's face.

He didn't expect that his well-behaved and sensible son would contradict him so directly today, and he didn't expect Jiang Wan's "teammate" to sell him so thoroughly!

She even told Zhu Tong all about the shipping project. Did Cheng Qingsong know?

While he was angry, there was also a trace of panic in his heart.

Zhu Tong had already put the milk and got up: "I won't accept marriage, I'm coming back with you just to tell you about this."

And came to take away some of the things that he still left in the room.

"Tongtong is back? After finally coming back, why did the father and son still quarrel? What happened?"

A voice came from the entrance of the stairs, Qin Manwen looked concerned and walked quickly towards the living room.

Zhu Tong looked up and didn't intend to pay attention.

Since his father has already moved to "send him away", Qin Manwen is no longer valuable to him.

Zhu Shoushan's marriage to Qin Manwen is not because of feelings. After the "chess pieces" are useless, what will this woman face?

Zhu Tong is no longer interested in knowing.

He bypassed Qin Manwen and went upstairs directly.

In the living room, Zhu Shoushan stood up abruptly and said, "Are you for that poor boy named Shao Ming?"

Zhu Tong paused in footsteps and turned slightly.

He guessed right, the "new friend" Zhu Shoushan mentioned on the phone last time was Shao Ming.

How did Zhu Shoushan know about Shao Ming? Did he let someone go to Gongshui County?

His silence was acquiescence in the eyes of others. Zhu Shoushan's face changed, and his mood was no longer gentle. He frowned and looked at Zhu Tong and said, "What's so good about that boy? He has a purpose to approach you, for your sake. He is just a bug in the mud ditch who just wants to drag you up, someone like him won't help you in the future, you actually came to contradict me for him, I knew you would become what you are today , I shouldn't have promised you to transfer to that kind of place in the first place!"

Zhu Shoushan obviously misunderstood something, but Zhu Tong did not intend to explain.

He didn't know who was misleading his relationship with Shao Ming in front of his father.

So Zhu Shoushan arranged a marriage for him so impatiently because he was afraid that he would be with Shao Ming, that he would bring back a poor boy who would not be of any help to him?

Zhu Tong's heart sank slightly, and he said coldly, "What about you?"

Zhushou Mountain is stagnant.

Zhu Tong said: "You take me as a tool for marriage, don't you want to drag the Jiang family up? Are you more noble than others? You refuse to admit your grandfather's help to you, you want to prove it for your poor self-esteem Show it to grandpa, you want to rely on the Jiang family to strengthen yourself, and to make grandpa look down on you? But your actions will only make grandpa look down on you even more, you deserve grandpa to look down on you!"

He has almost no emotional ups and downs, but the words he speaks pierce the heart.

Qin Manwen was stunned by his words.

Is this still the taciturn and indifferent Zhu Tong from the past?

Zhu Shoushan's face quickly flushed red, as if he had been hit by some scale, and his heart was on fire. He hurried to Zhu Tong and couldn't help raising his hand, but before his hand fell, Zhu Tong's face turned pale.

As soon as the words fell, Zhu Tong heard a mechanical prompt in his mind.

"Bai Yueguang's favorability has dropped by 15%, and the current favorability is 44%."

Zhu Tong felt his heart twitch.

15% drop? ? Why?

Isn't he now separated from Shao Ming by 108,000 miles?

And isn't this number a little unlucky?

Before he could react, the voice in his head rang again.

"Bai Yueguang's favorability has increased by 21%, and the current favorability is 65%."

"Bai Yueguang's favorability increased by 5%, and the current favorability is 70%."

Zhu Tong: "…"

Zhu Tong: "???"

What about playing?

Just after experiencing the ups and downs of life, I suddenly felt dizzy and everything in front of my eyes became blurred.


The author has something to say:

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-11-2117:26:47~2021-11-2217:11:46~

Thanks to the little angel who threw mines: 478855611;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 9 bottles of color birds; 2 bottles of Panax notoginseng; 1 bottle of jasmine;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!