Chapter 63: ups and downs

Before Cheng Qingsong received the news that Zhu Tong was admitted to the hospital, he was still discussing Zhu Tong's condition with Dr. Johnson.

He has been out of the country for the past two days, and only came back today, so he has time to learn more about his grandson's condition.

Said to be sick, but did not detect any disease.

All the indicators of the body are normal, and there is no problem even in the examination of the heart.

It's a good thing to get your body back to health, but it's a bit weird to go from being seriously ill to not having any abnormalities.

"Are you sure this check is okay?"

Cheng Qingsong was a little unbelievable.

Johnson nodded and said, "Yes, Mr. Cheng. In order to ensure the accuracy of the test results, we sent Young Master Tong back to the hospital for a second test the next day. The equipment has also been repeatedly tested, and it was confirmed that there was no error."

Cheng Qingsong: "…"

He held a stack of inspection results in his hand, not knowing whether he was happy or worried.

Johnson said: "Although this is really incredible, Master Tong's body has indeed recovered, and the scientific test results will not be wrong."

Cheng Qingsong said: "Then can you explain scientifically how he repaired his heart disease in less than two months?"

Johnson was not at all inferior, and said seriously: "I will figure it out as soon as possible."


Cheng Qingsong waved his hand and was about to let someone go out first, when there was a knock on the door.

A person pushed the door in and said, "Elder Cheng, Mr. Liu just called, and Young Master Tong passed out at Zhu's house and went to the hospital."


Dr. Johnson seemed to hear a "pop" and hit him in the face.

When I rushed to the hospital, several people were already guarding the operating room.

Cheng Qingsong is nearly seventy years old, but his walking momentum is not inferior to that of young people. He strode to the door of the operating room, and before he got close, an invisible sense of oppression enveloped the hospital corridor.

Zhu Shoushan knew it when he took Zhu Tong out of the villa but met Liu Jianbai who was waiting outside the villa area.

How could he forget that there is someone following Zhu Tong now.

When did Liu Jianbai follow Zhu Tong? Professor Lian's birthday party, did he go?

He was waiting outside the operating room, sweating on his palms and back.

However, Cheng Qingsong ignored him at all and asked Uncle Liu directly, "How is the situation?"

Uncle Liu said: "Suddenly fainted, the situation is unknown."


Soon Aunt Cheng and Cheng Chen, who was also in City A, also rushed over.

Aunt Cheng glanced at Zhu Shoushan with suspicion, but didn't ask any further questions, she just stared nervously at the light sign in the operating room.

They are all worried about Zhu Tong.

Zhu Shoushan also did not dare to relax for a moment, but what he was worried about was not Zhu Tong, but himself.

He wondered if Zhu Tong would tell the truth to these people in the corridor if he woke up at this time.

Soon the door of the operating room opened, and people in the corridor stepped forward quickly. The doctor took off his mask, looked at Cheng Qingsong and said, "Don't worry, Mr. Cheng, Young Master Tong is not in danger."

Because Uncle Liu was with him, Zhu Shoushan did not dare to send the person to the hospital held by Zhu's family, but to the nearest hospital of the Cheng family.

This hospital was specially built by Cheng Qingsong for Zhu Tong, and everyone in the hospital knew people from both families.

The first sentence after the doctor came out was like a reassurance pill, which made the people in the corridor breathe a sigh of relief at the same time.

"However, Young Master Tong just fainted and suffered a cardiac arrest for a few seconds. We will do further examinations for the specific reasons. I don't know under what circumstances did Young Master Tong faint this time?"

After the doctor finished speaking, the people in the corridor looked at Zhushou Mountain at the back at the same time.

Zhu Shoushan was slightly startled, but said calmly, "Suddenly fainted while talking."

The doctor nodded and didn't ask any further questions.

It's not the first time anyway.

Zhu Shoushan also thought so.

It's not a strange thing for Zhu Tong to faint, and he is not a character who can talk to others about his heart. As long as Zhu Tong doesn't say it himself, the old man and the others won't know.

It was just that Mr. Cheng, who had just discussed the test results with the doctor, did not believe him.

Zhu Shoushan was glanced at by the old man, and his expression was a little stiff.

Soon Zhu Tong was pushed out of the operating room. Cheng Qingsong did not care about how Zhu Tong fainted, and followed the medical staff to the ward.

Zhu Tong has woken up, but not fully awake.

He was dizzy, remembering how he fainted.

The favorability level plummeted, directly falling below 50%, and even if it quickly rises back up, the punishment is still there.

Zhu Tong was very dissatisfied with the system's mode of only punishing but not rewarding, but he was even more dissatisfied with Shao Ming's uncertainty.

What did he do to suddenly lose 15%?

Is there a minimum level of trust between people?

It was okay to cheat him before, but now that they all sleep in the same bed, they have to cheat him even if they separate the two cities?

The person guarding the hospital bed didn't know what he was thinking, but only saw his lips that kept squirming, as if he was saying something.

Aunt Cheng was closest to the head of the bed, leaned over and put her ear to it and tried to distinguish it.

"Shao ... Ming? Who is Shao Ming?"

After hearing what Zhu Tong said, several people in the ward looked different.

A trace of complexity flashed across Cheng Qingsong's energetic face.

Cheng Chen was surprised.

Shao Ming...Isn't that the kid in the milk tea shop?

Zhu Shoushan's face became a little ugly.

Only Aunt Cheng looked blank and turned to look at Cheng Chen.

Cheng Chen said: "It seems to be one of Tongtong's classmates."

"Classmate?" Aunt Cheng said, "Why did Tongtong call his classmate's name in a coma?"


I'm afraid I don't think I'm going to be cold this time, thinking about seeing people for the last time, right?

Cheng Chen's face was also complicated for a moment. After speaking to the people in the ward, he turned and walked out of the room.

Shao Ming... He remembered a recent math competition held in City A. There was Shao Ming on the list of entries in City E, and there was another.

After hesitating for a moment, he dug out a number from the address book.

Half an hour ago, in a speakeasy somewhere in City A.

In a bar that does not allow minors to enter, at this moment, two minors managed to get in by virtue of their tall stature.

The bar has always been a mix of fish and dragons. After nightfall, very loud and dynamic music is played in the bar hall. The colorful lights keep shaking with the music. Even if you hide in the bathroom, you still can't clean it.

But Lu Zheyu has worked in a bar, so he can adapt to such an environment.

I just don't understand. After the competition, Shao Ming suddenly pulled him to the bar to drink. What was the operation?

I haven't reported it to the leading teacher... Of course I can't report it.

Lu Zheyu took the phone and talked to the teacher in a serious manner, saying that the two of them were just going out alone to relax. Given their grades and personalities, the teacher was quickly persuaded.

"Understood, we will go back as soon as possible."

After hanging up the phone, Lu Zheyu opened the bathroom door and walked back to the place where someone was drinking.

On the small table in front of Shao Ming, there were three or four empty wine bottles, but his eyes were still clear, looking at the men and women dancing on the dance floor of the bar.

But if you look closely, you can see that there is actually no focal length in his eyes.

Sensing that someone was seated next to the table, Shao Ming didn't move his gaze and handed over a glass of wine that had been poured a long time ago.

Lu Zheyu took it.

Shao Ming did not speak, Gu Zi clinked glasses with him, and Gu Zi drank the spirits in one gulp.

The spirits entered the throat, from the throat to the stomach, it burned very badly.

But no matter how strong the wine is, after drinking so much, his mind is still very clear.

He clearly remembered the medical records he had seen before, and in the name column, Zhu Tong's name was written.

A few days ago outside the homestay, Xia Yang suddenly shouted at him. At first, he didn't believe it, and even got angry.

He felt that Xia Yang was cursing Zhu Tong.

After all, he and Zhu Tong have lived for so long. They went to school together and went back together. Zhu Tong was jumping around in front of him, so lively and energetic.

How could he be dying?

He wanted Xia Yang to shut up, but Xia Yang shouted at him hysterically: "He is dying, he should have died a long time ago! Did you know that he just came out of the ICU before transferring? Why do you think he is so weak? Do you think he is so weak? Why did he suddenly transfer to such a ghost place? Because he was about to die, he didn't live long, he just found a cemetery for himself, but he refused to die in his own right, he died I have come to pester you before, pestered you, and have to go back to marry. You are just a plaything that he was unwilling to come to provoke before he died. He doesn’t have you at all in his heart. He sadly wanted a tool for self-worth..."

Shao Ming can't remember what happened next, and he doesn't remember what happened next, he doesn't even know how he walked back to the room.

He returned to Zhu Tong's room.

In the two days before Zhu Tong returned to City A, he was still lying on the bed with Zhu Tong.

He didn't want to care about what Xia Yang said, but he had to care, because Xia Yang's words were traceable.

Zhu Tong has been a "sick beauty" in the eyes of others since he transferred to another school.

He always had a sick face, and he went to the school doctor's office on the second day of school because of a cold and allergies.

Not long after, he was beaten to the point of vomiting blood again.

He went to kick others, but he got his foot stabbed.

He can eat a bite of the food in the cafeteria until he has stomach bleeding.

After that, Shao Ming became cautious even in taking care of him.

He was attentive and thoughtful, but he didn't pay much attention.

Why didn't you care?

Because Zhu Tong's illness is something he obviously doesn't want to mention to others, because all he can find out is just a superficial illness.

It never occurred to him that those ailments could also be life-threatening.

When he heard that Zhu Tong was going back to marry, he didn't waver.

Because he knows Zhu Tong and what kind of person he is, even if he is persecuted by his family, he will not compromise, and there is no need to compromise.

If the marriage is false and Xia Yang's deliberate exaggeration, is Zhu Tong's illness also his malicious speculation?

He had a bit of luck.

Because that night, the body he secretly held in his arms was warm.

He couldn't imagine that body becoming cold, and he couldn't accept it.

Shao Ming wanted to ask Zhu Tong directly, but was worried about getting an equally perfunctory answer, so he chose another way.

He contacted the person in City A. In order to get rid of that person, he took a lot of effort to gain trust, and he had cooperated several times.

He can get what he wants, as long as he pays enough "payment".

The speed of the other party's investigation for him was not as fast as he imagined, and the waiting time was tormenting. It was fine when there were people making noise at school. detail.

When he first met, he helped Zhu Tong, and Zhu Tong always thanked him with clear boundaries.

After getting acquainted later, he didn't say anything, but did more.

He even has to worry about whether he needs to "pay" for a bowl of noodles at home. The snacks he bought for him are returned in other ways without a trace, even for tutoring. When he is drowsy , is still calculating the tuition fee to be paid to himself.

He also said...only one year.

It's only been a year.

Shao Ming didn't believe what Xia Yang said, and he didn't believe that Zhu Tong approached him to realize his self-worth.

But he also believed in Xia Yang, and believed that Zhu Tong did not have him in his heart.

If you care about him, why hide it from him?

When he tried half-truths, he always looked bad, did he really not understand, or did he pretend to not understand?

After he returned to City A, he made more than one "cross-border" joke. Did he really just take it as a joke, or was he avoiding it on purpose?

Zhu Tong never gave him a response.

From the beginning, there was no response to him.

Was the special treatment he thought he was just being self-indulgent?

I wish Tong was good to him, maybe just because he was taken care of by himself and the return of courtesy and exchanges.

Without hesitation, he blocked Qiu Shaoping's fruit knife stabbed at him for himself, did he just think that it would be more cost-effective to trade his life for his own?

Good deal…

When this idea came up, Shao Ming felt amused.

He knew the idea shouldn't be.

Maybe Zhu Tong has him in his heart, or maybe Zhu Tong is so detached because of his own illness, that he draws a clear line with others everywhere, and that he always remembers to owe nothing to others.

But what is it?

Can they really owe each other?

After arriving in City A, after participating in the math competition, he came out of the competition venue and saw the message Zhu Tong sent him, but before he had time to reply, he received a medical record sent by someone else.

Zhu Tong's medical records.

What was he hospitalized for, what examinations he had done, what kind of torture he endured, every time he fell ill, how long he stayed in the ICU, what kind of pain he would have...

In a recent record, Zhu Tong was admitted to the hospital because of a heart attack. Before he was discharged from the hospital, the doctor even guessed that he would not live for three months.

Not even a year.

When he saw the medical records, Shao Ming didn't know how he was feeling.

Probably because of the construction in his heart a few days ago, he did not have the piercing heart he imagined.

Just a little dazed.

He originally thought that when Zhu Tong returned from City A, he would seriously confess to others.

Whether he accepts it or rejects it, he has a corresponding plan.

He knew the gap between him and Zhu Tong, and what he said casually at the time was not to deal with Zhu Tong casually.

He will rely on his own efforts to make himself worthy of Zhu Tong.

He will not feel inferior because of his identity, he will let himself grow so that he can stand upright with the person he likes.

He just needs time.

There is a hurdle between underage and adulthood, and he needs to cross it before he has the opportunity to be on his own.

But now someone told him that he had no time.

No time.

He can still work hard to grow himself, he can get rid of his biological father, he can make the people who abandoned him pay the price as he had imagined before, and then take the people who raised him and leave the place where they existed forever.

But the person who suddenly broke into his life, the person he was deeply immersed in, and the person who had already planned his future would no longer be there.

Shao Ming once thought that there would be no one more selfish than him in this world.

But now he has met.

Zhu Tong is more selfish and heartless than him.

He suddenly transferred to Gongshui County. In order to study, he asked to be at the same table with himself. He broke in without saying hello, and wanted to sneak away without saying hello to a place where no one could find him.

He figured it out clearly, he thought that some things that had not been said did not exist, so he came to a remote county town that he had never been to, lived a life he had never experienced before, and was satisfied Then walk away.

The people he has provoked, the traces he has left, what kind of imprint he has left on other people's hearts, what kind of impact he has had on other people's lives... these are not within his scope of consideration.

This time he returned to City A for a re-examination, and when he asked about the results of the examination, Zhu Tong was still perfunctory.

He said that he took care of himself, his body recovered well, and there was no problem with the test results.

It was very different from his medical records.

Even if the body improves, how much can it recover in just two months?

How can there be no problems with the inspection results?

What is he?

Shao Ming poured himself another glass of wine, swallowed it and let it burn in his throat.

He slowly retracted his gaze, glanced at Lu Zheyu, who was sitting patiently beside him, and said clearly, "Second child."

Lu Zheyu looked at him.

Shao Ming said: "If you like someone you are destined to get, what would you do?"

Lu Zheyu paused and said expressionlessly, "Give up."


Just be decisive.

Shao Ming stared at him.

He has always felt that he and Lu Zheyu are actually quite similar. They are both people who are afraid of trouble and have the physique to cause trouble.

He used to have the same attitude as Lu Zheyu, if he was doomed, he had better give up as soon as possible.

When he decided to indulge himself and no longer restrain himself, Shao Ming thought that he might regret it.

But he didn't expect to regret it so soon.

He thought that there would be many obstacles on the way in the future, but he never thought that the obstacles would be themselves.

No matter how confident Shao Ming is in himself, he will never be able to create medical miracles.

If he really can't keep it, what should he do?

give up?

Giving up is the best option and the easiest option.

It's fine if you haven't met.

It's fine if you don't like it.

If all that happened before was a dream...

Shao Ming's eyes gradually lost his mind.

Treat it as a dream.

Thinking like this, his heart seemed to be squeezed by something, and he was heavy and suffocated.

The same person's name kept popping up in his mind.

I wish children.

That little boy with a problem.

He is weaker than a glass bottle and harder than a stone.

The way he is distressed when he encounters dirty things, the way he thinks seriously when he is doing the questions, the way he is new and eager to try new things, the way he looks aggressive when he is sullen, and... he blushes in front of himself look.

How could it be forgotten?

What kind of dream can be so real?

Shao Ming felt a strong sense of unwillingness in his heart.

Why did he choose to give up? It was Zhu Tong who first came to provoke him.

Why did he retreat in embarrassment? The lessons he learned from a young age taught him not to give in, but to retaliate.

He wouldn't let Zhu Tong leave so easily, even if he wanted to leave, he wanted him to leave uneasy.

Even if there is not much time, he will firmly hold the remaining time in his hands.

That's what Zhu Tong owes him!

He suddenly put down the wine glass, took out his mobile phone and directly dialed Zhu Tong's number.

This is the first time Zhu Tong has called him since he returned to City A.

He didn't dare to talk to Zhu Tong, he was afraid that he couldn't help questioning him, he was afraid that his straightforwardness would scare people, and that he was still perfunctory with his words.

He can only use WeChat to contact Zhu Tong, because words do not have emotions.

However, he made up his mind to make a call, and after it rang, no one answered until he hung up automatically.

At the same time, Lu Zheyu received a text message on his mobile phone.

He was stunned when he saw the string of familiar mobile phone numbers, and hesitantly clicked on the message. After seeing the content, he frowned and looked at Shao Ming and said, "Zhu Tong fainted and went to the hospital."



The author has something to say:

I also want the young couple to meet as soon as possible T^T me as soon as possible!

Thank you to the little angel who voted or irrigated nutrient solution for me during 2021-11-2217:11:46~2021-11-2317:09:01~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: deep is one deep;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 60 bottles of Yunxi for children; 30 bottles of life is to eat; 8 bottles of Zhongyao under me; 5 bottles of chamomile;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!