Chapter 64: Meet

After Cheng Chen sent the message, he didn't rush back to the ward. He looked at the message that the message was sent successfully on the screen, and he didn't receive a reply after waiting for a long time.

He reluctantly pursed his lower lip and turned off the phone again.

As soon as he turned around, he bumped into Aunt Cheng who was coming out of the ward.

"Who are you sending a message to? You haven't gone back for a long time?"

Cheng Chen said calmly, "try to contact Tongtong's classmates... How come you came out?"

Aunt Cheng said: "I have something to tell you, do you know Jiang Wan? I heard that you had a program some time ago that sought investment from the Jiang family?"

Cheng Chen said: "There was contact, what's wrong?"

Aunt Cheng: "Before Tong Tong returned from the banquet, he met Jiang Wan in the lounge. When he went back, his face was not quite right. I think Tong Tong's fainting this time may not be so simple."

Cheng Chen was stunned for a while, then suddenly frowned and said, "Tongtong has seen Jiang Wan at the banquet?"

His reaction was a little big, and Aunt Cheng's heart sank slightly: "Do you know what?"


Cheng Chen did not speak.

He thought of what Jiang Wan had said to him when he met Zhu Tong in a bar that day.

But he had warned her at the time.

Jiang Wan is not someone who doesn't know what to do. What is she going to do with Zhu Tong?

Cheng Chen squinted and said, "I'll go and ask her."

Zhu Tong slept groggyly in the hospital for a day and a night, and didn't wake up until the next night.

When I woke up, there were people guarding around, and there were more than one.

What surprised him even more was that his grandfather was there.

Everyone looked at him with an expression of distress and hesitation.

…What's going on here?

Aunt Cheng took the lead and said, "Tongtong, is there any discomfort in your body?"

Zhu Tong mechanically shook his head.

"Anything you want to say?"

Zhu Tong: "...No."

He was a little confused.

The aunt asked again: "Are you hungry now? Thirsty? Want to drink water?"

Zhu Tong glanced at the glucose hanging at an unknown time, and said in a low voice, "I want to go to the bathroom."

"Go to the bathroom?" Auntie froze for a moment: "Okay, okay, let your cousin take you there."

Saying that, he directly kicked Cheng Chen next to him, "Stop playing with your phone, hurry up."

Cheng Chen: "…"

He is already moving.

If the **** doesn't kick him, he can't speak, right?

Cheng Chen put away the mobile phone and was about to get the glucose hanging on the infusion stand, when he saw that the person on the bed had already skillfully pulled the needle, lifted the quilt and landed on his feet.


But after sleeping for a day and a night, when I get up, I will inevitably feel dizzy, and I still need someone to help.

As soon as Zhu Tong entered the bathroom, Aunt Cheng sighed heavily, "This child is still the same as before, everything is buried in his heart, and I don't know how many crimes he has suffered over the years, Zhu Shoushan is not a thing. He can even sell his son! He…”

Aunt Cheng couldn't go on, she was angry and sad, looked at Cheng Qingsong and said, "I knew that Tongtong would suffer this kind of crime, even if he and Xiaoxin were crying, we shouldn't keep the two children. Wishing you home!"


Children always love home.

Cheng Qingsong was angry that Cheng Lan refused to listen to the persuasion and insisted on marrying Zhu Shoushan.

After all, Zhu Shoushan was the father of the child, and he was still caring for the family before Cheng Lan died. Compared with the grandfather who had only met a few times, they relied on the father who met every day.

When I heard that my grandfather was going to take them away, the two children cried out in shock.

Cheng Qingsong was helpless and could only leave people at Zhu's house.

For more than ten years, he also had plans to bring Zhu Tong back to Cheng's house, but every time he was rejected by Zhu Tong's understated "no need for grandpa".

Zhu Tong, who is often hospitalized, reveals that he refuses people thousands of miles away from the inside out.

He left the two children at Zhu's house to respect the opinions of the children, not to let Zhu Shoushan treat them as belongings at his mercy!

His face darkened.

In the bathroom, Zhu Tong didn't rush back to the ward after going to the bathroom. He was a little uncomfortable being stared at by his elders, but he was much better in front of his peers.

He said bluntly: "Grandpa, do they know something?"

Cheng Chen put his hands on the door frame and said, "They don't know, are you not going to tell them?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

Zhu Shoushan planned to marry him with the Jiang family, but he really didn't plan to tell his grandfather at first.

Once he can solve the problem himself, his father doesn't dare to force him.

Second, Jiang Wan asked about his relationship with his cousin yesterday. He didn't understand it at the time. After thinking about it, he knew that Jiang Wan herself proposed a marriage and broke the promise easily, and even sold Zhu Shoushan directly. The reason why her attitude is so strange , because her purpose was not marriage from the beginning, but the Cheng family.

She is testing.

Test what? It's his relationship with his cousin... maybe a little deeper, his relationship with his grandfather.

But how did Jiang Wan know? Qin Junhong told her?

It's about grandpa, Qin Junhong would have such courage?

He was suddenly silent, and Cheng Chen was surprised: "Isn't it? You really don't plan to say it, you just care about your disrespectful father? You have to count the money for him after being sold? You are all dizzy, you really Are you willing to be mad at him alive?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

When it comes to "being sold", Zhu Tong is sure that they all know it.

But he fainted, and it wasn't really his father's madness.

"It wasn't because of him that I fainted."

Cheng Chen said: "Who is that because of? Because of Shao Ming?"

Zhu Tong was stunned and raised his head sharply.

Cheng Chen was even more stunned than him: "Damn it, really?"


Zhu Tong said: "How did you know?"

He asked his cousin to help him with the milk tea shop, but he couldn't get in touch with Shao Ming about his fainting.

Does my cousin know something?

Astonished, Cheng Chen said directly: "After you passed out, you talked in your sleep and called people's names all night. Could I not know?"

Zhu Tong immediately said: "Impossible."

He never sleeps.

"I knew you wouldn't admit it." Cheng Chen said and took out his mobile phone, "I even recorded it last night."

Zhu Tong: "…"

Without permission, my cousin played the recording directly in front of Zhu Tong.

The sound is faint, but clear.

The evidence is conclusive, and I wish the young master nothing to argue.

He said dryly: "Did I really shout last night?"

Cheng Chen raised his phone: "Can't you hear your own voice?"


"What's wrong? The young couple quarreled? That kid bullied you?"

Zhu Tong was startled, his face flushed instantly, "What did you say? What kind of young couple?"

Cheng Chen said: "It's not a young couple, you go to bed at night and call people's names..."

Suddenly realizing something, Cheng Chen said in shock: "You...Did you break up yesterday? You fainted suddenly because you were dumped?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

Why does his cousin have such a big brain?

He said speechlessly, "We're not together at all."

Cheng Chen's eyes widened, "So you are unrequited love?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

What is this all about?

Cheng Chen was surprised for a while. If he is unrequited love, he should not talk about his friendship for the time being.

If one gets the news and can't come, not even a phone call, how disappointed is the cousin?

Cheng Chen encouraged him again: "It's okay to have unrequited love. If you like it, go after it. As long as you work hard and grind the iron pestle into a needle, what are you afraid of?"

Zhu Tong blurted out: "My body, which may turn off the lights at any time, is chasing others for what..."

The words from the heart made the two people in the bathroom stunned at the same time.

Although Cheng Chen always ridiculed Zhu Tong's excitement, he was still very concerned about this cousin.

Zhu Tong has always been calm and steady in front of them, no emotions surfaced. When others worry about him, he is always the patient who comforts others.

Tongtong he... When did he say such depressing words?


"Cousin, let's go out."


Zhu Tong interrupted Cheng Chen's questioning, and his heart was numb for a while.

What did he just say?

At the same time as the words came out, it seemed that something suddenly opened up in his heart, which made him suddenly understand one thing.

In the past, he was frail and sick, and his daily thought was to live one more day.

He didn't care when he died because there was nothing worth caring about.

After the system appeared, Xiao Xin became his concern, because he saw Qin Junhong's mother and son clearly, and he knew that Xiao Xin would not have a good life in the future.

He accepted the mission of the system, wanted to change Xiaoxin's fate, and had the goal of living.

He went to Gongshui County to find Shao Ming, just to live.

He treats Shao Ming well because of his favorability.

He felt moved because Shao Ming took care of him and gave him tuition.

He couldn't help but blush and heartbeat, because Shao Ming always said something that made people blush and heartbeat, and did some actions that made people blush and heartbeat.

He is not disgusted or rejected, because Shao Ming is a life-saving charm, so he can tolerate Shao Ming doing anything to him.

But there may be another reason for the compromises and indulgences again and again.

No, he never thought about it.

Because of his body, he never thought that he would still have a relationship with a person.

The inexplicable care, the uncontrollable heartbeat, the people who have been thinking about it all the time after returning to City A, maybe not because of the task, but just

He likes Shao Ming.

When this answer emerged, Zhu Tong only felt enlightened.

After he walked out of the bathroom, he quickly walked back to the hospital bed, trying to find his phone from under the pillow, but he felt empty.

"Where's my phone?"

The aunt said, "What phone?"

Zhu Tong: "It's me..."

Before he could finish the question, he suddenly remembered.

Before fainting, he held the phone in his hand in order to receive a reply in time.

After he fainted, the phone fell to the ground.

It should be still in Zhujia Villa now.

Zhu Tong raised his head and said, "When will I be discharged from the hospital?"

Cheng Qingsong's face was not very good at first, but in front of his grandson, he couldn't hold his face, and he asked, "Why are you in a hurry to be discharged from the hospital?"

Zhu Tongdao: "I want to go back and get it..."

After speaking for a while, Grandpa's face turned black at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Cheng Qingsong said directly: "I wish you don't have to go back. I will hold a press conference tomorrow to announce the identities of you and Xiaoxin. From today, you..."

"No grandpa."

Zhu Tong blurted out refusal.

Cheng Qingsong's face turned even darker.

Zhu Tong said anxiously, "Grandpa, can we not hold a press conference?"

When my cousin invited a Zhuo Yunan to come forward, the school just guessed the people around him, which annoyed him. His grandfather's status on the Forensic list, he held a press conference, and he was going to be hung up tomorrow. The headlines of major news, can he still go back to Gongshui County to go to school?

He was afraid that the gossip people in the school would drown him.

I don't even want to be followed by bodyguards even when I go to school.

But Mr. Cheng obviously misunderstood. He looked at Zhu Tong and said nothing.

Zhu Tong quickly realized what his grandfather wanted to do, and changed his words: "Can we... be low-key?"

Cheng Qingsong: "…"

"And I don't want to go back, I just go back and get my phone."


In the end, Ruan Mo Ruan Pao asked my grandfather to agree to cancel the press conference, but he still did not let him go back to Zhu's home.

The mobile phone was taken by Uncle Liu and brought to him.

Zhu Tong, who couldn't get the mobile phone for the first time, was a little frustrated sitting on the hospital bed.

"Want to contact your sweetheart?" Cheng Chen handed him his mobile phone.


Zhu Tong was silent for a moment, but he didn't refute, just shook his head.

Cheng Chen said: "Why? You don't remember the number? Then you are too insincere."

Zhu Tong: "…"

It wasn't Shao Ming who he wanted to contact, he didn't dare.

He wanted to contact Rosso.

He had to figure out what the **** happened yesterday? Why did the favorability suddenly plummet? Why is it suddenly soaring again?

You can't ask Shao Ming directly about this matter. What if Shao Ming forgets about it after a day, and he suddenly brings it up again, what if his favorability has plummeted again?

He didn't want to faint again.

After getting the phone, as soon as Zhu Tong turned on the phone, he saw a missed call.

Shao Ming called.

Zhu Tong's heart skipped a beat, and subconsciously dialed it back. It wasn't until the interface jumped that he snapped back to his senses and quickly pressed to hang up.

Call now...what do you say?

Just ask Rosso.

He opened WeChat again and saw a reply to the message that had not been replied before.

[Shao]: Sorry, I was taking the exam before.

Zhu Tong:…

Why does this reply seem so blunt?

He couldn't help being a little nervous, so he withdrew directly and dug out Rosso's WeChat.

[Wish]: Are you asleep?

[Rosso is not long-winded]: [Shocked] You actually contact me?

Zhu Tong:…

After adding WeChat friends, this is the first time two people have exchanged messages.

Zhu Tongzheng was thinking about being polite first, but there was already a reply there.

[Rosso is not long-winded]: Did Brother Ming ask you to find me? Are you two together now?

Zhu Tonggang clarified his mind, and suddenly saw the word "together", his heart skipped a beat for a moment, and quickly realized that something was wrong.

Shao Ming with him?

How could Shao Ming be with him?

[Zhu]: I'm still in City A and haven't gone back.

[Rosso is not long-winded]: I know, didn't Brother Ming go to City A to find you?

[Wish]: Shao Ming came to City A?

[Rosso is not long-winded]: Don't you know? Didn't Brother Ming tell you? He went to City A to participate in the math competition.

Zhu Tong was slightly startled and typed quickly: When did he come to City A?

[Rosso is not long-winded]: Just two days ago, I went with several other high school students in the city.

【wish】:? ? ?

[Rosso is not long-winded]:? ? ?

Zhu Tong:…

He was silent for a moment and replied calmly: Thank you, I see.

Zhu Tong sat on the bed in the hospital for a while, and said in his head with a blank face: "Did you know that Bai Yueguang is coming to City A?"

The system responded quickly: "I know."


Zhu Tong said in shock: "Do you know why you didn't tell me?"

The system said: "According to the detection, Bai Yueguang appeared in City A, and it did not have any impact on the progress of the host's mission. The system judged that it did not need to be notified."

Zhu Tong: "…"

Are you an NPC that issues quests?

Did the system decide that no notification was required? Don't you know how to handle this kind of thing flexibly?

Zhu Tongdao: "What do you mean by saying that his coming to City A has no effect on my mission progress?"

System: "It means that the fluctuation of the progress bar this time is not caused by the host's actions."

Zhu Tong: "It wasn't me, why is my progress bar moving?"

System: "This is unknown."

Zhu Tong: "…"

I'm afraid this system is not fake.

He sighed heavily.

So how did the favorability drop?

If it wasn't for him, it was because someone said something to Shao Ming when he was back in City A.

Someone sow discord?

But what is there to provoke between him and Shao Ming? Shao Ming is not so mindless.

Moreover, the favorability level has risen excessively, indicating that the provocation has not succeeded.

Zhu Tong looked at the progress bar that had soared to 70% on the system interface, puzzled.

Rosso said that Shao Ming is now in City A.

Why didn't Shao Ming tell him when he came to City A?

He has been here for several days, and they are not out of touch, but Shao Ming has not mentioned a word to him.

Shao Ming... don't you want to see him?

But even if they are ordinary friends, they should at least say hello when they come from the same place to another place. How can he and Shao Ming be better than ordinary friends?

How did the favorability level increase?

Zhu Tong only thinks that one head and two are big, and he didn't bother so much when he did the competition questions.

In any case, the matter of not answering the phone still needs to be explained.

But how can he explain that he doesn't reply to anyone's news all day and night?

A few days ago, I was happily saying that my body was in great shape, and I fainted and went to the hospital in a blink of an eye. How worried is this?

can not say.

Zhu Tong can only reluctantly type: Sorry, the phone broke yesterday, and it was just repaired today.

Deleted when finished.

Such a far-fetched excuse, he didn't believe it himself.

The phone is broken and can't buy another one?

Said that he and his dad had a fight and turned off the phone all night?


Or preemptively, ask Shao Ming why he didn't tell him when he came to City A?

But since he didn't tell him the explanation, he just didn't want him to know, what's the point of him rushing to talk about it?

Zhu Tong suddenly stabbed in his heart.

He likes Shao Ming... What about Shao Ming?

Shao Ming doesn't necessarily mean that to him.

Is he going to tell Shao Ming?

He used to swear to Shao Ming that he was different from those who liked Shao Ming, and he didn't mean that to him.

What is that now?

It turned out that he was no different from those people.

Will Shao Ming hate him?

Zhu Tong suddenly remembered what Shao Ming had said to him - only young couples need to report everything.

So even if he doesn't explain, is it okay?

They are not a couple.

Zhu Tong tentatively replied: Sorry, I may not be able to go back two days later.

When he was done, he felt so guilty.

He's so untrustworthy.

But even if he went back now, isn't Shao Ming not in the small county?

Zhu Tong concealed a touch of disappointment, holding his phone and waiting for a reply.

Shao Ming responded quickly.

[Shao]: Good.

Zhu Tong:…

Just one word?

So cool.

Immediately after, Shao Ming sent a second sentence.

[Shao]: Are you taking revenge on me for not replying to your news during the exam, and ignoring me all day and night?

Zhu Tong suddenly regained a touch of intimacy.

Still a familiar taste.

He couldn't tell any decent lie, he could only reply vaguely: I have something to do, so I forgot.

[Shao]: Okay, then if you kiss me, I will forgive you.

I wish children:!

His heart skipped a beat, and he almost dropped the phone.

It doesn't have to be so authentic.

Seeing that Shao Ming didn't seem angry, he breathed a sigh of relief and quickly replied: It's getting late, rest early, I will go back as soon as possible.

Then I added a sentence in my heart: You also go back as soon as possible.

In the hotel, Shao Ming looked at the chat records of the two people on his mobile phone and lightly grinded his back molars.

I was busy and forgot about something... This young master is really good, even lying is so perfunctory.

He exited the chat window and made a call.

That night, various wealthy families in City A received a new invitation letter after the prestigious professor.

This invitation letter made all the bosses nervous, because the signature of the invitation letter is: Liu Jianbai.

Is the man who caused a **** storm in City A a few years ago going to kill him?

The next day, in a luxurious manor outside the urban area of ​​city A, the banquet had not yet started, and the guests had arrived early.

The banquet was held outdoors. It was a huge square in front of the manor. In front of it was an ecological garden, with all kinds of precious flowers and trees. In the back, there was an extraordinary gate with a wide field of vision. Looking back at the distant mountains, it was beautiful.

Next to a swimming pool in the square, Jiang Wan was wearing a long burgundy dress today. He met Cheng Chen by the pool and came over to greet him.

Cheng Chen was very worried about her almost marrying Tongtong, and refused to clink glasses with her.

Jiang Wan said directly: "Mr. Cheng, you don't have to be so disrespectful, right? I don't really want to attack him."

Cheng Chen said, "I remember that I warned you."

Jiang Wan said helplessly: "Who told you not to tell me, I can only check it myself?"

Cheng Chen smiled and said, "I don't know if President Jiang is satisfied with what he found?"

Jiang Wan glanced at the private manor where he was now worth hundreds of millions, nodded and said, "It's alright."


Cheng Chen laughed angrily at him: "You spent a lot of time arranging a marriage just to know what power is behind Zhu Tong?"

"Since you have warned me personally, Mr. Cheng, isn't it worth a try?" Jiang Wan said: "And Mr. Cheng, you should thank me, the stepson of the Zhu family came to me, since there is me, then There will be others, I propose marriage, let Zhu Shoushan expose his selfish face, let Zhu Shao get out of the sea of ​​misery as soon as possible, and I will help you avoid future troubles, isn't this a good thing?"

Cheng Chen said in a deep voice, "Aren't you afraid that what you dug up will cause your calculations to be backfired?"

"I'm asking for wealth and honor." Jiang Wan suddenly said sternly: "Otherwise, how do you think I've been able to stand in the Jiang family for so many years?"

She proposed to marry Zhu Tong, whether it was a success or a failure. If she succeeded, he could marry the Zhu family and strengthen the two forces. If she failed, she could dig out Zhu Tong's background and take the opportunity to get in touch with the forces behind him.

Perhaps as Cheng Chen warned her, her calculations will be backfired, but at the same time there are greater opportunities, right?

Jiang Wan did not regret her decision.

Cheng Chen looked at her blankly.

Although he didn't like Jiang Wan's way of doing things, he had to admit that Jiang Wan did help them.

When Zhu Tongsheng is in Zhu's house, and when Zhu's parents grow up, he has been living with each other and refuses to accept help from others. He always feels that he may die at any time, and there is no need to go to dirty other places.

To make him make up his mind to leave Zhu's house, he really needs a powerful medicine.

Cheng Chen smiled again and said, "You know, did Tongtong faint at Zhu's house last night?"

Jiang Wan: "…"

This was indeed something she didn't expect.

Although she knew that Zhu Tong was weak, she did not expect to be so weak.

If something happened to Zhu Tongzhen, she might not have the chance to walk into this manor today.

The expression on Jiang Wan's face froze for a moment, and then he said, "This is my negligence, but I can remedy it. I brought someone here today."

Cheng Chen said: "Who?"

Jiang Wan: "Probably... Is it Zhu Shao's little lover?"


Zhu Tong saw the familiar face near the rockery.

At first glance, he almost thought he was dazzled.

Near the rockery, Shao Ming was wearing a black suit and was tall and tall. He stood beside the rockery and lowered his head to talk to someone with a calm and decent smile on his face.

He seems to have taken care of it today... Although he usually takes care of it very carefully, he is extraordinarily handsome today.

Zhu Tong forgot how to speak for a while.

Wouldn't he be thinking that he was hallucinating?

Why is Shao Ming here?

Shao Ming didn't seem to see him.

Just thinking about it, Shao Ming suddenly nodded to the person in front of him, turned around and walked behind the rockery.

Zhu Tong subconsciously followed.

There was nothing behind the rockery.

Is it really his hallucination?

Zhu Tong was a little lost in thought.

He turned around and wanted to go back. When he passed by the junction of the two rockeries, a hand suddenly stretched out behind him, hugged his waist, and led him to spin into the hard rockery wall. come up.

The sense of oppression suddenly hit, and Zhu Tongmeng raised his head, seeing a familiar face with a somewhat unfamiliar expression.

Shao Ming looked directly at him, without the usual playfulness and ridicule, he sounded a bit gnashing his teeth when he opened his mouth: "Look for me?"


The author has something to say:

I didn't get here until 5:30, limited energy and inconvenience... see you tomorrow orz

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-11-23 17:09:01~2021-11-24 17:39:50~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: silver_rabbit 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 20 bottles of Mingpao; 18 bottles of Daisy; 10 bottles of Changbai Mountain Sacred Tree; 5 bottles of Hehe, Feng Yihan, 1128yuan, Feifei; ; 1 bottle of red jasmine;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!