Chapter 66: recognize relatives

Jiang Wan's few words did not suppress the voice. The group of people who were just watching the excitement came to an abrupt end.

tens of millions of projects? A little kid to help?

Not long ago, the Xia family was devastated in a project. Almost everyone present has heard of it, but it is not uncommon for the Xia family to lose a project in a game with the Jiang family. In the past, the Jiang family did not lose less often. , fought hard.

But Jiang Wan is now saying that the project she "snatched" was the help of the "children", why did she emphasize this? Are you not happy to find Xia Weiyi on purpose?

It must be so.

Although Shao Ming looks like a social elite today, no matter how old he looks, he is not more than 20 years old. How can he win tens of millions of projects?

But he was able to be taken out by Jiang Wan to run against Xia Weiyi, which was enough to show that this young man was unusual.

He is also friends with the young master of the Zhu family. It seems that this person is worth investigating.

Those who attended the dinner had Xiao Jiujiu in their hearts.

Only Zhu Tong turned his head to look at Shao Ming in amazement.

He knew that Shao Ming would bring down the Xia family in the future, so he did not doubt what Jiang Wan said.

Shao Ming helped Jiang Wan rob the Xia family's project?

It turns out that Shao Ming had already started targeting the Xia family at such an early age?

Shao Ming's face was calm when Zhu Tong looked over, but he was a little nervous in his heart.

Then he saw the person next to him suddenly probing his head and asked him, "How did you do it?"

Shao Ming: "…"

Did this young master believe that?

Do not doubt something?

The corners of Shao Ming's lips were slightly raised, and he approached his ear and said, "Guess what."

Zhu Tong: "…"

Does he need to ask if he can guess?

But he can help people win tens of millions of projects at such a young age... Shao Ming is really amazing.

In comparison, I really don't seem to have anything to like about it.

He was suddenly silent, and Shao Ming continued: "I will tell you later."

Zhu Tong also realized what the occasion was now and nodded.

Xia Weiyi saw that Shao Ming not only did not refute when Jiang Wan satirized him, but also bit his ears with others like no one else, so he couldn't help but look even more ugly.

He smiled and said, "Mr. Jiang has a good eye, and there are so many talented people around me. I'm ashamed."

He insinuated that Jiang Wan was just a woman, and if she wanted to compete with other giants, she still had to rely on men.

And all kinds of men.

Jiang Wan was not annoyed, but replied, "Mr. Xia won the prize, and it's not as good as Mr. Xia's heart. Mr. Xia is so arrogant that he is willing to let the Pearl be dusted, so I just picked it up for a bargain."


The amount of information is much larger.

Xia Weiyi's expression changed suddenly.

The others also looked at each other.

Does Mr. Xia make the pearl dusty? What's the meaning?

This boy also had a relationship with Xia Weiyi before helping Jiang Wan? Xia Weiyi looked down on this person with his eyes higher than the top, and now he has suffered a big loss in this person's hands?

The others looked at Xia Weiyi with ridicule and sympathy.

Xia Weiyi's arrogant image in the business world is also deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, but because he can't afford to offend him, even if he is looked down upon by Xia Weiyi, he must continue to communicate with a shy face.

Only someone like Jiang Wan dared to confront Xia Weiyi in such a shameless manner.

At this time, the mood of the crowd around the audience is probably: the big brothers tear each other, which is really worth seeing.

Only Xia Weiyi's face was ashen with anger, but she couldn't say anything to refute Jiang Wan.

Zhu Tong saw that Xia Weiyi was obviously stunned, and thought of what Jiang Wan had just said, and he couldn't help but wonder.

The contradiction between Xia Weiyi and Shao Ming seems to be more than just a Xia Yang.

Do they have other festivals?

"It seems that you have a good conversation?"

In the stalemate, a voice broke the confrontation between the two.

As soon as that person appeared, the people around him who were talking and laughing and the people in the confrontation were all startled, and they were all serious.

Zhu Tong was surprised to find that Uncle Liu was still an automatic noise suppressor for walking.

Seeing Uncle Liu appear, people in the square quickly gathered around, and after a moment of silence, they began to say hello in an orderly manner.

Some of them are called "Mr. Liu", some are called "Mr. Liu", and some are deliberately approaching and directly called "Old Liu".

For the first time, Zhu Tong saw Uncle Liu's influence in the business world of City A, and Uncle Liu handled it with ease.

Zhu Tong silently pulled Shao Ming away from Uncle Liu's "social circle", "Let's go first?"

Shao Ming pursed his lips and smiled: "Okay."

When he's done, he's ready to turn around.

"Short... Tongtong."

Uncle Liu suddenly looked at him kindly.

Zhu Tong: "…"

He wanted to slip away slightly, and squeezed Shao Ming's wrist nervously: "...Uncle Liu."

Shao Ming's hand on his shoulder has been put down, and now it is Zhu Tong who takes the initiative to pull Shao Ming's wrist.

Uncle Liu came here out of curiosity when he heard that the young master brought a friend here. Although he had guesses, he was inevitably surprised and had some doubts, but he was "public and private" clearly and would not ask Shao Ming how he came here at this time. here.

Before he came, he had heard that Xia Weiyi stopped the young master to say something inexplicable.

He glanced at the person being "protected" by the young master, and said kindly, "Xiao Shao is here too?"

Shao Ming: "…"

Zhu Tong: "…"

When did Uncle Liu talk to Shao Ming in such a good voice?

Zhu Tong was still stunned, but Shao Ming had already reacted and said, "Uncle Liu, I came here uninvited, so I'm sorry to disturb you."

Uncle Liu said, "What is there to disturb? You are Tongtong's friend. I welcome you before it's too late."


If these words were said with sincerity, Zhu Tong would write his name upside down.

Shao Ming continued: "Thank you, Uncle Liu."

Uncle Liu: "…"

Got a cheap and good stinky boy.

Liu Jianbai turned to look at Xia Weiyi again, "I heard that Mr. Xia is very happy with the two children on the rockery side. Mr. Xia is so leisurely, what have you been talking about with my children?"

Uncle Liu's exit is groundbreaking.

my child? who?

Is Zhu Tong still the boy beside him?

When Xia Weiyi heard Liu Jianbai's name, his face darkened, but before he could speak, Jiang Wan stood up again to watch the fun and didn't take it too seriously, "Mr. Liu, President Xia was just teaching Zhu Shao what kind of friends he should make. I'm glad that Zhu Shao finally made a friend, it seems that he cares about Zhu Shao very much."

Xia Weiyi: "…"

He looked at Jiang Wan coldly.

Jiang Wan smiled back at him.

Uncle Liu also looked at Xia Weiyi, and said in a calm tone, "As long as children make friends, as long as they are of good character, everything else is not important. I don't know what Mr. Xia wants to teach us Tongtong?"

Xia Weiyi didn't almost bite his teeth, he suppressed it, and smiled again: "Mr. Liu misunderstood, I was just curious about the identity of this kid, I couldn't help asking a few more questions, I didn't expect to be misunderstood by President Jiang, yes. I'm rude, I hope President Liu won't take offense."


He is quite capable of bending and stretching.

Uncle Liu still had important things to do today, so he didn't have the heart to bother with Xia Weiyi. After giving him a slap in the face, he checked the time and left with his two children.

Before leaving, Shao Ming and Xia Weiyi looked at each other for a moment, his eyes were cold.

Xia Weiyi looked at Shao Ming who was intimately pulled away by Zhu Tong, the storm in his eyes was turbulent, and he couldn't help but feel remorse.

If it wasn't for the mistakes he made more than ten years ago, how could he have such a passive situation today?

But what about passive? Some things can't be divided if they want to be divided.

Even if it was something he once lost, as long as it was his, he would definitely get it back!

After Liu Jianbai took Zhu Tong and the others away, there was a lot of discussion in the square, some were talking about Jiang Wan, some were talking about Xia Weiyi, and some were pretending to discuss business, but more were talking about Zhu Tong.

"The relationship between the young master of the Zhu family and President Liu seems to be quite unusual. Has there been any rumors before?"

"How many years has Liu Jianbai been away from City A? Isn't the young master of the Zhu family a sick child? I've hardly seen him attend any banquets, who knows?"

"I heard Mr. Liu cry so affectionately, as if calling him his own son... Couldn't he really be his son?"

"Isn't Zhu Tong the son of President Zhu?"

"Why didn't you see Mr. Zhu on an occasion like this today?"

Suddenly someone mentioned it, and the people in the discussion were silent for a moment, and began to search for the figure of Zhushoushan in the square.

The people wishing for birthdays are beside a fountain pool.

The dinner held by Liu Jianbai also sent him an invitation letter.

He didn't know what the purpose of this banquet was, but it must have something to do with Zhu Tong, and he was vaguely uneasy.

After Zhu Tong fainted and was hospitalized that day, he was not sure if the old man knew anything, and his attitude towards him was unusually indifferent. He was worried about whether his self-assertion had been exposed, but after waiting for two days, he did not see the old man calling. Blame him, let alone point fingers at him, the company is running very normal.

Everything was calm, almost like the calm before the storm.

He thinks back on what he's done, and he doesn't think he's done anything wrong.

He arranged a marriage for Zhu Tong because he was worried that Zhu Tong would be addicted to a poor boy who had nothing.

What true feelings can two young people have? It's all falsehood.

Although what he arranged for Zhu Tong was not a good person, what Jiang Wan needed was only a nominal husband. Zhu Tong did not care about anything since he was a child. He was self-centered and did not let anyone approach him. He never causes trouble, as long as he has a clean environment, he never complains when he lives alone in the hospital.

Marrying Jiang Wan, he can still live in a clean place, his body is still inseparable from the hospital, Jiang Wan will not touch him, and his life will not change in any way.

He didn't understand why Zhu Tong was so resistant to marriage.

Zhu Shoushan thought: He is Zhu Tong's father, he raised Zhu Tong, he just wants Zhu Tong to give himself a little return in a limited time, Zhu Tong will have a nominal wife, but this couple He has nothing to lose himself, why doesn't he agree?

And the Cheng family.

Outside the operating room that day, they were in the corridor guarding Zhu Tong out together. This happened before, many times.

Whenever this time, Zhushoushan is always one of them excluded.

They comforted each other and took care of each other. He was the only one who was blamed. They justly blamed him for not taking good care of Zhu Tong. They were aloof, as if they were a family, and he was just a nanny who could take care of Zhu Tong unconditionally in their eyes. .

They looked down on him and rightly blamed him.

Why do they take it for granted? What have they done for Zhu Tong after so many years?

Since he left the two children in Zhu's house, and since he is the son of Zhu Shoushan, what does he do, and what qualifications do other people have to dictate?

With resentment in my heart, the square suddenly brightened up a lot.

Liu Jianbai and his two children stood on a temporary high platform in the center of the square. Standing on it were his two children, Zhu Tong and Zhu Xin.

Zhu Shoushan suddenly felt a panic.

What is Liu Jianbai going to do? !

No one asked his opinion, no one informed him in advance.

He saw Liu Jianbo hugging his children under the light, and heard Liu Jianbo say to the guests with a look of relief: "I, Liu Jianbo, have never married a wife or relatives in my life. I invite everyone to come today because I want to invite everyone to be a witness. From now on, the two children of the Zhu family, Zhu Tong and Zhu Xin, are Liu Jianbai's godson and goddaughter, and I will take care of them both as my own sons and daughters..."

Zhu Shoushan listened from a distance, only to feel a buzzing sound in his head, and he was stunned on the spot.


The author has something to say:

Calvin, take a look at the plot, and arrange a kiss after dealing with the matter in front of you~ Thank you for voting for me or irrigating nutrient solution during 2021-11-2516:14:19~2021-11-2616:09:00 Oh little angel~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 1 bottle of red jasmine;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!