Chapter 67: brother and sister

Liu Jianbai suddenly announced the purpose of the banquet, and what he said was like a bolt from the blue for Zhushoushan.

Take his son and daughter as his own? What is he?

But Zhu Shoushan felt more fear than anger.

Why does Liu Jianbai do this? Did the old man signal it? What is he trying to do?

Not only was he unexpected, but the people who came to the banquet today were also unexpected.

Zhu Tong knew about this in advance, so he didn't react much. To his surprise, Xiao Xin was able to calm down. After a little surprise, she returned to her demure and calmness.

In dealing with this kind of situation, Xiao Xin is more experienced than his older brother.

While they can be calm, the guests are not calm.

The first consideration for those present was their own interests. Liu Jianbai suddenly recognized the children of Zhu's family as his own. What is Zhu Shoushan's attitude?

Almost everyone turned to look at the figure they had already found by the fountain.

Zhu Shoushan was holding a wine glass by the fountain pool, and looked at the people on the high platform with a light smile, neither complacent nor surprised, making it difficult to understand his attitude.

Was this matter negotiated by the two of them?

Zhu's family is also one of the leaders in the industry in City A. They would not think that Zhu Shoushan was selling children to please Liu Jianbo. No matter how powerful Liu Jianbo was, he did not make people afraid to this extent.

The only possibility is for the two to cooperate.

In this case, the Zhu family is likely to surpass the Xia family and the Jiang family soon, turning "one" into "only".

But why did Liu Jianbai choose the Zhu family?

"If I'm not mistaken, Liu Jianbai would do this. Does it have something to do with Zhu Shoushan's deceased ex-wife?"

Beside the rockery, Jiang Wan and Cheng Chen stayed where they were, looking at a few people who were watched in the distance.

Cheng Chen did not deny it.

Aunt Lan's identity has always been a mystery in City A. No one knows what kind of person Zhu Shoushan's ex-wife is. When something can't be explained by superficial facts, people will think deeper. Jiang Wan If you can think of this layer, others will soon be able to think of it.

It may be thought that it is the same thing, whether it can be found or not, then it is up to one's ability.

Cheng Chen said: "Mr. Jiang wants to know so much, so he can check it himself."


Still not angry.

Jiang Wan couldn't help but be more curious about his relationship with Zhu Tong.

But it's been a little more condensed lately.

Jiang Wan smiled lightly: "I know Zhu Shao can't move anymore, I apologize for this incident."

Cheng Chen's expression softened a little: "Then what are you going to do in the future?"

Jiang Wan said, "What?"

Cheng Chen: "Your marriage failed, those old antiques from your Jiang family are not so easy to give up, right?"

In this regard, Jiang Wan fearlessly said: "If they are not afraid of the complete bankruptcy of the Jiang family, they can try to lift me off."

After all, she tossed it, and success is the icing on the cake, and if she doesn't succeed, she has a way to control the people on the board.

Cheng Chen paused for a moment, and then said, "Do you really plan to continue like this?"

Jiang Wan said, "What does President Cheng mean?"

Cheng Chen said bluntly: "Your personal problem."

Jiang Wan took advantage of the situation and said, "What? Does Cheng always intend to sacrifice himself to fulfill me?"

There was no response to the sarcastic words, and the smile on Jiang Wan's face gradually faded. She took a sip from the wine glass and said, "I'll find it myself, it's better than if they shove people around me?"

Cheng Chen: "…"

The two stopped talking.

Jiang Wan looked at a few people on the stage again, and finally set his eyes on Zhu Tong.

I wish Tong was luckier than her, and there are people who truly care and love him.

As for herself, when her father put her on someone else's bed for the first time, her body had nothing to cherish.

She is not someone who hurts spring and autumn. What has been lost cannot be recovered. It is better to find a way to make herself not lose it again.

She took advantage of the person who ruined her and took control of the Jiang family step by step. She changed from an abandoned person to a person who was relied on. Those who had bad intentions tried their best to put a bloodline in her stomach, so that it would be easier for her in the future. Can control the Jiang family.

It's a pity that even if she brought a "wild seed" back outside, she wouldn't let them get their wish.

Jiang Wan raised the corners of his lips again, sarcastically.

No matter what the guests at the banquet thought, Liu Jianbai and Zhu Tong had already recognized their parent-child relationship.

Since then, the status of the two children of Zhu's family has risen, and there must be many people who want to make up their minds, but they also have more scruples.

After the "ceremony" of recognizing relatives, Uncle Liu had to pretend to go to the children's relatives to greet him. As for the "closeness", only Zhu Shoushan knew.

Zhu Tong took Zhu Xin into the house from the square, and told her everything that happened in the past few days, including what Qin Junhong had done before.

I wish Xin was very quiet after listening.

Zhu Tong was also a little nervous.

He didn't know what Xiao Xin's feelings for that family were. Compared with his long hospitalization, Xiao Xin spent more time with other people.

And Qin Manwen, he hasn't had a good talk with Xiaoxin about the Qin family's mother and son.

It hasn't happened yet, and he has no evidence.

Arrogantly, they sent her to her grandfather's side, and now they announced their kinship with Uncle Liu without telling her.

What will Xiao Xin think?

In a wide corridor, after Zhu Xin listened, he was silent for a long time before saying, "Brother, I want to go back."

Zhu Tong frowned slightly.

Zhu Xin said: "I still have some things left at home, which my mother left for the two of us. I want to go and get them back."

Zhu Tong hesitated: "Xiao Xin..."

"Don't worry, brother, I'm really just going to get things, and I'll let my grandpa's people follow me."

I wish Xin a reassuring smile.

Zhu Tong did not force her to stay, and let her go back to Zhu's house.

The banquet was still going on in the square, and the theme was no longer important. Zhu Tong ran to the balcony of the house and looked at the square downstairs. Grandpa's people left the manor with Xiao Xin.

He walked back to the corridor in disbelief, followed his instinct and pushed open a room, and a warm light suddenly came out from the crack of the door, shaking the absent person back to his senses.

At a glance, Zhu Tong saw the person sitting on the sofa with their legs crossed.

His eyes lit up, and he walked into the room fascinated. When he realized what, the door of the room had been closed by himself.

Shao Ming looked at him and raised his eyebrows slightly, "Are you done?"

Zhu Tong nodded hesitantly: "...Well."

When he's done, he has to talk about the thing he said "we'll talk about it later".

But what is he going to say?

He dawdled over and sat down on the sofa.

Shao Ming sat on the far left, and he sat on the far right.

Looking at the "maximum" distance between the two, Shao Ming smiled and said, "Am I that scary?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

He dawdled to the other side again.

He moved inch by inch, Shao Ming couldn't bear it any longer, got up directly, walked to his side and sat down next to him.

Zhu Tong: "!"

He glanced nervously at the door, but when he turned around, he found that Shao Ming was just sitting down beside him.

There are no extra moves.

The heart that Zhu Tong Gao raised fell to the ground in an instant, a little empty.

Shao Ming was looking at him sideways.

Zhu Tong tilted his head and glanced, met the bright eyes of the man, and quickly avoided it.

Shao Ming suddenly said: "You look good today."


Zhu Tong blinked for no apparent reason, not understanding why he suddenly said this. it really good looking?

He was also dressed up to attend today. Uncle Liu also specially found a stylist to help him do the styling. He didn't care about it before, whether it looked good or not, and he didn't want to show it to anyone.

He did not expect Shao Ming to appear at the banquet.

He also "evaluated" him directly.

Because the person who said it was Shao Ming, Zhu Tong couldn't help but pay attention.

He glanced at his clothes, then turned to look at Shao Ming.

The suit is always very temperament, with a wide appearance and smooth lines. With a tie, it is more elegant and simple.

Wearing it on Shao Ming seals his usual a little ruffian and unruly temperament, adding a bit more... abstinence.

Zhu Tong looked at the slight heat on his face, retracted his gaze and said, "You are also very handsome today."

Really handsome.

There was no light behind the rockery before and I couldn't see clearly, but now sitting under the light, the mature charm is undoubtedly revealed, and the way of folded legs is indescribably sexy.

If Shao Ming was in this state when he kissed him, Zhu Tong wasn't sure if he had enough resistance to raise his hand.

While embarrassed, the person next to him suddenly came over, and Shao Ming said, "I'm handsome today? Am I not handsome before?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

The familiar breath suddenly approached, and Zhu Tong subconsciously wanted to tilt his body, but as soon as he turned his head and saw Shao Ming's face coming closer, his hand holding the sofa beside him stopped.

Shao Ming paid attention to his every move. Seeing him looking at him stunned, he suddenly realized something and pretended to be surprised: "So you prefer me dressed like this?"

Zhu Tong subconsciously denied: "I'm not..."

"If you like." Shao Ming interrupted him softly: "I don't mind dressing like this every day."


Zhu Tongshi smiled and said, "Can you dress like this at school?"

Did this person forget that they were still students?

Shao Ming said indifferently, "What's wrong?"

Zhu Tong: "Mr. Yang will chase after you."

Yang Can, the dean of their grade, is not only in charge of learning, but also discipline.

Shao Ming said: "He can't catch up with me."


"He can't beat me either."

Zhu Tong: "…"

That really kills you.

The original nervous mood was disturbed by him, and Zhu Tong felt inexplicably relaxed a lot.

Shao Ming also saw it, stopped teasing him, and said in a low voice, "Did you encounter any troubles outside?"

Zhu Tong was slightly startled.

He suddenly realized something.

When Uncle Liu took him to the stage just now, he had someone take Shao Ming upstairs. The room for him was next to the balcony. From the corridor, he could see the whole square. What happened below Shao Ming should have is clear.

He and Xiao Xin suddenly recognized Uncle Liu as their godfather, and Shao Ming didn't seem to be surprised at all.

Was he just curious, or did he already know something?

Zhu Tong paused and said in a low voice, "Is there anything you want to ask me?"

Shao Ming asked back, "Do you have anything to ask me?"

Zhu Tong: "…"


For example, what is the connection between Shao Ming and Jiang Wan?

What festival did he have with Xia Weiyi?

Why did Shao Ming grit his teeth like that when we first met?

But honesty is mutual.

Zhu Tong was silent for a while, then decided to speak first, "I...if you have a younger sister, she was originally carefree and could enjoy campus life freely. The family treats her very well, she and her family Her feelings are good, but those are just appearances. In fact, her family members are all trying to take advantage of her. They are not really good at being good to her. You know these things clearly, you want to tell her, but you are afraid of her. I don't believe you, and I'm afraid of disrupting her current life... If it was you, what would you do?"

His sudden frankness was something Shao Ming did not expect.

The dependence in his eyes when he looked at himself made Shao Ming's heart beat fiercely for a moment.

Shao Ming suppressed the restlessness in his heart and said calmly, "Have you told her about these things?"

Zhu Tong shook his head slightly.

He never told Xiao Xin, and he didn't know how to say it. He didn't know how to convince Xiao Xin to accept the truth if Xiao Xin asked him back in shock.

In the past, he also hoped that their father could recognize the true face of the Qin family's mother and son, and let him come forward to solve this matter.

But the sudden marriage made it impossible for Zhu Tong to have any hope for him.

He could only forcibly disconnect their siblings and the Zhu family.

For today's incident, although Xiao Xin didn't blame him for anything, and she didn't get angry, but who knows what she thought in her heart? Do you think that his brother is controlling too much and interfering with her too much?

Shao Ming smiled suddenly: "Since you didn't say it, how do you know she won't believe you?"

Zhu Tong was stunned.

Shao Ming said again: "You two brothers and sisters, did you spend more time at home from childhood to adulthood, or did she have more time?"

Zhu Tong subconsciously said: "Xiao Xin is a little more."

"So what you can find, why do you think she can't find it?"

"I was..."

He only knew it because of the system, and Xiaoxin wouldn't be like him, and Qin Manwen disguised well in front of Xiaoxin, better than in front of him, because she had a purpose, and she was kind to Xiaoxin because she had " Sincerely" is there.

Zhu Tong said, "Xiao Xin... she's different from me."


Shao Ming didn't ask him why he was different. After a moment of silence, he said, "Where was Xiao Xin when you transferred to Gongshui County?"

Zhu Tong: "I sent her to my grandfather's house."

Speaking of his voice.

Shao Ming said, "She agreed?"

Zhu Tong nodded.

"When she agreed, did she ask you why?"


Zhu Tong suddenly realized, turned his head sharply to look at Shao Ming.

Shao Ming raised his hand and rubbed the tips of his ears. He curved his lips and said with a smile, "So do you want to try to trust her more?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

Yeah, why didn't he try to trust Xiao Xin more?

He insisted on sending Xiao Xin to his grandfather's house. Although Xiao Xin was angry with him on the surface, she never asked why, until today.

Why was she so calm when she heard what Qin Junhong did and Zhu Shoushan's decision?

Is Xiao Xin, like him, hiding some of the things she knows in her heart so as not to disturb his life?

They are siblings, brothers and sisters born at the same time.

After the death of their mother, only the two of them were the closest people. Why didn't he and Xiaoxin find time to sit down and have a good talk since childhood?

If it wasn't that he was reluctant to "family", why did Xiao Xin insist on going back to Zhu's home after knowing that their father was going to marry him?

She won't go back and fight with people, will she?

In Zhu Tong's mind, there are pictures of Xiao Xin arguing with his father, and Qin Manwen will be beside him with muddy mud. If Xiao Xin goes back... then she will be very upset.

He suddenly got up and said, "I have to go back."

Shao Ming said casually, "What are you going to do when you go back?"

Zhu Tongdao: "I'm afraid that Xiaoxin will go back because of my marriage..."

The voice stopped abruptly.

Zhu Tong's body froze slightly when he just stood up.

The room fell silent for a while.

Did he, once again, quit playing tricks?

He turned his head slowly, and Shao Ming on the sofa was looking at him with burning eyes.

Zhu Tong blurted out: "It's not what you think it is."

Shao Ming pretended to ponder: "What do I think?"

His reaction obviously already knew something, and even if he didn't know, he must have heard something.

Zhu Tong paused and said, "When did you know?"

Shao Ming said: "If it is a marriage, I heard about it before coming to City A."

Zhu Tong: "…"

Before coming to City A?

Zhu Tong thought about the time Rosso told him, before Shao Ming came to City A... Wouldn't that be a step ahead of him?

He couldn't help but stare slightly.

Could it be that the drop in favorability was because Shao Ming heard that he was going to marry?

If Shao Ming really did mean that to him, then it is not impossible for him to lower his favorability because he knew that he was married.

Zhu Tong suddenly sat back again.

He looked at Shao Ming and said with a serious face: "I don't want to marry anyone, the marriage was decided by my father, and I only found out about it after I returned to City A. Now the marriage has been cancelled, and my father From now on, I can no longer decide things about me and Xiaoxin without authorization, and today Uncle Liu held this banquet for this purpose."


When he was so serious, Shao Ming narrowed his eyes, and after a while, he said in a low voice, "Why...why explain this to me?"

I wish Tong was serious, "Because I don't want you to misunderstand."

Shao Ming: "…"

He suddenly smiled and said, "Little Master, did you forget something?"

Zhu Tong was startled.

"I did confess to you." Shao Ming approached him and said, "But you didn't respond to me. You don't have to explain anything to me.

Zhu Tong: "…"

Shao Ming curled his lips and said, "So in your opinion, is it so important to prove your innocence to me? Even before we were together, our young master already remembered to be virtuous?"

Zhu Tong was completely choked by him.

What innocence? What kind of man?

What a mess?

Just as he was about to speak, he heard Shao Ming say: "And why do you think that I already know that you are going to marry someone else, and you will still appear here?"


Zhu Tong was stunned and said: "Are you here... to grab a relative?"

Shao Ming: "…"

He suddenly remembered a book Zhu Tong had read in the classroom when he just started school and didn't get the textbook - "Waiting for the day you fall in love with me".

What did this young master watch when he was bored?

He couldn't help laughing and said, "If you want me to do this, I can direct and act to satisfy you."

Zhu Tong: "…"

Self-directed? What's the meaning?

It means that the prerequisites for robbing a relative do not exist!

Zhu Tong's face quickly turned red.

If Shao Ming knew that he really wanted to marry someone else, he wouldn't come to pester him again.

Since he is here, it means that he already knows what marriage is about, and there is no need for anyone to explain.

So what was he doing with the hurried explanation just now?

Did he reveal something again?

But if it wasn't for knowing that he was going to get married, what was the reason for the drop in favorability?

Zhu Tong also wanted to ask Shao Ming why he knew Jiang Wan. He turned his head to face him and gave him a playful smile. The words he had just said about "robbing a relative" flashed through his mind, and his ears suddenly became hot, and he couldn't say anything. .

He should go to Xiao Xin first.

The thought of escaping from Shao Ming made him forget the thought of "trusting Xiao Xin more" that he had just had.

Zhu Tong stood up again, his body was stiff and he almost joined hands and feet, "I'll go back first..."

He didn't say the words to go back, his stomach tightened, one hand was already in front of him, he leaned back violently, his legs bent automatically when he hit the sofa, his body sank, and the person was already sitting more than a Where the sofa was harder and obviously uneven, he turned his head and faced the enlarged version of the handsome face that Shao Ming had pasted towards him.

Shao Ming whispered in his ear: "You have already let me grab the kiss. If I don't grab it, will I live up to your expectations a bit?"

At the same time, the door was pushed open, and Cheng Chen walked in with a fruit bowl, "Tongtong, I heard that you and your friends..."

The moment he raised his head, the pair of eyes beside the door matched the four eyes in the room.


The author has something to say:

At the end of the month, is there any extra nutrient solution to help the two cubs kiss? ╮( ̄▽ ̄')╭

Thanks to the little angel who voted or irrigated nutrient solution for me during 2021-11-26 16:09:00~2021-11-2715:52:42~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: deep is one deep;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 173 bottles; 2 channels;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!