Chapter 68: like

Zhu Xin returned to Zhu's house half an hour later than Zhu Shou Shan. At the banquet, Zhu Shou Shan, who was dumb and ate Huanglian, was furious as soon as he got home.

At the beginning, Qin Manwen would go up to persuade him, but after being slapped hard as a vent, he never dared to go forward again.

Zhu Shoushan angrily rebuked Qin Manwen and said, "If it wasn't for your son doing that kind of thing to Tongtong, and if it wasn't for him to let Jiang Wan come to the door, how could things become like this?"

If Qin Junhong hadn't entangled Zhu Tong, Cheng Qingsong would not have called the company to scold him, and he would not have agreed to marry in such a hurry to prove himself to the Cheng family.

If Qin Junhong hadn't introduced Zhu Tong to Jiang Wan, how could Jiang Wan have the chance to plot against him? Seeing Jiang Wan and Cheng Chen standing together at the banquet today, what else did he not understand?

Jiang Wan never thought of working with him at first!

They all look down on themselves and are calculating on themselves!

Now Liu Jianbai stepped in and put Zhu Tong and Zhu Xin under the protection of his wings. If this is what Cheng Qingsong meant, then the company... If the company has made a big mistake in the future, will he still care?

Xiaoxin is about to come of age. Among the people who have worked with him this year, many of them have hinted to him that the children in the family have a good relationship with Xiaoxin. He knows what they mean and is happy not to say it.

Those who are rushing to seek cooperation and marriage are not his choice targets.

His daughter deserves and deserves a better person, someone who can make his family better.

But now Liu Jianbai is in the crosshairs, although some people will worry that the cooperation between the two will bring them more pressure, but this is only temporary, he knows that Liu Jianbo will not cooperate with him, once others see this clearly, for the sake of small The person who came to please him will go directly to please Liu Jianbo, which will bring him immeasurable losses.

He has to do something.

After calming down, he took out his mobile phone and called Zhu Tong.

Before a phone call was made, the villa door suddenly opened.

The girl was still wearing the indigo-colored dress at the banquet, and walked into the villa elegantly and gracefully.

Zhu Shoushan's pupils shrank, and before he had time to be surprised, he saw a burly man following behind Xiao Xin.

That was the bodyguard that Mr. Cheng arranged for Xiaoxin.

Zhu Shoushan's eyes suddenly sank.

Qin Manwen is always a loving mother in front of Zhu Xin.

When she was neglected by Zhu Shoushan, Zhu Xin was all her hope. She once resented why Zhu Xin didn't call her after leaving home, but the resentment turned into resentment, and Zhu Xin was still her only hope.

She didn't care about the slap printed on her face by the birthday wishes, and walked to the door of the villa in three steps. She said in surprise, "Xiao Xin is back? Have you eaten yet? Aunt Qin asked someone to cook something for you..."

"No need for Aunt Qin." Zhu Xin interrupted her softly.

Qin Manwen froze slightly.

Zhu Xin said calmly, "I'll come back to pick up what my mother left behind, and I'll leave when I'm done."

After she finished speaking, she bypassed Qin Manwen and planned to go upstairs directly.

Zhu Shoushan couldn't sit still anymore. He walked over and said, "Let's go after you get it. Where are you going? Go to that Liu's house, do you really plan to recognize a thief as your father?"

Zhu Xin said: "I don't go to Uncle Liu's place, I go back to school."

"What do you do when you go back to school to get your mother's things?" Zhu Shoushan said anxiously: "Your brother loses his conscience, and you lose your conscience too? I have raised you for more than ten years, and you just leave? That Liu Jianbai is simply uneasy and kind. you…"

"Brother... lose your conscience?" Zhu Xin suddenly tilted his head.

Zhu Shoushan was startled.

Zhu Xin said in a low voice: "Dad, you want to send your brother out, what are you doing?"

"What to send out? Don't listen to your brother's nonsense." Zhu Shoushan's face flushed, "I just let him try to get along with others first, but I didn't want to force him. You protect your brother so much, what is he doing? To you? He took you to be someone else's child. You are a little girl to be Liu Jianbai's daughter. Do you know what the outside world will say about you? They will say that I wish Shoushan to win the Liu family to sell their sons and daughters. , they will say that you and your brother have an improper relationship with Liu Jianbai, and your reputation will be ruined!"

Zhu Xin said coldly: "Selling your son and selling your daughter? You care so much about our reputation. When you wanted to give your brother to Jiang Wan, did you think about your brother's reputation? When he married Jiang Wan, what would others say about him behind his back? Do you know what was said about my brother in school when he was young , Saying that he is a child no one wants, and that even if he died in the hospital, no one may know, do you care about the years when my brother was hospitalized alone, how did he get here?"

Zhu Shoushan narrowed his eyes: "Xiao Xin, you..."

He looked at the daughter who looked a bit like him, and felt extremely strange.

Zhu Xin's words were suppressed all the way, and now it was like opening the gate, "Selling your son? You asked your brother to marry Jiang Wan, isn't that selling your son? Others will talk about you behind your back, but you don't care, because you Profitable, compared to the benefits you can get, it doesn't matter what others say about you, Dad, you don't care about our reputation, you only care about yourself, yes, you raised me and my brother, you married Aunt Qin, you hired a nanny, you paid your brother's medical expenses, so you feel that you are doing well, you think you have arranged the best for us, you are always so self-righteous to me and my brother It's so easy to be satisfied, but you are never satisfied with yourself. You don't let my brother and I go to Uncle Liu's house, is it really for us? Without Uncle Liu's publicity at the banquet, if my brother and I left the house, how would you still Will it stop us?"

If Uncle Liu didn't announce it publicly, then no matter where the two children are, if someone wants to beat the child, the first thing to please is Zhu Shoushan. Now that the two children have a relationship with another person, those who want to do something bad will know that Shan It is useless to please Zhushoushan.

For the first time Zhu Xin was so aggressive at home, Zhu Shoushan and Qin Manwen were stunned.

Zhu Xin took another deep breath, "You don't have to worry about my brother's reputation and my brother's reputation. If anyone dares to say anything, grandpa will shut them up, and some people talk in private, as long as it doesn't spread to my brother and I's ears, we will also Don't care, if anyone dares to say anything in front of me, I'll keep them speechless."

Her tone was calm, but her words were piercingly cold.

Zhu Shoushan looked at Zhu Xin in disbelief.

In his impression, Xiao Xin has always been a well-behaved, obedient, innocent, sunny and lively girl.

When did she become like this?

Zhu Shoushan was shocked and stunned. He suddenly realized that he never seemed to know his two children. Those who he had deliberately ignored and deliberately avoided will leave him without hesitation when he is at an age when he is not needed. of.

He couldn't help but start to recall, since Cheng Lan's death, has he really accompanied his two children? Has he ever fulfilled the responsibility of being a father even for one day?

As if... not once.

He watched Zhu Xin go upstairs, even if the bodyguards didn't stop him, he couldn't move his feet to pull Zhu Xin down.

Soon he received a call from an assistant, telling him that the company had finally developed into overseas markets, and that it had been blocked by someone preempting it.

Hearing this news, Zhushou Mountain is like falling into an ice cave.

He knew that this was a warning from the old man and a punishment for him. Perhaps, this was just the beginning.

Zhu Shoushan froze in the hall, and didn't say a word until Zhu Xin left the villa with a suitcase.

Qin Manwen was not reconciled and chased out.

Zhu Xin said to her: "Aunt Qin, thank you for taking care of me for so many years, I accept your love, but I will not forget what your son did to his brother."

Before she knew those goals and calculations, she really felt maternal love from Qin Manwen.

Zhu Xin didn't have a cold face towards her, perhaps because of her guilty conscience, or because she really felt remorse, Qin Manwen didn't dare to keep her anymore.

After coming out of the villa area, the driver asked where Miss Sheng was going, Zhu Xin hesitated for a while, and said, "School."

She sent a message to her brother to announce that she was safe, leaning on the back seat and staring at the backward night scene outside the window in a daze.

In the retro-decorated room of the private manor, Zhu Tongzai stared blankly at the person who appeared at the door for a few seconds, then quickly jumped off Shao Ming's lap, stood up and said, "You...why are you here?"

Cheng Chen: "…"

He came as if it was a little out of time.

Should he go?

Just as he was about to close the door again, Zhu Tong had already walked towards him, "Is something wrong?"

Instead of being embarrassed by being disturbed, there was a little urgency to escape.

Is his cousin still being forced?

Cheng Chen glanced at the person who got up from the sofa, and was looking at it. When his hand was loosened, the fruit plate he brought had been taken away from him.

Zhu Tong took the fruit plate and turned around: "Come in first."

"It turns out that Mr. Cheng is in the eyes of Young Master Zhu, and there is no fruit plate that is important?"

A joke came from behind Cheng Chen, and Zhu Tong turned his head again, only to find that there was another person behind his cousin.

Jiang Wan greeted generously: "Zhu Shao, don't mind me being with you too?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

As the object of almost marriage, Zhu Tong is still a little concerned.

He looked back at Shao Ming and seemed to have thought of something, but he didn't stop him and walked back to the sofa first.

The four took their seats again.

There was a square marble table surrounded by sofas on three sides. The seats for four people were that Jiang Wan and Cheng Chen sat opposite each other, and Shao Ming and Zhu Tong sat on the same sofa.

Looking at the distance between the two of them, Jiang Wan raised her eyebrows and said, "How do I remember someone told me last time that he was allergic to perfume?"


Zhu Tong said, "I am allergic to women's perfumes."

Speaking of which, Shao Ming does seem to have a taste that does not belong to him.

When Shao Ming hugged him just now, he accidentally smelled it.

His attitude was still obviously unwelcome, and Jiang Wan didn't mind it either, just looking at the two people, his eyes became more interested.

Cheng Chen was also looking at them.

When he came in just now, his cousin was sitting directly on the person's lap. The state of the two at the time didn't look like the cousin was in unrequited love.

He suddenly said, "Are you Shao Ming?"

Shao Ming was not surprised, nodded and said, "Yes."

Zhu Tong put the fruit plate brought by his cousin on the marble table in front of him, removed a fruit fork, and was washing it with the physiological saline he brought with him. Hearing this, he turned to look at Shao Ming and introduced: "He is the Cheng Chen, can just call him his name."

Cheng Chen: "…"

So big or small?

In fact, Zhu Tong is also very entangled. With outsiders present, he can't talk about his relationship with his cousin. If he calls Mr. Cheng according to his identity... It seems a little outlandish.

Zhu Tong was taken aback for a moment, why did he feel that it was an outsider?

He looked at Shao Ming with a guilty conscience, but saw that Shao Ming suddenly curled his lips and smiled, and said, "Don't dare, Mr. Cheng, who is on the boat entertainment, how can he call his name directly?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

Forget that cousin is still a celebrity.

Cheng Chen also said unexpectedly, "You know me?"

Shao Ming said: "Last time, about the milk tea shop at home, Mr. Cheng asked your company's artist to help with the rectification, but I never had the chance to say thank you."

Zhu Tong: "…"

When did Shao Ming know about this?

Zhuo Yunan is an artist in his cousin's company. This browser search can be searched. Now his cousin doesn't knock on his door when he comes to him, which is enough to explain their relationship. It was his decision to help the milk tea shop to clarify.

I didn't tell Shao Ming before because I was afraid that Shao Ming would think his intentions were wrong. shouldn't have to worry about this.

Zhu Tong continued wiping his fruit fork.

Cheng Chen glanced at him and pointedly said: "You don't need to thank me for this, I am also entrusted by others."

Shao Ming smiled and nodded, and also looked at Zhu Tong.

Cheng Chen added: "Speaking of who I asked for, I've known him for so long, and I've never seen him so obsessed with anyone. He even fainted and went to the hospital before, and when he was dreaming..."


A burst of cool mist spurted out, interrupting Mr. Cheng's words.

Cheng Chen didn't have time to close his mouth tightly, and the tip of his tongue tasted a little salty.

He stared blankly at the man holding the spray in front of him, "When can you get rid of this stuff?"

It was the saline in Zhu Tong's hand that was sprayed on his face.

Zhu Tong angrily retracted his hand and reminded, "Don't talk nonsense."

Cheng Chen said: "What did I say nonsense? Why are you so shy..."

Zhu Tong lifted the saline spray again.

Cheng Chen: "…"

At this time, there was a chuckle from the other side, and Jiang Wan said inexplicably: "The relationship between the two is really good."

Cheng Chen: "…"

Zhu Tong: "…"

Sister, you really can't speak.

He looked at Shao Ming subconsciously, and sure enough, his expression darkened.

Did he misunderstand his relationship with his cousin?


"How is your body?" Shao Ming asked him suddenly.

Zhu Tong immediately said: "It's good, there's nothing wrong."

Shao Ming said: "Really?"

Zhu Tong said: "Yes."

Shao Ming said lightly: "Oh."

Zhu Tong: "…"

Why did he feel that the low pressure he had felt beside the rockery before had returned?

But he didn't know how to ask, so he could only change the subject and hand him the wiped fruit fork: "Do you eat fruit?"

Shao Ming took it without a word, forked a piece of dragon fruit and put it into his mouth.

Zhu Tong: "…"

The air pressure is really low.

He turned to look at Cheng Chen again, "By the way, do you have anything to do with me?".

Cheng Chen also noticed that the atmosphere between the two of them was not right, and he didn't know what was wrong. He didn't ask much, and said sternly: "It's something, Qin Junhong is gone."

Zhu Tong was stunned, and put the low pressure aside for a moment, "What do you mean by disappearing?"

After knowing that Jiang Wan was staring at him because of Qin Junhong, my grandfather made people stare at Qin Junhong, and planned to settle accounts with him after the banquet.

Why did it suddenly disappear?

Cheng Chen said: "If he's gone, he can't find it. I don't know if he is hiding or has left City A. I don't know where others are for the time being."

Zhu Tong frowned suddenly.

Seeing his dignified expression, Cheng Chen said with relief: "But you don't have to worry too much, I have already sent someone to look for him, and there are people watching over Xiaoxin, so there should be no problem."

Zhu Tong did not relax.

There is no specific description of how Xiaoxin was planted in Qin Junhong's hands in the original text, and he does not know the specific details, so he cannot be taken lightly.

He thought about it and said, "I'll go out and make a phone call."

Xiao Xin had to be more vigilant.

He went straight out of the room.

After he left, the room became quiet. Shao Ming was slightly dazed with the fruit plate in his hand. He didn't seem to notice that Zhu Tong had left his side.

Jiang Wan stared at him for a while, then got up with a light smile, "I'll go to the bathroom."

In the corridor near the balcony, Zhu Tong turned on his mobile phone and saw the news that Xiao Xin had left Zhu's house. When he called, Xiao Xin was almost at school.

He didn't ask Xiao Xin why he didn't come to him, why he didn't go back to his grandfather's house. At this time, it might be better for Xiao Xin to stay in a place far away from "family".

He told Xiaoxin about Qin Junhong's disappearance, and reminded her to be cautious, especially with the things that others handed her to drink.

Hearing Xiaoxin answering one by one on the phone, Zhu Tongcai breathed a sigh of relief.

He stood in the corridor for a while, then turned and went back to his room.

He walked with his head down, wearing a long burgundy dress that caught his eye, he slowly raised his head.

"…Is something wrong with Miss Jiang?"

Jiang Wan smiled and said, "Does Zhu Shao hope I have something to say or nothing to say?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

He turned around and avoided Jiang Wan, intending to go back to his room directly.

He really isn't very good at dealing with others, especially with people like Jiang Wan.

What do you say, why do you have to be roundabout?

When passing by, Jiang Wan said again, "Don't you want to know why your little boyfriend got out of my car?"


Zhu Tong paused for a while, then turned his head and said, "Does Miss Jiang deliberately make her words so ambiguous when she talks to anyone?"

Jiang Wan was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "You trust him so much?"

Zhu Tong looked strange, and said in his heart that he didn't believe him, did he believe you?

"But you believe him, why lie to him?"

Zhu Tong: "?"

What did he lie to Shao Ming for?

Jiang Wan said: "I wish your body is really good?"

Zhu Tong frowned and said, "What are you trying to say?"

Jiang Wan was silent for a while, then leaned gently on the side of the corridor and said, "Young Master Zhu may not know that his cooperation with me actually started before you transferred schools, but he has been hiding deeply before and never refused to I have been in direct contact with me. I have tried several times, and he is also leak-proof. Before that, I didn't even know what he looked like."

Zhu Tong was a little stunned: "How dare you cooperate with him like this?"

Jiang Wan shrugged and said, "Why not if there is a benefit? Even if the cooperation fails, I can't afford to lose the little benefit."

Zhu Tong: "…"

is a cruel man.

"But he took the initiative to contact me a few days ago and offered to meet me."

Zhu Tong almost blurted out "why", but was restrained by reason again.

Jiang Wan didn't sell anything, looked at him and said, "He asked me for something."


Zhu Tong couldn't remember exactly how he walked back to the room.

Jiang Wan didn't go with him. She said that she apologized for causing her to faint, and went downstairs after apologizing.

My cousin was still playing with his mobile phone in the room, and he and Shao Ming were doing their own thing without interfering with each other.

When he sat back on the sofa, the fruit plate in Shao Ming's hand had already been solved by him for a quarter, one point more and one point less, except for one more gap, the fruit plate was still neat and tidy.

Zhu Tong knew that Shao Ming was actually a bit obsessive-compulsive.

He didn't ask anything, turned to look at his cousin and said, "Jiang Wan said she left first, let me tell you."

Cheng Chenman said casually, "Well, I see."

Judging by the way he held his phone, he should be playing a game.

Zhu Tong didn't bother to interrupt him, he turned to look at Shao Ming and said, "Are you going back to the hotel?"

Shao Ming didn't answer, but instead asked, "How about you?"

Of course, Zhu Tong is going back to his grandfather's house.

He paused and said, "Shall I take you back first?"

Shao Ming raised his eyebrows somewhat unexpectedly, but did not refuse, "Okay."

On the way back to the hotel, the back seat of the car was eerily quiet.

Zhu Tong felt mixed feelings in his heart.

Jiang Wan told him in the corridor that Shao Ming asked her for her previous cases and medical records.

Few people know his specific cause, but it is not particularly difficult to investigate, not to mention the "traitor" Qin Junhong by Jiang Wan's side at that time.

But why did Shao Ming suddenly remember to check his medical records?

Judging from the time Jiang Wan provided her medical records to Shao Ming, it was commensurate with the time when he fainted.

Although I don't think it's possible, the sudden drop in favorability has something to do with it, right?

Jiang Wan said that it was unfair to Shao Ming that he concealed his condition.

He did hide his condition at first, but when Shao Ming asked him later, he told the truth!

He is in really good shape now.

But how was he going to explain the fact that he was physically healed within two months?

And how can it be explained?

The future is still an unknown.

If the favorability cannot reach 100% within a year, he will still die.

The current favorability is 70%.

In terms of efficiency, 70% in two months is already high efficiency.

However, the closer it is to the full value, the smaller the room for improvement, Zhu Tong still understands.

And he didn't understand, Shao Ming knew why his condition caused his favorability to plummet? Shouldn't I sympathize with him and give him a little more favorability?

Oh, he gave it later, and more than a little.

What is the reason for the surge in favorability?

Zhu Tong felt that his brain was about to explode.

What was Shao Ming thinking in his head?

If only he had the roundworm in Shao Ming's stomach.

"What do you think?"

The person next to him suddenly made a noise.

Zhu Tong was so frightened that his body froze, shook his head and said, "It's nothing."

Shao Ming tilted his head and smiled at him.

Zhu Tong said inexplicably: "What's wrong?"

Shao Ming said: "I'm thinking... What did Mr. Cheng say in your dream when you fainted in the hospital before?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

He was caught off guard by the heat on his face, he stumbled and said, "No... didn't say anything, he's talking nonsense, you don't need to care."

Shao Ming said: "Don't care?"

Zhu Tong nodded: "Don't worry about it."

Shao Ming: "That's also very enviable."



Zhu Tong was stunned, turned his head and said, "Who do you envy? What do you envy?"

Shao Ming looked at him and smiled and said, "I envy Mr. Cheng for being able to be by your side when you are lying in the hospital."

His eyes were quiet and playful, but his mood was low.

Zhu Tong didn't know whether the focus of his sentence was "Mr. Cheng" or "laying in the hospital".

He suddenly found that since he met Shao Ming at the banquet, every time he felt the low pressure from Shao Ming, it seemed to be referring to his body.

Is Shao Ming worried about him?

He was dumbfounded for a moment, then turned his eyes away and said, "Cheng Chen is my cousin, and I don't have any strange relationship with him."

Shao Ming was stunned.

Is this... evading the heavy and taking the light?

He smiled again: "Do you know that Jiang Wan is investigating your relationship with President Cheng?"

Zhu Tong said: "I know, what's wrong?"

"Then do you know that I can go to the banquet because of Jiang Wan's help?"


"I owe her a favor now, so you are not afraid that you will tell me your relationship with President Cheng, and I will return it to her as a favor?"

Zhu Tong was stunned for a moment, and said firmly: "You won't."

Shao Ming looked directly at him and said, "Why can't I?"

Zhu Tong was a little nervous when he saw him, and his tone was much weaker, "I believe you won't."


Shao Ming suddenly took a deep breath.

The driver in front parked the car at the gate of the hotel, turned his head hesitantly and said, "Master, here we are."

Zhu Tong glanced out the car window.

Shuhua Hotel, the students from City E who came to participate in the math competition are all arranged in this hotel.

It took more than two hours before and after returning to the city from the manor and arriving at the hotel. Because Shao Ming was sitting next to him, he didn't feel that the time was long at all.

Suppressing the reluctance in his heart, he looked at Shao Ming and said, "Then you..."

"Want to go up and sit for a while?"


When he came back to his senses, Zhu Tong had already pushed the door and got out of the car under the gaze of the driver, Xiao Lin, who was hesitant to say anything.

After walking into the hotel elevator, Zhu Tong didn't know what he was doing.

The corridor outside the hotel room was empty. The footsteps of two people echoed in the corridor. When he arrived outside Shao Ming's room, he skillfully took out the room card, opened the door, and pushed in.

Zhu Tong hesitantly followed.

When Zhu Tong entered the door, Shao Ming gently closed the door of the room.

The light in the corridor, which was not strong at all, was locked out of the door, and the room suddenly became dim, with only a faint light left outside the floor-to-ceiling windows, making people barely able to see the two figures standing by the door.

"Why don't you turn on the lights..."

Zhu Tong said and reached out to touch the switch beside the door.

Before he finished speaking, his wrist had already been captured precisely. Zhu Tong felt that he was being pulled forward and crashed into a familiar embrace. Shao Ming took him in a direction and trapped him in a cramped place. in space.

The hot breath sprayed onto his face without any hindrance, with a hot and humid temperature, Zhu Tong was startled, and instinctively raised his hand, "What are you doing?"

Shao Ming had no trouble trying to restrain him. He easily resolved all his resistance and lowered his voice: "When you came up with me without hesitation, you never thought that a person who had just confessed to you would have a relationship with him. Could it possibly be done?"

I wish the child a sudden stagnation of breathing.

Shao Ming pressed him against the wall, pressed his forehead against his forehead, and rubbed the tip of his nose against the tip of his nose. He asked at this distance, "Young Master, have you come up with the outcome of what you promised you would consider carefully?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

Why didn't he set a suitable deadline for this at the time?

It's only been a few hours?

Are you in such a hurry?

Is he now sending the sheep into the tiger's mouth by himself?

Zhu Tong's nose was itchy because of his rubbing, and he couldn't help but turned his head and said, "I... I may need... a little more time to think about it..."

"How much more time?"


Zhu Tong's mind is dazed now, let alone what to think about, he can't even do the most basic thinking.

Shao Ming said in a low voice: "If I said, I can't wait that long?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

He hasn't spoken for long!

The two of them couldn't get any closer now, Shao Ming didn't say a word, and Zhu Tong could feel the change in his breath.

He seemed to be suppressing something, restraining something.

Zhu Tong's heart was pounding, like an ant surrounded by water on all sides, with no way to retreat and no way to escape.

He said in a hurry: "You... have you ever thought about it, we are all still young, and the thoughts you have now may just be a misunderstanding..."

"Do you think I like you because of adolescence? How old do you think I am now?"


Zhu Tong shook his head and said, "No, I just think, how can you like me, I..."

Shao Ming's hand holding his wrist tightened slightly, and said with a low smile, "How could I not like you?"

He said calmly: "Zhu Tong, you transferred to Gongshui County, asked the principal to sit at the same table with me, and made up your own mind to help me solve the trouble, you never thought that I would like you? Qiu Shaoping is crazy, you jumped out Did you ever think that I would like you when you blocked the knife for me? When you teased me and planned to die at any time with the flow, did you ever think that I already liked you?"

At the end of the conversation, the two of them suffocated for a moment at the same time.

Zhu Tong moved his lips: "You..."

Before he could say why, a warmth came over him.

Zhu Tong really didn't understand how Shao Ming could pinpoint the position so precisely in such a dark environment.

In the darkness, the breaths of the two were intertwined, their soft lips pressed against each other, Zhu Tong felt his lips being sucked, and after a while, his lips parted.

Shao Ming said hoarsely, "Aren't you hiding?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

Where to hide?

He was stunned: "I..."

The moment he opened his mouth, someone had already taken advantage of it.

The body was pulled into his arms, and his head was forced to lift up. He couldn't see anything in the darkness in front of him, so Zhu Tong simply closed his eyes.

The stiff body gradually loosened, but the hand that was trapping him tightened.

The entanglement between the lips and teeth gradually lost their sense of proportion and deepened unreasonably.

A kiss in the darkness and silence took one's breath and accelerated the hearts of two.

Strange and wonderful experience...a little sweet.


The author has something to say:

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-11-2715:52:42~2021-11-2817:08:11~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: 1 Xinghua drunk;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 60 bottles of mischief; 30 bottles of gangsters and gangsters; 23 bottles of dog roll single push people; 18 bottles of Jason Toodd; 16 bottles of Ah Ha; , Zhong is also under me, Bai Baibai, Hongling, Xinghua drunk, Su, T Junacr, Feng Yihan, zzzzzzz, deep is deep, shallow scars and wounds, inkstone, 1128yuan 10 bottles; Tang Zhang, Night Dance Streamer 6 bottles; Dino's kyoya, gaztia, kumquat lemon yyds! , Nuan Nuan, 53633899, 5 bottles of cautious words and deeds, 5 bottles of Wei Ci; 3 bottles of Sa Da Da Da Da Zi; 2 bottles of Tuzai Er and Pei Yilai; 1 bottle of Chichi, Hongja, Wuweilin;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!