Chapter 69: candid

With his back against the cold wall and his hot breath in front of him, Zhu Tong was trapped between the cold and the hot, his mind was blank and buzzing.

Shao Ming is kissing him.

This kind of cognition made Zhu Tong instinctively feel a little helpless.

Touching people, getting close to people, this was something he used to reject and never dared to think about, not to mention such an aggressive approach.

But because this person is Shao Ming, there seems to be nothing wrong.

His body was no longer stiff, but he was still at the mercy of others like a puppet, not knowing how to resist or how to respond.

It wasn't until his breathing was blocked and his legs were a little weak that Shao Ming let go of him as if he was kind.

But not too far away.

The two were breathing opposite each other, Zhu Tong was breathing rapidly after he was released, and Shao Ming was still restrained and heavy.

Shao Ming's voice was low and sexy, "Do you hate it?"

Zhu Tong said dumbfounded: "What?"

Shao Ming said, "Do you hate me kissing you?"


Hate it? The answer is very clear, Zhu Tong shook his head honestly.

With a low smile in front of him, Shao Ming raised his hand and turned on the light switch.

The darkness was dissipated in an instant, and the blurred shadows in front of him all became clear.

At first glance, the distance between the two of them was clearly seen, and Zhu Tong's body relaxed in the darkness instantly tensed up again.

At this time, Shao Ming said again: "How do you feel?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

What does it feel like?


What does he want him to say?

A flustered look flashed across his face, he bit his lip nervously, and quickly released it as if scared.

He now has the taste of Shao Ming between his lips and teeth, so nibbling, it seems like he is aftertastes.

He panicked: "I..."

"If you don't hate it, can your consideration have a result?"

Zhu Tong raised his head suspiciously.

Shao Ming looked at him and said with a smile: "It is said that practice brings true knowledge, how about it? Is there any result?"


In fact, if there is no practice, there will already be results.

He stared at Shao Ming blankly.

Shao Ming also looked into his eyes without hesitation. He had never looked into these eyes so earnestly and candidly before, a pair of eyes that reflected his figure.

Zhu Tong's eyes are pale, and when he has no emotions, he always gives people a sense of bleak weakness, but I don't know when, the eyes looking at him have become brighter and brighter.

His fair face was stained with a layer of crimson from the cheeks to the base of the ears, and the originally light-colored lips, because the kiss just now, did not know how many shades of color, like the flower bones soaked with dew in the morning, attractive to pick.

Shao Ming's eyes darkened, and he raised his head slightly and lowered it again, "If there is still no result, then let's practice again..."

Zhu Tong said suddenly: "I may not be able to accompany you for long."


Shao Ming still felt a stab in his heart when he heard Zhu Tong say the facts that he had already known for a long time.

"I know," he said.

Zhu Tong's heart trembled, "Then you..."

Shao Ming's hand on his waist tightened slightly: "I will accompany you as long as you can."


Even if Zhu Tong thinks he has a heart of stone, he can't help but be moved when he hears these words.

Knowing that he will die, will Shao Ming be sad?

I will.

But even if he knew he would be sad, he would not let him go.

But Shao Ming likes him so much, his favorability is only 70%, is this reasonable?

He almost couldn't help but ask what was in his mind.

As a result, as soon as he moved his mouth, his throat seemed to be stuck, and he couldn't say anything.

Zhu Tong: ?

At the same time, there was a light sound in the brain, and the system said: "Information sharing is risky, please try it carefully."

Zhu Tong: "…"

After being stunned for a moment, Zhu Tong was slightly startled: "Can you still control my actions?"

He felt his freedom of life was threatened.


System: "I only have permission to stop things related to me."

Zhu Tong breathed a sigh of relief and said, "What do you mean by risky information sharing?"

The system said: "Are you going to tell Bai Yueguang the truth? What will happen when he knows the truth?"


What will happen?

Believe it or not, or not, the important thing is what can Shao Ming do when he knows?

He didn't know the reason why his favorability was not at full value, so would Shao Ming know?

What will he think when he knows, will he fall into self-doubt?

And the existence of the system is a hope, but it is not a 100% hope of success. It gives him hope, makes him and himself distressed, and may even push people back to despair. Isn't that cruel?

But Zhu Tong didn't want to hide from Shao Ming.

Jiang Wan said something right. He concealed Shao Ming and was unfair to Shao Ming.

But how is he going to open his mouth?

If he did, wouldn't all his previous actions really be conspiracy? Will Shao Ming believe him? Do you think he's mentally ill?

Although he used to be sick all over, his mind was at least healthy.

And the misunderstanding before today, Shao Ming may even misunderstood him to comfort him with the nonsense he made up.

After thinking about it, Zhu Tong came to a conclusion: It is definitely not possible to say it directly.

He had to show evidence first.

Suddenly thinking of something, his eyes lit up, just as he was about to speak, his lips were hot, and the words were blocked.


Seeing that he was suddenly stunned and said nothing, Shao Ming couldn't help but say that he had already started another "practice".

The soft lips were pressed up, and Zhu Tong was stunned for a moment. When something tried to press the gap between his lips, he was jolted and subconsciously retreated, "Wait..."

"No wait."


Shao Ming clasped the back of his head and kissed him again.

The system was automatically blocked when Shao Ming lowered his head. Zhu Tong heard Shao Ming pressing his lips and said to him in a low and bewitching voice, "Open your mouth."

Zhu Tong couldn't tell how he was feeling now.

But he only had one thought: he didn't want to disappoint Shao Ming.

The line of his lips relaxed, and he slowly opened his lips.

Shao Ming was stunned for a moment, then the corners of his lips raised, and the tip of his tongue poked in without hesitation.

Turning on the lights and turning them off is completely different.

Because I can see it, I can't help but get nervous.

Shao Ming also became different from before. When the light was turned off, his kiss was tentative and restrained, but after the light was turned on, he seemed to be occupying, venting, domineering and strong. .

As if eager to confirm something, eager to let the person in his arms confirm something.

Time is passing, and Zhu Tong's brain is dizzy, he thinks it is probably due to the lack of oxygen.

When Shao Ming let go, he couldn't wait to take a deep breath.

However, when he took a sigh of relief, his chin was gently raised again. He raised his hand in a panic to cover Shao Ming's face, preventing him from sticking it up again. He panted, "Don't... don't come."

Shao Ming grabbed his hand directly, kissed him in the palm of his hand, looked up at him and said, "Zhutong, I like you."


Heavy breathing, like a few words squeezed out of his heart, made Zhu Tong's heart pounding.

It turns out that there is no need for any romantic ceremony, and no need for gorgeous and disgusting words. The simple and most straightforward confession can also make people tremble.

Shao Ming asked, "How about you?"

How about you?

Does Zhu Tong like him?

If you like what he says, why don't you admit it? If you don't like it, why would you want to kiss him?

When he came, there was no conscious trust in the car, like a seduction without a sense of crisis, he couldn't help bringing someone up, he couldn't help clarifying his words, and he couldn't help kissing him.

The expected resistance was there, but it was too trivial.

What does Zhu Tong think of him?

If he refuses to say it today... Shao Ming's eyes darkened slightly.

Then he "practices" until he is willing to say it.

Just as he was thinking, the man standing in front of him with his head lowered suddenly nodded.


Shao Ming was stunned for a moment.

He took a breath and subconsciously rolled his throat: "You nod... what do you mean?"

When Zhu Tong nodded, he was still calm, but when he asked such a question, he became nervous for no reason.

He hesitantly raised his head and met Shao Ming's eyes.

Shao Ming looked at him with a faint nervousness in his expression.

It turned out that Shao Ming would also be nervous.

Zhu Tong looked at his face, his facial features were deep and three-dimensional, and when he was not smiling, he would be a bit sharp, but in Zhu Tong's impression, it seemed that Shao Ming rarely didn't smile sometimes.

He is sunny and narcissistic, he can be enthusiastic about anyone, he can say words that make others blush and heartbeat, and he can handle anything with ease.

But Shao Ming like this is now looking at himself nervously. He even held his breath, as if he was afraid that the sound of his breathing would obscure the answer.

Zhu Tong suddenly thought about it.

A few words popped into his head: Life is too short to have fun.

If the task is not successful, it is really "short".

Time is already so short, why is he wasting time "considering"?

Anyway, he never thought of rejecting Shao Ming.

If you like it, why can't you be honest?

I already like it, so why worry so much?

He took a deep breath and said solemnly as he went to the battlefield: "Nodding means I like you too..."

As soon as the words came out, Zhu Tong's ears turned red.

I always feel a little embarrassed.

Is confession so easy to get nervous?

But he was very relaxed when he saw what Shao Ming said just now.

He regained his strength, raised his head and said, "I want to say, I too..."

This time, he didn't even say "like", Shao Ming already hugged him.

Zhu Tong hurriedly tilted his head to save the bridge of his nose that was almost hit.

He heard Shao Ming's indiscernible voice ringing in his ears, "You are so loud, are you going to give a speech?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

Almost forgot I was in the hotel now.

Is this hotel soundproofed?

He wanted to tilt his head, but found that he couldn't move at all because he was being held.

Shao Ming seemed to be a little emotional and buried his head in his neck, making his neck itchy.

Zhu Tong wanted to avoid: "That..."


With a soft call like a gu in his ear, Zhu Tong froze for a moment, his scalp tingling for a while, and his cheeks instantly became hot, "You... you are not allowed to call like that."

Shao Ming smiled and said, "Why?"

He deliberately said it against Zhu Tong's ear, causing the nerves of the person in his arms to tremble.

Zhu Tong was stunned by his question.

Why can't you call?

Because the same name was called out of Shao Ming's mouth, it made people feel particularly embarrassed.

Zhu Tong said: "Anyway, you..."



called again.

Just when Zhu Tong couldn't help being annoyed and wanted to push the person away, he heard a series of undisguised low smiles from the man in the neck socket.

Pleasant, relaxed, content... It turns out that laughter can convey so many emotions.

Zhu Tong laughed so hard that his body felt as if he had been electrocuted, numb.

But inexplicably also infected, Zhu Tong's nervous mood relaxed, and there was a little clear excitement.

Because Shao Ming is happy, he is also happy.

Zhu Tongxiang: So he likes Shao Ming so much?

Shao Ming laughed enough, and said in his ear: "Just say what you said just now."

Zhu Tong said stunned: "What?"

Shao Ming: "Say you like me."


He was speechless.

But he didn't say it, Shao Ming acted as a demon on him, the hand around his waist moved up, and the kiss fell on his neck.

The neck is a sensitive area, Zhu Tong couldn't help shrinking, Shao Ming turned to kiss his ear, to the earlobe, and then to the cheek... It was like a chicken pecking rice.

A soft kiss fell on the corner of his lips, and Zhu Tong said nervously, "What are you doing..."

Shao Ming's voice was soft: "Kiss you, don't you like it?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

Quite like.

Staring at Shao Ming's bright smiling face, just when Zhu Tong couldn't help but fall, a beep sounded.

"Congratulations to the host for getting Bai Yueguang's favorability +5%, and the current favorability is 75%."


Young Master Zhu's bewildered head sobered up instantly, he regained his spirits, covered Shao Ming's mouth and said, "I have something to show you."

Shao Ming let him cover his mouth and said, "Is it important?"

Zhu Tong nodded and said, "It's very important."

Shao Ming raised his eyebrows slightly.

He pulled Zhu Tong's hand away, pecked him firmly on the lips, released him and said, "Let's see then."

Zhu Tong withdrew his hand and squeezed his hot palm behind him. He missed Shao Ming's shoulder and looked into the hotel room.

Shao Ming followed his gaze and turned his head, smiled slyly, and said in a low voice, "Are you going to watch it on the bed?"

Zhu Tong was stunned for a moment, his face flushed quickly, and he shook his head hastily: "No... No, I want to ask you if you have a computer here?"

Shao Ming: "Computer?"

"Well." Zhu Tong nodded: "I asked Dr. Johnson to send some reports."

Hearing the word "doctor", Shao Ming was startled.

Zhu Tong did not explain.

Since it can't be done overnight, he can always lay the groundwork slowly, right?

Let's start with the report of his recovery.


The author has something to say:

Thank you to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-11-28 17:08:11~2021-11-2916:02:57~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: deep is one deep;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigates the nutrient solution: I don’t want to get up today 50 bottles; 28 bottles of empty number; 10 bottles of W.W.; 6 bottles of small matches for girls; ; 3 bottles of red jasmine; 555691051 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!