Chapter 70: hotel

The latest inspection results came in quickly.

In the hotel room, there was a small table for afternoon tea in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, and two people sat in front of a laptop.

Shao Ming slid the mouse and carefully looked at the inspection results one after another.

There are two duplicates of the same inspection result, but not at the same time.

At first Shao Ming was a little unbelievable when he saw these inspection reports, but the different time points above helped the doctor to confirm Zhu Tong's condition and further proved the authenticity of these results.

Zhu Tong whispered beside him: "I said I'm in good health now, I didn't lie to you."

Shao Ming looked up from the computer screen, turned to look at him, moved his lips, but didn't say a word.

The current inspection results, and the one that Jiang Wan sent him before, don't seem to belong to one person at all.

To be more precise, it is impossible for such two test results to appear in one person at all.

Shao Ming's first reaction was that Jiang Wan lied to him.

But Jiang Wan had no reason to forge a test result to deceive him.

And there are also Zhu Tong's own words.

Shao Ming looked at Zhu Tong for a while, and said in a dry voice, "You... what do you mean when you say you can't stay with me for a long time?"

Isn't this acknowledging his previous sentence, "intend to go with the flow and die at any time"?

If it's already healed, why say such things.

Zhu Tong said: "What I said is possible."


Maybe not for long, maybe...

No matter how smart Shao Ming is, he is completely confused at this moment.

How could a person suffering from all kinds of diseases be so completely cured in two months?

Shao Ming couldn't help but said, "What's going on with your body?"


Zhu Tongben wanted to perfunctory and said that he didn't know, but after thinking about it, he swallowed it back, and said directly: "I have been in bad health since I was a child, and I have always been ill for no reason, and all kinds of diseases are also strange. I was hospitalized, I couldn't even blow the wind, I would bleed if I touched it, the doctor said that my immune system was just a decoration, and I don't know how many times the critical illness notification was issued... But now you can see it, I am alive and well, my body Really good."

Shao Ming: "You..."

"I know you think this is very strange." Zhu Tong interrupted him and continued: "I don't know how to explain some things to you, and I can't tell you for the time being. I'll show you the inspection report and tell you these, just I want to tell you that I'm really fine now, you don't have to worry about my body, I can assure you that until the start of the third year of high school, there will be no more problems with my body, really."

Zhu Tong looked at him sincerely.

Shao Ming was stunned and did not speak for a long time.

Zhu Tong was already very nervous, but seeing him like this made him even more nervous.

His hand on his lap clenched slowly.

Really don't believe it?

Also, how can normal people believe such a fantasy thing so easily.

He lowered his head again, thinking about how to ease the atmosphere, when the light and shadow dimmed in front of him, Shao Ming suddenly approached him and said, "Zhu Tong."

Suddenly being called his name so bluntly, Zhu Tong was stunned for a moment.

Are you trying to say he's talking nonsense?

Then he was taken into his arms by Shao Ming, and said in his ear, "You have a way to live, don't you?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

How did this conclusion come to be?

But he was even more surprised: "You believe me?"

Shao Ming said: "You can trust me, why can't I trust you?"

Zhu Tong choked for a moment, thinking, can this be the same?

Shao Ming asked again, "You haven't answered me yet."


Zhu Tong hesitated: "I'm not 100% sure."

Shao Ming wrapped his arms around him tightly: "How can I help you?"

Please like me more.

Such a sentence suddenly popped into Zhu Tong's mind.

He couldn't help but smile, "You just trust me."

Shao Ming released him again.

The two looked at each other.

Shao Ming looked at Zhu Tong's rosy face. He remembered that when school started, Zhu Tong was a "sick beauty" widely rumored in the school. When he saw Zhu Tong, he thought at first sight that she was indeed a sick beauty.

At that time, Zhu Tong's face was ill, his complexion was cold and white, and his complexion was very poor.

Later, I often contacted each other and got tired of being together every day. The subtle changes are not easy to detect. When I noticed it, it was already "suddenly aware".

But thinking about it now, not only Zhu Tong's various test results, but just looking at Zhu Tong, he will feel that he is completely different from when he first transferred.

Does Zhu Tong believe him? It must be unbelievable.

But if you don't believe it, how can you explain the problem of checking the results?

More importantly, if there is really hope, why not try to catch it?

Thinking that he had raised his hand, the palm of his hand rubbed against Zhu Tong's face, a real and warm touch, he suddenly smiled and said, "Well, I believe you."


Zhu Tong's face was hot for a while, and he didn't know whether it was because of Shao Ming's sudden serious words, or because of the hand he put on his face.

He suddenly remembered something, ignored Shao Ming's hand, raised his head and said, "By the way, my illness... How did you know?"

Shao Ming stroked the hand on his earlobe.

Zhu Tong looked at him and blinked.

Jiang Wan said that before Shao Ming asked her for a medical record, he had never met her.

Shao Ming took the initiative to contact her this time, with a clear goal, and he definitely didn't ask because of curiosity.

So before he found Jiang Wan, he must have known something.

Shao Ming seemed to have thought of something unpleasant, so he frowned and said, "Xia Yang told me."

Zhu Tong said in surprise: "Xia Yang? Why did he tell you this?"

Shao Ming looked at him meaningfully.

Zhu Tong suddenly felt guilty.

He knew what Shao Ming wanted to say, and he definitely wanted to say: If others don't say it, are you planning to never tell me?

Zhu Tong lowered his head again and said weakly, "I didn't hide it from you on purpose."

Shao Ming said: "Well, you just didn't say it."

Zhu Tong: "…"

Well, he deliberately didn't tell the truth, because he didn't want to be worried and felt it was unnecessary.

Anyway, within the mission period, as long as his favorability doesn't drop, there shouldn't be a big problem with his body.

Of course, the kind caused by external forces does not count.

Who would have thought that favorability would really plummet?

And he didn't know that Shao Ming liked him before, let alone that Shao Ming would be sad...

Zhu Tong coughed again and changed the subject: "Then why did Xia Yang tell you this?"

To make Shao Ming feel sorry for him?

Impossible, Xia Yang would not be so kind.

Several times of tit-for-tat, Xia Yang doesn't hate him to the bone now, even if it is good.

Shao Ming looked at Zhu Tong and said, "He told me that you are dying."

Zhu Tong: "…"

Is this cursing him?

No, why did Xia Yang tell Shao Ming that he was dying?

How did he know?

His critical illness has always been a thorn in my grandfather's heart. He will not let the hospital publicize his condition. When people mention the young master of the Zhu family, they will only say that he is not in good health. Even he used to be in school. Some people called him a short-lived ghost behind his back, and it was just because of dissatisfaction with him, malicious speculation and nonsense.

If Jiang Wanhui knew that she was in control of the Jiang family and had the ability to investigate, and Qin Junhong "disclosed", how did Xia Yang know?

He also asked his father to check?

Let Xia Weiyi check his illness? Not impossible.

After all, Xia Weiyi had just found out that there was a connection between him and Uncle Liu, so it was not surprising to investigate him. He even greeted him at the banquet before.

Zhu Tong thought about it for a long time, but even if things made sense, he always felt that there was something strange.

He didn't want to think about it clearly, so he looked at Shao Ming and said, "Then what else did he say?"

Shao Ming said truthfully: "He said that I was just a tool you were unwilling to use before you died and wanted to use it to realize your self-worth, so I didn't like you anymore."

Zhu Tong glared slightly and said, "How could he know that you like..."

Shao Ming squeezed his face and said, "Everyone knows it, only you don't."


Zhu Tong said dryly: "How could I know, you didn't tell me."

Shao Ming smiled lightly: "If I had said it earlier, would you have promised me earlier?"

Well... it's really hard to say.

Zhu Tong did not confirm his intention until he returned to City A. If he had said it earlier, he might have been confused.

Zhu Tong thought for a while, and smiled: "I don't know if I will agree, but I will definitely not refuse you."

Shao Ming is so good, even if he is still at a loss, he will definitely not refuse cruelly.

But if that's the case, isn't he a bit scumbag?

As he was thinking about it, his ears were suddenly pinched slightly.

Zhu Tong raised his head suspiciously.

Shao Ming said hoarsely, "Don't tease me, or you might not be allowed to go back today."

Zhu Tong: "!"

When did he tease?

Saying that, Shao Ming had already leaned over, pressed his forehead against his forehead, and clasped the back of his head with his hands: "Is your body really healthy?"

Zhu Tong was a little embarrassed, but he was reluctant to push him away. He blinked and said, "It's really good."

Shao Ming said: "Then can I check it?"


Zhu Tong said stunned: "How to check?"

Shao Ming smiled, "How did the doctor check? Do you want to take off your clothes?"


The originally heavy atmosphere completely collapsed because of the last sentence, this person didn't even care about him seriously.

Zhu Tong blushed and pushed him: "I'm going back, Brother Xiao Lin is still waiting for me downstairs."

Xiao Lin was the driver arranged for him by Uncle Liu.

Shao Ming hugged him and said, "Really want to leave? I came all the way to City A to find you, so will you stay with me for a while? How cruel, young master."

Zhu Tong looked down at the hands that were already wrapped around his waist, and then looked at Shao Ming's face that was pretending to be aggrieved but getting closer, his heartbeat could not help speeding up, thinking: Who the **** is this teasing?

He swallowed his throat, barely grabbed his reason and said, "Didn't you come to participate in the math competition?"

Shao Ming said: "If you don't participate in the competition, how can you skip class openly?"


So you think the competition is just "by the way", so you didn't tell him?

Did Shao Ming come to City A for him?

Zhu Tong's sanity almost flew away again, and he said in a daze: "Then... how was the result of the game?"

Shao Ming raised his eyebrows and said, "Guess."

I don't need to guess, Zhu Tong knows that he will definitely win.

He smiled: "The teacher is so happy now."

It should be that the school leaders are all overjoyed.

Shao Ming skipped class for the competition and to win glory for the school, and he skipped class because his body was too weak.

Zhu Tong couldn't help but feel a little frustrated, but when he thought that someone as good as Shao Ming would like him, he quickly thought about it.

If someone likes it, it means that he also has merit, right?

"Then when are you going to go back?"

It wasn't long after he left, but Zhu Tong felt that he missed the homestays in the small county, the daily life of "going out early and returning late", the noodles that Shao Ming made for him, and the ones that he could drink at the milk tea shop every weekend. Cup of pudding sago.

Speaking of which, he skipped classes for so long without any reason, and the school didn't even call to urge him to go back to school.

Did Grandpa let someone call the school?

Shao Ming saw that his "returning heart is like an arrow" and couldn't help smiling, "It may be two days away, and there is a rematch, and you can go back when it's over."

The mathematics competition that Shao Ming participated in was not a formal high school mathematics league, but a competition organized by private companies out of hobby.

Zhu Tong didn't know much about the process of these competitions, so he nodded and said, "It's just that I'll find Xiaoxin tomorrow."

I don't know if she is in a better mood.

He used the word "exactly", causing Shao Ming to squint his eyes and whispered, "And just happened to go back with me?"

Zhu Tong really thought so. He was thinking about Xiao Xin, but he didn't realize the dangerous atmosphere in Shao Ming's words. He asked blankly, "Is it inconvenient?"

The students who came to participate in the competition seemed to all go with the city team.

If Shao Ming also wants to follow the team, it is really inconvenient for him to follow.

Shao Ming: "…"

He felt very helpless to Young Master Zhu's nerves that were still thick even after he was enlightened.

"No, I'm happy."

Nothing inconvenient.

Very convenient.

It has to be convenient.

Zhu Tong suddenly smiled.

At the Cheng family villa at this time, Mr. Cheng had just held a video conference in the company's connection abroad before he came back. Now he is listening to someone in the study report on what he had investigated some time ago.

On the day that Zhu Tong helped people block the knife, Cheng Qingsong appeared outside the cafe who seemed to have nothing to do with the stabbing incident.

"The person who met Shao Ming outside the cafe was a former secretary of Xia Weiyi, who is now the vice president of a branch in City E, and according to our investigation, Xia Weiyi has been contacted by that person named Shao Ming more than once. Boy, it's just that Shao Ming's attitude has always been indifferent, at the banquet hosted by Mr. Liu today, Jiang Wan also mentioned that Shao Ming helped her grab a big project from Xia Weiyi."


Cheng Qingsong knew that Shao Ming's stepfather was not an ordinary high school student when he found out that Shao Ming's stepfather committed the murder outside the cafe.

He was young and had a tough temperament. At the age of twelve, he dared to rebel against his stepfather, contacting the police and sending him to prison.

In the few years of junior high and high school, he took the exams, and he was almost always the first on the published list.

For these alone, he is already a rare talent.

He also united with the Jiang family and let Xia Weiyi succumb in his hands.

An immature high school student in a remote county, with no family background or background, it is hard to imagine how he did it.

Cheng Qingsong initially admired this child because of his excellence and caring for Tongtong, but now he feels that this child even surprised him.

If you can cultivate it, it may become a big boost for the company's long-term development in the future.

There is also Tongtong's body. Although it is a little incredible, he intuitively believes that Tongtong's recovery may not have much to do with medicine.

Why did he insist on transferring schools?

What is the reason, Tongtong himself must be well aware of it.

He didn't want to say it, and he certainly had his own concerns.

But no matter what it is, everything is developing in a good direction. Tong Tong is in good health, mature, and has a cheerful personality. Even his friends are very good.

Cheng Qingsong was very pleased.

He said to the assistant next to him: "Continue to be watched, and if the child encounters any trouble, help him appropriately."

A Xia family is nothing to Cheng Qingsong, but to a high school student, it is a giant.

Dare to provoke the Xia family directly, it should not be as simple as "making money".

The assistant answered next to him, and Cheng Qingsong took another document to be processed. After reading it, he planned to sign it. On a whim, he asked casually, "What is the child doing now?"

The assistant suddenly remembered something and said, "Forgot to tell you, Young Master Tong just accompanied the child back to the hotel."

Mr. Cheng's strokes suddenly went wrong, leaving a long mark on the document where he signed his name.

Zhu Tong was "remind" by Xiao Lin downstairs, and then he remembered that he had to go home.

Shao Ming escorted him downstairs, but he started to get tired before leaving the room door.

"Do you really want to go?"

Shao Ming held him tightly.

Zhu Tong whispered: "I promised Uncle Liu to go back."

Shao Ming didn't plan to really force him to stay in the hotel, so he trapped him at the door and said, "You can go back, but did you forget something? My boyfriend."

The specially emphasized title made Zhu Tong stunned for a moment, and then his face turned slightly red.

Boy friend…

It turned out that after the confession, their relationship was no longer the same.

Now... a couple?

What should couples do before parting?

He doesn't understand.

So he honestly asked, "Forgot what?"

Shao Ming: "…"

Forget it, if he really wants to do something, he might really be reluctant to let people go.

He smiled, lowered his head and kissed Zhu Tong's forehead, released him and opened the door: "Let's go, I'll take you off."

Zhu Tong didn't move, he raised his head and touched the place where he had just been kissed on his forehead, then looked up at Shao Ming.

Shao Ming was amused by his somewhat stunned expression, and curved his lips: "What's wrong?"

Zhu Tong shook his head.

He seemed to know what he had forgotten.

He looked at the person who was close at hand, suddenly leaned forward, and quickly kissed Shao Ming on the lips.


Shao Ming's eyes widened slightly.

Zhu Tong had already turned around, his ears were all red, he opened the door with some urgency and said, "Let's go."

Shao Ming's heart skipped a beat, just as he was about to pull the person back, the door had already opened a gap between his palms, and someone just happened to pass by in the corridor, and when he saw the open door, he was surprised: "Hey, Shao Ming, you're back. ?"

As soon as the voice fell, the doors of the room were all opened, and the two people inside and outside the door were stunned at the same time.

Outside the door is a female student from City No. 1 Middle School in E City who came to the competition with Shao Ming. She met Shao Ming in the city's school league when she was a freshman in high school.

Seeing Shao Ming's door suddenly opened, the man wanted to say hello, but it was not Shao Ming who came out of the room first, and he was stunned.

Zhu Tong had a strange sense of shame that his affair was smashed on the spot, and the whole person froze at the door of the room.

Shao Ming was very generous, he directly held his hand and looked at the people in the corridor: "Well, it's been a while since I came back. I'll go down and be back soon."


The girl responded quickly, and immediately said, "Ah? Oh, well, go ahead."

Shao Ming nodded, pulled Zhu Tong and turned towards the elevator door.

Zhu Tong blushed, and was dragged away by Shao Ming like a puppet. He didn't even know when Shao Ming inserted his hand between his fingers.

The people in the corridor watched the two of them walking and suddenly clasped their fingers together, and their excited expressions gradually could not be concealed.

She snapped out her phone and snapped a quick picture.

Tsk tsk, actually brought my boyfriend to the hotel.

The **** of learning is worthy of being the **** of learning, and it is hidden!

The girl looked at the two backs she took and sighed in her heart: It's a **** perfect match!


The author has something to say:

The perspective card will be used soon and will have a great effect.

Tongtong thought it was useless, so I forgot about it for the time being_(:з」∠)_

Thank you to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-11-29 16:02:57~2021-11-3016:25:31~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: Hehe, you have two faces;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 10 bottles of Wen Susu, Qing, Hongling, Chonghua, and pupil; 5 bottles of Summer Rain and Hongjasm; 2 bottles of Nuan Nuan;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!