Chapter 71: perspective

Coming out of the hotel elevator, Zhu Tong couldn't help but turn his head, and said with some worry, "The one outside the door just now..."

Shao Ming squeezed his hand and asked, "Which one?"

Zhu Tong turned his head to look at him.

The smile on Shao Ming's face is the kind of smile that can be felt from the heart. Zhu Tong was stunned for a moment, thinking to himself: Shao Ming's smile is really better than his usual signature smile.

The two of them came out of the hotel room and were smashed by someone on the spot. That person was a classmate from the same city that Shao Ming participated in the competition with, but Shao Ming's reaction was that he was neither nervous nor worried, as if nothing happened.

Zhu Tong hesitated: "Your friend... will you misunderstand something?"

Shao Ming said again: "Misunderstanding?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

Oh, it's not a misunderstanding anymore.

They have already established a relationship.

He is now a "name" person.

"But we didn't do anything. If she thinks too much, will it be bad for you... will it be bad?"

Shao Ming is here to participate in the competition. What if there is one more of him in the room? Shao Ming won't be killed because of his reputation, right?

Just thinking about it, the person next to him suddenly chuckled and said, "I don't think much of it."

Zhu Tong said: "How do you know she didn't think too much?"

Shao Ming said: "I'm not saying she didn't think too much, I mean she didn't think too much, but she may be thinking a little bit ahead, and I haven't had time to do it."

He wanted to do it, but at the wrong time.

Zhu Tong was stunned.

I haven't had time to do it yet... What does Shao Ming want to do?

"And we don't seem to have done anything."

Shao Ming tilted his head suddenly and glanced at someone's lips that had not yet "faded", which was very meaningful.

Realizing where Shao Ming's sight fell, Zhu Tong was startled, the temperature on his face rose sharply, and he subconsciously wanted to stay away from Shao Ming, but the two of them clasped their hands tightly and couldn't pull it at all.

Zhu Tong suddenly understood why couples like to hold hands with their fingers intertwined—because they can hold them more firmly.

Shao Ming held him tightly, seeing his ears burning red, he comforted him skillfully: "You don't like me, but you want to dump me as soon as you accept the confession, young master, did you always give up so quickly? ?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

His hands that kept thinking about shrinking suddenly lost their strength.

He looked up at Shao Ming, and then quickly lowered his head and said, "No, no."

"Well, it's not good."

Shao Ming originally wanted to tease him, but he didn't pay attention. The two came from the elevator, passed the lobby on the first floor, and were about to go out through the revolving door. The hand that was about to break free suddenly tightened.

Zhu Tong suddenly said seriously: "I will not abandon you forever."

Shao Ming: "…"

Shao Ming felt that his heartbeat suddenly skipped a beat.

He was stunned for a while, then suddenly laughed: "Young master, you are too cunning."

Zhu Tong: "What?"

He was just afraid that Shao Ming would think too much, how could he be cunning?

Shao Ming's eyes darkened slightly, "What if I want to kiss you now?"


Zhu Tong was suddenly surprised.

He looked at the hotel lobby. There was a young lady standing at the front desk. Outside the revolving door was a brightly lit city night scene. Although no one could be seen now, someone might come in at any time.

it's here?

When he was flustered, Shao Ming took a deep breath and said, "Don't say such things outside in the future."

The entrance of the hotel is too restrictive to his performance.

Before the young master asked innocently why, Shao Ming had already pulled him out through the revolving door.

Xiaolin had already driven the car outside the hotel.

Zhu Tong was almost stuffed into the back seat of the car by Shao Ming. It was really stuffed. "Goodbye, boyfriend."


I wish a child's heart beat.

Shao Ming once again used this different name to remind them of the different relationship between them.

At the beginning, there will be a little unreal feeling of erratic, little by little, Shao Ming pressed back to the ground, giving people a feeling that it should be like this, it should have been like this.

I wish the child a warm heart.

Shao Ming had already stood outside the car, and Zhu Tong couldn't call out that "boyfriend" as naturally as Shao Ming did, but simply said, "Goodbye."

Then he looked at the driver's seat in front of him.

Kobayashi is a good driver. He looks at his nose and nose and his heart. Even if there is a storm in his heart, he just pretends that he doesn't see anything.

When the car door was closed, Zhu Tong was still reminiscing about Shao Ming's "boyfriend".

He came to the hotel because he wanted to confirm the reason for his drop in favorability.

Before he came, he didn't expect that the relationship between the two would change so much, nor did he expect Shao Ming to believe his words so easily, but he didn't tell the whole story.

He didn't say anything about the system.

Shao Ming is a very cautious person. He seems to be very casual with everyone, but he actually buried his heart deeper than anyone else.

He is not so easy to open his heart to others.

It is because he really likes it that he speaks out what he likes.

If you say something that the system and favorability are not full, maybe he will misunderstand it because he doesn't like it enough...

Maybe it's good to keep it as a secret forever in my heart.

Thinking like this, he suddenly thought of something. Seeing the reference object that was already going backwards outside the window, Zhu Tong was startled and hurriedly said, "Brother Xiaolin, put the car back for a while."


Xiao Lin said: "Okay, young master."

Shao Ming was still standing at the entrance of the hotel, and was slightly surprised when he saw the car that had already driven out of the hotel suddenly back up.

The car stopped in front of him again.

Zhu Tong quickly unfastened his seat belt, pushed open the car door and got out of the car. He looked a little anxious. After getting out of the car and seeing Shao Ming, he was suddenly stunned.

Shao Ming smiled and said, "What's wrong?"

Zhu Tong is one thing that came to mind when I just thought of "secret".

He has secrets, and Shao Ming also has secrets.

Zhu Tong said hesitantly: "That... before returning to City A, you said you would tell me a secret when I go back... What is it?"


Shao Ming was slightly stunned: "You just returned the car for this?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

Yes, can he just ask with his cell phone?

Why do you have to have someone put the car back?

Where is his brain?

But now he really wanted to know.

Shao Ming couldn't help but smile, "Didn't I already tell you that secret?"

Zhu Tong said in shock: "Tell me? When?"

Shao Ming looked at his lips and smiled without saying a word.

Zhu Tong suddenly understood something, and with a bang in his head, he hurriedly said, "I see, I... I'm leaving."

He got back into the car and slammed the door shut.

This time the car drove straight out of the hotel and never came back.

Shao Ming stood there, raised his lips, took out his mobile phone and sent him a message.

[Shao]: Today's words, originally planned to wait for you to go back to tell you.

[Shao]: Because I want you to come back early, I hang you with a secret.

[Shao]: Actually, it's not a secret.

[Shao]: Zhu Tong, I like you.

From the moment the phone vibrated for the first time, Zhu Tong was already looking at the phone.

He looked at the messages that popped up one by one in the chat window, and the vibration of the phone seemed to be shaking in his heart.

His heart was turbulent, and words that he had not been able to say well before seemed to be easier to express in words.

He held the phone and typed a reply with both hands.

[Wish]: I love you too.

After posting, he turned off the phone, his face was slightly hot, but his heart was relaxed and calm.

He rolled down the car window a little, and the cold wind rushed in instantly.

The street lights outside the window are bright, all kinds of lights, all kinds of colors of light, as if even the shadows in people's hearts can be dispelled, leaving only openness.

The corners of Zhu Tong's lips kept rising, but he felt that the cool wind blowing on his face had a faint sweetness.

Outside the hotel, Shao Ming looked at a few heart-pounding words displayed on his mobile phone, raised his lips, but did not rush back to the hotel.

He looked up at the direction where Zhu Tong left.

He had never thought before that he would one day believe in some illusory things.

Since I was a child, I didn’t rely on it, and I couldn’t even rely on the things that exist in reality. How could I believe in illusory things?

But the person Zhu Tong seemed to be unusual from the first time he appeared in front of him.

Can't talk about self-help? What will it be?

Is it about him?

Shao Ming's thin lips pursed slightly, and before he could think of anything, the phone rang.

When he decided to come to City A, he knew that he would not be peaceful here.

The person who wants to bind him with his family, wants to take advantage of him, and wants to control him, after seeing Zhu Tong protecting him at the banquet, will intensify his efforts to disturb him.

Ignoring it all the time won't solve the problem.

Shao Ming watched the phone keep ringing, and pressed answer before hanging up automatically.

The person on the phone was straight to the point, and the tone was arrogant: "Do you want to be with Zhu Tong? I can help you."

Shao Ming raised his eyebrows and said, "Oh? How can I help?"

"When you come back, I'll give you the identity of being the right match for him."

Shao Ming smiled and said: "It sounds good, then how do you plan to make my illegitimate son match him?"

The person on the phone paused for breath and said solemnly, "Who told you that you were an illegitimate child, you..."

After a while, the man said again: "I only give you three days to consider, whether it is Zhu Shoushan or Liu Jianbai, in your current status, in their eyes, you are not even an ant, if they know about you and Zhu Tong Relationship, you won't even have the chance to get close to him again, you can do it yourself."

After he finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

Shao Ming sneered at the phone that ended the call.

Well done for yourself? Good.

Does this mean that you have finally grasped his handle, and you can pinch him?

But he didn't come to City A just to be pranked.

He casually put away the phone, turned around and walked into the revolving door.

Zhu Tong finally returned to his grandfather's house and called Uncle Liu on the way.

When I went back, it was rare for my grandfather not to be at home or busy with work in the study upstairs, but to drink tea at the tea table in the yard.

Sitting in the yard drinking tea on a late autumn night? Is not It Cold?

Zhu Tong turned his feet in the yard directly into the house, walked over and said, "Grandpa."

Cheng Qingsong knew when the car entered the gate that he was back, so he waited for his grandson to come over to "please say goodbye" to him.

There is no color to make the wisdom faint, the eyes do not turn to ignore him, this lonely old man, um, it is good.

Is the person in front of him overjoyed?

Cheng Qingsong said, "Well, are you back?"

Zhu Tong nodded and sat down beside him.

A servant came over next to him, ready to pour tea for him, Zhu Tong waved his hand and said, "No, I'm not thirsty."

Cheng Qingsong quietly looked at his expression.

Zhu Tong is wearing a thin layer today, a white T-shirt with a corduroy jacket. It may be fine during the day, but it will definitely feel cold at night.

Zhu Tong can't be frozen in the cold. In the past, even if others didn't pay attention, he would also be cautious, and he basically didn't go out at night.

Today, he sat with him in the yard with the evening wind.

Is it because he used to be introverted and now he has become cheerful and is willing to open his heart to communicate with his grandfather?

If not, it means that he is aware of his physical condition and is no longer afraid of the cold.

Cheng Qingsong looked at it without a trace, and said softly: "If you are not thirsty, drink a little to warm your body, it is cold outside."

Zhu Tong: "…"

You know it's cold and still sit outside drinking tea?

Cheng Qingsong motioned to the maid to pour a cup of tea for Zhu Tong. Seeing that he took it and drank it, he asked, "Where did you go after the banquet?"

The sip of tea Zhu Tong just sipped almost choked in his throat.

He raised his head blankly.

Does Grandpa really not know or is it fake?

Brother Xiaolin didn't tell Uncle Liu, didn't Uncle Liu tell Grandpa?

It may also be that my grandfather's "daily management" didn't have time to ask, right?

Zhu Tong was inexplicably embarrassed, but he didn't lie, "I went to a hotel at the same table with me. The hotel they participated in the math competition was arranged by the teacher, and I went to take a look." should not be said for the time being.

It will scare the grandfather.

Zhu Tong took another sip of tea with a guilty conscience.

Cheng Qingsong said: "At the same table, is that the child who was with you at the banquet today?"

Zhu Tong nodded and said, "Yes."

Cheng Qingsong picked up the teacup and tasted the tea, and said casually: "He can come to participate in the math competition in City A, and his grades should be very good, right?"

Zhu Tong's eyes brightened, "Well, he has good grades. He is the first in every exam in our school. After I transferred, my grades improved. He helped me a lot."


Speaking of the same table, Zhu Tong's mental state is obviously different.

What kind of eyesight does Mr. Cheng have? Does this seem wrong?

"Really?" Cheng Qingsong said: "Since this is the case, everyone has come to City A, is there a chance to invite someone to sit at home?"

Zhu Tong's excited look suddenly froze.

Invite someone to come home? too fast?

He hasn't told Shao Ming about his family!

"...Wait for a chance." Zhu Tong said: "He is about to participate in the semi-finals. After the test, we will go back to class. We don't have time to play."

Cheng Qingsong said sharply: "Go back after the exam? You also took the exam?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

Zhu Tong responded quickly: "No, I'll go see Xiao Xin tomorrow, and go back with him by the way... By the way, grandpa, at the school, did you extend the vacation for me?"

It's pretty quick to change the subject.

Mr. Cheng didn't say anything, and said: "Well, let someone tell your principal, you don't have to rush back to school."

Seeing that he didn't ask any more questions, Zhu Tong breathed a sigh of relief, and continued drinking tea: "It's better to go back early, if you don't go back to the class, you won't be able to keep up."

Cheng Qingsong also knew the results of Zhu Tong's several exams after transferring to another school. He said with relief: "It's good to be motivated, but you must also pay attention to your health."

Zhu Tong smiled and nodded: "I see."

The grandfather and grandson talked for a while in the yard, and Zhu Tongcai went back to his room.

After washing up, he lay on the bed, pulled out the system interface, and stared at the progress bar above in a daze.

The value is 75%, which is already more than half of the length on the progress bar.

It is difficult for him to discuss the progress bar with Shao Ming, but fortunately he still has a small companion with him.

It's just that this little friend has been a little weird recently.

Zhu Tong picked out an opening remark at random and said, "I'm with Shao Ming."

The system said: "I know."

Zhu Tong said again: "I am with Bai Yueguang."

System: "I know."

Zhu Tong: "…"

"Why aren't you surprised at all?"

The system said: "I see the progress of the two of you from beginning to end, why should I be surprised?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

So reasonable.

But the progress bar is only 75%.

Isn't that something to be surprised about?

Zhu Tong asked: "Do you know why the progress bar is not full?"

System: "I don't know, but although favorability is a very subjective thing, it can easily be affected by objective factors."


Zhu Tong was silent for a moment, "What do you mean?"

The system said: "For example, you fainted this time because your favorability dropped sharply. The reason for the drop was because Bai Yueguang was very sad. He knew about your condition. This is an objective factor, and the favorability was fluctuating. It's not the first time this has happened."

"Not the first time? Why don't I know?"

System: "Because I wasn't sure what the reason was at the time, and the main system didn't punish it, I didn't tell you."

Zhu Tong frowned.

Favorability fluctuates, why?

Zhu Tong: "When did this happen?"

The system retrieved the records and showed him: "The first time was when he took you back to the hotel, the second time was when you asked him for a math problem, and the other time was during the National Day holiday. After going back."

Zhu Tong: "…"

Are there any factors that can cause the favorability to fluctuate at these three time points?

Zhu Tong recalled it carefully, but he didn't even remember what happened at these points in time.

The most outrageous is the second time, he asked for a math problem, why is Shao Ming still swaying?

Should he ask Shao Ming to help him recall?

Zhu Tong is eager to try with his mobile phone.

At this time, the system suddenly said: "If you really don't understand, should the host find some reference objects? Maybe you can have a clue."

Zhu Tong said blankly, "What reference are you looking for?"

System: "The host still has an unused perspective card."

Zhu Tong: "Perspective..."

He stopped abruptly.

Yes, after the battle with Xia Yang on the racecourse, the system rewarded him with a perspective card. You can check the details of Bai Yueguang's favorability to others. When the favorability exceeds 60%, this card has been unlocked.

He had completely forgotten about it.

The system asks: "Does the host want to use it?"

Zhu Tong said decisively, "Use it."

A mechanical sound rang out: "The host please designate a supporting character related to Bai Yueguang."

The first relevant person, of course, has to choose the person who is closest to Shao Ming.

Zhu Tong chose Shao Yujie.

Shao Yujie's face appeared on the system interface in front of him, and soon showed the favorability value: 20%.

Zhu Tong: "…"

"Did you have a bug?"

The system was silent, "If it's not between mother and son, there must be a high value of favorability. If it were you and your dad now, how much favorability would you have toward him?"


Zhu Tong suddenly remembered the day when Qiu Shaoping came to the door, Shao Yujie watched Shao Ming take a half step back after he had beaten someone.

Rosso's face appeared on the interface, and the value quickly showed: 30%.


Zhu Tong: "…"

I'm afraid this is not a waste card!


The author has something to say:

Thank you to the little angel who voted or irrigated nutrient solution for me during 2021-11-3016:25:31~2021-12-0116:30:53~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 20 bottles of juicy rabbit; 15 bottles of Bihanyue; 10 bottles of momo; 5 bottles of Nuan Nuan; 3 bottles of Hongjas;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!