Chapter 72: Express

Zhu Tong didn't know what Shao Ming's feelings for his parents were. Judging from his few contacts, the relationship between mother and son is indeed not as harmonious and casual as that of mother and son in ordinary families. It's like... something is missing. .

But Shao Ming also said a few words to him, saying that his mother would apply medicine to him when he was injured, and would gently blow on his wound when he was afraid of pain.

This is what Shao Ming told him when he was giving him medicine.

Even if Shao Yujie took the initiative to distance herself from Shao Ming later, which resulted in a drop in her favorability, the 20% value was actually a bit low.

And Rosso.

The relationship between Luo Suo and Shao Ming is well-known in the school. On the first day of Zhu Tong's transfer, apart from paying attention to the mission objectives, the only two things that caught his attention were Yuan Shaozhou, who found fault, and Luo Suo, who spoke for him.

Rosso is loyal and cheerful. He is a very likable sunny boy. Every time we eat together outside of school, he chats next to him, which makes people unconsciously relax, and the atmosphere can be said to be very pleasant.

Shao Ming gets along with him more naturally and casually than others.

But Shao Ming's favorability value for him was only 30%.

Zhu Tongxiang: His own favorability for Rosso is more than that, okay?

Is Shao Ming being too insincere to his friends?

"Do you want to watch a few more, host?"

I wish Tongyi thought the same, the more reference objects, the more data available for analysis.

He looked at Lu Zheyu again.

Lu Zheyu: 30%.

With Rosso's buffer, Zhu Tong was not too surprised to see Lu Zheyu's value.

He wanted to check Shao Ming's other friends again, and suddenly paused.

Shao Ming's other friends... Does he have any other friends?

Shao Ming is very popular in the class, and he can chat with anyone. When playing basketball in physical education class, he is always the first person invited by the boys, and the girls often ask him questions.

But think about it carefully, among those who played with Shao Ming, did Shao Ming have any close contacts?

As if... none of them.

Zhu Tong suddenly caught something. Instead of looking for Shao Ming's "friends", he found a few people he was impressed by based on his own impressions.

The values ​​are displayed one by one on the system interface.

Shi Wenshu: 10%.

Tang Nuan: 10%.

Zou Ling (representative of physics class): 2%.

Chinese class representative: 0.

Tian Man: -5%.

Qiu Shaoping: -30%.

Zhu Tong: "…"


He shouldn't say that Shao Ming is not sincere to his friends. In contrast, the 30% value should not be too sincere!

So what is his current 75%?

Zhu Tong gradually blushed.


Seeing that the host was suddenly silent and even moved, the system coughed and said, "It seems that Bai Yueguang's favorability score for others is generally very low."

Zhu Tong also saw it.

Not only are the people who like it low, but even the people who hate it are not high.

Zhu Tong's impression of Tian Man is a subjective assumption. He likes to make irresponsible remarks and take other people's pain points as a joke. A girl with bad views and low emotional intelligence should have at least -20% if his favorability is numerical. .

But Shao Ming is only -5% to her.

For Shao Ming, Qiu Shaoping should be the person he hates deeply, but his disgust value is only 30%.

Is it because Qiu Shaoping has been imprisoned again, he has achieved the purpose of venting, so the disgust value has dropped?

But being tortured since childhood, the resentment that has accumulated over the years is impossible to disappear so easily.

If it's not someone else's reason, it's Shao Ming's own reason.

Shao Ming's own reason... Zhu Tong frowned.

What kind of person can be so low whether he likes or hates it.

A cold-hearted person.

Because they don't easily develop feelings, and because they don't care about anyone, they don't like or hate.

But is Shao Ming a cool person?


Zhu Tong still remembers that after fighting Qiu Shaoping, he went back to the homestay from the milk tea shop. Shao Ming pretended to be nothing on the surface, but he actually cared about it.

He cares about the attitudes and opinions of others towards him.

That night, Shao Ming hugged him at the door of the room and said, "Don't be afraid of me." At that time, the person who was afraid was obviously Shao Ming himself.

He is afraid that others will treat him as a monster, that others will fear him and alienate him.

He's not a person without feelings, but... the feelings he gave received too little response, so he stopped being candid about his feelings.

is that so?

Zhu Tong suddenly felt a thorn in his heart, as if he was stabbed by a fine soft thorn.

What kind of little bitter gourd is this?

Being abused by his stepfather, he mustered up the courage to resist, and helped those close to him to be liberated, and he became a person who continued to be feared.

So his favorability is not at full value now, is it because his response to Shao Ming is not enough?

Thinking that Zhu Tong had picked up the phone and looked at the chat records of the two.

The last two sentences are two people's mutual confession.

Response...he has already given it.

Is there any other reason?

He thought about it and sent a message to Shao Ming in a confused way.

Then the phone vibrated violently, and a video call came.

Zhu Tong was startled, and almost didn't hold the phone steady. He glanced at the screen requesting a video call, quickly checked the closed door, sat up from the bed, tugged at his hair, and then cautiously pressed the answer.

As soon as the screen of the mobile phone turned, a face in front of the camera appeared in front of him, that is, Shao Ming's face value, otherwise he would have to scare people to death like this.

Shao Ming said, "I didn't sleep, I just took a shower."

Zhu Tong suddenly remembered the message he had just sent to Shao Ming, asking him if he had slept.

He held the phone nervously.

He rarely makes videos with others like this, especially the person opposite is Shao Ming.

Shao Ming had just finished taking a shower, his hair was not dry, and it was hanging on his face wetly.

He had nothing to say: "I'm faster than you, I'm already lying down."

He leaned against the head of the bed, with a thick pillow behind him. The dark pillow made his skin paler and paler, and the whole figure resembled a delicate porcelain doll trapped in a silk brocade box.

Shao Ming's eyes darkened slightly, his lips curved and he said with a smile: "It seems that I have to speed up in the future and try to wash it with you, so that I don't miss the time when I'm tired of being with you."

Zhu Tong: "…"

They are not together, what are you tired of?

He looked at the people in the video, and the people in the video were also looking at him. Because they were focused on the screen, they didn't look at the camera, so they couldn't "look at each other".

But Zhu Tong could see that Shao Ming's eyes were on his face.

It feels amazing.

In the video, a drop of water slowly condensed on the bangs that Shao Ming lifted from his forehead and fell on his temples.

Zhu Tong's heart skipped a beat, reminding him, "You... your hair hasn't been blown yet."

Shao Ming said casually: "Hair is not as important as you."

Zhu Tong: "…"

It was like honey suddenly stuck in his throat, a little sweet, and it also affected his speech a little: "Blow'll catch a cold."

Shao Ming said: "What should I do if I don't want to hang up the video?"

Zhu Tong hurriedly said: "I won't hang up, just blow it."

Shao Ming raised his eyebrows in the video: "Really?"

Zhu Tong nodded seriously.

He was holding the phone and really didn't intend to hang up.

There is nothing else to do anyway, it's fine to wait a while, and it's Shao Ming in the video, and he also finds it very interesting to watch Shao Ming blow his hair.

However, the idea did not last long.

I saw the person in the video suddenly took the phone far away, the angle of view was infinitely widened, and the naked color caught the eye, and Zhu Tong suddenly suffocated.

Shao Ming took something and placed his mobile phone on the bedside table. He bent down and stood up. The camera shot from the close neck to the bottom, the **** Adam's apple clavicle, to the smooth line of the pectoral and abdominal muscles.

Zhu Tong's brain was instantly congested, his fingers tapped on the screen, and he pressed the red hang up button several times.

Shao Ming just put the phone away, and before he could get the towel and hairdryer, he only heard a beep, and the video call was over.


He called back and was quickly hung up again.

Tried it a few times and got stuck in seconds.

Shao Ming was helpless and could only ask by typing.

[Shao]: Young master, are you so untrustworthy?

As soon as he said he would not hang up, he ended the call in a blink of an eye and refused to answer.

Zhu Tong quickly replied: Why don't you wear clothes!

Shao Ming looked down and suddenly realized something, and his heart tightened.

[Shao]: Did I cause you to have a nosebleed?

Zhu Tong:…

Zhu Tongben's heart was beating endlessly, and when he saw the new message, he blushed to the point of exploding.

[Wish]: No.

[Zhu]: I don't have nosebleeds now.

Shao Ming: …

It should be really okay to be able to reply so quickly.

So... just shy?

Shao Ming breathed a sigh of relief, but couldn't help but bend his lips again, and then asked knowingly.

[Shao]: Then why did you hang up on me?

Zhu Tong didn't know how to reply.

[Shao]: Are you shy? It's not that I haven't seen it.

[Shao]: What will you do in the future?

[Shao]: Boyfriend, your concentration, lack of exercise, do you need my help?

Zhu Tong:…

Looking at the messages popping up on the screen one by one, Zhu Tong couldn't help but reflect on himself while blushing and heartbeat.

Yes, they are both in a relationship, and now there will be no nosebleeds, what's the big deal about looking at the naked body?

Why did he hang up the video so fast?

But even if he hung up the video, he was still full of the pictures he had just seen, and it was even clearer than the last time he had a nosebleed, because this time it was taken from a close distance with a mobile phone camera!

Visual stimuli are not generally large.

Zhu Tong couldn't help covering his face with a pillow.

He is so useless.

After a while, he took the phone again, thought for a while and continued to reply.

[Wish]: I will try my best to adapt.

Shao Ming: …

If people are still by his side now, he will definitely help him to get used to it.

He had just wiped his hair with a towel, and it was no longer dripping or using the hairdryer.

Seeing the message from Zhu Tong, he was about to reply, but that person had already blocked his words.

[Wish]: I'm going to bed now, good night.

Shao Ming looked at the newly popped bubble frame and gritted his teeth lightly.

Well done, run away.

Just thinking about how to train him after he goes back, the person who said he was going to sleep was "spoofing" in the chat window again.

【Wish】: By the way, I wish you good luck in the semi-final exam.

Zhu Tong originally wanted to say cheer up, but after thinking about Shao Ming's achievements, he saved the sentence again.

Shao Ming smiled and replied, "Okay, go to sleep, good night."

If he doesn't sleep, he's afraid he won't be able to sleep tonight.

However, Young Master Zhu was unconscious.

After saying "good night", both of them tacitly held the mobile phone and did not let go. After about ten seconds, Shao Ming looked at the words displayed under the note: The other party is typing...

[Zhu]: Can you send me a voice?

[Shao]: Voice?

[Zhu]: Well, voice, whatever you say will do.

Shao Ming: …

Don't take his video, but ask him to send a voice?

Is this young master a graduate of the Professional Grinding Technical College?

What Zhu Tong thought was actually very simple, he just wanted to let Shao Ming know his true thoughts as much as possible.

As if he felt that the expression was not clear enough, he sent a few more messages.

【Zhu】: There is one thing I didn’t tell you. After returning to City A, I have not been able to sleep well. Every time you send me a voice message, I can sleep soundly that night.

[Zhu]: Actually, I have liked you for a long time.

As soon as Zhu Tong finished sending WeChat, he nervously squeezed his phone.

He stared at the screen of the mobile phone for a moment, and after waiting for a long time, he couldn't help but feel a little uneasy.

Are you blowing your hair, didn't you see it? Did you see it yet?

He was hesitating whether to withdraw the message or not, when a system prompt sounded in his mind: "Congratulations to the host for getting Bai Yueguang's favorability +3%, the current favorability is 78%."

Zhu Tong: "…"

So is he really not expressing enough?


The author has something to say:

In the next chapter, I will go back to the small county town, and then start my daily life without shame and shame. For the sake of favorability, Tongtong will take the initiative to attack!

Also, start to finish slowly!

Today is short because the sewers downstairs are renovated, the streets are shoveled, and the eardrums are damaged... It will be thicker and longer tomorrow.

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-12-0116:30:53~2021-12-0214:15:37~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 1 bottle of red jasmine;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!