Chapter 73: Roseau

Zhu Tong escaped the catastrophe that night because of two people living in two separate places. After the system indicated the progress, he waited for a while before he received a voice reply from Shao Ming.

"Good night, my little master."

It was similar to the speech he heard when he fell asleep in the few nights he just returned to City A, except that a personal pronoun was added before the special title.

Not knowing whether it was intentional or not, Shao Ming lowered his voice, which was a bit more provocative than the previous playfulness.

Zhu Tong heard his heart beat, and replied by typing: I really slept this time, good night.

Shao Ming didn't reply, he looked at the chat records of the two for a while, and changed the remarks that had not been touched.

Two days later, the competition Shao Ming and the others participated in ended the rematch. After Zhu Tong accompanied his sister for two days, on the second day after the competition, he flew back to City E with the competition team, and went back to Gongshui County by car together.

Lu Zheyu walked with them, but he slept almost from the beginning to the end. When he couldn't sleep, he saw some of Shao Ming's actions that crossed the line, and he just pretended not to see it.

Zhu Tong felt that Lu Zheyu might already know about him and Shao Ming.

After returning to Gongshui County, the contestants who participated in the competition first had to go back to school to report, and Zhu Tong also went back to school with him.

He had been away from school for a long time this time, and he was a little nervous when he entered the classroom.

In the past, when he returned to school after taking a leave of absence, he would always receive some strange glances. The classroom would become quiet because of his appearance, and then began to whisper about him.

The current school is different from the previous school, but Zhu Tong is still uneasy.

"What's the matter? Are you timid?"

Seeing him standing at the door of the classroom and not leaving, Shao Ming put his hand on his back lightly.

Zhu Tong was stunned for a moment, and suddenly felt that Shao Ming's description was... **** appropriate.

He shook his head and stepped into the classroom.

It's recess now, and the classroom is very noisy.

Suddenly someone came in at the door of the classroom, and as Zhu Tong expected, the classroom was silent for a moment.

An uproar broke out immediately.

"Fuck, I don't have dazzling eyes? Who is at the door of the classroom?"

"It's Zhutong and Xueshen, they're finally back?"

"If I don't come back, I'll have to wonder if they eloped."

"Has no one seen the second child of Lu? I can't have a name for a movie of three people?"


The noise in the classroom resumed.

In the corridor, Lu Zheyu didn't seem to plan to enter the classroom. He glanced at the office and said, "I'll go to the office first, you'll come later?"

The words were addressed to Shao Ming, and Zhu Tong also heard it.

Just as Shao Ming was about to nod his head, Zhu Tong had already turned his head and said, "Go to the office first, didn't Teacher Shi just call and ask when he got off the plane?"

Shao Ming hesitated: "Can you do it alone?"

Zhu Tong was speechless for a while.

What's wrong with this?

"Come on," he urged.

Shao Ming smiled and nodded, "Okay, listen to you."

Zhu Tong: "…"

What does it mean to listen to him? This is called duty as a student!

Watching the two of them walk to the office and return to their seats under the watchful eyes of the whole class, Zhu Tong's heart finally came to the ground, but before he could breathe a sigh of relief, he was stunned in front of the seat again.

In the days since they left, his and Shao Ming's desks have been overwhelmed by the overwhelming amount of test papers.

Zhu Tong seemed to realize how helpless he was when faced with a table of dust on the first day of school.

As if seeing what he was thinking, Tang Nuan turned his head and said, "Friendly reminder, there are many more in your table hole."

Zhu Tong: "…"

How many courses have he missed these days?

It was probably Tang Nuan who opened the door, and soon other people nearby came over and looked at Zhu Tong and said, "Is it willing to come back? Boss, if you don't come back, I will go to the teachers of various subjects without paying. Homework blacklisted."

Someone complained that there was no place to copy the homework, and someone immediately retorted: "Chen Xiao, you have no conscience. Didn't you copy my homework?"

Chen Xiaodao: "Nine out of ten questions in your homework are wrong, and you don't have a sense of accomplishment when you copy it, okay?"

"Then Zhu Tong's homework isn't all right... By the way, Zhu Tong, I made class notes, and I can lend it to you if you want."

Zhu Tong had already started sorting out the pile of test papers buried on the table. Hearing that, he nodded and said, "Okay, thank you."

Seeing him nodding, the man's eyes lit up.

Another humane said: "Zhu Tong, why did you ask for leave for so long this time?"

"Does this need to be said? It must be to avoid the mid-term exam. It's too clever. This mid-term exam, the teacher who wrote the questions is simply not human!"

"Teacher Shi said that you asked for leave to go back for a check-up. How is your health? Are you okay?"


Zhu Tong neatly stacked the test papers one by one, and answered their questions in a brief manner.

Unlike the previous school, everyone who speaks to him now is with kindness.

He doesn't like noisy environments, but after hearing the calculated and hypocritical voices at the banquet, the current noise can be said to be very pleasant.

He listened with a faint smile on his face.

Someone was stunned by his smile, saw him sorting out the test papers on his desk, and then started sorting out the ones on the table next to him, thinking that he was confused, and reminded him: "This is a test paper for two people, you The ones in your hand belong to you at the same table."

Zhu Tong said softly, "Well, I know."



Do you know why you're still messing with yourself?

Then they saw that Zhu Tong took the exam papers on Shao Ming's desk one by one to his side, folded them neatly, and put them back on Shao Ming's desk.

Two girls looked at each other, and both saw something unusual in each other's eyes.

Zhu Tong also liked to organize the table before, but he never arbitrarily moved the things on the table with him.

Speaking of which, Zhu Tong left school on leave, and Xue Shen left school to participate in the competition...but they both went back to school together.

How did the two irrelevant things get together at the same time to return to school?

Before they could understand, the table and chair next to Zhu Tong was pulled away, and Shao Ming had returned to his seat, looking at the people around him and saying, "Yo, it's like three autumns after not seeing you for a day, you are here to welcome me. Back on campus? It's so touching."


Tang Nuan immediately "bah", "They are here to welcome Zhu Tong, why are you so cheeky?"

Shao Ming said: "My face? No way, it's natural."

Tang Nuan: "…"

The people next to him were amused by him, just as the class bell rang, and the people around returned to their seats one after another.

As soon as Shao Ming sat down in his seat, he saw a pile of test papers neatly folded on the table. He turned his head and said, "You helped me organize it?"

Zhu Tong nodded: "It was too messy just now."

Shao Ming raised his eyebrows and said, "It's good to have a boyfriend."

Wish the boy blushed.

He didn't think it would be easy to organize a test paper.

After a pause, just as he was about to ask him why he came back so quickly, Shao Ming asked again, "Do you need to clean up?"

Zhu Tong turned his head to look at him.

Shao Ming looked at the seats for the two of them, "Do you clean the seats?"

Zhu Tong originally had this plan, although it doesn't look too dirty now, but he has taken leave for so many days, and I don't know how many people have sat in the seats. The same thing should have been accidentally dropped on the ground by someone and picked up by someone else.

...not absolutely clean anyway.

But Shao Ming suddenly asked him this, which made Zhu Tong feel a little nervous, "Am I in trouble?"

Shao Ming: "…"

"Why do you say that?"

Zhu Tong thought: It's just a little dirty. He scrubs and disinfects. No matter what he thinks, it's a problem, right?

He said: "Will others find it strange?"

Shao Ming suddenly smiled, "We clean our own table, why should we care what others think?"

Zhu Tong stunned: "We?"

Shao Ming nodded: "Well, I asked Rosso to buy two rolls of desktop stickers, and I went to get them after class."


Seeing his sudden silence, Shao Ming whispered: "Your previous body, if the environment is not good, will it have an impact?"

He still remembered the skin allergy that night in Zhu's dormitory.

I wish Tong Tong was moved.

When he was misunderstood by others and said that he had a lot of things, he also thought about explaining it. It was not that he had to be busy, but that his body did not allow it.

Later, it gradually became a habit, and there were more and more problems with his body, so he gave up explaining, because he felt that no matter what the reason was, no one else had the obligation to accommodate you.

I heard a lot, and I don't care what people say.

He didn't expect that even this Shao Ming could find out.

He moved his lips, trying to say something.

Shao Ming has already said with a smile: "I will accompany you in trouble in the future."

Zhu Tong: "…"

As if there is a warm current flowing from the bottom of my heart, like melted honey, sweet.

Zhu Tong was stunned for a while, before nodding with a smile: "Okay."

So after class, in the corner of the classroom by the window, two people who had just returned to school started working enthusiastically and turned the two desks over again.

Rosso was amazed to see him beside him, his brother Ming had fallen completely enough.

Shouldn't Zhu Tong be intoxicated with him?

He was watching with two rolls of stickers beside him. Two people each had one desk. Obviously, they could do their own thing, and it could be faster, but they didn't. Go wipe the other one, and occasionally bow your head and get together, like a young couple flirting.

Oh, they're just flirting.

Rosso was absolutely convinced of this.

He watched for a while, and said with some relief: "Very good, when Zhu Tong sent a message to ask me, I thought the two of you had a quarrel and broke up. Brother Ming, you are quite playful and exciting, and everyone has arrived in City A. If you don't tell others, you're not afraid of taking off the game."

Shao Ming: "…"

Zhu Tong: "…"

Classmate Rosso is really a late prophet.

At that time, the favorability plummeted, but didn't it mean that he almost lost his game?

As soon as he sees Rosso now, Zhu Tong thinks of the 30% favorability.

Look at Rosso now, he is really worried about his brother, sincerely happy for his brother, such a good friend, his favorability is only 30%...

During the last class, Zhu Tong also looked at Shao Ming's favorability score for other people in the class, because the person was right in front of him, and he didn't even need the system display, he could see it directly from the top of other people's heads.

In the bunch of people in the front row of the classroom, 0% of them are all neat and tidy.

The values ​​in the back row are not very neat, but the ups and downs are not large. Whether it is positive or negative, the values ​​are almost all single digits.

Shao Ming's impression of most of the students in Class 3 is two big characters: no sense.

At first, Tong Tong was moved by his own value approaching 80%, but after being moved, he began to worry.

Shao Ming is so difficult, when will his progress bar be full?

"Like" is not enough to just say.

He can't sit still and collect more data.

During the break in the afternoon, while Shao Ming was called away by Teacher Shi to ask about the competition, Zhu Tong talked to the monitor for a while and asked some questions about Shao Ming.

"Me and Shao Ming?" Tang Nuan was a little surprised: "We were in the same class when we were not divided into classes, but before we were not divided into classes, I was not the monitor, and I didn't sit with him, and I didn't talk much with him. After being divided into classes, there is no need, and there is not much communication. Shao Ming looks easy to talk, but if you really want to talk, I don't know what to say to him."

Zhu Tong: "…"

Gongshui No. 1 Chinese and science classes are divided very early, and they have already been divided into classes in the second semester of high school.

After being divided into classes, it has always been the current seating arrangement. From the time of class division, Shao Ming and the monitor have been sitting at the front and back tables diagonally for half a year.

Because there is not much communication, the favorability value is not high.

Zhu Tong thought for a while and said, "Actually, I have been with him for a long time, and he is really good at talking."

"That's for you..." Tang Nuan was about to pouted when he suddenly thought of something, turned his head and put his hands on the edge of Zhu Tong's table and said, "By the way, Shao Ming is going to City A to participate in the competition this time, and he lives far from your home. Is it far? Did he find you? Did you two make an appointment to come back together?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

The squad leader seems to be the emperor of truth, and these three questions are all answered in the affirmative.

He said perfunctorily: "It's quite far, it will take two hours by car."

Tang Nuan: "…"

So are you looking for it? Otherwise, how can the time be so clear?

Tang Nuan saw his reddish ears again, and it was obvious what the answer was.

She smiled reservedly and didn't ask any further questions.

Curiosity returns to curiosity, but it also has to stop.

Soon the afternoon class was over, and Shao Ming took Zhu Tong out of the classroom, ready to go to dinner outside the school.

Rosso has already reserved a seat in the hot pot restaurant, saying that he wants to welcome the two of them.

I hope that I can understand Shao Ming, but I also bring him... What does he have to do?

However, Zhu Tong obediently followed.

It's as if he also went to catch the wind for Shao Ming.

"I didn't invite me for nothing, Brother Ming, when you get the prize money after your competition results, you have to invite me back for this meal."

Shao Ming put a few pieces of fat beef into the Sanxian pot. Seeing that the heat was almost over, he picked it up and put it in the bowl in front of Zhu Tong. He asked softly, "Is this edible?"

Zhu Tong nodded: "Yes."

I always felt that after knowing his "illness", Shao Ming took care of him more carefully than before.

He added: "I can now avoid the taboos."

Although he hasn't tried it yet.

Before Shao Ming could speak next to him, Rosso said, "What? Is your stomach okay? I tell you, this is all your delusion. I have a cousin who is a senior stomach patient. Every time she hurts, it hurts. After a life-and-death experience, I went to the hospital and came out. I forgot the pain when the scar was healed. Yesterday, I went back to the hospital to hang water, so I listened to my brother’s advice, don’t do it.”

Zhu Tong: "…"

Shao Ming also said: "No hurry, you can try it slowly in the future."

Zhu Tong could only accept the idea of ​​sticking his chopsticks into the spicy soup pot.

Shao Ming looked at Rosso again and replied to his previous words: "You have so much confidence in me, what if I don't get the bonus?"

"How could you not win the award? You are too modest, Brother Ming, but it doesn't matter if you don't treat guests." Rosso said indifferently: "You invited me so many times before, and I'm not at a loss anyway."


It really doesn't matter if Rosso is, and he happily rinsed the mutton roll again.

Zhu Tong took a piece of fat cow dipped in sauce and put it in his mouth, and glanced at Rosso without a trace.

During the time they ate together off-campus, Shao Ming did not seem to have lost Rosso in terms of entertaining guests.

Maybe not just in terms of treats, but in other ways as well.

It's not that I would rather suffer losses myself, but I don't want to owe others, and I don't want to owe favors.

He never seemed to ask how Shao Ming and Rosso met.

Zhu Tong suddenly took out his mobile phone, thought for a moment, and sent a message to Rosso.

The message was sent quickly, and Rosso's phone vibrated twice in his pocket.

Rosso opened his phone and looked at it, then looked up at the opposite side.


Why did Zhu Tong send him WeChat face-to-face?

He clicked on the message.

【Zhu】: When did you and Shao Ming meet?

[Rosso is not long-winded]: Didn't Brother Ming tell you?

[Rosso is not long-winded]: We have known each other since junior high school.

He and Shao Ming met in the first year of junior high, and they happened to be assigned to the same class, but like everyone else, he didn't communicate much with Shao Ming at the beginning.

The relationship between the two really improved. It was during the time when Shao Ming sent Qiu Shaoping to prison. Because he was a classmate, when his uncle was helping Shao Ming's family, he would also ask Rosso about Shao Ming's situation at school. Rosso also knew something about Shao Ming's family.

At that time, when he was in junior high school, when his curiosity was sprouting, Rosso considered himself a messenger of justice and often went to Shao Ming in the name of his classmates. He rushed up and controlled Qiu Shaoping together with Shao Ming, and finally was honorably injured before the police arrived.

After the two teenagers fought together, they established a revolutionary friendship.

Zhu Tong didn't ask about the specific process, but after thinking about it, he continued typing.

[Zhu]: What about after that?

[Rosso is not long-winded]: After what?

[Wish]: Your relationship has always been so good? Often eat together, have you done anything else?

If you have known each other so early on the first day of the new year, and have been friends for more than five years, this can be considered a childhood sweetheart, right?

[Rosso is not long-winded]: The relationship has always been like this, but in the few years of junior high school, Brother Ming was always very busy. Except for the few classes that he had to take, he could hardly even see his people every day. We were not there when we were in high school. It was a class, and I was not assigned to the same class again until I was assigned a class in the first grade.

Zhu Tong:…

Junior high school is always busy, what is a junior high school student busy with every day?

After Qiu Shaoping was imprisoned, shouldn't Shao Ming enjoy campus life easily?

So Shao Ming's low opinion of Rosso is because they don't really spend much time together?

Zhu Tong suddenly fell silent.

Rosso, who received no reply, looked up.

He felt that the scene was a little weird now.

He and Zhu Tong communicated on WeChat at a table in front of his brother Ming?

Shao Ming focused on the hot pot and didn't seem to notice anything unusual.

Rosso looked at Zhu Tong again, who was typing with his head down, no emotion on his face, and of course no guilty conscience.

Rosso was confused.

Regarding the matter between him and Brother Ming, why did Zhu Tong ask him? Can't you just ask the person who is next to the hot pot?

When he was at a loss, his phone vibrated twice.

[Zhu]: What about Lu Zheyu? How long have he and Shao Ming known each other?

Rosso: …

Rosso quickly flipped through the chat records of the two people just now, and suddenly realized.

Why did Zhu Tong ask about his relationship with Brother Ming?

Why ask what they have done before?

Why do you care so much about the time they met? Even the second child of Lu is not spared!

He even secretly asked Brother Ming on WeChat behind his back?

This is Chagang!

Rosso couldn't hold it anymore, he straightened up instantly and put his phone upside down on the dining table.

There was a sudden "bang", and the sound was extremely loud in the private room.

The two people across the table looked up at the same time.

Rosso stood up suddenly: "Zhu Tong... No, sister-in-law, Brother Ming and I are innocent!"



Shao Ming looked at him like he was mentally retarded.

I wish Tong Tong was caught off guard against a shiver.

What the **** is sister-in-law?

Rosso ignored it, looked at Zhu Tong and said, "If we have anything to say today, we will open up and say it, I promise you, Brother Ming, he is absolutely single-minded towards you, you can't doubt him just because you have known him for a short time. Ah, and you still doubt me, let me tell you, even if I'm not innocent with Second Brother Lu, I can't be innocent with Brother Ming!"

In the private room, the self-certified innocence was loud, and the only two audience members were silent.


The author has something to say:

Lu Lao Er: I don't want to be ignorant with you.

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-12-0214:15:37~2021-12-0316:42:47~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 30 bottles of X_yu; 19 bottles of Liumo; 13 bottles of Azi; 10 bottles of Jason Toodd and Mo Qi; 6 bottles of Yingzhongliu and Mozi;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!