Chapter 74: settle accounts

Zhu Tong didn't quite understand, he didn't just ask Rosso about something, how could he still be involved in the question of innocence?

He was dumbfounded.

Shao Ming is better than him, but he doesn't understand much.

Neither of them spoke, and Rosso, like a broken-hearted old woman, continued: "When two people are together, isn't the most important thing not to trust each other? If you have any doubts, you can directly ask Brother Ming, Ming. Brother will definitely tell you, as a human being, you should be frank."

Zhu Tong: "…"

Did you know that the most dishonest person is your brother Ming?

When Shao Ming heard this, he turned his head to look at him.

Zhu Tong was startled, quickly regained his mind, and asked, "When did I suspect you?"

Rosso said: "I don't doubt why you are checking my post?"

Still use WeChat this way.

The person was sitting opposite him, and he was under a lot of pressure!

Zhu Tong is even more inexplicable: "When will I check..."

After speaking for a while, he suddenly realized something.

He thought to himself: It's over, the misunderstanding has spread.

When he turned his head, he happened to meet Shao Ming's half-smile eyes.


Zhu Tong couldn't remember how the hot pot was finished, and he didn't remember what Shao Ming gave him after that. He only remembered the sauce that Shao Ming made for him, and it tasted pretty good.

After eating the hot pot, the three went back to school.

During the evening self-study time, Zhu Tong vented and frantically did the test papers.

He is very grateful now that he has taken a leave of absence and left school for so many days that he can't finish writing the test papers, so that he will not have nothing to do at such an embarrassing time.

He now understands that Rosso is simply Shao Ming's brother, and he sold him without hesitation.

Rosso said he was very aggrieved.

He was terrified.

After the incident, Shao Ming didn't ask any more questions, his expression was as usual, and his attitude was gentle... If it weren't for him not letting go of his hand even in class.

Zhu Tong placed his left hand under the table and was held by Shao Ming, and his right hand completed the math test paper very efficiently.

One hand is definitely not as convenient as two hands, but Zhu Tong did not withdraw his hand.

We dare not say and we dare not ask!

It was only occasionally that he turned his head to take a peek and saw that the corners of Shao Ming's mouth were obviously raised, and he seemed to be in a good mood.


People can always unleash their amazing potential when forced. Zhu Tong did two and a half papers in two classes, and he finally learned one thing...fill in the answers, regardless of the correct rate.

Back to the homestay in the evening.

Unlike the desks in the school, the homestay was cleaned during the days they left.

When I walked into the courtyard at night, the lights in the single people's room next to it were dim. Uncle Liu hadn't come back yet, and he didn't know if he would come back.

Zhu Tong stood in the courtyard for a while, and soon lost the mind to think about Uncle Liu. When he walked into the "home" he had missed for several days, Zhu Tong was nervous for a moment.

But tension is useless, the door still has to go in.

As soon as he entered the door, the moment the door closed, he was pressed against the door panel, and a familiar sense of oppression came over him.

Shao Ming looked at him with a smile and said, "Come to settle accounts? Young master."

Zhu Tong: "Calculate...what account?"

Shao Ming said: "Sneak contact with other men in front of me, how do you think this account should be calculated?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

People treat you as a brother, and you treat them as "other men".

He defended in a low voice: "It's not a contact, it's just a few questions."

Shao Ming said, "What's the problem?"

what is the problem…

Zhu Tong thought about the few words he asked, and he didn't blame Rosso for misunderstanding. There was no favorability. The few questions he asked did seem to be checking the post.

He tried it, but without saying a word, he took out his phone and said, "I'll show it to you."

Shao Ming: "…"

His joking questioning was almost unstoppable.

Show him the record directly, calm and open, how can he continue to settle accounts?

There are not many chat records between Zhu Tong and Rosso in total, and they were finished in three or two times. Shao Ming raised his eyebrows lightly, "I care so much about my relationship with them, so I can think that you are jealous. Yet?"

As he said that, he approached suddenly, and his breath snorted on Shao Ming's face.

Zhu Tongben was nervous and explained stumblingly: "No, I just... want to know more about you."

Although there are other purposes, but it is not wrong to say so.

Shao Ming was stunned and said, "Know me?"

Zhu Tong nodded.

"If you want to know me, don't you ask me, ask Rosso?"


Isn't this afraid that you will notice something?

Shao Ming is so smart, he asks too many questions, Shao Ming can definitely guess something.

But Zhu Tong didn't expect that he wanted to "break them one by one", only to ask the second person and overturned the car.

Zhu Tong wanted to say something, but when he raised his head, the tip of his nose had already rubbed against Shao Ming's, and the touch of rubbing it lightly carried the coolness of the outdoors.

He was stunned for a moment.

Shao Ming's eyes also darkened, "I suddenly thought that we still have a few things to settle."

Zhu Tong was still not used to such a close communication, so he couldn't help shrinking: "...what?"

Shao Ming said in a low voice, "When I'm not by your side, you provoke my account every night, shouldn't it be counted?"

Zhu Tong: "When will I..."

"When I miss you, every word you say to me is provocative to me."


Zhu Tong felt his heart tremble.

Isn't this a little unreasonable?

Could it be that two people sent a video call and didn't let him speak?

He couldn't help but smile.

Shao Ming's throat tightened slightly, and he brought his face closer, "Because I can't touch you and tease me so many times, how are you going to compensate me now?"

Zhu Tong's breathing became visibly faster.

Shao Ming said that he missed him, why didn't he?

After returning from the hotel that day, the two have not seen each other.

Shao Ming is busy participating in the competition. He has to accompany Xiao Xin. He is busy during the day, and only has time to watch the video at night and listen to each other's voices.

Why not want to?

Some things are destined to be tasted after they are tasted.

Zhu Tong couldn't help lowering his head, his ears flushed, and he whispered, "You can touch me now."


Shao Ming's throat was slightly hoarse, "Then look at me."

Zhu Tong clenched his palm nervously and raised his head hesitantly, but someone couldn't wait, a few fingers pressed against his chin, and he was forced to look up, his hot breath was already pressing up.

Shao Ming kissed him.

When the tip of his tongue came over deftly, Zhu Tong couldn't help shrinking and said strangely, "Why do you always..."

Shao Ming looked at him and smiled: "Kissing is like this... don't you like it?"


Zhu Tong shook his head, Shao Ming kissed him again, and at the same time clasped his waist and pressed the person into his arms.

The lingering, long kiss ended, and the breathing of both became disordered.

Shao Ming was happy even in his hair, looked at Zhu Tong and said, "Just ask me what you want to know in the future. If you want to know, I will tell you everything."

Zhu Tong not soberly nodded randomly.

Shao Ming was amused by him, hugged him and said, "Then Master Zhu, what do you want to know now? In what way?"

Zhu Tong raised his eyes blankly, reacted, his face was slightly hot, and he shook his head hastily: "Not now."

Shao Ming said: "Really? There's nothing you want to know? It's okay to have a deeper understanding."


The more he talked, the less formal he became. Zhu Tong wanted to push him away, but he was reluctant. After thinking about it, he raised his head and said, "Then... what is your relationship with Jiang Wan?"


Shao Ming was stunned, "Why did you ask her?"

"I just remembered suddenly." Zhu Tong said: "...Is it inconvenient to say?"

Shao Ming shook his head: "No, she and I are just an ordinary cooperative relationship."

Zhu Tong puzzled: "Why did you cooperate with her?"

Shao Ming said: "Because she is generous."

Zhu Tong: "…"

The reason is real.

But Zhu Tong always felt that things were not just that simple.

Just thinking about whether to ask, Shao Ming said again: "Also, I dare to take the risk and cooperate with a collaborator who refuses to show up. I only found her."


Zhu Tong was slightly startled.

Hearing this, Shao Ming didn't just look for Jiang Wan.

He was a little stunned. Shao Ming, an underage high school student, was in such a hurry to make money?

The business of his family's milk tea shop is so good, even if he doesn't make money, he can still live well, right?

He was suddenly silent, and Shao Ming raised his head and scratched the tip of his nose, "What's wrong? You don't misunderstand my relationship with her and are secretly jealous, right?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

Why does this man always think he is jealous? He's not that stingy.

"But when it comes to being jealous, it's me who should be jealous, right?" Shao Ming said, "If I remember correctly, someone was almost with her..."

"That's not what I meant." Zhu Tong covered his mouth.

Shao Ming took his hand off again, "Well, I know, so we're even."

Zhu Tong couldn't help laughing.

Does this even out?


He didn't ask any more questions. After he calmed down, he felt that there was still a weight in his hand. It was the test paper and workbook he brought back from school.

He looked at Shao Ming. Not only did Shao Ming study well, but he was also so inspirational in life. Compared with Shao Ming, he was like a salted fish.

While the task is important, it is equally important to study hard.

With a good boyfriend, he has to work hard to be worthy of it.

Zhu Tong quickly focused on the test papers and workbooks he brought back.

Shao Ming was as lazy as ever. He didn't do any of the exam papers left by his absence from class, but he was very serious when he lectured on the topics for Zhu Tong, probably because he saw the young master's determination to study hard.

When Zhu Tong was concentrating on the question, Shao Ming supported his head with one hand and watched, suddenly the phone vibrated, he picked it up and looked at it, his eyes darkened slightly.

After making the threatening call to Shao Ming, Xia Weiyi confidently waited for Shao Ming to convince him, but the result was that Shao Ming had returned to Gongshui County.

Totally take what he says as fart!

Xia Weiyi has been in the business world of City A for so many years, and he has never met such a person who doesn't know how to praise him.

There was still no reply to the message he sent to Shao Ming. After waiting for a long time, he dug out the address book and made a call.

"Hey, contact Shao Yujie and say I want to see her."

In the homestay, Zhu Tong wrote the papers until eleven o'clock. After washing up, he lay down on the bed, and Shao Ming was still in his room.

When he made the paper, Shao Ming had already taken a bath.

So what are you doing in his room now?

The stunned expression on his face was so comprehensible that Shao Ming couldn't help but smile and said directly, "Sleep together tonight?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

Shao Ming said calmly, but Zhu Tong always felt that his purpose was not as calm as he showed.

It's not that they never slept together, but it was because of his back injury that Shao Ming stayed in his room to take care of him.

Now that the relationship between the two is different, if they sleep together, it may not be just sleep.

Is this...progressing too fast?

Zhu Tong was still hesitating, but Shao Ming had already stood up and pulled him and said, "Didn't you say you won't be able to sleep well after you go back? Take a good rest today, and I'll accompany you."


So it's just a matter of sleeping.

Seeing the distress in Shao Ming's eyes, Zhu Tong felt a little warm in his heart, and the distracting thoughts in his mind were instantly emptied, allowing Shao Ming to pull him to bed.

He obediently got on the ground, lay down on the bed, and explained in a low voice, "Actually, just know that you are next door."

Shao Ming was startled and said in surprise, "So I'm actually a router?"

Zhu Tong: "?"

"WiFi signals can pass through walls, but not across oceans."


Zhu Tong took a while to realize the meaning of his words.

It can be used through a wall, but it can't be used when it is far away.

This analogy... What was Shao Ming thinking about all day?

Zhu Tong couldn't help laughing: "So you are my exclusive router?"

Shao Ming said: "Yes, and it is bound to an IP address. Only your device can connect to it."


Talking sweet words, Zhu Tong couldn't say anything to Shao Ming. He could only follow Shao Ming's words: "I have your router and it's enough."

Shao Ming said: "Well, after connecting, the signal is strong, and it is guaranteed to meet any of your needs. Do you want to experience it?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

He can't talk nonsense either.

He blushed, turned over on the bed, turned his back to Shao Ming and stopped talking.

Shao Ming bent his lips slightly, hugged him from behind and said, "You said that you couldn't sleep well when I wasn't here. Then, did you not sleep well when I went home for two days?"

Zhu Tong didn't respond, but his body froze for a moment.

Shao Ming hugged him tightly in an instant, his lips touched his ear and said, "Sorry, not anymore."

You won't be able to sleep alone again.

Zhu Tong's heart was pounding.

How did this person make people so shy and moved at the same time?

He said weakly: "You don't need to apologize, it's not your problem..."

Shao Ming nodded and said, "Well, I know, go to sleep."


Zhu Tong leaned back against Shao Ming's arms and slept his first deepest and most beautiful sleep since he left school.

He fell asleep quickly, so he didn't notice that the progress bar of his favorability level silently exceeded 80% at night.

The next day was the weekend, and Rosso showed up early in the morning and showed up at the B&B.

Shao Ming is cooking breakfast.

Rosso looked at the kitchen for a while, and then at the person sitting across from the sofa in a daze, he hesitated several times.

Zhu Tong was indeed in a daze, looking at the system interface in a daze.

When he woke up in the morning, he didn't hear the sound of the system prompting the increase in favorability, but he heard the sound of the 80% progress prompting the issuance of stage rewards.

Be caught off guard.

Say there is a stage bottleneck?

80% of them are not lined up? Rush up while he was sleeping?

It was a surprise though.

He turned off the system interface, raised his eyes slightly, saw Rosso looking at him strangely, he was stunned, pushed the washed jujube in front of him, and asked, "Do you want to eat?"

Rosso shook his head.

Zhu Tong: "…"

That is something to say.

Before he could ask, Rosso said awkwardly, "I'm sorry about what happened yesterday."

Zhu Tong: "?"

Why does he feel that what Rosso is saying is getting more and more incomprehensible?

Did this person misunderstand something on his own? But he didn't send him any messages after he left the hot pot restaurant yesterday.

Zhu Tong said: "Why do you apologize?"

Rosso scratched his head in embarrassment, "I shouldn't have told you about you in front of Brother Ming yesterday."


In fact, Rosso regretted it when he saw that neither of them spoke.

No matter how he said it directly at the dining table, it was a bit too unkind to do so.

It's not right for Zhu Tong not to trust Brother Ming, but he should also remind him side-by-side that it shouldn't be right to tell the third person the content of the chat between two people without authorization, let alone "distrust" such a serious thing.

If Brother Ming is suspected of being himself, the two of them break up when he is angry... Then he is guilty of a big sin!

After going back yesterday, the more he thought about it, the more he felt guilty, so he rushed over early in the morning, and when he saw that the two of them were in good condition, he was a little relieved.

Rosso glanced at the kitchen and said tentatively, "Are you two okay last night?"

Zhu Tong wondered: "What's wrong with us?"


Rosso: "I mean, Brother Ming didn't do anything to you last night, did he?"

Zhu Tong is even more strange, "What can he do to me..."

After speaking, he suddenly paused, and the image of Shao Ming pressing on the door yesterday flashed in his mind.

Speaking of which, Shao Ming seems to like to push him against the door. How many times was it yesterday?

Thinking about it, he couldn't help blushing.

Rosso was shocked when he saw it, and Zhu Tong's reaction wasn't corporal punishment, right?


"We're fine." Zhu Tong coughed, "Why are you asking this?"

Rosso was startled, then shook his head hurriedly: "It's nothing, it's okay, it's okay."

Zhu Tong: "…"

Looking at Rosso, he already knew what happened to him and Shao Ming.

Why did he feel that everyone around Shao Ming knew about their relationship?

Did they just confirm their relationship, Shao Ming had already "told the world" without telling him?

He is so generous, and he hides it from his grandfather, won't it be good for them?

Thinking about it in his heart, he took a jujube and nibbled it lightly, then looked at Luo Suo and said, "Why did you come here so early today?"

Rosso: "…"

He came to save himself from the crime he had committed.

"I... I got up too early and was bored, so I came here to have a look."

Zhu Tong: "Oh."

Rosso: "…"

Zhu Tong ignored him and nibbled at the dates gently.

Rosso looked at him and couldn't help but said again: "That...although you two are fine now, I still have to stress that Brother Ming and I really have nothing, you can't misunderstand us."

Zhu Tong: "…"

He took a deep breath and smiled, "Don't worry, even if I misunderstand him and Lu Zheyu, I won't misunderstand you two."

Rosso was about to breathe a sigh of relief, but he breathed again.

No, it's not okay to misunderstand the second child!

He was about to speak again, but the people in the kitchen had already come out with two bowls of noodles.

"I'll help you."

Zhu Tong said that he was going to serve the bowl.

Shao Ming avoided him and said, "It's alright, no need, be careful with the heat."

Zhu Tong skillfully took the chopsticks again, wiped them with a tissue, and handed them a pair to Shao Ming.

Rosso, who was hanging in the living room: "..."

Looking at the harmony of the two people in the restaurant, he felt that his worries were a little unnecessary.

At this time, Shao Ming looked at him and said, "What are you doing? Have you eaten?"

Rosso subconsciously shook his head: "No."

Shao Ming said: "There is still a bowl in the kitchen, go and bring it out yourself."

Rosso was stunned for a moment, his eyes lit up in an instant, and he rushed from the living room into the kitchen.

After breakfast, the three of them went to the milk tea shop together.

It's only been half a month, but Zhu Tong feels that he hasn't been to the milk tea shop for a long time. He walked into the milk tea shop again, because his identity changed, so he couldn't help being a little cautious.

After saying hello to Shao Yujie, he deliberately avoided it...because he was nervous.

But today's Shao Yujie seemed to have something on her mind, and didn't notice his inconspicuous abnormality.

When there were not many customers in the store in the afternoon, Shao Ming made a cup of pudding sago for the young master who had been greedy all day. When he turned around, Shao Yujie walked over to him and whispered a few words to him.

Shao Ming was stunned and turned to look at her.

Shao Yujie said, "Don't worry, I didn't promise to see him."

Shao Ming lowered his head as if nothing had happened: "Let's go see him. If you don't go to see him, he will come to see you too."


Shao Yujie frowned slightly, clenched her palms tightly, and finally made a compromise: "Well."


The author has something to say:

Thank you to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-12-0316:42:47~2021-12-0416:45:56~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 14 bottles of Jiangxuan; 10 bottles of Yanning and No Cool Girl; 5 bottles of empty account, 1128yuan; 1 bottle of Hongja;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!