Chapter 75: constitution

The milk tea shop on the weekend, before the students return to school in the afternoon, is the time when the traffic is the largest, and Zhu Tong is very busy in front of the payment machine.

He was very skilled at using the payment machine now, but he couldn't stand the crowd, and his hand hardly stopped. Even the pudding sago made by Shao Ming, he only took half of the time to drink it.

"Let me do it."

Shao Ming suddenly stood beside him.

Just as Zhu Tong was about to say no, Shao Ming said again: "The milk tea won't taste good when it's cold."


Zhu Tong glanced at the pudding sago next to him, and was reluctant to let it cool, so he could only compromise.

If he was only proficient in using the payment machine, Shao Ming was simply blind typing when he used it, and the speed was very fast. Shan, he didn't make a mistake once.

Zhu Tong exclaimed from the bottom of his heart: "You are so fast."

Shao Ming glanced at him sideways, smiled and said, "It may not be so fast in the future."

Zhu Tong: "? Why?"

Shao Ming said: "I have been single for 18 years, but I am not single now."

Zhu Tong: "…"

What does hand speed have to do with being single? Isn't it because practice makes perfect?

He looked bewildered.

A girl in front of the counter understood in a second, looked at Shao Ming who was checking out for him, and looked at Zhu Tong who was still confused... She thought that the cup of milk tea she bought today might taste like dog food.

Zhu Tong noticed something else.

Shao Ming said he has been single for 18 years, is he already 18 years old?

"You... when is your birthday?"

Shao Ming's finger pressing the confirmation button suddenly paused, then turned his head and said, "Huh? Didn't I tell you?"

Zhu Tong shook his head.

Shao Ming said casually: "My birthday on April 4th."

Zhu Tong: "April 4th?"

Shao Ming said: "Well, is it easy to remember?"

The deceased celebrates his birthday.

Zhu Tong was stunned for a moment, not knowing how to answer.

Shao Ming asked him again, "How about you?"

Zhu Tong subconsciously said: "I am June six."

I heard that it was my mother who specially requested a caesarean section for this lucky number.

Shao Ming didn't know what to think. After a while, he smiled and said, "It's a good birthday."

Zhu Tong's breath stagnated for an inexplicable moment, and he moved closer to him, "Then...will you celebrate your birthday with me in the future?"

Shao Ming: "…"

Just after processing the payment of a customer, the milk tea maker over there was not in place yet. When he was free, Shao Ming tilted his head and said, "So my boyfriend is already planning things in the future? It seems that my consciousness is not enough. I should Prepare the diamond ring in advance, what style do you like?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

Why didn't this man say that he had already thought of the child's name?

Oh, they can't give birth.

He couldn't help being annoyed for a moment, looked at Shao Ming and said, "I'm serious."

Shao Ming also said solemnly: "I am also serious, I really want to marry you home now."


I wish the child's heart jumped.

At this time, a cup of packaged red bean milk tea was placed on the counter, and Lu Zheyu's emotionless voice came from the side: "After get off work, we will pay the guests first."

Shao Ming: "…"

Zhu Tong: "…"

Only then did Zhu Tong realize that he was in a milk tea shop, and so many customers were watching!

His face flushed, he quickly stood a step away from Shao Ming, and dragged the payment machine in front of him by the way, "Don't disturb my work."

Seeing that he wanted to bury his face in the payment machine, Shao Ming couldn't help bending his lips, pretending to be respectful, "Okay, young master."


After working in the milk tea shop, several people went back to school together.

Within two days, Shao Ming and the others went to City A to participate in the mathematics competition and got results. From the corners of the teacher's mouth that couldn't hold back when he walked into the classroom, it could be seen that the results in this competition must have been good.

"... There are more than 30 students participating in the competition in the city, and most of them were wiped out in the preliminary round. The remaining ones participated in the semi-finals and achieved results. There are a total of four students in the city, and our school has two..."

Before he finished speaking, the smile on Shi Wenshu's face couldn't be suppressed.

"Okay, I know which two they are."

"Looking at the old class laughing so happily, both of them are definitely in our class."

"Teacher Shi, tell me straight, is it Xue Shen and the second son of Lu!"

Shi Wenshu didn't give a **** anymore and said directly: "In this math competition, Shao Ming from our class won the first prize with the first place in the total score, with a bonus of 5,000 yuan, and Lu Zheyu won the second prize with a bonus. 3,000 yuan, everyone applauds."

"Fuck, it really is the two of them, and the **** of learning is the first?"

"You can always trust the scholar, the man at the top of the food chain!"

"Elder Lu has a natural relationship with Er, and the awards are all second prizes, hahaha."

The classroom applauded one after another, and the whole class turned to look at the two people at the back of the classroom with pride.

Someone shouted loudly: "Old class... No, Teacher Shi, we shouldn't celebrate such a big thing for the two of them?"

Shi Wenshu laughed and said, "I just returned to school for two days, and you want to go out again?"

The teacher in charge of the class simply understood the students' playfulness.

The person who spoke was also thick-skinned, "How can it be? We really want to celebrate the school gods."

Shi Wenshu is happy and doesn't want to spoil the students' interest, but the principle issue cannot be compromised, "As long as they agree, they can celebrate, wait until the weekend, they can have dinner, they can't drink, they can't go to bars, and the self-study time on weekend nights is canceled. Come back later."

There was a burst of cheers in the classroom, feeling that Shi Wen Shu was a peerless class teacher.

Zhu Tong stared at the cheerful atmosphere in the classroom in a daze.

Shao Ming squeezed his hand under the table and said, "What are you thinking?"

I think both Shao Ming and Lu Zheyu are amazing.

Zhu Tong turned his head and said, "I wonder if I should celebrate for you too."

Shao Ming raised his eyebrows and said, "How do you want to celebrate me?"

Zhu Tong thought for a while: "What do you want?"

Shao Ming blurted out: "Do you want to count?"


Zhu Tong couldn't help blushing: "I'm serious with you."

Shao Ming pretended to think again.

Want something...of course there is.

He wanted to wish Tong can get well soon.

He looked at Zhu Tong without a trace for a while, then leaned over and leaned over and said, "Then can you send me a picture of you?"

Zhu Tong: "?"

What do you want his photo for?

Shao Ming added: "A picture of you when you were a child."


Although he didn't know why, Zhu Tong didn't refuse. He smiled and said, "Then I have to go back and look for it."

When he was young... it should be said that he didn't take many photos since he was a child, and the photos he took were not carefully saved, and I don't know if they could still be found.

Seeing that he had begun to think seriously, Shao Ming's heart was so soft that he couldn't help but pat his head.

Zhu Tong was inexplicably touched by him.

Shao Ming didn't speak anymore, his thoughts began to drift away.

He likes to see Zhu Tong's eyes full of him, and he wants to be with Zhu Tong for the rest of his life.

What Zhu Tong didn't want to tell him, even if he didn't ask, he couldn't help but care.

Including the last time he secretly asked Rosso about his "past", in fact, he asked some trivial matters, and he asked, but after asking Rosso, he also asked about Lu Zheyu, looking at the front and back If it wasn't for the context, Rosso would have asked the same question.

He wonders what these do?

Because Zhu Tong is curious, so he is also curious, what is Zhu Tong's past like?

Zhu Tong's self-report is always inseparable from the hospital. Under what circumstances will the photos of his childhood be preserved?

Thinking about it, he began to look at the current Zhu Tong, imagining what he looked like when he was a child, so that the people who were listening to the lectures couldn't concentrate, and he manually turned his face to face the blackboard.

Shao Yujie agreed to meet the person, and the location was set in the only four-star hotel in Gongshui County that could catch the person's eyes, and it was also the hotel where Zhu Tong stayed during the school year.

In a private room with a quiet environment, when Shao Yujie opened the door and entered, someone had already arrived, and she sat at the dining table calmly. When she saw Shao Yujie appear, her face couldn't hide her inevitable look.

"Here? Sit down."

Shao Yujie tightened the handbag in her hand and sat down opposite him.

Before she came here today, she was specially dressed up. She put down her hair that had been **** for the convenience of work, and put on a long skirt that showed her temperament. There was no simplicity in the milk tea shop, nor the immaturity of a girl. The whole person looks intellectual and gentle.

She gave birth to a child out of wedlock at the age of eighteen, and is thirty-five this year... almost thirty-six.

She was abandoned and reviled by others, and the culprit was the man sitting opposite her now.

Shao Yujie didn't speak, the person opposite spoke first, "I haven't seen you for more than ten years, you seem to have changed a lot."

Shao Yujie did not answer.

The man said again: "I didn't expect that we would meet again in such a place."

Shao Yujie said: "I didn't expect that a well-known group holding company in the business world of City A would appear in such a small remote county in person. It's been a long time... President Xia."


Xia Weiyi didn't seem to have thought that she would still be yin and yang, so she was stunned for a moment, but she didn't care.

He gently turned the ordered dishes in front of her, and said softly, "This is made by the chef in the restaurant you used to like the most. Try it, is it the same taste as before?"

Shao Yujie looked at the exquisite dishes that obviously did not belong to this hotel. She did not move and said softly: "Mr. Xia, let's talk about it."

She didn't appreciate it, Xia Weiyi's eyes darkened, he clasped his hands, rested his elbows on the edge of the dining table, and said straight to the point, "Yujie, come back."

Shao Yujie said, "Where are you going?"

Xia Weiyi: "Go back to City A, you can choose any house you want, and I will give you the best life for your mother and son."

Shao Yujie suddenly laughed, "I can choose any house you want? When did you become so generous, Mr. Xia?"

Before coming here today, Shao Yujie had guessed what purpose Xia Weiyi was looking for, but she didn't expect that he would bring it up so shamelessly.

The same arrogance and self-righteousness as ten years ago.

Her words were obviously sarcastic, and Xia Weiyi frowned impatiently, "If one house is not enough, what conditions do you have..."

"Do you want Shao Ming to recognize you?"

Shao Yujie didn't beat him around and interrupted him directly.

Xia Weiyi acquiesced.

This is his purpose.

Shao Yujie sneered: "Xia Weiyi, are you taking yourself too seriously?"


"Give us the best life for our mother and son? Why did you go early? When you let people drug me and let them put me in your bed, did you want to live a good life for me? You ruined me, knowing that What did you do when I was pregnant and drove me back from City A to be humiliated? Shao Ming, he has grown so big now, does it have anything to do with you? Xia Weiyi, why did you let him recognize you?"

Shao Yujie has never spoken to anyone in such a stern manner in her entire life. Although the words came out, her hands were trembling.

Looking at the man sitting across from her, she inevitably recalled the night she least wanted to remember more than ten years ago.

She went to City A back then to go to university.

During the summer vacation before school started, she and her friends went to the bar to be a part-time waiter. Because the salary in the bar was higher, she knew that the place was unsafe, but it was inevitable that people had luck. She didn't know that the nightmarish place would eventually come true. became her nightmare.

She was pregnant, was expelled from school, didn't even go to college, and when she was sent back to Gongshui County, she didn't even know she was pregnant.

When she got the test results at the hospital, how shocked and disappointed her parents were, how her own sister sneered at her...

Shao Yujie didn't want to recall any more, she took a deep breath, "Mr. Xia, if you're here today just for this matter, then you can leave, Shao Ming won't recognize you, and I can't be a lobbyist for you. ."

She got up and left.

Xia Weiyi suddenly said, "Don't you want to see your biological son?"

Shao Yujie froze all of a sudden.

Xia Weiyi said: "I can let you see him, and even let him recognize you. In exchange, you let Shao Ming go back with me. He is still your son, they are both."


After hesitating for a moment, Shao Yujie's stiff body quickly relaxed, and she said indifferently: "Mr. Xia has a heart, but you have forgotten a lot, you don't remember, I won't forget, from the day you took the child away from me. In the beginning, the child you threw to me is my own son."

"Also, as you can see, our mother and son are living well now, and we don't need you to give us a good life."

After speaking, she went straight to the door of the private room, opened the door and went out.

In the corridor outside the private room, Shao Yujie had her back against the wall. She calmed down for a long time before she stopped the trembling of her limbs, got up and left the hotel.

In the private room, Xia Weiyi was still a little stunned until Shao Yujie left, as if he couldn't believe that he was rejected so decisively.

He paused for a while before anger appeared on his face, and with one hand he swept over a bottle of red wine that he had prepared before he could open it, and scolded: "I don't know how to lift up!"

The red wine bottle shattered on the ground, and the wine dripped out. Xia Weiyi couldn't help but feel annoyed when he saw the reflection of the liquid on his angry face.

Like most wealthy marriages, his marriage was a commercial one.

There is no loyalty between husbands and wives in a marriage that is brought together for the sake of profit. He is like that, and so is his wife.

In order to ensure that the future heir can be his own blood, he found Shao Yujie when his wife was pregnant.

Originally it was just a trivial change of position. For more than ten years, he almost forgot that he still has a son who lives abroad.

A chance meeting, a paternity test on a whim, he accidentally discovered that the child he suspected of being abandoned by him was not only his own, but also grew into a surprise when he didn't know it. .

Compared with the vase, Xia Yang, who likes to use his temperament and can't give him any help, the mature and determined Shao Ming is obviously more suitable to be his heir.

After the contact, Shao Ming satisfied him more than he imagined.

He has excellent grades. Although he is very young, he has the means to do things, and he has amazing business talents.

What is Zhu Tong's identity? Why did he let Liu Jianbai stand up for him, and even respect him.

After the last banquet to recognize relatives, the Zhu family seemed to have gotten into some big shots overnight. Problems occurred in various company projects. Although it was not going bankrupt, it was still painful. If it goes on for a long time, the Zhu family will be crowded. The location of the commercial giant in City A.

The people behind the Zhu family are very measured. They neither let the Zhu family completely fall and be eaten by others, nor make the Zhu family stable. It is like hanging people on a cliff, which is always frightening.

The strength of the man behind him can be clearly seen to be able to accurately force the Zhu family into this position.

The reason why Xia Weiyi was in such a hurry to recognize Shao Ming was to borrow his relationship with Zhu Tong.

But Shao Ming thought that his wings were hard, and he was unmoved by both soft and hard.

Xia Weiyi is not a patient person. He even thought about starting with Zhu Tong, but Zhu Tong's attitude towards him at the banquet made him give up this idea.

And now even Shao Yujie, a woman, dares to ignore him!

The more Xia Weiyi thought about it, the more annoyed he became, and finally ran out of patience.

He wanted to see how hard Shao Ming's wings were. He really thought that he would really be able to ascend to the sky in one step if he boarded Jiang's boat?

Not to mention that he can't reach the sky by himself. Now he is only in high school and dares to be with Zhu Tong. The more prestigious people are, the more they care about the inheritance of blood. A high school student from a background, still a man.

No one cared what he thought, and no one cared what he was going to do.

After returning to school, because life is full, time passes very quickly.

Shao Ming's winning the math competition inspired Zhu Tong and made him more diligent. During the day, he attended the school earnestly, and when he went back at night, he had to take supplementary lessons.

Shao Ming couldn't help feeling distressed, and even boasted that he would be responsible for making money to support his family in the future, but the young master with backbone decisively refused, he wanted to be self-reliant.

However, in recent days, Zhu Tong has had some troubles.

The weather is getting colder, and people who are afraid of cold even wear down jackets, but Zhu Tong is a little dry these days.

Especially when he wakes up every morning and sees the person lying next to him, there is an indescribable urge in his makes his mouth dry.

The system said, "This is proof that your physique has improved."


Zhu Tong remembers that the 80% favorability reward is a physique that is invulnerable to all diseases. After the previous reward was issued, Zhu Tong never felt that his body became stronger.

He thought he was strong, like Shao Ming, tall with six-pack abs or something.

But his appearance has hardly changed.

Thinking of the embarrassing scene of nosebleed in front of Shao Ming, it seems that it happened after the progress bar value exceeded 30%.

Why is his physical improvement always reflected in these strange aspects?

Does everyone else do this?

Shao Ming... will this be the case too?

Another morning, Zhu Tong woke up in a daze. The lights in the room were still on, and it was pitch black outside the window. Usually, the room was bright when he woke up, because Shao Ming always got up earlier than him.

I woke up early today, and Zhu Tong was still a little stunned when he opened his eyes. He stared at the dark ceiling for a while, and suddenly noticed something, his consciousness was instantly clear, and his body suddenly froze.

It's not that he didn't understand anything, and he quickly realized what the strangeness between his legs was, and his face instantly burned into a hand warmer.

He still had Shao Ming's hand on his waist, hanging casually in front of him, very close to...

Zhu Tong didn't have time to think about anything, he lifted the hand on his waist, turned on the light to open the door, and rushed straight to the bathroom.

Shao Ming was awakened by his "rude" actions, and when he opened his eyes, he saw only a back running away in a hurry.



The author has something to say:

Thank you to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-12-0416:45:56~2021-12-0516:13:14~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: 1 Yokogawa;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: Moonlight is not as good as you, Yokogawa 20 bottles; ... 10 bottles; Orange Summer 5 bottles; Red Jasmine, the source of all evil 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!