Chapter 77: abnormal

In view of the fact that the system has a program that automatically shields the host's privacy, when his favorability increased, Zhu Tong didn't hear the system's cheerful beep, but he could see it.

He kissed Shao Ming three times, and his favorability increased by three percentage points.

When Shao Ming kissed him back, he couldn't see it clearly, but a sound effect sounded in his ear... It was like the sound of collecting gold coins in a parkour game.

Zhu Tong's chest rose and fell violently, due to Shao Ming and his own excitement.

Didn't expect a kiss to have such a big effect?

The progress bar was pushed directly to 88%!

But why didn't it work a few times before?

What is the difference between active and passive?

When Shao Ming was "grinning his teeth" with him, Zhu Tong was not listening at all. His eyes were bright, and he raised his hand that had been hanging by his side, and took the initiative to hold Shao Ming's face, imitating the way Shao Ming kissed him just now. Appears to be kissed again.

A little unskilled, clumsy movement, but the effect is outstanding.

Shao Ming's eyes darkened for a moment, and a tight line of reason in his mind was disconnected with a "pop".

Zhu Tong was still trying to invade, but someone pursed his lips even tighter. He opened his eyes in confusion, suddenly his waist tightened, and he had already left the seat.


As if seeing the world spinning, when his back touched the "Shiji", the person holding him pressed down at the same time, Zhu Tong subconsciously turned his head and glanced, only to realize that the "Shiji" was actually his bed.

He didn't understand how he got on the bed, his head was straightened, and his breathing was instantly blocked.

Different from his imitation and temptation, Shao Ming is better at finding opportunities than him. He creates opportunities when there is no opportunity. Zhu Tong felt that his waist was lightly pinched, and his waist was a sensitive area. He subconsciously exclaimed, but he did not make a sound. , but the person on the body pushed the tip of the tongue into it.

The system interface has not been retracted, Zhu Tong glanced at the gap, but the progress bar did not move.


Shao Ming opened his eyes, not missing the suspicion that he had obviously strayed from his line of sight and that flashed across his face.

Then he felt himself being nudged slightly, and he backed away.

Shao Ming asked in a rough voice, "What did you see?"

Zhu Tongjie's thoughts were withdrawn in an instant, his pupils refocused, and he saw Shao Ming's dark and deep eyes. At this time, his back was facing the light, and there was no light in his eyes, but he still couldn't help but want to sink in.

But why did he suddenly ask this question?

Zhu Tong swallowed nervously and said tentatively, ""

Shao Ming smiled with satisfaction: "What else?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

what else?

Because it was too close, the only face he could see was Shao Ming.

He said again: "No, only you."

Shao Ming: "…"

The hand around his waist tightened suddenly, feeling the ticklish shrink of the person under him, and he bowed his head again.

The action forcefully knocked open his tooth crown, Shao Ming's hand instinctively moved down, his fingers touched the dividing line of the edge of the hem of the clothes, and he drilled in without hesitation.

Zhu Tong couldn't help trembling, but he didn't notice it.

Shao Ming's kiss was so deep and heavy that he couldn't resist it. His posture of lying on his back was limited. He didn't even have room to escape.

The familiar dry heat rose from the depths of the body and spread to the limbs and bones.

The place Shao Ming touched was numb like an electric current, and suddenly there was something strange in front of him. Zhu Tong's consciousness was instantly awake. He looked down and saw a slender fingertip drilled out of his neckline.


Shao Ming briefly let go of his swollen lips, and pressed his forehead lightly against him, breathing heavy and hot.

After a while, he half propped up his body and looked at the person below him at close range.

Zhu Tong's chest rose and fell violently, not daring to move at all.

Shao Ming's palm... was very hot, and it was stuck to the position of his heart.

The air conditioner was turned on in the room, and the temperature was very high. Zhu Tong only wore a close-fitting cashmere sweater. The loose big V-neck had been pulled out of the way and stretched to the shoulders, revealing the delicate collarbones and shoulder sockets...

Shao Ming couldn't help rolling his throat, lowered his head and rubbed his ear, "Tongtong..."

Zhu Tong: "…"

His heart skipped a beat, not knowing how to respond.

A scorching soft touch had fallen behind his ears.

Zhu Tong shuddered, "I..."

As he opened his mouth, he felt uneasy and moved, and then he couldn't speak anymore. Suddenly, he noticed something, and his body froze suddenly.

The confused vision was instantly clear, and his limbs suddenly gathered strength. Zhu Tong suddenly raised his hand and pushed the person who was pressing on him.

Shao Ming: "You..."

Seeing him staring slightly, Zhu Tong knew that he must have found it too, his face quickly flushed red, and the force of pushing people was much stronger.

Zhu Tong panicked and said, "Get out of the way."

Shao Ming asked knowingly, "Where are you going?"

Go to the bathroom!

Zhu Tong didn't say anything, just tried every means to get out.

Shao Ming wanted to trap him, but he unexpectedly found that Zhu Tong's struggle was not a little bit stronger than before. This discovery surprised him and made him helpless. He used brute force to suppress, but sighed softly, yes Zhu Tong said: "It's useless to hide in the bathroom."

Zhu Tong's struggling movements froze instantly.

Does Shao Ming know?

When did he know?

Seeing people looking at him in astonishment, Shao Ming's idea that he had stopped at the guessing stage was instantly confirmed.

The young master's reaction was simply self-indulgent.

Shao Ming said, "You ran into the bathroom this morning because of this?"


Zhu Tong didn't run away, he turned his body hard and buried himself in the quilt.

But the quilt was so shallow that it was only half buried.

Shao Ming looked at his red ears, only to feel that he was about to explode.

Zhu Tong's muffled voice came out from the quilt, "Will you let me go to the bathroom?"

Shao Mingxin said it was not good, so he leaned over and said, "What are you doing in the bathroom? Doing bad things alone?"

Zhu Tong shook his head violently, "...I'll be fine if I stay alone for a while."

Shao Ming did not expect it.

He asked, "Stay in the bathroom for a while?"

Zhu Tong nodded.

He buried his head, and Shao Ming only saw the back of his head tap twice.

His throat tightened slightly: "Have you been doing this these days?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

When did this man know? How many jokes have you seen?

Shao Ming stepped forward again. Zhu Tong was already lying on his side in order to bury his head. Shao Ming pressed his back and whispered in his ear, "Aren't you going to do it?"

…doing what?

Zhu Tong couldn't help tilting his head, revealing one eye, meeting Shao Ming's restrained gaze, he understood at once, and buried his head back: "I won't."

Shao Ming: "…"

Things that he desperately wanted to hide were suddenly exposed in an unexpected way, and Zhu Tong was originally ashamed, but after suddenly knowing that he had been exposed a long time ago, his sense of shame became less severe.

This is probably due to being in debt.

He broke the jar and said, "I didn't have a good health before, but I didn't have it a few times. I...I don't care, it will be fine in a while."


Shao Ming's throat was dry, "You don't think it matters, so you haven't done it yourself?"

I wish Tong did not speak.

Even if he didn't know much about this, he instinctively felt that this kind of thing should be humiliating for boys.

But Shao Ming chased after him and asked, "Not even once?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

He was so angry that he turned around with a blushing face, trying to push the person behind him away. The hand he stretched out was suddenly held, Shao Ming restrained him again, and lowered his head to kiss him.

Zhu Tong soon fainted again.

He heard Shao Ming suppressed his excitement and said to him: "It's not good for your health to endure this kind of thing for a long time."

Zhu Tong: "…"

The voice that came to my ear again was coaxing: "Can I help you?"

That night, Shao Ming was driven back to his room to sleep.

The next day, Zhu Tong pursed his lips and walked into the classroom.

He was afraid that if he relaxed a little, he would be seen to be different.

His lips were a little swollen, although Shao Ming kept saying that it wasn't particularly obvious, but Zhu Tong felt guilty and didn't dare to show it to others.

Shao Ming's face was radiant, even if Zhu Tong ignored him all morning, the smile on the corner of his mouth never stopped.

When Rosso came to Zhu Tong to copy his homework, he found that the curvature of the corners of his brother Ming's mouth was much higher than usual, and he looked a little silly.

Kinda... stupid?

Rosso didn't expect that he would one day associate the word with his brother Ming.

But now he's laughing a little silly.

Rosso looked around as if looking at something strange, and the homework was suddenly handed in front of him. He took it and turned back to his seat. As a result, due to lack of concentration, he tripped over the feet of Zhu Tong's bench when he turned around, and stumbled under his feet. groove…"

He exclaimed.

Zhu Tong turned his head subconsciously when he heard the voice: "Are you all right?"

"It's alright, alright." Rosso stood firm in time, stunned for a moment when he got up and met Zhu Tong's face, "What's wrong with your mouth..."

Before the words were finished, the two of them were shocked at the same time.

Zhu Tong quickly turned his head back.

Rosso was stunned and turned to look at Shao Ming.

Shao Ming tried to stop Rosso when he was surprised, but he took a step back and glanced at the tablemate who had turned into a quail again.

Rosso's eyes widened in disbelief.

Who owes this?

Before he could tell the difference, Shao Ming seemed to realize that he was the culprit, and he couldn't help laughing again. He couldn't hold back the smile on the corner of his mouth.

Rosso: "…"


His brother Ming is still his brother Ming.

Rosso gave him a thumbs up and rolled away with his homework.

After sending the person away, Shao Ming showed a trace of distress on his face. He coughed lightly. In order to show his sincerity, he suppressed the smile on his face, leaned over and hugged the shoulder of the tablemate and said, "Are you still angry? Are you sorry? You said to forgive me."

"You..." Zhu Tong gasped, "Didn't you say it's not obvious?"


Shao Ming said without changing his face: "It's really not obvious."

Zhu Tong: "Just now Rosso..."

"Rosso is impure in his heart, so he sees nothing pure."


It was as if they had done something innocent.

Zhu Tong was not as cheeky as Shao Ming and couldn't put the pot on Rosso's head. He frowned at Shao Ming and said, "You will..."

"I will be careful in the future, so I won't be swollen."

Zhu Tong: "…"

Shao Ming coaxed again: "I'm sorry, I couldn't hold back last night, I was too much, but who told you to tease me? Did you say you tease me first?"

Zhu Tong said: "I am..."

That's for mission progress!

But he has no confidence to deny him, after all, his favorability doesn't move, so he nods himself.

Why did he just nod?

Going crazy.

Thinking of it, Zhu Tong couldn't help covering his face.

Shao Ming took his hand down and smiled, "Do you know what it means to cover up?"

Zhu Tong looked at him inexplicably.

Shao Ming said, "What do you think you are doing now?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

He's trying to cover up.

He subconsciously looked up at the front of the classroom. During the break time, the teacher assigned the homework, and no one looked back at this moment.

"There will be gym class in a while, do you want to go to class with a blushing face?"


Zhu Tong was persuaded by him and tried to adjust his emotions. He couldn't help but glared at Shao Ming again, "It's all your fault."

Shao Ming accepted all his complaints, "Well, blame me."

Who made his young master so rare?

He didn't want to bully people too hard, but last night was such a good opportunity, the first time in more than ten years, how could it be missed? It is not enough to give the opportunity to Zhu Tong himself.

He glanced again at Zhu Tong's swollen lips that hadn't subsided after a whole night, his heart was slightly warm, and he forced himself to look away.

In the physical education class in the afternoon, Shao Ming refused to play basketball with the boys, nor did he play badminton with the others. The two of them occupied a table tennis table alone.

Zhu Tong knows nothing about sports, but fortunately he has an omnipotent guide.

Rosso just got off the basketball court, bought a bottle of water from the canteen, and passed the ping-pong table. Watching him beat someone with a violent smash, Brother Ming was feeding the opponent with the most basic level.

He sighed while drinking water.

Falling in love not only degrades intelligence, but also degrades age.

I was planning to stay away from the primary teaching site for elementary school students, when I looked up, I saw a person's unfriendly gaze in the distance.

Rosso was stunned, almost thinking he had read it wrong.

"Is that person over there Xia Yang?"

He suddenly made a sound, and Shao Ming just caught the ball that Zhu Tong was very careful but still missed. The two of them looked up at the same time.

Shao Ming didn't care much and said, "Do you want to go over and say hello?"

"What did I say hello to him?" Rosso pouted and said, "It's just a little strange. I think he seems to be a little more clear than others, as if his shortsightedness is gone."

Although Rosso is a scumbag, his eyesight is not particularly good, and he is probably short-sighted by two hundred degrees.

Zhu Tong also glanced over there, thinking that it was probably the halo of the protagonist of the fascination, and he was the focus of ordinary people wherever he went.

But last time on the court, didn't Xia Yang's halo fade?

Just thinking about it, Rosso said again: "Not only does he see more clearly, he sometimes has a sense of existence, and the less he wants to see him, the more he can always see him, how can he be haunted."

Zhu Tong: "…"

As expected of someone who has been with Bai Yueguang for a long time, this consciousness is very high.

He couldn't help but smile and didn't speak.

He didn't have a cold for Xia Yang, and he didn't want to talk too much. He was addicted to vegetables and wanted to continue playing, but he saw Shao Ming frowning and looking over.

Shao Ming is not short-sighted, but when he sees people from a distance, no matter how good his vision is, he can't be 100% clear. He has never seen Xia Yang from a distance before, and he doesn't care when he sees it. Others are not the same.

And last time at the racetrack, his ignoring Xia Yang didn't mean he didn't see it.

Under the dazzling sunlight, Xia Yang's existence is also different from others.

To say that he has a sense of existence is more like there is some invisible power, forcing others to look at him.

Shao Ming couldn't help but frown.

Is it really abnormal? Or is he thinking too much?

He was puzzled and felt a little distracted.

At this time, the people who were separated from them by the entire playground seemed to have noticed their sight and turned their heads to look over.