Chapter 78: Suspect

The eyes of several people suddenly collided across the entire playground. Shao Ming suddenly froze for a moment, his brain tingling for a while, he quickly retracted his gaze, and frowned even tighter.

Zhu Tong noticed something was wrong and walked over quickly and said, "What's wrong with you? Are you alright?"

A familiar voice sounded in his ears, Shao Ming returned to his senses, glanced at the person standing next to him, and naturally and casually raised his hand to help him brush the bangs hanging in front of him, and said softly, "It's okay."

Zhu Tong: "?"

Shao Ming didn't explain, and looked at Xia Yang again.

Xia Yang has changed his expression. He is full of jealousy. Even though he is so far apart, Shao Ming can see any expression on his face clearly, and can even clearly distinguish that his eyes are on Zhu Tong. .

His eyes were resentful, and the originally pure and beautiful face looked more sinister because of the twisted expression.

At this time, Rosso said beside him: "What is Xia Yang's eyes? It looks like he is going to eat people. Is he sick?"

Shao Ming suddenly looked towards Rosso.

Rosso can also see clearly?

He couldn't help but start to think, but as soon as he used his brain, the stinging pain just hit like a tide.

At the same time, mechanical voices kept ringing in Xia Yang's mind.

"Honkai warning! Honkai warning! Please pay attention to emotional management! Please pay attention to emotional management!"


Xia Yang finally suppressed the hatred for Zhu Tong in his heart and forced himself to look away from Zhu Tong.

The voice in his head breathed a sigh of relief, "Host, you shouldn't waste your time in this school anymore, your task now is to attack your other targets, they will give you everything you want."

Xia Yang said coldly: "Including Shao Ming?"


"It's you who told me that everything in this world should belong to me. You said that Zhutong was supposed to be a dead person. You said that he should have died a long time ago. Tell me, why is he still alive now? He's still alive and well!"

If it wasn't for the inability to open the stream, Xia Yang's current mood must be hysterical.

The voice in his head was silent for a while, and said, "Maybe he is alive because of Shao Ming. I also said at the beginning. This does not include Shao Ming. He is different from others."

Xia Yang said: "What's the difference?"

"You can regard him as a bug in this world, he is not bound by the rules of this world, and even the people around him are affected by him, and will get rid of the shackles of the rules, you will not have any effect on you if you insist on staying by his side. benefit."

"What about Zhu Tong?" Xia Yang said solemnly: "What do you mean, as long as Zhu Tong stays by Shao Ming's side, can he get rid of the shackles of the rules and live like this? Why?"

The voice said: "No, he can't get rid of the shackles of the rules, although I still don't know how his body has improved, but since you can't move him now, as long as you go back to City A now, he can't affect you, you still The center of this world, as long as you can grow up, when you are strong enough, you can still kill him, as long as the character dies, I can erase any trace of his existence, including the evidence that you killed him."

Zhu Tong's death is only a matter of time.

But how long is this time?

With the family background that Zhu Tong is showing now, even his father can't do anything about Zhu Tong. How long will it take him to get rid of Zhu Tong with his own strength?

He hates Zhu Tong.

He hated that Zhu Tong had transferred to this school, and that he had taken away the attention and admiration of people in this school. He hated that Zhu Tong's appearance had made him appear ugly, and he hated that he had let Shao Ming accept him so easily.

Even if he knew that Zhu Tong was about to die, Shao Ming would not give up on him.

He would rather have a dead person not give him even a glance!

When he saw Shao Ming grooming Zhu Tong's hair so intimately, Xia Yang was about to go crazy with jealousy. He couldn't wait for a moment, and he was even more reluctant to give up this school.

He just left so easily. Could it be that Zhu Tong and Shao Ming are allowed to be friendly in this school?

He was not reconciled.

He wanted to wish Tong to die immediately!

Zhu Tong should follow his own destiny and completely disappear from this world!

Xia Yang clenched his fists tightly, and bloodshot even appeared in his eyes.

Seeing that he seemed to lose control of his emotions again, the system bound to him reminded him: "If you are not reconciled, then eliminating the bug can also speed up Zhu Tong's death."

Xia Yang was startled.

Eliminate bugs?

With his current strength, it is indeed easier to deal with Shao Ming than to deal with Zhu Tong, but what should he do? Did you kill Shao Ming?

He suddenly shook his head: "No, Shao Ming can't die."

Shao Ming is not the damned person.

The **** person is Zhu Tong!

"Then what is the host going to do?"

How to do it? Xia Yang thought about it.

He suddenly thought of a person, someone who was destined to go to the end with him, who loved him since childhood, who would pamper him unconditionally after reuniting with him, who would agree to all his requests and fulfill all his wishes.

He will not let Shao Ming be eliminated, he will make Shao Ming regret it, he will definitely regret it.

Xia Yang clenched his palms, turned his head to look in the direction of Shao Ming, gritted his teeth, and turned to leave the playground.

On the other hand, until Xia Yang disappeared from sight, Shao Ming's severe pain was relieved.

After a while of tinnitus, his vision gradually became clear, and he saw a worried face leaning in front of him.

"Shao Ming!"

Zhu Tong held his face with both hands and was checking the temperature of his forehead.

Shao Ming suddenly smiled: "What are you doing?"

Zhu Tong raised his eyes and saw his calm face, he couldn't help being stunned.

Rosso suddenly said: "What are you doing? What happened to you just now? You look like you're stunned, your face is still so ugly, do you want to go to the school doctor's office?"

Shao Ming said: "Demon startled?"

Rosso: "Yeah, we just called you for a long time and you didn't respond..."

Shao Ming looked at Zhu Tong again: "So my boyfriend is worried about me?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

Rosso: "…"

Why did he care about his friend being forced to stuff a bag of dog food?

Zhu Tong did not deny it, and still looked at him worriedly.

Shao Ming suddenly rubbed his forehead, "It's a little uncomfortable, let's go to the school doctor's office."

Zhu Tong immediately said, "I will accompany you."

Rosso was worried that Zhu Tong would not be able to hold it alone, so he followed up and said, "Then I..."

Shao Ming had already pulled the assembly whistle from his neck and handed it to him, "get out of class is about to end, do me a favor."

The whole get out of class must gather before class ends.

Rosso took the whistle and saw that his face had eased, thinking that he should not faint halfway, so he nodded and said, "Okay then."

Shao Ming leaned on Zhu Tong and walked towards the school doctor's office.

Zhu Tong kept turning his head to look at him, and his brows could not be loosened.

When he was about to walk to the school doctor's office, Shao Ming suddenly stood up, pulled him behind a taller than human tree, sat on the flower bed, and pulled Zhu Tong to sit on his lap.

Zhu Tong: "?!"


"I'm fine, I don't need to go to the school doctor's office."

Zhu Tong said in shock: "How can that be done? You just..."

"I lied to Rosso just now, for the sake of the world between you and me."

Zhu Tong: "…"

There are surveillance cameras everywhere in the school, what kind of world is there?

Zhu Tong thought about standing up, but was held down by Shao Ming again.

Shao Ming put his head on his shoulder and said, "I have a question for you."

Zhu Tong was worried that he was uncomfortable. Seeing that he suddenly "weakly" put his head on his shoulder, he couldn't bear to push him away. He raised his hand and put it down again: "...what's the problem?"

Shao Ming said: "Your it related to Xia Yang?"


I wish Tong Tong's heart skipped a beat.

He calmly said, "Why do you ask that all of a sudden?"

Shao Ming raised his head again, but his eyes were still lowered, and said, "Xia Yang is different from others."

Zhu Tong: "…"

If he hadn't secretly seen that Shao Ming's favorability for Xia Yang was negative, he would have suspected that Shao Ming was also bewitched by the fans.

After a moment of stunned, Zhu Tong suddenly realized something, and said sternly, "What's the difference?"

Just as Shao Ming was about to speak, his head throbbed again.

He frowned again, but despite the headache, he insisted: "He is more conspicuous than others..."

After the words came out, the headache suddenly intensified.

His face turned pale instantly, and Zhu Tong's heart tightened, "You..."

"Does he have a headache?"

The system suddenly made a sound in his head.

Zhu Tong was startled, and without thinking, he asked, "Is it a headache?"

Shao Ming suddenly raised his eyes and looked at Zhu Tong in surprise.

Zhu Tong was also surprised, because judging from Shao Ming's reaction, he was right.

The system must be right.

Why do I have a headache?

Shao Ming can somewhat guess why he has a headache. After Rosso complained about Xia Yang at the ping-pong table, he followed Rosso's words and noticed the abnormality. After that, he had a headache, which made him dizzy and even unable to think. No.

If you change to someone else, you suddenly have a splitting headache when you think things are strange, and you will probably forget the things you thought about in an instant.

Even if he didn't forget, he wouldn't suspect Xia Yang for the sudden headache.

But Shao Ming was different. He had doubts in his heart.

I wish Tong Weak's body, his inexplicable recovery, and the "secret" he himself admitted.

Hearing the discussion between the two girls in the classroom that day, Shao Ming went back and searched for the title of the book on a whim, and learned something he had never considered before.

Because of doubt, curiosity, and worry about Zhu Tong, all the abnormalities around him seemed to be magnified infinitely in his eyes, so after discovering that Xia Yang's "sense of existence" was obviously different from other people's, his brain instinctively grasped this point. Unusually.

And when he stubbornly refused to give up thinking, his headache began to intensify.

He was only suspicious at first, but the headache that just appeared again, the timing of the headache, made him have to associate the headache with Xia Yang.

It is only when Xia Yang is questioned that he will have a headache.

The head hurts more when he questions.

Something was preventing him from thinking, preventing him from "discovering" the anomaly, and preventing him from telling others about the anomaly.

He wanted to speak again, but the excruciating pain made it difficult for him to even move his lips.

He gradually lost his strength while holding Zhu Tong's hand. When he first sat down, the weakness he was leaning on Zhu Tong was pretending, but now he really lost his strength.

Zhu Tong was next to him, watching his face turn paler and paler. He had already broken free from his hand and jumped off his lap. Seeing Shao Ming swaying, he immediately supported him and made him lean on him.

"Does it hurt too much? Let's go to the school doctor's office..."

Zhu Tong turned his head to look in the direction of the school doctor's office, and the system interrupted him: "It's useless for him to go to the school doctor's office now."

Zhu Tong said anxiously, "Then what should we do?"

System: "His current situation seems to have triggered the system's self-protection mechanism to hide anomalies."

Zhu Tong frowned: "What self-protection mechanism?"

The system said: "It is a mechanism to prevent yourself from being discovered and force people other than the host to forget about the abnormality, but the abnormality caused by the system cannot be discovered by ordinary people, and this mechanism is generally not triggered. He may be because You revealed to him the fact that there are abnormalities in this world, so you have the ability to detect abnormalities, you…”

"You said that the abnormality caused by the system was found?"

Didn't Shao Ming discover the abnormality in Xia Yang?

Zhu Tong wondered: "What do you mean? Isn't the abnormality in Xia Yang because of the world setting? What does it have to do with the system?"

The system said: "It used to be, but not all of it now."


The one-person-one system was silent for a moment, and the system said, "That's what you think it means."

Zhu Tong: "…"

He was slightly startled.

It used to be because of the world setting, not all of it now.

Therefore, Xia Yang's body may be as systematic as him now.

Not possible, definitely.

But these are not important now.

"What do I do now?" Zhu Tong tightened his hands, hugged the person sitting by the flower bed and put his head in front of him: "How to relieve his headache?"


"The reason for his headache is because he wants to reveal the anomalies. As long as he no longer thinks about those anomalies and no longer think about leaking secrets, the headache will be relieved naturally."

Zhu Tong didn't even think about it, he directly held Shao Ming's face, "Shao Ming, look at me."

Shao Ming's scalp was numb from the pain, and he raised his eyes with difficulty. He saw Zhu Tong staring at him with a serious face, but his eyes were sincere and firm.

He was distracted, and the pain subsided quickly.

Zhu Tong said seriously: "Look at me, don't think about anything, what do you want to know, I'll tell you, my poor health has something to do with Xia Yang, but it has nothing to do with him now that I'm alive, don't think about him anymore , did you hear?"

Although Shao Ming's pain was relieved, he still didn't come back to his senses and looked at him in a daze.

The system thinks that his host is probably a hole, and he dares to leak anything.

Shao Ming did not speak for a long time, and Zhu Tong also remained silent.

The system said: "I think it would be more effective for you to kiss him."

Zhu Tong said: "Kissing him can treat the symptoms but not the root cause. After the kiss, he will continue to think about it."


You are thinking a long way.

Shao Ming seemed to realize what he said, and raised his head slightly and said, "Do you know why I have a headache?"

Zhu Tong nodded: "I know."

Although I just found out.

Shao Ming: "Do you know why Xia Yang is different from others?"

Zhu Tong: "I know."

Shao Ming narrowed his eyes slightly.

Zhu Tong is now completely broken and broken, thinking that Shao Ming already knows so much anyway, and knowing more is nothing.

Seeing that Shao Ming stopped asking, Zhu Tong took the initiative to say: "What I'm going to tell you now may make you feel incredible, and even subvert your perception of the world, but you have to believe what I say. It's all true."

Shao Ming was silent: "...Okay."

Zhu Tong took a deep breath and continued: "You will think that Xia Yang is more conspicuous than others, but it's actually because of him..."

After saying that, Zhu Tong suddenly paused, he looked down at Shao Ming and looked at him seriously, a question popped up in his mind.

It is also the detection of abnormality. Why did Shao Ming not trigger the protection mechanism when he discovered the abnormality from him?


The author has something to say:

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-12-0715:40:25~2021-12-0816:52:48~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 20 bottles of Yanxi; 10 bottles of Houxixi and Kongcheng; 5 bottles of Ye Weiyue and Qianqiusui; Night Changan 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!