Chapter 79: doubt

Zhu Tong didn't have time to think about anything else, because the people in front of him were still waiting eagerly.

It's really eye-catching.

Because Shao Ming is taller than him, he usually looks down at him, or sits and looks at him, or presses on him... Cough, in short, it is rare to look up at him from the bottom up like this.

Looking at Shao Ming from such an angle, there is a different kind of freshness.

Zhu Tong tactically cleared his throat and continued: "Because the world we live in is not an ordinary world."


After opening his head, Zhu Tong didn't dare to stare at Shao Ming's eyes again.

He lowered his eyes and began to narrate in an orderly manner, from the emergence of the system, to the worldview that the system gave him popular science, to his transfer to another school in order to continue his life, even including what he just discovered, there may also be systematic things in Xia Yang. Mission, he said everything he could.

After he finished speaking, he continued to lower his eyes, his heart was pounding, and he felt uncontrollably nervous.

He was nervous about how Shao Ming would react.

Different from the fact that he had the system in his mind when he received the information, the existence of the system convinced him of the information he had learned, but Shao Ming had nothing now.

Although Shao Ming said that he would believe him, Shao Ming may just choose to trust him unconditionally out of respect, and he may not believe in him subconsciously.

But Xia Yang's abnormality was noticed by Shao Ming himself... He should believe it, right?

Maybe he just needs time to digest the information?

I wish you patiently waiting.

A few seconds later, he heard Shao Ming say, "So what mission did you transfer here for?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

He raised his eyes suddenly and bumped into Shao Ming's dark eyes.

He was stunned for a while, then asked, "You... do you have any other questions to ask?"

Why is opening up such a sharp question?

Shao Ming said calmly, "No."

Zhu Tong: "…"

Why not? Aren't you just curious about Xia Yang's unusual curiosity, so much that he has a splitting headache and refuses to stop thinking?

He just said so much, there should be a lot of problems that can be expanded.

The system said, "It seems that he only cares about issues related to you."


Congratulations to Tongmo.

So he just said so much, what is the world like, how outrageous the existence of the system is, and what is abnormal on Xia Yang...isn't it important to Shao Ming?

All he cares about is what his mission is.

He only cares about Zhu Tong.

Zhu Tong's heart was sweet and astringent, he lowered his head and said, "I'm sorry, I can't tell you this."

Shao Ming cares about him, and he also cares about Shao Ming.

So I don't want Shao Ming to blame himself for the task, he will definitely blame himself.

Zhu Tong raised his eyes again: "But other than this, I can tell you everything."

Shao Ming looked up at him.

He didn't doubt Zhu Tong's words at all.

Because he didn't just say it, he even did it.

He can even tell everything about the system, which is already a way to break through the bottom line.

Just to save yourself a headache?

But just like he suspects Xia Yang because of a headache, sometimes the more you want to hide, the easier it is to reveal flaws.

Zhu Tongdu was honest with him about this, but he refused to tell him what the mission to continue his life was, either because the mission was dangerous, or... this mission was related to him.

Shao Ming looked at Zhu Tong in silence, sighed inaudibly after a while, and stopped asking, and said instead: "Then... Xia Yang has such a sense of existence wherever he is, because he is part of this world. main character?"

Zhu Tong nodded: "Yes."

Shao Ming said again: "Then the system on his body will threaten you?"


Zhu Tong was stunned for a moment, "Probably not."

Shao Ming said with deep eyes, "Should?"

"Well." Zhu Tong thought for a while and said, "If the system on Xia Yang's body is the same as mine, it shouldn't be a threat to me, and the system's ability can only be used on the host. At present, the system on his body, the ability It should make him more attractive."


Shao Ming replied without a thought.

He suddenly thought that when Xia Yang came to him last time, when he talked about Zhu Tonghui's certainty when he died, it was also because of the system that appeared in him, did he understand Zhu Tong's fate?

The look he looked at Zhu Tong on the playground just now wasn't even just jealous.

What will he do to Zhu Tong?

How far can he do it?

Regardless of whether he is a threat to Zhu Tong, this person is a trouble. What kind of protagonist, what world setting, no one in the world is born for others, let alone for the so-called "protagonist". The reason to die.

Heartthrob charm?

Shao Ming sneered in his heart. He never thought that a person could easily obtain everything by his appearance. If the condition for success was only a skin, then the world would be deformed.

What if the world is deformed? Just figure out a way to fix it.

Xia Yang… Xia Family.

Shao Ming suddenly thought of something, and his eyes became dark and unclear.

Zhu Tong was nervous when he saw that he was absent, and hurriedly asked, "What are you thinking about?"

Shao Ming raised his eyes when he heard the sound.

Zhu Tong tentatively said: "Don't think about Xia Yang anymore, you... If you really don't know what to think, you can think of me..."

Before he finished speaking, he said again: "I mean..."

Shao Ming suddenly smiled and said, "What? I think others are jealous of you?"

Zhu Tong Yizhi said, "No, I'm afraid that you will have a headache..."

"So I don't think you're jealous at all? Boyfriend, are you so generous with your feelings? I'm sad, what should I do?"


Zhu Tong was stunned by his sudden and unreasonable vexatiousness.

He's not jealous because of trust, what's there to be sad about?

He said helplessly: "I'm serious, don't change the subject."

Shao Ming said: "Okay, I know, I don't want others, I only want you in the future."

There was a low smile in his voice, and Zhu Tong's ears warmed when he heard the bell. He glanced at the large playground outside the flowerbed, and lowered his head again: "Are you feeling better? Go to the school doctor's office or go back to the classroom..."

Before he could finish speaking, the person sitting in front of him suddenly raised his hands and wrapped his arms around his waist, pulling him forward.

Shao Ming leaned his head in front of him, "It seems that there are still some sequelae, please lean on me again."


The flower bed of Evergreen is very high. Although Zhu Tong is standing, Shao Ming still relies on his height to put his face on Zhu Tong's chest.

In this position, even through the thick cashmere jacket, the heartbeat can be clearly heard.

Zhu Tong did not suspect him, and when he heard the "sequelae", he became nervous. He raised his hand and gently rubbed his temples.

Shao Ming was surprised when he heard Zhu Tong ask from above his head, "Is it better?"

Shao Ming said: "...the effect is remarkable."

Zhu Tong relaxed and said, "This is what the doctor taught me when I used to have a headache."

Shao Ming's hand around his waist slowly tightened, "Is that the doctor you asked me to listen to last time?"

Speaking of voice, Zhu Tong couldn't help but laugh.

Last time the doctor said in his voice that Shao Ming was his love interest, and he tried his best to explain it to others, but it didn't take long before Shao Ming really became his love interest.

"Well, it's Dr. Johnson. I'll take you to see him when I get a chance."

Shao Ming didn't know what he was thinking, so he replied in a low voice, "Okay."

Zhu Tong thought again, not only the doctor, but also his family.

For example, grandpa.

Grandpa also said last time that he should take Shao Ming to sit at home, but he didn't know whether Shao Ming would like it or not.

He looked down at the big head buried in his arms, suddenly released the hand that helped him massage the acupoints, raised his hand and touched his head.

Shao Ming couldn't help but look up and said with a smile, "What are you doing? Young master?"

Zhu Tong didn't answer, he looked at Shao Ming and said seriously, "Shao Ming."


"Would you like to... meet my family?"


The moment he spoke, Zhu Tong clearly felt that Shao Ming's hand froze around him for a moment, but the expression on his face did not change.

The two looked at each other in silence. Just when Zhu Tong thought that Shao Ming would refuse, he suddenly curved his lips and smiled: "Okay."

Zhu Tong's eyes lit up, "Really?"

"Yeah." Shao Ming nodded, "But after the holiday, although I can't wait, we have skipped a lot of zakat."

Zhu Tong blushed suddenly, "I didn't say I would go back now..."

Now that I go back, I might not be able to see it. My grandfather is busy every day.

Shao Ming looked at Zhu Tong's blushing face and thought, something needs to be speeded up.

The two sat beside the flower bed for a while, Shao Ming still pretended to go to the school doctor's office, and finally returned to the classroom.

After confirming that Shao Ming's head did not hurt anymore and his face returned to normal, Zhu Tongcai remembered and asked the system about the protection mechanism.

"...The information provided by the system is not limited to sharing. As long as the host is willing and willing to share it with others, the system's self-protection mechanism will not be triggered. On the contrary, the host also needs to bear the risk of information sharing."

This time, Shao Ming's headache was considered a risk.

If the system restricts information sharing, the first time Zhu Tong has the idea of ​​speaking out, the system will not persuade but directly prevent it.

As for Xia Yang's abnormality, he needs to rely on the system to get other people's attention. Naturally, this kind of thing cannot be known to others.

When Zhu Tong decided to confess to Shao Ming, the system reminded him that there would be a risk, but he didn't expect that the risk would be on Shao Ming, and he didn't expect to accidentally discover that Xia Yang also had something in the system.

"Is there any connection between your systems?" Zhu Tong suddenly asked.

The system said: "No."

Zhu Tong said: "Aren't you two together?"

Since even the self-protection mechanism is the same, maybe it is still an old acquaintance in the main system?

The system said: "Although we have our own consciousness, it is only a program set by the main system. There is no human feeling, and there is no peer to talk about."


a program?

Zhu Tong frowned, since the system appeared in his mind, apart from releasing tasks step by step, he really never heard the system mention why it appeared... If it was just a program, who implanted it into himself?

Who is going to save him?

What happened to Xia Yang's system?

"Did the original text mention that there is something systematic about Xia Yang?"

The system replied: "No."


No, that came later.

When did it appear? Why does it appear?

Is it related to him?

Zhu Tong was working on a problem originally, and he split his mind while doing it, and he didn't even notice a long line of ink on the exercise book.

Shao Ming took the pen from his hand and whispered, "What are you thinking about?"

Zhu Tong's eyes refocused: "I'm wondering if the system appeared on Xia Yang because what I did directly or indirectly affected the main line of the world."

And there is a system on Xia Yang's body to correct the world line that has deviated from the track?

What is the main line of the world? It's a love-hate relationship between a heartthrob and his suitors.

But what does that have to do with him?

Even if several disputes between him and Xia Yang changed some people's inherent views on Xia Yang and caused his protagonist's halo to weaken, wasn't that what Xia Yang was chasing?

Can't everyone bully him to the head, he has to endure the humiliation and avoid his edge, right? Wouldn't that be too useless?

Zhu Tong took a sip of water from the cup at the corner of the table.

Turning around, he found Shao Ming looking at him.

"You didn't do anything." Shao Ming said, "Even if the world line changes, it's not because of you."

Since there has been a change, it means that the original world line cannot be changed.

Shao Ming's eyes darkened slightly.

Zhu Tong was stunned.

He suddenly remembered a sentence: It's not you that's wrong, it's the world.

...a belated secondary illness?