Chapter 80: New Year

But Shao Ming is right, even if the world line changes, it is not because of him.

He does what he thinks is right, and he also wants to be at peace with Xia Yang, it is best to have nothing to do with each other, but Xia Yang refuses to be at peace with each other.

If the world line is really changed because of him, it can only mean that... the world is not distorted to an outrageous level.

At least not all people live for the sake of the crowd, most people still have three views and IQ online, right?

Zhu Tong soon got rid of the entanglement, and he asked the system: "You are the system, are you sure that all abilities can only be used on the host?"

The system said: "OK."

Zhu Tong breathed a sigh of relief.

Then it will be fine.

He never thought of interfering with who Xia Yang was ambiguous and entangled with, what other people think of Xia Yang, and how many people would like Xia Yang with all their hearts, it all had nothing to do with him.

He still said that, as long as you don't jump in front of him, don't touch the people he cares about.

Otherwise, the soldiers will come to block the water and cover the soil, and the fish will die and the net will be broken.

Thinking of Zhu Tong returning to his senses, and planning to continue doing the questions, he suddenly felt something strange in his hand... Where is his pen?

Turning his head again, a pen was spinning rapidly between Shao Ming's slender fingers.

The pen was spinning too fast, and I couldn't see the pattern on the pen, but from the color distribution, it was the pen I was using just now.

Zhu Tong was not in a hurry to get it back, but stared at it for a while, feeling a little strange.

Shao Ming noticed his burning gaze and tilted his head with a smile: "Want to learn this?"

Zhu Tong's eyes brightened: "Can I learn?"

Shao Ming said: "Of course, this is not difficult, I will teach you."

Zhu Tong was instantly interested.

System matters were quickly forgotten by him.

Shao Ming looked up at him and saw that he was staring at his hand intently, he couldn't help but smile.

He was always able to focus so quickly, and as long as it was something he was interested in, he was more serious than anyone else.

Also quite... heartless.

Returning Zhu Tong's pen to him, Shao Ming took another pen of his own, skillfully placed it between his fingers, and then began to instruct: "The first step is to place the pen between the index finger and **** like this, and press the knuckles hard. Let the pen spin..."

Zhu Tong looked at Shao Ming's posture of holding the pen, and awkwardly imitated Shao Ming's appearance to start the first step. He was only a beginner. Even a simple rotation would not look so good because of the rigidity of his movements. He turned to take a look at Shao Ming. hand.

Shao Ming's fingers are long and slender, with well-defined joints and very flexible. A pure black pen rotates very regularly between his fingers, and even a simple step is perfectly complemented by his hand.

Zhu Tong looked a little absent-minded, and suddenly appeared in his mind some discordant images that he wanted to forget but repeatedly became clearer. His fingers were slightly tight, and his hands trembled. The unstable pen is instantly released...

Zhu Tong was startled and couldn't react in time. Seeing his pen fly away, it slammed into the back of the head of the person in the front seat with a bang.

Tang Nuan: "…"

Zhu Tong: "…"

Tang Nuan turned his head slowly, looked at Zhu Tong, and then turned to look at another person very decisively: "Shao Ming!"

Before Shao Ming could speak, Zhu Tong said ashamed, "I'm sorry, squad leader, it's me."

Tang Nuan froze for a moment, and his sullen face changed instantly, "...Are you learning to turn a pen?"

Zhu Tong nodded stiffly.

Tang Nuan paused and said, "It's alright, you continue... Well, if you learn it for the first time, you can take it slowly, and you will learn it slowly, so don't rush for success."

Zhu Tong: "…"

He felt that he and Shao Ming were treated somewhat differently at the monitor.

Although the squad leader behaved very generously, Zhu Tong apologized again.

Shao Ming endured a laugh beside him, leaned over and said, "Are you still coming?"

He was still spinning the pen in his hand.

Zhu Tongxue still wanted to learn, but once something appeared in his mind, it was not easy to kick it out. He felt guilty when he saw Shao Ming's hand, especially when he saw that he was turning his pen nimbly. finger.

Zhu Tonghong shook his head and said, "I don't want to study anymore, I'm going to do the quiz."

Shao Ming said: "I really don't want to learn, I'll help you watch, and I won't let the pen fly out again."


It's not that he refused to learn because the pen was flying.

But the reason cannot be said.

Zhu Tong thought it was very strange. He didn't care much about physical problems before, and he wouldn't be interested in such things when he was alone, but after being with Shao Ming, many things seemed to be different.

Is this also why the body is getting better?

He often became strange because of Shao Ming's touch, and his whole body felt weak when kissing, especially after Shao Ming helped him, he always... even during class time couldn't help thinking about it.

He felt like he was going out of control.

Why is this so?

He didn't know, he didn't dare to ask, and he didn't dare to let others see what he was thinking.

He forced himself to divert his attention, thought for a moment and said, "Just now... I hit the squad leader with my pen. Why did she turn her head and blame you?"

He looked like he was still angry.

Shao Ming turned his head to look at the person in front of him, and said with a smile, "Maybe it's a conditioned reflex."

Zhu Tong: "?"

Conditioned reflex?

Shao Ming said: "When I first started to learn how to turn a pen, I always threw the pen on her by mistake. Every time she was furious, she wanted to tear me apart."

Zhu Tong: "…"

The squad leader is furious? He couldn't imagine it.

But Shao Ming threw the pen on the monitor?

"Are you also missing when you turn the pen?"

Shao Ming raised his eyebrows and said, "Why not?"

Wish Tong choked for a while.

Ever since he met Shao Ming, he has been constantly discovering new skills in Shao Ming. He is good at learning, athletic, can play with computers, can make milk tea, and can ride horses...

He seems to be omnipotent.

But it turns out that Shao Mingxue also made frequent mistakes when turning his pen. What about other things? How much effort did he make behind other people's backs before he learned it?

No one is born to be able to do everything.

Zhu Tong said: "If only I had known you earlier."


Shao Ming's movement of turning the pen stopped suddenly, and a pen stopped firmly between his middle and ring fingers.

He curled his lips and said, "Why do you say that?"

I wish Tong Xin said that by doing so, Shao Ming can suffer less, and he doesn't have to force himself to grow up so quickly.

Even then Shao Ming might not be as good as he is now, but he will still like him.

But he said: "Then I can work hard with you, and now I may be as good as you."

Shao Ming: "…"

He couldn't help laughing: "Do you think I'm amazing?"

Zhu Tong nodded.

Shao Ming approached his ear vaguely and said, "Where is it so powerful?"

The warm breath viciously rushed to his ear, Zhu Tong was startled, realizing that this person must have no good words next, he wisely chose to block the topic, picked up the pen from the corner of the table, and said solemnly: "I have to do the question. "

Changing the subject is very blunt.

Shao Ming didn't dare to tease him too much in the classroom, and he knew how to stop just right.

He said "OK", backed away a little, and looked at Zhu Tong's profile with one hand on his head.

After the body recovered, Zhu Tong's face was no longer ill, but more healthy color, the pupil color was still very light, but when he looked at people, he didn't show indifference from the inside out like at the beginning, now it looks like he was dyed. Shining like a star.

He should have been such a bright boy.

His eyes fell on Zhu Tong's slightly pursed lips, and Shao Ming's eyes darkened.

It was already a little congested, but Zhu Tong had just drank the water again, and the color of his lips was like a flower bone dipped in water, which was tempting to taste.

His eyes were too hot, and Zhu Tong couldn't do it after a while, turned his head and said, "Don't look at me, why don't you play with your phone today?"

Shao Ming's love words don't want money: "The mobile phone is not as good as yours."

Zhu Tong: "…"

He thinks there are. For example, every time Shao Ming turns the phone over and holds the phone case to face himself, the person in the phone looks better than him.

Zhu Tong couldn't help but look at Shao Ming's face. When he almost lost his mind, he pulled his consciousness back in time, and said seriously, " can go back and look at it again, don't disturb me now."

Shao Ming said: "Go back and look at it again?"

Zhu Tong: "Yeah."

"Then you give me an IOU, the interest will be calculated from now on, and it will be returned to me with interest when you go back."

Zhu Tong: "…"

Why is he being seen, and he has become the debtor?

In the end, he was forced to write an IOU, and only then did Young Master Zhu get clean.

Shao Ming took some time to complete the necessary homework, but still picked up the phone.

The program he had used before was still preserved, and he had already read half of the novel.

There are systems, and there are life-continuing plots.

Because of being poisoned by the novel, he previously guessed whether the mission of Zhu Tong's life extension would be to attack him, but this guess was rejected by him.

If it's just a simple strategy, they are already together, and the strategy has been successful, why didn't Zhu Tong tell him?

And what did Zhu Tong do to attack him?

Except for asking to be at the same table with him at the beginning, he didn't seem to have done anything to get close to him, but kept a distance on purpose.

He did do a lot too.

Find someone to teach Yuan Shaozhou a lesson and help clarify the milk tea shop... But that is not so much a strategy, but more like Zhu Tong's own innate sense of justice.

If you have to find a strategy target, Zhu Tong should spend the most time on learning from the transfer to the present.


Shao Ming tilted his head and glanced at the young master who was already immersed in the sea of ​​questions. He smiled helplessly, closed the novel interface, opened WeChat, and contacted the people in City A.

Recently, rumors about the young master of the Zhu family and an illegitimate son have been fermenting in City A. Some people couldn't help but come to Gongshui County to inquire. Zhu Tong and Shao Ming go in and out together every day, and it is easy to help They set a target.

It was soon discovered that the people who were with Zhu Tong had also appeared in the private manor where Liu Jianbai held a banquet.

It's not something that anyone can go to.

His ability to enter the arena smoothly, in the eyes of many people, is proof that he is the illegitimate child of someone with a certain status.

As for who's illegitimate child, there are many speculations in City A.

In Gongshui County, the life on the campus is not affected by the outside world, and there is no mess. Zhu Tong really enjoys the ordinary campus life.

He and Shao Ming spent Christmas Eve together and Christmas together.

Ordinary county high schools do not officially celebrate foreign festivals, but students still create some festive atmosphere, which is also very interesting.

Most importantly, it was the first time for Zhu Tong to celebrate the festival at school.

The school also prepared a New Year's Eve party.

The performance of a grade of students huddled on the stands in an auditorium was far too cold compared to the formal party that Cheng Chen had brought Zhu Tong to observe up close.

But Zhu Tong took a picture with great interest and sent it to Zhu Xin, who will be on stage tonight.

Xiaoxin regained her state after being depressed for a while.

Reciprocity, she sent Zhu Tong her outfit for today.

In the photo, the girl who has always been without makeup and naturally beautiful has light makeup on her face, wearing a white feather tube top dress, and her long smooth hair has been braided on the side. Beautiful.

She is tonight's host.

As soon as Zhu Tong received the news, he couldn't wait to share it with Shao Ming, "How is it? Isn't it beautiful?"

Shao Ming looked down and looked at Zhu Tong again: "You are the best looking."

Zhu Tong said silently: "Where am I good-looking? I'm not dressed up."

Shao Ming said: "It's called Xi Shi in the eyes of a lover. In my eyes, no one is more beautiful than you."

Zhu Tong: "…"

Zhu Tong was too lazy to pay attention to him, and lowered his head to reply to Xiao Xin.

Shao Ming hugged him again and said, "Do you want to go back?"

Zhu Tong puzzled: "Where are you going?"

Shao Ming looked at the screen of his mobile phone, "Who did you celebrate with before?"

"Before?" Zhu Tong was stunned for a moment, "I'm usually in the hospital, there's no need to celebrate ordinary festivals, and important festivals are with Xiaoxin..."

As he spoke, he suddenly realized what Shao Ming meant by "going back". After a while, he said, "There is nothing to go back to the school. Although it's a little regrettable that I can't see Xiao Xin come to power, if I were there, Xiao Xin would be fine. Either you want to take me to the stage, or you want to accompany me to sit under the stage, and I may not see her coming to the stage."

Some people are born to shine on stage.

Zhu Tong looked at the girl in the photo, and felt amazing and strange. Maybe it was because of the style. Xiao Xin didn't look as lively and playful as usual, and more like a young but mature professional host.

In his impression, he would act like a spoiled brat in front of him, and would pester his cute girl, as if he had grown up before he knew it, and could be on his own in the field she was good at.

Zhu Tong bent his lips unconsciously. After staring at the photo for a while, he locked the screen of his phone and looked up: "And isn't there you now?"

Shao Ming: "…"

The hand on Zhu Tong's shoulder was slightly tight, and Shao Ming lowered his voice and said, "Did you forget that this is the auditorium?"

Zhu Tong: "?"

What happened to the auditorium? He didn't let anyone else hear it.

Shao Ming did not explain, and said directly: "Remember to make an IOU."

Zhu Tong: "…"

Why is he owed again?

Before he could react, Shao Ming had already pulled his hand and forcibly squeezed his five fingers between his fingers, interlocking with his ten fingers.

The third shift seat is in the front, the light is unclear, and the two of them are sitting in the middle. At this time, as long as someone tilts their head slightly, they can see their obviously abnormal handshake.

Zhu Tong looked around nervously, but was not willing to withdraw his hand.

In the school hall in winter, the performance of the air conditioner purchased by the school with limited conditions is not stable. It is the same as if it is not on. The two teenagers sitting together rely on their palms to transfer the temperature to each other, and their hearts are warm.

After the New Year's Day party is the New Year's Day holiday. This holiday is not easy, because it is followed by the final exam.

Before the holiday, Shi Wenshu stood on the podium and exhorted earnestly that he should not slacken his study during the holiday, nor forget his knowledge if he forgot to eat. The final exam is just around the corner, and the college entrance examination will come quickly.

Teacher Shi gave a whole class on the podium, and the students in Class 3 came to a deep understanding.

The New Year's Day holiday finally came as promised. Zhu Tong did not go back to City A. The reason is simple. New Year's Day was said to be three days off, but in fact, it was only two and a half days. If you have time to go back to City A to "visit relatives and friends", it is better to make a few more pictures. Math papers.

During the holiday, I still spend it in a milk tea shop.

After the winter, the number of customers in the milk tea shop has obviously decreased. The cold wind blows outside, and Shao Ming can't stand the gu that he puts on his face.

The store relaxed, and Zhu Tong, a temporary worker, was also laid off. He brought two papers, one for mathematics and one for physics.

While working on the test papers, the door of the milk tea shop was pushed open. A well-dressed girl stood at the door and looked inside for a while, then walked straight to the dining table where Zhu Tong was making the papers.

"Excuse me, may I sit here?"


Zhu Tong had just drawn half of a force analysis diagram when he heard a voice and raised his head... an unknown face.

He hadn't spoken yet, and the girl was stunned when she saw his face.

This young master of the Zhu family looks even better in real life than in the photos.


The author has something to say:

Thank you to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-12-09 17:26:32~2021-12-1016:46:26~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 24 bottles of Meow Jiji; [] 20 bottles; 10 bottles of mine; 1 bottle of grapefruit 0327, strange, cute and lovely;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!