Chapter 81: Challenging

Since Liu Jianbai's high-profile opening of the "Recognition Meeting" at the banquet, the young master of the Zhu family, who has been mysterious and rumored to be infirm in City A, has been completely exposed to the public.

Because there is a twin sister Zhu Xin, although Zhu Tong is mysterious in City A, it is not ignorant. AI can guess what he looks like by changing his face, and his identity as the young master of the Zhu family is attractive enough. Power, but the thoughtful people eventually stop at his "sickness".

People who put their own interests first, no one would be willing to take a patient back to make offerings.

Instead of choosing Zhu Tong, it is better to spend time trying to win over his twin sister.

But a banquet changed their inherent impression of Zhu Tong.

At the banquet, Zhu Tong confronted Xia Weiyi as a junior, standing beside Liu Jianbai, although he was young but his momentum was not diminished. How could he look sick at all?

After some inquiry and investigation, they came to a conclusion: Zhu Tong's illness may have already recovered.

So someone couldn't sit still.

A lot of people from big and small aristocratic families in city A were moved, but because Zhu Tong left city A after attending the banquet, they couldn't find a chance.

Looking for someone in a small county? On the one hand, I do not want to wrong myself, on the other hand, it is too deliberate.

But there are also those who are not afraid of being deliberate.

Kong Lu is here for Zhu Tong.

Originally, I just wanted to take advantage of the New Year's Day holiday to strike up a conversation, but the moment I saw Zhu Tong, Kong Lu changed his mind.

After being stunned for a moment, she showed a reserved smile just right.

Kong Lu looks good, with long straight black hair, a short woolen coat, a dress and boots inside, with a little Korean gentle temperament.

Zhu Tong subconsciously glanced at the counter, although there was no queue, but there were several people around.

He thought it was a customer in the milk tea shop who didn't want to wait in front of the counter, so he didn't want to be neglected, nodded lightly, and continued to lower his head to draw.

Kong Lu was not embarrassed to see his indifferent attitude, not to mention that others were busy studying, so he had no eyesight, "Are you Zhu Tong?"

Zhu Tong raised his eyes again.

Kong Lu said: "I saw your photo in the comments section of my cousin's Weibo. I thought you were a native of City E, but I didn't expect you to be from City A, and I am from City A. Mind getting acquainted with me. ?"


Zhu Tong said, "Your cousin?"

"Yes." Kong Lu was a little proud: "My cousin is Zhuo Yunan, you should know me?"

This is why Kong Lu dared to come directly to the milk tea shop.

Zhuo Yunan once helped the milk tea shop to clarify public opinion. As long as people in Gongshui County are online, there is nothing that they don't know.

Her cousin is Zhuo Yunan, and because of her status, she was always envied and flattered in the school of city A, and her cousin's fans were rushing to curry favor with her.

Speaking of which, my cousin is also the benefactor of this milk tea shop. She inquired about it when she came. Zhu Tong comes to this milk tea shop almost every weekend. It should be easy for her to approach Zhu Tong as Zhuo Yunan's cousin. of.

She expected Zhu Tong to show a surprised expression.

However, Zhu Tong just looked at her indifferently, then lowered his head indifferently, "I know, but I don't chase stars."

So there is no need to know the cousin of the star.

Zhu Tong politely said, "I'm sorry."

He continued to draw, Kong Lu did not expect this reaction.

Even if you don't chase stars, shouldn't you be surprised to hear that she is Zhuo Yunan's cousin?

She was unwilling, paused for a moment, and then said, "Do you often come to this milk tea shop?"

Zhu Tong casually said, "Well."

"Then you must be familiar with the drinks in the milk tea shop, right?"


Zhu Tong paused while writing the steps to solve the problem, and a trace of impatience arose in his heart.

Can't this guy see that he's doing a quiz?

Interrupted him again and again, is he really here to buy milk tea?

He looked up again.

Kong Lu didn't seem to notice his dissatisfaction at all, and Gu Zi said: "It's strange to say that, my cousin never drank milk tea before, she even posted a Weibo for a milk tea shop, she used to I haven't seen her share any daily routines except for business blogs. I think she must like the milk tea in this store, so I came to this milk tea store to check in, but I have difficulty choosing, and I really don't know what to choose. You Any recommendations?"

She said a lot, and inside and outside the words, it was revealed that "cousin" was not ordinary to the milk tea shop.

Shane-like tone.

Zhu Tong's originally indifferent face gradually became colder.

Not to mention that Zhuo Yunan helped the milk tea shop to clarify that her cousin would not lose her benefits. Even if Zhuo Yunan really helped a lot, what does it have to do with her cousin?

Does this girl have cat cakes?

Zhu Tong put down his pen and said, "Do you have difficulty choosing?"

Kong Lu was pleasantly surprised when he finally looked at him, and said embarrassedly, "Yeah, I..."

"Are there options that are making it difficult for you now?"


Kong Lu's face stiffened.

Zhu Tong said: "After you entered the milk tea shop, haven't you seen the drink list in the shop?"

People who are dizzy have to see blood before they become dizzy. If they have difficulty in choosing, they will fall ill without even looking at the options?

Kong Lu was choked by Zhu Tong's unusual brain circuit.

She originally came for Zhu Tong, and since Zhu Tong was not at the counter, she forgot to go to the counter to pretend.

She didn't know how to explain it for a while, and Zhu Tong didn't want to listen to her explanation, and said directly: "Miss, I don't know what you want to do when you come to the milk tea shop. If you buy milk tea, go to the counter. There are more people in work clothes than me. Professional, you can go wherever you go without drinking milk tea, but if you really refuse to go to other places in the store, it is the most basic courtesy not to disturb others when they are busy, don't you understand?"

Kong Lu: "…"

After Zhu Tong finished speaking, he started to pack up the test papers and planned to change to a clean place.

Seeing this, Kong Lu said anxiously, "I just want to get to know you..."

"You already know each other." Zhu Tong said: "My name is Zhu Tong, I'm from City A, I don't think these are from the comments on Weibo, and I have to remind you that your cousin posted Weibo to help milk tea It has been a few months since the shop clarified, and the fan check-in has already ended. Miss, when you choose the single-digit temperature, should I say that you are different or should I praise you for not being afraid of the wind and snow and your sisters love? "


Kong Lu smiled reluctantly: "You...Did you misunderstand something? I'm here now because I accompany my cousin to shoot a variety show in City E, so I came here to see it."

Zhu Tong finally picked up the pen, stood up indifferently and said, "That has nothing to do with me, I don't want to know you."

He walked to the counter without looking back.

Kong Lu was stunned for a while watching his nonchalant movements.

She didn't understand what the problem was.

Don't you like this milk tea shop very much? Her cousin has helped the milk tea shop so much, and he has this attitude towards himself? Who is rude?

Kong Lu couldn't help turning his head to look at the counter, only to see the person who had walked some distance suddenly turned back.

She was a little surprised and a little surprised, racking her brains to say something, and seeing Zhu Tong take the cup of pudding sago he forgot from the table without saying a word, and then she didn't give her a look, turned away.

Kong Lu: "…"

Zhu Tong took the milk tea and walked directly behind the counter.

As soon as Shao Ming took out a few bags of new fruit powder from the warehouse, he saw that the person who was sitting at the dining table and making rolls with peace of mind had moved his position behind the counter.

Still frowning.

Zhu Tong feels annoying, very annoying.

Although the words just now didn't make it clear, he could also see that the girl was coming at him, and she had a purpose.

He wasn't stupid either, he came to Gongshui County from City A just to get to know him. Nine times out of ten, it was because of Uncle Liu.

He sucked the milk tea a little depressedly.

Are those people in City A too busy?

Shao Ming put the fruit powder under the counter, walked up to him and said, "Who made our young master angry?"

Before Zhu Tong could speak, Rosso had already watched the fun and said, "The young master ordered a peach blossom today, and was disturbed when he was making the paper."

Shao Ming caught it accurately, narrowed his eyes and said, "Peach blossom?"

Zhu Tong immediately looked towards Rosso.

Rosso was intimidated by his eyes, and said, "Damn, just that girl over there, but who is that girl? It looks a little familiar, like that one."

Zhu Tong suddenly remembered that Rosso seemed to have said that he was still a fan of Zhuo Yunan.

Just thinking about how to avoid this problem, Kong Lu had already walked to the counter, looked at Rosso and introduced himself: "Hello, my name is Kong Lu, I'm Zhuo Yunan's cousin."

Rosso: "…"

Zhu Tong: "…"

As if hearing a click, Rosso's jaw dropped to the ground.

Kong Lu seemed very satisfied with Rosso's reaction, and looked at Zhu Tong proudly.

She didn't come to Zhu Tong because she liked it. She has the identity of a star sister. In City A, the younger brother who is better than her family background is kind and friendly to her. When has she been treated like this today? ?

She also doesn't like hot faces sticking to people's cold butts. Seeing Rosso's shock, she consciously regained a little face, and smiled at Rosso gently: "Can I order?"

Rosso's mind was full of "Zhuo Yunan's cousin".

Which Zhuo Yunan? Is it the Zhuo Yunan she knew?

Why did Zhuo Yunan's cousin come to the milk tea shop? What is she doing with Zhu Tong?

There were no other customers in the store for the time being, and his professionalism made him nod subconsciously, "Of course, what would you like to drink?"

Kong Lu smiled in satisfaction and turned to look at Zhu Tong, "Bring me a cup of the one in his hand."

Zhu Tong: "…"

Rosso looked along, a little hesitant.

He couldn't figure out what the girl meant.

After a moment's pause, Rosso said, "Pudding sago? Well, then wait a moment."

Rosso turned around.

Kong Lu said again: "Wait."


Kong Lu turned his eyes and looked at Shao Ming, who was closest to Zhu Tong. He raised his finger and said, "I want him to do it for me."

Rosso turned his head in the direction she pointed, his face changed slightly.

If this doesn't seem to be a problem, then his IQ is zero.

Zhu Tong originally lowered his head out of sight, but when he heard the words, he raised his head and looked at the person whose eyes were showing his fingers, and his brows suddenly wrinkled.

Doesn't this make it clear that it's going to be a challenge?

He said directly: "He doesn't take your order."

Kong Lu said: "What? You have the final say in this store?"

Zhu Tong: "I..."

"It doesn't matter what he said." Shao Ming cut him off and smiled: "But I, he said it can."


Zhu Tong tilted his head and glanced at him, his face was slightly red, and he did not refute.

Kong Lu looked at the apparently ambiguous atmosphere between the two of them, her expression changed, and she asked, "You mean you don't accept this order? You still need to pick customers when you open a store. Is this your service attitude?"

Shao Ming said: "If the guests are not satisfied, the door is behind you, walk slowly and not send them off."


Kong Lu suddenly smiled, "Yes, anyway, this store is open for pretense, of course you don't care about the customers, there is a rich father in City A, even if it is an illegitimate child, you will not be short of a few cups of milk tea to earn money, right?"


The author has something to say:

Thank you to the little angel who voted or irrigated nutrient solution for me during 2021-12-1016:46:26~2021-12-1117:15:45~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 30 bottles of Baibaibai; 10 bottles of Jason Toodd; 1 bottle of jasmine;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!