Chapter 82: fight back

Zhuo Yunan was recently participating in an outdoor reality show. There is a famous karst cave in City E. The show team set today's filming location in a karst cave. After the filming started, she was isolated from the world. Come out of the cave with another fellow actor.

Outside the cave is a suspension bridge, and a group of enthusiastic fans gathered under the suspension bridge. She waved her hands enthusiastically on the suspension bridge.

After leaving the karst cave and returning to the nanny car, Zhuo Yunan sighed in relief, opened the car door and asked, "Where's Kong Lu?"

The assistant next to her said, "Miss Kong Lu said it was too boring in the car, so she went shopping in the city by herself."

Zhuo Yunan frowned, "She has never been to City E before, why go shopping alone?"

The assistant said indifferently: "I guess it's just an excuse to go out. Sister Nan, you don't need to worry about her. Some people just don't have self-knowledge. Her parents insisted that you take her with you when recording the show. You don't know what the idea was? ? They just want to rub your camera and let their daughter show her face on your show, so that she can debut like you in the future, and they don't want to see what her daughter is like. I want to say, with Miss Kong Lu's temperament , if she makes her debut, she'll have to overturn within a month, so don't bother you again."

Zhuo Yunan said: "It's none of my business whether she makes a debut or not. I think she came to E City with me today, probably not for the purpose of appearing in the camera."

"Why don't you show up? Didn't you just ask you to introduce her in front of the director before the filming? I also wanted the show team to set up a special issue of family interaction, thanks to her being able to speak, when the show team is her home Right? The Kong family is not a famous family in City A, right? Miss Kong Lu is taking herself too seriously."

The assistant was indignant when he thought that the Kong family repeatedly wanted to use Zhuo Yunan to squeeze his daughter into the crew while filming.

Intuit shameless!

Zhuo Yunan did not speak.

What she was thinking about was the rumors she heard in City A during this period. Kong Lu asked about her blogging for the milk tea shop two days ago. Her uncle and the others would not think about it, and let Kong Lu go to Gongshui County to hook up. The little boy of Zhu's family, right?

She clarified for the milk tea shop that it was the owner's advice. She had never told anyone. She was only responsible for getting paid to do things.

But since the owner came out for a milk tea shop, it is enough to show that the background of this milk tea shop is not ordinary.

Even if it is an illegitimate child, it must be an illegitimate child with a higher status than the Kong family. What can Kong Lu get from the milk tea shop?

Knowing that someone else has a target but still want to stab in the bar, are you not afraid of humiliating yourself?

Zhuo Yunan was very tired for his family and relatives, and only hoped that his cousin would have some brains and not go to the milk tea shop to be ashamed.

As a result, as soon as she leaned down in the seat, she received a call.

Zhuo Yunan sat up without saying a word after listening to the phone, and opened the door to get out of the car.

The assistant said in surprise: "Sister Nan, where are you going? The program team will arrange for the guests to have dinner together immediately."

Zhuo Yunan didn't turn his head back and said, "The bowl is almost gone, what kind of food are you still eating!"


In the milk tea shop, Kong Lu looked at the frozen expressions of the few people behind the counter, and only felt in a good mood.

She knew about the relationship between Shao Ming and Zhu Tong.

She had seen several intimate photos of the two of them together, but she didn't take Shao Ming seriously.

It's just an illegitimate child, no matter who he is, as long as he is an illegitimate child, he will never be on the table.

What's more, there are two men together.

Even if same-sex marriage is now legal, the notions in people's hearts cannot be changed.

These two people are not destined to last long, so when Kong Lu came to Zhu Tong, he didn't feel any guilt.

After being rejected by Zhu Tong, Kong Lu felt ashamed and wanted to buy a cup of milk tea to pick on the thorns, but he didn't expect that person would not take the bait.

She originally had scruples about Zhu Tong, but after seeing two people flirting with each other in person, she gave up on Zhu Tong.

How about the young master of the Zhu family? What about Liu Jianbai's newly recognized godson? When she makes her debut in the future and becomes popular like her cousin, what kind of financial master will she be unable to find?

She shouldn't have listened to her parents today, and came to this broken milk tea shop to sell low prices to Zhu Tong.

After she figured it out, she only felt that she looked superior to others, and even showed arrogance on her face.

Shao Ming and Zhu Tong didn't speak to her ridicule, Luo Suo couldn't bear it anymore, he frowned and said, "What nonsense are you talking about?"

"Nonsense?" Kong Lu smiled and said in surprise, "You don't know yet, do you?"

She looked at Shao Ming again, "I really wouldn't say this kind of thing anywhere, after all, it's not a glorious thing, and my biological father is far away in City A, but he has placed his son in this remote small county town. The main room at home found out that it is not easy for you."

As she said that, she also looked at the milk tea shop, and pouted her true face.

Rosso frowned even more.

Shao Ming said lightly: "Oh? It seems that Miss Kong did her homework before coming today? Do you even know who owns my milk tea shop?"


"Then tell me, who opened my milk tea shop? Although I was thrown by my father in this small county, since he opened a shop for us, it means that he still has me in his heart. He said hello and asked him to go to Miss Kong's house to say hello, do you think he will go?"

Kong Lu's proud face froze, obviously not expecting this.

She also heard about Shao Ming's attendance at Liu Jianbai's banquet. It was a banquet that her parents were not even qualified to attend. If Shao Ming was really the illegitimate child of a family who had attended the banquet, their family would definitely not be able to offend him.

But she only froze for a moment before relaxing again.

She knows a lot of illegitimate children from famous families in City A. Even the illegitimate children who have not been recognized are living well in City A, and Shao Ming...Looking at the life he is living now, the more powerful his father is, the more proof he is. Does Dad not value him?

Otherwise, why would he be driven to a place like Gongshui County? What's the difference between this and letting him fend for himself?

It's impossible for his father to come forward for his illegitimate son!

Kong Lu thought and smiled again, "Did you admit it yourself?"

Acknowledging the identity of his illegitimate child.

She turned to look at Rosso, as if to respond to the question he had just said that he was "nonsense", but saw that Rosso's angry expression had subsided, looking at her like a fool.

Kong Lu: "…"

Rosso felt that his filter on idols was about to shatter.

This person turned out to be Zhuo Yunan's cousin?

Such a mindless thing to say.

No one knows better than him how Shao Ming's milk tea shop came to be.

After graduating from junior high school, Shao Ming met Mr. Lu when he was working part-time in an Internet cafe. The two worked together to develop a company management system. After the trustee sold it, he accumulated a sum of money and used the funds to open the store. .

The milk tea shop came up with this idea from Shao Ming, to complete all kinds of documents, and then to open, Rosso participated in the whole process, and even the first batch of raw materials were bought by him and Shao Ming together, this matter from beginning to end None of the people from City A participated.

This person said that this store was opened by his own father, Brother Ming, without knowing anything?

I didn't know how to do my homework before I humiliated people. Sure enough, most of the people from City A were sick...except for Zhu Tong.

Rosso was too lazy to speak, he looked back, and he looked like he didn't care about the mentally retarded.

Kong Lu was dumbfounded.

Shao Ming looked at her and said, "I admit it or not, it seems that Miss Kong has not made it clear that her news is true or false. Would you like to make a call to confirm it?"


Kong Lu's face flushed, and she said angrily, "You are an illegitimate child, and your father left you here, are you not reconciled? You and Zhu Tong are so close, don't you just want to use his identity to take you back to City A ?"

Shao Ming pretended to be stunned and said in surprise: "Smart, how did you see it?"

Kong Lu: "You..."

She widened her eyes in disbelief.

Did this person even admit this?

Zhu Tong was standing beside him, did he just admit it?

Kong Lu's brain was knotted, and he subconsciously looked at Zhu Tong's reaction.

Shao Ming also raised his eyebrows, looked at Zhu Tong and said, "Master, what do you think?"

Zhu Tong looked at him with a heavy face.

When Kong Lu revealed the identity of Shao Ming's illegitimate son, Zhu Tong felt a little stunned.

He didn't expect this matter to come out of an unrelated mouth so suddenly.

He tried to make Kong Lu shut up, but before he could figure out a way, Shao Ming opened his mouth.

No surprises, no doubts, he responded quickly, counterattacks are well-founded, and he can make his popularity half to death.

He didn't have the slightest bit of surprise and hesitation that he had just found out about his life experience.

Shao Ming, he... already knew it.

How much does he know?

Has he been disappointed and sad?

Shao Ming hid his emotions so well that Zhu Tong couldn't see them.

He just looked at Shao Ming, hesitating to say anything.

On the contrary, his emotions were well understood. Shao Ming seemed to see what he was thinking.

The young master is worried about him again.

He has let go of things that he didn't care about for a long time, and now it seems that there is another person showing the emotions he should have. This feeling... is also quite wonderful.

There was a sudden silence behind the counter. From Kong Lu's point of view, it was Shao Ming who was playing with his mouth.

Zhu Tong's hesitant words seemed to her to be disappointment and forbearance.

Shao Ming's face was slightly stiff, and in her eyes, he was guilty and annoyed.

Kong Lu was confident, looked at Zhu Tong and said: "Zhu Shao, I heard that you used to be hospitalized all the year round, you haven't even been to school, you don't know much about many things, I think I have to remind you that some people are destined to be invisible. Yes, if you take others seriously, others may not take you seriously, but you can't recognize people clearly and lose your face..."

"Have you said enough?" Zhu Tong suddenly turned his head.

His face was dark, and the impatience in his eyes was about to overflow.

Kong Lu thought he was angry with Shao Ming.

The angrier he was, the more proud Kong Lu was.

She just wanted Zhu Tong to know that the person he was dating was an illegitimate child who would be looked down upon and not recognized by others. Zhu Tong rejected her, and he couldn't take back the person he liked. Better to choose her.

She casually raised her hand and brushed the hair hanging down from her ear. Looking at what Shao Ming wanted to say, she saw that Zhu Tong was already frowning and holding the phone.

The phone was quickly connected: "Hello..."

Zhu Tong couldn't wait to say: "Call Zhuo Yunan, her dog ran out and barked, let her take it back by herself."

"Who? Zhuo Yunan? When did she get a dog? Hey you..."

Cheng Chen was still stunned, and Zhu Tong had hung up the phone.

Kong Lu was completely stunned.

It took her a long time to react, and she said furiously, "Who are you calling a dog!"

No, who did Zhu Tong call just now? What did he say?

Her pupils shrank, looked at Zhu Tong and said, "You..."

She wanted to ask who Zhu Tong was and why she could call her cousin?

Her cousin is now the first sister of Chengzhou Entertainment. The company values ​​her very much, and many investors have thrown olive branches to her. How could her cousin be able to call Zhu Tong? How dare you call her a dog?

She couldn't help panicking.

At this time, the door of the milk tea shop was pushed open, and a person wearing sunglasses and a scarf walked in. Seeing that there were no customers in the shop, he said in a deep voice, "Kong Lu!"

When Kong Lu heard the voice, she turned her head and her face changed suddenly, "...Cousin?"

"Don't dare." The visitor took off his disguise while walking to the counter, and said with an ugly face: "If you call me cousin again, I will lose my job."

The person who came was Zhuo Yunan.

She also wore a set of sweatshirts that she and other guests wore when recording the show, her hair was tied in a ponytail, and her concise dress was very down to earth.

Kong Lu didn't understand what she meant. She sneaked here with her cousin behind her back. Just as she was about to explain, Zhuo Yunan's cell phone rang again.

Worried about what is coming, Zhuo Yunan glanced at Kong Lu and answered the phone.

"...I'm in the milk tea shop now, I know, don't worry, Mr. Cheng, I'll take care of it."

After hanging up the phone, Zhuo Yunan breathed a sigh of relief.

When Kong Lu heard her name, her face instantly turned pale.

Mr. Cheng...Which Mr. Cheng?

Why is my cousin's employer calling her now?

Zhuo Yunan has already looked at her with a sullen face, "Who asked you to come here?"

Kong Lu: "I..."

Zhuo Yunan didn't listen to her at all, pulled her around and said, "Apologize."

Kong Lu was shocked: "Cousin?"

Why should she apologize without asking?

Zhuo Yunan said, "Don't want to apologize?"

She looked at Zhu Tong again, "Zhu Shao, I apologize to you for what happened today, what do you want to do?"

Zhu Tong looked indifferent.

Luo Suo was too shocked to speak. He looked at Zhu Tong and Zhuo Yunan.

He already knew that Zhu Tong was rich.

But he seems to have been refreshed again today.

It turns out that Kong Lu is really Zhuo Yunan's cousin.

It turns out that Zhu Tong from the milk tea shop did not "invite" Zhuo Yunan last time, but "called" Zhuo Yunan.

What kind of family is Zhu Tong's family?

Zhu Tong glanced at Kong Lu, whose face was pale, and said solemnly: "If there is no sincerity, then there is no need to apologize."

Kong Lu gritted his teeth fiercely, not daring to speak.

She didn't dare to think about how powerful Zhu Tong's background was, and she didn't want to apologize, she just wanted to get out of here quickly.

Hearing that Zhu Tong said there was no need to apologize, she was relieved.

Zhu Tong said again: "You are her cousin, do you know what she wants most?"


Kong Lu was startled, and raised his eyes sharply to look at Zhu Tong.

What does he want to do?

Zhu Tong only looked at Zhuo Yunan.

Zhuo Yunan was slightly startled, she could see that Zhu Tong was serious.

Zhuo Yunan also knows what kind of virtue her cousin is. It seems that this time she has offended someone severely. She looked at Kong Lu and sighed: "She wants to debut."


Zhu Tong looked at Kong Lu again and said indifferently, "Oh, then you don't have to debut now."

Kong Lu was startled and couldn't believe that her cousin was actually telling the truth, and Zhu Tong was unhappy when she spoke to herself, so she couldn't help but said, "Why do you do this? I'm telling the truth, he was originally..."

She said and wanted to point to Shao Ming.

Zhuo Yunan said, "If you don't want to involve your parents, you'd better shut up immediately."


Kong Lu's throat choked, and he couldn't make a sound.

Zhuo Yunan said again: "You go out first."

"Cousin, outside..."

Kong Lu couldn't help staring, it's so cold outside!

But with the warning eyes of her upper cousin, Kong Lu didn't dare to tell the difference.

Kong Lu opened the door and went out.

Zhuo Yunan apologized again.

Zhu Tong's face softened a little, "You don't need to apologize if you didn't say it, I should say thank you for the last milk tea shop thing, but one yardage is one yardage, I won't just forget about your cousin. ."

Zhuo Yunan smiled: "I wish you rest assured, I won't intercede for her, the milk tea shop has always paid for the process, I should thank you."


I wish Tong was silent.

If it's not for pleading, why is this person staying here?

Rosso still looked at her hesitantly, and the idol was standing in front of him, but just after the idol's cousin's malicious provocation incident, Rosso's mood is probably a bit complicated now, and Zhu Tong doesn't know whether to invite someone go out.

After a moment of hesitation, Zhuo Yunan turned to look at the person at the very edge of the counter who was conscientiously pouring out the fruit powder Shao Ming took down for easy access.

She said, "Lu Zheyu, won't you say hello to me?"



There are five people in the milk tea shop, one in front of the counter and four behind the counter.

At this time, the three people behind the counter looked at Lu Zheyu at the same time.

Rosso's eyes quickly went back and forth on Zhuo Yunan and Lu Zheyu, and the shock was hard to hide.

Zhu Tong looked at Shao Ming in amazement.

There was not much surprise on Shao Ming's face, but he shook his head gently... He didn't know what was going on.

The most calm is Lu Zheyu, he raised his head indifferently and said, "Miss Zhuo."

Zhuo Yunan: "..."

When he first entered the milk tea shop, Zhuo Yunan saw Lu Zheyu, but because the matter was not resolved, he did not say hello. After seeing her, Lu Zheyu didn't look at her from beginning to end.

She couldn't help laughing and said, "You're still like this, nothing matters except making money."

Lu Zheyu ignored her.

Zhu Tong said directly: "You two know each other?"

When Zhuo Yunan came out of the milk tea shop, holding a cup of red bean milk tea in his hand, he met two girls who entered the shop together at the door, and was excited to ask for two autographs.

Kong Lu was already shivering in the cold wind, but she didn't dare to leave.

Seeing Zhuo Yunan coming out, she quickly trotted over and said, "Cousin, why did you come out now? What did you just say? Why do you say whatever he asks? Are you deliberately hurting me! "

"Hurting you?" Zhuo Yunan glanced at her: "Even if I don't say that, do you think you can still make your debut? Why don't you think about what you have done and provoked people you shouldn't, you will even have a chance to appear in the future. nothing."

Kong Lu's face turned pale: "I... What did I do wrong? What I said is the truth! That Shao Ming was an illegitimate child, and he repaid his revenge. You helped them to clarify on Weibo before, so he is doing this to us now? he…"

"Send Weibo to clarify? How do you know that Weibo was posted by me?"

Kong Lu was taken aback: "What do you mean?"

Zhuo Yunan said: "What do you think I mean? It means that I was entrusted by others to post on Weibo. How could I have such a stupid sister as you? Is it a person? Toad wants to eat swan meat. If you say he is a swan, you are not even a scorpion. If you don’t have self-knowledge, forget about it. Now you are offending people to death. Your own future is ruined. I really hope that there will be a lot of other adults who don't care about aunts and uncles, otherwise you will sleep on the streets one day, don't come and ask me for help."

She walked as she spoke, her footsteps getting faster and faster.

It was cold and windy in the square, Kong Lu already had cold hands and feet, and even his heart was cold now.

What kind of person did he offend?

What will Zhu Tong do to her?

She dared not think about it.

The two quickly left the square. Zhuo Yunan arrived at the parking place, opened the door and got in the car, closing the door before Kong Lu could react.

Kong Lu was locked out of the car door, she didn't expect it, she patted the car window hard: "Cousin, what are you doing?"

Zhuo Yunan slid down the car window, looked at her and said, "Don't you like to sneak away without listening to persuasion? How did you come here, how do you go back now."


The car window slid up again, Kong Lu stood there in a daze, unable to lift her legs as if her heels were filled with lead. Thinking of what she would face in the future, she only felt terrified.

In the milk tea shop, after the few customers brought milk tea and left, the shop fell into silence.

The amount of information suddenly received was too large and messy, and I didn't have time to digest it for a while.


The author has something to say:

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-12-1117:15:45~2021-12-1217:29:49~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: the author's hair, the fern can't remember the password, the girl who is not cool, Hongling, the boatman my wife, 10 bottles of shallow scars; 2 bottles of morning cream; strange and cute 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!