Chapter 84: nervous

Zhu Tong was stunned for a moment.

After realizing what Shao Ming had just said, his relaxed back straightened instantly, "What did you say?"

Shao Ming had already started to step on the pedals, and the bicycle slid smoothly in the direction of the homestay, "I didn't care at first, I thought he had some acquaintances in City A and your family, so I didn't ask any more questions."

But thinking about it now, what kind of acquaintance would know the news that Zhu Tong was admitted to the hospital in such a timely manner?

Why did you tell Lu Zheyu this news?

Even later, Lu Zheyu received two invitations to go to a private manor for a banquet... In the end, Lu Zheyu didn't go.

Shao Ming knew the relationship between Zhu Tong and Cheng Chen, as well as the relationship between Cheng Chen and Zhuo Yunan. When Zhuo Yunan greeted Lu Zheyu at the milk tea shop, the previous events seemed to have a line, connecting everything for granted. Together.

In the bar that day, the person who sent Lu Zheyu a message was Cheng Chen.

Tong Tong quickly figured it out, but he focused on another thing, " knew that I fainted and was hospitalized before you went to the banquet?"

Shao Ming: "...Well."

Zhu Tong said: "Then you asked me at the banquet..."

I also asked him why he didn't reply to the news all day and night!

Was it knowingly asked at that time?

Even without Uncle Liu's phone call, he would have already been exposed?


"At that time..." Shao Ming said without turning his head, "I was very angry at that time and wanted to see if you would continue to lie to me."

Zhu Tong: "…"

Speaking of this, Zhu Tong was a little wrong, his straight waist was not so straight, and he defended in a low voice: "I said I didn't lie to you."

Shao Ming said: "If Uncle Liu didn't call at that time, how would you tell me? Tell me the truth?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

Well he just didn't have time to lie.

If Uncle Liu didn't make a phone call at that time, he would definitely find a way to perfunctory it.

Zhu Tong was completely helpless, he put himself on Shao Ming's back, and his hand on Shao Ming's waist slowly embraced him, and said in a low voice, "I won't lie to you in the future."

Shao Ming lowered his head and glanced at the hand that was actively wrapping around his waist, and bent his lips unconsciously, "En."

The two quickly returned to the hotel, and after closing the door, Zhu Tong asked, "but why did my cousin send a message to Lu Zheyu?"

Shao Ming said: "It may be to tell me."

Zhu Tong wondered: "Why should I tell you?"

Shao Ming turned his head to look at him.

Zhu Tong was taken aback by him, and suddenly thought of the recording that his cousin had played to him in the bathroom—he was still calling Shao Ming's name after he passed out.

Cousin was afraid that he thought he was going to die and was still thinking about Shao Ming, so he secretly found someone to tell Shao Ming.

But why is that person Lu Zheyu?

What is the relationship between cousin and Lu Zheyu?

The cousin can send a message to Lu Zheyu, explaining that the two of them keep each other's contact information.

Although Zhu Tong doesn't know much about entertainment companies, he also knows that not everyone can get his cousin's contact information.

My cousin also knows the relationship between Lu Zheyu and Shao Ming.

Then when he was helping himself with the milk tea shop, because of Zhuo Yunan's influence, the staff of the milk tea shop were also hotly discussed on the Internet. When I was working in the store, why didn't I mention it to myself?

What does he mean by personal privacy?

Zhu Tong took out his mobile phone from his pocket, opened his cousin's WeChat, and his gossip fingers were about to move.

"Are you taking a shower first?"

Shao Ming suddenly asked in his ear.

Zhu Tong was immersed in his own thoughts and blinked blankly: "?"

Shao Ming couldn't help laughing: "Don't you have something to say?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

Oh yes, business matters.

He immediately put down the phone, turned around and walked into the room, took a change of clothes and walked to the bathroom.

Shao Ming's eyes have been chasing him, seeing that he is in a hurry, he refuses to delay for the slightest time, and he can't help but smile.

He was so anxious about what he wanted to say, but he didn't forget to take a shower first. The word "clean" was really etched in his bones.

With a "click", the bathroom door was closed, Shao Ming shook his head helplessly, worried that Zhu Tong would be cold when he came out of the shower, he thought of turning on the air conditioner first, and when he took the air conditioner remote control on the TV cabinet, he saw it and it was still on mobile phone screen.


The mobile phone was just casually placed on the TV cabinet by its owner, without any precaution.

Shao Ming has no hobby of flipping through people's phones, but seeing that the screen is on, because of obsessive-compulsive disorder, he stepped forward and wanted to lock the screen of the phone.

But he underestimated the heartlessness of the young master. Not only was the screen on, but the phone was still on the WeChat chat interface. He was about to type before putting down the phone. The keyboard on the screen took up almost half of the screen. Not much chat to see.

But what he could see, he didn't even give Shao Ming a chance to look away, so it was reflected in his pupils so bluntly.

—By the way, let me remind you, because of the recent rumors in City A, your grandfather already knew 100% about you and your boyfriend.

Shao Ming: "…"

Zhu Tong's mobile phone is probably already mature. After Shao Ming received this message, he didn't need to press the lock screen button again, and the phone screen was automatically turned off.

A city's recent rumors...

Shao Ming looked at the screen of his mobile phone, his eyes darkened.

The rumor was first released at an afternoon tea party of wealthy ladies in City A. Because they did not dare to be too blatant and did not dare to announce it in the form of news, the rumors were only spread by word of mouth among those with identities in City A. The speed is really slow.

Xia Weiyi was still not willing to go out, he wanted to force him to go back, he wanted to use him to win over Liu Jianbai to cooperate, but he didn't want to give up his wife's help.

The ancients also knew the truth that fish and bear's paw cannot have both, but if a person becomes greedy, it is useless to reason with him.

Shao Ming stood in front of the TV cabinet for a while, took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Jiang Wan.

[Shao]: Do you know Xiang Shuyi?

Jiang Wan was probably busy, and it took a few minutes to reply to the news.

[Jiang Wan]: Xiang Shuyi is Xia Weiyi's wife, what's wrong? Afraid that she will trouble you?

【Jiang Wan】: Hidden and hidden, I thought that Xia Weiyi had done something that people and gods were angry with to make you hate him so much. I didn't expect it to be a romantic debt.

[Shao]: Miss Jiang is so interested in my affairs. I have another paragraph here. Are you interested in listening to it?

Jiang Wan: …

After turning off the phone, Shao Ming leaned back on the TV cabinet, tilted his head and stared at the phone next to him in a daze.

There is one thing missing.

He thought that Zhu Tong would not know about the rumors in City A.

Zhu Tong has been busy with his studies recently. He doesn't even have time to talk to his boyfriend every day. He is not a person who likes to gossip. He has no interest in the grievances and grievances of the wealthy in City A. Even after a banquet, he and His sister became someone else's after-dinner talk, and he didn't care much.

But Shao Ming forgot one thing. Even if Zhu Tong was not interested in learning about some things, someone would take the initiative to reveal them to him.

Zhu Tong already knew.

Not only did he know, but he...

Shao Ming's face became tense for a moment when he thought of the news he had just read by accident.

He didn't think about what kind of grandfather Zhu Tong was like? Zhu Tong also mentioned that he wanted to take him to meet his family.

He actually wanted to refuse.

because of tension.

Shao Ming has lived for more than ten years, and there are few things that make him nervous.

He was not nervous when he went to Qiu Shaoping's bar to collect evidence and sent him to prison. He was not nervous when Xia Weiyi came to the door and said he was his biological father, but when Zhu Tong said he was going to take him to see his family, he was nervous. .

Unfortunate childhood, in order to live a peaceful life, he forced himself to grow up and forced himself to mature.

When he was with his peers at school, he often felt that he was out of place, not superior, just boring.

Instead of communicating with classmates, he would rather deal with teachers.

In front of older people, he often forgets that he is a junior, no matter what kind of person, he can speak freely.

Only Zhu Tong is different.

Zhu Tong is also the same age as him, but he is funny.

After falling in love with Zhu Tong, the boring people around him also seem to be alive, and those related to Zhu Tong have to be a little more cautious when dealing with them.

When Zhu Tong proposed to take him to see his family, he realized that he was still a junior, a young boy who had not even graduated from high school and could not afford the future in the eyes of others.

A person hesitated, not knowing how long it was, the door of the bathroom opened.

Zhu Tong changed into sea salt blue pajamas and walked to the living room with his slippers.

He had just had his hair blown and it was fluffy and soft, natural and styled.

"I ve done washing."

Shao Ming was already sitting on the sofa, and smiled lightly: "Okay, I'll wash it later."

Zhu Tong sat down beside Shao Ming.

Shao Ming said: "Speak."

Zhu Tong: "…"

He couldn't wait to take a shower, and now he was a little nervous.

And he thought that Shao Ming didn't want to say it, why is it so direct now?

I used to be the active one, but now I seem to be a bit passive.

Zhu Tong tilted his head to look at Shao Ming, not knowing how to speak.

Shao Ming took the lead and said, "How does it feel to be approached by someone?"


It feels terrible.

Zhu Tong seemed to have found a conversation suddenly, leaned on the sofa and said, "What peach blossom? Obviously it came with bad intentions."

Shao Ming said: "She is here to find you."

Zhu Tong tilted his head to make sure that he had not misunderstood anything, and then nodded: "Well, but her purpose is not me, it should be someone in her family who asked her to come."

Shao Ming asked: "You don't like this?"

Zhu Tong said angrily: "Who would like such a person? It's too late to get bored."

Saying that, Zhu Tong couldn't help frowning.

He rejects all who approach him with a purpose.

No one cared about him in the hospital before. Since he transferred schools, whether it was to slander his Zhou Sui in the name of caring about him, or to find Kong Lu from the milk tea shop this time, or even to Jiang who clearly wanted to hit him with good intentions. At night, he is very repulsive.

Sometimes he even has the illusion that he has had the same experience, which is why he is particularly disgusted.

In contrast, he couldn't help but admire Xia Yang a little.

He just met a few people with ulterior motives, and it was already annoying. Xia Yang has a halo of fascination. How did the fish in his pond manage?

Celebrities still have illegitimate meals for brain-dead fans that they can't avoid. Xia Yang still has a system to support him. Isn't he afraid that he will overturn the car?

"But what she said was true."

Zhu Tong: "?"

Just as his mind wandered for a while, he was pulled back by Shao Ming.

He turned to look at Shao Ming.

Shao Ming looked calm, looked at him with a smile and asked, "How long have you known that they said I was an illegitimate child?"


The author has something to say:

Short again orz…

My cousin got married on the weekend, and it was delayed for two days, trying to start filing QAQ

Thank you to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-12-13 17:13:28~2021-12-1416:15:49~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 10 bottles of lonely root number three; 536338995 bottles; 1 bottle of strange, cute and lovely;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!