Chapter 85: family

How long have you known? Not long after returning from City A, his cousin told him.

It's just that he always thought that Shao Ming didn't know... What did he mean by suddenly asking?

Zhu Tong subconsciously said: "I didn't ask anyone to investigate you, it's my cousin..."

Shao Ming suddenly smiled.

Zhu Tong was stagnant.

"I know, you wouldn't do such a thing," Shao Ming said.

Zhu Tong breathed a sigh of relief.

Shao Ming said again: "Then when did your cousin tell you?"

I wish you the truth.

Shao Ming raised his lips slightly: "Then why did your cousin tell you such a thing?"


Cheng Chen is Zhu Tong's cousin. When Zhu Tong entered the hospital, he informed him through Lu Zheyu's mouth. After hearing the rumors in City A, he secretly told Zhu Tong, and the news that he just saw... "Male Friends" three words.

After the tension towards the elders was relieved, the sweetness that seemed to be like honey has been sweet to the heart.

Zhu Tong was still thinking about why his cousin told him this, but just after he figured it out, he heard Shao Ming say: "You're not kind, young master, how could you not let me, the client, know about this kind of thing you gave me? "


Zhu Tong was caught off guard by the word "name" and explained, "I didn't tell my cousin, it was my cousin who discovered it..."

"Then you deny it?"

Zhu Tong paused for a moment and asked in doubt, "Why deny it?"

Shao Ming: "…"

Whether it is puppy love, whether the object of puppy love is someone like him, if it is someone else, I will try my best to hide it from my family.

Only Zhu Tong has no sense of crisis in this matter.

Maybe it's not that he doesn't have a sense of crisis, he doesn't have the concept of "crisis" at all in his heart.

He was the only "participant" who was nervous.

Shao Ming felt helpless and looked at Zhu Tong with complicated eyes.

Zhu Tong didn't know why, he just felt a little embarrassed that the two looked at each other silently, forcibly pulled back the topic and said, "Then... how long have you known?"

Shao Ming smiled and said, "What do you mean?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

It refers to the fact that he knew that he was an illegitimate child, or the matter that he heard rumors of City A.

Zhu Tong said seriously: "I want to know."

Shao Ming pursed his lower lip and said, "In terms of rumors, when we left City A, we probably knew that he would do that."

Zhu Tong Wei was stunned: "You knew so early?"

Shao Ming: "Well, I knew it earlier than you."

Zhu Tong: "…"

He's not showing his will to win.

Why did Shao Ming know so early? He must have a certain understanding of other people's behavior. In this way, Shao Ming's father had already approached Shao Ming.

Zhu Tong looked at him hesitantly.

Shao Ming said: "What do you want to say?"

Zhu Tongxin said he didn't know what to say.

He hesitated and lowered his head, "Actually... this kind of thing doesn't matter. It doesn't matter what a person's background is, you don't need to care what others say..."

The voice is getting smaller and smaller.

How could you not care?

When Kong Lu said those words in the milk tea shop, he was so angry when he heard it. How uncomfortable was Shao Ming at that time?

What words hurt more than violence, he comforted Shao Ming with such words, it was like standing and talking without back pain.

Seeing him bowing his head, Shao Ming suddenly said, "Do you care?"

Zhu Tong raised his head: "What do I care about?"


Oh identity.

Zhu Tongdao: "What should I care about? I know you and not someone's son. What I like is you. You are good to me and you deserve me. I like you, and I am not..."

"Blessed child."

Shao Ming suddenly interrupted him.

Zhu Tong tilted his head to look over.

Shao Ming's eyes were dark, and the corners of his lips raised a beautiful arc, and his face was as perfect as a knife and axe with a bit of seriousness. When he spoke, his voice was low and hoarse: "Come here."

Although the two were sitting on the sofa together, there was still a person's distance between them.

He suddenly made a sound, and Zhu Tongxin trembled, as if bewitched, and moved himself to his side a little bit.

Zhu Tong felt that he was pressed against the back of the sofa, the bangs hanging on his forehead were lifted by a hand, and a warm kiss fell on his forehead.

Reverent and cherished.

Zhu Tong didn't move, just blinked his eyes blankly.

Shao Ming smiled even more, and lowered his head to kiss his lips.

With a gentle and long kiss, Zhu Tong was so confused that he even took the initiative to open his lips and let him in, letting him hook his lips and tongue.

When they parted, they breathed slightly, but Zhu Tong still started to look dazed.

Shao Ming's smile is bright, which makes his whole face more vivid and bright, and the light above his head, he is bathed in the light, dazzling like a god, people unconsciously sink into a deep, uncontrollable obsession.

Zhu Tong suddenly frowned and said, "Don't laugh."

Shao Ming puzzled: "Why?"

Zhu Tong whispered: "This kind of thing is not funny, you don't have to be so strong in front of me..."

Before he could force Yan Huan to laugh out, Shao Ming suddenly let out a low laugh.

Zhu Tong looked at him blankly.

Shao Ming said, "Do you think I am trying to force a smile?"


"It's not forcing a smile." Shao Ming said, "I laughed because of you, because you said you liked me."

Zhu Tong: "…"

I don't know what to say, but I blushed to show calm.

Shao Ming raised his hand and stroked his still glowing lips, couldn't help but lowered his head and pecked on his lips again before leaning back on the sofa.

The weight in front of him suddenly disappeared, and Zhu Tong felt a little lost for no reason. Suddenly, his palm tightened, and Shao Ming pulled his hand into his palm, and he felt a sense of belonging again.

Shao Ming lowered his eyes and looked at the hands that the two of them were shaking. After a moment of silence, he said in a low voice, "I knew from a young age that I was not Qiu Shaoping's son, and I also knew that I have a biological father who doesn't know where he is."


He suddenly mentioned Qiu Shaoping, and Zhu Tong's heart tightened for a moment.

He looked at Shao Ming uneasily.

Shao Ming smiled and said, "It's fine."

Then he continued: "Actually, before I reported Qiu Shaoping, his bar had a problem because of his own mismanagement. He had been losing money for several months in a row. If the bar was not well managed, he was in a bad mood, and he needed to be in a bad mood. vent, so her life is not easy."

The previous "he" and the last "she" were obviously not the same person. Shao Ming didn't say it clearly, but Zhu Tong heard it.

Speaking of which, he seemed to have never heard the word "mother" from Shao Ming's mouth.

"I was already in junior high school at that time, and junior high school students seemed useless, but thanks to Qiu Shaoping's teaching from childhood, I was very good at fighting at that time. He was afraid that I would resist, so when I was at home, he hardly did anything."

Now when it comes to Qiu Shaoping, Shao Ming has no negative emotions anymore. He seems to be narrating other people's affairs lightly, and the corners of his lips still have a very shallow curvature.

Zhu Tong squeezed his hand and said dissatisfiedly, "Don't laugh."

Shao Ming was slightly startled, and then he curved his lips and said, "Okay."

When he spoke again, he really stopped laughing, and just stated calmly: "But people's emotions are too suppressed, and they will become more severe when they are released. When I went to school, the abuse that the two of them endured became one person. Yes, she can't stand it, and she has no hope, just like a debtor who has nowhere to go, even a loan shark, she can't do anything about it, so she thinks about looking for that man."

Zhu Tong was shocked: "So..."

"Well, she asked someone to inquire." Shao Ming said: "But in order to prevent her from secretly calling the police, her every move at that time was monitored by someone, and Qiu Shaoping soon found out. Qiu Shaoping was not angry, he took this as an opportunity, he I went to City A."

Zhu Tong frowned: "What is he doing in City A?"

Shao Ming said in a low voice, "Go and ask for alimony."

Zhu Tong: "?"

"He found the man, threatened him with the fact that he had an illegitimate child, and asked him for half a million alimony to save his hotel's losses. After getting the money, he came back and invited his friends to eat a meal. After dinner, I bought her a set of jewelry."

When he said this, there was a faint mockery on Shao Ming's face.

To ridicule Qiu Shaoping, after knowing who his son is, not only does he not have the inferiority of a normal man, but he is proud of himself.

He was proud that he helped rich people raise their sons. With the rich man's handle, he would be able to use up endless money in the future. He was also proud of the woman who had slept with such a rich man and became his legal wife.

He was so proud of it.

Zhu Tong felt that he was very contradictory, he told Shao Ming not to laugh, but now seeing his expression, he seemed to feel even more uncomfortable.

He stretched out his other hand and held Shao Ming's hand, as if to give him strength: "You kiss... that man, that's how he found you?"

Shao Ming nodded: "Yes."

If Qiu Shaoping hadn't asked him for alimony, he probably wouldn't have remembered that he once ruined a girl's life.

"Then he..." Zhu Tong frowned.

He always felt that something was weird.

If Qiu Shaoping can find that person, then Shao Yujie should also be able to. The person gave Qiu Shaoping 500,000 for the sake of confidentiality, indicating that he did not want to expose his illegitimate child, but he was so heartless and ignored Shao Yujie's mother and son for more than ten years. If he didn't ask, wouldn't he be afraid that Shao Yujie would stab him out with resentment?

Zhu Tong looked at Shao Ming and said, "When did he come to you?"

Shao Ming raised his eyebrows, "After I sent Qiu Shaoping in and opened a milk tea shop."


When Qiu Shaoping was sent to prison, and the milk tea shop opened, it should have been a while. Why didn't he come to find someone at the beginning, but it took a while to come.

He is watching.

Observe Shao Ming, investigate his past, measure his potential, how much benefit he can bring to himself, and whether it is worth his "risk" to recognize people back.

I have seen the best scum, but I have never seen such a superb!

Is there such a thing as a father in this world?

Zhu Tong clenched his hands tighter and tighter, and said, "Then has he looked for you recently?"

Shao Ming nodded: "I found it."

Zhu Tong said in shock: "When?"

Could it be that he was so addicted to studying that he ignored his boyfriend to such a degree? Don't even know when the scum will come to the door?

Shao Ming felt the warmth of his hands completely wrapped around him, and said lightly, "At your banquet."

At a banquet?

Zhu Tong was stunned, and suddenly looked at Shao Ming in astonishment.

Silence spreads infinitely between the two.

In the end, Zhu Tong opened his mouth to break the silence: "It won't be..."

Shao Ming said: "Well, it's Xia Weiyi."

Zhu Tong: "…"

Is it really Xia Weiyi?

Zhu Tong felt that he was torn apart.


That Shao Ming and Xia Yang...

Heartthrob and White Moonlight?

There are lovers in the world who eventually become brothers... Bah, love is Xia Yang's one-sided, and it has nothing to do with Shao Ming!

But Zhu Tong still didn't know what to say now.

He stared blankly at Shao Ming, expressing his current state of mind with a stiff expression.

Shao Ming squeezed his face with his free hand, and a smile appeared on his face again: "What else do you want to ask? I'll tell you everything."

Are you so honest? What more can I ask Zhu Tong?

In the end, still worried that he had the upper hand, Zhu Tong suppressed all the shock and asked, "Then what are you going to do now? What can I do?"

Shao Ming approached him and said, "Do you want to help me?"

Zhu Tong said directly: "I want to."

Shao Ming patted his bangs with a smile, "Thank you, but I don't need it for the time being, I have a solution."


Zhu Tong still looked at him worriedly.

Shao Ming said: "Do you believe me?"

Zhu Tong nodded without hesitation: "Letter."

Shao Ming took him into his arms.

Zhu Tong raised his head in his arms again: "Then... what's your solution?"

Shao Ming looked down at him.

Zhu Tong said: "It's not that I don't believe you, I'm just curious, I..."

After a long while, he suddenly said in frustration, "I'm so useless, if only I could help you."

Not relying on the family, but relying on yourself.

But he doesn't know anything, and facing the current situation, he doesn't know where to start if he wants to help.

The same high school students, why is there such a big difference?

Shao Ming rubbed the top of his hair with his chin and said, "You are already better than many people."

With his study efforts, Zhu Tong can definitely surpass anyone in the school.

He is only physically limited, and he didn't even have the capital to work hard before.

But Zhu Tong was wrong. He said, "Grandpa and the others are the most powerful, not me."

Shao Ming comforted him and said, "You will be very powerful in the future."

Zhu Tong pursed his lips lightly.

But he wants to help now.

As if seeing what he was thinking, Shao Ming said, "My approach is very passive, and now I can't do anything, so I don't need help."

Zhu Tong puzzled: "passive... what does it mean?"

Shao Ming pondered: "I may... not my mother's own."

Zhu Tong: "?"

Zhu Tong: "??"

He was leaning against Shao Ming's arms originally. Hearing this, his eyes widened and his body straightened instantly.

Shao Ming was very calm, "After Xia Weiyi came to find me, I went back and asked her, she thought I would follow me back to City A, afraid that I would have a psychological burden, and told me the truth more than ten years ago, more than ten years ago , Xia Weiyi suspected that the child his wife was carrying was not his own, and secretly had the child smuggled."

Zhu Tong was dumbfounded.

He feels his outlook on life has been impacted.

Can this be done?

Shao Ming continued: "I told Xia Weiyi's wife about this."

Zhu Tong: "…"

"Why did he..."

Why drop the baby?

Halfway through the question, Zhu Tong suddenly reacted.

In the commercial marriage more than ten years ago, Xia Weiyi clearly suspected his wife's infidelity, why should she let her give birth to the child? Because the child is a bond, it can stabilize the relationship between the two families.

At that time, Xia Weiyi needed help. Even if the child really wasn't his, he could only swallow it up.

But he was not reconciled, and he didn't dare to confirm...or could not confirm.

When he is guarding against others, others are guarding against him.

They don't trust each other.

But how did he finally get rid of the child?

No wonder he has ignored Shao Ming's mother and son for more than ten years. He dared to think that Shao Ming was not his son!

"Then how did he end up..."

"How did you determine my relationship with him?" Shao Ming wrote lightly: "Qiu Shaoping gave him a sample that can be used for identification."

After Qiu Shaoping went to Xia Weiyi, he came back to fight with him and got his blood.

Zhu Tong: "…"

Shao Ming chuckled: "So we don't need to do anything now."

He was looking forward to how the Xiang family would react when they found out what Xia Weiyi had done.

Although the Xiang family has fallen a bit over the past ten years, they still have the ability to make Xia Weiyi fall into trouble.

After he finished speaking, he saw that Zhu Tong was still staring at him for a moment without blinking.

Shao Ming felt a little itchy, and leaned over and said, "Actually, you can help me if you have to."

Zhu Tong subconsciously said, "How can I help?"

Shao Ming said in his ear, "For example... do you want to fulfill your obligations as a boyfriend?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

He looked at himself with straightforward and fiery eyes, as if he wanted to burn all the distracting thoughts out of people's minds, and Zhu Tong felt that he was about to burn too.

Boyfriend's obligations...what are they?

He didn't understand what he wanted to ask, and suddenly a reminder sounded in his mind.

"Congratulations to the host for getting Bai Yueguang's favorability +2%, and the current favorability is 90%."

Zhu Tong: "…"

The words suddenly stopped, he didn't ask, he turned to look at the bathroom, his ears were slightly red and said: "You... do you want to take a shower first?"

Shao Ming: "…"

The reaction was clearly tacit.

Seeing Shao Ming stunned, Zhu Tong didn't defend himself, his cheeks heated up and said, "It's very late."


Shao Ming felt that he really needed to take a bath.

He pressed Zhu Tong on the sofa and kissed him again, got up without saying a word, and went straight to the bathroom.

Zhu Tong only felt that his body tightened and loosened, and when he raised his eyes again, the person was no longer in front of him.

He sat up straight with a dazed face, looked at the person who walked into the bathroom quickly, tilted his head for a while, and quickly focused again.

Feelings have gone up.

Why is it rising at this time?

"Probably because he confessed."


Zhu Tongdao: "What does his confession have to do with his favorability?"

The system said: "I said before that favorability is easily affected by objective factors, and his own concerns are also a type of objective factors."

Zhu Tong: "You mean Shao Ming has concerns? What is he worried about?"

The system thought: "Maybe... it's the gap between you."

Zhu Tong: "…"

gap? The gap between him and Shao Ming is quite big.

Shao Ming knows everything, but he knows nothing.


Seeing that his mind didn't turn at all, the system said helplessly: "I'm talking about the gap between families. Have you forgotten what your family is doing?"

Zhu Tong thought for a while, frowned and said, "It has nothing to do with the family, he doesn't care about that."

Although Shao Ming always called him "Master", he never alienated him because of his identity.

The system said: "He doesn't care about your family and he has concerns. He doesn't care because of you. He has concerns because of himself."

Zhu Tong was slightly startled, and suddenly frowned.

He understands the system.

Shao Ming likes him and will not leave him because of his family.

It's also because I like him, so I don't want to mix anything else into this love.

When Xia Weiyi came to the door, when he knew that Xia Weiyi's purpose was to wish children, Shao Ming could clearly say it, as long as he said it, Uncle Liu would naturally deal with it.

But Shao Ming never mentioned that he was embarrassed and pressured by Xia Weiyi, that he knew who his biological father was, and he never mentioned it.

He is dealing with and dealing with it in his own way, and he feels that it is his own business and should not involve the people he likes.

Zhu Tong didn't tell Shao Ming who his grandfather was, but Shao Ming knew that helping him get rid of Xia Weiyi might be just a matter of words for Zhu Tong's family.

Just because it was too easy for Zhu Tong, he didn't mention it.

Would he have thought it was an exploit?

In other words, he didn't want others to think he was taking advantage of someone he liked.

Zhu Tong suddenly thought: Although Shao Ming has always been very calm, he will actually care, he will be nervous, and he will also care about what his family thinks of him.

Isn't he afraid to go back with him to see his parents?


The author has something to say:

Fulfill your obligations tomorrow|( ̄3 ̄)|

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-12-14 16:15:49~2021-12-1515:36:43~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 1 bottle of strange, cute and lovely;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!