Chapter 86: obligation

Zhu Tong didn't understand it before, but I heard that most of the young people's feelings don't last.

The spirit of a young man, he wondered if everyone like him would imagine and plan the future when they like someone for granted. After being together, he never thought that the two would be separated again.

But what was Shao Ming thinking?

He is always absolutely rational, and emotionally he may be just as serious, but he must have also thought about the difficulties he may encounter in the future.

Some things that Zhu Tong took for granted were a kind of resistance to Shao Ming.

His family was a stress in itself.

"I have to do something." Zhu Tong said suddenly.

The system asks: "What to do?"

Zhu Tong got up and glanced in the living room, found his mobile phone, and then glanced in the direction of the bathroom. The dog took the mobile phone into his room obscenely.

If the favorability level is not at full value because of concerns, wouldn't he just eliminate his concerns?

After the phone was unlocked, the interface still stayed on the chat record with his cousin. Zhu Tong looked at the message, turned off WeChat, and made a call directly to his grandfather.

Cheng Qingsong was currently abroad and was on his way to go to the airport when he suddenly received a call from his grandson. The old man was overjoyed, but he didn't show the slightest sign and answered the phone calmly: "Tongtong, what's wrong?"

Calling so late, Zhu Tong was still a little nervous.

He clenched the phone tightly, "Grandpa, haven't you slept so late?"

Cheng Qingsong glanced at the bright sun outside the window, "It's still early."

Zhu Tong dryly said: "You are old, don't stay up all night all the time, it is not good for your health."

Cheng Qingsong was very useful, and his serious voice softened a lot, "Well, good."


The grandparents' phone calls fell silent.

The driver driving in front was stunned when he heard the old man's answer, and turned his head in surprise.

Only someone else nodded and said "yes" in front of Cheng Lao, and this was the first time I heard Cheng Lao should say "yes" to others.

The driver glanced in the rearview mirror, and even felt that the old man's expression was indescribably tense.

In fact, Zhu Tong was more tense than him.

My cousin said that my grandfather already knew about him and Shao Ming.

But why didn't the grandfather ask anything?

Grandpa didn't ask him what to say? Did he just say he was in a relationship with someone else?

Is it because you respect him so you don't ask, or do you think he's just playing around like those playboys?

This misunderstanding is not a good one.

Zhu Tong hesitated how to speak.

Cheng Qingsong was the first to break the silence: "Did you have a good holiday?"


Thinking of the bad things that happened in the milk tea shop, Zhu Tong really didn't feel good about his conscience and said that he had a good holiday, so he avoided the important and said lightly: "It's okay, I don't have many tasks today, I only did two papers."

Cheng Qingsong said, "Mission?"

Zhu Tong suddenly caught a breakthrough, and his eyes brightened: "Well, the study task that my tablemate assigned me."

The obviously excited tone on the phone made Mr. Cheng instantly realize the purpose of his grandson's call.

Are you going to confess your puppy love to him?

What should come will always come.

Mr. Cheng was mentally prepared. He followed Zhu Tong's steps to build a ladder for him, "Is that the same tablemate you said went to City A to participate in the competition?"

Unexpectedly, my grandfather still remembered, and Zhu Tong's spirit was refreshed, "Well, he won the first place in the last math competition."

Cheng Qingsong said: "Well, the boy is very good."

Zhu Tongdao: "He is really powerful."

Cheng Qingsong: "…"

Cheng Qingsong: "Oh? How powerful?"

Zhu Tong began to count Shao Ming's skills, from study to daily life, "He really knows everything. After I transferred schools, he took care of me a lot. When I was not feeling well, he sent me to the hospital, and he bought me breakfast. He took me for a ride by the river, and he also took me to horseback riding. After transferring to another school, I experienced many things that I had never experienced before, and he occasionally cooks by himself, and his cooking skills are better than Aunt Zhang."


Aunt Zhang is the nanny of the Cheng family. The first time she ate the dishes made by Aunt Zhang, Tong Tong had a rare extra bowl of rice.

Cheng Qingsong quietly listened to his grandson's long and positive praise on the phone to his roommate.

Zhu Tong said: "He also gave me tutoring and helped me formulate a study plan. With his help, my grades have improved a lot, and he does not charge tuition fees."

Cheng Qingsong: "…"

Well, he is a three-good boy who is willing to help others and selfless dedication.

Cheng Qingsong said casually: "If there is a chance, Grandpa really wants to meet this child."

So you don't make any further preparations and go straight to the point.

Speaking of this, Cheng Qingsong thought that his attitude was obvious. He waited for his grandson to speak again, and the phone suddenly fell silent.

Cheng Qingsong was very patient, and his grandson did not move.

Then he heard that the person on the phone restrained his excitement, and there was a trace of nervousness in his voice: "Grandpa."

Cheng Qingsong: "Well."

"Final exam..." Zhu Tong took a light breath: "If I can get more than six percent in the exam, can you promise me one thing?"

Cheng Qingsong: "…"

Asking too cautiously, the old man did not expect it.

That's it?

Was his attitude just now too blunt?

Zhu Tong was so nervous that his palms began to sweat.

I thought it was an easy thing, but when I opened my mouth, I realized that it was not so easy.

He was so nervous, how could Shao Ming not be nervous?

So he was more firm in his own ideas.

He waited quietly for a response from the phone.

After a long time, Mr. Cheng said, "When did grandpa promise you what you want?"

Zhu Tong suddenly had a sour nose.

If the grandfather said this without knowing it, Zhu Tong would definitely think that the grandfather did not realize the seriousness of the matter.

But Grandpa knows now, although he didn't say it, but Grandpa definitely knows what he wants to say.

The grandfather's attitude has obviously acquiesced.

Zhu Tong rarely made any requirements in front of his grandfather. When he was young, when his grandfather proposed to take them away, although it was Xiao Xin who was crying and making trouble, it was himself who really decided to stay at Zhu's house.

He made his own decision, so he didn't want to seek protection from his grandfather after being disappointed with his father.

He instinctively drew a line between himself and his grandfather. If it weren't for the emergence of the system, he might never have asked for anything from his grandfather.

With Zhu Shoushan's attitude first, Zhu Tong's attitude towards grandfather is also very uneasy.

But he knew for a long time that his grandfather was different from his father.

He can safely leave Xiao Xin to his grandfather to take care of him, why can't he see clearly when he arrives at his place?

There was a warm current in Zhu Tong's heart, he pursed his lips and said, "Thank you, Grandpa, I will try my best to pass the exam."


The grandfather and grandson quickly hung up the phone.

Cheng Qingsong thought about Zhu Tong's final words full of determination and thought: The child has grown up.

Cowardly is a little cowardly, but being so cautious also shows his prudence.

"Mr. Cheng, the airport is here."

The driver in front suddenly spoke up.

Cheng Qingsong's expression was solemn, and the kindness and relief that flashed across his face seemed to be just a dazzling illusion.

In the homestay, Zhu Tong sat on the bed with his back to the door of the room. After hanging up the phone, he felt as if a stone had fallen to the ground.

Before he had time to think about how to tell Shao Ming about this, he heard the system prompt.

"Congratulations to the host for getting Bai Yueguang's favorability +2%, and the current favorability is 92%."


Zhu Tong turned his head abruptly, and saw that the door that was originally hidden had been pushed open a little, and the person who should have entered the bathroom just stood at the door of the room and looked at him with a moving expression.

Zhu Tong said in surprise: "You are not..."

Didn't you go to take a shower?

Before he could finish speaking, he saw a look of surprise on Shao Ming's face.

He walked slowly to the bed and sat down, explaining, "I'll come in and get my clothes."


After returning from City A, Shao Ming basically slept in Zhu Tong's room, except that he was driven back to his room by an angry person last time, so the clothes were washed and put here directly.

I was in a hurry when I entered the bathroom and forgot to take my clothes, so I went back to the room to pick it up... I happened to see Zhu Tong on the phone, and the content of the call made him stop at the door of the room.

Zhu Tong stared blankly at Shao Ming, and a few words popped up in his heart: It's easy.

The progress bar rose, indicating that Shao Ming must have heard it.

But I don't know how much I heard.


Just as he was about to speak, Shao Ming suddenly stretched out his hand and wiped the corner of his eye with his fingertips, "Why are you still crying?"

Zhu Tong: "?"

Cried? who?

Shao Ming added: "My eyes are all red."

Zhu Tong: "…"

I remembered that when my grandfather promised me just now, I was a little emotional.

Zhu Tong felt a little ashamed, grabbed Shao Ming's hand, and said hesitantly, "Did you just... did you hear it?"

Shao Ming asked knowingly, "What did you hear?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

Knowing that he did it on purpose, Zhu Tong was not annoyed. He was heard anyway, so that he would not have to talk again, he said directly: "I just called my grandfather and told him that if I could get 600% in the final exam, I would Let him promise me one thing."

Shao Ming said dumbly, "What's the matter?"

Zhu Tong said, "It's about the two of us together."

Shao Ming: "…"

I knew that Zhu Tong likes to play straight balls, but these few straight **** today were really too hard.

Shao Ming looked at him: "Then what?"

Zhu Tong said: "Grandpa, he agreed."


The air seemed to freeze, and the two of them even breathed lightly.

Zhu Tong's eyes were firm, and he looked directly into Shao Ming's eyes for a moment.

Then he was thrown down.

There is the bed behind you, there is no more convenient place than this where you don't have to worry about bumping and bumping, no matter how you rush.

The movements on his hands were not inferior, and Zhu Tong even felt a little pain.

He was bound by Shao Ming's waist, and the whole person was restrained and unable to move.

He didn't even want to move.

The strong kiss made it difficult for him to open his eyes, and his limbs that seemed to melt could not lift any strength.

His lips and tongue were numb from sucking, and he eagerly wanted to change his breath, but was bitten in revenge.

Zhu Tong: "…"

Contrary to his rude actions, Shao Ming's voice was very soft, even a little difficult, "Why do you do this?"

Zhu Tong gasped, his consciousness gradually returning to the cage, he pursed his lips, "Cousin said, Grandpa already knows."

Shao Ming said, "So you're telling the truth?"

Zhu Tong said: "No."


"I don't have to say everything." Zhu Tong rolled his eyes slightly, "I want to tell my grandfather well after the final exam. Although my grandfather agreed with no grades, I want to prove it to him."

"how to prove?"

"Just... just get a good grade in the test." Zhu Tong tilted his head further, "I'll work hard to prove that I'm not on a whim..."

Shao Ming suddenly laughed softly.

Zhu Tong's face suddenly became hot, and he said awkwardly: "What are you laughing at? I can't think of anything else. I can't think of anything else except my academic performance."

Shao Ming kissed him on the face and said, "No, studying is good."

Zhu Tong: "…"

Very perfunctory.

A feather-like kiss fell on his face, Zhu Tong's face was pulled back, and the tip of Shao Ming's tall nose rubbed against his face, causing a dense trembling.

Shao Ming said: "It doesn't matter if you don't. I will teach you what you want to learn in the future."

Zhu Tong said unexpectedly, "You really know everything?"

Shao Ming was silent for a moment, "Not really, but I can learn, and I'll teach you after I've learned it."

Zhu Tong: "…"

Then why didn't he follow along?


The light kiss suddenly fell behind his ear, Zhu Tong's ears trembled, and he couldn't help shrinking his neck.

The two looked at each other again and bumped into Shao Ming's bottomless eyes, but now they could clearly see the joy and uncontrollable desire in his eyes.

At the moment when the four eyes met, there was already something that did not need to be expressed in words.

Shao Ming lowered his head and kissed him again, groping his hand to touch the buttonhole of his pajamas.

In front of him, Zhu Tong froze for a moment, raised his hands slowly, and wrapped his hands around the neck of the person who was pressing him.


Shao Ming was slightly startled, and propped up his body a little.

Looking at each other at close range, Zhu Tong turned his head away.

He swallowed nervously, "Just... just today, you finish what you want to do, and concentrate on studying in the next two days... Is that okay?"

Shao Ming: "…"

Shao Ming turned into a repeater again, "Finish what I want to do?"

Zhu Tong lowered his eyes and buried his head, not daring to look up at him, but his voice was clear: "Well."

Shao Ming said: "Do you know what I want to do?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

He didn't dare to know.

Shao Ming leaned into his ear and said, "Can you take off your clothes?"

He's already on the move.

Zhu Tong's body suddenly stiffened.

He instinctively wanted to stop, but raised his hand but didn't know whether to stretch it out or not.

The slightly tight fabric on his neck was loosened, and Shao Ming's slender fingers pressed against his throat, sliding gently over his collarbone, dangerous and irritating.

Zhu Tong's neck is sexy. He is lying on the bed, and his condescending perspective adds a bit of fatal temptation. His facial features are exquisite and his face is impeccable. .

Shao Ming's Adam's apple rolled and slowly lowered his head.

While kissing, Zhu Tong felt less and less restrained.

Not only his own, but also Shao Ming's.

Confused, Zhu Tong felt that his palms were scalded, he shrank his hands and opened his eyes at the same time, a scene had changed in front of him.

After the pupils were focused, Zhu Tong felt that he instantly heated up.

Visuals are undoubtedly enjoyable.

He had seen Shao Ming's body before, it was strong and beautiful, his muscles were smooth, and his movements were just right.

Zhu Tong felt that his eyes were attracted by magnets.

Even breathing became stagnant.

Shao Ming looked at him and smiled, "Is the young master still satisfied?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

Zhu Tong wanted to pull the quilt when he returned to his senses.

It's not shy, it's no harm without contrast.

In fact, he is also a bit shy, but he is more concerned about the difference in body shape.

The idea of ​​​​planning to exercise the abdominal muscles after being healthy was thrown into a corner by him, and he decided to pick it up again from the corner.

The attempt to block was discovered and stopped by Shao Ming, who clasped his hand and trapped him under him.

Shao Ming asked, "What are you covering?"

Zhu Tong embarrassed: "No..."

"You haven't gotten used to it yet?"


Zhu Tong instantly understood what he meant.

Last time, after he hung up the video in a panic, he said that he would try to get used to it.

He didn't know why he remembered it so clearly.

Probably embarrassing things are always especially memorable.

Shao Ming grabbed Zhu Tong's hand and pressed it on his chest again, "Now you can get used to it."

Zhu Tong: "…"

He blushed to the point of bleeding, but he was reluctant to break free.

To be honest, he also likes to touch him without obstacles like this. Why should he refuse it if he likes it?

He raised his eyes again to meet Shao Ming's eyes.

Why did he call his grandpa today? Why did you say those words to Shao Ming?

Shao Ming has always been giving him a sense of security. As long as Shao Ming is by his side, he is not afraid of anything.

But has he given Shao Ming a sense of security?

He also wanted to make Shao Ming feel safe.

He wants to prove it to the public and to the people he likes.

But he doesn't know what to do, clumsily using himself as a bargaining chip...

Zhu Tong suddenly raised his head, took the initiative to shorten the distance between the two, and gave Shao Ming a real kiss.

He saw that Shao Ming's eyes widened slightly, the color of his eyes became dark, and he pressed down again as if completely out of control.

Zhu Tong has a profound understanding of what it means to be self-sufficient.

Shao Ming restrained himself from biting it, and asked, "Can I leave a print?"

Zhu Tong was dumbfounded: "Can it go away in two days?"

Shao Ming laughed hoarsely: "I try my best..."


Shao Ming finally kept his hands. After all, if everything he wanted to do was done, Zhu Tong would not want to study for the next two days.

He might not be able to get out of bed.

When he entered the bathroom again, Zhu Tong realized that his previous bath was a waste.

And he was very doubtful that the seal on his body would disappear in two days.

How does he get to school?

The next day, Shao Ming prepared breakfast early, and when he called for dinner, he found that he was still in the bathroom, standing in front of the mirror with a distressed expression, looking at the strawberry print on his neck that could not be hidden by his neckline.

While he sighed in distress, his face was red as if he was aftertaste.

Shao Ming couldn't hold back, walked into the bathroom, mischievously left a deeper imprint on his more obvious places, and said boldly: "The school can wear high collars and be warm."

Zhu Tong: "…"

During the New Year's Day holiday, Xia Weiyi ended a high-level meeting of the Xia Group, and hurried home from the company.

During this period of time, city A was full of ups and downs. He failed more than once to ask Liu Jianbo to meet with him, which made him even more eager to recognize Shao Ming. However, whether it was calling or texting, Shao Ming never paid any attention to him.

Shao Ming's matter has already made him devastated, but at this time, the Xiang family came to the door again.

Xiang Shuyi actually filed for a divorce with him!


The author has something to say:

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-12-1515:36:43~2021-12-1616:13:52~

Thanks to the little angel who threw mines: *?((???))?*1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 22 bottles of Daisy; 15 bottles of channel; 5 bottles of 53633899, 5 bottles of Su Yin; 3 bottles of bald old baby; 1 bottle of strange, cute and lovely;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!