Chapter 87: trust

The Xia family, the hostess who did not come home all year round, suddenly came home on New Year's Day this year.

Not only Xiang Shuyi, but also the two elders of the Xiang family were all sitting in the living room of the Xia family villa.

The servant poured tea for the three of them.

Mother Xiang sat on the sofa and looked upstairs, and asked in a sullen tone, "Where's the young master?"

Affected by the low air pressure in the living room, the servant was a little trembling when he spoke and did things.

Xiang's mother was instantly furious, "Meet a friend? What friend is more important than his mother? Call him and say that his grandparents are visiting him, and tell him to come back quickly!"

The maid looked puzzled: "This... we have already called, and the young master said... that he has something important and will come back later."


The teacup was slammed on the coffee table, and Mother Xiang's eyes widened, "Okay, okay! Xia Weiyi taught a good son, no wonder he has not let the child get close to us for so many years, and he brought back the lover from outside. Wild bastard! Unthankful thing! How dare he..."

Suddenly, a cane in Father Xiang's hand slammed into the ground, cutting off what Mother Xiang said out of his mouth.

Mother Xiang glanced at the servant next to her, her face changed slightly, she managed to calm down, and said to the servant, "Go out."

The servant nodded and left the living room as if he had been granted amnesty.

Mother Xiang looked at the woman who hadn't said a word since she entered the Xia's house, sitting on the sofa drinking tea leisurely, frowning slightly: "Shuyi, such a big thing, you haven't noticed it for so many years? "

Xiang Shuyi took a sip of tea, and then said in a low voice: "You let me marry, I married, you let me have a child, I gave birth, what else do you want me to notice?"


Mother Xiang was at a loss for words, and looked at her husband again.

Father Xiang was always calm, but the bulging blue veins on the back of the hand holding the cane betrayed him.

Father Xiang said solemnly, "Now is not the time to pursue these matters, Shuyi, what do you think?"

Xiang Shuyi said, "Divorce."

Xiang's mother's expression changed immediately: "How can it be done? The Xiang Xia family has been in a marriage for nearly 20 years. How many interests are involved? How can this marriage be divorced if you say it's divorced?"

Xiang Shuyi raised his eyes, "Benefits? How much does the Xia family share in the current interests? How much does the Xiang family get?"

Mother: "…"

I don't know since when, the Xia family has separated from the Xiang family to grow independently, and the marriage cannot maintain the mutual interests of the two families. In the past few years, the Xia family has done a lot to cross the river and demolish the bridge, and even in the eyes of some people, the Xiang family has already It became a company that depended on the life of the Xia family, and was laughed at behind the scenes.

Xiang's mother couldn't help but look at her daughter resentfully, "It's not because you're not up to your expectations? After getting married, tell me what you've been doing? Either you go out to fool around, or go home drunk, if you can manage with your heart In this marriage, does Wei Yi suspect that the child is not his own to do something to steal the pillars? If Yangyang is your son, how can it happen today? "

As long as the child is biological, the Xia family will be inherited by the child sooner or later. At that time, the Xiang family no longer has to rely on Xia Weiyi, but is maintained by blood and family. Isn't the cooperation between the two families much more stable than now?

Xiang Shuyi didn't speak, just smiled and looked at his mother.

Xiang Shuyi is undoubtedly very beautiful. He is still well-maintained at the age of forty. There is not even a trace of fine lines on his face.

Mother Xiang had goosebumps all over her body when she saw her, and she rolled her eyes away uncomfortably: "In short, this marriage cannot be divorced, and now this matter has been pierced, isn't it a handle? Didn't Xia Weiyi want to recognize that child? Shuyi, then But your own son, if you come forward to recognize people and put forward conditions with Wei Yi, if he doesn't want his scandal exposed, he won't disagree..."

"Dad, what do you think?"

Xiang Shuyi looked directly at Father Xiang, she put the teacup back on the small tray, and said, "You are a smart person, you must have understood something before you came today, how did we know about this, why did the child put this Tell us, does he want to be recognized by us? You must have heard the rumors in City A recently. Who released the rumors? What was Xia Weiyi's idea, and what purpose did the child have? If you also plan to make a big thing a little smaller, and negotiate with Xia Weiyi about this matter, have you thought about the consequences?"

Xia Weiyi was able to release rumors, indicating that the child did not want to be recognized at all.

If they rashly use family affection to play emotional cards to recognize people, it is likely to backfire. The child has the ability to stab the matter in front of them, and has the ability to expose the matter. If the Xiang family does not act, it will be complicit with the Xia family. , On the contrary, they are now divorced, and when things come to light, they are the victims.

Although the divorce will lose some of the interests of the joint venture industry, the benefits obtained by relying on Xia Weiyi will not last long. .

Father Xiang quickly distinguished the pros and cons, and sighed pretending to compromise, "This is all your own business. Dad respects your decision. Since you want to divorce, then leave."

Mother Xiang looked at Father Xiang in disbelief.

Father Xiang added: "That child...Although he doesn't want to recognize Xia Weiyi, he is your own blood after all, and the blood relationship between mother and son is inexhaustible. You should find opportunities to have more contact with him. If he wants, you can Bring him back and live with us."

Being the same victim, the child would definitely not reject them as he did to Xia Weiyi.

I heard that the relationship between the child and the young master of the Zhu family is not normal. If you can take this opportunity to catch up with the Zhu family, Liu Jianbo, or even the forces behind Liu Jianbo, then the loss of cooperation with the Xia family is really nothing.

Xiang Shuyi paused after hearing the words, and then said, "I will go see him."

The father nodded in satisfaction.

Xiang Shuyi picked up the teacup again, her expression indifferent, she closed her eyes while drinking tea, hiding the ridicule in her eyes.

When Xia Weiyi came back, the second old man had already left the villa under Xiang Shuyi's persuasion.

As soon as he entered the house and saw his wife sitting on the sofa drinking tea leisurely, Xia Weiyi frowned before opening her mouth, walked over and said, "What are you making a fuss about?"

Xiang Shuyi put down the teacup calmly, took out a paternity test from his bag, and put it on the coffee table, "My son and I's."

She didn't say it clearly, and Xia Weiyi's heart jumped immediately.

He looked at the two pieces of paper on the coffee table, frowning even tighter, "What do you mean?"

Xiang Shuyi said: "It's not interesting. Someone shared with me some old things from more than ten years ago. I thought it was very interesting, so I was curious to check it out."

She said lightly, and Xia Weiyi's face suddenly sank.

The paternity test was in front of him, and no amount of his explanations would be in vain.

He looked at Xiang Shuyi and asked, "Who told you that?"

"It doesn't matter who told me." Xiang Shuyi had put the teacup away, picked up the bag and got up and said, "Let's get a divorce, Xia Weiyi."

Xia Weiyi's face was ashen, he gritted his teeth and said, "Who told you!"

Xiang Shuyi didn't plan to talk too much with him. The marriage was brought about by the interests of the two families, and there was no relationship between the husband and wife.

She smiled lightly and went straight around Xia Weiyi out of the hall.

Xia Weiyi looked at the paternity test certificate on the coffee table with a gloomy expression.

It takes a little thought to know who the person who "shares" the old story is.

But how did Shao Ming know about this?

Xia Weiyi thought of Shao Yujie again.

That bitch!

She actually told Shao Ming about it.

but why?

Now that Shao Ming knows that he is a legitimate child, shouldn't he come back with him?

He is a legitimate son. As long as he corrects his name, he can get rid of his status as a poor student, he can leave that remote city, and he can become a rich son of city A, even if he wants to, wait for him a hundred years later. , the entire Xia Group can be his.

What is he not satisfied with?

What did he mean by telling the truth to the Xiang family? He wants to completely disconnect from the Xia family and go back to the Xiang family?

Xia Weiyi's face gradually became angry.

Want to get rid of him? It's not that easy!

Of course, Xia Weiyi did not agree to the divorce, and Xiang Shuyi soon filed a divorce lawsuit with the court. At the same time, the Xia family and the Xiang family, who were originally a community of interests, completely tore their faces and began to fight openly and secretly.

When Xia Yang heard the news that his parents were going to divorce, he was dating someone else.

He called to ask his father, but was reprimanded sharply instead.

Xia Yang was so angry that he didn't call to ask.

He doesn't care if his parents get divorced or not. Anyway, since he can remember, his mother has hardly returned home a few times, and it makes no difference to him whether he is divorced or not.

Now he has more important things.

He was holding a cup of hot milk tea in his hand, and a person was sitting next to him. He tilted his head slightly, met the person's fiery gaze, and shyly withdrew his gaze.

After the New Year's Day holiday, students returned to school, and the learning atmosphere in the classroom became more tense.

Zhu Tong studied more diligently than before for his 600 percent goal, but he didn't forget his boyfriend after studying.

Shao Ming seems to be busy recently.

He always holds the phone and does not let go, and occasionally returns to his room to use the computer to operate.

He came over to Zhu Tong from his room again, and Zhu Tong finally couldn't help but ask, "What did you do back in the room?"

Shao Ming sat down beside him and raised his eyebrows slightly: "Guess what?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

Zhu Tong said honestly, "I can't guess."

Shao Ming smiled and said directly: "Xia Weiyi is now in a divorce lawsuit."

Zhu Tong: "?"

"So fast?"

Shao Ming nodded.

He is still the one who overestimates the Xiang family.

Short-sighted and self-sufficient.

It was just the benefits that were visible but not necessarily obtainable, which allowed him to resolutely abandon the vested interests of cooperating with the Xia family, and directly tear up his face with Xia Weiyi.

Shao Ming didn't expect it to go so smoothly. He thought that at least the Xiang family would have to taste a little sweetness before they would be willing to bite the dog with Xia Weiyi.

Judging from the current situation, Xia Weiyi probably didn't behave much in the past few years.

After a short period of surprise, Zhu Tong looked at Shao Ming a little hesitantly.

Shao Ming smiled: "What do you want to say?"

Zhu Tong hesitated for a moment, " told them about your life experience, will they be like that, come..."

"Come and recognize me?"

Shao Ming calmly continued his words.

Zhu Tong was startled and nodded.

Shao Ming said, "Maybe so."

But now they probably don't have much free time to find him.

So is Xia Weiyi.

When Zhu Tong heard him say "Yes", he immediately said nervously: "Then you..."

"Will you support me if I say I don't want to recognize them?"

Zhu Tong was stunned and said without hesitation: "Of course, I will support you in whatever you decide."

Shao Ming said, "Even if they are innocent innocents, are they the victims of being deceived by Xia Weiyi?"

It is only natural for a deceived mother to want to recognize her own son.

But Zhu Tong shook his head and said solemnly: "If she really came to you because she cared about you, then she will respect your decision, if she forces you to go back, then she must have no purpose, you Don't care what other people think, just stick to your own ideas."

Shao Ming couldn't help bending his lips, his eyes brightened, suddenly he put his hands on the back of Zhu Tong's chair, put his chin on his arm, looked straight at Zhu Tong and said, "Tong Tong."


I wish a child's heart beat.

He blinked, "Huh?"

Shao Ming curved his lips and said, "I love you."

Zhu Tong: "…"

His side sitting body turned back to face the desk, and the base of his ears quickly turned red.

Shao Ming leaned closer to him, bit his ear and said, "You support me in whatever decision I make. Do you think this is the husband and wife?"

Zhu Tong was embarrassed to discuss this kind of issue with him, and said in a low voice, "What nonsense are you talking about?"

Shao Ming said: "That's right, we're not married yet, so we can't be considered husbands yet."

Zhu Tong: "…"

Zhu Tong ignored him and continued to work hard.

Suddenly, a hand wrapped around his waist and got into his clothes along the hem of his pajamas.

Zhu Tong trembled, turned his head and glared at him and said, "Don't make trouble, I have one more question to finish."

Shao Ming glanced at the paper under his pen, "The minimum value is -5, and the maximum value is the root of 13."

Zhu Tong: "…"

I have only heard that the drama was spoiled, so why is there a question to reveal the answer in advance?

He looked at Shao Ming with dissatisfaction, and the hands in his clothes suddenly made trouble.

Zhu Tong's body suddenly couldn't sit up straight, and he shrank as if it was ticklish, "Don't..."

"I've done a few questions of this type during the day, and it's fine to do less than once." Shao Ming touched Zhu Tong's earlobe, and said in a low voice, "Tong Tong..."

Zhu Tong's ears were sore when he called him.

He turned his head blushing.

Shao Ming's handsome and handsome face is in front of him. It is not unreasonable that he is often narcissistic. This face is indeed heart-warming.

Zhu Tong felt feverish just by looking at his body.

He liked Shao Ming to kiss him, like Shao Ming to touch him, like everything Shao Ming did to him when the two were alone.

His face gradually became hot, and he turned his eyes away and said, "I can't leave a print today..."

Before he finished speaking, his chin was buckled, and the familiar temperature covered him.

Zhu Tong subconsciously closed his eyes, his eyelashes kept shaking.

Shao Ming did not close his eyes.

He confirmed again that Zhu Tong liked him, would not leave him, and would support him unconditionally.

So even if he knew that he was calculating his "relatives", he would not be disappointed with him.

He will understand him.

Shao Ming couldn't help but bend his lips, pry open the crown of the young master's teeth, and keep going deeper.

After the kiss, Shao Ming habitually wiped his slightly swollen lips with his fingertips, and said with a low smile, "Relax this weekend, how about we go on a date?"

I wish Tong Duan: "Date?"

Shao Ming: "Yeah."

Zhu Tong subconsciously said, "What about the store?"

Shao Ming: "…"

Isn't this young master too strong in his sense of responsibility?

Wish Tong reacted quickly.

Boyfriend invites him on a date, is he too disappointed?

So he bent his lips and changed his mouth decisively, "Okay."


The author has something to say:

Seems like the dawn of the end(?)

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-12-16 16:13:52~2021-12-1715:29:04~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: Hua Yao, Ting Ah, *?((???))?*, 1 Qingqing;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 24 bottles of Tingah; 20 bottles of Xiang Huaizhi's little fan girl, Arx; 10 bottles of Hefeng Tangtang; 53633899, 5 bottles of Jingyi;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!