Chapter 88: Dating

Before the weekend break, the math teacher did a quiz in the classroom. Zhu Tong got full marks in this quiz, and only four people in the class got full marks.

This made the young master so happy that he wanted to throw himself at the same table to celebrate.

But one is in the classroom, and the other is because of his personality, so he can't do such an outgoing act.

The people around the seat were amazed at his progress, holding his quiz and looking at it.

"It's different if you have a scholar as a private teacher, and you're too good at this question."

"Xue Shen, you are too partial. When you can show your classmate love, teach us too."

Someone laughed and joked, and Shao Ming said casually: "No problem, start with ten papers every day, finish after-class homework on time, read 20 minutes earlier in the morning, and go to bed half an hour later, how about you can't doze off in class?"


After he finished his request, everyone else looked at him with a "you're not human" look.

Someone else looked at Zhu Tong sympathetically: "You suffer from this inhuman treatment every day?"

Before Zhu Tong could speak, Shao Ming had already put his arms around him: "Isn't it? I'm about to lose weight, which is distressing."

Zhu Tong: "…"

He's obviously gaining weight.

Others also discovered it, but they didn't see it through.

During this period of time, Shao Ming's actions in the classroom almost didn't engrave the words "We are in love" on his forehead.

Who would have thought that the flower of Gao Ling, who was once recognized as a male **** on campus, was pursued by Xia Yang with great fanfare for so long, would be planted in the hands of his new deskmate?

Zhu Tong's changes are obvious to all.

Although his grades improved because of Shao Ming's help, most of it was due to his willingness to work hard. His earnestness was used as a template by teachers of all subjects to inspire other students in the class.

His complexion has also improved a lot. In the past, physical education classes were almost always watched by one person, but now he has learned to participate.

As a classmate who watched Zhu Tong's step-by-step changes, several girls headed by the monitor were overwhelmed with maternal love, "Zhu Tong, how is your health recently? Studying also requires a combination of work and rest, don't be too tired of yourself."

Zhu Tong: "I..."

"Yeah, I heard that overloading the brain can lead to sudden death!"

"It's easy to become a nerd. You say that you are so good-looking. What a pity to become a nerd?"


Zhu Tong smiled helplessly, "I'm not too tired, I've been relaxed."

Even if he refused to relax, Shao Ming always forced him to relax.

Although the way to let him relax is always a bit indescribable.

"By the way, why don't we go and relax together this weekend? After winning the prize in the God of Learning competition last time, we left after a meal. Let's find a place to play this time? How about going to K song?"

Someone immediately responded.

But Zhu Tong shook his head and said, "No, there are plans for this weekend."

They are going on a date this weekend.

Thinking of Zhu Tong, he couldn't help but raise the corners of his lips.

Zou Ling noticed the change in his expression, her eyes lit up, she glanced at Shao Ming, and was about to ask what the arrangement was, but Tang Nuan quickly covered her mouth.

After all the people around him left, Zhu Tongcai dared to turn his head to look at Shao Ming.

Although his classmates felt that his daily study tasks were heavy, he actually didn't feel very tired.

If this level is considered tiring, then Shao Ming knows so many things. He has learned those things in a few years. Will he feel tired when he learns?

He gradually lost his mind as he watched, and didn't even know when the people next to him approached him.

Shao Ming blew on his face and whispered, "Does it look good?"

Zhu Tong instantly returned to his senses and said honestly, "It looks good."

Shao Ming's throat moved slightly, and the hand on his shoulder lifted up and pinched his earlobe punitively, "You can take a good look when you go back, you can look anywhere."

Zhu Tong: "…"

He didn't want to see it!

He glared at him very imposingly, and Zhu Tong picked up the pen and ignored him.

On the weekend, Zhu Tong woke up early in the morning and felt that someone was ripping off his clothes.

In order to avoid a cold caused by a large temperature difference, although the indoor air conditioner is turned on in winter, the temperature is not very high.

Zhu Tong felt a little cold on his chest, opened his eyes in a daze, and saw that someone was touching him.

He asked blankly, "What are you doing?"

He had just woken up, and there was a bit of a murmur in his voice.

When Shao Ming saw that he was awake, he was not embarrassed. He simply put his hands on either side of his head, lowered his head and placed a good morning kiss on his forehead, "Awake? I plan to change your clothes for you before you wake up. Woolen cloth."


clothing? what clothes?

Zhu Tong said: "I can change it myself..."

Then when he looked up, he felt that his boyfriend was a little different from usual today... extraordinarily handsome!

Zhu Tong said, "Have you done your hair?"

Shao Ming raised his eyebrows slightly: "Is it so obvious?"

Zhu Tong also bent his eyes and smiled: "Well."

He rolled over and sat up and glanced at the clothes Shao Ming had prepared for him, which was also different from the style they usually wore.

A turtleneck sweater, a fake two-piece lamb wool coat, and a pair of black straight-leg pants.

There are two coats, one is his and the other is Shao Ming's.

Shao Ming only wears a turtleneck sweater now, and the high waist design highlights his long legs that defy the sky, exuding charm from top to bottom, inside and out.

Zhu Tong picked up his clothes: "This is..."

Shao Ming said bluntly: "Aren't you going on a date? Of course, you have to wear couples clothes."

Zhu Tong: "…"

He compared the two sets of clothes again and found that they were the same style, only the size was different, and the color of the jacket was different.

Are high school students so particular about dating these days?

Maybe it's not the high school students that matter.

Zhu Tong woke up instantly, dressed neatly, and went out after breakfast. His tone was quite different from his usual cheerfulness, "Where shall we go first?"

Shao Ming said, "Where do you want to go?"

Zhu Tong shook his head and said, "I don't know, you are a local, you have the final say."

He has never been in the county town since he transferred schools. Apart from the school, the only places he has been are the riverside and the racecourse that Shao Ming took him to.

Shao Ming smiled and said, "Okay, but let's talk about it first. It's my first date. If I don't do well, my boyfriend will take more care of me."

Zhu Tong: "…"

Amused by his serious appearance, the two went out holding hands.

The first stop is the milk tea shop.

Zhu Tong didn't understand why he still went to the milk tea shop, but after seeing Shao Yujie in the milk tea shop, Zhu Tong understood.

As soon as the two entered the door, Shao Yujie noticed the blatant dress of the two.

Rosso's eyes widened when he saw them: "You two are..."

Couple outfit?

Although Rosso was an insider, Zhu Tong felt a little embarrassed to see him showing such a surprised expression.

Are they... too high-profile?

Shao Yujie was also surprised.

The atmosphere was unspeakably awkward.

Rosso also seemed to realize that there were elders around, he almost missed his mouth, and quickly changed his words: "Are you going out?"


Although it was a relief, it didn't seem to be strong enough.

What can two people do when they go out on a cold day?

Shao Ming is very generous, "Well, go out for a walk."

He didn't seem to notice Shao Yujie's gaze, and asked Rosso to make him a cup of hot milk tea as a guest.

Rosso looked contemptuous behind the counter, "You have no hands yourself?"

Shao Ming said: "Oh, my hand is empty, I want to hold my boyfriend."

Zhu Tong: "!"

Rosso: "!"

This is no longer blatant, this is unscrupulous!

Rosso subconsciously looked at Shao Yujie next to him, and he sweated for his brother Ming, but saw that Shao Yujie's originally surprised face was no more surprised, but instead, he restrained his surprise and showed a little smile.

Rosso: "?"

Why can't he understand this world?

Did Brother Ming confess to his aunt long ago? Are you so brave?

Rosso knew that Shao Ming had a father who was not a human being, but he didn't know the entanglement between him and Shao Yujie. He only thought that Auntie was really an enlightened and good parent.

But Zhu Tong knew it.

After a brief "scare", it seemed that Shao Yujie smiled as if relieved, and Zhu Tong looked at Shao Ming, who was indifferent, and suddenly said, "Auntie... Thank you for your hard work."


Shao Yujie thought that he was saying that Shao Ming skipped work today and caused her to lose her "holiday", and smiled gently: "It's not hard, you have a good time shopping, don't worry about the store... It may snow in a while, you bring an umbrella."

Zhu Tong nodded: "Okay."

He didn't explain either.

He was not only talking about what happened in the store today, but also what Shao Ming said about her applying medicine to Shao Ming.

Many things were not what she wanted, and she could not stop them. She couldn't deny her care for Shao Ming, so Zhu Tong wanted to thank her.

Just thinking about it, suddenly aware of the gaze from the person next to him, Zhu Tong tilted his head to glance, and coughed awkwardly.

Shao Ming took the milk tea from Rosso, and as expected, he did what he said. He held him and said, "Let's go."

The two walked out of the milk tea shop side by side.

The sun was shining brightly outside the store, and there was really no sign that it was going to snow, but Zhu Tong still took an umbrella.

After walking for a while in the square, Shao Ming took the umbrella from his hand and handed him the milk tea to hold in his hand.

Zhu Tong said in surprise: "You bought it for me?"

Shao Ming said, "Well, I can keep warm and drink. Am I smart?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

He couldn't help but smile, his palms were warm, and his heart was also warm.

Shao Ming looked at him softly and said, "Thank you."

Zhu Tong said inexplicably, "Thank you for what?"

Shao Ming said, "I was in the store just now."


Zhu Tong turned his head to look at him.

However, Shao Ming looked forward again and said helplessly: "Actually, sometimes, I don't know how to communicate with her."

Never speak to her.

They live together, it can be said that they depend on each other for life, but their hearts are separated by a wall, and they will never communicate with each other.

Zhu Tong was stunned for a moment, then pretended to be funny: "So you also have people who are not good at dealing with them?"

Shao Ming leaned on his shoulder, "Yes, young master, so we just complement each other, right?"

Zhu Tong said: "Yes, in the future you are not good at dealing with it, I will help you deal with it."


Shao Ming stopped talking again, staring at him without blinking.

Zhu Tong's heart beat faster when he stared at him, and he quickly changed the subject and said, "Where are we going now?"

Shao Ming raised his mouth slightly: "Go and take pictures."

Zhu Tong was stunned: "Take a photo?"

Shao Ming: "Well, a wedding photo."

Zhu Tong: "??"

Shao Ming said again: "Just kidding, just take a few couple photos, okay?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

Can he say no? Of course not.

Just how did you remember to take a photo?

Shao Ming first thought of this after asking Zhu Tong for his childhood photos last time.

Zhu Tong's childhood was very monotonous. It took several days to find a photo. It was a photo of their brother and sister.

In the photo of the two people, the girl smiled brightly, while the boy smiled stiffly. Obviously, they were not used to the camera, and even had a sick look on their faces, without being angry at all.

Shao Ming couldn't tell what it was like when he saw the photos, but he just thought at the time, he wanted to see Zhu Tong's relaxed and comfortable appearance, wanted to preserve his current appearance with the camera, and wanted him to always smile and be happy. Cheerful.

Although it was a weekend, there were few people in the huge square. The two teenagers holding hands and side by side became the most beautiful scenery.

This scene was also recorded.

And the photo was quickly passed to Uncle Liu. Uncle Liu, who had retired and was forced to work, was very annoyed when he saw the photo.

Why are they already separated by several cities, these two people can still abuse the dog in front of him?

At the same time he was very satisfied.

Every day, someone "shares" the whereabouts of the young master with him on time, which saves them a lot of trouble.



The author has something to say:

Arranging the new house ing, these two days have been very busy orz

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-12-1715:29:04~2021-12-1812:55:29~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 20 bottles of Nuan Nuan, Evening Star Burning Lonely Lamp; 12 bottles of channel; 10 bottles of Jason Toodd; 5 bottles of Wen Jiujiu;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!