Chapter 89: invite

The photos that Uncle Liu had seen were quickly passed on to the old man.

Cheng Qingsong looked at the two teenagers in the photo, and his expression was always serious in front of his subordinates.

"How is the situation lately?"

The secretary said calmly: "Mr. Liu has already dealt with it. The Kong family's daughter has dropped out of the art school she attended, and her family members have also been blacklisted in the entertainment industry. After the news was released, no one went to the county town to disturb you for the time being. Young master."


The Kong family is self-rewarding, and it is considered a first-time bird.

After Kong Lu went to the county town to find people, the Kong family's property suffered an unprecedented blow. Originally, there was the signboard of Zhuo Yunan's uncle's family. Even if the Kong family went bankrupt, there would be no way out. The family's last hope was also smothered.

Zhuo Yunan's career was not affected at all. After the incident was exposed, she won the sympathy of netizens on the Internet because she was sucked by her uncle's family. She even once angered her because Kong Lu was her cousin. After hearing that she was forced to After helpless, she also became a fan of her.

This is of course the result of the effective guidance of public opinion, and it is also an attitude.

Zhuo Yunan knows how to advance and retreat, so she can continue to be her big star, and her career can be improved.

But Kong Lu couldn't help herself, so she could only be suppressed with her whole family.

Liu Jianbai's actions also confirmed that he recognized the Zhu brothers and sisters not for unclean purposes, but really raised them as sons and daughters.

Normal communication never interferes, but if someone approaches with bad intentions, you have to weigh whether your weight can compete with a behemoth.

But the more this is the case, the more people do not believe in evil.

Since he valued his godson so much, how could he let him get along with an illegitimate son?

He is indifferent even when all kinds of intimate photos are in front of him?

It's just that he took photos to stimulate him to want him to come forward and fight the mandarin ducks. The pattern of people is too small. Uncle Liu has a lot of knowledge. He has even seen the live version. What are a few photos?

Mr. Cheng sees things more openly. He doesn't take lineage and corporate inheritance as important as other people. Zhu Tong and his mother's physical conditions are very strange. He is even more worried that his grandson will grow up like him even if he has descendants Frail, brought a life into the world to suffer, he didn't want his grandson and daughter to make the same mistakes.

And compared to his mother, Zhu Tong's eyesight did not disappoint him.

It is far more difficult for a person to be self-reliant than to say.

Cheng Qingsong looked at the person in the photo and asked, "The Xia family is in a lawsuit recently?"

The secretary said, "Yes, Mr. Xia's wife has filed for divorce."

Cheng Qingsong was silent for a moment: "Continue to stare."


He wanted to see how far that young man could do on his own.

In a newly opened barbecue restaurant in Gongshui County, Zhu Tong shivered as soon as he walked into the room from the outside in the cold weather.

They just came back from taking pictures, and there are a lot of pictures of two people in their mobile phones, indoors, outdoors, standing, sitting, holding hands, hugging their waists...

Shao Ming seems to be obsessed with taking pictures, and he takes a few pictures wherever he goes.

Zhu Tong felt that the two of them were a bit flamboyant.

Especially when Shao Ming took pictures, he was not shy at all. The clothes of the two people were already eye-catching, and they were even more eye-catching. In addition, Shao Ming always made some very eye-catching actions naturally. The two walked on the street. , the 100% return rate is no exaggeration.

Zhu Tong was nervous about whether he would meet acquaintances on the road, whether he would be caught by the school teacher, etc., while immersed in the fresh experience brought to him by Shao Ming, and he did not even notice the passage of time.

Near noon, snowflakes began to float in the sky, and the sky was dazzlingly bright. Looking up from the ground, the color of the snowflakes was not as white as the one seen on TV, but a gray mottled light and shadow.

This makes Zhu Tong feel very novel.

He pestered Shao Ming and stayed outside for more than half an hour before the two found a warm place to have lunch.

Shao Ming pulled him to sit down at a table, put his icy hand in his own, with a faint remorse on his face: "Frozen?"

Zhu Tong shook his head and said, "No."

Shao Ming raised his head to look at him, frowned and said, "Your face is red from freezing, why don't you say no?"

Zhu Tong said: "Blushing is not cold."

Shao Ming: "?"

After putting aside his worries, looking at Zhu Tong's flushed face, in addition to being a little tense from the cold wind, there is also excitement that can't be hidden in his eyes.

Zhu Tong didn't give a shit, let Shao Ming wrap his hand and said, "I've never been out in such cold weather before."

Even if he went to school every morning, if the wind was too strong, he would have to be fully armed.

He had never understood what it was like to completely let go of his face being hit by the cold wind.

To be honest, not very comfortable.

My cheeks were so cold that it hurt, and when the wind hit my face, it felt like the skin was about to split... but it was very irritating.

Zhu Tong has been depressed and stable for more than ten years, and he has more or less scruples in what he does, so some exciting things are particularly attractive to him.

He blushed from excitement.

Shao Ming felt distressed, helpless and annoyed at the same time.

I knew I should have given him an extra scarf.

He held Zhu Tong's cold hands and rubbed them, trying to rub it to generate heat to warm him up a bit.

Shao Ming was busy warming his hands without speaking.

Zhu Tong said again: "I used to catch a cold when the wind blows, but now I will be fine even if I roll in the snow."

Shao Ming was slightly startled and looked up at him.

Zhu Tong didn't speak, and there was an invisible tacit understanding that made them understand what each other wanted to say.

Zhu Tong's body is always a knot in the hearts of two people.

One does not say, one does not ask.

Shao Ming paused and said with a smile, "Is it because of this that I had to enter this barbecue restaurant just now?"

Because you want to prove that your body is really healthy?

Zhu Tong shook his head again: "No, it's enough to prove that one is enough. I came to the barbecue restaurant because I wanted to come with you."

Shao Ming raised his eyebrows slightly.

Zhu Tong said: "I was not in good health before, there are many things I have not experienced, things I have not done, food I have never tasted, I want you to accompany me..."

It was a bit inexplicable to say such words suddenly, and Zhu Tong couldn't help being a little nervous.

But he was serious.

The more he was with Shao Ming, the more he understood that he couldn't live without this person.

He felt that Shao Ming should be the same.

After taking pictures together and watching the snow outside together, Zhu Tong was thinking, how good is it now?

But the better it is now, the more afraid he is when he thinks of the consequences of not completing the task.

In case he is gone, in case he can only accompany Shao Ming for less than a year...

He was afraid that the memories he left to Shao Ming would turn into pain in the future, and that the photos he left behind would become a tool for seeing things and people.

He found that he was more reluctant to make Shao Ming sad than reluctance to die.

So he couldn't let himself die.

He couldn't wait to remove Shao Ming's "concerns".

If you suddenly exit, the sound is not large, and the lethality is not small.

Shao Ming's hands were slightly tight, and he couldn't help holding his hands to his lips, "Little Master, are you... confessing to me?"

Zhu Tong was at a loss for a while.

Confession... Hasn't he already confessed?

Shao Ming looked at him at a loss, Xinyuan temporarily separated from Yima, barely controlled himself, squeezed his hand and said, "Let's go back and talk about this kind of thing."

It's best to say it in bed, so that he can get wild.

Zhu Tong was puzzled and said anxiously: "Why do you want to go back and talk about it? I want you to go home with me after the final exam... Would you not like it?"

Shao Ming: "…"

He had the urge to hold his forehead very much.

Can this young master tease him to separate occasions?

But speaking of it, this is the second time that Zhu Tong has invited him.

Why are you so eager to let him see his family?

Shao Ming admitted that he was nervous, but he didn't seem to show unease in front of Zhu Tong.

Is it Zhu Tong's extraordinary eyesight, or the system on him...

Shao Ming was more inclined towards the latter. He became more and more suspicious that the task that Zhu Tong refused to tell him was related to him.

"Yes." Shao Ming said, "Why don't you want to? Didn't I promise you last time?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

A promise is a promise, but your "concerns" have not disappeared.

Zhu Tongdao: "The last time was not fixed, it doesn't count. We now set an appointment and go back on the first day of the holiday. You can't go back if you promise."

Shao Ming pretended to ponder: "What if... your family doesn't like me?"

Zhu Tong said: "How come?"

Shao Ming said, "Why not? You see Uncle Liu's face is stern every time he sees me."

As he said that, he also learned from Uncle Liu's expression every time he saw him.

Pretty decent.

Zhu Tong couldn't help but laugh.

He actually didn't understand that Liu Shu obviously didn't object to him staying with Shao Ming, why does he have a bad face every time he sees Shao Ming?

"Uncle Liu is..." Zhu Tong hesitated for a long time, "Uncle Liu is just a little more serious, he doesn't dislike you, but my grandfather will definitely like you, he..."

After speaking for a while, Zhu Tong suddenly thought of his grandfather's face that was always more serious than Uncle Liu in front of outsiders.

This...seems a bit difficult.

After covering it for a while, Zhu Tong's hands gradually warmed up, Shao Ming habitually squeezed his fingers between his fingers, and said in a low mood: "You said, what if your grandfather gave me a check and asked me to leave you? manage?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

Grandpa would not be so pedantic!

Knowing that he is a playboy, Zhu Tong said oddly, "Grandpa won't."

Shao Ming said to himself: "If this is the case, then I can only feel sorry for the old man. I will do it first, and cook the raw rice to mature rice."

Zhu Tong: "…"

What is this ancient dog blood eight o'clock file?

Zhu Tong paused, then suddenly asked, "How to cook?"

Shao Ming was stunned for a moment, and the actor suddenly left his body. He tilted his head slightly and said, "...You don't know?"

Zhu Tong slowly shook his head.

He really didn't know.

He has learned a lot of physiological knowledge, and this sentence is used in men and women... He also understands.

But he and Shao Ming are both boys... How do we cook this meal? Is their meal still not cooked?

Shao Ming: "…"

He seemed to have forgotten an important thing.

Forgot to expand his physical knowledge to his boyfriend.



The author has something to say:

Who will help Tongtong open the door to a new world?

My cousin's wedding is in progress, and I will grow thicker and longer when I go back tomorrow (^3^)/~~Thank you for your vote or irrigation during 2021-12-1812:55:29~2021-12-1913:54:02 The little angel of nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: Ting 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 20 bottles of Ting ah and Chu Chu; 10 bottles of our natural pair; 18140339, 536338995 bottles; 1 bottle of red jasmine, bald old baby, strange and cute;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!