Chapter 90: mother and child

There was a sudden silence at the table.

Shao Ming looked at Zhu Tong with a dark expression.

Zhu Tong was originally curious about the unknown, but was gradually seen a little awkward by Shao Ming.

He felt that Shao Ming looked at him strangely, there were things he was familiar with and things he was not familiar with, and his hairs stood up a little.

Zhu Tong said: "What's wrong?"

Shao Ming said, "Nothing."

Zhu Tong: "…"

Shao Ming took a deep breath and asked, "Do you want to take the final exam well?"

Zhu Tong immediately said sternly, "I want to."

Shao Ming: "…"

"Don't ask if you think about it, I'll tell you after the exam."

Zhu Tong: "?"

Why after the exam?

Knowing it will affect his exam?

He didn't dare to ask, thinking if he should ask for help from a search engine when he went back, he heard Shao Ming continue: "You are not allowed to check it yourself, it will affect your studies."

There are too many unclean things on the web now, what should I do if I see something that I shouldn't see when I check it?

Zhu Tong: "…"

He is more curious what to do?

However, Shao Ming's intimidation was very useful. I wish the young master had some self-control, and the final exam was not long after all.

He was silent, then nodded and said, "I know, I won't check."

Shao Ming breathed a sigh of relief.

Thinking about knowing a little less, at least not so tormented, right?

Then he was a little unwilling. It was clearly a matter of two people, so why should he suffer more? Because he knows more?

Shao Ming couldn't help laughing.

Zhu Tong was inexplicably laughed at by him and looked at him blankly.

Shao Ming put his arms around him and said, "So you don't mind cooking before you get your name?"


He suddenly came over, and Zhu Tong was subconsciously nervous.

Shao Ming said, "Can I put the rice in the pot now?"

This expression is also very abstract.

Zhu Tong turned his head and saw his slightly curved eyes, this time he understood that Shao Ming wanted to kiss him.

Now? it's here?

Before he could do anything, he suddenly heard the sound of the wooden board being knocked.

The two turned their heads at the same time and saw the waitress standing beside the table, "Two...what do you need?"


The waiter smiled, looking at the two of them with three points of apology, three points of embarrassment, and four points of excitement?

Zhu Tong suddenly realized that they were here to eat barbecue, he was stunned for a moment, and his face turned red.

There is no private room in this barbecue restaurant. There is only a wooden board between each seat, and there is no door.

What did they just say? Is there anyone in the cubicle next to them? Did you hear what they said?

Zhu Tong's face instantly turned into a lion's head.

The waiters are always smiling.

She really didn't want to be disturbed.

But the two of them became tired from the moment they entered the store, and they were about to hug each other. If she didn't come to their store again, it would not be a barbecue restaurant but a dog abuse store.

Shao Ming didn't know how to write the word "embarrassed" by nature, so he responded quickly: "Is there a menu?"

The waiter said, "That's what's on the table."

Shao Ming quickly ordered the ingredients. When he turned around, he found that the person by the window was still looking for a hole to drill. He raised his hand and touched his head: "Scared?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

is embarrassing!

He looked back at the partition, "Next to..."

"Don't worry, there is no one next door, I saw it when I came in."

Zhu Tong breathed a sigh of relief, then froze again and turned his head to look at Shao Ming.

This person always seems to know what he's thinking, and he doesn't seem to need to say anything about his concerns.

Zhu Tong felt a little sweet, and the embarrassment eased a lot.

Barbecue was delivered quickly.

Zhu Tong subconsciously touched his pocket to get something to clean the tableware, but he felt empty.

He suddenly remembered that today's clothes were prepared for him by Shao Ming, and he seemed to have forgotten to transfer the things he was carrying with him.

He looked again at the tableware wrapped in plastic wrap in front of him, maybe... he could overcome it.

Just as he was about to unpack the package, a hand suddenly reached out from the opposite side.

In order to facilitate the barbecue, Shao Ming has moved from beside him to the opposite of him.

The outstretched hand took his cutlery and put a set of cutlery in front of him.

Zhu Tong raised his eyes and saw a few things in front of Shao Ming at some point... He forgot to take it out of the clothes he had changed.

"How do you..."

Shao Ming said lightly: "Oh, it was stolen from your clothes."


Soon Shao Ming wiped his cutlery, put away the tools and looked up, "Didn't you tell me? I'll accompany you to trouble you in the future."

Zhu Tong's heart was sour and sweet, his lips moved a few times, he squeezed it to his mouth and you swallowed "thank you", and said dryly: "Barbecue."

Shao Ming pursed his lips and smiled: "As ordered, young master."


Shao Ming skillfully started the fire and started roasting the meat, and put the first piece of beef on the grill.

It was almost three o'clock in the afternoon when I came out of the cubicle.

When I went to the front desk to check out, I encountered the waiter who just called them to order, and Zhu Tong was still a little embarrassed.

The girl was calm, and when they settled the bill, they gave them two couple doll pendants.

The two people are still the focus, and the explicit dress makes the little girl who walks into the barbecue shop excited after seeing it.

"A couple? A couple?"

"It's too handsome, isn't it? Sure enough, good-looking people have already digested it internally."

"The two of them look a little familiar, are they the two seniors in the second year of high school..."

Some people looked at it curiously, but they didn't dare to get too close.

Two people wear the same clothes, but their temperament is completely different.

Shao Ming is very suitable for black. He looks very restrained and sexy, but his facial features are deep and his charm is full of outgoing.

Zhu Tong's coat is khaki, he has a kind of elegant temperament, and his gestures have the elegance engraved in his bones.

The two people walking together is simply a beautiful visual enjoyment.

Walking out of the barbecue shop without anyone else, Zhu Tong held up the doll pendant presented by the waiter and looked around.

Shao Ming hugged him and said, "Is there anything uncomfortable?"

"No." Zhu Tong put down the doll pendant, turned his head and said, "The barbecue just now was delicious, shall we come here next time?"

Shao Ming couldn't help laughing: "It's delicious and you can't eat it often. It's not good for your health. Even if you can eat it now, you must control your diet and don't make fun of your body."

Zhu Tongyi thought about it as well: "That's fine."

Just a pity.

Shao Ming said again: "Next time, go to eat other delicious food."

Zhu Tong instantly regained his energy, "Okay."

Shao Ming was so tickled by his straightforward expression that he couldn't help pinching his ears: "Why are you so good?"

Zhu Tong said: "This is not called being good, it is called carefully listening to other people's opinions."

Shao Ming leaned on him and said, "So am I still an outsider with you?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

Can this also be played on the topic?

Feeling his shoulders that suddenly became heavier, Zhu Tong tilted his head and couldn't help thinking: Are all the people on dates so tired? And a little... hypocritical?

He bent his lips and was about to say something when he saw Shao Ming suddenly stop.

He turned his head along Shao Ming's line of sight and saw a person standing not far in front of them.

She looks very young and can't tell her age. That person is tall and fit, with a gorgeous face. The accessories on her body are a kind of light embellishment. Fashionable clothes and noble temperament make her stand on the streets of the small county town. Incompatible.

Zhu Tong felt that her face was a little familiar, and suddenly realized something, he turned to look at Shao Ming.

Shao Ming looked at the woman and squinted slightly, he heard the man call out his name.

"Shao Ming." The woman introduced herself and said, "I am Xiang Shuyi."


The guess was confirmed, Zhu Tong's eyes widened slightly, and the alarm bell rang in an instant.

Shao Ming didn't say anything and didn't have much reaction. He let go of Zhu Tong and said, "I'll take you back first, back to school or home? You can go to the store, I'll find you later."

Zhu Tong refused: "I'm not going back."


Zhu Tong pulled him and said, "I'll be with you."

His tone was firm, his eyes wary.

Shao Ming looked helpless.

Xiang Shuyi was a little surprised.

Shao Ming held him back and said, "Let's go then."

The response is for Zhu Tong and Xiang Shuyi.

Xiang Shuyi's surprised emotions quickly subsided, he glanced at Zhu Tong again, and turned around and walked in front.

When entering a store, Zhu Tong and Shao Ming looked a little weird at the same time.

The place Xiang Shuyi chose was a coffee shop.

It was the cafe where Xia Weiyi's people asked Shao Ming to meet on the day Qiu Shaoping went crazy.

It's just that the county is so small that even this kind of coincidence can be encountered.

But neither of them mentioned it, and Xiang Shuyi didn't say a word about Zhu Tong's unauthorized visit.

After Zhu Tong sat down, he wanted to order a cup of coffee, but was stopped by Shao Ming.

"Don't drink coffee just after eating barbecue, it's not good for digestion."

Zhu Tong: "…"

In fact, he didn't even want to drink it. He just thought that when he entered the coffee shop, he should order a cup, which would have a more atmosphere.

In the end, Shao Ming asked him for a glass of boiled water.

Zhu Tong: "…"

Xiang Shuyi ordered himself a cup of Blue Mountain coffee without asking them if they wanted it.

Her expression was always indifferent. If it weren't for the two people's similar looks, if they didn't know her identity, Zhu Tong would never have thought that this person was Shao Ming's biological mother.

Her eyes did not have the warmth that a mother should have, and her attitude towards Shao Ming was not like a stranger, let alone a relative.

She drank coffee calmly.

Zhu Tong would not stare rudely at a woman, although he was very curious about Xiang Shuyi's purpose in coming to Shao Ming.

Soon the waiter brought water for Zhu Tong, Shao Ming took it and put it in front of him, looked up and said, "Tell me, what's the matter?"

He cut to the chase, Xiang Shuyi indifferently stirred the coffee for a moment, then raised his head nonchalantly and said, "Xia Weiyi and I are filing for divorce."

Shao Ming said: "I know, what do I need to do?"

Xiang Shuyi's hands clenched tightly in his voice without any emotional ups and downs, and said directly: "I need a paternity test certificate."


Zhu Tong frowned slightly.

It is not difficult to guess what the purpose of the divorce lawsuit is to come to Shao Ming for a paternity test.

Shao Ming said, "In order to gain more benefits for yourself?"

She must have already done the paternity test with Xia Yang. As long as she does one more test with herself, she will be able to use Xia Weiyi's secrets to get rid of the marriage and illegitimate children.

But doing so didn't help him much.

To prove Xia Weiyi's betrayal, her and Xia Yang's paternity test is enough to prove it.

Or does she want more than that?

Xiang Shuyi did not speak, as if he had acquiesced.

Shao Ming said again: "Do you think I will agree?"

Xiang Shuyi said, "It's up to you whether you agree or not. I'm just here to ask. If you don't want to, I'll just run for nothing."



Zhu Tong was also a little surprised.

This person came with such a big fanfare... It's not too fanciful, but he came quite suddenly.

But she also made this trip specially. As long as Shao Ming didn't want her, would she really give up?

Zhu Tong was a little skeptical.

Before they could speak again, Xiang Shuyi had already put down the coffee in her hand and said softly, "I haven't taken care of you for more than ten years, so I won't ask you anything, you don't have to think about it, give me you The answer will do.”

Shao Ming was silent.

Xiang Shuyi looked at Zhu Tong, and lowered his eyes again, "I'm in City A, and I heard about the two of you."

Zhu Tong suddenly felt nervous.

What are you doing here at this time?

Xiang Shuyi said: "Xia Weiyi took advantage of this incident and wanted to give you an identity to make you a good match. You refused. Before I came to you today, you ... someone told me the same thing."

Zhu Tong frowned and wanted to speak, but Shao Ming lightly held his hand.

Shao Ming paused for a while and asked her, "Among the people who followed us for candid photography today, are there any of yours?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

Candid shots with them? when?

Zhu Tong suppressed the surprise in his heart and didn't interrupt, but looked at Xiang Shuyi with more vigilant eyes.

Xiang Shuyi did not deny it, "There are people from the Xiang family."

Shao Ming nodded.

"But you don't have to worry." Xiang Shuyi raised his head: "No one from the Xiang family will come to you again, and they will not be able to give you the right status."

"What kind of status is right?" Zhu Tong couldn't bear it any longer. "He doesn't need any status. It's enough for him to have me."

Who are these people?

They kept saying help and giving in a graceful tone, in order to use Shao Ming to achieve their own goals? One by one is high-sounding, but in fact they are all scheming.

And let people follow them secretly? No wonder this person appeared in front of them so coincidentally.

The more Zhu Tong thought about it, the more angry he became, but the elders sitting opposite them were after all. Zhu Tong felt a sense of suffocation that he was restricted from playing, so he could only hold Shao Ming's hand tightly.

Completely unaware of what he said.

The eyes of both fell on him.

Xiang Shuyi looked at his complicated eyes, then looked at Shao Ming, suddenly relieved, and lowered his head to take a sip of coffee.

The coffee is bitter, the fine taste is sour and sweet, and the fruit is mellow, and the taste is very subtle.

Xiang Shuyi gave a light "um".

Zhu Tong: "…"

What does "um" mean?

At this time, Shao Ming squeezed his hand and whispered, "Well, it's enough for me to have you."

Zhu Tong: "…"

Then Shao Ming raised his eyes again and said, "Okay, I promise you."

Zhu Tong Meng turned his head.

Shao Ming gave him a reassuring smile and looked at Xiang Shuyi again: "I can do the appraisal, but no matter what you want to do, don't involve me and my family."

Xiang Shuyi was surprised by his simplicity, and when she heard him mention "family" again, her hand holding the coffee cup trembled slightly, and she nodded quickly: "Okay."

On the way back, Zhu Tong didn't say a word, but his eyes always glanced to the side.

Shao Ming smiled and turned his head: "Since you're not happy, why didn't you stop me when I promised her just now?"

Zhu Tong looked back: "I'm not unhappy."

Shao Ming said: "Really?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

It's a little uncomfortable, but it's not unpleasant.

That was Shao Ming's own decision. He was not qualified to interfere, nor did he want to interfere, but he was just curious.

He asked, "Why did you promise her just now?"

Shao Ming said: "She said that the Xiang family can't give me the right status."

Zhu Tong: "?"

"It's not that I don't give it, it's that I can't give it."

Zhu Tong was stunned for a moment.

Shao Ming gave him time to react, but he didn't say anything.

The "people" that Xiang Shuyi referred to was undoubtedly her father, the head of the Xiang family.

Although the Xiang family is not as good as the Zhu family and the Xia family, it is still an enterprise that has been rooted in City A for more than ten or twenty years. The marriage between Xiang Shuyi and Xia Weiyi can be called a good match. Home can also give.

But Xiang Shuyi said, "The Xiang family can't give it."

After being involved in the divorce lawsuit, Xia Weiyi was in trouble. The two families have been married for more than ten years, and they know each other the most. The person who knows the most is often more ruthless when stabbed.

Divorce matters are at home, and they should have taken the opportunity to make a fortune, with losses and profits, not much different from before the divorce.

What does that phrase in the book art mean?

She seemed to be certain that the Xiang family would not come to Shao Ming again.

People's greed can't be stopped, the Xiang family won't listen to her advice, and she can't be the head of the family.

She told Shao Ming not to worry, it could only be that she already had a way to limit Xiang's family.

Zhu Tong suddenly asked, "What does she want to do?"

Shao Ming smiled: "Do you understand? Our young master is really smart."

Zhu Tong: "…"

"I don't know exactly what she wants to do." Shao Ming said, "But it's definitely not good for either family."

Zhu Tong looked down at the ground.

He can understand that it is not good for the Xia family, but why even the Xiang family...

"Does she have a bad relationship with the Xiang family?" Zhu Tong asked.

Shao Ming pursed his lower lip and said, "Maybe."


Zhu Tong looked at Shao Ming again.

Even at this time, Shao Ming was very calm and rational.

The people who have not met since birth are relatives who are related to him by blood, but when he met his biological mother, there was no earth-shattering recognition, and there was no tense embarrassment of each other, they just calmly Sit together and close a deal.

Is Shao Ming really as undisturbed as he appears?

I wish Tong did not want to ask.

He thought that when they just left the coffee shop, Xiang Shuyi didn't look at Shao Ming again after he nodded.

When talking about the Xiang family, she didn't show any emotion.

Her indifference to not caring about anything is quite similar to the previous Shao Ming.

Thinking of Zhu Tong, he shook his head again.

Unlike her, Shao Ming would not be indifferent to everything.

But since she was indifferent to everything, why did she choose to divorce Xia Weiyi after being silent for more than ten years without doing anything?

And why did you promise Shao Ming not to let the Xiang family come to him?

Zhu Tong was full of doubts, and was suddenly led by Shao Ming into a corner. He shook his head and said, "Where are you going now?"

Zhu Tong thought about it and said, "Go back to school."

Shao Ming smiled and nodded: "Okay."

All the troubles, worry about it after the exam.

After another round of intense and intense review, in a snowy day that covered the entire campus, the final exam came as scheduled.


The author has something to say:

Thank you to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-12-19 13:54:02~2021-12-2015:45:27~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 10 bottles of Chichi; 536338995 bottles; 174 bottles; 3 bottles of bald old baby; 1 bottle of strange, cute and lovely;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!