Chapter 91: public opinion

Before the exam, Zhu Tong was called by Shi Wenshu to the office.

Shi Wenshu has always admired Zhu Tong, a student. Although he is not in good health, he has never given up his efforts. He has done well in class and homework. There is only one thing... Shi Wenshu is simply It was because he was afraid of the stubborn and hard to refute principle of his exam questions.

Although Shao Ming had already promised it, it was better for him to confirm it just in case.

"How has your body been recently?"

This is probably the question that Zhu Tong has been asked the most since he returned from the re-examination in City A.

He felt a little warm in his heart and said softly, "It's much better."

Shi Wenshu said: "That's good, but you still need to pay more attention. There is no air conditioner in the classroom. During the exam, you should keep warm and don't catch a cold."

Zhu Tong nodded: "Yes."

Shi Wenshu glanced at him again and saw that his face was really good, so he went to the main topic: "then about the final exam, I know you may not care about your grades that much, but your grades are the proof of your hard work in a semester, yes You go home from vacation to show your academic achievements to your family, every point of your grades, every bit of progress is a relief for your family, they will be proud of you, so you should also do your best To respond to the family's expectations, are you right?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

But he didn't think his family expected anything from him.

In fact, when Zhu Tong came to the office, he knew what Teacher Shi wanted to tell him, and he said directly: "Teacher, I will try to fill the answer sheet as much as possible for this final exam."

Shi Wenshu was slightly stunned.

He hasn't started to play yet, how can this kid be so transparent?

Awareness has become so high?

Shi Wenshu immediately said: "That's right, no matter whether you can do the question or not, as long as you get the score by your own ability, even if it's just a step score, that's your score, the same is true for multiple-choice questions, and luck is also powerful. In part, choosing the right one based on feeling is also based on knowledge.”


Zhu Tongchang heard in the class that if Teacher Shi started talking, it would be more intolerable than Tang Sanzang chanting scriptures.

He didn't think about it before, but now he sees it.

But even if Teacher Shi didn't tell him, he wouldn't give up any luck in this exam.

Zhu Tong said, "I see, Teacher Shi."

Shi Wenshu nodded with satisfaction: "Okay, then go and prepare for the exam."

Zhu Tong nodded again.

He turned and walked out of the office, Shi Wenshu looked at his back with a look of relief.

At this time, a teacher at the table next to him said, "Mr. Shi, I heard that this student in your class has an unusual relationship with Shao Ming."

"Shao Ming?" Shi Wenshu was stunned for a moment, and then said, "The two of them are at the same table, and they are also renting together outside the school. The relationship is very good."

"I mean..." The teacher at the next table hesitated, "I heard that they are always together even on weekends."

"Really?" Shi Wenshu showed his surprise, and soon he looked surprised again: "That's really good."


Shi Wenshu said: "Mr. Luo, you don't know, when I was a student, when I first transferred to another school, I was very unsocial, and my health was not good. I even vomited blood and went to the hospital. I know, now that he has made friends, I can be relieved when someone is watching me. Shao Ming is also a warm-hearted person. He not only takes care of his new classmates, but also helps him improve his grades. Seeing the momentum of Zhu Tong, when the college entrance examination is over, my class The students who are in the top three may be able to take the top three."

Teacher Luo: "..."

Looking at Wen Shu with a proud look on his face, Mr. Luo felt that his outlook on life was impacted.

Is he talking about taking care of tutoring? What he implies is the problem of puppy love!

As the head teacher of a class, why is there no sense of crisis about the problem of students' puppy love?

But the head teacher with such a big nerve, the students with excellent grades also like to get together in his class.

Teacher Luo thought: Is it because he is too obsessed with catching puppy love because his class can't improve his grades?

Should he try to relax the policy?

Teacher Luo sighed deeply.

When Zhu Tong came out of the office, there was a biting cold wind in front of him, and he couldn't help shivering.

Before he could close his collar tightly, a scarf was hung around his neck.

Shao Ming said, "You forgot to take good care of yourself when I went to the bathroom, young master, what would you do without me?"

While wrapping a scarf around Zhu Tong, he smiled playfully.

Zhu Tong didn't forget that this is the door of the office, and looked back nervously: "Why are you here?"

Shao Ming said casually: "When I came to listen to the teacher's chanting... Routine instructions before the exam, nothing else."

Zhu Tong also smiled, "Then you go, I'll go back to the classroom first."

Shao Ming pushed the door and walked into the office.

After being baptized by Teacher Shi, it seems that the soul has been sublimated.

At eight o'clock, the final exam officially began.

The test lasts for two days. The first day is Chinese and mathematics, and the second day is English and science.

Zhu Tong worked hard for his studies during this period of time, and the effect was very significant. As soon as he finished the test, he couldn't wait to answer the answer with Shao Ming's test paper.

Shao Ming helped him estimate the approximate score, raised his eyebrows lightly and said, "It seems that we can be in the same exam room for the exam next semester."

Zhu Tong's eyes lit up: "Really? Can that be six percent?"

He thought so deeply about 600% that Shao Ming couldn't laugh or cry, and he was helpless and distressed. He glanced at the test paper again, "It should be fine."

Zhu Tong suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

Shao Ming said: "Efforts are not in vain, don't worry."

Zhu Tong only felt relaxed and light, looked at Shao Ming seriously and said, "Thank you for tutoring me."

Shao Ming raised his eyebrows again.

Zhu Tong suddenly remembered something, turned his head and looked at Shao Ming without saying anything.

"What's wrong?" Shao Ming asked.

Zhu Tong paused and said, "I didn't even pay you tuition fees."


Is he still thinking about this?

Shao Ming smiled, looked at him with one hand on his head and said, "Huh? How do you want to pay? I don't want the money."

Zhu Tong: "Then what do you want?"

He knew that the current relationship between the two should not be so clear, but he didn't seem to have given Shao Ming anything since he knew each other.

He wanted Shao Ming to have something he gave him.

Shao Ming's eyes darkened: "Yes."

Zhu Tong said: "What?"

Shao Ming curved his lips and said, "Are you paying for it?"


The monitor in the front seat couldn't bear it any longer, and turned to look at the big bad wolf who abducted the little white rabbit with a serious face, "You can restrain yourself! You have been showing off the whole teaching building in the past two days. Are you finished yet?"

Shao Ming suddenly looked wronged, "When did I show?"

Tang Nuan said: "Yes, you don't have a show, who doesn't know that in the first exam room, Xueshen handed in the papers ten minutes in advance for every exam, saying that he was going to the bathroom, and then appeared on time at the door of the second exam room at the end of the exam. , said that you happened to pass by after going to the bathroom. The restroom is in the fifth test room, and our third class is in the middle. How did you pass the third class and pass the second test room when you returned to the classroom after using the bathroom? Don't enter the classroom door?"

Shao Ming: "…"

Zhu Tong: "…"

Tang Nuan talked too much in one breath, took a deep breath, and continued: "I almost fell on the road today, do you know why?"

Shao Ming smiled and said nothing.

Zhu Tong couldn't bear to look at her coldly and asked, "Why?"

Tang Nuan glanced at Shao Ming angrily, "I was tripped by someone kicked out of the cabinet door!"

Zhu Tong: "?"

Shao Ming made up for the knife mercilessly, "Then your eyesight is not very good, squad leader, I heard that your myopia has increased again?"

Tang Nuan: "…"

Tang Nuan was too lazy to pay attention to him, looked at the two of them, and said softly, "You two...are you two really together?"

Although this is already a tacit fact, it is the first time Tang Nuan has asked so seriously.

I wish the child's heart jumped.

Shao Ming smiled lightly: "I'd rather demolish ten temples than destroy a marriage, monitor."

Tang Nuan said speechlessly, "Who cares about ruining your marriage."

She looked at Zhu Tong again and smiled, "I will keep the secret for you."

Zhu Tong didn't know what to say, so he said dryly, "Thank you, monitor."

Tang Nuan waved his hand generously, "No thanks, you can just let him restrain himself a little bit every day, otherwise the cabinet door will be blocked."

Zhu Tong wondered: "...what does blocking the cabinet door mean?"

Tang Nuan: "…"

Tang Nuan looked at him in surprise.

This is a little cutie who doesn't know human gossip.

She glared at Shao Ming again: "It's really cheap for you."

This sentence, Shao Ming, took everything according to the order, and it was indeed cheaper for him.

Tang Nuan explained to Zhu Tong what it meant to block the cabinet door. Seeing that he was stunned, he blushed again, and excitedly pulled Zhu Tong to learn about the campus gossip together.

At this time, in a group of alumni with the largest number of members, they were discussing the two of them enthusiastically.

[Crazy, crazy, Xue Shen is really waiting outside Zhu Tong's examination room for every exam! This pair of cps is firmly locked. 】

[Isn't this all well-known? I heard that the two of them lived together shortly after school started. 】

【what? They darkened Chen Cang so early? 】

[Pass it on, Xue Shen and Zhu Tong fell in love at first sight on the school day. 】

[Pass it on, Xue Shen and Zhu Tong have been together for a few months. 】

[Pass it on, Xue Shen and Zhu Tong have been kissing for several months. 】

[Pass it on, Xue Shen and Zhu Tong do it fiercely! 】

[Pass it on, the **** of learning made Zhu Tong unable to get out of bed for three days...]

Zhu Tong:…

What is this all about?

Why can't he get out of bed?

The conversations in the group became more and more outrageous, and some people couldn't help but start complaining, and even complaining was very interesting.

[Fuck, labor and management tripped over their pants as soon as they entered the group. 】

[Come and come, put on your pants and get down to business, have any of you watched the hot search? Real-life giant drama! Absolutely wonderful! 】

The group suddenly quieted down, and each turned to the hot search on Weibo.

Zhu Tong was curious for a while, returned the mobile phone to the monitor, took his mobile phone to look at the hot search, and was stunned when he saw the hot search title.

—The rich father gave birth to a child from a marriage contract and an illegitimate child for seventeen years.

Zhu Tong snorted before he even clicked in.

Shao Ming leaned his head over and said, "What's wrong?"

Zhu Tong tilted the screen of his mobile phone and clicked on the hot search to watch it with him.

The Internet revealed that the founder of a well-known company in City A suspected that his wife was having an affair with someone else.

The hot search guide did not name names, but almighty netizens have disclosed the identity of the founders below.

Xia Weiyi, President of City A Xia Group.

The hot search appeared less than ten minutes ago, and the interaction value has exceeded 200,000.

Some netizens began to dig deep, and soon even the photos were released.

Everything is said online.

[Long time to see, I have seen eccentric people, never seen such eccentric people, take the illegitimate child back to the main room? The real version of the civet cat for the prince? Or was it replaced by the father himself? Really TM outrageous! The main wife is really miserable. 】

[The main room is not innocent, right? Don't you mean to suspect that your wife is having an affair with someone else? Sure enough, wealthy couples have no real feelings. 】

[That is to say, the two are married in name, but in fact, the two of them are each playing their own way? 】

[Is the one in the main room her husband's or someone else's? No matter what, it's too much to drop the child's bag, isn't it? What happened to the kid who was dropped? 】


The discussion on the Internet is in full swing, and the school is not too much.

Today is the end of the final exam. No matter how obsessed with learning, the Xueba will not be able to escape this short period of slack. Almost no one in the classroom is not holding a mobile phone.

Gongshui No. 1 Middle School watched the news and had a stronger sense of substitution than others.

"The Xia family in City that the Xia family I thought?"

"No way? How is it possible? It must be just a coincidence."

Soon someone turned their attention to the back of the classroom, wanting to ask but embarrassed to ask.

Zhu Tong didn't have the heart to care what others thought, he just looked at Shao Ming, "Who do you think released this news?"

Shao Ming asked back, "What do you think?"


Apart from Xiang Shuyi, he couldn't think of anyone else.

But why did she do it?

Injuring the enemy one thousand and self-injuring eight hundred, no matter how you look at it, it looks like a desperate game.

Even if it was a divorce, even if it was torn apart, the Xiang family did not choose to expose this matter before the successful divorce.

What they wanted was Xia Weiyi's unilateral ruin, not dragging them into the quagmire together. If the Xiang family made a move, they would definitely pick themselves up first.

But Xiang Shuyi didn't care.

She exposed the matter completely, and didn't care what others thought of her, and she wasn't afraid of being scolded.

Only the identity of the "marital child" was kept secret by her.

Shao Ming suddenly said: "Do you think I should be moved?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

Zhu Tong felt a little uncomfortable in his heart.

Now the person who is being abused, humiliated, and condemned on a pillar of shame on the Internet is the mother who is related to Shao Ming.

If they were just strangers, and if Xiang Shuyi, like Xia Weiyi, could only use Shao Ming, Shao Ming should be able to gloat at such news.

But in the current situation, no matter how you look at it, Xiang Shuyi is working hard to restore Shao Ming's purity.

And it is an effort to put myself in at any cost.

Regardless of whether you have feelings or not, it is not an easy task just to bear the sacrifices of others for yourself.

Zhu Tong suddenly held Shao Ming's hand.

Shao Ming moved slightly and smiled at him: "I'm fine, she really helped me a lot."


I wish Tong Xin said that they would rather not have such help.

"Then what should we do now?"

"Well..." Shao Ming pondered: "Eat melon."

Zhu Tong said oddly, "You eat your own melon?"

Shao Ming said: "This is just the beginning."

Zhu Tong frowned slightly.

Shao Ming reached out and rubbed his forehead away again, "Okay, don't worry, I have something to do tomorrow."

Zhu Tong has a lot of thoughts and subconsciously asks: "What's the matter?"

Shao Ming: "…"

Zhu Tong suddenly remembered.

They are going back to City A tomorrow.

All the sadness disappeared, and he was refreshed: "When are we leaving tomorrow?"

Shao Ming squeezed his face and said, "Little Master, just turn around and forget what you said. You have the potential to be a scumbag."

Zhu Tong: "…"

He was a little guilty and defended in a low voice, "I didn't forget."

It's just that I didn't react for a while.

Shao Ming rogue said: "No matter, I am injured, you have to comfort me."

Zhu Tong: " to comfort?"

Shao Ming leaned into his ear and said a few words, Zhu Tong's face flushed, and it spread to the base of his ears and even his neck at a speed visible to the naked eye, he looked around nervously, then turned to look at Shao Ming, " Don't say that in the classroom."

Shao Ming pretended to be injured and said, "Can't you?"


Zhu Tong suddenly softened, he nodded stiffly: "Okay."

Shao Ming's heart was so soft.

He looked at the mobile phone that Zhu Tong was holding in his hand, and his eyes darkened, but he quickly regained his emotions.

In the teaching building of the first grade, the topics that rush to the hot search are also the hot topics of the first grade students.

Xia Yang has frequently asked for leave during this time. This exam is obviously a little out of his mind. He is angry and frustrated, but he does not dare to show any negative emotions.

Facing the inquiries from his classmates who didn't know whether they were caring or provocative, he perfunctory one by one.

After finally making it to the end of the exam, he went to the office to ask for leave and planned to leave the school early, but when he entered the classroom, he found that everyone in the class looked at him strangely.

In the corner of the classroom, several people gathered together and whispered.

"Xia Yang's father's name is Xia Weiyi, right? What information did the school have to fill out last time, I saw him write his name."

"Is that true? Isn't Xia Yang his own mother?"

"The paternity test results have been released, and they must be true. If it's not true, how come no one has come out to clarify?"

"Not only is it biological, but I don't even know who my mother is!"

"According to this, isn't Xia Yang an illegitimate child?"

"What does it mean to be an illegitimate child? He was originally an illegitimate child!"

"Who are you calling an illegitimate child!"

A gloomy voice suddenly interjected into their conversation. Several people looked up at the same time and saw Xia Yang's very ugly face.

Xia Yang angrily said: "Who told you to talk nonsense here!"

Probably because Xia Yang has always been polite and gentle in front of his classmates, no one has seen him lose his temper, and he was suddenly questioned, and several people reacted slowly before explaining: "It's not that we are talking nonsense... Xia Yang, you won't pay it back. Don't you know? Your parents' divorce is on the hot search."

Xia Yang frowned and said, "What hot search?"

Someone handed him the phone: "Well, see for yourself."

Xia Yang took over the phone, glanced at the title and lead, and scrolled down to read the comments, his face became paler and paler.

His eyes were full of disbelief, watching a group of people on the Internet talking nonsense in the comments.

Yes, it must be nonsense!

How could he be an illegitimate child? !

He suddenly threw his phone away, turned around and ran outside the classroom.

"Fuck, my phone!"

With a bang, the phone slammed onto the table.

The person who kindly handed him his mobile phone looked distressed, and couldn't help complaining: "Is there any quality? It really is an illegitimate child."


The author has something to say:

Thank you to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-12-2015:45:27~2021-12-2116:02:41~

Thanks to the little angel who threw mines: 496144392; Yan Qing 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 25 bottles at the beginning of the year; Bi Hanyue, 536338995 bottles; 17, 555691052 bottles; 1 bottle of red jasmine, strange and cute;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!