Chapter 92: dispute

Xia Yang booked a flight ticket overnight and rushed back to City A.

On the way to the airport in E city, Xia Yang couldn't help looking through the remarks on the Internet.

[The world is so big that there is no such thing as an illegitimate child who has preempted other people's lives for more than ten years, and came out to apologize! 】

[If you don't apologize, you should be smart and pack your bed and leave? Is the **** gone? 】

[One has to have self-knowledge, what life is what life is, and the life that is stolen will be returned sooner or later. 】

[Is there nothing wrong with illegitimate children? It's not something you can choose to be born, isn't it wrong to be an irresponsible parent? 】


The popularity of the public opinion about the illegitimate child has not yet subsided, and the online discussion of illegitimate children has intensified.

Xia Yang looked at the words "illegitimate child" on the phone, which could not be avoided, and could hardly imagine what kind of predicament he would face if he was dug up.

He can't be an illegitimate child!

He must not be an illegitimate child!

When I rushed back to Xia's house at ten o'clock in the evening, the gate of the villa was actually open.

Xia Yang couldn't wait to walk into the villa, and before he could find someone, he first heard his father's roar.

"Crazy, you are crazy! What do you want? Do you want to give your son a head start? Xia Yang was born so many years ago, you don't know what you did for him when he was not your son? You cared about him You haven't even seen him a few times. Now you are pretending to be deeply in love with a person you have never met in front of me? What do you want to do? Do you want shares? I tell you, you are delusional, what do you think What are you? You want to bring me down with just a few words?"

Xia Weiyi was furious in the living room.

Xiang Shuyi had no emotion for his anger and anger. She raised her head lightly and asked with a smile, "Xia Weiyi, do you really think that what you did more than ten years ago was so seamless?"

Xia Weiyi's face suddenly sank: "What do you mean?"

Xiang Shuyi lowered his head and rubbed his rounded nails, "You are greedy and arrogant, you won't choose, you won't take advantage of others for any small benefit, but you don't seem to be as good as I imagined. Losing his conscience, he actually allowed that child to survive."

Xia Weiyi stared at her: "You know?"

Xiang Shuyi smiled indifferently and did not answer.

Probably because there is really some special feeling between mother and son. As soon as she saw the child who had lost her bag, she felt that it was not her son.

Where has her son gone? She didn't want to look for it.

How can I get it back? Let the child grow up in a twisted family, perfectly grown to be what she loathes?

Or maybe it can't be found, the child has long since passed away when he didn't know what death was and didn't know the fear?

She didn't dare to look for it. She knew what her parents' purpose of marrying her into the Xia family was. Even if they knew what Xia Weiyi had done, they would still choose to leave things alone.

She was even more afraid that Xia Weiyi would jump off the wall and wipe out the child's last hope for life.

She was heartbroken and numb.

She lived undisturbed for more than ten years, drifting with the tide until she received news from the Jiang family.

Seeing that face that was similar to her, her heart that had been numb for more than ten years became alive again.

What can she do? What should she do?

"You're right, I really don't have a deep relationship with him." Xiang Shuyi said: "You want to use him, I am like you, you want to use him to strengthen your company, and I use him to ruin your reputation. ."

Xia Weiyi said the same thing again: "You are crazy!"

Xiang Shuyi said, "Maybe."

She went mad long before she knew the value of her birth.

She does not have the courage of Jiang Wan, and she can make herself counterattack in a desperate situation.

But she is not useless, she can make the person she hates fall from the clouds, for the child she once gave up, and for herself.

Xiang Shuyi stood up slowly: "Xia Weiyi, I didn't feel sorry for you, I went to a nightclub and fooled around with others, but I didn't betray you, I'm not you, you are too arrogant, and you think I betrayed you. , you firmly believe that what I am carrying is not your son, so you don't even bother to do a paternity test and send people away. You are insatiable, you are reluctant to bear the value of that child, and you will do anything to recognize people, but you are counterproductive, you are too Selfishness, but once you stand in someone else's point of view and consider for others, things will not become like this."

As she said that, she turned around, and when she raised her eyes, she saw Xia Yang standing at the door of the villa, who had been listening for a long time.

There was disbelief and unspeakable anger in Xia Yang's eyes.

Xiang Shuyi paused for a moment, passed by with Xia Yang expressionlessly, and left the villa.

Xia Yang's whole body is like falling into an ice cave, and he doesn't know how to react.

Turns out he was really an illegitimate child.

It turned out that his mother ignored him for so many years because he was not her son.

What does it mean to be unscrupulous in trying to recognize someone back?

Is his dad going to recognize that person?

What will he do? What will he do?

Suddenly, there was a loud noise in the living room, and Xia Weiyi angrily overturned everything on the coffee table.

Xia Yang was startled and quickly recovered.

Xia Yang walked over quickly and called out, "Dad..."

When Xia Weiyi heard the voice, he turned his head, and his eyes were stern that Xia Yang had never seen before.

He suddenly stopped walking forward.

Xia Weiyi looked at him and said, "Have you heard it?"

Xia Yang did not dare to speak.

Xia Weiyi said: "Don't worry, no matter what, you will always be my son of Xia Weiyi."

Xia Yang's panic on the way back seemed to be appeased at once. He looked up at Xia Weiyi, his tone full of dependence, "Dad, what should we do now? The Internet says I'm an illegitimate child, I'm afraid..."

He was afraid that he would be picked up soon.

On the way back, many people had already called him and asked him if the things on the Internet were true.

He didn't dare to answer, he didn't know how to answer.

People he had rejected also called him, gloating that he could go to them if he was homeless.

Disgusting, so disgusting!

He didn't want to be an illegitimate child, even if he could stay in the Xia family, he couldn't be an illegitimate child.

Bastards are destined to be looked down upon.

He can't be looked down upon!

But he didn't know what to do.

Xia Weiyi gave him a deep look, "You go back to Gongshui County now, go to your biological mother, and ask her to come forward and recognize the matter of losing the child. I will compensate her, and she can do whatever she wants."

Xia Yang was Shao Yujie's biological son, so she couldn't care less.

If Xia Yang came forward, it should not be a problem for Shao Yujie to take the initiative to recognize this matter.

As long as someone is responsible for this matter, as long as he believes that he does not know about it, there is still room for things to turn around.

Xia Weiyi's eyes were obscure, and he was calculating in his heart.

Xia Yang frowned, "What's the use of letting her recognize this matter? Even if she recognizes it, in the eyes of others, I'm still an illegitimate child, and I'm asking her why I went to Gongshui County..."

Said Xia Yang for a while.

Why go to Gongshui County?

His heart skipped a beat, and he said anxiously, "Dad?"

Now that the matter has come, there is no need to hide it anymore, Xia Weiyi said: "Your biological mother is now in Gongshui County, and you also know that she is Shao Ming's mother. As long as you let her stand up and take over the child, I will You can bring Shao Ming back, haven't you always liked Shao Ming? I know he doesn't like you, but the blood and kinship can never be separated, and you can live under the same roof in the future..."

Xia Yang couldn't hear the words behind.

His mind was buzzing.

Shao Ming's mother, is his biological mother?

how can that be?

He and Shao Ming...are half-brothers?

This is impossible!

Xia Yang's face was completely bloodless for a moment.

"Did you hear that?" Xia Weiyi was a little impatient and shook his shoulders, "I'll have someone take you back to Gongshui County now."

Xia Yang instinctively retorted: "No, I'm not going!"

Xia Weiyi was startled.

Xia Yang shook his head hastily.

Want him to find Shao Ming's mother? Let him admit in front of Shao Ming that he is an illegitimate child?

Since getting to know Shao Ming, his identity has been his only advantage. After being rejected, he has been puzzled many times. Why did Shao Ming reject him?

He is good-looking and has a good family background. He can give Shao Ming anything he wants!

During the period of pursuing Shao Ming, there were always people who said in front of him that Shao Ming was arrogant and ignorant.

Does Shao Ming know his own identity? If he knew, wouldn't he always be a joke in front of him?

Xia Yang felt embarrassed and angry.

Is Shao Ming taking revenge? Are you kidding him?

Has he been waiting to see his jokes all the time?

Xia Weiyi didn't care whether he agreed or not, and had already called someone to book a flight.

"Order one for Young Master Yang right now..."

Before he finished speaking, Xia Yang rushed forward like a madman and grabbed the phone.

He said loudly, "I said I won't go!"


A crisp slap sounded in the living room, Xia Yang's face was slapped crookedly, and the phone fell to the ground without a firm hold. Xia Yang covered his face in disbelief, his eyes full of astonishment.

Xia Weiyi also took off the last trace of disguise, looking at Xia Yang furious, "I said I won't let you leave the house, what else do you want?"


The current Xia Weiyi, without a bit of the calm and grace of a group leader, glared at Xia Yang: "How could I have given birth to such a useless thing as you? You are as weak and incompetent as your own mother, I want your son to have What's the use? If I knew you were so useless back then, I would be better than you to raise a son for someone else. You can't even ask you to do such a trivial thing. Since you don't want to, you can leave the Xia family now, and I'll do it. When I didn't give birth to you, I didn't raise you!"

After venting, the living room was a mess, and Xia Yang stood in the middle with a dull gaze, feeling that everything around him was extremely unfamiliar.

It was not the same development as he knew.

Why did things turn out this way?

Why are all things different?

After Zhu Tong survived and after he transferred schools, his smooth life completely deviates from the original trajectory.

Xia Yang gritted his teeth bitterly, bloodshot eyes filled his eyes, and his expression became a little distorted.

Public opinion on the Internet continues to ferment, and discussions about illegitimate children will always be a topic that netizens will never tire of.

Following the giant drama, the omnipotent netizens picked up almost all the industries under the name of Xia Weiyi, and all the consumer industries were collectively boycotted by the people, resulting in heavy losses.

The Xiang family didn't get any favors either. They originally wanted to use the identity of a "victim" to make a hype, but before they started to play, they were beaten into Xia Weiyi's raccoon dog.

When Xiang Xia's two dogs finally capsized and couldn't take care of themselves, Zhu Tong and the others were busy picking clothes.

"I think these three suits are pretty good."

The complete set of clothes was placed on the bed, and two people were standing beside the bed. The young master who was once sick was standing upright, but the person next to him was leaning over him as if he had no bones, with a little distressed expression on his face.

Zhu Tong didn't understand his entanglement very well, so he tilted his head and said, "Grandpa won't care about this."

Shao Ming said: "No, I'm nervous."


Generally speaking, the nervousness that Shao Ming expresses means that he is not nervous at all.

But Zhu Tong knew that he was really nervous now.

Zhu Tong said: "You don't have to be nervous, my grandfather... It's quite easy to get along."

Shao Ming: "…"

Shao Mingxin said: If you don't stop, I will believe it.

He took a step closer to Zhu Tong and asked, "Which one looks more formal?"

Zhu Tong wondered: "What are you going to do officially?"

Shao Ming gently rubbed him and said nothing.

Zhu Tong thought for a while and said, "Why don't you just wear a suit?"

The appearance of Shao Ming in a suit, Zhu Tong had only seen him once at the banquet in the manor, and he quite missed it.

Shao Ming said, "The suit is too high-profile."

Zhu Tong: "…"

A little disappointed.

Shao Ming asked, "What does your grandfather like?"

Zhu Tong thought for a while and said, "Grandpa likes plain ones, why don't you wear school uniforms?"

Shao Ming: "…"

Although the current school uniforms are not as earthy as straight-leg pants, they still have wide and plump sleeves, and it is impossible for a very particular scholar to wear school uniforms.

In the end, I chose a set of the simplest black woolen coat with a white sweater, which is handsome and graceful, fashionable and warm.

The two took a bus from Gongshui County to City E and went directly to the airport.

Shao Ming didn't let go of Zhu Tong's hand the whole time.

He was very nervous, but he was still attentive to Zhu Tong. After getting on the plane, he ordered a glass of milk for Zhu Tong, asked him to sit by the window, and sat down beside him.

Zhu Tong took the milk, but was not in a hurry to drink it. Instead, he shook Shao Ming's hand and said, "I don't seem to have told you about my parents."

Shao Ming raised his eyebrows slightly.

Zhu Tong: "But you should already know it, right?"


Just as Shao Ming was about to speak, Zhu Tong said again: "But I want to tell you myself, can I?"

Shao Ming: "…"

Is his nervousness really that obvious?

It's so obvious that he needs to rely on the young master's storytelling to help him ease?

Shao Ming didn't say anything, clenched his hand and said, "Okay."

Zhu Tong lowered his head and took a sip of milk, "My mother died when Xiao Xin and I were very young, my father..."

The storyteller's voice is low, but the effect is significant.

The nervousness gradually eased, and Shao Ming raised his lips slightly, listening to the calm narration of the people around him.

The blue sky outside the window is clear and the white clouds are dazzling. In the fast passing time, the plane arrived at City A on time.


The author has something to say:

I was delayed in the morning, I didn't write to see the parents_(:з"∠)_

It's coming soon, everyone who gets in the way is about to go offline.

Thank you to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-12-2116:02:41~2021-12-2216:39:00~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 10 bottles of grapes; 8 bottles of you are my untouchable dream;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!